Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F49. Caesarean section, T584.

. (.52.) .

The women had their bellies cut to remove the baby. Someone explains how to give birth or makes childbirth possible.

Tobanga, Majprat, 20.20 erhniye arapesh, abelam, mekeo, Tami Island, Siwai (Bougainville), Buka, Santa Cruz (Solomon Islands), Carolina (Yap, Palau, Faraulip, Puluwat, Truk, Ngatik), Marshall Islands (Islinglapalap, Maloelap), Nauru, Tikopia, Tuvalu, Maori, Rotuma, Niue, Hawaii, Southern Cook Islands (Rarotonga), Tuamotu, Mangareva, Marquises, Kapingamarangi, Nukuria, Temuan (mantra), Kayan, atoni, dongo, toraja, central Flores, varope, coastal Koryaks, Kodiak, central Yupik, Bering Strait and Northern Alaska inupiate, copper, netsilic, igloolik, polar, koyukon, tanana, kuchin, tanaina, upper tanana, tagish, inner tlingit, taltan, quarry, chilcotin, shuswap, thompson, lillouet, klamat, fox, yurok, kerok, hoopa, (Aztecs), guajiro, cuiva, sikuani, lokono, waorani, shuar, aguaruna, urarine (?) , sharanahua, cachinahua, maces.

West Africa. Tobanga [pregnant women were ripped open, they died; a pregnant woman went to buy firewood and began to cry; a monkey taught her how to give birth; since then, women do not eat monkey meat, because monkeys like humans, only with a tail]: Ruellard, Caprille 1993:23-27.

Melanesia. Majprat [women did not have genitals; they were copulated through the mouth or ear; to remove the baby, the pregnant woman was fried to death at the stake, then her stomach was ripped open; at the young Karet N'Bejun pregnant sister (his woman; it is clear that he is a sister); he saw a fruit floating along the river, went to look for a tree; filled two bags with fruit from the tree at the source of the river; on the top of his head was the beautiful Ratu, smelled of possum; they came down, she had a possum vagina; showed K. how to use her vagina rather than her mouth; they swam to his house, R. chewed ginger, blew all parts of Sister K.'s body from head down; fetus her womb did not move up as before, but down, her vagina opened, the baby was born; since then, women have been giving birth, and their vaginas have the smell of possum]: Elmberg 1968, No. 15:263-264; upper arapeche [the man began to cook a marsalai pig; it does not cook, the man was carried by the river, he came to women whose husbands are flying foxes; they only scratched their vaginas, they only gave birth to girls Moreover, in old age; one woman found a man, hid it in her bag, was pregnant with him, killed her flying fox; another woman noticed, had sex too, forgot to pour ash on the stairs (the first one left ash to see traces); the man has sex with all women, and sleeps with his wife at night; when it is time for her to give birth, the women opened her womb with a knife, removed the boy; the man regrets that he was not invited; others gave birth to sons normally; began to kill flying foxes, burned down their house; one told the birds that they killed the man, left his penis in the village square; the women buried him]: Mead 1940, No. 34: 378-380; abelam [first the pregnant woman's stomach was cut, the baby was taken out, the woman died; one day all the people left, the pregnant woman began to fight; the skate bar of the men's house turned into a person he helped a woman give birth; since then, childbirth has been taking place naturally]: Huber-Greub 1988, No. 8.1. 22:290; mekeo [Amaka went to bed in a boat from the upper reaches and was carried down the river at night; he woke up, I saw a vegetable garden, the owner's name was also Amaka; both are glad that they were namesakes; A. told his wife to prepare a tarot from the lower reaches, he put it in the sun; A. left the lower reaches, supposedly out of need, made a fire, baked a tarot; A. from the lower reaches let areca palm and betel chew, putting a wand in his wife's vagina and moistening the gum; A. taught me how to use lime from the upper reaches, then the chewing gum is red; A.'s wife began to give birth from the lower reaches, husband I wanted to cut her belly; A. taught her how to give birth from the lower reaches]: Mosko 1991:145; Fr. Tami [two men go to women's island; get married, teach how to give birth; pregnant women had their stomachs ripped open before]: Neuhauss 1911 (3): 550 in Hutton 1914:484; Buka [Porana taught women how to give birth, until This is what they ripped their bellies open]: Thur., 417-418 in Wheeler 1926:43; Siouai (Bougainville) [The Orphan (Panața) taught people to wait for the sago to settle in the trough, drain the water, then carry the trough home instead of carry full of water; peel nuts; make slit gongs (used to be beaten against a stone with a stick); sleep inside houses, not on top of them; went with my brother's wife to pick nuts, told her to climb a palm tree, looked at when the woman came down, she touched her vagina; she replied that her husband considered it a wound and inserted his penis under her arm; P. got along with the woman correctly; her brother noticed blood, the wife replied that P. healed her wound; her brother took P. to the sea, deliberately dropped the coconuts, P. swam after them, her brother sailed away; P. reached the island; ash came; P. told the ash to collect everything she could find and bake; since then people eat cooked food; brother came to look at dead P., saw the bones of animals and birds eaten by them, decided that they were P.'s bones; climbed a tree to look around; P. jumped into his boat, sailed away; brother died on an island; P. married his widow; when the child was ready to be born, people came with knives to cut her stomach; P. drove them away, explained that only the umbilical cord should be cut; P. arranged a party, christened them child]: Oliver 1955:43-45; mono (Shortland Islands) [younger brother fell behind his elder; took the food and water that the elder left for him, climbed into heaven; married two daughters of a local chief; locals people do not eat when it rains, because they cook only in the sun; the man made a fire, showed how to cook food; the elder wife is pregnant; her husband did not allow her stomach to be ripped open, she gave birth normally, everyone is happy; the husband and wife went down the rope to the ground; the brothers allow them to be baked in an earthen oven; the elder was eaten, and the youngest, thanks to the forces given in heaven, is unharmed; became a great leader]: Wheeler 1926, No. 22:54; o- va Santa Cruz [a man sails away from his father, who has a hundred wives, in a boat, climbs a tree, stars take him to heaven; carves children from the bellies of his father's wives {obviously in the sky}; stars bring him down back, he kills dad]: O'Ferrall 1908 in Graebner 1909:153.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Palau, Faraulip, Puluwat, Truk, Nauru [no details]: Mitchell 1973:253; Yap: Müller 1918, No. 87 [no sun, celestials came down to play to earth in the moonlight; Gavur Yelyel created the sun; everyone rushed (from the heat?) Peloolop remained on the ground; he sailed in a boat to the country of Mal; when one of the women in Rumun was about to give birth, her stomach was cut, her child was taken out, her mother was buried; when Yelafad found out, also returned on earth, arrived in Rumun; met a man, asked about his daughters; the eldest rejected him, the youngest married him; J. was with skin disease during the day and a handsome tattooed man at night; his wife was with him all night worked, so J. woke up when it was already a day, the tattoo was left; the baby was born normally; wife J.'s father wanted to hit his son-in-law with a spear, but the daughter said she was alive; J. returned to heaven, so that the son would not taste coconuts; he once tasted a fallen nut, looked up, saw his father in the sky; rose to heaven in a column of smoke; there were other children J.], 88 [Sirigitšig sailed to Science, taught people there to use fire, got married; taught his wife how to give birth, before that, pregnant women had their stomachs ripped open in Nauru; returned home]: 665-666, 671-672; Ngatik (Eastern Carolina) [with Losap (more precisely from an island Peace) a boat sailed to Truk, it was brought to Ngatik; the men in the boat attacked the locals, who killed them, but the chief ordered not to kill the Melewi woman, took her second wife; at that time, women did not know how to give birth to Ngatik; they held a party, the pregnant woman's stomach was cut, she died, the baby was fed coconut milk; M. taught her how to give birth; wanted to go home to Peace; she was brought, but she stayed with her family, and her companions sailed away, because they wanted to attack them; they disappeared, they did not return to Ngatik]: Mitchell 1973, No. 37:104-105; Marshall Islands: Erdland 1914, No. 9.2 (Ailinlapalap) [the husband of a pregnant woman is going to Mäjil cut her belly to take out the baby; the rats, who were his wife's perfume, came to teach her how to give birth normally; the husband is happy to see that the baby was born]: 243-244; Kelin 2003 (Maloelap) [on Airok Island all women died during their first birth; the dead turned into Mejenkwaad spirits, persecuted their husbands; two old women who did not give birth were left, collected all M.'s spirits, took care of them; one girl became pregnant, but decided not to die; two M. took her to the old women, who helped give birth to a boy, taught her how to do it; the girl returned to people, taught her how to give birth]: 40-41; Tikopia [pregnant women used to cut their belly , the women were buried after that; a man from the West came, got married, his wife was pregnant, her relatives were going to slaughter her, the husband wanted the child to come out through the vulva; since then, women have not been slaughtered]: Firth 1967: 39-40; Tuvalu (Waitupu): Kennedt 1931:165-167 [Te Alo has sailed to the end of the world; there people, men and women, alternating, standing, supporting the sky; TA took two women, drove them to earth's waters, where they are caught a cold and died; he took them back and they came to life; when they returned to Earth's waters, TA told the satellites not to look ashore when they approached the islands; when the satellites looked, one island disappeared; they landed on Paolaola Island; there women did not know how to give birth and did not know fire, women in labor were ripped open, the woman was buried; TA married, the wife gave birth, TA taught them how to do it; gave these people fire], 168 [ two brothers hid under the boat from a huge bird; the bird brought them with the boat to the tree; at night they tied the bird to the boat and the boat to the tree; the bird took off with all this into the air, its tails the feathers came off, the brothers descended on them to an unknown island; took wives there; one wife must give birth, her mother is ready to cut her daughter's belly; the husband teaches to give birth, gets the fire that the locals rub the inhabitants did not know before]; the Maori [Chief Whiro did an inappropriate thing, arousing the anger of his tribesmen, decided to commit suicide; called Chief Tura to go together in a boat; they meet the boat Tu- tatahau; one of the rowers replies that it is the boat of the gods, T.-T. kills him with a spear; the same with the second rower; T. replies that it is the boat W., T.-T. sails away in fear; V. and T. sail along the coast unknown land; T. feels that V. is going to destroy a boat, grabs tree branches, goes deep into the country; locals have a big body, a small head; they live in trees; T. chooses for himself wife; she brings him raw meat, grass, raw roots to eat; T. makes a fire, feeds local people cooked food; his wife cries because her pregnancy is coming to an end, she must rip her stomach open; T. teaches her how to give birth normally, gives spells from difficult childbirth; his wife notices T.'s gray hair; explains that local people do not age or die (except for women from childbirth); T. goes to the shore in vain hoping that a boat will arrive; supplies food for a rainy day, gets old; calls his first son (from an earthly wife), who hears him in his sleep, comes to pick him up, brings him home]: Reed 1999, No. 16:153-159; Kapingamarangs [women in labor are cut in their bellies, they always die; spouses hide their beloved daughter from men on a platform under the roof; the celestial Tuiteke descends to her; teaches her to put it to her head during childbirth a special coconut, she gives birth normally; when she learns that Father T., the chief tells the mother and child to be baked in an earthen furnace; when she sees smoke; T. goes down, takes his wife and child to heaven]: Elbert 1948:93-95 (=1949:244); Nukuria [recorded Feb 2013; there was an island where only women lived, conceived from turtles; one person got there, met with the chief; she was pregnant; he found out that local women do not know how to give birth to them they rip their stomach open; he taught, his wife gave birth safely]: Davletshin, personal message 02.05.2013; Cook Islands (Rarotonga) [a man and a woman come out of the lower world to the spring near the village on a full moon; they steal vegetables from the garden of local residents; eat them raw; people put a net at the source, the man runs away, the woman is caught; the chief takes her as his wife; when preparing to give birth, she asks to take care of the child, after that how her stomach will be cut and buried; the chief explained that earthly women give birth normally, the woman in labor remains alive; the wife asks for permission to return to teach women to give birth in the spirit world; the husband allowed I tried to go down with her but couldn't; my wife didn't return to earth]: Gill 1876:265-266 (narrated in Dixon 1916:79); Niue, Rotuma [like in Rarotonga; people who don't know how to give birth go down from heaven, they're cannibals]: Dixon 1916:79; Rotuma [Toak enters the island of spirits; teaches a local chief's daughter how to give birth]: Beckwith 197:504; Hawaii: Beckwith 1970:283-284 [Muleiula, daughter Olopana, pregnant, is going to cut her stomach; Haumea (the goddess of procreation) comes, hears lamentations, says that in her country women give birth without cesarean section, gives a woman in labor a certain flower trees; after childbirth, the tree flies to Fr. Maui], 284 [Muleiula, daughter of Olopana, is pregnant and is about to cut her stomach; she has a "tree that changes leaves" with two flowers that make different sounds; Haumea comes and agrees to teach her how to give birth in exchange for this tree; plants a tree on Fr. Maui; a man cuts it down, a thunderstorm washes a tree into the sea, and different gods emerge from its branches and trunk]; Tuamotu [(motive known)]: Callot 1914:58, 149 in Firth 197:39; Mangareva [Tangaroa he wanted to marry Toa-tane, daughter Tane, as his second wife; he did not want to give up his daughter, because the pregnant woman would cut her stomach to take out the baby and the mother would die; Tangaroa convinced his daughter Tanya that he would teach her how to give birth naturally ]: Buck 1938:111; Marquises: Beckwith 1970 [paraphrase: Kae leaves the sea, the fish swallows it, he cuts its belly from the inside, goes out, ends up on the island of women; they are satisfied with their roots pandanus; each girl always conceives two girls, they are born by cutting their mother's belly, she always dies; K. marries Hina-i-Vaino'i ("Hina from Vainoi Island, aka Vainoki); teaches her how to give birth; Having learned that H. becomes young every time he swims on the surf, and he is gradually getting old, K. asks him to be sent home; H. calls his whale brother (or dolphin?) Tunuanui, he brings K. home; H. gives birth to a son K., who grows up quickly, plays with girls, his origin is known, H. sends him to his father on another or the same whale (dolphin); people K . want to kill him because he begins to dispose of K.'s property, but K.'s son declares who he is by singing spells; either he or K. forget to send the whale back, this does not lead to negative consequences ; (other paraphrases in Ho 1967, No. 207:367-368, in Steinen 1933, No. 11:347]: 502; Steinen 1933, No. 11a [(full text)]: 247-249 (Russian translation from another source in Permyakov 1970, No. 170:421-429).

(Wed. South Asia. Ancient India [(Greek sources: Latin quote and translation from Solin; Solin. 52.28); Ctesius says that some women there (in India) give birth only once, and the children immediately have children white hair]: Bongard-Levin et al. 2002:183-184).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Temuan (mantra) [the earth rests on an iron pole reinforced with cross bars (iron crodd-bars); Setan lives below; their women do not give birth, but take their children out by cutting the pregnant woman's belly; the first shaman visited this place, came back and told us what he saw; even below is the creator of the land, holding everything above him]: Hervey 1883:189 (=Skeat, Blagden 1906:336); kayan [making a boat, a person sees heavenly maidens who have arrived, hides the winged clothes of one of them, marries; cries when he finds out that his wife is pregnant; flies to heaven, brings night, tells him not to open the bag until everything is collected from the forest; the husband opens; the rest in the forest become Punan, Sihan (forest dwellers); the chickens become wild, the domestic pigs become wild; the husband grieves that he will have to slaughter his wife to extract the child; she says magic formula, since then women give birth normally]: Guerreiro 1989 in Macdonald 2005:96; (cf. Mountain Torajas [Ala Tala created two women, one had a son, the other a daughter; the first again became pregnant and to relieve her pain, her husband cut her stomach; the woman died; her husband waited but she did not come to life, he married another; AT said that once the first wife died, people would be mortal]: Woensdregt , Mythen, S. 106 in Fischer 1932:242); Athoni [Rote Island was part of Timor; fish (dans-vis) began to dance, perforated the surface of the earth, Rote broke away with all the inhabitants; Lis Lahuru Nai La'at killed fish; local women did not know how to give birth, pregnant women ripped open their stomachs, so the population did not grow; Nai Bai Finit and his wife came for fire; his wife ordered not to kill the pregnant woman, rubbed her (with tree juice) seeds, safely removed the child; people began to multiply]: Middelkoop 1971:447; dongo (Sumbawa) [heaven and earth were not far from each other, bamboo rested on the sky, and has been growing since then the pore was bent; a vine grew from the ground, ascended it to the upper world; the women there did not know how to give birth, the child was cut out of the mother's womb, she died; one young man had a wife in heaven; he brought the child to land, let his mother feed; when he saw them giving birth on earth, this man called his mother to heaven, who helped a local woman give birth, began to go down accompanied by two dogs; gave them food , they got into a fight, one wanted to bite the other's leg, ate the vine; then the sky rose high, the earth fell]: Arndt 1952:485; central Flores [Goro climbed the vine into the sky to hunt; local people took him to a woman in labor, gave him a knife to cut her stomach; G. taught them what to do, the woman gave birth naturally; G. brought this knife to the ground]: Suchtelen, 164-165 in Fischer 1932:243; Seram [once all pregnant women had their bellies ripped open, after which a woman, and sometimes a baby, died]: R. v. Eck 1884:288 in Fischer 1932:243; varop [while Serakaramori was fishing, his wife and mother-in-law cooked his child with porridge, left; S. came back, began to eat porridge, found a child; the departed woman arrived on the island, where the young man wanted to shoot her with an bow, she stopped him, followed him; he married her, copulated with her penis in her ear; his wife climbed on a banana, he saw her vagina from below, thought it was a wound, told her to get off to cover the wound with leaves; she explained why the vagina, neighbors saw him use his vagina for its intended purpose; people used to take out the baby by cutting the pregnant woman's belly, she died; the woman showed how to give birth normally; people admitted that they did incorrect]: Held 1956, #62:110-112

(Wed. Central Europe.

Russians [a viper below the waist is a snake; has a genital opening as narrow as a needle; copulates through the mouth; children born gnaw through the mother's womb]: Belova 1996:96)

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks (Alutors) [husbands ripped their bellies open, children were pulled out, wives were killed; the bird tells a woman not to cry waiting to die, but to sit in silence and give birth just like her, a bird that lays eggs; since then, women have given birth]: Kibrik et al. 2000, No. 15:71.

The Arctic. Kodiak [two brothers swim far beyond the sea; one is killed; the other ends up with people whose wives have one shoulder taller than the other; this is because they cut their side during childbirth to take out the baby; a man marries, stops a woman's father about to slaughter his daughter, teaches his wife how to give birth; since then, those women have given birth normally]: Lantis 1938:153; central Yupik: Fienup-Riordan 1983, No. 19 [the first people rip open women's bellies to get a baby; one woman gives birth normally; people want to kill her husband; he swims away in a kayak; he ends up in a village of women; they kill Caribou with a big stick; he sails to people without a mouth; they eat the smell of food; after that, the food becomes rotten; he continues his journey]: 247; Tennant, Bitar 1981 [Tepakluk sleeps on the ice, takes him away on an ice floe; nails to an unknown shore; all the women there are crooked; a local man explains that their stomach was cut from the side to remove the baby; the man's wife is pregnant, T. helps her give birth normally; one day hears from the children that they are going to kill him in the spring; his owner sends him home in a kayak; he gets home safely, his sister is happy]: 215-219; Bering Strait inupiate [ on the ice to an unknown shore; he is getting married there, his wife is pregnant; her father is going to rip her belly open with a knife; the man explains how to give birth, no more women were slaughtered]: Jenness 1924, No. 40:69; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Nunamiut): Gubser 1965 [at first animals were like humans, only in human form retained the nose of the corresponding animal; father Kayaktuaguniktuu ("good manager kayak") tried to kill him several times; he left; his mother gave him akutaq (Eskimo "ice cream") goodbye; when animals approach people, he must be licked four times, these creatures will be like himself; he marries a caribou, lives in a herd; the wife is afraid to cross the lake because she has only two fingers; he hits her, she runs, becoming a caribou, who now have a third joint on her hoof; K. comes to a village where pregnant women have their bellies cut; marries; wife is giving birth, everyone is crying; K. helps her give birth normally, since then women have not died leaving offspring; K. comes to musk rats, marries; these people just lick the juice; they're horrified when K. swallows pieces of meat; surprised when he defecates; K. tells them to lick the crap, which also makes them anuses; one of the partridge men shoots K. he dodges, kills all the partridges with arrows; the giant throws his ulu at K.; K. catches him, throws him back, cutting off the giant's right hand; he throws his left hand; with his teeth; dies when the ulu cuts him throat; a piece of fin tree tries to attack him, he kills him with arrows, blood flows; this cannibal dies]: 39-42; Hall 1975, No. PM39 (Noatak) [carries a man and son on an ice floe; they swim to unfamiliar shore; locals rip open pregnant women's bellies with a flintlock knife to remove the baby; people teach how to give birth; residents are grateful, send those who have come home]: 212-214; Ivanoff Brown 1981 (Selawik) [Nunamiu and his wife Qimmiq have four sons, they go and go; N. conceives a fifth, making a fire so that sparks fall into his wife's vagina; a Qayaq son is born; his father magically brings him up strength and dexterity, gives amulets made from the bodies of insects and small nimble animals (weasels, minks, shrews); after preparing a supply of food for parents, K. goes up the Kobuk Valley in search brothers; his father tells him to take his uncle with him, whom he meets on the way; an unfriendly man enters K.'s hut in the parking lot, he throws him away, he turns into a woodpecker; picks him up at the beaver hut a broken wolverine tooth; a man sleeps with him, leaves in the morning, it was a wolverine; K. says to the person who came up that his thumb eats people like him; the man runs away in fear, turns out to be a trot; someone the voracious behaves strangely, rushes at K. with a knife; K. invites him to die in the fire, he jumps into the fire and burns; in the village of K. he marries; in the spring the wife expects her father to cut her to take out the child; K. teaches how to give birth in the usual way; he goes on, meets a giant; he says that his two wives will soon come and fight; let K. cut both strands, first the one that comes from the sea, because she aggressive; after urinating, the giant flooded the whole valley; K. does this, the giantesses bandage their wounds, the husband sends them to clean the house; wives live with the giant only in spring; the giant kills the caribou torn larch; K. leaves, prepares material to make a boat, wants help; spies, sees fox girl roasting meat, Squirrel melts resin, female birds sew boat trim, Beaver prepares the frame and oars, the Raven prepares the dart for the birds, the Wolf and Wolverine scrape the edges, the Bear knocks down trees, cleans the branches; then everyone dances, the Woodpecker hits the tambourine; K. jumps up, grabs the Fox, she stays human, the rest run away in the form of animals and birds; in summer, K. swims down the Yukon, the wife becomes a fox again; K. meets, takes his uncle with her; they see a man break off the fir the chips, which fall into the water, turn small into trout, large ones into salmon; thanks to this, there are fish; on the shore, the bones and skulls of his brothers, a naked woman; K. throws a lahtak's head, head, into her vulva tears the cannibal; K. buries his bones; there is a shiny ball on the tree, he attracts K., who hangs in a trap; the cannibal brings him home, his two children say that the game has opened their eyes; the cannibals have fallen asleep, K. cut off their heads; K.'s boat slips between the crushing rocks, only the paddle is crushed; the giant in the boat and K. throw darts at each other, the dart K. cuts off the giant's head; enters the house, the giant's wife throws a ulu, K. throws it at it, cuts off his head; the door is closed, he gets out as a mouse; turns into a trout, bites off the tip of the fisherman's jail; comes to him, offers to fix the prison, pierces it fisherman; turns into salmon, gets into the fishermen's net; the chief's son eats his head, the bone gets stuck in his throat, he dies; bones are thrown into the hole, K. is reborn, he gets shot, he runs away; they swim to the sea; uncle left, turning into a lynx; K. becomes a falcon; the leader of the Unalik people catches him, eats him, he rises from his bones, marries the leader's stepdaughter; he wanted her for himself; sends storm, K. steals the boat into the open sea; K. regurgitates the pebbles given by his father, the wind has subsided; K. burns the leader's face with this stone; he orders to split the log into firewood; so he killed many of his stepdaughter's suitors; c with the help of an amulet caress, K. performs the task, the leader is surprised that K. is alive; the leader orders to shoot partridges, K. kills a huge cannibal bird there; cross the log abyss, K. falls, but returns unharmed; crawls away with a caterpillar from the community house where the chief wanted to burn him; K. dodges the arrows fired at him, kills the leader's soldiers himself; ties him naked to a pole, leaves him in the cold; appoints a new chief, flies away with a falcon]: 40-114; Jenness 1924 (2) (Prince of Wales) [the young man was carried on the ice to a country where pregnant women had their child cut out of his side; therefore, local women had one shoulder taller than the other; when the father-in-law sharpened a knife to slaughter the young man's wife, he did not allow him, taught him how to give birth]: 69; inupiate: Ostermann 1952 [four brothers disappear one by one; conceiving a fifth son , the husband carves sparks that fall into his wife's womb; lets the baby swallow hot stones, making him invulnerable; the young man goes to avenge his brothers, meets various strange creatures; marries; when his wife ready to give birth, her father is going to rip her belly open; the hero helps her give birth normally]: 235-237; Rooth 1971 [Kayak gets to people ripping their wives open their bellies to get a baby; teaches how to give birth]: 15; copper [people without anus suck juice from meat; after that, meat is considered excrement; their women's bellies are ripped open during childbirth; if the incision is too large, the woman dies]: Rasmussen 1932:207; netsilic [Aninga is blind; his mother Agthulg-Rarnan aims his arrow, lies that he didn't hit the bear; eats meat herself; his sister Aleka feeds him secretly ; he asks to be taken to the sea; two Loons in human form lick his eyes, making them keen; he harpoons a walrus, tying a tench to his mother, a walrus drags her into the sea; brother and sister leave; mother's spirit in the appearance of a strip of fire, a moving belt blocks the road; they jump over these obstacles; the sister goes to ask for water from the spirits with claws in their arms; they want to kill her, her brother kills them, heals her sister; they come to people without anuses; they suck meat to be satiated; brother marries, sister marries; those women do not have vaginas, pregnant women have their bellies ripped open; sister gives birth normally; her mother-in-law pierces herself vagina with a meat fork, dies; sister smears black face of an unknown lover, identifies her brother in the morning; they decide to turn into something; sister suggests, brother rejects options (wolves: they have teeth that are too sharp; bears: clubfoot; musk oxen: sharp horns; seals: sharp claws; etc.; in the sun and month); they light moss torches, run, rise into the air; sister extinguishes her brother's torch, so the month is cold]: Rasmussen 1931:232-236; igloolik (hall. Fox) [see the M16 motive; brother and sister come to people without anuses or genitals; brother marries, cuts holes in his wife; she gets pregnant, her mother is going to cut her belly; she gives birth normally; all women make holes for themselves with meat forks; some die]: Rasmussen 1930a: 77-80; polar Eskimos [see M16 motif; brother and sister come to people without anuses; their bowel movements are − deer fat, spew it through the mouth; urinate through a hole in the palm of her hand; sister gets married here, is pregnant; the shaman wants to give her a cesarean section as usual for these people; she gives birth to a girl normally, who has an anus; her grandmother sits on a sharp stick to pierce her anus; dies]: Holtved 1951a, No. 37:152-165; 1951b, No. 37:59-64 (translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 230:445-449).

Subarctic. Koyukon [the girl has her first period, her mother made a separate house for her, strangers took her away, they were dead; they climbed a steep icy mountain, and the girl could not be alive; then dead a man built a house at the foot, began to live in it with the kidnapped person; one day a woman hears crying, her husband explains that one woman is pregnant, she is about to have her stomach cut; a living woman shows her how to give birth; a woman misses her mother, her husband makes her a boat; she sails in it down the river, her father sails towards her up, she realizes that he is dead; his boat is burned (the deceased's property is burned so that he can do it use); a woman comes to her mother; she hides her from her crow grandfather, who wants to marry her; he hears her younger sister calling her name; marries, the woman dies soon after, easy climbs a glass mountain, joins her husband]: Attla 1989:261-273; Kuchin [the older brother is jealous of the younger brother; splits the log, makes a coffin; invites his brother to lie down and try on; closes the lid, descends into the river; the coffin takes to the shore where the Dog Eskimos (= eagle people) live; they have no mouth, they eat the smell of rotten meat; the hero cuts their mouths; then they cut through each other, some in a hurry make a vertical cut; the hero gets a wife; local people rip open the bellies of pregnant wives, the hero teaches how to give birth; hawks are moose for them, the hero easily kills hawks; a dead hawk who falls from a tree ran over several people; the hero is given eagle plumage, he flies home in it, lifts his brother into the air, throws him into the fast; takes his two wives; one of them lubricates his feathers with her milk, his wings weaken; he grabs a beaver, which drags it under water; wives marry a piece of resin; soon it falls to pieces]: McKennan 1965:132-136; tanaina [no details; there was only rainwater; Kitlguyo let water in by cutting horse cabbage; cut the mouths of animals (=first ancestors) so that they could speak; taught women how to give birth; women in labor used to rip their bellies open]: Osgood 1937:173; tanana [there is only one girl sitting and silent; the Raven pretends to be ill; she goes to get firewood to warm him; he takes her bag of women's clothes, puts several men on women, those turn into women; Raven teaches how to have children; pregnant women are going to rip their bellies open; Raven talks about how to give birth, how to breastfeed]: De Laguna 1995, No. 1:84; upper tanana [Tsaosha comes to Mosquitoes, marries a girl; pregnant women are ripped open Mosquitoes; T. teaches them how to give birth; Mosquitoes kill an insect with spears, calling it a bear]: McKennan 1959: 189; tagish [(western 1950); two boys fell asleep on the ice, the ice floe came off, they swam down the river; with them the dog, they killed it, covered the ice with blood so that it would not melt so quickly; when they stuck, went back; the cannibal drove one into a tree, cut down the trunk; the other came up, offered to cut instead of him, hacked the cannibal; the brothers smashed his head, mosquitoes flew out (they weren't there before); brothers met a man with a second person on the back of his head; killed him and his dog; came to people without a mouth (more precisely with a tiny hole instead of a mouth); they let the meat worm, ate on larvae; the brothers tore the mouth of one boy, then, at their request, to others; they began to eat meat and talk; the brothers came to other people, who took out the children, ripping the women's bellies open; the brothers taught these women how to give birth; contrary to warning, they spend the night under a tree; a huge squirrel ate the youngest; the eldest called people, they killed the squirrel, the shaman revived the swallowed bone]: McClelland 2007, No. 79:390-393; internal Tlingit: McClelland 2007 (3), No. 125 [two boys and a dog swam down the river on a broken ice floe; grandmother manages to throw food with them; to prevent the ice floe from melting, they smeared her dog with blood edges, the ice floe no longer cracks; they jump ashore, come to people who have tiny mouths, they eat only larvae, their dogs eat porcupines; their women do not know how to give birth, pregnant women rip their bellies open; brothers teach to give birth, tear people's mouths to eat and speak normally; the old woman sends her brothers home, gives a staff that will show the way, tells them not to stay overnight at the squirrel house and at snake house; they stop, the eldest hides in a tree, leaves a block of wood in his place; the youngest stays below; a huge squirrel swallows it, the elder kills her with an arrow, pulls her brother out of her belly, all his hair has fallen out; they stay at the snake house, where the younger brother died; the eldest returned home], 135 [two brothers and the dog were carried away on an ice floe; they smeared the edges of the ice floe with dog blood, to prevent it from splitting; to get to people who have tiny mouths and women have their bellies ripped open to remove the baby; boys have widened people's mouths so that they can eat normally, teach them how to give birth; brothers went home, met a giant, hid from him in a cave; he asked for help - another giant took his wife away; threatened to fill the exit with a stone if his brothers did not go with him; the eldest went, the youngest refused, he was overwhelmed in a cave, now his voice is an echo; rabbits for a giant are moose, the boy killed two, the giant was able to eat only one jaw; then the giant killed two moose, for him it rabbits; the whole tree for the giant is a stick, the muskrat is a louse; the giant made an ax out of the beaver's fangs, gave it to the boy; another giant was fishing, the first to kill him; the giant's wife threw her breasts over him, they he was crushed; the boy cut them off, the giant's wife died; the giant killed twin babies, married the daughter of the first giant, who was just menstruating; sent the boy home, giving him a stick pointing way; gave a bear dog, allowed him to kill with his shoulder blade; in the morning there is always meat on his shoulder blade; the boy returned home], 149 [two boys sailed away on the ice floe that had come off; they had a dog, they smeared the edges of the ice floe with blood from her nose; they came to people without a mouth, whose women do not know how to give birth; they wait for the meat to worm, eat larvae, rip open their wives; boys tear their mouths apart, teach them how to give birth]: 557-556, 610-617, 673-675; taltan [people don't know about sexual intercourse; Raven copulates with a girl, her legs are swollen; to recover, he tells her to find something sticking out of the ground and sit on top; it's his penis; girl gets pregnant; Raven forgets to explain how to give birth; first women had their bellies ripped open; one refused, gave birth normally; since then all women have given birth like this]: Teit 1919, No. 1.8:206-207.

The coast is the Plateau. To prevent women from ripping their bellies open, the Converter invents products that help with childbirth. Quarry [see motive B6, L1; brother and sister stay alone, get married; their young son kills people by taking their tongues out to sleep; two girls were in ritual isolation, escaping; pushing a child into fire, his ashes turn into mosquitoes; one conceives from a stone; dies because her child is too heavy and hard; the other conceives from a pen, gives birth to Ahlnuk and his three brothers ( Ahlnuk, Tachandalkan, Taslas and one more); they kill a big snake that drowned people; kill two grizzlies that did not give people water; A. asks the person what he is doing; I'm carving a club to kill A. ; A. touches his lips with his finger, he falls dead; brothers come to people who are going to cut a woman to extract a child; A. teaches childbirth; a man harpoons fish with his pointed tibia bone; A. turns into salmon, the person misses, breaks the bone against the stone; sharpens it again; A. makes him a normal leg, gives him a jail (the origin of the jail)]: Jenness 1934, No. 6:129-136; chilcotin [The seagull puts its feet like a bridge over the river, cleans when a person enters the bridge, so drowns people; hits fish with a special spear; Lendixchuks turns into fish, cuts off the tip the jail pierced into him, sails away with him; with his sons he comes to the Seagull, returns the tip in exchange for building a steam room; teaches Chaika to give birth to his wife; he had previously ripped open his bellies wives, extracting the child; when the Seagull lays his legs like a bridge, L. jumps ashore, breaks Seagull's legs, turns him into a seagull]: Farrand 1900, No. 1:111-12; shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 3 [boy Kwellast was the grandson of an aunt of four transformer brothers; some say his mother conceived him from the hogfennel root (Peucedanum palustre, marsh mustard)], 4 [Kava travels, meets various people with strange customs; teaches to catch and eat trout, not frogs; not to bury sleepers; not to rip open the bellies of pregnant women], 54 [the son of the Old dies (first death), he goes to look for it; meets people with strange customs, teaches them to do the right thing; 1) people who bury sleepers; 2) ripping their bellies open to pregnant women; 3) eating frogs, not fish; 4) who do not know gender differences]: 644, 652, 746-748; lillouette [four brothers meet a man with a knife who is about to rip open his pregnant wife's belly; teach how to have children]: Teit 1912b, No. 1, 49 [ Brothers - Bears, husband - Coyote]: 294-295, 368; Thompson: Hill-Tout 1899 [see M18A motif; three brothers come to a man ready to cut his wife's belly to extract a child; every wife gives birth a girl who grows up, a man marries her, kills her to extract a girl, etc.; younger Sqaktktquaclt helps give birth to a boy, a woman will continue to give birth]: 205-206 (full text: 195-216); Teit 1917b, No. 3 [The Quatquetl brothers travel, turn those they meet into animals and stones, kill monsters, making them harmless animals and plants; meet a man ripping his wives open their bellies, when should they give birth (they teach them how to give birth; without details)]: 20; Klamath [Antelope trusts the Frog's son; his name is Swaya; the frog swims with him further down the river; kidnaps and adopts; someone reports to a young man that the Frog is not his mother; he kills the Frog's daughters; goes in search of his mother; meets Louse, asks what she is doing; I'm waiting for S. (obviously to attack him); Show me how; Louse pressed his finger; the same episode with Flea, Ant and others; Dragonflies are all men, S. turns some into women, so they began to breed; one says his wife is pregnant, asks what to do; S. teaches; Gmokamč tells S. that his mother is an antelope; but he forgets and kills her; five blind Pelican brothers are frying fish; S. steals one from each; but then he caught fish for them]: Barker 1963, No. 5:51-57.

The Midwest. Fox [man gets to dwarfs; they rip open the bellies of pregnant wives; he teaches their women how to give birth; dwarfs have no anuses, they are surprised to see a person relieve themselves (he probably does they have anuses; without details); dwarfs are attacked by their terrible enemies - cranes, geese, goose; a person easily kills birds, roasts them and eats them]: Jones 1907, No. 5:75-77.

California. Yurok [the trickster makes a woman (or two sisters) pregnant; her brothers are ready to rip her stomach open, kill the child's father if the woman dies]: Kroeber 1976, No. F2 [Wohpekumen does not find on earth women, comes to heaven; there are 10 siblings; she has a child (from W.?) , the brothers are going to cut her stomach and W. kill; W. made a potion, gave the woman a drink, she gave birth; since then, her bellies have not been cut; W. paid for the woman dentalium shell, returned with his wife and son to land], K2 [Wohpekumen got married, his wife is going to cut her stomach, he gave her an ash drug to drink, since then normal childbirth], O1 [a woman used to rip her bellies open; Wohpekumen made a potion to make him son was born normally], P1 [Wohpekumen became pregnant with two women across the river; helped give birth, women used to have their bellies ripped open], Q3 [Wohpekumen became pregnant with two women, helped give birth, women used to have their bellies ripped open], X4 [Wohpekumen became pregnant with two women, their five brothers want to kill him; he helped give birth, women used to have their bellies ripped open]: 281-283, 327, 353-355, 361-363, 375-376, 424; Sapir 1928, No. 1 [girls hide from Wohpekumeu; one goes to the river for water, sees a boy in a boat; returns pregnant; people are going to cut her womb to extract the baby, caught V. kill him; he taught the girl how to give birth normally; the boy grew up, got married, he had a son; V. offered to get the chicks out of the nest so that the boy could play with them; V.'s son climbed the tree, V. caused the wind, all the branches broke off, do not get off; V. took his daughter-in-law, made the boy's eyes sore, he went blind; V.'s son came down, met his son, who found birds by sound and made them fall dead; V.'s son came secretly, V. noticed his leg in the steam room; V.'s son and his son left, they went on different roads]: 253-254; Villote [Gudatrigakwitl ("the old man upstairs") created the world; Gatswokwire (aka Rakshuatlaketl) does pregnant women with only one wish; wonders why there are children but women are not seen; realizes that they die after childbirth when they see a husband going to rip his wife's belly open; creates a drug, childbirth aid]: Kroeber 1906a, No. 4:96-97; Karok: Harrington 1932, No. 9 [Lizard: Let women in labor rip open their bellies; and if childbirth, by mouth; Coyote: Let the baby be born from below]: 26-27; Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. C2 [like yurks]: 33; hoop: Goddard 1904, No. 1 [pregnant women had their bellies ripped open; the cultural hero first thinks they could give birth from calf; then makes a uterus out of its mesh bag], 32 [like yurks]: 126, 279.

(Wed. Mesoamerica The Aztecs (Texcoco) [an arrow fired from the sky pierces a hole in the ground; the first man and woman emerge from it; their bodies have no lower part; when conceiving children, a man puts his tongue in his wife's mouth ; they don't know fire, they eat meat raw]: Garibay 1965:91-92 (German translation in Krickeberg 1928:12-13).

The Northern Andes. Guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 34 [women had teeth in their vulvas; to remove the baby, the pregnant woman had to rip open her stomach; then her stomach was sewn up; Mareiwa throws a stone into the vulva, knocks out their teeth, children can now be born normally; that woman's name was Worunka; this place is now a rock shaped like her vulva; the birds touched this rock and got their red plumage; while there were teeth in the vulvas, men inserted a penis into the navel of women; in Vorunka's time, a woman bought a man, came to have sex with him at his house; Mareiva did the opposite (the man moves to the house near woman and manages there)]: 91-92; 1986 (2), No. 117 [a man climbed into a hole for a battleship, ended up in the lower world; his wife followed him, from them the inhabitants of the lower world come from; to extract a child, their women's bellies ripped open; our world rests on their homes; a man who came to the lower world and gave birth to its inhabitants met a golden man wearing a golden hat on a golden mule; it was the Sun; the man asked him to be taken to earth; the Sun told him to sit on a mule behind him; then he planted a piece of wood in the sea, the man sailed home]: 837-838.

Llanos. Cuiva [The mouse explains how to give birth; but the female Opossum still opens her stomach with a knife, pulls out her cubs; says she can't do otherwise]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 170:246; Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 31 [husband prepares to rip open his pregnant wife's belly to extract the baby, the wife will die anyway; female Hummingbird explains how to give birth], 32 [pregnant women have their bellies ripped open to extract child; people did not know weaving and clothes, cassava juice push-ups (they are woven) were made from anaconda skin; looking at the patterns on the anaconda skin, one person figured out how to weave; Waxaninö showed how to make bast cloth, make loincloths out of it; a hummingbird woman taught how to give birth and make woven bags to carry children; they used to wear anacondas in their shoes; there were few people, they were eaten by Kawiri cannibals, so the brothers married sisters]: 153, 154-155.

Guiana. Lokono [a person enters the lower world along the battleship's hole; red-haired dwarfs live there; their pregnant women rip their bellies open during childbirth, then sewn up; the person teaches them how to give birth; returns to earth]: Goeje 1943, No. d40:128-129.

Western Amazon. The rat explains how to give birth. Waorani [husbands ripped their wives open while taking out a child; women died; Rat sees a man with a knife; teaches his wife how to give birth]: Rival 1998:625; shuar: Barruego 1988:76-77; Naikiai 1992:28; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 24:15; 1993 [babies were removed by caesarean section, mothers died, fathers breastfed babies; rabbit helps woman give birth, husband gives breast to wife]: 23-24; Rueda 1987, No. 14 [to reach the baby, pregnant women were ripped open, they died; men had breasts, the husband fed the baby; the father raised the daughter, then married her; the husband sends his wife to the site for peanuts, in the evening promises to rip her stomach open; the rat explained how to give birth, prepared everything, the woman gave birth; insisted that her husband give her breasts]: 95-96; Aguaruna: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 34, 34a [also guinea pig and rabbit]: 361-375; Guallart 1958 [women did not know how to give birth; their stomachs burst and died; men had breasts; one woman was ready to give birth; her husband sent her to the site to look for peanuts, promised to come and pick up the child; the rat at the site taught me how to give birth, helped give birth; the woman returned with the baby; the husband was upset; another time the women went to kill people ( apparently behind trophy heads), instead pierced palm leaves with spears, which they came across on the way; the husband cut off his breasts, attached it to his wife; since then, women have not fought, but have been feeding their children]: 92- 93.

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina: B. Dean, personal report, 1993; sharanahua [women did not know how to give birth; the shaman cut the pregnant woman's belly, ate the placenta and fat; the Yapi mouse explained how to give birth]: Siskind 1973:167; cachinahua [women did not know how to give birth; pregnant women were taken to the Incas, who ripped their bellies open, ate the woman in labor, gave the child to the relatives of the deceased; the number of people did not increase; the couple decided that it is better for my wife to die in the forest than to be eaten; the Rat saw her in the forest, taught her how to give birth]: Ans 1978, No. 16:182-184; matses [the option is similar to the Kashinahua version; women did not know how to give birth, children they took it out by cutting the pregnant woman's belly; in order not to endanger the woman's life, she bent her leg and the man inserted the woman's penis under the woman's knee]: Wistrand MS {apparently} in Erikson 1994:80.