Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F45A. Conception from the wind.


A woman or female conceives an animal, exposing her genitals to the wind.

Ancient Egypt, Germans, Taku, Tonga, Samoa, Wancho, Dafla, Limbu, Java, Minahasa, Solor, Atayal, Saisha, Bunun, Paiwan, Ancient China, Miao, Koreans, Ancient Greece, Nivhi, Japanese, Sakhalin and Hokkaido Ainu, Chippewa, Menominee, Kayapo.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt (Horapollo hieroglyphic text, 4th century BC) [vultures are all believed to be females; in order to conceive, the vulture puts its genitals in the north wind and conceives it in five days; therefore, Egyptians place a vulture image on top of any female images and extend this word to all goddesses]: Baumann 1963:319.

Western Europe. Germans [Adam Bremen, Gesta Hammaburgensis: There is a country of women on the east coast of the Baltic; women conceive from the wind or from a drink; these women's husbands are dog heads]: White 1988:138.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Taku [noddy sat on a calaba tree, turned towards the north, south, NE wind, so turned, gave birth to a girl Asina; continued to live in a tree with her; asked A. to swim nearby, do not go to the tip of the island; she went, the fat from her body floated on the water, Atui noticed him, sailed and took her to his island; a bird (her mother) flew in, a stingray (her father) came, but she told Atuis to drive them off the boat is just a bird and a stingray; Atui has 10 other wives, they treat A. badly; she sees her mother, then her father; both say that she asked her husband to drive them away; yet the mother gives a shell , the father is a needle off his tail; this can be made like a boat that will take you wherever you want; Asina sails to Nauriaria; his mother does not tell her to enter the house, he is forbidden; Asina comes in, lies down sleep there; N. comes, he's furious - why did she go in despite the ban; but she remains his wife]: Moyle 2003:91-98; Tonga [dove (Pacific fruit-eating pigeon, Dudula pacifica) puts her genitals in the wind; gave birth to a girl who later became Sinilau's wife; alternatively, she puts her genitals in the sun]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (1): 124; Samoa [wading bird) was walking along the shore; the wind blew from land and she raised one leg, the other from the sea; she conceived and gave birth to a daughter Sina; she then married Tigilau]: Richter-Gravier 2019 (1): 124.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Vancho [in the country of women, they conceive from the wind; they raise girls, eat boys when they are twelve years old; the old man carried pots for sale, he came to those women; they tied him up went to get seasonings for meat; each of the children said which part of the old man's body he would eat; the old man convinced them to untie it to cut off a piece for everyone himself (when women came, the children did not care will not stay); ran away, told people about the country of women]: Elwin 1958a, No. 8:190 (=1958b: 208-209); duffle [Abo-Tani wore a red bandage, came to the monkeys, supposedly reluctantly told them what to do make them just as beautiful; locked the monkeys in an underground tunnel, made a fire, began to drive smoke inside; the monkeys asked them to be released, then died; AT began to bring meat; one female ran away conceived in the wind, so new monkeys appeared; Rob Pecha wanted to know where AT got the meat from; he said; RP used the same trick, but released the monkeys as soon as they started screaming; they ripped him off dinner and scratched]: Bora 1995, No. 10:11-12; limbu (kirati) [at first, the gods created man from precious metals, but he did not answer their call; then they mixed yellowish earth with water, droppings several species of birds and bamboo ash, which grows high in the mountains, sculpted the figure; the man came to life and began to answer; they were outraged and cursed him; accidentally spit on him, after which the man died; Therefore, people are mortal; the wind blew on the first woman and she conceived, gave birth to a son Susuwoengba Lalawoengba; he became a good hunter, he has 4 wives; his mother told her not to go north (i.e. to Tibet) and south (towards India), for there are girls who can harm him; S. went there, met a girl, she gave birth to him a son; then S. went to the South Sea, where another girl gave birth to him a daughter; the children were named Sutchhoro Suhampheb and Tetlar Lahadongna. TL and SS began to live together and gave birth to seventeen children; the supreme god sifted them through a sieve; let those who fell to the ground belong to the mother, and let those in the sieve belong to the father's group; they stayed upstairs and are considered deities; after learning about the vicious nature of their relationship, TL and SS decided to separate with their children, or the dog complained about them]: Tumbahang 2013:80-81, 90-91, 97-98, 337; retelling taking into account other sources in Streltsova 2019.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Java [the navigator we took aboard Mallaca Island said that only women live on Ocoloro Island below Java Major; they conceive children in the wind; boys born are killed , girls are raised; if a man gets there, women try to kill him]: Pigafetta in Ho 1964:42; 1967, No. 205:365; Minahasa: Bezemer 1904 [when the earth is still soft, two women came out of it: an elderly shaman Karmah and a young Lumimuut; K. told L. to stand up against the wind to become pregnant; she turned to the south, east, north wind, but became pregnant only from the west, gave birth to a son Toar; when he grew up, K. told L. and T. to stand with their backs to each other and walk T. to the right and L. to the left; gave K. a shorter stick and L. longer; told K. that if the woman he met had a stick the same length as him, it is his mother L., and if not, she can be married; she said the same when she addressed L.; T. and L. met on the other side of the world, L.'s stick was longer; they joined marriage, had children: twice 9, three times 7, nine times 3; they inhabited the whole land]: 316-337; Schwarz 1907 (2): 397-398 in Lessa 1961 (totemboa) [the first human couple has three children, including Limimuut { probably Lumimuut, Tauchmann 1968:33}; parents filled the coconut with soil, put cultivated plants there, L., let it go to sea; the coconut got wet, grew, became dry (the Minahasa Peninsula); L. framed herself in the westerly wind, gave birth to a boy, they gave birth to Minahasa]: 276; Solor [only women lived in Kampong; when they set themselves up for sunrise, they gave birth to boys, when to the west wind, girls; boys were eaten; one person followed in the footsteps of his dog, came to K., met a woman; she warned that her vagina was being cut, that the previous man had died, ordered to bring a whetstone; a man went home to get a whetstone, cut off his tips in the woman's vagina, brought it to him; the woman's mother followed and ate it, for he did not give a ransom for his wife]: Arndt 1938:16.

Taiwan - Philippines. Atayal: Norbeck 1950, No. 1 [a big rock splits, two men and a woman come out of it; one man doesn't like it on earth, he returns to the stone; the one left with the woman thinks how to breed; first the woman puts her genitals in the wind; nothing happens; then they try to copulate, consistently using the sphincter, nostrils, ears, mouth; the fly sits on the woman's hips; she understands this as an instruction from the gods to use the vagina; gets pregnant, gives birth to atayal ancestors], 26 [(=Ho 1967, No. 52:238-239); there was a village of women; when they conceived children, they put their vaginas in the wind, always gave birth to girls; looking for a missing dog, the hunter came to these women; they asked what was between his legs; he explains, they ask to show him in practice; he copulates with everyone; because of the abundance of partners, No one was completely satisfied, although they liked it; the old leader was called the last; by this time the man had completely lost his erection; the old woman was offended, cut off his penis, he died; the men came to take revenge women; but wasps, bees, ants, hornets and other insects flew out of their homes, clung to men's clothes, so they came to us (the origin of insects); the next time the men burned the village with insects and women; a girl escaped in a pig pen; a man from the village of Tahayakan married her; their son founded a line of sorcerers; now he is gone, everyone has been killed]: 13-14, 37-39; Garawan [there was a village of women to the east; they became pregnant by putting their hips in the wind, giving birth to only girls; a man who came by accident was killed by women, the meat was dried for future use]: Ho 1967, No. 193:355; bunun [in the village women climb onto the roof, get pregnant from the wind, raise girls born, kill boys]: Ho 1964:41; 1967, No. 195:356; Rarukruk [only women lived in Caovaibai village; conceived children, putting their hips in the mountains in the wind; they gave birth only to girls, and weak cripples; a man saw this, met women; they gave birth to boys, so ordinary people began to live in the village]: Ho 1967, No. 196:357 (=Whitehorn, Earle 2003, #35:166).

China - Korea. Ancient China: Liang Shu (Description of Eastern Barbarians) in Isis 1998 [the Country of Women is more than a thousand times away from Fusan; their facial expressions are honest, their complexion is completely white; their body covered with hair that reaches the ground; on the second or third moon, they race into the water and then conceive; in the sixth to seventh month they give birth to children]: 140; Yuan Ke 1987 [in the south in In the Land of Women, girls went swimming at the Yellow Pond, and then conceived offspring; if a boy was born, he was killed three years later, leaving girls]: 207, 337 [comm. Riftina: based on The Book of Mountains and Seas]; Yanshina 1977:98 [Overseas West Catalogue; The Kingdom of Women lies north of the kingdom of the Divinator Goddess; there women live in pairs in the water around them; others say: live in the same house], 108 [Catalog of northern lands within the seas; brave Soothsayers live on an island in an ocean river], 119-120 [Catalog of the Great Deserts of the West; in the Great Desert is Dragon Mountain; the sun and moon set here; the kingdom of Women is located there; there is the kingdom of Men]; Ho 1967 [a 13th century source describes a country of women in which they conceive from the wind and only give birth to girls; when a wanderer comes to them, they copulate with him until he dies of exhaustion a few days later]: 132; Werner 1922:390-391 [Shan bai ching (Hill and River Classics) contains a description of strange people living where it is shown on a map supposedly depicted on the nine tripods of Great Yu]: 386 [the kingdom of women is surrounded by loose water, so that ships dive, approaching him; women use gems instead of money; conceive themselves in the south wind]; miao (Hë-miao) [when the first Mother's husband dies, she sat on a rock facing the wind and spread her legs (mouth; but probably a vulva euphemism); conceived in the wind, gave birth to 12 eggs; a cormorant began to incubate them, then an eagle; tired, wanted to fly away; I heard a voice from the egg: wait three more days and we will hatch; Miao mythological characters, including the dragon, hatched from the eggs; Tschang-kou-lao was born from the first egg; after killing and eating a buffalo, he buried its tail and told his brother Louy-kong that it had drowned in the swamp; trying pull out the buffalo, the brother smeared himself in the mud, went up to heaven and promised revenge]: Schotter 1911:325-326; (cf. Blumchen 2010 ["San-wu li-ji" (Records of the Trinity and Five Cycles); lost but preserved quotes; man arose as a result of the death of the giant Pan-Gu, who divided Heaven and Earth, from those on his parasitic skin after they have been fertilized by the wind]: 107-108); Koreans [in Korea believe that outside Korea there are people without heads and with eyes on their breasts; there are lands inhabited only women; wanting to become pregnant, they lie down to the south wind {probably based on reports from Matthaus Eiboken and other Sperwer crew members who lived in Korea in 1653-1666}: "Als de zy Hollanders benoemen, zeiden zy die te zijn Zuidermannen, en geloofden in't eerst, datze onder water konden leven, en vermits zy geen wyder kennis hebben als van Japan, Sina en't nabuurschap van Tartarye, zoo hebben zy veele beuzelachtige gedachten, van die welke verder woonen, als dat 'er menschen zijn zonder hooft, met de oogen in de borst; dat 'er gewesten zijn die alleen met Vrouwen bezet zijn weln, ke als zy teellust krygen, zich open leggen tegen de Zuide wind, die hen dan met doorwaeyen bevruchtigt, en diergelijke meer"]: Witsen 1785:57.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Homer's motive for mares and chickens getting pregnant from the wind; through the Greeks and Romans, similar stories about mares, chickens, vultures in the Western European Middle Ages]: Baumann 1963: 319.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nivhi [six Ainu went in a boat to beat the seal, got lost in the fog, sailed to the shore, spent the night in the house; at night he lay down alone on a woman, she had teeth in her vagina, the man died; the same with the other; them the owner went to get a stone, put it in the vagina, his teeth broke, then copulated; the same was their worker; it turned out that they were the women of the master of the wind; when the wind rose SE, the women went down to the sea, picked up the floors, sprayed the vulvas with water, "pumped up to the wind"; then the Ainu sailed to another house; there the old man put one in an iron hole, fried him in the hearth; left, but there was no door; the Ainu forced the old woman tell me how to open the door: cut the exit with a sword; they got out, sailed in the boat, the old man chased, they cut off his hands; elsewhere, milk tells stories for 8 days; whoever falls asleep, the other will kill him ; milk and his wife fell asleep, people ran away, swam away; saw people sticking their backs to each other; they finally returned home]: Sternberg 1908, No. 17:159-164.

Japan. Ainu: Onuki-Tierney 1996 [in the fog, a boat with several old hunters sails to a village of women; they fight each other for the right to own men; they have toothy wombs; one of old people put a sword into their vagina, breaking their teeth, stays alive; when they return, they tell their story; these women conceive children by exposing their buttocks to the wind from the mountains]: 69; Chamberlain, p. 37-39 in Ho 1967, No. 211 [The elder of the village of Iwanai and his two sons harpooned a sea lion, who dragged the boat, they sailed to an unknown shore; beautifully dressed women brought their leader in a stretcher; she explained that this is a country of women, invited her; married an elder, gave his sons to her assistants; in the spring she explained that, along with the new grass, teeth grow in their vaginas; that they would conceive , putting their hips in the east wind; boys born die when they grow up and have sex with women; she sends men home; when she lies down with her for the last time, the elder puts a sword in her vagina, Then he notices tooth marks on her; shows this sword at home]: 369-372; Pilsudski 1912a, No. 6 [five seal hunters wander in the fog; they sail to the cannibals, they eat the petty officer of the boat; they sail to woman; she warns her not to go to bed; the first two have their penises bitten off; the third puts a stone whetstone in her vagina before orgasm; her teeth are broken, the woman is happy; there is an island of similar unmarried women; they conceive by exposing their vagina to the east wind; killing boys, saving girls]: 85-91; Japanese: Bakin Takizawa, 1811 (Fr. Hachijo, Hachijo, 300 km south of Tokyo) [only women live on Hachijo Island; they are conceived by the wind; when men come to visit them, women leave sandals on the shore; whoever took the pair from that must meet] in Ishida 1998:137-138, Ho 1964:42; Toropygina 2010 (otogi-zoshi "Onzoshi shima watari" ("Onzoshi's Journey to the Islands"), 16th century) [Wanting to become the ruler of Japan, Onzoshi (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) travels north to search for the Castle of Happiness, owned by the demon Kanehira, the Law of Buddha Dainichi, a book of military secrets; On the way, O. visits various islands, including the Island of Women; there are no men on this island, but all women can continue their family; breathing in the South Wind, women conceive and then give birth; they are born only girls; women want to kill O. so that he becomes the guardian spirit of the island; he is saved first by playing the flute, which women like very much, and then by deception - O. says that in order to pacify Mongolia, Ships with 100,000 warriors have sailed to Japan; women can capture them, and then each will take a husband; then O. finds himself on an island that has two names - Dwarf Island and Bodhisattva Island; the inhabitants of this island are very small, fan-tall; 25 bodhisattvas appear on this island three times at night and three times during the day, the sounds of wind and string instruments are heard, and fragrances are fragrant, Flowers fall in the sky, purple clouds come, and bliss sets in; people live on this island for 800 years]: 211-212.

The Midwest. Western Ojibwa (chippewa) [unnoticed, an old woman's daughter conceives from the Wind or the Sun; gives birth to triplets; does not put children immediately on the ground, so people do not walk for the first year of life; one brother - Flint; the elder Venebozho kills him (first murder); second brother Nekadzhivecik (The One Who Goes Beyond Sunset) gets tired of wandering around with V., makes the way for the dead; puts the Otter on it, An owl, two hills on the sides (these are fire-breathing snakes with their heads to each other), a log-snake across the river (see motif H24); strawberries eaten at the fork turn into toads or go to the left, disappear; going right come to N.]: Barnouw 1972, No. 1:13-18; Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 68 [The creator raises the Earth from the depths, it has a human form, people are the grandchildren of the Earth; she has a daughter; the Creator wants There were animals; the old woman does not tell her daughter to turn north when she leaves the house; she turns around, the wind penetrates her bosom, she gives birth to Menapus (the "big rabbit"), then all the birds and animals; Flint is the last to come out, kills her mother at birth; the old woman buries her; her fire goes out; she tells M. that the owners of the fire live overseas; M. swims across the sea in a dolblenka, turns into a rabbit, picked up by the two daughters of the blind fire master; they plant him by the fire to bask, he runs away, carrying the fire, the owner chases him; the Big Hairy Fish with horns transports him across the sea; he brings fire home]: 137-147; Hilger 1960 [there was no wind; when the woman's granddaughter grew up, she tells her not to bend north; she breaks the ban, the wind blows for the first time, the girl becomes pregnant; gives birth to Meh-nah-pose, he taught Indians Medicine Lodge Dance rituals (held on the anniversary of the death of a member of society and at the same time on the occasion of the initiation of new members; rituals are performed after the leaves have fallen and until the time, when the snow melted)]: 64).

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo (shikrin) [a village of women was in the east near a hole where dogs lived; the man's village was to the west; women lay down with their legs apart, bequeathed from the sun or the wind; boys they sent them to men, kept the girls; a young man came and offered to have sex; the woman promised to lie down with him after hunting tapirs; when hunting, the young man was tired, the woman refused him; var.: single men Women went to these to have sex; they hunted tapirs with women; women gave them meat with them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 183:521.