F40B. A man in a women's village. .11.-.13.17.19.-.21.23.-. (.70.)
A single man ends up in a women's village. Usually he has to satisfy a woman there in addition to his desire, or everyone demands to get along with her.
Mongo, Laadi, Bemba, Shambhala, Bondei and Zigula, Ashanti, Hausa, Mosi, Yoruba, Kabiye, Atuot, Malgashi, Arabic Written Tradition, Majprat, Upper Arapesh, Moando, Vatut, kukukuku, walman, tumleo, kiwai, oh. Tami, Dauan, Trobrians, Gazelle Peninsulas, Paparatawa, Tuvalu, Tikopia, Nukuria, Tonga, Pukapuka (South Cook Islands), Marques, Tuamotu, Australian Islands, Miri, Angami, Nokte, Santala, Kamar, Baiga, Atayal, Saisha, ami, paywan, Chinese, Baluchis, Kalevala, Western Sami, Itelmen, Aleuts, Baffin Land, Kuchin, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Hopi, Seri, Popoluka, Sikuani, Karijona, Letuama, Katawishi.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Mongo [the patriarch reluctantly lends his special calebas to his son; he lets her into the river, the owner demands her back; sailing down the river in a boat, the young man comes to the old man; builds a hut for him, brings firewood; an old man warns not to spend the night on an island where parrots are dangerous; a young man sails to a women's village; everyone calls him husband, he calls them wives; they give him a calebas; two years later he goes home; they give him a drum and property; the drum hits himself, drives the boat; the young man gives the calebass to his father; in his absence, the father takes the drum, goes with him to the party, breaks it; to return, swims along the river, does not help the old man, but insults him; on the island, parrots peck him, peck his eyes, he falls into the water, drowns]: Retel-Laurentin 1968:225-226; laadi (laari) [was a village women who did not know men; the Maboko hunter saw women bathing, remained the most beautiful and youngest, he mastered it, she brought him to the village; the chief allowed him to stay; he became pregnant with all women; children grew up, M. became chief]: Koutekissa, Koutekissa 2003:173-175; bemba [women and men lived separately, did not know about each other; a man climbed a tree for honey and was seen by four women, asked what was between his legs; he went down, got along with everyone, they liked it, they took him to their queen; she gave him power, he brought other men, they lived with women]: Verbeek 2006, No. 81.2:420-424; shambhala, bondeis and zigula [Scheuta came to a river island where only women lived; gave everyone a taste of honey; slept with a female chief at night; she told others wanted husbands for themselves, but the chief refused; then they made S. chief, and the former chief became his wife]: Scheub 2000:226.
West Africa. Ashanti [at first there were only women; returning from the garden, a woman meets a man; he asks to take him to her house; copulates; her pregnancy becomes noticeable, the female leader tells her bring this man to her; takes him for herself; tells all women to find men in the woods; there were not enough men, so polygamy so far]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1937, No. 18:86; hausa [ Every time the turtle makes the bachelor's cultivated field uncultivated; he waits for her, hits her, she promises to bring him to the women's village; there women take him to the chief; the female leader makes him her own husband; when going to war, allows everyone to use but not open a small basket; he opens it, finds himself in his field; catches a turtle, tells it to repeat everything like that time; she has difficulty drags him; Hyena asks who the Turtle is carrying; eats the bachelor]: Tremearne 1911, No. 31:60-61 (translated into Okhotina 1962:316-317; =Olderogge 1969:245-246); mosi [women lived in the village and men in the woods; if women caught a man, they killed him; once caught bringing him to a female chief; a man gave honey, she liked it; he said he had something better; the chief sent his youngest her sister, but she did not leave the room; sent another woman; finally she went by herself, she liked it very much; called all the women and gave the man the attributes of the leader's power, and she would only be his wife; the rest of the women ran to the men, each took one]: Tauxier 1917:517; Yoruba [the fortuneteller advises the poor man to get the first thing he has to hunt; he sees a crocodile, climbs into Nora, who finds himself in the city of women, marries a queen; she forbids him to enter one of the rooms of the palace; he enters it, finds himself in the same place at the crocodile hole; the fortuneteller says that no longer can help him]: Walker, Walker 1980:19-21; Kabye [Andjaou (spider) worked in the field all day; when he returns to the village, he hears a strange sound; when he returns to the field in the morning, he sees that all the grass that he removed it, again in place; next time he grabs a turtle in the field, wants to kill it; she asks her to be spared, for which she promises to take A. to the village of women; let him hide among cotton wool in a bag that she carries; in a village of women A. lives with their leader, eats plenty; the chief gives it to other women for the night; one day the chief and other women leave for a few days; allow everyone to use but not enter into the same room; A. enters, fails and finds himself where the turtle picked him up; she brought A. back to the women's village; as punishment for disobedience, the leader turned A. into a slave for five years, forcing A. work]: Pinguilly 1997, No. 6:75-83
Sudan-East Africa. Atuot [men lived without women, grazed buffaloes; kept vaginas tied to their hands, untied them as needed; women also did not know about men, grazed cattle, fished, sowed millet; they satisfied themselves by driving foam from the waves between their legs; one man went to look for a calf, came to the women; after learning about each other's genitals, the woman and the man met; then other women converged with him before he died; women lost interest in the cows they were grazing; in search of a friend, men came to women, took cows, each took a wife; the women's chief said that now they would have to giving cows for a wife]: Burton 1991:84-85; malgashi [A. (probably betsimisaraka); a whaling ship died; the only survivor ended up on a women's island; one of them hides it in a chest; at night he fishes; arranges with a dolphin to take him home; a man tells his tribesmen not to eat dolphin meat; B. A fisherman enters an island of women, one of them hides it; a dolphin agrees to take him home]: Haring 1982, no. 1.3.38:140.
Western Asia. Arabic writing tradition (manuscript of the late 13th - early 14th centuries) [The king invites each of the three sons to interpret the dream; the elders interpret the dream favourably, the youngest on the contrary; expelled into the desert; comes to the palace, drinks from each of the 40 cups, eats from each of the 40 dishes; hides; 40 armed virgins enter; the young man hid; the next day he was left alone, he got along with her, she kept silent; so 40 days each in turn; everyone became pregnant; stayed on the 41st day leader; demanded that the young man live only with her; gives the keys to all treasuries, forbids unlocking one room; the young man unlocked, there is a horse, telling him to jump on it and run; this is a sister The leader, whom she turned into a horse; her younger sister, she has a palace across the river; whoever swims across the river will become the girl's husband and ruler of the city; the young man swam on horseback and married Badr al-Zaman; The horse sister's name is Shah Zaman, and the sorceress sisters are Hasra Mulyuk Khorasan; everyone reconciled, the young man received the kingdom of the father of girls and the kingdom of the father; the horse sister became beautiful; the young man has many sons from all these women]: Osmanov, Yusupov 1961:74-91
Melanesia. Majprat [women lived in an underground house at the spring; they danced every day, they had no men; the hunter chased possum, got lost, got to these women; they stabbed him in his arms and legs thorns, so that he would not run away, copulated with him as needed; left the old woman to guard; she took out her thorns for getting along with her; the man ran away; the women began to beat the old woman with smut, she went down to the bottom of the spring, gave birth to a boy, he immediately became a man, got together with his mother, she gave birth to a second one, he also immediately became a man; these men killed women, only married two; these women made the first Indonesian fabrics that Papua barter for their children]: Elmberg 1968, No. 9:259-260; upper arapesh [man began to cook marsalai spirit pig; she did not It is brewing, the man was carried by the river, he came to women whose husbands are flying foxes; they only scratched their vaginas, they only gave birth to girls, and in old age; one woman found a man, hid it in her bag pregnant with him, killed her flying fox; another noticed, also copulated, forgot to pour ash on the stairs (the first one left ash to see traces); the man copulated with all the women, and at night she sleeps with his wife; when it is time for her to give birth, the women opened her womb with a knife, removed the boy; the man regrets that he was not invited; others gave birth to sons normally; began to kill flying foxes, burned them house; one told the birds that killed a man, his penis was thrown in the village square; women buried him]: Mead 1940, No. 34:378-380; moando (Madang) [Tamoyan saw on a fruit tree his older brother two pigeons, threw his brother's boat support (Nackenstütze) at them, the pigeons grabbed her, took her to the island; the brothers quarreled; T. went to live in the sea (to the island?) ; when women came to the beach, he copulated with them all; he was given away by the child of one of them, the men killed him with computers, cut off his penis hard as a stone, used him as an amulet on yam gardens]: Tranel 1952:466; walman (New Guinea's north coast) [only women lived on Valis Island, copulating with flying foxes; once sailed in dolblenka to the main one island, asked to give them a young man, brought them home; became pregnant with him; when they gave birth to sons, they began to marry them, and killed flying foxes]: Becker 1971, No. 31:430-431; Tumleo [man not believes that they brought turtle eggs, thinks they are pig eggs; on the shore he sees a turtle coming out of the sea laying eggs; wants to take everything, puts his hand in the oviduct, the turtle clamps it, drags it into the sea turns into a girl, brings women into the country; while she goes to the garden, leaves her husband at home; through a gap in the wall he sees girls; deliberately throws a net through the gap; one of the girls comes up put it in place; he throws it off again, she comes up again, notices the man; copulates with him; tells others; he satisfies them all, gets tired; his returning wife stabs him to blood, scolds him girls; one day a crab woman says that they will have a holiday; his wife does not let her in, but her husband goes; negotiates with the husband of a Crab woman {apparently, Crabs have both men and women}, who takes him home; the wife searches, finds her, but he shoots her, she returns to sea]: Schultze 1911, No. 6:63-69; cotton wool: Fischer 1963, No. 10 [the older brother hunted, the younger one cooked; once he put not meat for his brother, but his bowel movements; his brother rushed to look for him with a spear; stopped by the river, at night the water rose, carried him to the sea, he came to a place where only women live; sugar cane, one of his women stole sugar cane lay in wait, took her husband; gave birth to a child; cut her hand, the blood of glass into two holes; when the woman returned, there were two men - her sons], 11 [the brothers heard the sound of water in the roots of the breadtree; the eldest shot, the water did not appear; the younger one fired an arrow with his left hand, the water poured in, carried away the brothers; the elder clung to the tree, carried the younger stream to the mouth of the Markham River; women with husbands lived there dogs; women found a young man, packed the dogs into the house, set it on fire, the dogs died (some turned black by the fire, others turned gray from ash); the older brother came to the younger brother; the youngest took a betel in his mouth, touched his mouth to his wife's genitals and chewed a nut there; the elder told me not to do so; went upstream, became a stone; the youngest went down]: 143-144, 144; kukukuku: Fischer 1968, No. 38 [man and woman came to the river from different sides; showed each other their genitals, the man moved to the other side, stayed in the woman's house; copulation made their skin smooth, other women had rough skin; the woman's younger sister peeked, the man slept with both; they said that was enough, they called the other women; but his strength ran out; angry women put a wand in his penis, he died, they had his baked and eaten], 39 [starting at (38); the woman became pregnant, the man returned to his side of the river, broke off the branch he had crossed; the woman gave birth to a son; there was no fire, the women cooked with their heat genitals; the bird showed the man a fire drill, the men learned to make fire; that man returned to the women's shore; then his younger brother came to him; the women gave birth to many children with them, then they were killed and eaten; children were also eaten; men crossed the shore, every man got a woman; women began to grow tarot and sugar cane, give birth to children]: 396-397, 397-398; kiwai [buhé ; re-buhére - girls living without men; a young man came to them, the youngest tried to keep him for herself, but he had to become the husband of everyone; those living on the Mauboturi River own bows and arrows like men]: Landtman 1927:313; Dauan [10 women spirits lived in a tree; Gobai sailed to fish, picked up fruits, the women grabbed him, kept him, each gave birth to a child with him; when they left, they closed the exit with a stone; G. was supposed to look after the children; he killed the children, left the louse responsible for himself, returned to people; the women, carrying the storm, rushed in pursuit, but G. and other men repelled the attack; women fled, then came back, still living in a cave on the south side of the island]: Wirz 1932:288-289; Fr. Tami [two men go to women's island; get married, teach how to give birth; pregnant women had their bellies ripped open before]: Neuhauss 1911 (3): 550 in Hutton 1914:484; Trobrians [there is an island in the north where naked women live; they copulate with a man who has arrived until he dies of exhaustion; they use his penis, then his nose, fingers, all protruding parts of the body; a boy born soon die under the same violence; several Trobrians sailed there but managed to return because only one woman got each; they offered to fish and sailed away]: Malinowski 1932:356-358 ; bining (Gazelle Peninsula, New Britain): Meier 1909, No. 1a [chasing a pigeon that had escaped from his snare, a man sailed to the island, hid in a tree above the pond; the women came for water, one saw his reflection, sent others away, returned for a supposedly forgotten apron (Schirm) brought the man into her house; others satisfied themselves with turtles, considered them husbands; the woman gave birth, then her youngest sister; the secret was revealed, the man had to get along with everyone; when his first son grew up, he found a hidden boat, returned home; his wife said that all the shell money was spent on his wake, and he lived with other women, killed him with an ax by cutting off his penis (retelling Isis 1998:136; in Dixon 1916:140-141)], 1b [as in 1a; the woman tells others she forgot the water vessel; when she gets pregnant, everything women gather, happy with the man; he tells them to call turtles to eat them; women eat them; everyone has given birth to sons, and before that there were only women]: 85-89, 89-93; paparatava [turtle swallowed two brothers; one broke a bamboo flute, cut through the turtle's belly with a fragment, they went out in an unfamiliar place; the youngest fell ill, died; the eldest met a woman; she was surprised to see his genitals, answered who communicates with a turtle; when she became pregnant, other women found a man, also got along with him, gave birth to boys; each wanted to keep her son for herself, but the man divided them into two marital families; the women let the man return home; then the boat sailed back by itself; the man's genitals were damaged when copulating with those women; his wife cut off his sore spot, he died]: Permyakov 1970, No. 31:99-102; (cf. boigu [hunting dugongs, men led by Bazi and Meibu eat all the meat themselves, bring bones and giblets to women; M.'s wife makes a green tree frog out of coconut bast, revives everything women put on frog clothes, become frogs; men find only frogs at the Great Well; then women take off their frog skins and return to their husbands; M. notices clay on his wife's eyelids, realizes that frogs were women; tells other men who make flying skins out of bast, all men turn into flying foxes; all men fly away, including babies Across the strait to New Guinea; an old man finds a hollow with foxes, kills them, turns them back into men, establishes a village]: Laade 1971, No. 51:95-98; Torres Islands [on Hiw Island, a snake gave birth a girl; a Glavenventar man from Fr. Motalava; the girl said that she has a husband; they turned out to be flying foxes that arrived after dark; G. killed them, married a girl, they have a son; while the couple works in the garden, the wife leaves son under the supervision of a snake grandmother; the husband returns first, sees the snake, kills; a coconut palm grows from the serpent's grave; the husband shook her, a large coconut fell into the water, sailed to Tikopia; so there are coconuts larger than on the Torres Islands]: Durrad 1940:197-198).
Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuvalu (Waitupu) [Talingapopo and Popo brothers were fishing; a huge bird picked up their boat and brought them to the tree; at night they tied the boat to both the tree and the boat; when the bird tried to take off, she lost her pen, which was tied to a rope, and flew away; this pen took the brothers to Paolaola Island, where only women lived; the brothers taught them how to give birth]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (2), No. 109:72; Tikopia [at first there were only women, conceived children with bats, only gave birth to girls; a man named Swift Whistlng came; married a Fareautaka woman (a group of families from the family Tafua); when the bats arrived, the man killed them and began to fry them for food; he went to his own land in Motlav, and his descendants stayed]: Firth 1967:240-241; Nukuria [recorded Feb 2013; was an island where only women lived, they were conceived from turtles; one person got there, met with the chief; she was pregnant; he found out that local women did not know how to give birth, their stomachs were ripped open; he taught that the wife was safe gave birth]: Davletshin, personal message 02.05.2013; Tonga [a person goes to an island of women, its inhabitants want him to be a husband]: Dixon in Ho 1967; Cook Islands (Rarotonga) [hero overcomes various challenges; finds herself on an island of ferocious women, each striving to make him her lover]: Dixon 1916:66; Pukapuka (South Cook Islands) [at night Welei tries to achieve women's attention, but they drive him away; God invites him to get into a boat of coconut leaves, she takes him to the Vulva Islands, where only women live; women attack him, his their malodorous secretions cover his skin; then the women drive him away, but his nostrils remain clogged and he dies]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Tuamotu [Kuru is swallowed by a shark, cuts its belly , finds himself on the island of warlike women who satisfy themselves with sea cucumbers; one of the women gives birth to him; he returns with them, but some of the children grow wings, they fly back]: Beckwith 1970:503; The Marquises [Kae leaves the sea, the fish swallows it, he cuts her belly from the inside, goes out, enters the island of women; they satisfy themselves with the roots of pandanus; K. marries Hina-i-Vaino'i; teaches her how to give birth (local pregnant women have their bellies ripped open); after learning that X. becomes young every time he swims on the surf, K. asks to send him home; H. calls his whale brother Tunuanui, he brings K. home; his son arrives later on another whale; K.'s people want to kill him because he begins to dispose of K.'s property, but K.'s son announces who he is by singing spells; either he or K. they forget to send the whale back, this does not lead to negative consequences]: Beckwith 1970:502 (paraphrase in Ho 1967, No. 207:367-368, Russian lane in Permyakov 1970, No. 170:421-429); Australia Islands ( Rapa) [Kopara visits women's island]: Beckwith 1970:504
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Angami [by shooting with bows, women prevent men from approaching their village; they raise only one boy, kill the rest with boiling water; they do not do the hard work, but they eat starch and vegetable oil, which makes them strong in battle; if a man comes to them, they rush at him so passionately that they tear them apart]: Hutton 1914, No. 3 (=1921:263; quail at Elwin 1949:458-459, 1958b:201, Ho 1967, No. 201:362-363); nokte (Lazu village) [at first only women lived; four men came; all began to copulate with them, three died, one ran away; women chased, he put trees on the trail behind him; one woman caught up with him, people come from them]: Pandey 1999:25; miri [there is a country of women in the north who own beads, swords and bells; young women live in one half of each village, old women in the other; if a man gets there, women pull him towards them; when he satisfies them and leaves, old women give him ancient swords and beads, young ones are new]: Elwin 1958a, No. 1:186; sherdukpen [beyond the Himalayas there is a country of cannibals and cannibals and a country of women; if the cannibal family has three daughters, they send two to live in the country of women; if a man gets there and, once with young women, withstands the pressure of their passion, they send him home with rich gifts (they own gold, iron, beads); if he gets to old women, they they feed him, cook him and devour him]: Elwin 1958a, No. 4:187-188; kachin [against his parents' will, Choumoklang sailed to trade; his boat was stuck in the grass, others thought he was a sinner, threw him in water; he sailed to a women's village; these women in another life called their husbands dogs; now dogs tear them apart at night, and in the morning the knot splashes living water and they come to life; C. ran away, got into the land of sinful men; they wear gold helmets on their heads; C. put it on, screamed in pain, the helmet was hot; it was punishment for C. hitting his mother; Phara forgave him and returned him, C. became God himself]: Elwin 1958b, No. 6:207-208.
South Asia. Santals [women live in the rich, fertile country of Kamru; once a Santala man got there; he was kept in a bamboo basket, taught black magic; he came back turning into a kite; the vulture brought a child to Camra; he grew up, got married; trying to leave, he found himself in the same place every time; the woman explained that the only way to leave was to leave everything he had obtained in Camra]: Bodding 1925:126 in Elwin 1958b: 203-204; kamar [Tiripatna's country of women is in the east; if a man gets there, he is turned into an ox for a day and plowed on it, and made human at night until morning copulate with him; boys born are killed, girls are raised; if a man manages to escape, his buttocks leave a mark of being an ox]: Elwin 1949, No. 16:467-468 (quail in Ho 1967, No. 204:364-365); baiga [(quail in Ho 1967, No. 203:363-364); across seven seas and 16 rivers, there is a country of Triadesh women; if a boy is born there, he becomes a eunuch; when a woman has a woman a desire arises, it turns into a bird, flies to people, finds a handsome young man, turns him into a bird, returns with him to the country of women; at night he becomes human, conceives children; noticing pregnancy, other women become angry, the pregnant woman again turns her lover into a bird, sends her back; if he does not get home safely, then the woman's ruler (a huge fat woman with a big beard) hits the culprit; sometimes women satisfy each other in pairs using wooden penises; if a child is born as a result, he is boneless and dies]: Elwin 1949, No. 12:463.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Solor [only women lived in Kampong; when they set themselves up for sunrise, they gave birth to boys, when in the westerly wind, girls; boys were eaten; one man followed in the footsteps of his dog, came to K., met a woman; she warned that her vagina was being cut, that the previous man had died, ordered to bring a whetstone; the man went home for a whetstone, grinded his tips in the woman's vagina, brought her to him; mother the women followed and ate him, for he did not give a ransom for his wife]: Arndt 1938:16.
Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [was a village of women; when they conceived children, they put their vaginas in the wind, always gave birth to girls; looking for the missing dog, the hunter came to these women; they wonder what was between his legs; he explains, they ask to show in practice; he copulates with everyone; because of the abundance of partners, he was not completely satisfied with anyone, although they liked it; the last crawl was the old leader; by this time the man completely lost his erection; the old woman was offended, cut off his penis, he died; men came to take revenge on women; but wasps, bees, ants, hornets and other insects flew out of their homes, clung to clothes men, this is how they came to us (the origin of insects); the next time men burned the village along with insects and women; one girl escaped in the pig pen; a man from the village of Tahayakan married her ; their son founded a line of sorcerers; now he's gone, everyone was killed]: Norbeck 1950, No. 26:37-39 (=Ho 1967, No. 191:350-353); Sadek (Iboh) [Tomnah-oi women imitated the howling of dogs; hunter dogs ran to him; the hunter went to get the dog, the woman began to have sex with him; when she returned from the field, she met again, his penis broke off, he died; looking for the missing, two more men came to the women, the women met with them; they ate steamed of cooked tubers; the men said they should eat the tubers themselves; the women said that pigs did this, put the men in the pigsty; they ran away; the men came to destroy the women; They killed many with swords, but they released bees, snakes, centipedes; men set fire to women's houses, women and poisonous creatures burned down]: Ho 1967, No. 192:353-355; Saisha (Garawan) [was a village of women Saipahanan; its inhabitants did not have anuses, they ate the smell of food; a man named Lubugots came to these women, they gave birth to many children with him; offered to make women anuses, pierced several ran away with a hot iron bar; the pursuers found an anteater's hole (?) , they started poking her with sticks, the tips turned red; the women thought that L. had killed, who had filled the hole with coloring leaves in advance, and returned home himself]: Ho 1967, No. 194:356; ami [man he rafts down the river, the current carries him away, he sails into the sea to the island of women; they take his penis by the tail, put him in a cage like a pig; the woman who took care of him began to sleep with him, gave birth to him the boy, the women began to stretch his penis, he died; the man found a knife in his food, made a hole in the cage, ran to the shore, swam to a cliff in the sea; the whale takes him home]: Ho 1967, No. 197: 357-360 (1964:41-42 in brief); paywan [only women lived in the village of Seculavari; they conceived children with their genitals on the roof; if a man got there and a woman took it, the others were fighting over him, so he was killed]: Egli 1989, No. 92:264.
China - Korea. The Chinese [a 13th century source describes a country of women in which they conceive from the wind and give birth only to girls; when a wanderer comes to them, they copulate with him until he is a few minutes away days does not die from exhaustion]: Ho 1967:132.
Iran - Central Asia. Baluchi [Kuh-i Khoja hill, where the mazar is now, was surrounded by the sea; this island was inhabited by a man dokhter, 40 pari girls with terrible power; one woman learned that the power of betting was in their virginity; dressed her son in a woman's dress, sailed with him from Tyutek on a reed boat, hired a bet; convinced them that their strength would increase if they knew a man; who would jump to a ram tied in the distance will temporarily become a man; only the woman's son could, he got along with all the bets as a man; they all gave birth, lost their strength, the children were thrown into the sea, the corpses were nailed to Hak-i- Telf]: Gaffenberg 1975:228
Baltoscandia. Kalevala. Rune 29:357-370. Lemminkainen arrives on the island, seduces thousands of girls and widows there; there is only one old maiden left, she threatens that if he does not come to her, his boat will run into a rock; when he goes to her, he sees every house does not know where men have come from who want to kill him; he flees the island, unfortunately girls; the storm crashes his boat, he builds a new one; when he arrives home, he sees that everything is ruined, but finds a mother who escaped in the forest; she says that the house was ravaged by Pohjela's warriors; L. tells his mother about her adventures on the island, promises to build a new house and take revenge on Pohjela's sons]; Western Sami: Pollan 2005, No. 1 [the poor guy went looking for happiness; greeted the old woman; she is one and a half times older than a tree; sent her to his older sister, her age is 15 trees; on the way, a guy picked up a goat's skull; the old woman tells me to throw the skull into the sea, turn away from the sun, the skull became a ship, the guy crossed the sea; there the old woman tells me to go through the forest, followed by a mountain of bread, you have to go; mountains of bodies of those who could not; this old woman paved the way; you can't touch the leaves in the golden forest and the three golden eggs on the table, just take a bag of gold; the guy returned to the old woman, she told me to go to east of the east wind and west of the west wind, there's a goat's skull, it turned into a boat with 4 people in it, they told the boy to go to bed; he notices that the ship is on the ground; another old woman is directing him to the land of virgins; three eggs on the table - three princesses; going back, we must answer that he is bringing gold and silver to parents from across 5-6 mountains; the king and his son began to ask, the bag was burnt bones, the king missed the boy; when he came home, gold in the bag, the father is happy], 2 [the poor man's three sons went to look for work; south of the south wind and east of the east to Soria-Moriah Castle (SM); the youngest son came to the mound, from there was smoke; there was an old woman in the dugout, her lifespan is the life of a tree; she sent her to her middle sister (3 trees), she sent her to the eldest (4 trees); the eldest whistled at wand, 2 swans appeared, they do not know where SM is; two older swan brothers are the same; the old woman put her wand in the sea - the whale has sailed - does not know; the wand is deeper into the sea - the whale's elder brother - the same; old woman brought another stick, an old eagle flew in (its age is 15 trees {?}) ; the elder whale came, the old woman told him to take the guy; the whale took him to SM, told him not to touch the three princesses and the golden leaves of the trees, only to take gold from the bucket; the guy kissed the younger princess; because of this, when he swam on a whale, he sank, the water is waist-deep, chest up to his chin; the older brothers are poor in the city, the guy found them; they threw him into the river, the old woman picked him up; the ship sailed to he has three maidens; youngest: you kissed me and touched three gold leaves - these leaves were us, you must go with us; they brought him to SM, not a single man in their country; he married younger princess; I sailed to my father on a golden ship, picked him up and returned]: 41-44, 44-49.
Japan. Ainu Sakhalin: Onuki-Tierney 1996 [in the fog, a boat with several old hunters sails to a village of women fighting with each other for the right to own men; they have toothy wombs; one old people put a sword into their vagina, breaking their teeth, stays alive; when they return, they tell their story; these women conceive children by exposing their buttocks to the wind from the mountains]: 69; Chamberlain 1888:37-39 in Ho 1967 [(probably the same as Onuki Tierney)]: 132; Japanese: Bakin Takizawa, 1811 (Fr. Hachijo, Hachijo, 300 km south of Tokyo) [only women live on Hachijo Island; they are conceived by the wind; when men come to visit them, women leave sandals on the shore; whoever took the pair from that must meet] in Ishida 1998:137-138, Ho 1964:42; Toropygina 2010 (otogi-zoshi "Onzoshi shima watari" ("Onzoshi's Journey to the Islands"), 16th century) [Wanting to become the ruler of Japan, Onzoshi (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) travels north to search for the Castle of Happiness, owned by the demon Kanehira, the Law of Buddha Dainichi, a book of military secrets; On the way, O. visits various islands, including the Island of Women; there are no men on this island, but all women can continue their family; breathing in the South Wind, women conceive and then give birth; they are born only girls; women want to kill O. so that he becomes the guardian spirit of the island; he is saved first by playing the flute, which women like very much, and then by deception - O. says that in order to pacify Mongolia, Ships with 100,000 warriors have sailed to Japan; women can capture them, and then each will take a husband; then O. finds himself on an island that has two names - Dwarf Island and Bodhisattva Island; the inhabitants of this island are very small, fan-tall; 25 bodhisattvas appear on this island three times at night and three times during the day, the sounds of wind and string instruments are heard, and fragrances are fragrant, Flowers fall in the sky, purple clouds come, and bliss sets in; people live on this island for 800 years]: 211-212.
SV Asia. Itelmen: Jochelson, No. 1 [Chelkut marries Sinanevt; stays in the woods with the fly agaric girls; S.'s sister reveals the truth; she sends a young son to his father; C. tells The fly agarics beat and burn their son; C.'s family migrates, taking all the animals away; C. is starving; returns to S., and the fly agaric girls have dried up], 32 [Sinanevt is the daughter of the Spider, Chalkothan marries her; the girls force him to stay with them; S. sends his son to C. to ask for food, but he tells the girls to burn the boy with smut; The spider hides in strands of hair on the right side of all terrestrial hair, and left of all marine animals; the family leaves, climbs the ridge; creates the sea, the Spider releases animals; C. is starving, comes to his son]: 20-21, 216-218.
The Arctic. Aleuts (Unalashka) [a baby girl bites her mother's nipples; she buries her alive; she turns into a cannibal, devours everyone in the village; her brother runs away, comes to women who have never seen men; visits her village; sister chases him, women's mistress kills her; takes a young man as her husband]: Jochelson 1990, No. 13:139-143; Baffin's Land: Boas 1907, No. 5 [enemies killed men, took women; they killed enemies at night (letters: two women lived in the same house, killed the enemy; but it is clear that this is the case throughout the village); went to another area; exchanged born boys to use them in future as husbands; one day two men came to a women's village; one entered a house where there were many women; everyone wanted him for themselves, they accidentally killed him in a landfill; the second ended up in a house where there were two women; they guarded him so that others would not take it away]: 538; Millman 2004 (Cape Dorset; an informant places an island of women in the Fox Basin) [all men died on the island, women remained; one day a man sailed there, women hugged him until they strangled him; another one came, his penis fell off from copulation; women copulated with their little sons; because they lay down on them, they did not grow up; everyone on the island extinct]: 145.
Subarctic. Kuchin [Tzazik ("Surpasses All") travels, meets strange people; comes to a village of women; they kill newborn boys; half of the girls are made like an umbilical cord penis; when they reach adulthood, these women play the role of men; Amazons do not have bows, throw arrows with a stick at the blunt end; T. copulates with all women except one old woman; for this, she tries to kill him with an arrow; he walks away]: McKennan 1965:132.
The Midwest. Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Visakaijak comes to women who have never seen men; asks one to pull the buffalo skull, lets him go, the woman falls on her back, he copulates with her; others want the same, he satisfies everyone; confusing his tracks, returns to the men's camp; they send the boy to smell V. under the blanket; the boy smells women; men they run to women, but V. comes first]: Ray, Stevens 1971:42-43.
The Great Southwest. Hopi [hunters disappear one by one; they are seduced by women with teeth in their vaginas; the spider gives the boy a wooden penis; he breaks the genital teeth of the girl who brought him first, then the rest; these are the girls Jimsonweed (Datura L., dope) and Four O'Clock (Mirabilis L., night blossom); after that, he really copulates with the one who brought him; Spider warns that he they will be asked to identify the girl who brought him; if he guesses right, he can take her home; he guesses correctly; the Spider teaches you to snatch the dope and nightblossom that grow around the kiva, chew and spit out the potion inside the kiva; those inside turn into stone; a young man brings his wife home, gives Spider two dead rabbits]: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 1:1-7; series [two men are angry with their tribesmen , they rafted from Cape Tiburon, landed in an unknown country; reached the spring, where they were found by two giantesses, brought them home, lay down with them at night; their mother does not understand why their daughters giggle; later The men themselves became as tall; a year later, one stayed, the other sailed back to Tiburon; killed her new husband, took his wife and children in a hat]: Relatos Guarijíos 1995:99-103.
Mesoamerica Polka [a person sees a Makti woman bathing; she washes and scrapes him (people are too salty for m); leads to his forest village; m. fight for the right to have this man; wife-m. lets him visit his family, tells him not to touch his earthly wife; she hugs him, he falls dead; at the same time, all the results of his work in m disappear (the house collapses, the plot is overgrown with forest); since then m. laughing at the proposal to marry a man]: Münch 1983a: 285.
Llanos. See also other similar texts in F45. Sicuani [Tapiriha takes a man, crosses lakes and rivers along the bottom; the Amazons trap her, kill her; their name is Irboatowi, "People of the Earth's Penis"; twice a day at noon and in the evening they copulate in him; boys are killed, eaten; man is found by a virgin; says that women copulate with every man while his penis is hard, then killed, eaten; wife sends him home; three types of ducks They take it successively, leave it in the water when it blows the winds; the tree tells him to go with their Mother Moon; her boat is her genitals, she tells him not to look; he looks, she whips him with her pubic hair; when he reaches, the moon gives him a banana to bite off forever; tells him not to look at the new moon; he looks, turns into a nightjar]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 85:327-328.
NW Amazon. Carijona [the hunter wants to get the tapir alive, puts his hand in his ass, he drags him to the river; he transports him across the river; there's a field of pineapples; the tapir falls into the Amazon trap pit - Giirinomo ; the hunter touches their leader's vulva; she first combs scorpions, ants, spiders out of the pubis; G. copulates with objects from which seed splashes; the chief allows the hunter to have sex with everyone, but only gets pregnant herself; the rest want to kill him for it; he and the leader fill the mirrors in which G. everyone sees; one old woman has a mirror; the fugitives sail in the boat, taking them with them deer; G. throw a harpoon, pull out a deer; fugitives swim to the land of carijona, live among people]: Schindler 1979, No. 14:120-128; letuama [the name of the great mother Rupari Kumurua, her husband is the Great Anaconda; the cranes gave the shaman feathers, he flew with them to RK; she gave them cakes, wrote it into the vessel, burned pepper; the shaman coughed and gave it to himself; Anaconda frightened him; the cranes flew away and took the feathers; RK told the shaman to look after the children; they were snakes, he killed two naughty ones; copulated with her to exhaustion, she showed her way home; then the frog showed; he went to cannibal women; they gave her food, saw his penis, asked what it was; - Women's food; agreed to show how, but with one at a time and without witnesses; he has been living with the main woman for a year; they have children; aunts ate them; birds warn that he will be eaten; he hid in a hollow with wasps, became a wasp himself; the wasps drove the women away; going on, the shaman fell into the trap of a dmon; smeared with crap; he tickles him with a wand; brings his daughter; daughter has turned a man in a cricket, hid it in the house; the man came to Dragonfly; he did not have an anus, pretended to eat and relieve himself; asked to give him an anus; the man pierced him with a stake, killed him; took his wife; came home; when mother came out to meet, wives turned into? , flew away; (about Amazons p. 196-198)]: Palma 1984:194-202.
Central Amazon. Katawishi [go away and turn into Amazons (no details)]: Tastevin 1925:191; (The exact place of recording is not known) [Many women sailed along the river to the edge of the forest; with them the only Pahi ("father") Tuna ("water" or "black") man; women always killed boys; one woman gave birth to an ugly man, regretted it; fumigated with smoke, he became handsome; others began to chase him to make him their lover, called Pahi-Tuna-Re; his mother hid him in the water; the women summoned him, imitating his mother's voice, grabbed him, engaged with love with him; PT told women to cut off their hair, twisted a rope, caught a PTR, killed him, cut off their penis, hung them over the entrance to the cave where the women lived; they ran away, hid in another cave, blocking the entrance poisonous creatures; PT lived alone; once food was cooked; saw a parrot fly in, became a girl; PT threw feathers into the fire; lived happily ever after with a girl]: Barbosa Rodrigues in Barroso 1930:99-102.
(Wed. Eastern Brazil. Ramkokamekra 137 [(Nimuendaju 1946:172, 248-249); a tribe of women attacked the village, people fled; one of the women caught two boys; while living with her, they secretly killed and ate one of her domestic cockerels (these are wild birds mutun (Mitua mitu); the woman punished them by hitting them in the chest with her hand; in the morning she prepared manioc flour and a spear to kill and eat the boys; but the woman's husband (about him origin is not said) warned them, they dodged the flying spear; at midnight this man and boys ran away; the man returned; the woman chases the boys to the battleship hole in which they They hid; decided to dig it up in the morning, but the boys ran away, came to the old village where men were dancing; the old man gave the boys something to eat, but the food disappeared before they touched it; they realized that they were the spirits of the dead; when they reached their native village, they talked about it; one person came to the village of the dead, spied on and overheard rituals and spells, taught others]: Wilbert 1978, No.: 333-334).