F47B. New people in the same place .
To create new people (new women) to replace the destroyed ones, the character leaves something (feathers or pieces of flesh) in each empty hut (in the hearth, in the hammock, in the village), from which there are new people (new women).
Assiniboine, Pomo, Vappo, Emerillon, Cracho, Sherente, Xavante, Cariri, Chamacoco.
Plains. Assiniboine [the girl goes to bed with her brother; he paints her hands, stains her blanket; after identifying her sister, she sails away in a boat; she promises to kill everyone if he does not return; turns into a bird, kills people with lightning, burns her parents; the Hawk grabs her, her brother cuts her to pieces; puts a piece of her flesh in each hearth; new people emerge from them]: Lowie 1909a, No. 11:160-161.
California. Wappo [everyone but the Coyote died during the flood; he collected many feathers of various birds and, moving from place to place, stuck his feather wherever the teepee stood before the flood; the feathers took root and branches, grew, turned into men and women]: Powell 1878:200; pomo (coastal central pomos) [there was no sea; Coyote wanted to drink, uprooted one of the marsh plants, the water poured, the sea filled up, stopping where the Coyote was; Coyote: sometimes it will be low tide so that people can collect what they need on the littoral; when I went to the place where I was going to set up a steam room, I found ready-made ones there pillars and only told them to stand up; he stuck black feathers in the ground around the steam room, they turned into people; because of the color of the feathers, the Indians are now dark; Coyote arranged a party, but for a whole month he did not shared food; so he decided to burn the world; smeared tar everywhere and set it on fire, rose to heaven himself with fog; then, to put out the fire, he flooded the ground with a flood; it rained four days later, four days later the water came down; the Coyote made new people out of black feathers too, but in the middle of an open area; Coyote taught people to collect clams and people laughed at him; then he created waves on the sea that were not it was earlier, but did not allow them to fill the land; put four people to the cardinal points, telling them to blow - these are four-way winds; Coyote told the thunder to rattle in the rain; people still did not believe Coyote, so he turned them into rabbits, gophers, birds; told the birds to put the sun in the sky; for this purpose he organized a competition; the vulture was the fastest and raised the sun; for this, people gave a basket of beads to the vulture; then the Coyote created stars and then a moon that grows acorns; the ground has four pillars; at the south, Coyote put Kuks and his wife a Kuks woman; shamans will address them; Coyote put the Wind Man on the north pillar, gave him a crosshair like the blades of a mill; at first he blew so much that everything was blown away, hills formed on the previously flat ground; at the eastern pillar, the Coyote put the Fire Man responsible for daylight and heat; with him Man Day and Woman Day; at the western pillar, Coyote put Water Man; in the middle of the world, Coyote put the Thunder Man; he produces thunder when he drags deer skin; then Coyote created villages and put a black feather in each; then the villages were filled with people; the Coyote gave names to all edible plants; When there is plenty of food, let people dance; no one else saw Coyote after that]: Loeb 1926c, No. 1:475-484.
Guiana. Emerillon [after the flood, people gathered on the caumou palm tree, you can't see the ground from the top; they regularly threw palm seeds, listening to them fall into the water or to the ground; when the seeds began to fall on the ground, people tied leaves to their heads, arms and legs, went down to the ground, but became jaguars, bakers and other animals; only one man remained human; found a capuchin monkey (Cetus) in the village apella), tied to an empty pot; brought cassava; when he returned next time, kashiri was ready; the man pretended to leave, found, married a girl; she gave birth to a child the size of a small one capuchin; asked not to kill her uncle: howler monkeys (Atouatta seniculus) and ateles (arachnids, Ateles panicus); when the husband killed the howler, the child became a monkey, ran into the forest, the wife too disappeared; Wilakalo descended from the sky, ordered three hammocks to be hung, killed the anaconda, cut into as many pieces as there were nations in the land, put the pieces in hammocks, left for a few days; the meat wormed; when the man lay down in a hammock, the worms became human; W. told everyone to dive into boiling water, people were frightened, did not, W. bought the spider; the white man swam, turned white; followed by an Indian, the last black man, turned black from dirty water; W. gave the Indian shoes, he did not take it, the European took it, sailed on the ship; Indian shamans W. taught how to make a shamanic maraka rattle; W. told the snake to bite a tree, she bit a man, that hit her with a stick; the same with a mosquito, a jaguar; a man threw ash on agami, her back turned white; atele painted her face red uruku, capuchin painted her body, the howler rubbed its roots, turned yellow; the men poured out sperm into calebasses to have children; women did not have genitals; cul jaune pierced the woman, her beak turned red; W. attached a piece of wood to the man, he met with the woman]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 1:129-141.
Eastern Brazil. Crash [a girl comes to a bird village; hides in a tree at a spring; men rape her using different parts of her body for copulation; everyone takes a piece of her vulva, bandages her with ambier fibers; these pieces turn into new women]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 142:434; sherente [men live without women, practice homosexuality; one gets pregnant, dies; others first they see a woman's reflection in the source, then they notice her on a tree; they cut her into pieces; each leaves a piece wrapped in leaves in their hut; when they return from hunting, men send her forward scout; he reports that pieces of flesh have become new women; the cougar got part of the breast, his wife is beautiful; Seriema tied his piece tightly, his wife is skinny]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 21:52-53; xavante [men don't come back from hunting so long that women get tired of waiting for them, turn into bakers, capybaras, old women into chameleons, children into parrots, possums; men notice an old woman in a tree, They tell her to go down, copulate with her, inserting her penis into all parts of her body; she dies; she is cut to pieces, every man bandages his piece with ambier fibers, leaves her in his bed; When returning from hunting, the men send two scouts forward; they report that new women who have emerged from pieces of flesh are cooking food in huts; they lie that one hut is empty; its owner gives away the meat to another man; when he finds out that he has been deceived, cuts off a piece from his caviar, roasts, gives it to his wife; she does not take it, expels her husband; he turns into a bird in a series, screams plaintively; the wife also becomes a bird; men Bakers find traces are ex-women; they hunt them to avenge them for their care]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 162:476-493; kariri [humans only have one woman; Tuppart kills it, cuts it; every man wraps his part in cotton wool, leaves it in his hut; when men come back from hunting, new women cook]: Martin de Nantes 1706 in Lowie 1946:559.
Chaco. Chamacoco [men kill first women; one hides in a tree; men climb after her and rape her, slaughter her; leave them in their huts; when they return from fishing, they expel a scout; he lies as if the flesh has rotted; when men enter the village, they see new wives there]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 80, 84, 85, 87 [(Metraux 1943:116); an uninitiated boy was lying sick in his hut; mother climbed to repair the roof, he saw her genitals, met her; told her about the mystery of Anãpösö (perfumes that frighten women are mummers); when they learn that the secret has been solved, the men killed all women; one ran away in the form of a deer; men had to do women's work; the woman who ran away hid in a tree; spat; she was noticed by a man under the tree; the men climbed on wood, but they were hampered by their erected penises, they sprayed the entire trunk with sperm; then they climbed from another tree, raped a woman; she told them to cut her into pieces; the pieces fell into the sprayed one semen; each took a piece and brought it to the village; the men went fishing, sent a shaman to find out what was in the village; the shaman was afraid of the jaguars, came back halfway, said that the pieces had rotted; sent another He turned into a bird and saw that the village was full of women and children; but when he returned, he said that vultures had eaten the meat; the men came and saw children and women; those who took pieces from their hips got fat wives, and from the fingers - thin]: 290-295, 320-337, 348-349.