Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F52. Bird feathers made from pubic hair. (.42.) .


first ancestor bird places pubic hair or part of a woman's genitals on his head; since then, birds of this species have had a tuft.

(Wed. Central Europe. Russians (Vladimir Gubernia) [in order for chickens to be with Ukrainians, some women, laying eggs in the nest, raise their dress in front and, exposing their "tuft", say: "I pour testicles so that chickens all with Ukrainians come out"]: Zavoyko 1914:128).

(Wed. NW Coast. Tlingits: Veniaminov 1940 (3) [there was no light; a man hides his wife in a box, kills his sister's children out of jealousy; she, on the advice of her mother, swallows sea pebbles, gives birth to Elya, hides him from her brother ; E. kills a forty-like bird, puts on its skin, sticks his nose into the sky, puts a duck skin on his mother; E. opened the box with his uncle's wife, his uncle threw it into the sea, E. came back to the bottom; uncle caused a flood, Uh . stuck his nose into the sky, after the flood fell west on algae, these are Queen Charlotte Islands; picked up chips of gigantic pine in his nose, where he flew, threw it, where it grows]: 38-43; Kamensky 1906 [fir for Only one toyon built dumplings; he kept his wife in a drawer; she was guarded by 8 birds that flew out if someone came into contact with a woman; his sister Kikuhinshi (daughter of Kikuhinshi) had eight sons; out of jealousy, the uncle took everyone to sea, threw them overboard, or hammered them in hollows; K. ran away, took Heron as her husband; she brought her a pebble, she swallowed it (or gave a pebble Killer Whale, or Killer Whale advised me to swallow it); K. gave birth to a son, El (Raven); he opened the box with his uncle's wife; he locked it in the deck, E. broke it; uncle caused a flood, E. put on the skin of a magpie, he clung to the sky with his beak, its tail and wings became wet; put a duck skin on his mother; after the flood, E. fell into the sea on seaweed, the sea otter transported it to land (or E. sank directly to land); picked up cones in his beak and fir chips, distributed fir trees around the world, taught people how to make dumplings]: 71-75 (translated in Kamenskii 1985:59-60); Golder 1907c [jealous keeps his wife in a box, kills his sister's sons; she swallows hot a stone, gives birth to a Raven; he opens the box, copulates with his uncle's wife; he causes a flood; the raven hangs under the sky, with its beak into it; hides spruce chips in its beak; after the flood, a forest grows out of them] : 290-292; De Laguna 1972:844-845 [kills her sister's newborn sons every time; she cries, a man advises her to cry and swallow a pebble; she gives birth to a Yale son (Raven) secretly from her brother; Raven put the mother in the skin of a duck; asks people where the Month keeps his wife, they say what she is hiding in the box; the raven pulls her hair out of her armpits, throws her into a smoke hole, they turn into woodpecker feathers; fly in the face for the Month, he causes a flood in anger; mother Raven swims like a duck, he himself clung to the sky with his beak; after the flood, he came out of the crow's skin, took his mother out of the duck's skin], 848-849 [jealous A month kills her sister's newborn sons, and daughters, just in case; a killer whale tells a woman to swallow a pebble; she heats a pebble, swallows, gives birth to a Raven (some informants: he is a son Killer whales); he pulls the wife of the Month (she is a bird) out of the box, he plucks her (var.: her feathers are under her arms), throws feathers; the Month raises to heaven, causes a flood; The raven saves his mother by placing her in the skin of a duck, and yourself - climbing into the skin of a snipe, clinging to the sky with its beak]).

The coast is the Plateau. Puyallup [Blue Jay asks her grandmother Mouse for her pubic hair, makes herself a crest; sings about what the tuft is made of, but people don't understand it]: Adamson 1934:251-252; tillamook [ The Wild Woman marries the Crane; he asks for his combat outfit, she can't find it; when he gets angry, he pulls out her hair, adorns his head with it]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 16:64; cous [a young man goes to games in the village; asks his grandmother for something on his head; rejects all kinds of hats; angry, she offers her pubic hair; he is delighted; playing, turns blue jay]: Jacobs 1940, No. 26:181-182.

California. Yurok [Puma has his wife Blue Jay (childless, loved) and Olenikha (she has a daughter); Olenikha sends her daughter to take acorns to her father every time, but Blue Jay says that the food is not good, she eats everything herself; spies on how Olenikha prepares acorns; she splits her elbow, fat flows out of her bone; Blue Jay does the same, hurts herself, bleeds; Puma eats delicious acorns for the first time; Deer and her daughter leave; Blue Jay is leaving too, crossing the stream, someone said she soaked her dress; she replied that she didn't care, tore off her genitals, put it on her head; Puma is starving, after Olenikha's acorns Doesn't want anything else]: Sapir 1928, No. 11:261; coastal yuki [old woman hides all the fish on the shore; people come to dance at her house to get hold of fish; Soyka doesn't have a feather to decorate for dancing head; his grandmother is sitting with her legs apart; he pulls out her pubic hair, puts it on her head; since then, the jays have a crest]: Gifford 1937:153-154; (cf. coastal yuki [man cares for a woman who does not like it; she asks him to get acorns from the oak tree, makes the oak high to the sky; a man is in the sky, thirsty; the children of the Sun shoot at him with reeds; the Spider picks him up baskets of water into the sky, then lowers him to the ground; a woman is married to a Puma; a man finds her, kills her, cuts her genitals; they turn into a woodpecker (sapsucker)]: Gifford 1937:154-157); screw [it's raining; the boy (this is a sibit'sibit bird) asks his grandmother to give it to him; rejects many items up to the apron she takes off; takes her pubic hair, puts it on his head; it stops raining]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 75:396.

The Great Southwest. Havasupai [a woman's son grows up without a father; wants to find a wife; mother says women's fathers kill suitors; these are Blackbirds, then they turn into Hopi Indians; a young man meets two sisters, they say they are single, in fact their husband is Starling; when he comes, the young man tells the sisters to give her husband the clothes he gave them when he married them; the eldest gives him a piece flesh from his body, he puts it on his beak, since then the starlings have red feathers on their beak and wings; on the way, the older sister dies because of this; the young man and the youngest burned her, came to his mother; mother went with her daughter-in-law to collect seeds, she disappeared; the husband threw her feathers in different directions - it turned out that his wife was taken to heaven; the husband goes up there, the old woman says that the Wind keeps her in the kiva in the middle villages; The wind offers competitions: whose hair is longer; others; who runs faster; when the Wind turned into a tornado, the young man hit his head with a stick; went down with his wife to the ground; his mother built a house for them ; Thunder came in the morning, then clouds of sky birds, Rain, but the young man fought back; so four days; the young man with his wife and mother flee south; the mother loses strength; the young man and wife come to the horizon, from there to heaven, descend mother's rope, lift it up to them]: Smithson, Euler 1994:44-49.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Münzel 1973 [A woman's pubic hair used to be red as toucan feathers; all men went fishing; the one left at home makes arrows, wants to pluck her pubic hair to make plumage for the arrows; all women refuse, he forcibly cuts off his brother's wife's hair; when he returned, the men went to burn the vegetation on the site, everyone burned down; the one who cut off his hair only burned; his women kicked out, he became a forest spirit (Mamaé); at the place where men burned down, corn, calebasses, peppers grew; Kwat (Sun) and Yaú (Month) came, pulled out the women's red pubic hair, attached it toucans that turned red; women grew black hair]: 169-174; Seki 2008: No. 5 [A woman's pubic hair used to be yellow as toucan feathers; four married brothers went fishing; younger single stayed at home, made arrows, asked for pubic feathers for plumage; the wife of the youngest of the departed brothers agreed; when her husband returned, she tried to hide that there were no feathers; four brothers went to burn the vegetation on the site, deliberately remained in the middle, burned down; the single man began to roll on the coals, burned; the women kicked him out, he began to scream and moan (apparently became a forest spirit); at the place where they burned down men, corn, calebasses, peppers grew up; they sing like people; the Sun and the Moon came, taught women how to use corn, calebasses and peppers; handed pubic feathers to toucans and other birds, the woodpecker received tuft; women had grass attached to their pubis]: 251-283; Mehinacu: Gregor 1985:188-189 [everyone went fishing, but Toucan didn't go; saw the Sun's wife in the plaza, she has long pubic hair, he persuaded him to let him pull out a few to make pendants in his ears; pulled everything out; the woman told the Sun she pulled it out herself, but one man said it was a Toucan; the Sun was furious], 191- 192 [in the village of vultures (= birds in general), it's a festival of piercing boys' ears; but there were no hats for boys to dance in; the Bat saw his mother-in-law's huge labia; lured her into a hollow trees where she inherited before so that she thought that people live in the hollow; hung hammocks at different ends; different animals and birds came to the fire; mother-in-law asks what they are all screaming; For you closer to me; when my mother-in-law hears the voice of a jaguar, lies down in a hammock with her son-in-law, copulates; the Bat cuts off her labia, fills many baskets; gives them to ducks, turkeys and other birds; they make their own tufts and creases on her throat]; vaura [Bat's mother-in-law has a huge knee-length vulva; he took her fishing; a jaguar's voice is heard at night; to supposedly calm his mother-in-law, his son-in-law suggests hanging their hammocks closer to each other; so several times; when close, he began to copulate with his mother-in-law; mother-in-law got angry, the Bat killed her, cut off her vulva, hung her around her neck, and distributed pieces to various birds at the festival ; they have been hanging around their necks ever since; The Bat told his wife that her mother died, but kept silent about why; she took out his lice, noticed blood stains behind his ears, thought he was a murderer]: Coelho 1992:55-56.

Chaco. Maka: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 12 [Mako's woman is covered in colorful feathers; hears music, goes looking for a musician; asks everyone to sing; Vulture and others try, she rejects them ; Thrush is the last to speak; she grabs him, takes him home; others tell him not to let her sleep; when his wife finally falls asleep, Thrush calls the others, the men pluck Mako's feathers and decorate them himself; Mako asks her grandfather to sharpen her spear, he agrees to try the spear on it, she kills him, the spear comes back on its own; she kills many men, but the Caracara bird kills her with an arrow], 13 [starts like (12); men pluck Mako's pubic feathers; her father makes her a club, her grandfather sharpens him, she kills him; kills all men, but Hawk runs away; copulates with all women; from an old woman he has a son, Caracara; he kills Mako with an arrow; men rush to pluck her pubic feathers and make red crowns out of them], 14 [Efu Naq'aju woman walks through the forest, running to the sound of a collector's ax honey, kills with a sharp weapon, devours; naj litaj sang well, she chose him as her husband; others advised not to let her sleep; when she finally fell asleep, her husband stole the feathers that covered her clothes from feathers; men made hats out of them; the woman killed everyone, birds with a tuft on their heads flew out of the ash].