Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F49C. First people don't know how to give birth.


At the beginning of time, women do not know how to give birth. See motive F49.

Melanesia. Majprat [women did not have genitals; they were copulated through the mouth or ear; to remove the baby, the pregnant woman was fried to death at the stake, then her stomach was ripped open; at the young Karet N'Bejun pregnant sister (his woman; it is clear that he is a sister); he saw a fruit floating along the river, went to look for a tree; filled two bags with fruit from the tree at the source of the river; on the top of his head was the beautiful Ratu, smelled of possum; they came down, she had a possum vagina; showed K. how to use her vagina rather than her mouth; they swam to his house, R. chewed ginger, blew all parts of Sister K.'s body from her head down; fetus her womb did not move up as before, but down, her vagina opened, the baby was born; since then, women have been giving birth, and their vaginas have the smell of possum]: Elmberg 1968, No. 15:263-264; abelam [first pregnant women had their bellies cut, the baby was taken out, the woman died; one day all the people left, the pregnant woman began to have contractions; the skate bar of the men's house turned into a person, he helped the woman give birth; since then since childbirth occurs naturally]: Huber-Greub 1988, no. 8.1.22:290; Buka [Porana taught women how to give birth, they had their bellies ripped open before]: Thur., 417-418 in Wheeler 1926:43; Siuai ( Bougainville) [Orphan (Pana»õa) taught people to wait for the sago to settle in the trough, drain the water, then carry the trough home rather than carry full water; peel nuts from the husks; make slit gongs (they used to beat with a stick against a rock); sleep inside houses, not on top of them; went with my brother's wife to pick nuts, told her to climb a palm tree, looked at her vagina when the woman came down, touched her; she replied that her husband thinks it was a wound and inserts her penis under her arm; P. got along with the woman correctly; her brother noticed blood, the wife replied that P. had cured her wound; her brother took P. to sea, deliberately dropped the coconuts, P. swam after them, brother sailed away; P. got to the island; ash came; P. told ash to collect everything she could find, bake; since then people have been eating cooked food; brother came to see dead P., saw bones animals and birds eaten by them, decided that they were P.'s bones; climbed a tree to look around; P. jumped into his boat, sailed away; brother died on the island; P. married his widow; when the child was ready to be born, people came cut her stomach with knives; P. drove them away, explained that only the umbilical cord should be cut; P. arranged a party, christened the child]: Oliver 1955:43-45.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tikopia; Hawaii; Mangareva; Tuamotu {probably}.

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks (Alutors).

The Arctic. Central Yupik.

Subarctic. Tanaina; tanana; taltan.

California. Karok; vilot; hupa.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro.

Llanos. Cuiva; sikuani.

Western Amazon. Waorani; shuar; aguaruna.

Montagna - Jurua. Sharanahua; kachinahua.