Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F51. Secret lover, H58. .20.21.25.-.


Someone comes to the face of the opposite sex under cover of night. The marriage partner intentionally (to determine who it is) or accidentally (thereby exposing the person coming) makes a mark on his/her body. See motif A31.

Hawaiians, Marquises, Sherdukpen, AO, Ifugao, Paiwan, Koreans, Chinese (Guangdong, Hubei), Greeks, (Russians), Lithuanians, Dungans, Khalha Mongols, Japanese, Ryukyu (North and Miyako), Asians Eskimos, Aleuts (Umnak), Mackenzie Delta Eskimos, Netsilic, Igloolik, Polar, Labrador Eskimos, Angmassalik, West Greenland, Koyukon, Ingalic, Helmet, Taltan, Tlingit, Hyda, Tsimshian, Bellacula, heiltsuk, chilcotin, thompson, lillouette, squamish, halkomelem, clallam, quileout, sanpual, yakima, tillamook, cous, chippewa, sarsi, blacklegs, assiniboine, mandan, sheyen, arapaho, wichita, kaddo, chiroki, atsugevi, achomavi, kuna, embera, shikuani, panare? , yabarana, yanomami, warrau, Caribbean Dominica, arekuna, lokono, waiwai, hishkaryana, trio, oyana, kashuyana (?) , oyampi, siona, napo, canelo, aguaruna, saparo, desana, barasana, macuna, letuama, bara, kabiyari, tatuyo, ufaina, andoque, uitoto, ocaina, bora, yagua, chikuna, mestizos Leticia, Rio Jamunda, Surui, Shipaya, urubu, tenetehara, chayahuita, kanamari, pyro, shipibo, kuniba, apurina, cachinahua, sharanahua, kanamari, charazu, guarazu, tupari, chacobo, nambiquara, rickbacza, calapalo, mehinacu, bororo, suya , botocudo, caigua, apapokuwa, mbia.


A woman secretly comes to a man, not a man to a woman.

Tillamook, chippewa, assiniboine, wichita, suya.

Secret lover or mistress - Month (Moon).

Northern Alaska Inupiate, Mackenzie Delta Eskimos, Polar, Netsilic, Igloolik, Labrador Eskimos, East Greenland, West Greenland, Koyukon, Inhalic, Tlingit, caddo, chirokee, kuna, panare (?) , yabarana, warrau, Caribbean Dominica, arekuna, lokono, waiwai, hishkaryana, trio, oyana, kashuyana (?) , oyampi, siona, napo, canelo, aguaruna, saparo, desana, barasana, macuna, letuama, bara, kabiyari, tatuyo, ufaina, andoque, uitoto, ocaina, bora, yagua, chikuna, mestizos Leticia, Rio Jamunda, Surui, Shipaya, urubu, chayahuita, kanamari, shipibo, pyro, kuniba, cachinahua, sharanaua, yaminaua, charambet, kanamari, guarazu, tupari, nambikwara, rickbacza, iranshe, paresi, caigua, apapokuwa, mbia.

A secret lover is a dog.

Helmet, taltan, bellacula, heiltsuk, chilcotin, thompson, chalkomel? (recorded in the lower reaches of the river. Fraser), Yakima, Sarsi, Blackfoot, Mandan, Sheyen, Arapahoe.

A secret lover or lover is a worm or a snake.

Hawaiians [caterpillar], Koreans [snakes?] , Chinese [earthworm, serpent], Japanese [snakes].

A secret lover or lover is a different character.

Marquises [girl's father], Sherdukpen [Bat], ao [tree spirit], Chinese [cryptomeria], Ifugao, Khalha Mongols [Bat], Asian Eskimos, Aleuts (Umnak), Tlingits, haida, tsimshian, lillouet, squamish, halkomel, quileut, sanpual, tillamook, kous, chippewa, assiniboin, wichita, atsugevi, achomavi, ambera, shikuani, tenetehara, chakobo, waura, kamayura, trumai, suya.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Hawaiians [the god of caterpillars comes to a girl in the form of a man at night; on the advice of her parents, she secretly ties a thread to him, walks it to the hill, finds out who her husband is; he is angry, caterpillars they are destroying crops; parents ask Kane for help, who cuts the god of caterpillars into pieces; they are the origin of the current caterpillars (or lizards)]: Beckwith 1970:135; Marquises [(Spanish translation and comm. Blixen 1987:253-254); Tiki married Hina-Mata-One, a daughter was born; when she grew up, T. told her to go up (upstream?) , there will be a house with a man with a face like his, T.; she went there, slept with T., not knowing it was him; he sent her back in the morning, came earlier again; next time she smeared her face secretly lover with coal; at home told him to look into the water, he was convinced that he was exposed; they began to live like husband and wife; the wife gave birth to a boy and a girl (or three children, this is not clear from the text); the brother became ask my sister where the Motea remedy is (el remedio de Motea; according to Steinen, "Motea" probably means "healer"; according to Blixen, "ejaculation" from omo means "suck", motea means "white", i.e. perhaps "sperm "]: Steinen 1934:232-233.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Sherdukpen [Gyamu-Lala-Pipi rejects bird grooms; The Bat comes at night, says he only has this appearance in the dark, and during the day he is the king of birds; G. agrees to marry him; he leaves until dawn; G. says her marriage will be decided in the afternoon at the Bird Council; The Bat promises to come, says his wife will recognize him; she secretly ties a red thread to his claw; at the council in the center sits a gorgeous Rooster, the Bat hides on the edge; G. sees and notices him, says to the birds, they laugh, the Bat runs away, has not shown up since then; G. has become a forest bird, and her chick from Bat is a black duck]: Elwin 1958b, No. 9:385-386; ao [everyone wants a beautiful girl, but she only likes someone who comes to her in the dark and leaves before dawn; parents advise their daughter tie the visitor with a new belt; in the morning she finds a belt tied around a tree trunk by a stream; the next night the girl puts an indigo-colored handkerchief over her lover; he finds himself on the branches of that But a tree; the girl's father followed and saw how the man, leaving her, did not go to the bachelorets' house, but to the stream and became a tree; the father gathered the men to cut down the tree, telling his daughter to stay at home; she looked into a crack, a sliver that flew off pierced her eye and killed her; at the same moment, the tree collapsed]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 2:7-9.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ifugao [(many versions); Wigan and Bugan are the son and daughter of the heavenly deity Kabigat and his wife; he sent them to dig tubers, told the rain to wash the children from heaven to earth, then wash off their house, rice, ceramics, dogs, chickens, pigs, cats, etc.; V. hunts, cannot catch game out of the blue; makes the house high as a mountain, dams the river, causing a flood; breaks the dam, the descended water has formed crossed terrain; at night she secretly comes to her sister; sister smears her chest with lime, sees a mark on her brother in the morning; K. in the sky gives permission for children to marry so that people can breed]: Barton 1956, No. 3:96-97 (Quail in Eugenio 1994, No. 166a: 283-285); paywan [Kulele's brother sleeps in the men's house, Muakaikai's sister with other girls; K. asks M. to lie on the edge for the night; M. cooked betel when K. came to her, smeared his face and clothes; in the morning he sees red betel marks on him; K. demands that M. live with him like a wife; when K. and four friends go hunting in the morning, M. swings to swings, jumps out of them in another village; marries a young man, whose name is also K.; her brother discovers an empty house, breaks expensive beads they received from their parents in a mortar, ends suicide by throwing yourself on a spear; this story is told as a reminder, preventing incest]: Egli 1989, No. 68:168-170.

China - Korea. Koreans: Kontsevich, Riftin 1980 [a rich man has a daughter, a man in a dark purple dress comes to her at night; her father orders to pin a needle and thread to an unknown person's clothes; the next day A thread is found under the northern fence stuck in the body of a large earthworm; this worm became Koenghwon's father]: 61; Trotsevich 1996 [same text; this worm became the father of the rebel Chinghwon ]: 107; Choi 1979, No. 201 [someone goes to a girl at night; father tells me to stick a needle and thread into his lover's clothes; they find a cave in the mountains by thread, where a dead serpent died by a needle]: 58; Ikeda 1971, No. 411C [type known in Korea {Chosen Mintan Shu, p. 132) and China (Eberhard 1937, No. 109; 1965, No. 29)]: 103-104; Chinese ( Guangdong, Hubei) [watching a procession or visiting a temple, a girl sees a divine character, she likes him; he turns into her night lover; the girl's mother gives advice on how to determine who lover; the girl soon dies to be with her lover, she becomes a deity herself]: Eberhard 1937, No. 109:165-166.

The Balkans. The Greeks (Lesbos) [the sea monster releases the fisherman for promising to bring his son; the fisherman asks his son to be the first to get on the boat, the young man refuses, the fisherman is swallowed; the young man shares the bones, meat, fat of the victim the beast between a lion, an eagle, an ant; they give it strength, speed, the ability to crawl into cracks; comes to crippled shepherds; the princess demands milk with foam, they do not have time to deliver milk so much fresh, their noses, ears, etc.; the young man delivers an eagle with the speed of an eagle; at night he comes to the sleeping princess, lies down with her; as soon as she raises the alarm, hides as an ant; she scratches her lover's face, The next day, he identifies the young man when he brings milk; agrees to be with him; the young man teaches her to ask her father to pass her off as someone who will raise a block of marble; the young man does this by calling on the power of a lion, princess throws an apple at him, choosing him as her husband; he leads his troops to war, leaves three carnations, if they wither, he is in trouble; they have withered; the princess comes to the sea; the monster asks for an apple for the young man he has swallowed; the princess tells the young man to stick his head out of his mouth; the next time his torso, the third time he stands on his back; calling for the power of the eagle, the young man flies ashore]: Paton 1900, No. 5:113-115.

(Wed. Central Europe. Russians (one entry in the Verkhnelensky Territory with reference to Zelenin) [Identified noble mistress: a blindfolded soldier is brought into the count's house to meet a woman; he later recognizes her by the tag on her face]: SUS 1979, No. 851IV: 218).

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [a girl ties a thread to the button she is dancing with; she comes to the grave by thread]: Kerbelite 2001:262.

Turkestan. Dungana [the old woman sends her daughter-in-law to find out why her daughter (adopted) withers; she replies that a handsome man comes to her at night to suck her blood; the old woman teaches her to stick a needle and thread into her clothes coming; in the morning a thread leads to the basket; a joo spider the size of a turtle is found in it; men are afraid; a fiery hand descends from the sky, carries a spider away; the girl recovers]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 18:136- 138.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Mongols: Potanin 1881, No. 22a [Genghis Khan held a feast; at this time his son shared a bed with his mother; the latter smeared the offender with soot on the back; in the morning the offender was recognized; his father drove him to the Gobi; when he left, the criminal took with him a thieves' whorl (belure), which was beaten by koumiss in a leather bag, and at the same time took the happiness of the Mongolian people; in Gobi he came to the river on the shore whom he found a pig; he lived with her children, from whom the Kyrgyz people (Cossack), rich in livestock and things, raised children, because the Kyrgyz ulus inherited the belur of the Mongolian people], 47 [Chingis went to hunt; at night someone came to his wife; rubbing her hand on the smoky side of the cauldron, she touched the one who came in on the back; in the morning she found soot on her youngest son; told him to execute him, bring her head, hands and penis; the servants felt sorry for the young man, cut off only his braid, cuffs and foreskin; the prince became the noyon of the Kazakhs; therefore, they shave their hair, have no cuffs on their sleeves and are cut off]: 164, 230; 1883 [the bat became a golden eagle lover, flew to her at night; she did not know her lover by sight; tied a red thread to her leg; the next morning Han Gardy gathered birds; the eagle saw his lover at the very bottom; he sat face to face wood, hiding from the sun's rays; the Golden Eagle threw it (retelling in Lörincz 1979, No. 220E: 228; Potanin 1893:329)]: 174-175.

Japan. Japanese [someone comes to the girl at night; she sticks a needle and thread in her lover's dress; finds a needle in the bark of an old cryptomeria; tells her parents; people cut the trunk, felling in the night it overgrows; all trees come to visit Cryptomeria; she says that shrubs have no place among trees; in revenge, he advises people to burn chips; a bridge has been made out of fallen cryptomeria ; the trunk was moved after the girl whispered something to him; when she stepped on the bridge, the girl died]: Markova 1991:172-174; Miyako Islands [an unknown man visits a girl from a rich woman at night family, she becomes pregnant; parents tell her to attach a thread to her lover's clothes to then identify him; following it, people come to the sacred cave where snakes live; the woman gave birth to three daughters, they became the first priestesses of the sanctuary in Harimuzu]: Maruyama 2009:32-33; Japanese (everywhere, that is, obviously including North Ryukyu) [an unknown young man visits his only daughter in a wealthy girl at night family; the nanny or mother advises him to put a needle and thread into his clothes; in the morning, the nanny walks along a thread stretching along the ground to a deep body of water or a hollow tree; (1) finds the snake dead or dying, for snakes can't stand iron (version 31); (2) hears a snake and his mother talking: "I told you not to go to a human girl." "I may die from an iron needle, but I will have an heir from a girl." "But people will give her sake at the party and the baby won't be born." Upon learning this, the girl does not give birth to an heir to a snake (42 versions); (3) a dying serpent predicts the birth of a son of amazing strength with three scales under his arm, he will become a famous warrior or monk (16 versions). This option also tells about a snake woman visiting a young man at night and giving birth to a hero before death (3 versions); (3) is included in the genealogy of ancient and noble families claiming to be descended from snake. In (2), where the nanny learns how to get rid of the fruit, the girl drinks a certain infusion or eats rice cakes at the holiday, ends with "why do we eat and drink this and that." The type is known in Korea {Chosen Mintan Shu, p. 132) and China (FFC 120, No. 109; Eberhard, 1965, No. 29)]: Ikeda 1971, No. 411C: 103- 104; The Taira House 1982 [In Kyushu, Bungo District, Katayama Village, an unknown man visits a girl at night; the mother sees that her daughter is pregnant and tells her to mark the man's clothes; daughter sticks a needle with a ball of thread into the gate of the caftan; follows the thread to a cave in the mountain; there lives a serpent, the girl's needle pierced his throat; he predicts that their son will become a great warrior; the serpent was god Takatio , worshiped in the land of Hyuga]: 361-362; Harima-fudoki [Shidehiko said goodbye to Otohimeko's wife, sailed by ship; a man of his appearance comes to her every night; O. attached a thread to his clothes, walked along it to the lake at the top of the mountain; a serpent sleeps in the lake, his head is on the shore; becomes human again, invites him to her; O.'s maid tells her family; they find O.'s corpse on at the bottom of the lake, they bury him]: Popov 1969:138 (retelling in Goreglyad 1992:62-64 with the decree, which is similar to the story in Hitachi Fudoki, pp. 53-54).

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [a girl sews a tag on her night lover's clothes; he turns out to be her father's brother's son; continues to sleep with him; her father finds out the truth; a father's brother kills his son; the girl cuts off the head of the victim, brings her to her, the head comes to life; the girl's parents and boys migrate, leaving her alone; the head asks to throw her into the fire, finds a body; the young man gets a lot of meat, his wife gives birth to a son; people come back; husband, wife and child rise to the sky on a column of smoke; people turn into stones]: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 109:263-265; Rubtsova 1954, No. 28:333-337; Aleuts (Umnak) [Aatluung's sister has her first period; someone comes to make love to her at night; one day she quietly cut off the back of his bird park to identify him later; in the morning she sent a slave to men to see whose park was torn; it turned out to be the girl's brother, A.; in the evening she sharpened a knife and when her brother was about to leave, cut off his calf and then pushed him out; in the morning, parents hear crying; my sister said that my brother fell off the cliff while hunting; my brother died; my sister washed herself, put on the park, tore it from the front, went to my brother and began singing: Look at my vulva, which kept you awake, even if now she won't give it; she repeated this until her brother came to life and rushed to her; hugging her, they rushed into the sea; A. became a male sea otter and swam west, and she swam east; one by one options, parents, crying, ran after their children, but saw only sea otters]: Jochelson 1916, No. 1:294-295 (translated into Jochelson 1990, No. 42:324-327; there are minor differences - apparently several options); (cf. Central Yupik: Alaska Native Writers 1986 [On the shore, a fishskin mitt and a grass bag, each repairs itself, tells the Raven that the other has tore it; the Raven invites the Beluga Whale swim to the shore with her mouth open, rushes inside, where a woman makes a park of dry beluga whales, feeds the Raven, tells him not to touch the fat lamp; he touches, Keith dies, throws him ashore; people they cut the carcass, the Raven jumps out quietly, says that he would not eat this whale because something flew out of it (that is, he himself); people decide not to eat the whale, the carcass goes to the Raven; he marries Norka, they are together they harvest and eat kitten meat; the Raven asks him to make akutak (fat with berries), leaves; in a strange voice, he demands acutak from the aisle, otherwise he will eat Norka; she throws him akutak; the Raven returns, his wife talks about what happened; the same the next day; the akutak is over, Norka throws his head; The raven comes with a black eye; Mink notices coal from the head in his eye; the Raven did not try again to deceive Norka; but they did not have children]: 46-58; Frost 1971 [The raven marries Norka; when he leaves, he tells him to cook a delicious akutak; in the evening Norka hears a voice at the door, he demands to give him the akutak, otherwise the speaker will eat it; when the Raven returns, he refuses to eat, says he has been fed; one day she throws extinct smut at the speaker; when the Raven arrives, he closes his eyes; Norka sees they have a trail of soot, drives the Raven away]: 27-29; Wassilie 1978 [On the bank of Kuskoquim, the Raven steps his foot at Sea Anemone; he lets go of his foot for promising to give him Uncle Raven's wife or relative; Having freed himself, Raven says that he does not have an uncle, pokes Anemone with a stick, killing him; sits at Groundhog's hole without letting him in; he asks the Raven to dance, promising to give something, slips into the hole; The raven tells the Bear who has raised the elk that there are seals nearby; the bear goes to look for them, the Raven eats the moose; asks the White Whale to swim closer, jumps into his mouth, a little old woman and a lamp inside; The Raven touches the lamp, it goes out, Keith dies, he is washed ashore; the Raven flies out unnoticed, returns in human form, tells the people cutting the carcass that the meat is dangerous; they go away, Raven eats all alone with an old woman who has come out of the whale; asks him to make "Eskimo ice cream" for his return, hides, frightens her, eats everything himself; the old woman throws ash at him, then notices it in the eye The crow, forgives him]: 99-101); the Eskimos of the McKenzie Delta [the young man goes to his sister at night; she smears her hands with soot to identify her lover; when he sees spots on his brother's face in the morning, he rushes out of the house and runs to the sky becomes the sun; brother chases her, turns into a month; he still haunts her, he is an enemy of women]: Petitot 1886, No. 3:7-8; Polar Eskimos: Holtved 1951, No. 3 [young people playing a game extinguished lamps; the young man sleeps with his younger sister; both run with torches in their hands; the brother stumbles, his torch goes out; they go up to heaven; the sister turns into the Sun, the brother into the Month], 4 [about like in (3); in the sky, the moon brother and the sun sister live in different parts of the same house]: 7-8, 8; igloolik: Kroeber 1899, No. 26 [a lover goes to the girl at night; she finds out that this is her brother (without details); cuts off his chest, invites him to eat; runs away, he chases her, falls, his torch goes out, both rise to heaven; the Month has a wife in the sky; the Sun Sister lives in another part of the house]: 179-180; Rasmussen 1930a [girl smears soot on her night lover's face; identifies her brother at a dance]: 81; Spalding 1979 (Repulse Bay) [Aningaat is blind; his mother points his arrow at a polar bear, says A. got into a dog; feeds him a dog, eats bear meat herself with her daughter; his sister secretly gives it to his brother; takes him to the lake; Loon dives with him, rubs his eyes three times, he sees the light; ties the tench to his belt a mother harpoons a big white whale, she takes her mother to sea; brother and sister come to people with long nails; a sister comes into the house to ask for water; the inhabitants begin to rip off her meat; the brother breaks in, kills everyone with an ice ax; wipes his sister's back with snow and urine, the flesh recovers; they come to the cup-and-ball players; A. takes one device, runs away; comes to people without anus; A. tells her sister to take her husband there; she gives birth; the local foreman says that they now have a man with an anus and a penis; pierces his anus; another pierced, missed, died; A. began to secretly go to sister; she smeared her nose with soot; both came to the meetinghouse, there is a holiday; everyone laughs at A. when they see his black nose; sister dips a moss torch in fat, runs away; A. runs after her, but did not dip the torch in fat, so he quickly went out; sister became the sun, A. month]: 48-50; netsilic [Aninga is blind; his mother Agthulg-Rarnan aims his arrow, lies that he did not hit the bear; eats meat herself; his sister Aleka feeds him secretly; he asks him to be taken to the sea; two Loons in human form lick his eyes, making them keen; he harpoons a walrus, tying a tench to his mother, walrus drags her into the sea; brother and sister leave; her mother's spirit in the form of a strip of fire, a moving belt blocks the road; they jump over these obstacles; the sister goes to ask for water from the spirits with claws on hands; they want to kill her, her brother kills them, heals their sister; they come to people without anuses; they suck meat to fill them; brother marries, sister marries; those women do not have vaginas, pregnant women are ripped open belly; sister gives birth normally; her mother-in-law pierces her vagina with a meat fork, dies; sister smears black on the face of an unknown lover, identifies her brother in the morning; they decide to turn into something; sister suggests, brother rejects options (wolves: their teeth are too sharp; bears: clubfoot; musk oxen: sharp horns; seals: sharp claws; etc.; in the sun and month); they light moss torches, they run, take off; sister extinguishes her brother's torch, so the month is cold]: Rasmussen 1931:232-236; Labrador Eskimos [girl smears her chest with soot to identify her night lover; sees in the morning I soot on my brother's lips; parents scold them; brother runs away, turns into a Month; sister grabs burning smut, chases him, turns into the Sun; sparks from the smut are stars; when the sister catches up with her brother, Eclipses occur]: Turner 1894:266; Angmassalik [The month comes to the Sun Sister; she smears his face with soot, recognizes her older brother in the morning; runs with a burning torch, rising in circles to the sky; cuts off one breast, throws the Month; it stumbles, its torch goes out; he rises behind it to the sky]: Thalbitzer 1923, No. 215:397-403; West Greenland: Birket-Smith 1924 [Sun and Month - sister and brother; the well-known story of a brother running after his sister and both rose to heaven; now the spot at the top right of the lunar disk is identified with the Month itself, on the left with his dog, and at the bottom - with the Ripper trying to make people laugh and then tear their guts out; stains used to be seen as traces of soot used by her sister to smear her brother's face]: 437-438; Egede 1818 [a month old boy Anningait , his sister Malina is the Sun; boys and girls gathered to play in a house made of snow; A. began to come to M. at night; she smeared his hands with soot, stained his face and clothes; so there were spots on the moon; his clothes were made snow-white reindeer suede was smeared with soot; M. lit a bright moss torch, and A.'s torch went out, so the moonlight was pale; M. rose into the air, A. has been pursuing her ever since]: 207-208; Rink 1875, No. 35 [ In the absence of her husband, two little birds enter the house, first snow bunting (Plectrophanes nivalis), then wheat-ear (Saxiola ænanthe); each saying that someone else and something will come in next will tell; a Sunwoman comes in, tells her story; she smeared soot on the back of an unknown lover, identified her brother in the morning; cut off her breasts, invited him to eat them if he likes it so much body; both lit pieces of moss, began to rise into the air; her moss burned well, it went out; she became the Sun, he became the Month; the Sun is beautiful in front, and the back looks like a skeleton]: 236-237.

Subarctic. Koyukon [a girl rejects her suitors; someone comes to her at night; she ties a pen to his hair; in the morning she sees that she is the eldest of her four brothers; puts on her best clothes, goes up to east, becoming the Sun; her brother forgets to wear one moccasin, follows her sister, turns into a Month; people don't look at the Sun so as not to dishonor her]: Chapman 1903, No. 5:183-184; inhalic [ a girl rejects her suitors; someone comes to her at night; she ties a feather to his hair; when she comes to porridge, she sees that it was her brother; puts on her best clothes, cuts off her breasts, puts them on a bowl with food, gives it to his brother; rises to the sky, becomes the sun; brother runs after her, becomes the Month; hurries to put on only one moccasin]: Chapman 1914, No. 4:21-22; helmet [girl's father's dog turns into a man, sleeps with her; at night she gnaws bones; she watches him, beats him to death; gives birth to seven puppies, one of them female; parents leave her alone without food; while the mother picks berries, puppies turn into children; the girl is on the lookout; the mother deceives her by making a stuffed animal out of old clothes; creeps up, throws dog skins into the fire; the girl manages to stretch her skin to half; later the mother manages to take it off, the daughter becomes quite human; the boys are good hunters; alone sleeps with her sister; the mother smears her daughter's bed with resin, sees in the morning that the youngest son is dirty; crossing the river, the mother and children turn into stones]: Teit 1917a, No. 18:463-464; taltan [a girl has an affair with a dog, people leave her alone; she gives birth to four puppies, one of them female; they all turn into humans; mother suspects children of incest; stains the girl's hands with resin; sees marks on his sons' backs in the morning; they all go north; they cross the river and turn into stones]: Teit 1909b: 318.

NW Coast. The Tlingits: Veniaminov 1839 [" The sun and the month, according to their myth, were once people, brother and sister. But they cannot say correctly which of them was a brother and who was a sister, believing that the month was a brother and the sun was a sister. My sister, living on earth, had a lover, but secretly from everyone. Her brother somehow found out and wanted to shame his sister in an extraordinary way. One dark night, when he was sure that his sister's lover would not come to her, he came to her himself; his sister mistook him for a luovnik, and caressed him as usual, but did not see him caress him. This surprised her a little, and as if as punishment, she decided to secretly impose a sign on his braid, on his head, in order to laugh at her lover in the morning. But instead of her lover, she sees her own sign from her own brother; she immediately ran away from home out of shame, and then became the sun, and her brother became a month old. His sister's shame is always with her, and that's why she tries to escape from the Sun; since then, the Moon has been running away from the Sun, trying to escape from her brother, meeting him as little as possible."]: 62-63; Swanton 1909, No. 3 [Someone comes to the sister of four brothers; they smear resin on her bed; they find that her lover is the youngest of them; he turns into Thunder]: 24-25; haida [dog rapes a woman; she gives birth to puppies, one of them a female; spies on them, throws their dog skins into the fire; her human husband wants to kill the dog's children; one of them is a shaman who kills him himself; at night, brothers hear that someone is with his sister that is; they smear the mat with tar; in the morning they see that the lover is one of them; monsters kill brothers, but the shaman brother revives the dead every time]: Swanton 1905:252-261; Tsimshian: Barbeau 1961 [daughter the chief rejects her suitors; someone comes to her in the dark with rough hands (a sign of hard work); every morning her grandmother finds a fish or a dead animal on the seashore; a young woman smears the back of her head with ocher a sleeping partner, but in the morning she does not find anyone who is soiled; the woman's mother guards the shore, sees a grizzly bear with a dorsal fin; he immediately turns into a rock]: 62-64; (cf. Boas 1916, No. 26 [daughter of a Gispaxlats widow refuses grooms; mother: "When a man comes to marry you, feel the palms of his hands. If they're soft, say no to him. If they're rude, accept it." She wanted her son-in-law to be a man who could make boats; listening to her mother, her daughter rejected the courtship of all young men; one night a man came to her bed, his hands were very rude, so she took it; in the morning, the person who came disappeared before the girl saw it; but the mother, when she left the house, found a halibut on the shore, even though it was the middle of winter; and the next night, in the morning, the widow found a seal; so they continued to live, the widow became rich; one day she decided to wait for her son-in-law; saw a brown bear emerge from the water, carried two whales, put them ashore; when he found that he had been noticed, he turned into a rock which can still be seen today]: 192); bellacula [two texts from Heiltzuk]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 642-644 [at night, the chief's young daughter feels like someone is copulating with her; smears his lover with paint, sees paint on an old dog in the morning; gives birth to four puppies, one of them a female; the father tells her to leave his daughter alone in an empty camp; the old slave leaves her cape and smoldering coals in sink; while she collects shellfish, the children remove the dog's skins; when she returns, she sees baby marks; leaves her clothes on a digging stick, suddenly enters the house, throws her skins into the fire; female remained a dog; one son became a housebuilder, the other became a boat builder, and the third became a hunter; an old slave comes to them, a woman gives him whale meat; at home, his child choked and had to tell the truth; people are back, the woman took care of her parents], 644-645 [as in p. 642-644; the Heiltzuk girl is in a period hut, where a dog comes to see her; an episode with paint; five puppies, one of them a female; the fourth son is a fisherman, a halibut catcher; the female disappears; the woman is kind to the returnees, but drives her father away], 1948 (2): 489-494 [at night, the brother comes to his sister, who is in ritual isolation; she stains him with paint, identifies in the morning, leaves; gets to Stump, who takes her as his wife; a legless old woman in his house tells her what to do, gives her the necessary items; the wife must take out the lice from Stump and bite them; these are toads; the girl kills them with a knife, snapping her teeth, as if biting; holes in the vessel that guards her; he is silent, does not raise the alarm; throws oil, comb, needle, whetstone behind; they turn into a lake , a thicket, a lot of sharp needles, a mountain; runs to the Sun, which burns the pursuer with its heat]; heiltzuk [the girl smears ocher on her lover who comes at night; in the morning she sees paint on her white wool her dog; gives birth to puppies; her father tells people to leave her alone; her grandmother hides tinder in the sink for her; when collecting oysters, the girl hears children's voices; leaves her burning torch on the shore, sneaks up to the house, throws dog skins into the fire; every morning finds seals and whales on the beach; sends Chaika to take meat to her grandmother; people notice that the old woman is eating meat; they come back; the daughter does not let her father in to your home]: Boas 1928b: 37-45.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [the leader's daughter smears white paint on a man visiting her at night; in the morning she sees paint on the fur of her father's dog Lendikschuch; gives birth to three puppies; the father tells her to leave her alone; The raven extinguishes all the hearths, defecating in them; Magpie (abandoned uncle) hides the fire under the roof of the house; the girl tells L. to catch game for their sons; puts her clothes on a scarecrow, creeps up to the house, where her sons dance, throw their dogs skins into the fire; L. manages to pull his half, remains half a dog; the boys become good hunters; they fill the Magpie's house with meat, the Raven's house with feces; Magpie comes to visit; feeds his children with the fat received, choked alone; the Raven found out the truth; people come back]: Farrand 1900, No. 1:7-10; Thompson [the chief's daughter refuses grooms; those turn the dog into a person, he visits it at night; she rubs her hands with ocher, smears her lover; in the morning she sees a dog with ocher stripes; gives birth to four puppies; father tells me to leave her alone; Raven and Raven leave for she has dried fish; while she is not at home, her sons take off their dog skins; she watches them, destroys their skins by pouring a potion on them; sons become good hunters; people visit them, ask them to return to village, offer wives; in the end they agree; leave many descendants]: Teit 1898, No. XVI: 62-63; lillouette [the widower hides his daughter in a box; she stains her hand with coal and fat to celebrate lover who comes at night; recognizes her brother in the morning; tells him to take her away from her father to avoid shame; gives birth to a son and daughter; tells them the story of their parents; children return to their grandfather; incestuous brother and sister burn themselves]: Teit 1912b, No. 34:340; clallam (Lekuñen) [when pregnant, the chief's daughter smears her lover's ochre; in the morning she sees paint on the shoulders of the youngest of her ten brothers; lovers they run away, the wife gives birth to a son; when he returns from hunting, he sees his parents burn themselves in their hut, finds out in a dream the reason; the woodpecker leads him to his grandfather; people try to find the remains of his parents, but All the forest burned down in that place; the brothers follow her footsteps one after another, each slides and falls, the cannibal pulls out, swallows]: Hill-Tout 1907:336-338; squamish [the leader's slave sleeps at his daughter's feet; once met her, she became pregnant; to find out who, she smeared paint on her hands and found paint stains on the slave's back in the morning; the father left both furious on a deserted island; they survived, their children got married and formed a wild tribe; everyone has an acute sense of smell like animals]: Kuipers 1969, No. 8:64-65; Chalkomel (lower reaches of the river. Fraser): Boas 1895, № III.1, 11 [=2002:107-108; father advises his daughter to grease and red paint on her night lover; in the morning he sees paint on his dog; Sturgeon claims that it is always him came to the girl, and the dog came in later; turns the boy born into sturgeon, kills, feeds people, tells them not to throw away cartilage; puts them in water, the boy revives; he is the ancestor of one of the families; when The Qäls converter came, he turned the boy's mother's father into a rock], III.4 [=2002:121-126; a young man visits a girl; she smears his back with soot, recognizes his brother in the morning; both go to the mountains out of shame; their son asks why parents look alike; they send him to their mother, burn themselves; a young man meets a cousin; washes his grandmother's eyes, restoring her sight and youth; asks a cousin pretends to be dead, catch a vulture; wearing vulture skin, rises to the sky; comes to two blind women, quietly takes their food; they recognize him; help him overcome Trials to marry the daughter of the Sun; he puts stones under him, does not sit on thorns; he throws dice to wolves guarding the Sun's house; three daughters of the Sun are beautiful, he gets one; three daughters of the Month are ugly , The Month is angry that the young man did not choose them; demands 1) to split the log (the old woman gives bones and white paint; when the Month knocks out a wedge to flatten the log, he inserts bones instead of the wedge; paint He takes a month for a brain); 2) catch trout (a young man turns a stick with thorns into trout, gives the Month, the thorns dig into his throat); 3) bring a red bear (he turns pieces of wood into two bears, The month asks them to take them away); two sons of a young man, born to the daughter of the Sun, want to see their grandmother on earth; the Sun lowers his son-in-law and family in a basket to the ground; one person spies on the young man's wife, burned her radiance]: 27-28, 37-40; quileut [the girl smears resin on her lover who comes at night; in the morning she recognizes her brother; leaves people with him; the boy born asks why father and mother are similar; those burn themselves alive; their slave takes the boy to his grandfather and grandmother; the grandfather gives him a bag of dentalia shells and a dog, sends him to the moon; he is still visible there]: Andrade 1931, No. 56:165-171; sanpual [ in the morning, a mother sees on her son's face the same paint that his sister paints; a father kills a son]: Ray 1933, No. 3:134-135; yakima [the story of a girl whose lover is a dog whom she marked at night for identification, said a yakima woman on the ne perse reservation]: Spinden 1917, No. 20:198; tillamook [Wild Woman comes to her brother's bed at night; he smears paint on her neck; identifying her in the morning sister, leaves; marries; when she brings fish to his wife, she takes one fish for each finger; Wild Woman kills her, wears her skin; brother understands the deception when an imaginary wife takes only one fish in hand; kills sister]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 17:65-67; cous [girl smears her hand with paint, stains the back of her lover who comes to her at night; recognizes her brother in the morning, dies of shame; her father takes the baby out of her womb; another girl digs up a large root, finds the baby under it; her sister advises to bury it, but she is raising him; these two young men have become friends]: Jacobs 1940, No. 12: 150-152.

The Midwest. Chippewa [someone comes to the young man at night; he stains his mistress's thigh with something; in the morning his sister is sitting on the ground; he wants her dress to catch fire; the girl jumps up, he sees his mark; at his request, his sister falls through the ground; falls on a Turtle in the middle of the sea; gives birth to a daughter, the Turtle takes her as his wife; she gives birth to twins Flint and Venebozho; Flint kills mother at birth, V. kills Flint; in Jones 1917:431: Grandma V. is Mother Earth; often referred to as the Toad Woman]: Barnouw 1977, No. 5:73-74.

Plains. Sarsi [someone comes to the girl, she smears paint on her lover, asks her father to collect all the men in the morning, but notices paint on her mother's dog's face; people migrate, the girl leaves with all, having given birth to 10 puppies and leaving them in dog tipi; they turn into young men, hunt successfully; the father dog tells them to take the meat to their mother and her relatives; people return, the dog father becomes human, a girl marries him]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 27:34-35; black-legged [a girl wants her dog to become human; a lover comes to her at night; to identify him, she gets her hand dirty with a white one with clay, runs her on the back; next time she bites his finger; in the morning her dog in white stripes, chrome; turns into a young man; eats raw meat, has the dog's paws; people leave the Dog and his wife alone; he tells other dogs leave their owners; people are starving; Dog returns dogs, recognized as chief]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 25:107-109; assiniboine [girl goes to bed with her brother; he paints her hands, gets dirty her blanket; after identifying her sister, she sails away in a boat; she promises to kill everyone if he does not return; turns into a bird, kills people with lightning, burns her parents; the Hawk grabs her, her brother cuts her apart; in Each hearth lays a piece of her flesh; new people emerge from them]: Lowie 1909a, No. 11:160-161; mandan [the chief's daughter rejects suitors; an unknown man comes to her; she stains his shoulder with ocher; in the morning he sees paint on his white dog; hits him in the face with a stick; gives birth to nine puppies; the dog takes them away; she comes to their house, sees her children in human form; with them a man with a scar on his face; he drives her away, she returns to the village]: Beckwith 1938, No. 14:142-143; Shayena [someone comes to the girl at night; she stains her lover with red paint; her father tells all men to dance; she sees paint on her father's dog; gives birth to seven puppies; the dog takes them away; she follows them; sees the Dog in the guise of a handsome man; (Dog and?) puppies turn into Pleiades]: Kroeber 1900, No. 18:181-182; arpahoes: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 85 [the old woman asks men to step on her back to relieve spinal pain; they step on a sharp ledge, they die; this is how ten brothers disappear one by one; their sister swallows a pebble, gives birth to a son; he is a stone, presses an old woman when he steps on her; revives his uncle; his mother gives birth to a girl; sister comes to him; he paints her shoulder; recognizes her sister in the morning; leaves out of shame, turns into a light stone], 90 [the girl rejects her suitors; at night a man in white bison clothes comes to her; she stains him with red paint; in the morning she sees red stripes on her white dog; hits him with an ax; gives birth to puppies, male and female; they run away; she follows in their footsteps, the tracks are made human; children ask let their mother enter the house; he rejects her], 91 [as (90); the dog is the Sun]: 181-186, 195-209; wichita [each of the seven brothers is somewhat superior to other people; 1) sight, 2) hearing, 3) strength, 4) running speed, 5)? , 6) clairvoyance, 7) fearlessness; a girl comes to the eldest at night; he smears her back with white clay; in the morning asks women to play ball, identifies his older sister; hits her with an arrow; she is angry becomes a Grizzly bear; brothers go camping, Clairvoyant says all their people are killed, Keen says Grizzly did it; Grizzly destroys people; their younger sister comes to the brothers, they give her killed rabbits; they shoot at the Grizzly's paw, where it is vulnerable, but she chases them; they throw the turtle's shell, it turns into many turtles, the Grizzly devours them; they throw a red stone (ocher?) , she paints herself; blows dust off her arrows, a dense bush appears; creates a deep gorge with a bowstring; they rise to the sky, turn into the Ursa Major; the Grizzly goes north]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 9:69-74.

Southeast USA. Caddo; chirokee.

California. Atsugevi [The Wild Cat comes to his sisters Orlitsa and Gagara, sleeps with Loon; she smears herself with tar; in the morning the Cat pretends to be asleep but cannot hide that he is soiled; Loon wants to burn a dugout of male animals; they give Loon the Cat, but the Butterfly shrinks his penis; he cannot satisfy Loon, leaves a deck instead, returns; The Spider weaves the net, everyone rises in it to the sky ; Loon sets fire to the world; old Coyote wants to see his daughter, looks down, everyone falls into the fire; Loon catches hearts, makes a necklace out of them; Loon's sister Orlitsa flies and looks for hearts; Tree Larva escapes, marries two Beaded Girls; at Orlitsa's request, two young waterfowl kill Loon with arrows; Eagle soaks hearts in water, revives people from them]: Dixon 1908, No. 12:175-177; achomavi [Wild Cat comes to bed with his relative Gagara; she stains herself with resin, finds Cat hairs stuck to her; comes to men's house, sings, I want a man; shoots lightning, showing his strength; rejects the Wolf, Fox, Marten; other men push the Cat out to her; but Loon grabs the Woodworm, the son of the Cocoon Chief, whom his father hid; he is small; everyone gives him their penises , now his penis is dragging along the ground; he quietly tears it off, throws it into the fire; at night he runs away from Loon, puts a stump in his place; Loon approaches, burning everything; The Spider spins the rope, the Lizard ties her to an arrow, shoots into the sky; everyone climbs the rope, in front of the Eagle, behind the Coyote Old; Loon screams, Father, he answers, Daughter; looks around, the rope breaks; Eagle, Cocoon, The worm climbs into the sky, the rest fall into the flame; the Loon makes a necklace from their hearts; the Lizard's heart falls on Mount Shasta; turns into a baby, found by the Blue Jay, brings him to his wife; a boy on his forehead growth; the boy shoots him with an arrow, the growth turns into his twin; the Forehead Boy kills Gagara's daughter with an arrow on the lake; she chases him, his brother kills her with an arrow]: Angulo, Freeland 1931:126- 132.

Honduras-Panama. Kuna.

The Northern Andes. Ambera [a girl paints her lover's face, recognizes her brother in the morning, who runs away from shame]: Isacsson 1993:293-294.

Llanos. Sikuani [while her son is young, his mother touches his genitals at night; when he grows up, she lies down in his hammock, moves into hers before dawn; the young man smears the face of his mistress Uruku and another paint, but the mother washes them off; then he smears her with his genip, she can't wash off the dark trail; the son takes the yopo drug, turns into a jaguar, runs away into the forest]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 106:383-385.

Southern Venezuela. Panare [?] ; yabarana; Yanomami [Horonamí is Petá's brother and husband; they have Uruhí brothers, Totorí, Horemá; Khoronami killed a black curasso, then night fell; went into the world, lived there The month of Poré, his wife Perimbó, their daughter Hetumá; Pore said that now the bird of the night Ruerí has been killed, will not be able to return to the lower world through the battleship's hole, night will reign on earth; it will revive Rueri, if Khoronami dies; he agrees, but Khatuma asks not to be killed, takes him as a husband; R. came to life, flew away, the day has come; Khoronami also received bananas and instructions on how to grow them; Khoronami noted that Khetuma looks like his wife Peta; during copulation, he pricked her upper lip with a palm thorn soaked in her genip; in the morning Khoronami was alone with only bananas; came home; the brothers said that It was a long night after which Peta and other women had a tattoo on their lips; H. realized that P. and Khatuma were one woman]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 63:139-141

Guiana. Warrau: Osborn 1960 [Someone comes to the girl at midnight; she smears paint on her hand and puts paint on her lover's back; in the morning she sees paint on her younger brother's body; scolds him, he cries; brother has become moon]: 79; Wilbert 1970, No. 17 [brother visits his two sisters, they paint their breasts with genipa; in the morning he cannot wash off the paint, rises to heaven, becomes the Month; women are daughters of the Month; when he red - oozing blood], 18 [(original in Roth 1915, No. 187:256); a girl smears an unknown lover's face with genipa juice; in the morning she recognizes her brother, who goes to heaven out of shame, becomes a Month, spots are visible still; when you see the moon (in any phase), a woman must menstruate], 19 [brother turns into an opossum, then into a Month]: 63-65; (cf. García 1993, No. 29 [a married man decided to get to another woman at night; she heard a rustle, asked if it was a man, kept silent, she hit him in the face with his head; he tried to treat him at night the wound, in the morning he tried not to notice his wife, went to collect starch, did not come to the women who offered to eat; the wife noticed the wound, he said he fell against a tree; the women cured him, did not understand him, what's the matter; he didn't go to other women at night anymore]: 116-117); Dominica's Caribbean; arekuna; lokono; waiwai; hishkaryana; trio; oyana; kashuyan (?) ; oyampy.

Western Amazon. Siona; napo; canelo; aguaruna; saparo.

NW Amazon. Desana; Barasana; Makuna; Letuama; Bara; Kabiyari; Tatuyo; Ufaina; Andoke; Uitoto; Okaina; Bora ; yagua; chikuna; Leticia mestizos.

Central Amazon. Rio Jamunda.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing; urubu; tenetehara [Maira goes to a woman at night; she stains him with genipa juice; when she finds out that he is marked, M. leaves; the woman goes looking for him, gets to the jaguars, they eat her; her two sons kill jaguars, find M.]: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 1:282.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita; kanamari; shipibo; pyro; kuniba [someone comes to the girl at night; she smears his face with a genipa, recognizes her brother in the morning; enemies (?) they cut off his head; his brother picks it up, his head asks him to eat and drink; his brother runs, his head chases him, he locks himself in the house; his head thinks what to become; rejects turning into water, stones and etc.; turns into a Month, rises into the sky, unfolding a ball of thread; taking revenge on her sister, sends menstruation to women]: Baldus 1946:108-109; apurina [someone comes to Yakonero every night; she he gets his hands dirty in paint (anatto, i.e. uruku, but then the paint is black, so obviously the genipa) and touches his lover's back; in the morning he sees that the shaman's tube is painted black; Yakonero goes to his parents The son from her womb asks for this and the other; she claps his stomach, he guides her down the wrong path; she comes to the old woman Katsamãuteru; she hides her on the shelf and lets the calebass spit; when she overflows, men discover her; she gives birth to four sons, Tsora the youngest; brothers consistently kill their mother's murderers; Tsora created different people, Apurina did everything worse than others, so there are few of them ]: https://pib.socioambiental.org/en/povo/apurina/1517; kashinahua; sharanaua; yaminaua; characterbet.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarayu; guarazu; tupari; surui; chacobo [girl gets pregnant; paints her belt with uruku red paint to see from whom; in the morning she discovers paint on a piece of clay that resembles a penis; her children speak to her from the womb, tell her to go in search of their father; she ends up at the jaguars, dies; her son Kako becomes the main deity and hero of the Chacobo; see J16 motive]: Balzano 1984:29-32

Southern Amazon. Nambikvar; Rickbakza; Iranshe; paresi; vaura [brother paints and sleeps with his sister; parents discover incest in the morning when they see that their daughter is stained with paint]: Schultz 1966 [Arakuni painted himself with a genipa, drawing a pirarara fish pattern; secretly met his sister from his parents (she knew); the mother at the site saw that her daughter was covered in a pattern; she confessed; parents they locked their son, did not let him eat for several days; he turned into a snake, crawled to live in the lake]: 76-78; Coelho 1988 [mother discovers; brother becomes a beast, goes to the village of ancestors; they are known from him body coloring and song samples at the Memorial Festival]: 528-529; kamayura [mutum bird (Crax fasciolata Spix) sings that brother is sleeping with sister; father tells daughter to smear her hands genipa; the incestuous brother leaves with a song and dance; now they are performed at a festival; makes a bridge out of his bracelets, crosses to the other side of the lake; his sister follows him, he destroys the bridge, water monsters they devour it; the parrot takes on color, smeared with the paint that was on the girl's body; the brother meets many animal people, tells everyone that he is going to his uncle]: Münzel 1973:204-206; trumay [young man sleeps with her sister; one day she is painted with fresh paint; in the morning, the mother notices an imprinted pattern on her daughter's body - the same as on her son; scolds the culprit; the young man turns into a water spirit]: Monod- Becquelin 1975, No. 47:108-114

Eastern Brazil. Suya [brother stains the face of an unknown mistress; the exposed sister lives openly with him, although he does not want to; they fish, the water blows her down the river; she turns into androgyne; under With her leadership, women kill most men and leave]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 158:459-460.

SE Brazil. Botokudo [A girl (not a relative) visits a month at night; she smears his face with a genip, identifies him in the morning, the month is leaving]: Krenak 2003.

Southern Brazil. Caigua; apapokuwa; mbia.