F51C. Provoking behavior after incest .40.41.
After learning that an unknown lover is her own brother, the girl shows him her genitals or naked breasts, offering him to take what he wanted so much. After that, she runs away and he follows.
Aleuts, Central Yupik, Bering Strait Inupiate, Igloolik, Labrador Eskimos, West Greenland, Angmassalik, Inhalic.
The Arctic. Aleuts: Veniaminov 1940 (2) (Unalashka) [translated into English in Golder 1907, No. 3:139-140; on the south side of Unalashki Island, the village of Igagak; a rich man has an adult son and daughter who has just entered aged; she is isolated for menstruation; someone goes to see her at night, but she refuses to be close; then he raped her, and when he left the house she cut his veins under his knees; in the morning, parents inform their daughter that her brother went fishing, fell off a cliff, cut his tendons, died; the sister told the maid to wear her best outfit and jewelry; tore the collar in front of the park to the hem and came to the common yurt where my brother was lying; she sang cheerfully: "You are my brother, get up to look at the one for which you were deprived of sleep", approaching her brother's body and opening her naked body; so three times; The brother came to life, came to life, rushed to hug her; she jumped out of the yurt, he followed her, followed by her parents and relatives; the girl rushed off the cliff into the sea, followed by her brother; they came up with sea otters and We sailed into the sea, one to the east and the other to the west; this is how sea beavers appeared]: 293-297; Jochelson 1990, No. 42 (Umnak) [Aatluung's sister has her first period; someone comes to make love to her at night ; one day she tore it to the park; in the morning she sent a slave to the men to see whose park was torn; it turned out to be the girl's brother, A.; in the evening she sharpened a knife and threw it at her brother at night when he left; in the morning hears crying: my brother is dead; she washed herself, put on the park and tore it from the front, went to her brother and began singing: look at my vulva, which kept you awake; she repeated this until my brother came to life and rushed to and dragged her into the sea; A. became a male sea otter and swam east, and she swam to the south; her mother cried until she died]: 324-327 (=Jochelson 1916, No. 1:294-295); central Yupik [younger of the four brothers, he is lazy; she does not hunt, stays at home with her sister; one day she wakes up, feels him by his side, drives him; the next evening she cuts off her chest, puts fat and berries on top, offers him eat it if he wanted it; a ladder descends from the sky, she climbs it, turns into the Sun; the brother hurriedly puts one leg in his leg, pulls his sock over the other, rushes after his sister, turns per Month; still chasing her; losing weight from hunger; sister feeds him from the plate in which her chest lies, The month is getting fat again]: Nelson 1899:482; Bering Strait Inupiate: Gubser 1965 [( the numiuts believe they borrowed this story from the coast from the Eskimos living at Point Hope); brother and sister live alone in the house; brother asks sister to marry, she refuses; asks him to take it wife, he also refuses; at night she goes to bed with her; to find out who it is, she stains the rapist's face with ash; in the morning in a community house (karigi) she sees that her brother's cheek is dirty; cuts off her breasts, mixes with urine and blood, makes akutaq (Eskimo "ice cream") out of it, invites his brother to eat it; tells everyone what happened; with a burning fat in his hands, he goes counterclockwise in circles, rises to the sky; her fat oil gives more and more heat and light; brother takes his bag of tools, follows her, becomes light but stays cold; since then, the Month has been haunting the Sun forever, but not can catch up; dark spots on him - a man with a tool bag]: 190-199; Ingstad, Bergsland 1987 (Anaktuvuk Pass) [always cold, dark; when collecting fuel, women tried dry wood or alive; the brother began to come to his younger sister at night; she smeared charcoal on his shoulder, identified his brother in the morning; cut off her breasts, held a bowl to her brother, saying that they were two wives for him; went up in circles to the sky became the Sun; brother grabbed his bag of tools, rose to become the Month; with him a large whale shovel; the phases of the moon - he closes with it and then reveals himself; at dawn the sun is red, it is blood of severed breasts]: 25-30; Lowenstein 1992, No. 2 (Point Hope) [(=1993:10-15); the girl lives in the same house with her older brother; someone comes to her at night; she stains her lover's forehead with fat soot; in the morning he sees a mark on his brother's forehead; cuts off his breasts, mixes it with his urine and feces, puts everything in the night pot, invites him to eat it: he goes up to the sky, she follows him: he leaves for a month, tells him to eat it she goes to the sun; in the morning and evening the sun is colored with blood from the girl's chest; the Month (Alinnaq) continues to chase her sister; when she catches up and copulates with her, an eclipse occurs, followed by an earthquake; The month is the owner of all marine and land commercial animals]: 13-18; igloolik [a lover goes to the girl at night; she finds out that it is her brother (without details); cuts off her breasts, offers eat him; runs away, he chases her, falls, his torch goes out, both rise to heaven; the Month has a wife in the sky; the Sun Sister lives in another part of the house]: Kroeber 1899, No. 26:179-180; Eskimos Labrador: Hawkes 1916 [girl smears her chest with soot to identify her night lover; sees soot on her brother's face in the morning; cuts off her breasts, puts it in front of him; If I wanted, eat now; brother in anger rushes after her around the house, out, into heaven; they become the month and the sun; when they meet, eclipses occur]: 156; Turner 1894 [the girl smears her chest with soot to identify her night lover; in the morning he sees soot on his brother's lips; parents scold them; brother runs away, turns into a Month; sister grabs burning smut, chases him, turns into the Sun; sparks from the smut are stars; when sister catches up with her brother, eclipses occur]: 266; West Greenland: Rink 1875, No. 35 [in the absence of her husband, two little birds enter the house, first snow bunting (Plectrophanes nivalis), then wheat-ear (Saxiola ænanthe); each says someone else will come in and tell something; a Sunwoman comes in, tells her story; she has soot the back of an unknown lover in the morning identified her brother; cut off her breasts, asked him to eat them if he liked her body so much; both lit pieces of moss, began to rise into the air; her moss burned well, it went out; she became the Sun, he - A month; the Sun is beautiful in front and looks like a skeleton from the back]: 236-237; Angmassalik [four var, also early records from 1735; The month comes to Sister Sun; she smears his face with soot in the morning recognizes his older brother; runs with a burning torch, rising in circles to the sky; cuts off one chest, throws the Month; he stumbles, his torch goes out; he rises behind her to the sky]: Thalbitzer 1923, No. 215 : 397-403.
Subarctic. Inhalic [a girl rejects her suitors; someone comes to her at night; she ties a feather to his hair; when she comes to porridge, she sees that it was her brother; puts on better clothes, cuts herself off breasts, puts them on a bowl of food, serves them to his brother; rises to the sky, becomes the sun; brother runs after her, becomes the Month; in a hurry he manages to wear only one moccasin]: Chapman 1914, No. 4:21-22.