Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F54C. Recognized by fingernails. 20.

The husband sees traces of someone's fingernails on his wife's body and gathers the men to find out who left the mark.

Kapingamarangi, Ulithi, Truk.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Kapingamarangi [the priest's wife threw a premature fetus into the pond; another man picked it up, raised a boy; tells me not to swim where that woman lived; the young man violated the ban, got together with a woman and scratched her cheek with his hand; the priest realized that it was a fingerprint, called all the men; the young man was the last to come, his hand coincided with the trail; the priest tells him and his (adopted) father to leave the island; on another island they saw a boy in the pit; then they saw an eel (eel, possibly moray eel); the boy said it was his father; when the eel sailed away, the (first) breadtree grew there; the priest found out where the boy is with his (adopted) father and sent boats there; the eel sank them]: Albert 1948:112-115; Uliti [the chief's wife gives birth before the deadline, throws the child into the sea, a man from a remote village He picked him up and raised him; he came to the village where his mother lived and she made him her lover; thanks to the young man's adopted father, lovers find out that they are mother and son, but continue to meet in the hut for menstruation; the husband sees scratches on his wife's face and calls the men to find out whose hand they were left with; the young man is discovered, but he kills his father himself and stays with his mother mistress]: Lessa 1956:63; Truk [Chief Soufa has 5 wives; he tells him to kill boys, keep girls; one of the sisters {and wives at the same time?} S. gave birth to a son, sent him to the Wind Eater (some butterfly or bird), who lived inside the island; the young man grew up, hears screams from the shore, it's a toy boat festival; the adoptive mother made the young man like this the boat, she overtook everyone else; the boy's real mother took it from the shore; he took the boat, leaving his fingerprint on his mother's hand; S. gathers men to determine whose hand it was; sent a man and a young man was brought to the house of the Wind Eater; S. found out the fingerprints, told the young man to come tomorrow to put up poles for the community house; the foster mother tells him to dig a hole with a hole to hide when on him they will lower the pole; also let him take with him a coconut (it crunches) and a termite that will pave the way to the ground; when the young man dug a hole, a pole was lowered into it; the young man went out, S. tells him to come tomorrow; reception mother: drink water: they tell you to climb a tree for nuts and make a fire around - fill it with regurgitating water; he did so; on the third day, the adoptive mother teaches the young man to avoid raindrops; when he came to S., darts were thrown at him, none were hit; for the fourth time, his adoptive mother told him to take a knife from the sink, ocher and coal with him; the young man was trapped, lowered into the water; he chewed ocher with with lime, they thought it was the brain; coal - his stomach burst; he cut the ropes and came up, brought S. fish; on the fifth day: you will be left on a deserted island, you should take breadfruit with you; he they ordered to anchor off the shore, cut off the tench and sailed away; there was only one tree on the island; the young man put the fruit on top of his head, turned to the Rainbow God to pick up the fruit and help him escape; then hung it there caught fish; like this every day; an old man came, but the young man refused to speak to him; the next day a young man came; he was the God of the Rainbow; when he returned on the third day, he drew a boat in the sand, kicked her, the drawing became a real boat; the young man returned to S.; the next day S. and his brothers decided to sail in his boat himself; the young man told her to become sand again, the passengers were eaten by sharks]: Fischer 1954:289-306 .