Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F43. The disappearance of women.

.13.16.19. (.27.) .

Women in the first ancestral community kill or abandon men.

Dinka, Sudanese Arabs, Torres Strait Islands, Lake. Kutubu, (Romanians), Lower Chinook, Tillamook, Northern Payut (Moapa), Navajo, Taino, Kalinha, Galibi, Kashuyana (Ariquena), Oyana, Aparai, Oyampi, Tatuyo, Yukuna, Katawishi, Munduruku, Urubu, Mehinaka, Vaura, Kamayura , Rickbacza, Paresi, Karazha, Suya, Apinaye, Xavante.

Sudan - East Africa. Dinka [Diirawig is more beautiful than other girls; her brother Teeng refuses all her suitors because he wants to marry her; mother doubts, sends her father to ask; so all relatives; finally, aunt by mother agrees; T. is preparing a wedding, stabbed his beloved ox; the kite grabbed and carried away the oxtail, threw D. on her knees; she recognized the tail of her brother's favorite ox, went to find out why he was stabbed to death; the youngest her sister, Nyanaguek, told her everything and gave her a knife: let her husband cut off his testicles in the morning, when his brother-husband is not yet awake; when T. is going to get together with his sister at night, the lizard warns him not to do so he lies down again; then grass; rafters; in the morning - walls, utensils, rats; T. fell asleep without getting along with D.; N. woke her up, D. cut off his brother's testicles and he died; the sisters began to beat drums in a special way; When they hear, the girls should get together and dance, and everyone else is not allowed to come; D. told us what happened now she will go to the forest; girls: you and me, because this can happen to us too; they did not take the little girls with them, but N. had to take it, otherwise she promised to raise the alarm; the girls settled on the border between the land of people and the land of lions; built a village; found an anthill in which an inexhaustible source of grain and meat; the lion saw the girls, did not dare to attack, returned in the form of a dog; only N. felt the danger; at night the lion knocked to ask D. to open; N. in response gives names girls, about everyone - that she sleeps; lion: why don't you sleep? G.: I want to drink, but I only drink water brought in a wicker vessel; the lion tried to bring water in the basket until dawn; so many nights; D. wonders why N. is losing weight (from lack of sleep), but she does not have anything says; finally confesses; D. stays with her for the night and tells her not to answer; in the morning he breaks, D. wants to kill him with a spear, but the lion promises to become a brother; brought cattle, ordered the bull to be slaughtered and feed him to tame him; saliva on his face, a puppy pops out of it, the puppy is killed, the lion is given boiled meat; so 4 times; then hot broth is poured into his mouth; he is fed milk for several months; the lion tells the girls return to the village, taking all the cattle; became a young man - D.'s new brother; D. was the first to know her younger brother, who was young when the girls left; he understood this by D.'s resemblance to his mother; everyone is happy; The chief's two sons, both named T., want D. to marry; D.: I will marry someone who will give my new brother four wives; after getting married, D. gave birth to 12 children; the 13th had the nature of a lion; as a baby, he got up, He put on clothes made of skins and sang; stabbed his claws at his brothers and drank their blood; the lion brother offered to kill this child, but D. refused; but when he grew up and continued to drink blood, he still killed him]: Deng 1984:78 -90; Sudanese Arabs [Fatima is so beautiful that her brother Muhammad decided to marry her himself; F. asked her mother to help put a jug of water on her head; she replied that F. should not name her first mother and mother-in-law; the same with father (father-in-law), brother (groom); F. told all the girls in the village that it was decided to pass them off as brothers, took them all away, they came to the cannibal giant; F. ordered nothing to eat, hide the food in a cooked hole, but the youngest girl tasted it; F. told the cannibal to bring water from the seventh sea in a net or in a leaky calebass; the girls ran away, but the youngest could not; the cannibal returned I learned from the youngest that the girls ran away, ordered piles of gold; silk fabrics to appear in front of them; each time F. tells them to take only a little and run on; the river; F. asked the crocodile to be transported to On the other side, she will give one girl to eat; when they have swam, F. tells the crocodile to transport their mother (i.e. luoedka) first; when they are in the middle of the river, F. shouted that the crocodile prey was on his back; he dived and ate the cannibal; the girls settled in a cave; an old man with 6 sons nearby; F. asks him how to skin him off - to pierce a thorn; she plunged, her skin slept, F. put it on, in the guise of an old man returned to the cave; the camel comes to eat the leaves from the bush, the girls drive it away; the young men consistently began to come to find out what was going on; each took a girl; when Wad al-Amin came up, there was only an imaginary old man; he says he is unable to herd cattle; YES agrees to herd pigeons by the river; F. takes off the old man's skin by the river; the slave sent with her is delighted, but he cannot tell him anything; the imaginary old man said that the slave was sick, let his chest be burned; so several times; AM himself went, saw everything; at home he offered to play chess, the winner would remove the skin from the loser; F. won, but did not fresh AM; AM won, F. took off her skin; the whole village gathered for the wedding]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 20:110-114; Sudanese Arabs [by the river, Fatma's older brother's horse slipped on strands of hair; the brother promised to marry the one whose hair was, even if it was F.; F. persuaded seven girls to run with her, or their brothers would do the same; before the wedding night she went out to pee, pierced in advance cooked wineskin with water, you can hear the murmur of the stream, the girls managed to leave; they came to the cannibal in the desert; she offered them milk and one of the girls tasted it; at night F. replies that she is awake; asks go to calm the dogs in a distant village; and other tasks (not named); in the morning they asked the cannibal to bake bread for them on the fire that was burning there; it was the sun; she tried it, but did not bake the bread; when she returned , found only the one that tasted the milk; she broke her neck and ate it; the girls asked the tree to become small, climbed it, then asked it to be tall again; they stuck knives around; they lowered the cannibal's rope, picked it up and threw it, so several times; knives pierced her and she died; the girls moved on; F. began to look for the old man in his head; asks how he can be killed; old man: plunge into the crown of the thorn; F. did so, put on old man's skin; the girls began to live in the cave; merchants passed by, their camel began to chew the straw that closed the entrance; the merchants dismantled the girls; one of them was crooked; says to the merchant: they took the curve, but left the flower; the Sultan's son heard, returned, took the imaginary old man; when they were going, F.'s jewelry rang; "These are my bones"; F. chose to herd geese, not sheep, to have the opportunity to swim; the slave sees her taking off his old man's skin; it deprives him of speech (apparently by witchcraft); at home he points to F. but cannot say anything; F.: he is crazy, he should be burned with iron ; burned to death; this is how almost all slaves died; the Sultan's son went to spy himself, climbed a tree, stole F.'s ring; at home he offered to play checkers: the winner would take off the skin; F. won twice, but did not exercise her right; then the Sultan's son won; married F., but hid her from people; one day F. came out, people fell breathless from her beauty; she sprayed them with blood from her little finger, all come to life; all is well]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 21:114-118.

Melanesia. Torres Strait Islands (Boigu) [when hunting dugongs, men led by Bazi and Meibu eat all the meat themselves, bring bones and giblets to women; M.'s wife makes coconut bast green tree frog, revives, all women put on frog clothes, become frogs; men find only frogs at the Great Well; then women take off their frog skins and return to their husbands; M. notices clay on his wife's eyelids, realizes that frogs were women; tells other men who make flying skins out of bast, all men turn into flying foxes; all men up to Infants fly across the strait to New Guinea; the old man finds a hollow with foxes, kills them, the killed turn into men again, founds a village]: Laade 1971, No. 51:95-98; Islands Torres Strait {others} [in Daru village, fishermen ate turtle meat themselves, bring only fat for wives and children; women made wings from coconut leaves, turned into flying foxes, and flew away]: Haddon 1933:55 in Laade 1971:98; oz. Kutubu [men lived in a man's house, there were no women; one had a pain in his leg, he was awake, saw women come in, dance, beat drums; the next night, the men were waiting for women, grabbed them; they gave birth to children; a thin man who could not catch his wife himself, who received her from others, called his wife to clean up after the baby; she did not answer, he called her a pandanus; the women were offended, left, turning into pandanus trees]: Williams 1941, No. 9:139-140.

(Wed. The Balkans. Romanians [the lark asked the ploughman not to destroy his nest, promised to do a favor; the ploughman complained that his wife was hitting him; the lark taught him to take a stick and beat his wife; at that time, all wives beat their husbands; the neighbors, looking at the plowman, also began to beat their wives themselves; the women gathered and decided to move across the Danube; people were angry with the ploughman - all because of him; the lark told the women that there were no men on the other side; women decided to return - let them beat them]: Gaster 1915, No. 96:296-298).

The coast is the Plateau. Lower Chinook [men eat all the sea lion meat on the island, hide it from women and children; Raven's little son takes the women away, turns them into killer whales; it is not known how she recovered normal life; men are led by Blue Jay; Raven's son puts on eagle skin, flies and sees men eat meat; brings a piece to women and children; turns them first into birds; attaches shells to the stones (they used to lie freely)]: Boas 1894a, No. 11:140-143; tillamook [Ice with his people and his son-in-law Raven go to sea, each time they bring only oysters to wives and children; Ice eats seals himself, does not bring them home, because he is afraid that if his wife has a period, he will lose his hunting luck; the Raven hides meat under oysters in the basket, brings it to women and his adopted son; when Ice comes back, he is surprised that women are indifferent to oysters; the son grows up quickly; puts the digging sticks of Ice's wives on their backs, turns women into killer whales, diggers into their dorsal fins; men do not they can even find more oysters and roots, they are hungry; only the son sends meat to the Raven; the ice was left giblets, he brought them, but they turned into a frog]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 4:15-19.

Big Pool. Southern Payut (Moapa) [men are unable to provide women with beaver skins; while husbands hunt, women go looking for new ones]: Lowie 1924, No. 25:196.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [husbands cut off unfaithful wives noses; wives go north; when they turn south, a cold wind blows, thunder]: Matthews 1994:144.

The Antilles. Taino: Anghiera 1912 (1), dec.1, vol.9 [Vagoniona closes men in a cave, takes women and babies to the island; hungry children scream and turn into frogs]: 169; Pane 1932 [ Guagugiona takes women to the island, leaves them there; abandoned children scream, turn into opossums or frogs; men are left without women; they see women who did not have vaginas fall from a tree; they tried to grab them, they ran away; then they put a watchman; they caught the women, found the bird inriri (woodpecker, Picus imbrifoetus), put it in the place where the vulva should be, he hollowed it out, thinking he was hammering tree; this is how women appeared]: 187-188.

Guiana. Kalinha [hunters hide their prey from women, they drink them drunk and leave with their weapons and boats; they have been living in a special village ever since]: Magaña 1982:75; 1987, No. 22, 23:240; Galibi [the hunters ate all the prey themselves, told the women they hadn't killed anything; one young man secretly brought his mother's meat; the women took bows and arrows, swam down to the Amazon, they still live there]: Renault- Lescure et al. 1987, No. 2:19; Kashuyan (Arikena) [the first women were at odds with men; at the festival they gave them sleeping pills, flew to heaven in a tornado; waking up men find the only one a little girl hiding in a house under a clay pot; they cut her to pieces; each puts his part in his own hammock; men who have returned from hunting are greeted in the village by new women]: Kruse 1955, No. 35:415; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 5 [brothers watch their sisters, see their penis name coming out of the ground; brothers tell them that; women take their penis, go underground through a hole in the village square; a parrot reports this to men, but the hole is too narrow for them], 10 [all women in the village copulate with a penis protruding from the ground in the garden; all become pregnant; men they watch them, cut off their penis; when they find out, women hide in a hole in the ground; birds report this to men; they soon stop the persecutor], 20 [the person wakes up to the scream of a toad; sees beautiful; she warns not to have sex with her, he insists; his penis becomes as long as a snake; in the village he becomes the lover of all women; men are going to kill him; women they solder men drunk, leave with their lover; it's the Month], 80 [When men return to the village, they see that women have gone through a hole in the ground; they follow, but only one manages to cross the river; he sees a naked woman in a tree; she agrees to have sex with him, she does it repeatedly, exhausting his strength; when he wakes up, the woman is gone]: 34-35, 38, 50; 1989 [women become pregnant, two months later give birth; men watch them; see their penis name in the garden; it comes out of the ground, they copulate with it; men call the penis with the same words, cut it apart; women take theirs children conceived from the penis, fire and cassava, go through a hole in the ground; men learn about this from a parrot; follow women to a wide river, return; their lover paved the way for women]: 27-28; aparai [man kills his wife's lover, cuts off his penis, hangs it where the wife does her job; women come back from the garden, recognize the penis; this is their mutual lover; one throws it on sky, it turns into a Month; women go away, become Olisian Amazons]: Rauschert 1967, No. 31:200; oyampy [Yaneya leaves; pregnant wife follows him; twins from her the wombs show her the way; ask her to pick flowers; she is bitten by a wasp; she refuses to collect, the twins fall silent; a woman goes to the Jaguaram, Jaguariha eats her; the Mayamayali and Wayamakale twins (from poppy - monkey?) jump on a tree; Jaguariha calls them back; A dove hunting talks about his mother's death; M. and Y. lure the Jaguars to the bridge, create piranhas in the river; V. cuts off the vine ahead of time, two jaguars they save themselves, the rest are eaten by piranhas; M. almost revives his mother, V. hugs her ahead of time, she falls apart; by the sea, their father cuts down a tree, chips turn into fish; the father tests his sons, M. does not He withstands; the father tells him that he is not his son, but the Monkey; makes a parrot out of his skin, monkeys out of flesh; in the morning the father rises to heaven; M. makes a woman out of wood; V. appears again, despite warning makes love to a woman; she turns into a hard tree, his penis becomes long, he wears it in a basket; comes to the village; while men sleep, he dances with all women; they go into a hole, disappear underground; a parrot and a monkey remain in the village; while men hunt, they take off their feathers and skins, cook; V. comes out of the hole; one woman cuts off his long penis; a piece stays in the vagina; once in the river, it turns into an eel]: Grenada 1982, No. 5:69-72.

NW Amazon. Tatuyo [Pohe pino (pohe = anaconda) devours boys who are initiating; people burn it, a palm tree grows out of its ashes, makes sacred horns and flutes; they are hidden in water; the father asks his son to get up early and go to play; it is not the lazy son, but his sister who hears the conversation; the father chases her, but she hides her instruments in her body, goes up the river, arranges rituals involving women and forcing men to perform women's duties; in the upper reaches of the river, her father catches up with her; as punishment, opens her vagina; since then, women have periods and men own with sacred instruments; now she is Romi-Kumu, the Pleiades; she sits at the mouth of the river, legs together, makes spills; her movements cause earthquakes; shamans come to her, entering it between her legs]: Bidou 1972:67; 1983:36-40; Yukuna: Herrera Ángel 1975a [Iyamatuma's women appeared at the beginning of the world, owned sacred mountains; lived alone in Maloka without men; Kanuma asked to live with them, saying that he had nowhere else; the horns were kept outside the maloka, K. asked the lizard to steal them; when they found out that the horns had been stolen, the women decided to leave; at night, intoxicated, they danced; the younger sister sang spells so that there would be diseases in this world; they began to descend the Miriti River; K. began to block the river with stones, they were soft then, so rapids appeared; they were left with footprints and buttocks women's leaders; K. was ready to give the horns for the women to return, but they refused; one drew an ugly face (petroglyphs) on the stone; the women went down to the Amazon, at the mouth, from there to underworld; Europeans were born from them, they make clothes, guns]: 390-394; Mich 1995:490-493; (cf. tarian (?) [Curán, the chief's daughter, pretended to be sick, stayed at home, followed the men secretly, learned secrets, described Yurupari instruments to women, taught her songs; a young man came to her, he was an evil spirit Cudeabumá {"in Pamari; but this language is the Araua family in Purus}; promised to give Kuran copies of all instruments, but her husband's instrument must be real; when Kuran slept with her husband, she dreamed that she was sleeping from Kudeabum; {apparently, her husband's tool was not stolen, but made a copy}; women led by Kuran killed male babies, cut off their hair, folded in a yurupari house, and decided to leave the men; when Kuran's husband found his instrument, the false instrument Kuran fell silent during the dabukuri ritual; the men threw false instruments into the fire; the Kuran went to the river, she was married by the Great Serpent; at midnight appears in the middle of the river, sings Yurupari songs, disappears]: Stradelli 1890:807-819).

Central Amazon. Katawishi [go and turn into Amazons (no details)]: Tastevin 1925:191; the recording location is unknown [many women have sailed along the river to the edge of the forest; with them the only Pahi man ("father") Tuna ("watery" or "black"); women always killed boys; one woman gave birth to an ugly man, regretted him; fumigated with smoke, he became handsome; other women began to chase him to make their lover, they called him Pahi-Tuna-Re; his mother hid him in the water; the women summoned him, imitating his mother's voice, grabbed him, making love to him; PT told the women to cut their hair, twisted the rope, caught him PTR, killed, cut off his penis, hung it over the entrance to the cave where the women lived; they ran away, hid in another cave, blocking the entrance with poisonous creatures; PT lived alone; once food was cooked; saw how a parrot flew in, became a girl; PT threw feathers into the fire; lived happily ever after with a girl]: Barbosa Rodrigues in Barroso 1930:99-102; munduruku: Kruse 1949 [while men hunt, women cook cassava drink, taken to the river, hit the water with calebass; the Serpent comes out, drinks beer, becomes a man, copulates with women; one person watches them; men call the Snake with the same signal they kill with arrows; women leave; a pet parrot lives in the same house; turning into a woman, cooking and drinking for the owner; he finds a Parrot, burns its feathers, marries]: 640-642; 1952, No. 9 [as in Murphy]: 994-997; Murphy 1958, No. 2 [Karusakaibo's son is killed by wild pigs; father hears his voice, sees two trees; carves a doll, but she only has ears from a person - orehla de pau wood mushrooms ; K. makes a new doll, she turns into a handsome boy; he hides him at home from women under the supervision of an old woman; one woman penetrates a boy, copulates with him; his penis remains tense; the same thing happens the next day; K. turns his son into Aniokaiche's tapir; he runs away to the forest, copulates with all women; one person sees it; men send women to vegetable garden, they send a friend, putting on his pumpkin breasts; A. comes out, killed with arrows; a little boy tells his mother that the women's lover has been eaten; she runs to name A., she goes out to copulate with her only Battleship; while men hunt, women paint, jump into the river, turn into fish; three old women turn into caimans and crabs; young children into birds; the remaining man in the village becomes Jacques the bird; men catch new wives from the river; see motive F7]: 73-76.

Eastern Amazon. Urubu [Mair carves man and woman out of mahogany; men don't have penises; women's common husband is a giant underground worm; women summon it by stomping on the ground; then urinate in a vessel, a child emerges from urine; one man calls a worm with the same signal, cuts off the head; women block the river so that there is no water, leave, establish a special village; Mair cuts the worm into pieces, makes penises out of them for men; ties them with palm fiber (pubic hair); women start having children]: Huxley 1956:150-151.

Bolivia - Gupore. Tupari [the men went to cut the forest, the shaman stayed; he watched the women call for a tapir, gave him food and drink, each met him; the next day, the men called for a tapir themselves and killed him with arrows; angry women left, began to live separately; only occasionally do they copulate with men who come]: Caspar 1953a: 213-214.

Southern Amazon. Mexico City: Gregor 1985:112 [women left men; men were left alone, masturbating; men had no arrows, bows, belts, hammocks; they caught fish with their teeth like otters; they did not bake on fire, but warmed under their arms; women in the village had all cultural objects, there was a manhood; men came up with a whistle, kicked women out of the mansion, taught them how to do women's work], 47 [female leader Iripyulakumaneju took women far from men; they came and attacked the women's village, tore off their belts and anklets (they are now only worn by men), washed off the coloring book]; Arawaks (prefabricated version, mehinacu and vaura) [the boys' initiation could not be completed because the men went fishing and did not return; the elder's wives began to direct the ceremony themselves; the women wore men's jewelry , turned into bichos (i.e. animals, spirits, non-humans), yamarikumã (yamari is a woman, kumã is great); they turned the old man into an armadillo, who began to dig an underground passage, the women walked along it, dancing and singing; in two other villages they were joined by local women and their husbands; these women don't have right breasts, they shoot archery; children have been thrown into the lake, they have turned into fish]: Prinz 2002:400; waura [fishermen eat all the catch themselves; a man named Kamatipirá told the women that the men wanted to kill them; told three battleships to dig an underground passage, led the women along it; only boys remain in the village; women have built a new village for themselves; K. taught them how to use bows and arrows; women are dancing during rituals now, competing in wrestling]: Schultz 1966: 95-99; kamayura [like vaura]: Münzel 1973:240-246; Villas Boas 1973 [men go fishing; turn into wild boars and other animals; women wear men's clothing and jewelry; they rub poison, drink poison, turn into mamae spirits; leave, sing, turn the old man into an armadillo; he crawls underground in front of them; they carry women from other villages with them; they still go and They sing; they don't have a right chest to make it easier to shoot with a bow; they throw babies into lakes, which turn into fish]: 123-125; Rickback: Pereira 1973, No. 12:46-47; 1994, No. 1 [people eat crap tapira, tree mushrooms, cassava, do not know onions and arrows; a woman finds a seed, it turns into a bird's egg; she puts it in all the folds and depressions of her body; when she clamps it in the palm of her hand (var.: under the knee, in a creased abdomen), a boy is born from an egg; while the mother was not at home, another woman massaged his penis, got along with him; the penis grew; the mother took her son to the forest, he turned into Tapira; mother made his legs and ass invulnerable by burning fire, stuffing leaves; but he can be killed in the armpit; Tapir copulates with all women, starting with the one who came when he was a boy; men suspect, send birds to find out; while women in the field make their first bows, go to the river, imitate the voices of women, shoot Tapir who appeared; the husband of the one who came to see the child hung the cut off Tapir's penis above her hammock; women turned their children into birds, animals; one blew on a leaf, water poured, formed a river; Cayman carried first ugly, then beautiful ones; warned that the wind will blow in the middle of the river, they should not spit; the ugly ones restrained themselves, one beautiful one spat, it drowned them; their voices and laughter can be heard from the river; some have turned into fish, stone, birds; at the bottom sweet potatoes and corn grow; The Sloth told the men what happened; they began to copulate with him, he ordered them to catch women better; the men caught the Carp first, but missed it; then Akara fish, she turned into a woman, she made new people; if Carp would be more beautiful; women carried fire across the river; see D4A motif]: 17-34; paresi [when Yuanalore's grandchildren copulate with the hostess buriti palm trees, which always gets up and leaves first; Yuanalore got up first, his penis remained in his vagina, became long; he cut off a few pieces, the owner of the buriti swallowed them; carried the rest in basket; at night his penis began to crawl towards women; his son cut a snake; Yuanalore threw himself into the river, became a tapir; four women hit the water with a buriti stem, summon a tapir, copulate; Kaimare followed, killed the tapir with an arrow, hung his penis over the entrance to the house; invited the women to look in his head; blood drips, women recognize the penis; call a tapira on the river, but only Spider comes out water gauge; his penis is too small; women drink Kaimare drunk with Euterpe precatoria chicha; carry away sacred flutes; Dove tells K. what happened; K. rushes in pursuit; women leave flutes, reach a place where the edge of the sky beats against the ground]: Pereira 1986, No. 13:228-231.

Araguaia. Karazha [women deplete their husbands' strength by repeated copulation; take away weapons, sacred masks, shaman's magic baton, leave the village; when they return, they establish dominance over men, forcing them to take care of children and do housework; copulate with Cayman, who supplies them with fish for it; a boy watches women, reports everything to men; a shaman makes a new baton, men retake power; summon Cayman, imitating women's voices, kill him; pieces of severed penis give women food mixed with fish; women learn the truth, try to attack men who are defeated; they leave; they form a new tribe with the children they have born]: Peret 1979 in Prinz 1997:112-116.

Eastern Brazil. Suya [Yamurekuman tells her husband to do all the women's work; he gives her fried vulture instead of good meat; she turns into fish, takes the rest of the women with her through underground passage; in another world, yamurekuman looks like women; we are in the guise of fish, they teach today's women their ritual songs]: Frikel 1990:38-39; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 139 [women they leave (no reason specified), live in a separate village; this is Kupē-ndíya; they are beautiful, they grow corn, cassava and other crops; two young men come to find wives among them; k. demand that they overtaken on the run; young men fall behind, return without wives], 140 [in the east by the sea, women went swimming, met Cayman; began to copulate with him every day, brought him food; called him, shouting "Mi-ti - we here"; one man accidentally peeked and overheard, told others; men call Cayman in the voice of women; he goes out, they kill, fry it, eat it; women kill men with clubs; leave, they meet koati people, then bee people, then establish a village of Kupē-ndíya women (kupș is an alien tribe, ndi is a woman, ya is a personal collective plural; two brothers remain; their sister took it away an ax with them; brothers come to K., get an ax; two girls agree to lie down with them if they overtake them; one brother falls behind, the other overtakes the girl, copulates; brothers return home]: 335-138; Xavante [women are outraged that hunters are gone for a long time; they turn into different animals and leave]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 162:476-480.