Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F40A. The common husband of the first women.


A male character, an androgyne, a monstrous penis alone owns, leads them, or takes the first women away.

Bambara, meña (?) , monumbo, baiga, West Greenland, Aleuts, Lower Chinook, Vasco, Vishram, Tillamook, Fox, Naskapi, Tewa, Mountain Totonaki, Taino, Shikuani, Sanema, Oyana, Aparai, Oyampi, Carijona, Yukuna, Puinawa, Katawishi, munduruku, urubu, tenetekhara, urarina, tupari, vaura, rickbacza, paresi, karazha, apinaye, kayapo, suya.

West Africa. Bambara [the god of heaven sent Pemba ("great thing") to create the earth; he visited its four ends in the form of a tornado, created a relief; the god of heaven sent Faro to also equip the sky, set its boundaries in four directions; P. could not finish the work, F. was sent to help, came down with rain that filled the lowlands with water; P. took the image of an acacia, it dried up without rain, turned to dust, he moistened it saliva, creating her female twin Muso Koroni; she created animals, P. became an acacia (Acacia albida), which is the only one that preserves green leaves during the dry season; F. created people they hid under this tree; it taught them crafts; people could not speak and did not die; F. told the heavenly spirit to send people food (oil-rich shea tree nuts); the woman wiped her hands on the tree; P. liked it oil, he ordered him to be fed again; told all women to have sex with him, he grew up on a trunk for this purpose; MK was jealous, left, crippled her genitals, causing the first menstruation; P.-tree began to demand that people give him their blood, but rejuvenated them when they grew old; but tired of working for P.; F. defeated him; an old man climbed onto the P.-tree, picked the fruit, in which is the essence of the power given to a tree with blood; the tree stopped rejuvenating people; the fruit that plucked ran west but died; it was buried, and then everyone began to die]: Belcher 2005:414-416.

Melanesia. Meña (? ; Menyamya District, Prov. Morope, all local groups are trans-New Guinean; recorded 1974-1976) [Gandei is a place near Menyamya; only women live at the bottom of the canyon, male newborns are killed; you can go down a thick vine into the canyon, but women drive men away, if they come, fighting gandu clubs (hence the name); walk naked; their husband is an old yaandu tree with glans penis fruits; gandeis sleep by the pond near this tree; when the fruits fall into the water, women become pregnant from splashes]: Herdt 1981:352-353; monumbo [building a house to initiate young men, people cut down and brought a wooden beam; when the boat was approaching the shore, light emanated from the beam; the beam was installed in the house; when the men left, she became human, he danced with the children; the men threw the beam into the sea, it sailed to Manam Island, the people made it a headrest; when everyone left, he became human, ate all the chickens pigs and dogs; men threw the headrest into the sea, he sailed to the shore of the main island; became a baby; husband and wife adopted him; at night the baby became an adult, made love to the foster house mother, she became pregnant; while his wife was away, the husband wanted to throw the baby against a palm tree, but he jumped into the river, swam away; the women of the village came to fish; the headrest man came out of the water and met them ; the men sent the boy; the women covered him with nets, but he cut a hole, peeked; the men hid on the shore, killed the man who came out, cut off his penis, let his wives eat; the old woman put her piece nearby; it flew to heaven, became the Month]: Höltker 1965, No. 4:80-82.

South Asia. Baiga [across 7 seas and 16 rivers, there is a country of Triadesh women; if a boy is born there, he becomes a eunuch; when a woman wants, she turns into a bird, flies to people finds a handsome young man, turns him into a bird, returns with him to the country of women; at night he becomes human, conceives children; when other women notice pregnancy, they are angry, pregnant again turns her lover into a bird, sends him back; if he does not get home safely, the woman's ruler (a huge fat woman with a big beard) hits the culprit; sometimes women satisfy each other in pairs, using wooden penises; if a child is born as a result, he is boneless and dies]: Elwin 1949:463 (quail in Ho 1967, No. 203:363-364).

The Arctic. Aleuts: Jochelson 1990, No. 35 (Unalashka) [a man kills his sister's sons; she pretends to have given birth to a girl, her brother finds out the truth; 1) drops a wedge into the crack of a log, asks her nephew to get it, knocks out other wedges; he escapes as a beetle, brings firewood; 2) his uncle takes him to hunt seals, sews him into the seal, throws him into the sea; his nephew sails to the country of the Eagles, gets two wives and eagle plumage; flies to the mother, brings the whale to the uncle's village; the uncle drives the young man's mother away from the meat; the eagle nephew lifts his uncle into the air, throws him into the sea; returns to his wives], 43 (Umnak) [= 1916, No. 4: 302-304; Kanaagutukh keeps only women in his villages, kills all boys; one woman hides her son; when K. finds out the truth, he seeks to destroy him; 1) the young man splits a log, brings firewood; 2) K. pushes him off a cliff, taking him to hunt for cormorants; he descends like a feather given to him by his mother, brings cormorants; 3) K. leaves his son on the island; he hides the seal in advance, sews up himself in his shoes, sails to the Eagles; lifts his father into the air, throws him; makes slaves mistresses; returns to the Eagles]: 269-277, 329-333; Lyapunova 1984 (Commanders) [there are only women in the leader's village (aka do all men's work); men are exterminated, born boys are killed by the chief; one woman hides her son under the guise of a girl; the chief discovers him when he knocks down flying birds with stones; chief tries to 1) pinch him in a tree trunk (his mother gives a magic bone wedge); 2) throws him off a cliff (his mother gives magic feathers); 3) takes seals to fish, leaves him on an island; a boy with a woman's knife takes the skin off the seal, sews himself into it, swims, throws it to Orlov Island; the young man marries, learns to fly in the skin of an eagle, to his mother's village, brings her two whales; the leader tries to take them away, young man takes him into the air, throws him into the sea; when he returns to the village, swaps idle women and slaves (including his mother), flies to his wife]: 27-28; West Greenland [shaman flies to An island where only women live; their common husband is a pillar of the house, he spews sparks, forcing the shaman to leave]: Rink 1875, No. 93:443.

The coast is the Plateau. Lower Chinook [men eat all the sea lion meat on the island, hide it from women and children; Raven's little son takes the women away, turns them into killer whales; it is not known how she recovered normal life; men are led by Blue Jay; Raven's son puts on eagle skin, flies and sees men eat meat; brings a piece to women and children; turns them first into birds; attaches shells to the stones (they used to lie freely)]: Boas 1894a, No. 11:140-143; Vasco [the chief has a hundred wives, copulates with everyone in turn every night; kills sons, raises daughters; his hundred slaves are scattered sand around the house to see any traces; the chief can walk on water; Chief Vasco's daughter buys for 50 slaves; she gives birth to a son, lies like a daughter; the husband lets her go to his parents; there the son grows up and gets strength from thunder and lightning; also walks on water; at night he copulates with all the father's wives; the father sees that the son's footprints are greater than his own; the son defeats the father, he falls into the water; the son takes ten wives, lets go of the rest]: Curtin 1909b, No. 4:248-253; Vishram: Hines 1991, No. 11 [(two options); the chief has two hundred wives; he orders to kill boys, save girls; pour sand every evening around the house to know that no one came; Nee-t-T lies that she gave birth to a girl, gets permission to visit relatives; her son grows up, trains strength; comes to his father's house, who in the morning sees that the trail is bigger than his own; sends warriors, his son kills them all, kills his father]: 95-100 (about the same in Hines 1998, No. 33:133-134; that man is Castle Rock); tillamook [Ice with his people and his son-in-law Raven go to sea, each time they bring only oysters to his wives and children; Ice eats the caught seals himself, does not bring home, because he is afraid that if his wife has a period, he will lose his period hunting luck; The raven hides meat under oysters in the basket, brings it to women and his adopted son; when Ice returns, he is surprised that women are indifferent to oysters; the son grows up quickly; puts sticks- Ice wives diggers on their backs, turns women into killer whales, diggers into their dorsal fins; men can no longer find even oysters and roots, they are starving; only the son sends meat to the Raven; ice is left giblets, he brought them but they turned into a frog]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 4:15-19.

The Midwest. Fox [the young man asks the girl to be his wife, she agrees; he takes her to his house, follows another girl; so he takes dozens of women one by one; women and their parents are powerless him; he has a main wife, the others hunt and do other jobs; they go in a crowd, he takes more and more women along the way; a hunter kills a deer; a young man tells his wives to pick up meat, he does not give it; he He has more magical power than a young man; he takes a louse, says: His navel; the young man tells his wives to comb his body; copulates with everyone in a row; combs himself, ripping off his skin and flesh; dies with a broken heart; women go home]: Jones 1907, No. 2:41-69; (cf. Ojibwa (Minnesota) [large cocoon-shaped penis is the only man in the world; girl sleds him; descends into the river from the mountain; penis tears wet wrappers, gets out of under ice, becoming a man with arms, legs, etc., chases a girl; an old pike lets her in her, bites her pursuer in half; his body is cut into pieces, from which modern people emerge]: Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 17:103-106).

Wed. Northeast. Naskapi [the girl takes the Penis as a lover, who tells her to carry it with her on a sledge; she pushes the sledge off the cliff, the sledge breaks through the ice; in the morning The penis comes back, threatens to kill the woman if she will try to get rid of it again; her grandmother gives her a bone awl; she stabs his Penis with it; when he dies, he says he is her dead father]: Millman 1993:63-64).

The Great Southwest. Tewa (Hano) [girl rejects suitors; accepts the courtship of the Cloud Yellow Boy (yellow is the color of the north); he travels on the rainbow; they visit his parents, return to her along the way they are irrigated by rain; she is kidnapped by Taiowa (the inventor of the flute in the lower world, the founder of the phallic male union and the corresponding women's union); he has many kidnapped women; A cloudy young man comes to him, T. offers challenges; 1) smoke a pipe without letting smoke out (the gopher digs a move through the mountain, the smoke goes through this hole); 2) racing to run first cuts off the head of a straggler; a cloud boy wins, takes women back to earth; does not want to stay with his wife after she was with T.; after taking his son, he returns to his parents]: Parsons 1926, No. 10:217-222.

Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaki [it was only the Month, the lover of all women; said he was the Sun; women followed him; the boy was watching the Iguana, who was basking on a hot stone; all the birds were hammering a stone, The hummingbird manages to split it; there is a yellow egg inside the rock; it is surrounded by girls; it burns their skirts, stays lying on an orphan's skirt; she is told to swallow an egg; she gives birth to a boy; he drinks broth, not milk, does not tell his mother to approach him; climbs a tree, branches light up (the origin of fire); says that his grandmother will be in the east at the edge of heaven, his grandfather in the west, his mother at the zenith; tells his dog show the month-stalker the wrong way; when the Month returns to the crossroads, the dog kicks; dogs have not talked since then; when the Month calls women to make love, they throw water into his face, who washed corn; the Month has been dim since then; it is still chasing the Sun; their quarrels cause eclipses]: Ichon 1969, No. II: 55-57.

The Antilles. Taino: Anghiera 1912 (1), dec.1, vol.9 [Vagoniona closes men in a cave, takes women and babies to the island; hungry children scream and turn into frogs]: 169; Pane 1932 [ Guagugiona takes women to the island, leaves them there; abandoned children scream, turn into opossums or frogs; men are left without women; they see women who did not have vaginas fall from a tree; they tried to grab them, they ran away; then they put a watchman; they caught the women, found the bird inriri (woodpecker, Picus imbrifoetus), put it in the place where the vulva should be, he hollowed it out, thinking he was hammering tree; this is how women appeared]: 187-188.

Llanos. Sicuani [a man is carried away by Tapirih; the Amazons kill her; one of them secretly takes a man as her husband; he pours boiling water over a penis that grows out of the ground, the husband of the Amazons; returns home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 83 [while hunting, Tapiriha runs up to a virgin youth, turns into a woman, says she will pick him up, becomes a tapiriha again, carries him away on his back; in the forest she does not tell him to copulate with her in first night; gives a vine infusion to make his penis bigger; takes the young man across several rivers; finds themselves in the country of women; they say they have found a tapir trail; Tapiriha asks if he heard he is something, the young man lies that he is not; women trap Tapiriha, she warns the young man not to eat her meat; women kill tapiriha, look for a young man; a virgin who has not yet copulated with Irrabowáto (në), notices him in a tree, hides him from others; tells him to taste the meat of the murdered tapiriha; I. has "The Penis of the Earth"; the girl who saved the young man does not want to copulate with him, because he is not only her husband, but also her father and other women; I. regularly examines everything at home; if he finds a male child, kills and eats; the young man stays with the woman, she becomes pregnant; lies to his mother that I. is in the central house of the village, he is a penis protruding from the ground, women sit on it; when they leave, they cover it with a clay pot; the wife brings pepper for her husband to pour pepperwater on the Penis, gives him her clothes and jewelry; when a person lifts the pot, a stream of seed hits from there; he is warned not to let the seed fall on his face; fills his penis with boiling water and pepper; I. screams, women run away, but he is already dead; he was buried; a man's wife gives birth to a boy, women hope that he will replace his common husband with him; she refers a man to his former family, otherwise the Amazons will kill them all; he crosses rivers, cries at the seashore; Ducks of three different species consistently take him into their boat, tell him not to let the winds in; every time he does not hold back near another island, the ducks take off, he reaches the island by swimming; Mother Tomáliwa's ducks and all animals that like to be in the water (paka, capybara, tapir) in the guise of a man with a huge penis tells you not to look back, he transports it; he looks around, she quilts it with her with his penis for eating Tapiriha meat; he returns to his family; T. is not the moon, although many people think the moon is shining]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 83:309-321.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [híkola (soul, essence) of men is in themselves; women have outside; híkola women have híkola nutrients and at the same time haanekasá ("Amazon"); in the village of Haanekasá - one or two men for all; if a hunter kills nutria, one woman dies; if one or both haanekasá men are killed, all haanekasá and all female humans will die]: Barandiaran 1965:8.

Guiana. Oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 20 [a man wakes up screaming a toad; sees a beauty; she warns not to have sex with her, he insists; his penis becomes as long as a snake; in in the village, he turns into the lover of all women; men are going to kill him; women solder men drunk, leave with their lover; this Month]: 38; 1989 [Earth Penis]: 27-28; aparai [rain floods the earth, darkness sets in; men turn into termites, dogs into jaguars, hammocks into snakes; Battleship experiences a flood in a hole, Pakira into a hollow; women and one man are saved; forest cockerels sing, it dawns; a man marries all women, conceiving new people]: Rauschert 1967, No. 10:186; oyampy [Yaneia leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her the wombs show her the way; ask her to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she refuses to collect, the twins fall silent; a woman goes to the Jaguaram, Jaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (from poppy - monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven; M. makes a woman out of wood; V. appears again, despite warning makes love to a woman; she turns into a hard tree, his penis becomes long, he wears it in a basket; comes to the village; while men sleep, he dances with all women; they go into a hole, disappear underground; a parrot and a monkey remain in the village; while men hunt, they take off their feathers and skins, cook; V. comes out of the hole; one woman cuts off his long penis; a piece stays in the vagina; once in the river, it turns into an eel]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:69-72.

NW Amazon. Carijona and yukuna: women live without men; they copulate with a penis column growing out of the ground; the hero marries one of the Amazons, she is pregnant; he runs away. Puinave [the first humans lived above the clouds; the monkey quarreled with them, they died fighting each other; a woman stayed, collected bones, put them to dry on the roof of the house; Túpana arose from them, his brother Qáitan, their sisters Máunuddua and Amárrundua; T. killed his adopted mother, made her flesh into the underworld; underground people are dwarfs; they eat cassava, they have no fish in the rivers; almost they do not hunt, because the animals in their world are huge; T. descended from the sky, blew into a rolled leaf, summoned some of the underground people to the ground through a hole on the Isana River, where the center of the world is; blew on them through a leaf of tobacco , people became normal; taught culture; people became bad, T. ordered the rivers of the underworld to fill the ground with a flood; divided those who escaped on mountains and trees into pairs, gave different languages; to again to suppress the human race, created Yopinai, under his leadership, women began to rule men; during rituals, women sang and danced in honor of Y., and men hid in the forest; J. ordered women to kill all male babies did not listen; then he ordered a month to eat only land and coal so that women would become infertile; men invited J. to the feast, threw them into the fire; palm trees grew from the ashes and other trees with edible fruits; men began to control women; some J.'s bones were preserved, from which ritual musical instruments were made; T. taught how to make the same from wood, and originals throw into a lake in the center of the world]: Waldegg 1942:195-197 in Wilbert 1963:110-113; carijona [the hunter wants to get the tapir alive, puts his hand in his ass, he drags it to the river; transports it across the river; there pineapple field; tapir falls into the Amazon-Giirinomo trap pit; the hunter touches their leader's vulva; she first combs scorpions, ants, spiders out of the pubis; G. copulates with objects from which seed is sprayed; the chief allows the hunter to have sex with everyone, but only gets pregnant himself; the rest want to kill him for this; he and the leader pour latex into the mirrors in which G. everyone can see; one old woman has a mirror; fugitives sail in a boat with a deer; G. throw a harpoon, pull out a deer; fugitives swim to carijona land, live among people]: Schindler 1979, No. 14: 120-128; yukuna [Kawarimi's older brother sends younger Maotchi to the tree for parrot eggs; asks four times what they are; each time hears My daughter-in-law Like; breaks off a branch, M. falls into the hollow; K. leaves, takes his wife M.; parrots carry M. food; when they fly away, M. crawls like an ant inside the trunk below; asks the Aguti woman to help, promises to lie down with her for it; she cuts through with an ax a hole in the trunk, with the last blow breaks M.'s spine; heals, but since then people have back pain; they lie down with a jack in her hammock; she starts eating it with her anus; bit the bottom of his body; he asks for I am eating from the garden of his children's mother; Agouti returned, said that his wife scolded her; next time Aguti is in the form of a man, his wife gave her food; M. returns home, first asking her son not to tell his mother; digs a hole in the garden to the lower world (a hole in the center of the world); sends his son for K.; jumps into a hole, climbs out a vine; K. jumps, falls, screams, Cotton, cotton; M. screams, Stone, stone; picks up his wife; K. waits, the Sun's boat sails past the underground river; his crew Kojopana and Lu'uina, black with the heat; K. waits for the boat of the Month, the little brother of the Sun; K. kills flies, the Month says it's his sailors; stopped to eat, the Month asks for a top with fish, K. sees an anaconda; The month gets it himself; the cauldron, the plate - curled snakes; the calebass - the wasp's nest; the tapir bone The month cut off K.'s tip tongue, he turned into a toad; K. refuses to marry Ocherie Months; he brings him to maloka, where women want to copulate; the old woman's vagina swallowed him, the Month pulled him out; K. met in the forest woman; she says she was bitten by a jaguar, but her wounds were caused by a bat; K. healed her; Maloki's mistress said that this woman was too young; gave her to an old woman, she turned young at night, they have a son; grew up, his they are going to eat, he is a deer; a penis (grandfather) in the form of a hemp with a worm inside warns K. that they want to eat it; the son has been killed, his mother is eating him too; all the ways out of the maloka screams when K. tries go out; he runs away through a hole in the roof; wasps bite the pursuers, they come back; K. comes to the Month; the owner of the animals is a big grasshopper; copulates with her sons; K. - at an animal festival ; closes his eyes, finds himself on the ground in the form of an umari fruit; falls, turns into a man, sees his sons; kills his brother and unfaithful wife; promises to see how they get out of the lower world now ; marries M.; one by one asks three groups of cranes to take him; the latter give him feathers; tell him not to look down when they fly on the little ones, or else they fall; people shoot arrows at the cranes, They scream that a scorpion, ant, spider are biting; he looks at the next little one, falls, cranes pick him up, bring his aunt to her husband; this is an anaconda; etc.; see motive I14]: Jacopin 1981:69-130.

Central Amazon. Katawishi [go away and turn into Amazons (no details)]: Tastevin 1925:191; (The exact place of recording is not known) [Many women sailed along the river to the edge of the forest; with them the only Pahi ("father") Tuna ("water" or "black") man; women always killed boys; one woman gave birth to an ugly man, regretted it; fumigated with smoke, he became handsome; others began to chase him to make him their lover, called Pahi-Tuna-Re; his mother hid him in the water; the women summoned him, imitating his mother's voice, grabbed him, engaged with love with him; PT told women to cut off their hair, twisted a rope, caught a PTR, killed him, cut off their penis, hung them over the entrance to the cave where the women lived; they ran away, hid in another cave, blocking the entrance poisonous creatures; PT lived alone; once food was cooked; saw a parrot fly in, became a girl; PT threw feathers into the fire; lived happily ever after with a girl]: Barbosa Rodrigues in Barroso 1930:99-102; munduruku: Kruse 1949, No. 32 [while men hunt, women make a cassava drink, take it to the river, hit the water with a calebasa; the Serpent comes out, drinks beer, becoming a man, copulates with women; one person watches them; men call the Snake with the same signal, kill with arrows; women leave; a pet parrot lives in the same house; turning into a woman, preparing food and drink for the owner; he finds Parrot, burns her feathers, marries]: 640; 1952, No. 8 [Karusakaibo's son is killed by wild pigs; father hears his voice, sees two trees; carves a doll, but she only has ears from a person - orehla de pau wood mushrooms; K. makes a new doll, she turns into a handsome boy; he hides him at home from women under the supervision of an old woman; one woman penetrates a boy, copulates with him; his penis remains tense; the same thing happens the next day; K. turns his son into Aniocaiche's tapir; he runs away to the forest, copulates with all women; one person sees it; men they send women to the garden, send a friend with pumpkin breasts on him; A. comes out, killed by arrows; a little boy tells his mother that the women's lover has been eaten; she runs to call A., goes out to her Only Battleship copulates; while men hunt, women paint, jump into the river, turn into fish; three old women turn into caimans and crabs; young children into birds; left in In the village, a man is a bird to Jacques; men catch new wives from the river; see motive F7]: 992-994; Murphy 1958, No. 2 [as in Kruse 1952]: 73-76.

Eastern Amazon. First women. Urubu [Mair carves a man and woman out of mahogany; men have no penises; women's common husband is a giant underground worm; women summon it by stomping on the ground; then urinating in a vessel, a child emerges from the urine; one man calls a worm with the same signal, cuts off the head; women block the river so that there is no water, leave, establish a special village; Mair cuts a worm to pieces, makes penises out of them for men; ties them with palm fiber (pubic hair); women start having children]: Huxley 1956:150-151; tenetehara [first woman goes to the river, copulates with the water spirit that puts his penis out of the water; the husband followed it, called it off, cut it off, the penis is gone forever; the man himself has a penis constantly erected; he pours manioc broth on him - not helps; the woman promised to help, sat on her penis; Maíra is angry: now you will give birth and die!] : Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 1:131.

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [at first, women lived without husbands; became pregnant from the Ajkaguiño boa constrictor; summoned him by knocking loudly with loom sticks; he appeared, bringing with him a lot of fish that women had they were pulled out of the water by the tail; the man told his daughter's husband to help her harvest corn; the son-in-law went to the site fearfully, waiting for A. to appear; he appeared and killed him; since then people have been afraid of snakes in the forest]: Bartholomew 1995:206-207.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [the men went to cut the forest, the shaman stayed; he watched the women call for a tapir, gave him food and drink, each met him; the next day, the men called for a tapir themselves and killed him with arrows; angry women left, began to live separately; only occasionally do they copulate with men who come]: Caspar 1953a: 213-214.

Southern Amazon. Vaura [men fished on the lake, ate themselves, women were told nothing; a man named Kamatipirá told the women that the men were going to kill them; told three battleships dig an underground passage, led women along it; taught them how to use bows and arrows; women danced a lot; now women perform similar rituals, compete as men]: Schultz 1966: 95-99; Rickback: Pereira 1973, No. 12:46-47; 1994, No. 1 [people eat tapir crap, tree mushrooms, cassava, don't know onions and arrows; a woman finds a seed, it turns into a bird's egg; she puts it in all the folds and recesses of the body; when he clamps it in the palm of her hand (var.: under the knee, in the fold of the abdomen), a boy is born from the egg; while his mother was not at home, another woman began to massage his penis, got along with him; his penis grew; his mother took her son to the forest, he turned into Tapir; his mother made his legs and ass invulnerable by burning fire, stuffing leaves; but he can be killed in the armpit; Tapir copulates with all women, starting with the one that came when he was a boy; men suspect, sent birds to find out; while women in the field make their first bows, go to the river, imitate women's voices, they shot Tapir who appeared; the husband of the one who came to see the child hung Tapir's severed penis over her hammock; the women turned their children into birds, animals; one blew on a leaf, water poured out, formed a river; Cayman carried the ugly ones first, then the beautiful ones; warned that the wind would blow in the middle of the river, they should not spit; the ugly ones restrained themselves, one beautiful spit, he drowned them; them voices and laughter can be heard from the river; some have turned into fish, stone, birds; sweet potatoes and corn grow at the bottom; the Sloth told the men what happened; they began to copulate with him, he told him to catch it better women; men caught Carp first, but missed it; then Akara fish, she turned into a woman, she made new people; if they were more beautiful from Carp; women carried the fire across the river; see motif D4A]: 17- 34; paresi [tree ancestor]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:91; Metraux 1942:170.

Araguaia. Karazha: Baldus 1937a [women come to the lake shore, paint, summon Cayman, copulate with it; he gives them fish and peka fruits that men do not yet know; men women they bring only peels; the boy watches women; hides peks and other food in the flute, brings them to men, talks about what they see; women attack men; women have sharp arrows, men have stupid arrows, men killed; women disappear in the river]: 265-267; Aytay 1985 in Baer MS, in Coelho 1992:54, in Prinz 1997:89-90 [like in Baldus; women cut off their left breasts, put a calebas on their heads, jump into the river, turn into dolphins]: 16; Peret 1979 in Prinz 1997 [women deplete their husbands' strength by repeated copulation; take away weapons, sacred masks, shaman's magic baton, leave the village; returning, dominate men, forcing them to take care of children and do household chores; copulate with Cayman, which supplies them with fish; a boy watches over women, reports everything to men; a shaman makes a new rod, men retake power; summon Cayman, imitating women's voices, kill him; pieces of a severed penis give women food when mixed with fish; women recognize the truth, they try to attack men, they are defeated; they leave; together with the children they have born, they form a new tribe]: 112-116.

Eastern Brazil. Apinaye [in the east by the sea, women went swimming, met Cayman; began to copulate with him every day, brought him food; called him, shouting "Mi-ti - we are here"; one man accidentally spied and overheard, told others; men call Cayman in the voice of women; he goes out, they kill, fry it, eat it; women kill men with clubs; leave, meet coati people, then people- bees, then they establish a village of women Kupē-ndíya (kupis an alien tribe, ndi is a woman, ya is a personal collective plural; two brothers remain; their sister took an ax with her; the brothers come to K. , get an ax; two girls agree to lie down with them if they overtake them; one brother falls behind, the other overtakes the girl, copulates; brothers return home]: Wilbert 1978, No. 140:337-338; kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 111 (Banner 1957:41-42) [Bira boy seduced all women; men turned him into a tapir, caught him, killed him, let women eat meat; while men were hunting, insulted women painted themselves, jumped into the river, became fish; the old people who remained in the village became stingrays and electric eels; one man invented the first fishing rod, caught his wife, she became a woman again; another failed, they went to the forest, became monkeys and other animals], 112 (Metraux 1978:276-278) [returning from the field, women at home copulated with Bira's tapir; did not care about husbands and children; one hunter accidentally saw this, told the others; the men surrounded B.'s hut, killed him with arrows; the children were given meat by bakers, for their mothers the meat of killed B.; the women threw themselves into the water and turned into fish ; one fell on a man making an arrow while dancing; an arrow pierced her from behind, she became a stingray; a woman with a pestle became an electric eel; Takakö caught fish with a fishing rod, she became a woman cooked food for him and her brother O'oimbre; he did not believe that T. was cooking porridge; became an ant, found his sister, bit it; she screamed; went to catch the woman too, pulled out the fish, but did not grab it, but shoved it cock in her mouth; the fish jumped back; T. set fire to the area where O. was, but he hid under a snag and survived], 113 (Lukesh 1968:89-93) [men find out that handsome Bira is the lover of all married women in the village; when they hunt, they turn B. into a tapir, kill, fry, give a piece to each woman; when they learn what they ate, women, while men are hunting, jump into the river, turn into different fish species; the three men remaining in the village turn into a tree, a stingray, an electric eel; one man baited his wife from the fruit; once on land, the fish became a woman; he hid it at his place at home; the woman's brother, seeing the cakes made, guessed that his sister had made them; became an ant, found her under the roof, she had to go out; her brother tried to catch his own wife, but the fish fell off and never showed up], 114 [Bira boy seduced all women; men turned him into a tapir, caught up, killed him; insulted women jumped into the water, became fish; men caught them, again have found wives; women are still named after fish], 123 (Dreyfus 1963:182-184) [similar to (124)], 124 (Lukesh 1968:94-96) [the woman went to the savannah to have sex with Tapir; her son followed , threw a fruit into the tapir, who kicked the woman; she scratched her son with a sedge; he told his father; the men killed this Tapir along with others; the husband injected the woman with a severed tapir member at night, she died; when the vagina bleed, relatives realized that the husband was a murderer; he was caught up, strangled with an arrow (like a garrot)]: 274-275, 276-278, 279-284, 285-286, 304-305, 306-308; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 155 (shikrin) [], 156 (pau d'arco) 156 [a woman went to have sex with Tapir; her son followed, threw a fruit into the tapir, who kicked the woman; she scratched her son with a sedge; he told his father; while hunting for Tapir's son identified a tapir lover on the trail of an abandoned fruit; his father killed him, fried his penis on a stick, brought him into the woman at night, she died; the woman's relatives strangled him while he was sleeping], 157 [Bepnapt& #237; and Katápkrädjar adopted Birá from another tribe, gave him a separate hut by the river; all the women spent time there with him; when fathers came back, the children complained that their mothers were not they brought water; the shaman turned B. into a tapir, the men killed him, let the women cook and eat him; the child, who did not get it, told his mother that they ate B.; the women colored and said who He would become fish, they jumped into the river; those who loved meat the most became piranhas; the old man made arrows at the shore, he was pushed, he became a stingray; the children cry; Kômre caught a fish with a fruit that his wife loved Irejátí, threw it behind his back, did not look back for a long time, the fish became I. again; made tortillas; when Brother K. Tônhkudjy came in, K. hid his wife; he smells cakes, does not believe that K. baked them himself; the next day she finds I.; catches his wife's fish, but immediately copulates, putting his penis into her mouth; she became a woman, but jumped into the water again; T. was left without a wife]: 452-454, 455, 456-458; poking [brother stains the face of an unknown mistress; the exposed sister lives openly with him, although he does not want to this; they catch fish, the water blows it down the river; it turns into an androgyne; under her guidance, women kill most men and leave]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 158:459-460.