Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F51A. Aggressive sister. 46.48.70.

After incest is discovered, the sister openly demands her brother as her husband, turns into a monster, kills people.

Plains. Assiniboine [the girl goes to bed with her brother; he paints her hands, stains her blanket; after identifying her sister, she sails away in a boat; she promises to kill everyone if he does not return; turns into a bird, kills people with lightning, burns her parents; the Hawk grabs her, her brother cuts her to pieces; puts a piece of her flesh in each hearth; new people emerge from them]: Lowie 1909a, No. 11:160-161; wichita [each of the seven brothers are somewhat superior to other people; 1) vision, 2) hearing, 3) strength, 4) running speed, 5)? , 6) clairvoyance, 7) fearlessness; a girl comes to the eldest at night; he smears her back with white clay; in the morning asks women to play ball, identifies his older sister; hits her with an arrow; she is angry becomes a Grizzly bear; brothers go camping, Clairvoyant says all their people are killed, Keen says Grizzly did it; Grizzly destroys people; their younger sister comes to the brothers, they give her killed rabbits; they shoot at the Grizzly's paw, where it is vulnerable, but she chases them; they throw the turtle's shell, it turns into many turtles, the Grizzly devours them; they throw a red stone (ocher?) , she paints herself; blows dust off her arrows, a dense bush appears; creates a deep gorge with a bowstring; they rise to the sky, turn into the Ursa Major; the Grizzly goes north]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 9:69-74.

California. Atsugevi [The Wild Cat comes to his sisters Orlitsa and Gagara, sleeps with Loon; she smears herself with tar; in the morning the Cat pretends to be asleep but cannot hide that he is soiled; Loon wants to burn a dugout of male animals; they give Loon the Cat, but the Butterfly shrinks his penis; he cannot satisfy Loon, leaves a deck instead, returns; The Spider weaves the net, everyone rises in it to the sky ; Loon sets fire to the world; old Coyote wants to see his daughter, looks down, everyone falls into the fire; Loon catches hearts, makes a necklace out of them; Loon's sister Orlitsa flies and looks for hearts; Tree Larva escapes, marries two Beaded Girls; at Orlitsa's request, two young waterfowl kill Loon with arrows; Eagle soaks hearts in water, revives people from them]: Dixon 1908, No. 12:175-177; achomavi [Wild Cat comes to bed with his relative Gagara; she stains herself with resin, finds Cat hairs stuck to her; comes to men's house, sings, I want a man; shoots lightning, showing his strength; rejects the Wolf, Fox, Marten; other men push the Cat out to her; but Loon grabs the Woodworm, the son of the Cocoon Chief, whom his father hid; he is small; everyone gives him their penises , now his penis is dragging along the ground; he quietly tears it off, throws it into the fire; at night he runs away from Loon, puts a stump in his place; Loon approaches, burning everything; The Spider spins the rope, the Lizard ties her to an arrow, shoots into the sky; everyone climbs the rope, in front of the Eagle, behind the Coyote Old; Loon screams, Father, he answers, Daughter; looks around, the rope breaks; Eagle, Cocoon, The worm climbs into the sky, the rest fall into the flame; the Loon makes a necklace from their hearts; the Lizard's heart falls on Mount Shasta; turns into a baby, found by the Blue Jay, brings him to his wife; a boy on his forehead growth; the boy shoots him with an arrow, the growth turns into his twin; the Forehead Boy kills Gagara's daughter with an arrow on the lake; she chases him, his brother kills her with an arrow]: Angulo, Freeland 1931:126- 132; screw: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 38 [the couple has two daughters and two sons; the teenage son stays at home, the youngest daughter has her first period, she stays in the menstrual hut; comes to brother, tries to copulate with him; he rejects her, tells his older sister; the youngest climbs a maple tree to tear the bark to make an apron; hurts her finger, sucks blood, she likes it, she devours herself, stays head; head rolls around the world, eats people; her relatives climb to heaven; she grabs her younger brother, he falls between her legs, she devours him, hangs his heart around her neck; rolls in the evenings to the pond; the rest of the relatives climb into the sky; the hummingbird tells the older sister to weave the cooking basket, boil water; the boy kills the head with an arrow, the older sister grabs his brother's heart, puts it in hot water; it comes to life, but soon dies again]: 360-362.

Eastern Brazil. Suya [brother stains the face of an unknown mistress; the exposed sister lives openly with him, although he does not want to; they fish, the water blows her down the river; she turns into androgyne; under With her leadership, women kill most men and leave]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 158:459-460.