F42. Men are leaving. .13.19. (.33.) .
Feeling hurt, men leave their wives or sisters.
Hadza, Camoró, Marindh Anim, Porapora, Torres Strait Islands (Boigu), Navajo, Jicarilla, Hopi, Seri, Kalinha, Tariana, Takana, Kamayura, Trumai, Iranche, Kayabi, Bororo, Kayapo, Nivakle
Sudan - East Africa. Hadza [women hunted with bows and arrows, men dug tubers and rhizomes; men are unhappy that women wear bows along with prey and brushwood, decide to take them away; one boy hears about it, reports to his mother; women attacked men, killed many; men went to Mount Kitibi; two pregnant women gave birth to boys, refused to kill them, went looking for men; the Ishoko sun descended, told men to take spears and not be afraid of women; told women to give bows to men, gather, and be afraid of men]: Col-Larsen 1962:44-48.
Melanesia. The Camoró [the elder (named Maramuku) and younger brother ate fish (it follows that there are more boys), left their excrement on a platter, covered their sago, and climbed a tree; old women started eating, smelled, cut down a tree, the boys managed to climb another one, so several times; the last time a tree falls into the river, the boys in a hollow; the tree swims to a place where only women; two old women chop it, find men for themselves, then for all women, only one is left without a couple (they also find one woman in the hollow, she is not mentioned anymore); Maramuku shed his wife's fetus, he broke her bracelet, she scolded her husband; he makes wings out of kiiko wood, other men too, they fly away as rhinoceros; pregnant Máokáokare gives birth to a boy, Maramuku goes down, gives the boy his name; all men go down, shed their wings, now only their wings turn into birds; men kill Máokáokare, stay in the house]: Drabbe 1950, No. 22:235-237; marind- anim: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 13 [boys and girls got married; the eldest gave birth to a boy; he accidentally hit an old woman in the leg with an arrow, she scolded him; he sent the women to fish, made wooden ones beaks, gave them to the men, they climbed onto the platform, flew away as haiwui birds; the returning women tried to do the same, but their beaks and ornaments were not so well made, so the females of these birds less beautiful; pregnant woman turned into a bird of paradise tsakir], 31 [as in (13), turn into rhinoceroses]: 49-52, 241-242; porapora [men in the mansion killed one of them, turned into a flying fox; then everyone turned into flying foxes and flew away]: Schwab 1970, No. 11b: 790-791; Boygu [when hunting dugongs, men led by Bazi and Meibu eat all the meat themselves women are given bones and giblets; M.'s wife makes coconut bast a green tree frog, revives it, all women wear frog clothes, become frogs; men find only frogs at the Bolshoi Wells; then women take off their frog skins, return to their husbands; M. notices clay on his wife's eyelids, realizes that frogs were women; tells other men who make skins out of bast flying faces, all men turn into flying foxes; all men, including babies, fly across the strait to New Guinea; the old man finds a hollow with foxes, kills them, the dead turn back into men, found a village]: Laade 1971, No. 51:95-98.
(Wed. Turkestan. Kazakhs [great-grandmother Mama-Hava (Eva) and Hazriati-Adam began to argue about which of them gives birth to children; decided to live separately, preserving secretions from their organs; A. collected his own in a clay vessel, from This is what his son, the prophet Chich, arose; Eve wrapped her own in a rag, which gave rise to genies, Albanians and fairies; they are especially harmful to women; Iskander Zul Karnine drove them into the Kaf Mountains and locked them in the gorge there]: Castagné 1930:7-8).
The Great Southwest. Navajo: Johly, B'yash 1958 [male and male animals go to live across the river after the First Girl cheats on the First Boy with a Water Monster; they come back, when women ask for it; when separated, women conceive monsters]: 3-4; Matthews 1994, No. 1 [as in Johly, B'yash; leave after the First Woman speaks to the First Man that women are better at food than men]: 71-72, 80-81, 218, 235; Stephens 1930 [The Great Wolf is the leader; his wife does not care about the house and children, scolds her husband; he takes men to the other side rivers; after four years, women begin to starve, die; suffer from insatiable passion, copulate with Coyote, Blue Fox, Yellow Fox, Badger, acquire a disgusting smell; masturbate corncobs; men allow the rest to swim to their shore, soar in the steam room, then recover]: 96-100; Zolbrod 1995 [The First Man Brings Venison to His Wife; The First Woman with eats with pleasure, thanks his vagina; explains that her husband hunts only for this vagina; her husband is offended, convinces all men to raft to the other side of the river; men begin to live everything better, they hunt, cultivate gardens, and women start to starve; some tried to swim to their husbands, drowned; others masturbate with long stones, cacti, feathers, bones; by the end of the fourth year the young man was going to use the deer liver instead of his wife, the Owl dissuaded him from doing so; the men decided to make peace with women; the First Woman replied to her husband that women really could not live without men; men sent a raft for the women, took her to their side]: 58-70; hicarilla [the chief's wife says she is sick, asks her husband to take her to the cool river; when she enters the water, copulates with Otter; her husband watches her, drives her out of the house; all men and even male dogs go to live on the other side of the river; in the fourth year, women begin to starve; masturbate with an elk horn, stones, with eagle and owl feathers, give birth to monsters; men and women get together again on the mountain during the flood]: Opler 1938:264-267; Hopi: Cushing 1923, No. 1-8 [the lower world cave is full, everyone's garbage stains the others; two twins grew to the ceiling, made a hole; they grew reeds, and people went up to the second world, then to the third; here the twins got fire, they lit torches, built houses; here women abandoned their children, confused their husbands, occupied kivas; men carried babies there to feed them; then men made their way to the fourth world; it's dark here too , also wet; people made a deerskin shield, decorated it with turquoise, sent it east, it became the sun; the cotton cape became the moon; the Coyote opened the vessel, stars flew out of it, burned his face; The vulture drove the water away with its wings, mountains appeared; the twins laid canals, and the water flooded through them]: 163-166; Stephens 1929, No. 1 [people have promiscuous sex; the chief tells men move to the other side of the river; living without men, women conceive monsters]: 3; series [a person wants to take a second wife, but cannot provide her with meat; women are outraged, they drive their husbands away, They pick up their guns; the men spend four years at Cape Tiburon; then they come back, the wives are happy to receive them]: Coolidge, Coolidge 1939:134-136.
Guiana. Kalinya [seven young men chase tapir for a year; they kill it, fry it; when they return to the village, they find out that their sisters have not yet baked cakes for them; they rise to the sky, become stars (Pleiades?)] : Ahlbrinck 1931:444 in Jara, Magaña 1983:125; Magaña 1988a, No. 152:269-270.
NW Amazon. Tariana [Wanani's wife took the Tunini water snake as her lover; when she approached the river, summoned him, hitting the water with a calebasa; T. gave her a gold earring; V. dressed up as the woman's old grandmother, came to she was on the field, persuaded her to give her the earring for storage; then the woman saw it in her husband, realized that he had deceived her; V. waited for lovers, killed T. with an arrow; the penis, disguised as a fish, let his wife eat, told her about this; she ran to the river, vomited, and jacunda fish arose from it; V. decided to leave, having previously celebrated a dabukuri festival; on which his wife should serve the organizer a bowl of beer; but V. and after him everything the men, except the last, refused to accept the cup; the last was the Woodpecker (Pica-pau), said that he was the one who became pregnant with the woman; the men led by V. began to dance and took to the sky on the third attempt, throwing her dance sticks down; left alone, the woman collected the fruit, the snake son crawled out of her womb, climbed a tree for fruit; the woman left the frog to answer for herself, rushed to the river, and became rowing in a boat, sailed to her father's house; a snake to the house called her mother; the woman's father threw her into the water, she became a daruyë fish]: Moreira, Moreira 1994:21-23.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (tumupasa) [men hide meat from women, bring them only bones; one young wife followed her husband, told others; men had to bring all the meat to their wives; they decided rise to heaven by tying bamboo brushes together; the wind blew, men fell down, many died]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 235, var.4:370.
Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Münzel 1973 [A woman's pubic hair used to be red as toucan feathers; all men went fishing; the one left at home makes arrows, wants to pluck her pubic hair to make plumage for the arrows; all women refuse, he forcibly cuts off his brother's wife's hair; when he returned, the men went to burn the vegetation on the site, everyone burned down; the one who cut off his hair only burned; his women kicked out, he became a forest spirit (Mamaé); at the place where men burned down, corn, calebasses, peppers grew; Kwat (Sun) and Yaú (Month) came, pulled out the women's red pubic hair, attached it toucans that turned red; women grew black hair]: 169-174; Seki 2008: No. 5 [A woman's pubic hair used to be yellow as toucan feathers; four married brothers went fishing; younger single stayed at home, made arrows, asked for pubic feathers for plumage; the wife of the youngest of the departed brothers agreed; when her husband returned, she tried to hide that there were no feathers; four brothers went to burn the vegetation on the site, deliberately remained in the middle, burned down; the single man began to roll on the coals, burned; the women kicked him out, he began to scream and moan (apparently became a forest spirit); at the place where they burned down men, corn, calebasses, peppers grew up; they sing like people; the Sun and the Moon came, taught women how to use corn, calebasses and peppers; handed pubic feathers to toucans and other birds, the woodpecker received tuft; women have grass attached to their pubis]: 251-283; trumay [men go fishing, turn into birds; when they learn about this, women cry]: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 58:188-189; Iranian [male stars jump into fire, turn into monkeys]: Moura 1960:59; kayabi [shamans' wives ask them to make less noise when performing rituals; reproach them for not them, but twin brothers killed an ogre toad; shamans turn wives into toads, go to heaven]: Ribeiro 1988:425; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 68 [contrary to the ban, Arogiareudo's woman sleeps with her husband before how to go for honey; so the honey she brought to the mansion thickens (always like this from now on); A. spies on men making necklaces from shells; men jump into the fire, fly out of there brightly colored birds; a person who jumps to the edge of the fire turns yellow, because the heat is not enough for its feathers to turn red (birds used to exist, but did not have color); at the site of burning, A. Uruku, cotton, gorlyanka pumpkins grow; A. finds them first, now her family owns them], 103 [relatives bring a lot of meat and fish to the woman, but she starves them; a boy pretending to be sleeping Sees her sit on a mat, put boiled meat next to her, rattles with a bell; a serpent crawls, copulates with her, devours meat; men send a woman for corn, one of them puts on her belt, paints as a woman, calls a snake with the same signal; men kill a snake, hang its head over a woman's mat; turn into hawks, fly to heaven, turn into rain spirits; when they see the head a snake, a woman scolds a boy; he runs to the village square, asks the men who have flown away to moderate the heat; they send rain; when it rains, you can hear the voice of these spirits (thunder?)] : 47-50, 132-134, 196-197.
Eastern Brazil. Kayapo (shikrin) [boys stick feathers over themselves, rape women, including their sisters, who laugh loudly; boys wash their feathers, but one girl finds feathers in her brother's hair, tells others; when they learn about this, the boys turn into storks, fly away; the young woman tried in vain to grab her flying baby]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 159:468-469.
Chaco. Nivakle [men play; send a boy to tell women to bring them water; they refuse; men turn into birds; everyone says what kind of bird they want to be]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b , No. 88 [people flee to escape from the jaguar; one woman stays in the village with her grandmother because she does not want to go with her unloved husband; an unknown man comes and brings fried man; when she asks for water, a woman sends him to the source, spies on him; sees him turn into a jaguar; on the advice of his grandmother, runs away in zigzags; finds people, the stalker jaguar is killed and burned; men continue interrupted game - they shoot bows at a tight rope; ask children to go to their mothers, let them bring their husbands a drink; women do not comply with this request; offended men make a fire, jump into it , shouting who is going to become what kind of bird; they fly out of the fire in the guise of waterfowl, fly to the lake, drink there to their heart's content; now they send thunder and lightning; they also brought people seeds of cultivated plants - maize, beans, pumpkins], 89 [jump into fire, turn into thunder birds], 92 and 94 [turn into birds], 93 [jump into fire, turn into birds]: 217-219, 227-236; (cf. poppy: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 5 [young men play ball; an old woman breaks a clay pot, she scolds them; because their parents do not like them, they make a fire in the pit, jump into it; first the jumper got scared, jumped over the hole; others tell him to tell his parents that their sons are still playing ball; he waters a buried hole, birds' beaks sprout from there, then all birds appear species; parents followed the boy, wanted to kill him for not telling him what happened; he turns into a cormorant, flies away with everyone else; they wanted to kill the old woman who scolded the boys, she became capybara], 6 [playing, the boys smashed the woman's jug with a ball; upset, dug a hole, made a fire; shouting that they did not like their parents, jumped into it; the youngest named Flycatcher stayed, buried a hole, a few He watered the days, the burnt ones came out of it in the form of storks of various species; went to the village, then flew away; mothers grieved for them; wanted to kill the Flycatcher for not telling what had happened, but he turned into the cormorant, flew away with the others], 7 [the boys walked on stilts, one broke the old woman's jug; she advised them to play away; they dug a hole, made a fire, said that their parents were always angry with them, jumped into the fire; the youngest flycatcher remains; the elder taught him to bury a hole, water him, lie to adults that the boys went to another village; the burned ones came out as birds, mothers shouted to them in vain after they would no longer be angry; they wanted to kill the Flycatcher, he became a cormorant; people wanted to kill that old woman, she ran away, became a capybara; her husband became a caiman], 8 [playing, the children broke the pot with the ball, the owner scolded them; they said that their mothers did not like them, dug a hole, lit a fire, jumped into it; the youngest buried it, watered it; the boys got out with birds, flew away; the parents were angry at the youngest that he kept silent, he flew away with a cormorant], 8 [playing, the children broke the pot with a ball, the owner scolded them; they said that their mothers did not like them, dug a hole, lit a fire, jumped into it; the youngest buried it, watered it; the boys got out as birds, flew away; the parents were angry at the youngest that he kept silent, he flew away with a cormorant]: 26-27, 28-29, 30-32, 33-34).