Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F45. Amazons. .10.-.13.16.18.-.35.37.-.42.44.46.-.48.50.52.-.

There are or have been villages where only women lived or live (cf. Motives F8, F45B).

SW Africa. The Bushmen [at first five male hunters and five female gatherers lived separately from each other, men in caves, women in grass huts; men once killed a springbok, but not were able to cook because the fire went out; the women watched the fire carefully; one man went to the women for the fire, ate the cooked porridge, liked the food, he stayed; so with four; the fifth did not decided to go, believing that his friends were dead; he fled to another country and disappeared there]: Dornan 1925:173-175 (translated to Kotlyar 1983, No. 11:30-32; resume in Kotlyar 2009, No. 177:125).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Aka [Tôlé could not find women anywhere; finally saw them come out of the ground, but they managed to return every time; T. turned to a fortuneteller, a racemose porcupine; he became poke a stick where the women's house was underground and the women climbed out of the holes; T. caught three, and the rest turned into birds and flew away]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 19:96-98; song: Frobenius 1983:155-156 [hunters lived without women; found a peanut plot, tried it, they liked it; brought the others; women showed up; each took one; the people had a hunting dog, it ran far away; the owner came to Mwile for her; he returned the dog after people promised to dress rather than walk naked], 156 [men and women lived separately, only women had fire; one person came to a women's village, ate fire food there for the first time; went to pick up others; everyone took one or more wives; children were born]; laadi (laari) [was a village of women who did not know men; the Maboko hunter saw women bathing, remained the most beautiful and youngest, he mastered it, she brought him to the village; the chief allowed him to stay; he became pregnant with all women; the children grew up, M. chief]: Koutekissa, Koutekissa 2003:173-175; shambhala, bondei and zigula [Scheuta went to a river island where only women lived; gave everyone honey; slept with a woman at night- chief; she told others, they wanted husbands for themselves, but the chief refused; then they made S. chief, and the former chief became his wife]: Scheub 2000:226; aunt [Viña created people, settled men and women separately; men lived hunting, women were engaged in agriculture, they were taught him chininda birds; once a hunter met a woman, both tasted each other's food, liked it; men and women settled in the same village]: Kotlyar 1973:140 (summary in Kotlyar 2009, No. 178:125); Sakata [men lived in their village, women in their village, did not know about each other; a man killed a wild boar, got lost, went to the beach to the women's village; the chief took him home, became pregnant; others thought she was going to die; Ngaa opened her belly, found a child; other women also wanted children; the man replied that , besides him, there are other men; men and women have begun to live together]: Colldén 1979, No. 74:236-237; bemba: Verbeek 2006, No. 81.4 [the father gave his son a fishing hook on the condition that it was his he will certainly return it; the hook came off the fishing line; the young man dived, ended up in a women's village; remained an employee for the queen; she saw his penis, they lay down together at night, she liked it; she decided not to let go him; allowed him to enter all but one room; he found meat supplies in the rooms; once he opened a forbidden room and found himself in his native village; there was no meat, only vegetables; the young man could not find a way back] , 81.7 [both men and women lived in one village, and only women in the other; the man went to buy honey, going to the voice of a bird, went to the village of women; after spending the night in the Queen's hut, returned home; sent people, then went by himself, but the women refused to move to his village; then the men moved to the women's village]: 427-429, 434-437; Kanioka [Mawese created four women and four men, they lived in different villages; women thought there was a bleeding wound in their vulvas; in the forest, a man cut his leg with an ax; a woman came and thought his wound was deeper; when the man was healed, the woman was surprised; they went to M., who said that the cure for a woman's wound was the penis; the couples got married and had children]: Frobenius 1983:156-157; kuta [only lived in the village of Zambie yambika men (male animal people), only women in Zambie yankele village; Zy sent a dog from his village to the village of women, who received a parcel that was to be opened when he returned; in the light it turned out to be a female; also with all animals; when the man went, he opened the package on the way, the woman went out, returned to her place; with great difficulty he returned her, she brought fire]: Andersson 1974:44; mongo [the patriarch reluctantly lends his son his special calebas; he lets her into the river, the owner demands it back; sailing down the river in a boat, the young man comes to the old man; builds a hut for him, brings firewood; the old man warns not to spend the night on an island where parrots are dangerous; a young man sails to a women's village; everyone calls him husband, he calls them wives; they give him a calebas; two years later he goes home; they they give him a drum and property; the drum beats himself, drives the boat; the young man gives the calebas to his father; in his absence, the father takes the drum, goes with it to the party, breaks it; the father sails on the river, does not help old man, but insults him; on the island, parrots peck at him, peck his eyes out, he falls into the water, drowns]: Retel-Laurentin 1968:225-226; karanga [the boa constrictor in the river thought it was too long, split in half; the head went up the river and the tail down, decided to meet after 6 years; the head sailed to the village of women, she was sent to the chief; she stayed in the village and became the husband of all women, they gave birth to many children; after 6 years, the head told women to remain silent if they heard the hail of a snake-tail; but she answered herself, joined the tail and swam down the river]: Sicard 1952, No. 33:55-56; karanga [men and women lived separately; women had a dog; one man noticed it, followed and came to the women's village; asked them for a dog; women: you can hunt anyway, but we can't hunt without a dog we can; we gave him the dog; once she was bitten by a snake; when they found out that the dog was dead, the women began to prepare for the battle, their drums were beating "Cootopi, Cootopi!" ; one man came to see women, spent three days with one of them; others looked for him; found out that "kutapi" meant sleeping with a woman; everyone moved in with women, each chose a wife]: Sicard 1952, No. 139.1:287-288; Tswana [(there is a motive for the primary habitat of men and women in different villages)]: Andersson 1974:44.

West Africa. Ibibio [a woman gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl; according to custom, the twins had to be expelled; the husband followed his wife; the boy died; she gave birth twice more, each couple had a boy died, the girl grew up; daughters found husbands, but each time the boys died, the girls survived; boys were sent out of the village of women; one day a group of men came there; women were allowed to stay on time with the condition that men sacrifice roosters to their amulets; two refused and died when they went back; the rest returned and talked about the women's village]: Talbot 1915:31-34; hausa [ Every time the turtle makes the bachelor's cultivated field uncultivated; he waits for her, hits her, she promises to bring him to the women's village; where women take him to the chief; the female chief makes him husband; When he goes to war, he allows everyone to use but not open a small basket; he opens it, finds himself in his field; catches a turtle, tells it to repeat it like that time; it hardly drags it; The hyena asks who the Turtle is carrying; eats the bachelor]: Tremearne 1911, No. 31:60-61 (=1913, No. 82:394-396; translated into Okhotina 1962:316-317); nupe [men and women lived separately; one hunter accidentally wandered into the village of women, they beat him; when he returned, he informed the king about the people with breasts; the king ordered the women to be lured with honey ("dirt" from the royal penis) and sugar cane (the penis of men's ancestors); men taught women sex, they stayed with men, had children]: Frobenius 1931:217 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 176:124); Anyi [first women lived in one village and men in another; one person explained how to get married: gave the girl money for her legs and head, bought her fabrics; people have been getting married ever since]: Tauxier 1932, No. 4:238-239; liela: Bamony 2010:138-139 [men and women lived separately in different places God had determined to him; if women met men, they would kill him; God wanted to know who would survive abstinence longer; one man brought honey to women, said it was juice from his penis; they liked it, they wanted the whole penis, the man became pregnant with one of the women; when God found out about the pregnancy, God poured ash, the man's feet were imprinted on it, God realized that it was the man who could not stand it; decided that men should take the initiative in a romantic relationship], 139 [men and women lived separately; women killed men they met; met a man raising bees, led to a female leader; she I liked the honey; the man explained that he was from the penis, which was even better; she took the man as her husband, told the woman to catch others; if a group of women caught one man, they all became his wives, so there is polygamy]; mosi: Tauxier 1917:516 [women and men lived separately; once men met a woman, gave her honey; she liked it, and the man said he had something sweeter; this woman told others; the women rushed to that man, he ran to his village, the women followed him and stayed with the men], 517 [women lived in the village and the men in the forest; if women caught a man, they killed him; one day they caught him and brought him to a female chief; the man gave honey, she liked it; he said he had something better; the chief sent his younger sister, but she still did not leave rooms; sent another woman; finally went by herself, she liked it very much; called all the women and gave the man the attributes of the chief's power, and she would only be his wife; the rest of the women ran to the men , each took one]; bassa [women lived in the swamp, men in the hills did not know about each other; one day the rain flooded all the women's fires; they saw smoke on the hill, one woman went there; I went into the house, called the man a woman, but he corrected her; she taught him how to cook better, stayed with him; then another woman came and so they all passed on to men]: Pinney 1973:233-234; kabye [Andjaou (spider) has been working in the field all day; when he returns to the village, he hears a strange sound; when he returns to the field in the morning, he sees that all the grass he has removed is back in place; next time he grabs in the field a turtle, wants to kill her; she asks her to be spared, for which she promises to take A. to the women's village; let him hide among cotton wool in the bag she carries; in the village of women, A. lives with their leader, eats plenty; the chief gives it to other women for the night; one day the chief and other women leave for a few days; allow everyone to use but not enter the same room; A. comes in, fails and It turns out to be where the turtle picked him up; she brought A. back to the women's village; as punishment for disobedience, the chief turned A. into a slave for five years, forcing him to work]: Pinguilly 1997, No. 6:75-83; glanders [women fished and lived separately from men who hunted; women asked for meat but they refused; then women prohibited men from crossing the river; men declared war; The women's leader recommended putting beautiful girls in the best outfits in front of them; some men started fighting over them, but women were not hurt; men and women began to live together]: Pinney 1973:262-263; Ekoi, Yoruba [(there is a motive for the primary habitat of men and women in different villages)]: Andersson 1974:44.

Sudan-East Africa. Atuot [men lived without women, grazed buffaloes; kept vaginas tied to their hands, untied them as needed; women also did not know about men, grazed cattle, fished, sowed millet; They satisfied themselves by driving foam from the waves between their legs; one man went to look for a calf, came to the women; when they learned about each other's genitals, the woman and the man met; then other women went down with him before he died; women lost interest in the cows they were herding; in search of a friend, men came to women, took cows, each took a wife; the women's chief said that now they would have to give cows for his wife]: Burton 1991:84-85; anuak [Awili has Owili's brother; he wants to marry her, his parents don't mind; when O. came to his sister, she cut off his penis head, ran out of the hut, took him away all the girls in the village, with her a white dog; asked God to open the termite mound, the girls went inside and stayed there; cattle were grazing nearby, one bull rubs against the termite mound and A. was singing at that time; they heard the song; The chief orders to dig up a termite mound, but no matter how much they dug, the dug is again filled with clay; but after the chief sacrificed an ox, the young men dug up the termite mound; A. jumped down the throat of her dog, the boys dismantled the girls, but one poor and ugly young man was left without a wife, he only got a dog; he lives with his mother in a hut on the outskirts; when they go to the field, A. gets out of the dog, cooks food; the boy's mother said loudly to her son: Let's go! but in fact they hid; the young man grabbed A.; she turned into a cow, a hippopotamus, a leopard, a pelican, and other animals and birds, but he did not let her out and A. remained in human form; A. ordered to make a beer and appeared to the people in leopard clothing; became the wife of a young man, refusing to be the leader's wife; he hunted, the young man also went, the chief killed him by filling the corpse with branches; the white dog licked the owner, ran home, the mother saw blood, and the dog led A. to the victim; A. covered him with leopard skin and the young man came to life; the leader denied that he killed the young man; A. touched the ground with her bamboo with a staff, and all the villagers fell into the crevice; after 4 days A. returned them, but they were heavily eaten by termites; A. became the leader of the village]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 15:66-70; Malgashi [A. ( probably betsimisaraka); the whaling ship died; the only survivor was on the island of women; one of them hides it in a chest; he fishes at night; agrees with the dolphin to take him home; a man tells his tribesmen not to eat dolphin meat; B. A fisherman enters an island of women, one of them hides it; the dolphin agrees to take him home]: Haring 1982, no. 1.3.38:140.

Western Europe. The Scots [Eigg Island - Eilean nam Ban Móra, "The Island of Big Women", on which the Lake of Big Women; the "Queen of the Amazons" tortured St. Donnana]: McKay 1932:161; Germans [Adam Bremen, "Gesta Hammaburgensis": There is a country of women on the east coast of the Baltic; women conceive from the wind or from drinking a drink; these women's husbands are dogheads]: White 1988:138 (also in Elwin 1958b: 199); Irish: Smirnov 1973:664-667 [Condlou fell in love with Sid, who came from a country where there is no death and a feast lasts forever. His father asks the druid to cast a spell to prevent his son from disappearing. Sida disappears, but manages to give Condle an apple. After eating it, he stops eating other foods and becomes sad. The next time a woman shows up, Condla jumps into her glass boat and sails off to a country where only women and girls live], 667-673 [Although the gate was closed, Branagh appeared inside Castle a woman began to sing. Bran followed her out to sea. He saw an island whose inhabitants were laughing all the time. I sent one of the satellites to join the laughers. Then the ship reached the country of women. Her queen threw a ball of thread that stuck to Bran's hands. I had to land ashore. Travelers thought they had been in the country of women for a year, but it turned out to be many years. When they set sail, the woman told them to be afraid to touch the ground with their feet. They're back in Ireland. People on the beach shouted to them that Bran's voyage was told in ancient legends. When one of the sailors, Nekhtal, jumped from his boat to the ground, his body turned to dust, as if he had died hundreds of years ago. Bran talked about his voyage and sailed away for good], 707-709 [As Mile Duin and his companions sail forward, they see a silver pillar in the middle of the sea. A net hangs from it, through the cell of which the ship sailed. Diuran cut off a piece of the net and then brought it to Ireland. Then the wanderers saw an island standing on its feet. There was a door in the leg, and at the top, a plowman plowed the ground. On the next island, women invite travelers to the sauna and spend the night with them. If travelers stay with women, they will remain forever young. The women are the daughter of the Queen, with whom Mail-Duin spent the night. The Queen goes out every day to judge her people. Three months later, the travelers decide to sail, but the Queen throws a ball of thread and he sticks to Mail-Duin's hand; she pulls the ship back. The next time, on the orders of Mail-Duin, one of the sailors grabbed the ball, and Diuran cut off his arm. The sailors sailed away, the queen was crying].

Australia. Yualarai [Varunna brought a new weapon from the land of women, exchanging it for possum skin bedding; there is no death in their country and the sun is always shining; the Sun is a woman; on the advice of V., men, going into the country of women, took animals with them, released them, distracting the attention of female warriors; angry, the women began to fight, their blood colored the sky (red sunset); V. turned his brothers into white swans , forgot to restore their human appearance; falcons began to pluck swans; but crows showered them with black feathers, for falcons are enemies of crows; there have been black swans ever since]: Parker 1965:119-123.

Melanesia. Majprat [women lived in an underground house at the spring; they danced every day, they had no men; the hunter chased possum, got lost, got to these women; they stabbed him in his arms and legs thorns, so that he would not run away, copulated with him as needed; left the old woman to guard; she took out her thorns for getting along with her; the man ran away; the women began to beat the old woman with smut, she went down to the bottom of the spring, gave birth to a boy, he immediately became a man, got together with his mother, she gave birth to a second one, he also immediately became a man; these men killed women, only married two; these women made the first Indonesian fabrics that Papua barter for their children]: Elmberg 1968, No. 9:259-260; East Mountains [Gandei is a place where only boy-born women live they kill; once men came to the canyon in which these women live; you can only go down a thick vine, but women do not give, drive away gandu with clubs; walk naked, without skirts; their husband - a large old yaandu tree; they sleep by the pond near it; its fruits look like the head of the penis; fall into the water, splash into the vagina of women, they become pregnant; perhaps that's why women don't let men in because they're afraid that they would cut down a tree]: Herdt 1981:352-353; kiwai [buhére-buhére - girls living without men; a young man came to them, the youngest tried to keep it for herself, but he had to become a husband everyone; those who live on the Mauboturi River wield bows and arrows like men]: Landtman 1927:313; Landtman 1977, No. 55 [only boys lived on Kiwai, and girls lived on Dudi Island; boys were decorated with leaves a horn from the shell, which became a bird, they sat in it, flew to Dudi, the bird began to eat fruit; the girls noticed that someone was eating the fruit; chased the bird; one young man went out and stayed with the girl; the next once another; this is how everyone got husbands], 57 [Amurabari's body was sores, he lived in a separate hut with his brothers; they had no women; at night he took off his smelly skin, became handsome, let him go down the river a coconut shell with dents resembling a face; he sailed to Bucher Bucher; they could hunt like men; one said her husband was calling her; then the boys married Bucher, and the eldest married A., who burned his skin and remained a beautiful leader]: 185-186, 187-189; oz. Kutubu: Williams 1940 [only women lived in the valley; there was no water, but the dog always ran away to drink after hunting; they tied a rope to it, watched it hide in a hole under a large ficus; in two and a half days, women cut down the tree with axes; water poured out of the hole, forming a lake. Kutubu; var.: water appeared where the trunk and branches fell; islands, the gaps between branches; women either jumped into the water to become frogs, or ran to the slopes, became tirifa palm trees]: 127- 128; Williams 1942:139f [men lived alone in the men's house; when they slept, women would come there to dance; men pretended to fall asleep, grabbed women, marry them; they built houses for them, taught how to cook sago; men used to cook sago] in Stagl 1971:58; cotton wool: Fischer 1963, No. 10 [older brother hunted, younger brother cooked; once put his brother not meat but his bowel movements; brother rushed to look for him with a spear; stopped by the river, at night the water rose, carried him to the sea, he ended up in a place where only women live; he stole sugar cane, one woman waited for him, took him as a husband ; gave birth to a child; cut her hand, the blood of glass into two holes; when the woman returned, there were two men there - her sons], 11 [the brothers heard the sound of water in the roots of the breadtree; the elder shot, the water did not appeared; the younger one fired an arrow with his left hand, the water poured in, carried the brothers away; the elder clung to the tree, carried the younger stream to the mouth of the Markham River; women with dogs lived there; women found a young man they put the dogs in the house, set them on fire, the dogs died (some turned black from the fire, others turned gray with ash); the older brother came to the younger brother; the youngest took a betel in his mouth, touched his wife's genitals with his mouth and there chewed a nut; the elder told me not to do it; went upstream, became a stone; the youngest went down], 20a [only women lived in the village, came to the man's house, stayed alone, gave birth; heard my father says that he was tired of the baby crying; killed, cooked the baby, left, hiding in a tree, but his big toe remained outside; the husband saw the baby's hands and legs, followed his wife's footsteps, cut off the big one finger, wife jumped out, turning into couscous; husband cut off his finger, too, became couscous; couscous had four fingers]: 143-144, 144, 159-160; cuckuku: Fischer 1968, No. 38 [man and woman came to the river from different sides; showed each other their genitals, the man moved to the other side, stayed in the woman's house; copulation made their skin smooth, other women had rough skin; the woman's younger sister peeked, the man slept with both; they said that was enough, they called the other women; but his strength ran out; angry women put a wand in his penis, he died, they had his baked and eaten], 39 [starting at (38); the woman became pregnant, the man returned to his side of the river, broke off the branch he had crossed; the woman gave birth to a son; there was no fire, the women cooked with their heat genitals; the bird showed the man a fire drill, the men learned to make fire; that man returned to the women's shore; then his younger brother came to him; the women gave birth to many children with them, then they were killed and eaten; children were also eaten; men crossed the shore, every man got a woman; women began to grow tarot and sugar cane, give birth to children]: 396-397, 397-398; meña (? ; Menyamya District, Prov. Morope, all local groups are trans-New Guinean; recorded 1974-1976) [Gandei is a place near Menyamya; only women live at the bottom of the canyon, male newborns are killed; you can go down a thick vine into the canyon, but women drive men away, if they come, fighting gandu clubs (hence the name); walk naked; their husband is an old yaandu tree with glans penis fruits; gandeis sleep by the pond near this tree; when the fruits fall into the water, women become pregnant from splashes]: Herdt 1981:352-353; walman (New Guinea's north coast) [only women lived on Valis Island, copulating with flying foxes; once they sailed in dolblenka to the main island, asked give them a young man, they brought them to their place; they became pregnant with him; when they gave birth to sons, they began to marry them, and the flying foxes were killed]: Becker 1971, No. 31:430-431; Tumleo [the person does not believe they brought it turtle eggs, thinks they are pig eggs; on the shore, he sees a turtle coming out of the sea laying eggs; wants to take everything, puts his hand in the oviduct, clamps the turtles, drags it into the sea, turns into a girl, brings women into the country; while she goes to the garden, leaves her husband's house; he sees girls through a crack in the wall; deliberately throws a net through the crack; one of the girls comes to put it in place; he throws off again, she comes up again, notices the man; copulates with him; tells others; he satisfies them all, gets tired; his returning wife stabs him to blood, scolds the girls; once a woman- The crab says that they will have a holiday; the wife does not let him in, but the husband goes; negotiates with the husband of the Crab woman {apparently, Crabs have both men and women}, who takes him home; the wife searches, finds it, but he shoots at her, she goes back to sea]: Schultze 1911, No. 6:63-69; Dauan [10 women spirits lived in a tree; Gobai sailed to fish, began to pick up fruits, the women grabbed him, kept him, each gave birth to a child with him; when they left, they closed the exit with a stone; G. had to look after the children; he killed the children, left the louse responsible for himself, returned to people; the women, carrying the storm, rushed in pursuit, but G. and other men repelled the attack; the women fled, then returned, still living in a cave on the south side of the island]: Wirz 1932:288-289; Fr. Tami [two men go to women's island; get married, teach how to give birth; pregnant women had their bellies ripped open before]: Neuhauss 1911 (3): 550 in Hutton 1914:484; Trobrians [there is an island in the north where naked women live; they copulate with a man who has arrived until he dies of exhaustion; they use his penis, then his nose, fingers, all protruding parts of the body; a boy born soon die under the same violence; several Trobrians sailed there but managed to return because only one woman got each; they offered to fish and sailed away]: Malinowski 1932:356-358 ; Admiralty Islands [a young man Kosa sailed to a country whose inhabitants were women at night, with the leaves of the Ndrilis tree in the afternoon; Ndrilis's mother offered K. fish, he took the little ones, gave her large ones ; once asked if he wanted to go home, he said he wanted to; she told him to climb the Ndrilis tree, pick two leaves from the young shoots at the top, put one on the stern of the boat, the other on his nose, lie in the boat to sleep; the leaves turned into two young women, brought K. home; when he found out, his brother sailed to the same country; gave his mother Ndrilis little fish, took the big ones; she told him to pick two leaves from the lower branches, they turned into women in the boat; the boat on the bow had ulcers on its legs, the aft nose was eaten away; the young man threw them into the sea; if this young man did everything That's right, we would still go to Ndrilis for women]: Meier 1908, No. VI.2:656-657; Bining (Gazelle Peninsula, New Britain): Meier 1909, No. 1a [chasing a pigeon that has escaped from its snare, a man sailed to the island, hid in a tree above the pond; women came for water, one saw its reflection, sent others away, returned for a supposedly forgotten apron (Schirm) brought the man to her home; others satisfied themselves with turtles, considered them husbands; the woman gave birth, then her younger sister; the secret was revealed, the man had to get along with everyone; when his first son grew up, he found the hidden boat, returned home; his wife said that all the shell money was spent on his wake, and he lived with other women, killed him with an ax, cutting off his penis (retelling Isis 1998:136; in Dixon 1916: 140-141; the beginning of the same or similar text in Brown 1910:356)], 1b [as in 1a; a woman tells others she forgot the water vessel; when she gets pregnant, all women gather, welcome the man; he tells Call turtles to eat them; women eat them; everyone gave birth to sons, and before that there were only women]: 85-89, 89-93; Fiji: Thompson 1940 (Southern Lau Islands) [on Fr. Kambara is said to have only beautiful, eternally young, light-skinned (like Polynesian) women on the island of Mburotu; trees and everything is red; Chief Kkumbunavana once lived there; when he left it , the island went under water; many people tried to find it]: 115; Williams 1970 in Polinskaya 1989, No. 44 (Viti Levu) [the spirit of Kov married the sister of the spirit Roko-ua; she was carried away by a giant bird; K. and R. sailed to searching; R. wanted to stay on an island where only women lived, but K. persuaded him to sail further; they sailed to where the bird lived in the cave; found K.'s wife's little finger; a bird flew in, carrying five turtles in its beak, ten whales in his claws; K. asked the other spirits to raise the wind, the feathers from the bird's tail rose from the wind, K. pierced it in the ass with a spear; K. and R. made a sail out of the bird's feather, it was too big; then smaller feather; the body was pushed into the sea, it spread to the base of heaven]: 135-136.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Nauru [when heaven and earth were not yet separated, Tabakea and his sister Tituabine were born because of their friction; Banaba, many islands, appeared on the upper surface of the sky; brother and sister met on B. , they have many children, the eldest Nakaa; these people did not know sex, T.'s sons lived in the northwest in Bouru, daughters in the southeast; the men had an inexhaustible peak and tree of life Tarakaimaiu (you tear down one coconut, a new one appears, the same with fish); the women had a Karikibai tree, a "woman tree"; N. warned the brothers not to pick flowers with K., but they were attracted by the aroma, they picked the flower and got together with the Woman ( played with her); N. found flowers in the hair of men and women, said that they would now die; once again suggested choosing between the Tree of Life and the Woman's Tree; they chose Woman, this tree also called the Tarakaimate Death Tree; N. threw insects on the back of people's heads, they will slowly eat life out of them; took the Tree of Life and the inexhaustible peak with him, went west, where he catches life in the sky with a net of the souls of the dead; if he likes the soul, lets him go to the Tree of Life; if not, throws souls into a pile]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 8:44-46; (cf. Losap (Truk County) [the chief's son sailed with others in a boat, the dolphin girls liked him, they pushed him into the water, the companions did not notice; the young man descended under the water on the island; the dolphins came to swim in fresh pond, took off their skins, turned into girls; the young man hid the skin as beautiful; the rest sailed away; the young man explained who he was, the girl said that she pushed him out of the boat; hides him under with mats; shows others after they promise not to harm him; spent time with him one by one; he taught them how to cook, not to eat raw; when it was the turn of that first girl, young man said he wanted to go home; they brought him to Losap, giving him the means to revive dead whales (whales or dolphins are not clear from the story)]: Mitchell 1973, No. 70:203-206); Tuvalu (Waitupu) [ Talingapopo and Popo brothers were fishing; a huge bird picked up their boat and brought them to the tree; at night they tied the boat to both a tree and a boat; when the bird tried to take off, it lost its feather to which a rope was tied and flew away; this pen took the brothers to Paolaola Island, where only women lived; the brothers taught them how to give birth]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (2), No. 109:72; Tikopia [at first there were only women who conceived children from bats, gave birth only to girls; a man named Swift Whistlng came; married a woman Fareautaka (a group of families from the family Tafua); when the bats arrived mice, the man killed them and began to fry them for food; he went to his land in Motlav, and his descendants stayed]: Firth 1967:240-241; Tonga: Dixon in Ho 1967 [a man enters the island to a woman, his women want him as a husband]; Hutton 1914 [sailor (Tonga, Edinburgh 1827,2:116) heard that Tongans are placing an island of women somewhere to the NE from Fiji]: 484; Pukapuka (South Cook Islands) [at night Welei tries to get the women's attention, but they chase him away; God invites him to get into a boat made of coconut leaves, she takes him to a multi-vulva island where only women live; women in a crowd They attack him, his skin is covered with their malodorous secretions; then the women drive him away, but his nostrils remain clogged and he dies]: Beaglehole, Beaglehole 1938; Tuamotu [1) Kuru swallowed by a shark, cuts its belly, ends up on an island of warlike women who satisfy themselves with sea cucumbers; one of the women gives birth to his children; he returns with them, but some children grow wings , they fly back; 2) (quail in Ting-hui Ho 1967, No. 208:368); Tangaroa is swallowed by a whale, cuts it from the inside, comes out bald; ends up on the island of women whose husbands are pandanus roots; daughter sisters T. Hina finds him, gives birth to a baby; women are going to burn her, but after her prayer, it rains; Rupe shows up, takes her away]: Beckwith 1970:503; Australia (Rapa) [Kopara visits the island women]: Beckwith 1970:504; Marquises: Beckwith 1970 [paraphrase: Kae leaves the sea, the fish swallows it, he cuts her belly from the inside, goes out, ends up on the women's island; they satisfy themselves with the roots of pandanus; each always conceives two girls, they are born by cutting their mother's belly, she always dies; K. marries Hina-i-Vaino'i ("Hina from Vainoi Island, aka Vainoki); teaches her how to give birth; when he learns that H. becomes young every time he swims on the surf, and he is gradually getting old, K. asks to be sent home; H. calls his whale brother (or dolphin?) Tunuanui, he brings K. home; H. gives birth to a son K., who grows up quickly, plays with girls, his origin is known, H. sends him to his father on another or the same whale (dolphin); people K . want to kill him because he begins to dispose of K.'s property, but K.'s son declares who he is by singing spells; either he or K. forget to send the whale back, this does not lead to negative consequences ; (other paraphrases in Ho 1967, No. 207:367-368, in Steinen 1933, No. 11:347]: 502; Steinen 1933, No. 11a [(full text)]: 247-249 (Russian translation from another source in Permyakov 1970, No. 170:421-429); Nukuria [recorded Feb 2013; there was an island where only women lived, conceived from turtles; one person got there, met with the chief; she was pregnant; he found out that local women do not know how to give birth, they are ripped open stomach; he taught, his wife gave birth safely]: Davletshin, personal message 02.05.2013.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibet (Yutzang) [is the Kingdom of Women]: Atkinson 1884 (2): 458 in Hutton 1914:483 (=1921:264); Tibetans (Ham) [a storm brings a merchant ship to an unknown island, crashes against stones; on beautiful women live on the island, they say that their husbands have disappeared at sea; sailors choose wives and they give birth to children; the head of the merchants notices that some of his men are missing; a winged horse arrives, says that at night, women turn into cannibal demons; the head of merchants watches his wife; tells his comrades; on a full moon, a horse arrives, takes away those who agree to leave their wives and children; some jumped off their horse, the women immediately became demons, tore them to pieces; the survivors told what they saw]: Hyde-Chambers, Hyde-Chambers 1981:147-151; angami [arching, women do not let men Approach their village; they raise only one boy, kill the rest with boiling water; they do not do hard work, but eat starch and vegetable oil, which makes them strong in battle; If a man comes to them, they rush at him so passionately that they tear him apart]: Hutton 1914, No. 3 (=1921:263; quail at Elwin 1949:458-459, 1958b:201, Ho 1967, No. 201:362-363); kachari [When going on an elephant hunt, the king tells a pregnant wife to raise a son but kill her daughter; the wife gives birth to a daughter, gives birth to a maid; the girl grows up, the king sees her and falls in love; counselor Warns that the girl is his daughter, he does not believe; the Disru girl flees, the king pursues her, but stops at the border of the Land of Women, which is guarded by women of great stature]: Soppitt 1885:71-72; miri [there is a country of women in the north who own beads, swords and bells; one half of each village has young women, the other half of each village is old; if a man gets there, women pull him each one to himself; when he satisfies them and leaves, old women give him old swords and beads, young women give him new ones; newborn girls are raised there and boys are tortured to death]: Elwin 1958a, No. 1:186 (= 1958b: 204); sherdukpen [beyond the Himalayas there is a country of cannibals and cannibals and a country of women; if a cannibal family has three daughters, they send two to live in the country of women; if a man goes there and, Once with young women, they will withstand the pressure of their passion, they send him home with rich gifts (they own gold, iron, beads); if they get to old women, they feed him, cook him and devour him ]: Elwin 1958a, No. 4:187-188 (=1958b: 205-206); Mishmi (Taraon) [the country of women lies in the north; because all women are there, people do not have enough of them, so four to five lamas have one wife]: Elwin 1958a, No. 7:190 (=1958b: 208); vancho [in the country of women they conceive from the wind; they raise girls, eat boys when they are twelve years old; the old man carried pots for sale, got to to those women; they tied it up, went to get meat seasonings; each of the children told them which part of the old man's body he would eat; the old man convinced them to untie it so that they could cut off a piece for everyone themselves (when women will come, there will be nothing left for the children); ran away, told people about the country of women]: Elwin 1958a, No. 8:190 (=1958b: 208-209); Kachin [against the will of his parents, Choumoklang sailed to sell; his boat stuck in the grass, others thought he was a sinner, threw him into the water; he sailed to a village of women; these women in another life called their husbands dogs; now dogs tear them apart at night and a kite in the morning splashes living water and they come to life; C. ran away, went to the land of sinful men; they wear gold helmets on their heads; C. put it on, screamed in pain, the helmet was hot; it was punishment for C. mother; Phara forgave him and returned him, C. became god himself]: Elwin 1958b, No. 6:207-208; angami [by shooting with bows, women prevent men from approaching their village; they raise only one boy, the rest are killed by scalding them with boiling water; they do not do the hard work, but they eat starch and vegetable oil, which makes them strong in battle; if a man comes to them, they rush at him so passionately that are being torn apart]: Hutton 1914, No. 3 (=1921:263; quail at Elwin 1949:458-459, 1958b:201, Ho 1967, No. 201:362-363); angami {presumably; Pasley worked for the Nagaland SW; in in any case, chin-naga are more likely than northern naga} [there is a village of women; they boil born boys with boiling water; hornets surround the village fence; hornets suck women's breasts, which makes them pregnant]: Pawsey, p. 234 in Ho 1967, No. 200:362; Sema: Hutton 1923, No. 10 [in the village of women born boys are boiled with boiling water; the village is surrounded by hornets; they are the vessel of women's breasts, which makes them pregnant]: 234; 1968 [Flocks of flying foxes fly over the Sema country in cold weather; these "birds" fly to fight the Toti-ina Amazons, whose village is east of the Tiger People Village; it is believed that small bronze gongs (probably made by kachin) and a certain type of spear (produced by Kalyo-Kengyu) come from T.]: 258-259; nokte (Lazu village) [at first only women lived; four came men; everyone started copulating with them, three died, one ran away; the women chased, he was piling trees on the path behind him; one woman caught up with him, people came from them]: Pandey 1999:25.

Burma - Indochina. Shans [only women live in one of the villages in northern Shan State (Scott 1901 (2) :201)]: Hutton 1921:264; Chinese tai (probably Zhuang) [there is a country where men die from the heat; women get pregnant while swimming in the river]: Eberhard 1968:137; Burmese [older sister gives birth to a handsome man, younger sister gives birth to a turtle; he is given the name Golden Turtle (ZC); turtle's brother becomes a merchant, ZC hides on his ship; on the island of women, sailors marry them without knowing that they are cannibals; ZC overheard plans to eat three sailors, found out where the casket in which the lives of cannibals are, the precious ruby, wish-fulfilling drum; breaks the casket, cannibal pursuers drown; turtle's brother marries a princess, gets the throne; with the help of a drum, ZF is transported home to his mother; wants to marry; ZCH stroth golden and silver bridges, smashes enemies; the princess throws her shell into the fire, pours water on her husband, he remains human]: Aung 1957:74-77; Khmers [a wild tribe of women lives on the SV from Bu Pang; they they mine copper in the mountains and make gongs; once a year they meet men and, when they meet them, give gongs, return to their homes, chasing strangers away with spears; they keep only girls and newborns boys are being eaten]: Nevermann 1956:143-144.

South Asia. India (translated from Hindi) [there was a city of women north of the Narbada River, ruled by Rani Jwala ("fire"); if a man got in, Rani turned him into a dog; she fell in love with one young man, hid him, gave birth to a girl named Maya, the same name she gave to the city; the prince came with a flower that made him invisible, ash to dance, and a sword that cut heads himself; the magician said to Rani that the murderer the prince would become immortal; the prince fell in love with M.; Rani took the form of a prince's teacher, lured magic objects, wanted to kill, but he hid in M.'s place, became a garland of flowers; M. stole magic objects, a sword cut off their heads, grooms were found for the girls of the city]: Zograf 1964:373-374; Jataka 196 [Yakshini lived in Tambapanni on Sirisavatthu Island; they lured shipwrecked victims merchants, and when new men appeared, the old ones were tortured and eaten; the Yakshini man who had just eaten his body became cold; the merchant feels it, runs with some of his comrades; the rest do not believe him die; Boddhisattva turns into a magic horse, takes those who fled home]: Syrkin 1964:37-40; Buddhist tradition [Hiuen Tsiang places the country of women in Persia, where demons who came down with a girl from South India; she gave birth to demonects; their city Tatnadripa is surrounded by an iron wall; luring merchants, the Rakshasi converged with them and then thrown into prison and ate; Marco Polo reported a similar legend ]: Elwin 1958b: 202-203; Mahabharata [oldest (4th century BC) Indian testimony; men stay in the Land of Women for no more than a month; if a woman does not become pregnant during this time, a man is killed , a woman is burned with her husband's corpse; Arjuna chased a horse released under the Ashwamedha ritual, fought with women, was forced to marry their leader Paramita; returned with her to Hastinapuru]: Isis 1998:139 (=Elwin 1958b: 200); Nepalese [Sindha Sartha Bahu with 500 companions went to Tibet; there they stayed in a city of women, each took one; in a dream, god Karunamaya says the SSB that these women are cannibal, feeding and eating men who come; in the morning, the SSB was convinced that his mistress had her feet forward; he told everyone to bring property to the river, sit on a big winged horse, do not look back; the women rushed in pursuit; each of the companions looked around, pulled off the horse, eaten; the SSB returned home, his mistress was with him; the king fell in love with her; she called other cannibals, they ate the king and everyone in the palace; the SSB killed many, drove the rest away]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:28-30; Santals [women live in the rich fertile country of Kamru; once I got there Santala man; he was kept in a bamboo basket, taught black magic; he came back, turned into a kite; a vulture brought a child to Camra's country; he grew up, got married; trying to leave, every time was in the same place; the woman explained that you can only leave leaving everything you have obtained in Camra]: Bodding 1925:126 in Elwin 1949:458 (=1958b: 203-204); sora (Takala) [Dodsagarh ruled evil Raja Adarsai; Dundagarh was ruled by Raja Mandarsing; his son saw his daughter A. bathing, received a love spell from his mother, brought the girl; A. went to war; after half of M.'s troops died, The prince's mother turned A. into a pig, his people into stones, separated the country of Dodsagarh by a deep river; in this country now only women; when combined with each other, they give birth to girls; if a boy is born, he is not has bones and dies]: Elwin 1949, No. 17:468; gondas [only virgins lived in Jalmanagar, led by Jwala Rani; she revered the god who lived in a lotus pond; she turned men who came to town or killed dogs and cats, blood poured into the pond; fell in love with a young man, he ran away, she became pregnant because of her passion, gave birth to a daughter Mayadevi; the guru gave a young man named Chandrasingh an invisible necklace, a bag of ash to dance, a self-made sword; God told Rani that after washing herself in C.'s blood, she would become immortal; to take possession of magic objects, Rani took the form of a guru, pretended that he was dying, C. gave the items for the guru to recover; C. managed to turn into a necklace on M.'s chest, but Rani killed him; the lotus god told M. that it was not difficult for him to revive C.; M. stole magic from his mother objects, with their help C. made an army of virgins dance, burned rani; men and women began to live in the city]: Elwin 1949, No. 14:465-467; Jhodia [northeast in Malliyakand lies the country women; blind came with his son; the evil Raja killed the son; in the morning, the women came to the river and told the blind man about it; he ordered the Raja and all men and boys to turn into stone, and the new children of the man sexes were no longer born in this country]: Elwin 1949, No. 15:467; baiga: Elwin 1949, No. 10 [there was a village on Ganga Hill in the south, the ogre ate all the men there, leaving women; Narada Muni came, became asking where her husbands were, felt sorry for the women smiled; one woman understood it as a flirt, called NM into the house; he cursed the village, saying that these women would never have men; the inhabitants of this country are women began wearing men's clothes, attacking surrounding villages with weapons], 12 [(Quail in Ho 1967, No. 203:363-364); across seven seas and 16 rivers, there is a country of Triadesh women; if a boy is born there, he becomes a eunuch; when a woman wants, she turns into a bird, flies to people, finds a handsome young man, turns him into a bird, returns with him to the country of women; at night he becomes human, conceives children; after noticing pregnancy, other women become angry, the pregnant woman again turns her lover into a bird, sends her back; if he does not get home safely, then a female ruler (a huge fat woman with a big beard) beats the culprit; sometimes women satisfy each other in pairs using wooden penises; if the result is a child, he does not has bones and dies]: 462, 463; kamar [Tiripatna's country of women is in the east; if a man gets there, he is turned into an ox for a day and plowed on it, and made human at night and until Mornings copulate with him; boys born are killed, girls are raised; if a man manages to escape, his buttocks leave a mark of his being in the form of an ox]: Elwin 1949, No. 16:467-468 (quail in Ho 1967, No. 204:364-365).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Senoi (Sakai) [there is a race of huge unmarried women; sometimes their large, beautifully decorated wind guns are found in the woods; those who try to pick them up get an unexpected blow from behind]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:282; mentawai [there is a legend about the Amazons on the Mentawei Islands]: Elwin 1958b:200; Java [navigator taken on board from Mallaca Island revealed that Ocoloro Island is below Java Major women live alone; they conceive children in the wind; boys born are killed, girls are raised; if a man gets there, women try to kill him]: Pigafetta in Ho 1964:42; 1967, No. 205: 365; Solor [only women lived in Kampong; when they set themselves up for sunrise, they gave birth to boys, when to the west wind, girls; boys were eaten; one man followed in the footsteps of his dog, came to K., met a woman; she warned that her vagina was being cut, that the previous man had died, ordered to bring a whetstone; the man went home for a whetstone, grinded his tips in the woman's vagina, brought her to him; mother the women followed and ate it, for he did not give a ransom for his wife]: Arndt 1938:16; varope [women lived in the forest and ate sago, men on the shore, ate fish; one day women went after pigs and went out to sea, joined men]: Stagl 1971:58.

Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal [was a village of women; when they conceived children, they put their vaginas in the wind, always gave birth to girls; looking for the missing dog, the hunter came to these women; they asked what was between his legs; he explains, they ask to show in practice; he copulates with everyone; because of the abundance of partners, he was not completely satisfied with anyone, although they liked it; the latter was called an old chief; by this time the man completely lost his erection; the old woman was offended, cut off his penis, he died; men came to take revenge on women; but wasps, bees, ants, hornets and other insects flew out of their homes, clung to clothes men, this is how they came to us (the origin of insects); the next time men burned the village along with insects and women; one girl escaped in the pig pen; a man from the village of Tahayakan married her ; their son founded a line of sorcerers; now he's gone, everyone was killed]: Norbeck 1950, No. 26:37-39 (=Ho 1967, No. 191:350-353); Sadek (Iboh) [Tomnah-oi women imitated the howling of dogs; hunter dogs ran to him; the hunter went to get the dog, the woman began to have sex with him; when she returned from the field, she met again, his penis broke off, he died; looking for the missing, two more men came to the women, the women met with them; they ate steamed of cooked tubers; the men said they should eat the tubers themselves; the women said that pigs did this, put the men in the pigsty; they ran away; the men came to destroy the women; They killed many with swords, but they released bees, snakes, centipedes; men set fire to women's houses, women and poisonous creatures burned down]: Ho 1967, No. 192:353-355; Saisha (Garawan): Ho 1967, No. 193 [east there was a village of women; they became pregnant, putting their hips in the wind, giving birth to only girls; a man who came by accident was killed by women, the meat was dried for future use], 194 [was a village of Saipahanan women; its inhabitants did not there were anuses, they ate the smell of food; a man named Lubugots came to these women, they gave birth to many children with him; offered to make women anuses, pierced several with a hot iron bar, ran away; pursuers found an anteater's burrow (?) , they began to poke at it with sticks, the tips turned red; the women thought that L. had killed, who had filled the hole with coloring leaves in advance, and returned home himself]: 355, 356; bunun [in the village of women, those they climb onto the roof, get pregnant from the wind, raise girls born, kill boys]: Ho 1964:41; 1967, No. 195:356; Payvan: Egli 1989, No. 92 [only women lived in Seculavari village; conceived children, exposing their genitals to the wind on the roof; if a man got there and a woman took him, the others quarreled over him, so they killed him]: 264; Ho 1967, No. 196 (Rarukruk) [=Whitehorn , Earle 2003, No. 35:166; only women lived in the village of Caovaibai; they conceived children with their hips in the mountains to the wind; gave birth to only girls, and weak cripples; a man saw this, met women; they gave birth boys, this is how ordinary people began to live in the village]: 357; ami: Ho 1967, No. 197 [(briefly 1964:41-42); a man rafts down the river, the current carries him away, he sails into the sea to the island of women; They take his penis by the tail, put him in a cage like a pig; the woman who took care of him began to sleep with him, gave birth to a boy, the women began to stretch his penis, he died; the man found a knife in his food, He made a hole in the cage, ran to the shore, swam to a cliff in the sea; the whale takes him home], 214 (Kivit) [a fisherman named Sadapan is carried to sea to the island of women; they feed on the smell of cooked food food; they have no anuses or vaginas; when they saw S. eating like a pig, they put him in a pen; he found a knife, got out, ran to the shore; the whale took him home]: 357-360, 376; Taiwan [22 in total versions for six groups; 15 for country, 6 for women's island]: Ho 1964:41.

China - Korea. Ancient China: Liang Shu (Description of Eastern Barbarians) in Isis 1998 [the Country of Women is more than a thousand times away from Fusan; their facial expressions are honest, their complexion is completely white; their body covered with hair that reaches the ground; on the second or third moon, they race into the water and then conceive; in the sixth to seventh month they give birth to children]: 140; Yuan Ke 1987 [in the south in In the Land of Women, girls went swimming at the Yellow Pond, and then conceived offspring; if a boy was born, he was killed three years later, leaving girls]: 207, 337 [comm. Riftina: based on The Book of Mountains and Seas]; Yanshina 1977:98 [Overseas West Catalogue; The Kingdom of Women lies north of the kingdom of the Divinator Goddess; there women live in pairs in the water around them; others say: live in the same house], 108 [Catalog of northern lands within the seas; brave Soothsayers live on an island in an ocean river], 119-120 [Catalog of the Great Deserts of the West; in the Great Desert is located Dragon Mountain; the sun and moon set here; the Kingdom of Women is located there; there is the Kingdom of Men]; Ho 1967 [a 13th century source describes a country of women in which they conceive from the wind and give birth only girls; when a wanderer comes to them, they copulate with him until he dies of exhaustion a few days later]: 132; Werner 1922:390-391 [Shan bai ching (Hill and River Classics) contains description of strange people living where shown on a map supposedly depicted in the nine tripods of Great Yu]: 386 [the kingdom of women is surrounded by loose water, so ships dive as they approach him; women use gems instead of money; conceive themselves to the south wind]; Koreans: Kontsevich 1980d [Yoguk (Jongnyoguk) - "women's kingdom" in the West Sea]: 427; Kontsevich, Riftin 1980 [King Hambalpha marries a princess from Jeonnö, the kingdom of women; she gives birth to an egg, it is lowered on a boat into the sea, and from which the founder of the new kingdom is born]: 47; Witsen 1785 [ Korea believes that outside Korea there are people without heads and with eyes on their breasts; there are lands inhabited only by women; wanting to become pregnant, they lie down in the south wind {probably based on communications from Matthaus Eiboken and other Sperwer crew members who lived in Korea in 1653-1666}: "Als zy de Hollanders benoemen, zeiden zy die te zijn Zuidermannen, en geloofden in't eerst, datze onder water konden leven, en vermits zy geen wyder kennis hebben als van Japan, Sina en't nabuurschap van Tartarye, zoo hebben zy veele beuzelachtige gedachten, van die welke verder woonen, als dat 'er menschen zijn zonder hooft, met de oogen in de borst; dat 'er gewesten zijn die alleen met Vrouwen bezet zijn, welke als zy teellust krygen, zich open leggen tegen de Zuide wind, die hen dan met doorwaeyen bevruchtigt, en diergelijke meer"]: 57.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Herodot. VI. 138 [The Story of Herodotus (c. 484 BC - ca. 425 BC): The Pelasgians who lived in Lemnos decided to kill the sons of Attic women {kidnapped by them}. They did so, and together with their children they killed their mothers. For this crime and for [others] committed before by women who killed their husbands, Foant's companions, all such terrible atrocities in Hellas are called Lemnos" (trans. G.A. Stratanovsky)]; Apoll. Rhod. I. 609-630 ["Argonautics" by Apollonius of Rhodes (first half of the 3rd century BC): "At that time, all the people there were women's criminal/Cruel hearted. A year before the arrival of the heroes/Wives of their legitimate husbands, they rejected them with contempt - /With fervent love, they openly burned for slaves, /To what they managed to obtain by ravaging the land of the Thracians lying against the/Land. The terrible rage of the goddess Cyprida/They were visited for denying her/The wives were unhappy, indomitable in evil jealousy: /For they were not the only ones who killed husbands and concubines - /All men were killed so that Avoid punishment in the future. /Only one of all her dear father/Hypsipil-Foant, he ruled Lemnos's people. /In the floor casket, she let him run into the sea/Hoping for salvation. He was also rescued from Enoia/ (Formerly that was the name of the current island of Sikin) by fishermen/(Sikin Island was later named after Foant's son; /Nymph Enoya gave birth to him here, calling him Sikin). /It's easier for wives on Lemnos it seemed to rule herds, /Grain-bearing arable land to plow and armor and bronze/Wear on yourself, what Athens should do with her labors, -/ Previously, their job was always like this" (trans. N.A. Chistyakova)]; Apollod. Bibl. I. 9. 17 [The Mythological Library of Pseudo-Apollodorus (1st-2nd centuries): "Under the command of Jason, all these heroes {Argonauts} set off and docked on their ship to Lemnos Island. It so happened that there were absolutely no men on the island of Lemnos at that time and Hypsipil, Toanta's daughter, ruled the island. This was the reason. The women of Lemnos refused to honor the goddess Aphrodite, and she gave them a stench in retaliation. Therefore, their husbands captured women from nearby Thrace and made these captives their concubines. The insulted women of Lemnos killed their fathers and husbands, and only Hypsipila saved her father Toant by hiding him. The heroes, having docked at the island of Lemnos, ruled by women, married its inhabitants. Hypsipila shared a bed with Jason and gave birth to two sons, Avney and Nebrophone" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]; Hyg. Fab. 15 [Myths attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the eras, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: "On the island of Lemnos, women did not worship Venus for several years. Because of her anger, their husbands took Thracian wives and forgot their old ones. And the Lemnians, at the instigation of Venus, conspired and secretly killed all the men who were there, all except Hypsipila, who put her father Foant on the ship that the storm took to Tauride island. Meanwhile, the Argonauts sailed forward and came to Lemnos. When Ifina, who was guarding the gate, saw them, she told Queen Hypsipil, to whom Polixo, an elderly woman, advised them to invite them to visit and tie them in hospitality. Jason's Hypsipila gave birth to sons Evney and Deipil. After staying there for many days, the Argonauts, scolded by Hercules, left the island. The Lemnians, on the other hand, when they found out that Hypsipila had saved her father, tried to kill her, and she ran away. The robbers who captured her brought her to Thebes and sold her into slavery to King Leek. And Lemnians, all pregnant with the Argonauts, gave their names to their sons"]; 255 ["Lemnians on Lemnos killed their fathers and sons" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]; I Myth. Vat. I. II. 31 ["The First Vatican Mythograph" (compiled at the turn of the I-II millennium by an unknown medieval compiler): "It is said that women in Lemnos, although they annually tithed all the gods from the harvest, thought it possible to neglect Venus. She angrily rewarded them with the smell of goats. Their husbands cursed them and, having left Lemnos out of hatred for their spouses, went to the Thracians and demanded their daughters as wives. When this became known to women in Lemnos, they, prompted by Venus, plotted against the entire male family and killed all men who had returned from Thrace. Among them, only Hypsipila helped her father Foant, namely, not only spared him, but also accompanied him to flee to the seashore. Lieber then helped him and took him safely to Chios Island. On the other hand, the Argonauts arrived in Lemnos, whom the women welcomed and united with them. Hypsipila gave birth to sons Eva and Foant with Jason. The Argonauts, detained for many days <на Лемносе>, sailed after hearing Hercules' curses. And the women on the island, realizing that Hypsipila had saved her father, tried to kill her. She fled, but was captured by pirates, taken to Nemea, and sold as slavery to the king of this land Lycurgus" (from Lact. Theb. V. 29)]; 97 ["As for Fetoneus or Phiopeia, he was the son of Lieber, ruled Chios and was the father of Foant, whose daughter Hypsipil, during a conspiracy against men, only spared her father, who was saved by her great-grandfather Lieber" (from Ps. -Acr. Hor. I. 17. 23; per. V.N. Yarkho)].

Central Europe. The Czechs [girls led by Vlasta rebelled against the men, went to the city of Devin, killed many men, executed their leader Tztirad; after that, the men prevailed, destroyed everyone women]: Irasek 1943:29-34; Czechs ["At that time, the girls of this country were reaching maturity quickly: like the Amazons, they longed for military weapons and chose their leaders; they were engaged in the military Just like young men, they hunted in the forests like men; and therefore it was not men who chose their girls for den, but the girls themselves, when they wanted, chose their husbands and, like the Scythian tribe, swimming trunks and Pechenegs, they did not know the difference between men's and women's clothing. Women's courage grew so much that on one rock, not far from the named city, they built a city protected by nature, and gave this city the name Devin, from the word "virgin." Seeing all this, the young men became very angry with the girls and, meeting even more, built a hail nearby on another rock in the middle of the thicket, no more than the sound of a horn away; today's people {call} this city is Vysegrad; at that time it was called Hrasten, from {word} thicket. Because girls were often superior to boys in cunning and deceiving, and boys were often braver than girls, so war broke out between them and then peace broke out. {And one day}, when peace was made between them, both sides decided to get together to eat and drink and party unarmed for three days at an agreed place. So what's next? Young men began to feast with girls like predatory wolves looking for prey and trying to break into the sheepfold. They had fun on the first day; there was a feast and a bountiful libation. While they wanted to calm their thirst, another thirst arose, the Young Men kept their thirst until one o'clock in the morning. Night has come, and the moon has lit up the earth from heaven. One {of the young men} blew his horn and said: "We have played enough during the day, we ate enough and drank enough. Stand up, golden Venus calls us its horn." And everyone immediately kidnapped a girl. When morning came, peace was made between the warriors; food and drink, gifts from Ceres and Bacchus, were taken away from the city {Devina}, and its empty walls were handed over to Lemniac Vulcan. Since then, after the death of Princess Libushe, women have been under male rule "]: Kozma Prazhsky 1962:46-47.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [in the 1730s, Y. Reineggs recorded: The ancestors lived on the shores of the Black Sea, fought Emmetsch; they were female horsemen; before the decisive battle, their soothsayer leader agreed to enter the tent with" Cherkassy" soothsayer Tulm; recognized his superiority, married all her female warriors; in 1798 ME. Pototsky heard the same story; Tulm was a Nogai leader; ancient Adyghe chain mail was produced by the now-extinct Tahhuts virgins]: Lavrov 1979:38-39 (same in Dalgat 1972:236-237); Karachays [on Rym Mountain near Kislovodsk there were Amazon trenches and the fortress of Princess Stan]: Dryagin, p. 27 in Tolstov 1984:197; Kumyks [the dervish took Ibrahim to the top of an egg-shaped rock; he managed go down to the garden of the genie king's daughters; they must return to their father for one month a year; when they fly away, they tell them not to look into one room; he enters there, the garden is even better, three beauties come to swim, they throw off their swan robe; I. fell in love with a black woman; when the first girls arrived, the youngest promised to help get it; teaches her to hide, tie her hair to a tree while she dives, beat her until she does resign himself; I. hides that girl's swan cover, the other two flew away; the black woman is forced to agree to become I.'s wife; he decides to return to his mother; the first girls tell I. to give her mother for safekeeping his wife's swan clothes; while I. is away, the khan's mother sees a black woman in the bath; asks to sing; she agrees if the khan's mother digs up a chest in which the swan outfit is hidden; after receiving it, she flies away; I. calls the first three girls; they explain that his wife and the other two - from those genies who do not have men, they kill men; the youngest sends I. to the border of the genie kingdom; then other genies help; I. gets to giants, they put him in a cage; he runs, meets female warriors, agrees to help alone; in the end he gets to those genie who have his wife; him, his wife, and the genie girl who helped they want to execute; the guard lets them go; I. and the black man return to his mother I.]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 17:201-208; the Lezgins [the Shah has three sons from his first wife, she died, the second gave birth to a daughter; someone eats away the horse's legs; the eldest, middle sons are guarding, they do not notice anything; the youngest cut his finger, sprinkled salt, shot the monster's finger, it turned out to be his sister's finger; the shah decided to kill the daughter, the sons did not agree, they leave; the eldest rides along the road "from which they return", the middle one - "I don't know", the youngest - "don't return"; changes his rich clothes for a lion cub; kills one-, two, seven-headed azhdakh, freeing three princesses, promises to pick them up on the way back; comes to the mother of seven Azhdah, makes friends with them; they want to get a golden cockerel and a golden sieve, get a girl for them; the young man goes to them to extract; the Azhdaha brothers give a fat tail, carpet, cotton wool; the young man gave the lion tail, sent it back; laid the carpet on the bridge, which goes down and rises; cotton wool on thorns; he jumped over the interpreting mountains on horseback, only the hair from the horse's tail was cut off; in that country there were only women; a young man stole a cockerel and a sieve, came back, took three princesses, found brothers; they pushed him into a well; the merchant pulled him out; the queen of women the kingdom came to the brothers, they said that they had obtained a cockerel and a sieve, she killed them; found a young man, made sure that he had obtained the items, became his wife; the young man went to visit his father, there was only his sister; asks Did the brother come on horseback about three, two, one horse, on the horse's carcass; she had already eaten them all; the brother became a dove, the sister became a fox, the dove sat on a tree, noticed a lion cub, he tore the fox to pieces; the dove became a young man, noticed a leaf with a drop of his sister's blood, the leaf became a beetle, the young man threw the beetle to the chicken, she ate it; the young man returned to his wife; feast]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 31:301-304; Georgians (Imereti) [the tsar says to 40 sons that he is not can divide the kingdom between them: let everyone get land and a wife; the younger prince is a thing; tells the brothers not to spend the night in the same house; they stopped, fell asleep, killed the prince with an arrow 6-headed maiden, cut off and hid her ears, killed an old woman in the basement of the house, took the keys to the treasure chests, quietly returned to her brothers; the same at the next night (7-headed maiden, not treasures, but 40 girls ); the third time the prince fell asleep himself; the fire-breathing maiden blocked the exits from the house; let the princes go for promising the younger to get him the queen of the kingdom of women; his servants, who should be named, will be transported across the seas the name of the girl; the prince showed the ears of two other girls to the brothers, gave the keys and said that he put their rings on the girls' fingers; the black man carried them across the Black Sea, the red man through the red Sea; three argue over flying carpets, invisible hats, magic tablecloths; the prince fires arrows - who will bring it earlier; he picks up wonderful objects himself, flies invisible into the kingdom of women; the old woman talks about the queen ; she lived with the king, they went hunting, chased the deer, the deer turned into a woman who turned them into deer; the queen reindeer ran into the kingdom of women and was disgraced here; her elected queen; the prince began to play the chonguri, the queen and maids fell asleep, he flew with the queen on a flying carpet; she knows what will happen next; when he saw her, the fire-breathing Davy laughed and burned himself; The Tsarevich took the queen back and returned home; 40 brothers married 40 girls]: Glushakov 1904, No. 5:40-50; Megrels [back in the 17th century, there was a legend that north of Svaneti, near Elbrus, warlike women live]: Dalgat 1972:237.

Iran - Central Asia. Shahname [Iskander meets Amazon virgins; they live in Harum, have only right breasts]: Tolstova 1984:201; Parses [Gabriel du Chinon, 17th century missionary: giants les Gaures the sea reached the ankle; they gave birth to Amazons living on the border in India; they are ruled by a queen, they give birth to only girls, conceived near water bodies from the heavenly dew]: Darmesteter 1883:210; The Baluchi [Kuh-i Khoja hill, where the mazar is now, was surrounded by the sea; this island was inhabited by a dokhter man, 40 pari levushki with terrible power; one woman learned that the power of betting lies in their virginity; dressed her son in a woman's dress, sailed with him from Tyutek on a reed boat, hired a wager; convinced them that their strength would increase if they met a man; who would jump to a man tied in the distance a ram, will temporarily become a man; only the woman's son could, he got along with all the bets as a man; they all gave birth, lost strength, children were thrown into the sea, the corpses were nailed to Huck i Telf]: Gaffenberg 1975:228; Uzbeks (Sarts) [the custom of group lesbian love is explained by the fact that Iblis advised women to "get together for marriage gatherings, more simply, for the joy of Chiltan Basm of forty women and chil-dukhtaron (forty girls)", where they contacted each other; in the Tashkent oasis in the spring, when husbands are leaving for business, women play hide and seek in the garden, committing sexual actions; there should be 40 women, although there are actually fewer]: Komarov 1899 in Andreev 1927:343; (cf. Baluchis (Bugti - central Pakistan, Suleiman Mountains) [bears are all females; a bear catches a man, breaks his legs, makes him live with her; gives birth to only female cubs]: Matheson 1965:57).

Baltoscandia. Kalevala. Rune 29:357-370. Lemminkainen arrives on the island, seduces thousands of girls and widows there; there is only one old maiden left, she threatens that if he does not come to her, his boat will run into a rock; when he goes to her, he sees every house does not know where men have come from who want to kill him; he flees the island, unfortunately girls; the storm crashes his boat, he builds a new one; when he arrives home, he sees that everything is ruined, but finds a mother who escaped in the forest; she says that the house was ravaged by Pohjela's warriors; L. tells his mother about her adventures on the island, promises to build a new house and take revenge on Pohjela's sons]; Western Sami: Pollan 2005, No. 1 [the poor guy went looking for happiness; greeted the old woman; she is one and a half times older than a tree; sent her to his older sister, her age is 15 trees; on the way, a guy picked up a goat's skull; the old woman tells me to throw the skull into the sea, turn away from the sun, the skull became a ship, the guy crossed the sea; there the old woman tells me to go through the forest, followed by a mountain of bread, you have to go; mountains of bodies of those who could not; this old woman paved the way; you can't touch the leaves in the golden forest and the three golden eggs on the table, just take a bag of gold; the guy returned to the old woman, she told me to go to east of the east wind and west of the west wind, there's a goat's skull, it turned into a boat with 4 people in it, they told the boy to go to bed; he notices that the ship is on the ground; another old woman is directing him to the land of virgins; three eggs on the table - three princesses; going back, we must answer that he is bringing gold and silver to parents from across 5-6 mountains; the king and his son began to ask, the bag was burnt bones, the king missed the guy; when he came home, gold in the bag, the father is happy], 2 [the poor man's three sons went to look for work; south of the south wind and east of the eastern castle of Soria-Moriah (SM); the youngest son came to the mound, from there was smoke; there was an old woman in the dugout, her lifespan is the life of a tree; she sent her to her middle sister (3 trees), she sent her to the eldest (4 trees); the eldest whistled at wand, 2 swans appeared, they do not know where SM is; two older swan brothers are the same; the old woman put her wand in the sea - the whale has sailed - does not know; the wand is deeper into the sea - the whale's elder brother - the same; old woman brought another wand, an old eagle (15 trees old) flew in; an older whale came, an old woman told him to take the boy; the whale took him to SM, told him not to touch the three princesses and the golden leaves of the trees, just take gold from the bucket; the guy kissed the younger princess; because of this, when he swam on a whale, he plunged, water to the guy's waist, chest, chin; older brothers are poor in town, boy I found them; they threw it into the river, the old woman picked it up; a ship came with three maidens on it; the youngest: you kissed me and touched three golden leaves - these leaves were us, you must go with us; they brought it There are no men in SM, in their country; he married a younger princess; he sailed to his father on a golden ship, picked him up and returned]: 41-44, 44-49.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [1) (Balagan Buryats); there was the kingdom of maidens (Okhin Khaani Uram); the queen was Okhin Tengari, the army consisted of maidens; 2) (Unga Buryats); the maiden kingdom is located in the northeast side; only women live in it, even cattle are only females; the king is the maiden Basagan Haan; girls know a lot of magic; Obogo Khan (Peter I) visited this kingdom and barely ran away from there]: Khangalov 1960, No. 128: 361-362 (paraphrase with comm. (Tengriy girl from Eastern, hostile to people, Tengriyas) in Sharakshinova 1980:95); the Mongols ["four strangers" are the Data Center people with one naked, the people are girls, the people with an eye in their breasts, the people with the dog head]: Shara Tuji 1957:178: Zhukovskaya 1994:80.

Volga - Perm. Marie [when he dies, Ivan's father orders to pass off each of the three sisters as the first to marry; at night an unknown groom comes, takes the eldest, then the middle, the youngest; I. sees a picture in the bazaar goes to look for the same girl; at the crossroads he finds another picture, the one is more beautiful, he vomits first; I. consistently comes to the owners of the copper, silver, golden house, there are the husbands of his sisters, they give hairs (burn - help will come), stockings (allow you to fly), a magic handkerchief, an accordion (plays only in the hands of the owner); I. flies to Nastasia the Beautiful; her female soldiers imprison I., there is already many dying; I. feeds everyone, the NP tells them to take away the handkerchief; I. plays the accordion, everyone is dancing; the NP asks to play, gets tired of dancing, agrees to take I. as her husband, gives the crown; I. dissolves female soldiers, recruits men; unlocks the room, there is an old man on a chain, I. feeds him, he breaks his chains, takes the NP; I. flies to the castle on the mountain, takes his wife; the old man's horse easily catches up with them, the old man burns I., burns the data brothers-in-law hairs, brothers-in-law come to the rescue; Orlovich sends an eagle for living water, I. comes to life; tells his wife to find out where the old man got his horse; he replies that herding 12 witch horses for three days, received a horse; 11 heads of those who did not save horses are now on poles; NP gives I. a whip, tells them to whip each of the horses; I.'s horses run away, brothers-in-law beat them, drive them into the gate; these are the daughters of a witch, she heals them; for the third time, the 11th mare daughter turns into a bird, does not allow herself to be whipped, flies away; Orlovich's brother-in-law pulls her out of the swallow's hollow; I. chooses the worst horse (she became a bird, she was badly beaten) ; she tells her sister (i.e. the old man's horse) to throw him off first, then come; I. became a two-horse rich king]: Chetkarev 1948:78-88; Tatars [dzhigit caught a goldfish, her padishah took it; viziers: let him bring golden water; the old man teaches how to get to the peary women's kingdom; from the mistress, the vizier Krivoruchka, once kidnapped older sister of the horseman; he cooks meat instead of her, it turns out not two, but three pounds; the mistress tells everyone to swim; takes the horseman as her husband; Krivoruchka brought golden water; the horseman brought it to the padishah; the viziers are ordered to send for a bird with golden wings; she has Mrs. Peri's sister, who brings her as a wedding gift; also fell in love with a horseman; the padishah died, the dzhigit was elected new {with two peary wives?}] : Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 65:322-328.

Turkestan. Karakalpaks [Khan woman Zanai ruled the city of Samiram; men nursed children (boys only), women did the rest, girls were raised in Z. Palace; 99 out of 100 newborn boys killed; who to leave was chosen by a blind old woman; when she was preparing to give birth to Z., the old woman said that her child would destroy the khanate; Z. bribed the servants, who said that she had given birth to a girl; Iskander son Strangers were raised; men gathered around him, tried to defeat women, but were defeated in battle; Z. must cut out I.'s heart, but instead kills himself; women run away, men took power; in 37,000 years, a woman will fly from the north (and establish the same order)]: Karazin 1875 in Tolstov 1984:112-115.

Western Siberia. The Kets [there is a legend that the Yenisei {Kets} once fought against a state in which only women lived; their vulvas all had teeth]: Anuchin 1914:39; Siberian Tatars [pizyn - "hairy" women with big breasts who once lived as a whole tribe next door to the Tatars in the forests; they were exterminated, the survivors now live in the forest and in the water]: Korusenko et al. 2013 : 60.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi [six seal hunters sail to an unknown land in the fog; in one house they open a box with a naked old cilantro; he and other cilantro chase people, grab one; in the other the owner strings one of the people on a spit, roasts like fish; the stone house has no holes; the old woman teaches him to take his sword out of the box, cut the exit; cilantro grabs the boat, people cut him off with a sword hand; they sail into the country of beautiful women; at night one of the hunters copulates, his penis is bitten off, he dies; the old woman teaches to insert stones into the vaginas; by this time his uncle and nephew remain alive; uncle introduces stone to women, they are happy to have got rid of their teeth; copulates with hunters; a man throws scales of chum salmon and pink salmon into the sea; scales turn into salmon; sends hunters home in a box; for this they donate red and white deer to him, put them in boats, they sail into the sea themselves]: Pilsudski 1991a: 16-19.

Japan. Ainu: Onuki-Tierney 1996 [in the fog, a boat with several old hunters sails to a village of women; they fight each other for the right to own men; they have toothy wombs; one of old people put a sword into their vagina, breaking their teeth, stays alive; when they return, they tell their story; these women conceive children by exposing their buttocks to the wind from the mountains]: 69; Chamberlain, p. 37-39 in Ho 1967, No. 211 [The elder of the village of Iwanai and his two sons harpooned a sea lion, who dragged the boat, they sailed to an unknown shore; beautifully dressed women brought their leader in a stretcher; she explained that this is a country of women, invited her; married an elder, gave his sons to her assistants; in the spring she explained that, along with the new grass, teeth grow in their vaginas; that they would conceive , putting their hips in the east wind; boys born die when they grow up and have sex with women; she sends men home; when she lies down with her for the last time, the elder puts a sword in her vagina, Then he notices tooth marks on her; shows this sword at home]: 369-372; Pilsudski 1912a, No. 6 [five seal hunters wander in the fog; they sail to the cannibals, they eat the petty officer of the boat; they sail to woman; she warns her not to go to bed; the first two have their penises bitten off; the third puts a stone whetstone in her vagina before orgasm; her teeth are broken, the woman is happy; there is an island of similar unmarried women; they conceive by exposing their vagina to the east wind; killing boys, saving girls]: 85-91; Japanese: Bakin Takizawa, 1811 (Fr. Hachijo, Hachijo, 300 km south of Tokyo) [only women live on Hachijo Island; they are conceived by the wind; when men come to visit them, women leave sandals on the shore; whoever took the pair from that must meet] in Ishida 1998:137-138, Ho 1964:42; Toropygina 2010 (otogi-zoshi "Onzoshi shima watari" ("Onzoshi's Journey to the Islands"), 16th century) [Wanting to become the ruler of Japan, Onzoshi (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) travels north to search for the Castle of Happiness, owned by the demon Kanehira, the Law of Buddha Dainichi, a book of military secrets; On the way, O. visits various islands, including the Island of Women; there are no men on this island, but all women can continue their family; breathing in the South Wind, women conceive and then give birth; they are born only girls; women want to kill O. so that he becomes the guardian spirit of the island; he is saved first by playing the flute, which women like very much, and then by deception - O. says that in order to pacify Mongolia, Ships with 100,000 warriors have sailed to Japan; women can capture them, and then each will take a husband; then O. finds himself on an island that has two names - Dwarf Island and Bodhisattva Island; the inhabitants of this island are very small, fan-tall; 25 bodhisattvas appear on this island three times at night and three times during the day, the sounds of wind and string instruments are heard, and fragrances are fragrant, Flowers fall in the sky, purple clouds come, and bliss sets in; people live on this island for 800 years]: 211-212.

SV Asia. Russified, probably tundra yukaghirs [eight men sail in a boat, get to various creatures; there is a tree trunk in the bay; from time to time he leans over, knocking fish; he has several wives on the shore, he feeds them]: Bogoras 1902:616; itelmen: Jochelson, No. 1 [Chelkut marries Sinanevt; stays in the woods with fly agaric girls; sister C. opens S. the truth; she sends a young son to the father; C. tells the Fly Agarics to beat and burn their son; C.'s family migrates, taking all the animals away; C. is starving; returns to S., and the fly agaric girls have dried up], 32 [Sinanevt - Spider's daughter, Chalkotthan marries her; the girls force him to stay with them; S. sends his son to C. to ask for food, but he tells the girls to burn the boy with smut; Spider hides all terrestrial animals in strands of hair on the right side of the head, and all marine animals on the left; the family leaves, climbs the ridge; creates the sea, the Spider releases animals; C. is starving, comes to his son]: 20 -21, 216-218.

The Arctic. Central Yupik [to get a baby, the first people rip women's bellies open; one woman gives birth normally; people want to kill her husband; he swims away in a kayak; ends up in a women's village; those They kill caribou with a big stick; he sails to people without a mouth; they feed on the smell of food; after that, the food becomes rotten; he continues his journey]: Fienup-Riordan 1983, No. 19:247; the Aleuts (Unalashka) [a baby girl bites her mother's nipples; she buries her alive; she turns into a cannibal, devours everyone in the village; her brother runs away, comes to women who have never seen men; visits his village; sister chases him, women's mistress kills her; takes a young man as her husband]: Jochelson 1990, No. 13:139-143; Aleuts (Umnak): Jochelson 1916, No. 4:302-304; Jochelson 1990, No. 43 [ Kanaagutukh keeps only women in his villages, kills all boys; one woman hides her son; when K. finds out the truth, he seeks to destroy him; 1) the young man splits a log and brings firewood; 2) K. pushes him off a cliff, taking him to hunt cormorants; he descends like a feather given to him by his mother, brings cormorants; 3) K. leaves his son on the island; he hides the seal in advance, sews himself into his skin, sails to the Eagles; lifts his father into the air, throws him; makes slaves mistresses; returns to the Eagles]: 329-333; copper: Jenness 1922 [there is a tribe of Amazons]: 180; 1924, No. 93 [Alguna stalks musk oxen, gets to people whose bodies are imperfect; they only suck meat, not eat; goes further; sees a group of women chasing two men, one they catch and tear to pieces; when A. returns home, it turns out that he has been away for seven years]: 89; igloolik (Pond Inlet) [Tugtutsiak sails to look for a wife; three brothers refused to give up his sister because she cares for them; on the other a woman lives on the island with her daughter, her daughter refuses because she promised to marry only a man with a mole around her neck; on another island, a woman is actually a dog; on an island where there are only women, all they refuse T., considering him too old; another woman ends up as a rock, T. brings her home, happy with her]: Millman 2004:129; Baffin Land: Boas 1907, No. 5 [enemies killed men , took women; they killed enemies at night (letters: two women lived in the same house, killed the enemy; but it is clear that this is the case throughout the village); went to another area; exchanged boys born to use him as husbands in the future; one day two men came to a village of women; one entered a house where there were many women; everyone wanted him for themselves, they accidentally killed him in a landfill; the other ended up in a house where there were two women; they guarded it so others wouldn't take it away]: 538; Millman 2004 (Cape Dorset; informant places women's island in the Fox Basin) [all men died on the island, women stayed; one day there A man came, the women hugged him until they strangled him; another man sailed, his penis fell off from copulation; women copulated with their little sons; because they lay down on them, they did not grow up; everyone on the island is extinct]: 145; West Greenland [a shaman flies to an island where only women live; their common husband is a table at home, he spews sparks, forcing the shaman to leave]: Rink 1875, No. 93:443.

Subarctic. Kuchin [Tzazik ("Surpasses All") travels, meets strange people; comes to a village of women; they kill newborn boys; half of the girls are made like an umbilical cord penis; when they reach adulthood, these women play the role of men; Amazons do not have bows, throw arrows with a stick at the blunt end; T. copulates with all women except one old woman; for this, she tries to kill him with an arrow; he leaves]: McKennan 1965:132; koyukon [the old man tells his two sons they should go alone; they floe on an ice floe down the river; they see a porcupine crying, he's them does not answer, they kill him, fry him, eat him; they come to a village where there are only young women and an old man; the older brother insists on competing in archery; tries to dodge, but women's arrows are easy they hit him to death; the youngest comes to the nest of huge birds; the chick replies that the parents will bring clouds and thunder; the mother will arrive with the rain, the father with hail; the young man kills the chick, then with arrows and a club both birds; kills a giant porcupine; Lynx catches him, tells him to bring firewood to fry it; he goes further for firewood; the ermine brings it to his parents; they give the ermine a necklace of shell (white stripe on the neck)]: Wright 1908:33-34.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [a young man died in a clash between the Russians and the Tlingit; his father and his men are sailing in search; they sail to the shore where only women live; they refuse to meet with the sailors they say that they have a husband; this is a log on the shore with teeth on the knots; in another village, sailors do not see anyone; they take skins, fish, fat; when they try to carry goods to the ship, their invisible hands they stop; in the land of the dead, the captain does not see his son, because one of the sailors violated the ban on taking women on board; the guilty couple is killed; sailors are returning old]: Boas 1895, No. 5:325-327 (=2002:630- 633); Haida [Raven takes a man to an island where only women live]: Dean 1899:32 in Boas 1916, No. 64:573; Nootka [Alberni used to be inhabited only by women; they went east, taking sinks of all kinds; therefore, A. has no more sinks]: Boas 1895, No. 23:128 (=2002:287).

The Midwest. Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Visakaijak comes to women who have never seen men; asks one to pull the buffalo skull, lets him go, the woman falls on her back, he copulates with her; others want the same, he satisfies everyone; confusing his tracks, returns to the men's camp; they send the boy to smell V. under the blanket; the boy smells women; men they run to women, but V. comes first]: Ray, Stevens 1971:42-43.

Plains. Blacklegs: Josselin de Jong 1914 [women choose men as husbands; the Old Man is the first to be chosen, but he refused; then the woman negotiates with others not to take the Old Man; everyone finds a couple, the Old Man stays alone]: 31-32; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 5 [men lived in one camp, women in another; the women's chief invites men so women can choose their husbands; wears bad clothes, chooses Old Man (Napi); he rejects them; she negotiates with other women not to choose them anymore; everyone finds a mate, the Old Man is left alone; turns into a tree on the river bank]: 21-22; the northern blacklegs [men and women lived in villages on opposite sides of the Little Bow River; women sent the Old Man to bring men to them; hereinafter referred to as Wissler, Duvall]: Lowie in Wissler, Duvall 1908:22 (note 2); sarsi [men and women lived separately; joined together thanks to the actions of a mythical character named Napiv]: Wilson 1889:244 in Wissler, Duvall 1908:21 (note 3).

Southeast USA. Alabama: Swanton 1929, No. 20 [two (or four) men decide to go to heaven (west); they come to Sharp buttocks, they dig cover, expect ducks, geese, and white cranes to attack; The battle begins, people beat and fry birds; they come to an old woman, she gives them some pumpkin, the food does not run out; she gives them a scoop of pumpkin, they scoop up water in deep water, splash water on both sides, water they diverge, they pass along the bottom, the waters close behind them again; the man gave them cigarettes, the other gave them the bark to their feet; in tobacco smoke they passed the fighting, with bark on their feet, snakes on the path; the old woman told them to bypass the village of Dogs and the village of Girls; you can look at the dogs, you have to pass by the girls in spite of them; on the way, travelers saw many people walking; came to the Sitting- upstairs; he gave them a melon, told them not to bite through the seeds, collected them back in their peel, the melon was whole again; he poured boiling water over them, which seemed only warm water, scraped them, the dirt came off, and their bodies became light; he pulled back the lid, they saw their house below; when they woke up, they were at home, with God-given corn, melons and bean seeds lying next to them], 22 [the woman died leaving the child, two men went to her return; the old woman gave them pumpkin to eat, they ate, but the pumpkin didn't run out; they came to a place where dwarfs fought ducks and geese; spent the night with another old woman, she let everyone scoop water from rivers and so on; let the bark be tied to her legs to pass the place where the snakes were; another woman gave tobacco, they lit a cigarette, hiding in clouds of smoke from people who fought; they came to the edge of the sky, he went up and down; one slipped by a cougar, the other as a wild cat; in the sky, a man warned women about the city, they would try to stop them; they passed without stopping; God gave them a melon, told them not gnaw the seeds, peeled them again, the melon was reborn; God pulled back the lid, they saw their house below; gave pieces of cobs, they threw them at the dancing woman, she fell, they put her in a vessel, closed the lid; woke up at home in the morning; the woman in the vessel moaned, saying that they had killed her; they opened the lid a little, she disappeared, returned to heaven; they came for her again, God gave her again, they They lost it again; if they hadn't unscrewed the lid, people would have come back after death]: 139-141, 142-143.

California. Chumash [The Land of Widows is located on the way to the world of the dead; when those women age, they are lowered into a spring and they are young again; they only smell food; then it turns into sewage; so quench their thirst, smell water]: Blackburn 1975, No. 12:99 [souls pass through Widows' Land on their way to the world of the dead overseas], 111 [Sumivovo brothers (younger, son of the Mist), and Six'usus (elder, son Thunder) visit the Land of Widows; Sumivovo takes excrement for real food].

The Great Southwest. Navajo [husbands cut off unfaithful wives noses; wives go north; when they turn south, a cold wind blows, thunder]: Matthews 1994:144; lipan [group of warriors travels to remote places; comes to a village of women; they give birth to children with them, warriors move on]: Opler 1940, No. 5:46; Hopi [hunters disappear one by one; they are seduced by women with teeth in their vaginas ; The spider gives the young man a wooden penis; he breaks the genital teeth of the girl who brought him first, then the others; these are the girls Jimsonweed (Datura L., dope) and Four O'Clock (Mirabilis L., night flower); after This is what he really copulates with the one who brought him in; the Spider warns that he will be asked to identify the girl who brought him; if he guesses, he can take her home; he guesses that's right; the spider teaches you to snatch the dope and night blossoms that grow around the kiva, chew and spit the potion inside the kiva; those inside turn into stone; the young man brings his wife home, gives Spider two killed rabbits]: Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 1:1-7.

Mesoamerica Polka [a person sees a Makti woman bathing; she washes and scrapes him (people are too salty for M.); leads to his forest village; M. fight for the right to have this man; Wife-M. lets him visit his family, tells him not to touch his earthly wife; she hugs him, he falls dead; at the same time, all the results of his work for M. disappear (the house collapses, the plot is overgrown with forest); since then, M. laughing at the proposal to marry a man]: Münch 1983a: 285.

Honduras - Panama. Corn Girls Island. Pécs: Flores 1989:36-38 [To cross the river, the hunter Setuska undresses with only a knife, throws himself into the water, is swallowed by a snake, which sails with him into the sea; on the fourth attempt, he sails with him into the sea manages to kill a snake with a knife from the moment it is at the shore, it comes out bald; in a country overseas, S. finds nine virgins, the daughters of Mother Corn; they have a lot of boiled corn; the girls tell him don't eat this garbage, they give him something else; he marries his youngest, they have children; he wants to go home, the girls put him and his son on a crocodile, give them all kinds of seeds; he lives at home separately from the others for three months, teaches how to grow corn], 39-40 [the serpent swallowed the hunter Setusca in the river; while in his womb, he ate animals that the serpent also swallowed; cut off his heart, went out to the island; there are nine Mother Corn's daughters; they have no anus, they eat the smell of boiled corn; S. married his youngest, they have a son; he wants to go home; his wife sends him on a crocodile, does not tell him what he saw; grew corn at home in 9 days; told and died; (same in Flores, Griffin 1991:51-54)], 41-44 [the hunter knows he must get to the corn girls; swallowed by a snake when crossing the river; A snake cuts his womb, goes out to the island; there women cook their cobs, eat the smell without anuses; he cuts through them; he is given all kinds of maize; he wants to go home, he is sent on a crocodile; he teaches grow maize, says maize is girls and women].

The Antilles. Taino? [island of women]: Navarrete 1828 in Magaña 1982:75

The Northern Andes. Kogi [Duginavi was married to Mother Waters; pretended to be clearing the area, making masks himself; his wife spied, burned them, cooked their little child, left; D. found a daughter in the cauldron, decided drown himself; swam, put on the river mask, saw that the river was a woman; swam out into the sea, where it was swallowed by Mevánkukue (a class of creatures, including men and women); inside I found swallowed people and animals, house, firewood; made a fire, M. died, belched him ashore; walking east along the beach, D. saw Kumígua cannibal women naked; they masturbated and copulated with each other; they chased him, he hid by the Sun, the Sun's dog drove them away; D. came to the Thunders]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2): 40-41.

Llanos. Yaruro [Ichiae comes to people; they are all menstruating women; copulates with one of them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 27:51-52; shikuani [person is carried away by Tapirih ; Amazons kill her; one of them secretly takes a man as her husband; he pours boiling water over a penis that grows out of the ground, the husband of the Amazons; returns home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 83 [Tapiriha runs up while hunting to a virgin young man, turns into a woman, says he will pick him up, becomes a tapiriha again, takes him away on his back; in the forest he does not tell him to have sex with her on the first night; gives him a drink of vine infusion to make him the penis is bigger; transports the young man across several rivers; they find themselves in the country of women; they say they have found a tapir trail; Tapiriha asks if he heard anything, the young man lies that he has not; women catch Tapirihu is trapped, she warns the young man not to eat her meat; women kill tapiriha, look for the young man; a virgin who has not yet copulated with Irrabowáto (në) sees him in a tree, hides him from others; tells you to taste the meat of the murdered tapiriha; I. is "The Penis of the Earth"; the girl who saved the young man does not want to have sex with him, because he is not only her husband, but also the father of her and other women; I. regularly examines all houses; if he finds a male child, kills and eats; a young man stays with a woman, she becomes pregnant; lies to his mother about I.; when I. is in the central house of the village, he is a penis protruding from the ground, women sit on it; when they leave, they cover it with a clay pot; the wife brings pepper for her husband to pour pepper on the Penis, gives him her clothes and jewelry; when a person lifts the pot, a stream hits from there seeds; he is warned not to let the seed fall on his face; pours boiling water and pepper on his penis; I. screams, women are running away, but he is already dead; he has been buried; the man's wife gives birth to a boy, women hope that he will replace his common husband; she refers the man to his former family, otherwise the Amazons will kill them all; he crosses rivers, cries by the sea; Ducks of three different species take him successively into his boat, they tell him not to let the winds in; every time he does not hold back near another island, the ducks take off, he reaches the island by swimming; Tomáliwa's Mother of Ducks, in the guise of a man with a long penis, says not look around, transports; he looks around, she quilts it with her penis for eating Tapiriha meat; he returns to his family; T. is not the moon, although many people think the moon is shining], 84 [while hunting Tapiriha in the form of a woman, she takes the young man away; to do this, she turns him into a tapir for a while; he crosses the sea with him into the country of women; they kill Tapiriha; the girl finds a man, hides him; he refuses to eat meat Tapirihs; the girl says that their husband is their father, she does not want to have sex with him; Amazons kill boys; a man sees women take turns sitting on a penis protruding from the ground; he covered with cassava push-up bag; man takes it off, sperm splashes into his face; he pours boiling water on his penis; wife sends man home; women revive Penis, happy; various ducks, herons they swim across the sea; their boats are their beaks; each group takes a man, leaves him in the water every time the winds blow; the last is Tomalinae; its paddle is lightning, the boat is the pelvic bone; it plants the man at the stern, tells him not to look back; on the shore he turns around, sees her vulva; she is ashamed], 85 [Tapiriha takes the man, crosses lakes and rivers along the bottom; the Amazons trap her, kill her; their name Irboatowi, "People of the Earth's Penis"; twice a day at noon and in the evening they copulate with him; boys are killed, eaten; a man is found by a virgin; says that women copulate with every man, while his penis is hard, then killed, eaten; his wife sends him home; three types of ducks take it successively, leave him in the water when he blows the winds; the tree tells him to go with their Mother Moon; hers the boat is her genitals, she tells him not to look; he looks, she whips it with her pubic hair; when she arrives, the Moon gives him a banana to bite off forever; tells him not to look at the new moon; he looks, turns into a nightjar], 86 [agouti steals cassava in the field; a man catches her in a trap, she turns into a woman; takes him away; crosses the sea on the bottom, turning himself into a tapiriha and him into a tick in his ear; on the land of the tsaki-momobi women's community, tapiriha eats bananas and pineapples; women catch her in a trap pit, kill her; a girl finds it; a man lifts a vessel that covers a penis protruding from the ground; the seed splashes into his chest; he fills his penis with boiling water; ducks of various kinds take him across the sea, but throw it when the winds blow; finally, ordinary people bring it home; becoming a fruit palm trees, he sees his mother, she is old; he goes down, becomes human]: 309-321, 323-326, 327-328, 329-332.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [híkola (soul, essence) of men is in themselves; women have outside; híkola women have híkola nutrients and at the same time haanekasá ("Amazon"); in the village of Haanekasá - one or two men for all; if a hunter kills nutria, one woman dies; if one or both haanekasá men are killed, all haanekasá and all female humans will die]: Barandiaran 1965:8.

Guiana. Varrau [the first wife has no children, the second gave birth to the boy Kurusiwari; the first pushed him, he left, taking two other boys from two neighboring families; three boys taught wasps to bite; parents caught up with the boys by the sea; K. agreed to return only if they built a sanctuary (hebu -hanoku, spirit-house) and called it with tobacco; tobacco was only on the women's island in sea; Father K. sent various seabirds for them, but the women guarding the tobacco killed them all; Hummingbird and Crane arrived, Hummingbird brought tobacco, Father K.'s brother showed what to do with it; the father called boys (they are now spirits)]: Wilbert 1970, no. 106:223-225; (cf. No. 111 [formerly only men lived on this side of the sea; in one country on the other side of the sea, a mother lived with two daughters; they sat on raft, they sailed to look for husbands, the mother drowned during the storm, the girls went ashore, climbed a tree, saw a house in which men; these two sisters descended from people on this side of the sea; a drowned mother became the mistress of the tides]: 233-234); taulipan [women living without men were human, became mauari (mountain spirits); young men go to them; these women kill boys, do everything masculine job]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 40:124; akawaii [Walyarima, the chief's wife, takes over (a black jaguar?) ; men call him with a conditional signal, kill him, bring his meat, arrange a party; the chief's wife suggests that every woman poisons her husband with a poisonous drink; all men die; to these women are joined by women from other villages; they repel men's attacks; they leave to form their own village; men visit them occasionally; women kill boys born]: Brett 1889:180f in Koch-Grünberg 1920, No. 34:90-93; curl [a group of people led by a shaman went for stone axes; traveled for many years, meeting unusual creatures; swimming to fish people; the shaman does not tell fish to shoot at night, one secretly shoots and eats; warriors come in the morning, say that one of their comrades is missing; they force everyone to drink hot water and spit up; the one who has eaten fish is thrown into the boiling cauldron; elsewhere, one of the team sees a dead anteater, comes back, there is no anteater; it turns out that he was just sleeping; elsewhere, locals try to row not with a blade, but with the handle of oars; shaman turned into a bunia bird (Ostinops sp.), screamed, with a blade; this is how they learned (there is an island on Essequibo where women used to row oars); in Bat Land, a shaman ordered to spend the night in a sheltered place; one hung a hammock in the forest, with only bones in the morning; one violated the ban on touching an empty boat, she took it away; in the women's village, the head of women, an old woman, said that arrivals will be released after girls are born; two or three wives each; rattles at the hammocks, the old woman makes sure that they rattle at night, which means that the lying copulate; during the day, women hunt, they were fishing, performing all male duties; after a few years, those arriving were allowed to leave; reached the land of stone axes; local people eat axes; returned home with axes; the shaman banned converge with women; one got along, stayed in this position]: Roth 1915, No. 151-159:220-223; macushi and arwaks {wapishana?} ["Macushi and Arawak people have stories about Amazons, with each tribe localizing them differently. The Arawak chief said that his brother, who lives in the upper reaches of the Mazaruni River, visited Wirisamocayu, i.e. Amazons, receiving a green stone from them]: Schomburgk in Roth 1915, No. 334:365; mapidian : Farabee 1918:166-167; kalinya [hunters hide their prey from women, they drink them drunk and leave with their weapons and boats; they have been living in a special village ever since]: Magaña 1982:75; 1987, No. 22, 23:240; the Galibi [the hunters ate all the prey themselves, the women were told that they had not killed anything; one young man secretly brought meat to his mother; the women took bows and arrows, swam down to the Amazon, until now they live there]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 2:19; oyana: Goeje 1943, no. b5:30; Magaña 1987, No. 5 [brothers watch their sisters, see their name, the penis comes out of the ground; brothers tell them this; women take their penis, go underground through a hole in the village square; a parrot tells men, but the hole is too narrow for them], 10 [all women in the village copulate with a penis protruding from the ground in the garden; everyone gets pregnant; men watch them, cut off their penis; when they find out, women hide in a hole in the ground; birds report this to men; those soon stop the persecution], 20 [a person wakes up screaming from a toad; sees a beauty; she warns not to have sex with her, he insists; his penis becomes as long as a snake; in the village he becomes the lover of all women; men are going to kill him; women solder men drunk, leave with their lover; it's the Month], 80 [When men return to the village, they see that women are gone through a hole in the ground; they follow but only one manages to cross the river; he sees a naked woman in a tree; she agrees to have sex with him, does so repeatedly, exhausting his strength; when he wakes up, women don't], 87 [a group of men travel; they come to people with white hair; to people who offer them worms to eat; to people awake at night, their village littered with excrement; against dwarfs, whom they take for children; they solder them as punishment to the point where their backs burst; women who live without men; they hang a hammock in the middle of the square, they offer to have sex, guests get tired quickly; women want to continue and call seuwyana for this; travelers come to people who dive into the water for the night; people who sleep in hollows; returning home]: 34-35, 38, 50-51; aparai: Rauschert 1967, No. 31 [a man kills his wife's lover, cuts off his penis, hangs it where the wife does her job; women return from the garden, recognize the penis; it is their mutual lover; one throws it into heaven, it turns into a month; women go north, become olisciana Amazons], 32 [olischiana copulate with those who come men in a community home; know how to increase the size of the vagina and penis, copulation lasts all night; aparai men sometimes come to the village of O., copulate with them]: 200; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 44 [the shaman predicts darkness and the flood; this is because people copulated in public; turtles have entered the village; the child turned into a caterpillar spirit, ate the mother; other spirits have come and animals, all gathered on the mountain; the cuckoo flew to see how far the water stretched, drowned; the same was the Kinoro bird; the woodpecker, then the Pigeon flew to the shore, returned; a giant piranha victim was needed; she refused to eat the perfume thrown into the water; she ate the old man, but the flood did not stop; then they abandoned the girl, the boy, the boy; the water receded; the mountain was cramped, the bees had nowhere to go either, the bees alone The species is stuck to vaginas, the other is covered by penises; women of Wërisana came, made stairs for people to go down the mountain]: 149-154; Magaña 1987, No. 61 [unmarried women teach men how to grow Mauritia flectuosa palm tree; then leave them]: 143.

Ecuador. Colorado [Forest women eat raw meat, catch men, fear dogs]: Costales Samaniego 1965:89-90.

Western Amazon. Aguaruna [the people of women who killed people and then killed by male warriors]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 31:313-323.

NW Amazon. Carijona [the hunter wants to get the tapir alive, puts his hand in his ass, he drags him to the river; he transports him across the river; there's a field of pineapples; the tapir falls into the Amazon trap pit - Giirinomo ; the hunter touches their leader's vulva; she first combs scorpions, ants, spiders out of the pubis; G. copulates with objects from which seed splashes; the chief allows the hunter to have sex with everyone, but only gets pregnant herself; the rest want to kill him for it; he and the leader fill the mirrors in which G. everyone sees; one old woman has a mirror; the fugitives sail in the boat, taking them with them deer; G. throw a harpoon, pull out a deer; fugitives swim to carijona land, live among people]: Schindler 1979, No. 14:120-128; yukuna [Kawarimi's older brother sends younger Maotchi to a tree for parrot eggs; asks four times what they are; each time she hears my daughter-in-law; breaks off the branch, M. falls into the hollow; K. leaves, takes his wife M.; parrots carry M. food; when they fly away, M. an ant crawls inside the trunk below; asks the Aguti woman to help, promises to lie down with her for this; she cuts a hole in the trunk with an ax, breaks M.'s spine with the last blow; heals, but since then people have pain in the back; they lie down with a jack in her hammock; she starts eating his anus; bit the bottom of his body; he asks for food from his children's mother's garden; Agouti came back, said that his wife scolded her; in Next time Aguti is in the form of a man, his wife gave her food; M. returns home, first asks his son not to tell his mother; digs a hole in the garden to the lower world (a hole in the center of the world); sends his son for K.; jumps into a hole, climbs out a vine; K. jumps, falls, screams, cotton, clap; M. screams, Stone, stone; picks up his wife; K. waits, a Sun boat sails past the underground river; his crew Kojopana and Lu'uina, black with the heat; K. waits for the boat of the Month, the little brother of the Sun; K. kills flies, the Month says they are his sailors; stopped to eat, the Month asks for a top with fish, K. sees anaconda; The month gets it by itself; the cauldron, the plate are curled snakes; the calebasa is the wasp's nest; the month cut off the tip of K.'s tongue, which turned into a toad; K. refuses to marry the daughter of the Month; that brings him to maloka, where women want to copulate; the old woman's vagina swallowed him, the Month pulled him out; K. met a woman in the forest; she says she was bitten by a jaguar, but her wounds were caused by a bat; K. cured her; Maloka's mistress said that this woman was too young; she gave it to an old woman, she turned young at night, they had a son; he grew up, they were going to eat him, he was a deer; a penis (grandfather) in the form of a hemp with a worm inside warns K. that they want to eat him; his son was killed, his mother eats him too; all the exits from Maloka scream when K. tries to get out; he runs away through a hole in the roof; wasps bite the pursuers, they return; K . comes to the Month; the owner of the animals is a big grasshopper; copulates with her sons; K. at an animal festival; closes her eyes, finds herself on the ground in the form of an umari fruit; falls, turns into K. sees his sons; kills his brother and unfaithful wife; promises to see how they now get out of the lower world; marries M.; one by one asks three groups of cranes to take him; the latter give he has feathers; they tell him not to look down when they fly on little ones, or else he falls; people shoot arrows at the cranes, they shout that a scorpion, ant, spider are biting them; he looks at the next little one, falls, cranes pick it up, bring it to their aunt's husband; it's an anaconda; etc.; see motive I14]: Jacopin 1981:69-130; letuama [the name of the great mother Rupari Kumurua, her husband is the Great Anaconda; the cranes gave the shaman had feathers, he flew with them to RK; she gave him cakes, wrote to the sucker, began to burn peppers; the shaman coughed and gave it to himself; Anaconda frightened him; the cranes flew away and took the feathers; RK told the shaman to watch children; these are snakes, he killed two naughty ones; copulated with her to exhaustion, she showed the way home; then the frog showed her; he went to cannibal women; they gave her food, saw his penis, asked what it is; - Women's food; agreed to show how, but with one at a time and without witnesses; he lives with the main woman for a year; they have children; aunts ate them; birds warn that he will also be eaten; he hid in the hollow with wasps himself became a wasp; the wasps drove the women away; going on, the shaman fell into the trap of a demon; smeared himself with crap; he tickles him with a wand; brings his daughter; the daughter turned the man into a cricket, hid him in at home; the man came to Dragonfly; he did not have an anus, pretended to eat and relieve himself; asked for an anus; the man pierced him with a stake, killed him; took his wife; came home; when his mother went out to meet him, wives turned into? , flew away; (about Amazons p. 196-198)]: Palma 1984:194-202.

Central Amazon. Katawishi [after the Amazons left, Mawali created new women]: Tastevin 1925:191; the place of recording is unknown [many women sailed along the river to the edge of the forest; with them the only Pahi man ("father") Tuna ("watery" or "black"); women always killed boys; one woman gave birth to an ugly man, regretted him; fumigated with smoke, he became handsome; other women began to chase him to make their lover, they called him Pahi-Tuna-Re; his mother hid him in the water; the women summoned him, imitating his mother's voice, grabbed him, making love to him; PT told the women to cut their hair, twisted the rope, caught him PTR, killed, cut off his penis, hung it over the entrance to the cave where the women lived; they ran away, hid in another cave, blocking the entrance with poisonous creatures; PT lived alone; once food was cooked; saw how a parrot flew in, became a girl; PT threw feathers into the fire; lived happily ever after with a girl]: Barbosa Rodrigues in Barroso 1930:99-102;.

Eastern Amazon. (Left bank of the lower Amazon): Acuña 1698 in Roth 1915, No. 333:364-365; urubu [Mair carves a man and a woman out of mahogany; men have no penises; women's common husband is a giant underground worm; women call it by stomping on the ground; then urinating in a vessel, a child emerges from the urine; one man calls a worm with the same signal, cuts off the head; women they block the river so that there is no water, they leave, establish a special village; Mair cuts the worm into pieces, makes penises out of them for men; ties them with palm fiber (pubic hair); women begin to have children]: Huxley 1956:150-151.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga [the son warns the mother not to let his father drink more masato; he takes it himself, goes to burn the vegetation on the site, burns; the son says that the father is a shaman and will return, the mother should not Watch him, let him wake up his son; at night the father comes in the form of smoldering smut; the wife pours water on him, he falls into coals; the son is angry with his mother; the father turns into a harpy eagle; the ex-wife speaks to him that their little daughter is his wife; he first refuses, then takes her away; she quickly turns into a woman, gives birth to a child with her father-husband; wants only a human being; he drags her people into theirs a nest on a mountain; people make a clay doll, put it in a boat; the eagle tries to carry it away, it is too heavy, it is beaten, it falls into the water; large feathers turn into Cashibo Indians, small feathers turn into shipibo; daughter husbands Falco peregrinus; he brings her snakes, her child eats them; the mother asks her daughter to watch her little brother; she eats him; searches for and does not find a father, turns into warlike Amazons; they they give birth to children without husbands; boys are eaten, girls are raised; Wasp People are fighting with Amazons; once the Amazons did not kill their sons, they went to the Wasps, but they did not defeat the Amazons together; Eagle (survivor) turned into kashibo cannibals; they were attacked by the Amazons, since then there are fewer cashibos and they don't eat humans]: Baer 1984, No. 13:456-462.

(Wed. The Central Andes. NW Argentina, Puna de Jujuy ["in the days of snakes" lonely shepherds had no men, copulated with animals that took on human form at night; all such stories end tragically; God later separated humans and animals]: Morgante 2002:414-415).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [a village of female hunters; men met them in a clearing in the forest]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 263:388; chimane [the hero and his brother come to unmarried women who try them kill]: Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 1:60-61; Kanichana [no details]: Metraux 1942:81; makurap [a village of warlike women]: Metraux 1942:152; tupari [men went to cut down the forest, stayed shaman; he watched as the women summoned the tapir, gave him food and drink, each met him; the next day, the men called the tapir themselves, killed him with arrows; the angry women left and began to live separately; only occasionally do they copulate with incoming men]: Caspar 1953a: 213-214.

Southern Amazon. See motive F43A, B. Vaura; kamayura [cut out their right chest]; umotina; yulapiti [myths about women hostile to men are widespread in the Amazon; the author recorded this is the myth of yaulapiti]: Baer 1984, note 159:462.

Eastern Brazil. See motive F43A. Suya [at night, the brother stains the face of an unknown mistress with genipa juice; the exposed sister lives openly with him, although he does not want to; they fish, the water blows her down the river; she turns into androgyne; under her leadership, women kill most men and go far east; set up a village behind a lake full of predatory fish; men who return from hunting fish from the river, those turn into new women]; suya [Yamurekuman tells her husband to do all women's work; he gives her a fried vulture instead of good meat; she turns into fish, takes her with her the rest of the women are through the underground passage; in another world, Yamurekuman looks like women; we are in the guise of fish, they teach today's women their ritual songs]: Frikel 1990:38-39; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 139 [women leave (no reason specified), live in a separate village; this is Kupē-ndíya; they are beautiful, they grow corn, cassava and other crops; two young men come to find wives among them; k. Demand to be overtaken on the run; young men fall behind, return without wives], 140 [in the east by the sea, women go swimming, meet Cayman; they have sex with him every day, bring him food; summoned, shouting "Mi-ti - we are here"; one man accidentally peeked and overheard, told others; men call Cayman in the voice of women; he comes out, they kill, fry it, eat it; women kill men in clubs; leave, meet koati people, then bees, then establish a village of Kupē-ndíya women (kupů is an alien tribe, ndi is a woman, ya is a personal collective plural; two remain brother; their sister took an ax with her; brothers come to K., get an ax; two girls agree to lie down with them if they overtake them; one brother falls behind, the other overtakes the girl, copulates; brothers returning home]: 335-138; frame camera: Wilbert 1978, No. 137 [(Nimuendaju 1946:172, 248-249); a tribe of women attacked the village, people fled; one of the women caught two boys; while living with her, they secretly killed and ate one of her pet cockerels (mutun (Mitua mitu) wild birds; the woman punished them by hitting them in the chest with her hand; in the morning she prepared manioc flour and a spear to kill and eat boys; but the woman's husband (his origin is not mentioned) warned them, they dodged a flying spear; at midnight this man and boys ran away; the man returned; the woman chases the boys until the battleship's burrows in which they hid; I decided to dig it up in the morning, but the boys ran away, came to the old village where men danced; the old man gave the boys food, but the food disappeared before they came to her touched; they realized that these were the spirits of the dead; when they reached their native village, they talked about it; one person came to the village of the dead, spied on and overheard rituals and spells, taught others], 138 [( Nimuendaju 1946:249); two brothers come to the women's village; the girl agrees to lie down with them if they overtake her; they failed; stole and ate one of her mutum tame birds; she began to sniff Whoever smells like a bird found brothers, beat her painfully]: 333-334, 334-335; kayapo (shikrin) [the village of women was in the east near a pit where dogs lived; the man's village was westerly; women They lay down with their legs apart, conceived from the sun or the wind; the boys were sent to men, the girls were left with them; a young man came and offered to have sex; the woman promised to lie down with him after hunting tapirs; when hunting, the young man was tired, the woman refused him; var.: single men went to these women to have sex; hunted tapirs with women; women gave them meat with them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 183:521.

Chaco. Chorote [female sisters live separately, have no clothes, own edible seeds, and kill Trickster Fox trying to make love to them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 145:273.

Southern Brazil. Apapokuva [there are Cuñá-tevíri women living without men and Ava-Tevíri men living without women]: Nimuendaju 1914:364.