Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

F51D. Ginseng baby. 26.33.37.

Ginseng roots are boys or girls who help the hero.

Chinese (Liaoning, Shandong), Koreans, Dungans, Manchus, Udege.

China - Korea. Chinese: Liaoning 1994, No. 141 (Liaoning, Wu. I.; 1983; said an elementary school teacher) [an elderly couple lived in a cave on the mountainside; they went to collect medicinal herbs, found nothing; they noticed jumping near the well multicolored silk ball; when they came up, they found the ginseng root, dug it up, it turned into a man, his forehead had bangs, a tail on the back of his head, the rest of his head was shaved, dressed in a red apron, himself white and plump; said that he was the root of ginseng, asked him to let go, then he would ask his grandfather to fulfill the couple's wish; they asked for the children; at midnight a golden-red bird flew in and spit out pumpkin seed; it turned into a sprout; in autumn, the couple picked a pumpkin, sawed it with a saw, a boy and a girl inside; the boy was named Wangan ("Look at the Post"), and the girl was named Emin ("Glowing in the Night"); they grew up quickly; a wealthy landowner from the Yu family with a crack in his lip (cleft lip) was nicknamed "rich crack" (BT) by people; he said that the land on which the spouses live belongs to him, demanded that E. be given to him as concubine; the couple sent E. and V. to hide in a cave on the mountain; BT beat the couple to death; noticing E., tried to grab her, but V. threw him into the abyss, he turned into a rabbit; his servants drove E. onto a rock, she jumped down and became a mountain pigeon; his brother followed him, became a rocky falcon; shouts "emin, emin!" , calling his sister, and the mountain pigeon shouts "wangan, wangan," calling his brother; a rocky falcon protects crops by driving away rabbits]: 311-313; Riftin 1957 (Shandong; cf. Klaus 2015:301-302) [An old monk with a 12-year-old novice lived near Mount Taishan (this is Shandong); tormented the boy with hard work, did not feed well; two girls came in red jackets and green pants, then they brought others; did any job easily; the monk forced the boy to talk about them; ordered the rope to be quietly tied to one of the girls's leg; found ginseng along the rope; threw four roots into the cauldron, the others were locked in the closet; the girls called for help; the boy opened the closet; the girls said that the four sisters could not be returned anyway, they had to escape; they scooped up soup from the cauldron and poured it on the ground, the temple began to climb into the clouds; the monk brought the other monks to cook all the roots and rejuvenate; clung to the temple, but the girl hit the monk on the fingers, he fell and crashed; in clear weather, over Mount Taishan you can see a temple with red walls and a green roof]: 186-190; Koreans: Park 1991 [a kind and poor peasant cuts wood in the forest, hears laughter; he follows the boy, he disappears, and in his place there are two root; the peasant gave one to his father, he recovered and the other put it aside; a rich neighbor stole the root, ate it and went blind]: 310; Choi 1979, No. 58 [the young man became rich by selling the roots of an unusual plant; another young man He secretly entered his house and found a box with babies; told his superiors that the ginseng seller was executed; then people found strange rhizomes in his house and planted them; the current ginseng came from them]: 26.

Turkestan. Dungan [poor Tsunyu has a ten-year-old daughter Huar; the landowner is ill, he needs the oldest ginseng, he demands that Ts get it, promises half of the land and wealth; X. comes to play Bonfour, a girl, says she lives in the forest; her parents have guessed who she is, agree to get ginseng; ask H. to stick a red thread in B.'s clothes; in a dream, B. asks H. not to dig it up, and call three times, she will come out by herself; C. finds ginseng on the thread, shouts "Bonfour" three times, the root jumps into his hands; C. doubts whether to run with his family and sell the root; B. comes to H. in a dream: give infusion to the landowner; he recovered, fulfilled the contract in the hope of selling the root at a high price; hid it in a chest, put it in custody; the governor fell ill, the landowner went to take ginseng, but the root disappeared]: Yusurov 1970:51 -57; (cf. Russians from the NW of Manchuria [grandfather digs ginseng; another boy comes to play with his grandson; grandfather advises to tie a red thread to him; they come along the thread to the ginseng, dug up the root, got good money] :Klaus 2015:303-304).

Amur - Sakhalin. Manchus [(cf. Dungans, Yusurov 1970); parents and son named Mushroom Hat live in the forest; he runs away from morning to night to play in the forest; parents are surprised; the boy replies that he is playing with him red fat man; they understand everything, give a needle with a red thread, tell them to quietly attach a needle to the fat man; watch their son; in the evening the fat man runs away; parents walk on a red thread, find a huge ginseng root; by morning they dug up; when the son found out, he was horrified; the parents put the root in the cauldron; the husband thought: I will become immortal, I will marry a beautiful fairy instead of my old wife; wife: I will have fun, I will not need anyone; if you eat the root in half, none will be immortal; wife: go get your parents; husband: and you go; both went out; at that moment the son took the root out of the cauldron, took it out yard; parents are back; everyone just walked around the house to be the first to take the root; husband: I came back to check if the window was closed or the thieves would take the root away; wife: and I - if the boiler lid was closed, or if the dog was closed will climb; the root turned into a fat red man, took the boy in his arms, ran away; the parents started fighting, and the root and boy were gone]: Bäcker 1988, No. 14:105-109; the Udege [Giátu asked allow the Chinese king to search for ginseng; went to the forest, the son remained Joma; a red-haired girl came; playing with her, the boy then forgot everything; in order not to forget, he cut his hand with a knife; the girl showed the way - let G. follow it; he went, found ginseng; the girl asked her to take it, she loves her son G.; tells the king that he found little ginseng; the king wanted to stab, the girl ran up and stabbed the king his own knife; the tsar died, G. lived well with his family]: Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 54:319.