Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F48. Why women are different .

Individual women are physically different, as the pieces of the first woman's flesh divided were not the same, or the males who copulated with the first woman were animals of different species.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Truk Islands [a woman from the Mortlock Islands had 80 genitals; none of the men dared to be her partner; the Olofat trickster told her to get ready; sitting in the men's house sent his long penis towards the woman; after inserting it into her, he raised and lowered her above the water until she died; all women from different islands dismantled her genitals piece by piece; from Losap Island they took the biggest ones vaginas, Oneop Island has the longest clitoris, and Kuttu Island has pubic hair; therefore, the former have the largest vaginas, the latter have the longest clitoris, the latter have the blackest eyebrows and pubic hair and under their arms; and the women from Nama Island got nothing but an empty container; so if you say box in front of them (the English word is used), they are angry because they are unable to receive pleasure]: Mitchell 1973, No. 66:190-191.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [animals of different species with the first women made from clay]: Murphy 1958, No. 5:78-79.

Eastern Brazil. Sherente [men live without women, practice homosexuality; one becomes pregnant, dies; others first see a woman's reflection in the source, then notice her on a tree; they cut her into pieces; each leaves a piece wrapped in leaves in their hut; when they return from hunting, the men send a scout forward; he reports that the pieces of flesh have become new women; the cougar has received part of the breast, his wife is beautiful; Seriema bandaged his piece tightly, his wife is skinny]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 21:52-53.

Chaco. Chamacoco [men kill first women; one hides in a tree; men climb after her and rape her, slaughter her; leave them in their huts; when they return from fishing, they expel a scout; he lies as if the flesh has rotted; when men enter the village, they see new wives there]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 80, 84, 85, 87 [(Metraux 1943:116); an uninitiated boy was lying sick in his hut; mother climbed to repair the roof, he saw her genitals, met her; told her about the mystery of Anãpösö (perfumes that frighten women are mummers); when they learn that the secret has been solved, the men killed all women; one ran away in the form of a deer; men had to do women's work; the woman who ran away hid in a tree; spat; she was noticed by a man under the tree; the men climbed on wood, but they were hampered by their erected penises, they sprayed the entire trunk with sperm; then they climbed from another tree, raped a woman; she told them to cut her into pieces; the pieces fell into the sprayed one semen; each took a piece and brought it to the village; the men went fishing, sent a shaman to find out what was in the village; the shaman was afraid of the jaguars, came back halfway, said that the pieces had rotted; sent another He turned into a bird and saw that the village was full of women and children; but when he returned, he said that vultures had eaten the meat; the men came and saw children and women; those who took pieces from their hips got fat wives, and from the fingers - thin]: 290-295, 320-337, 348-349.