Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F55. What do you want? . (.44.45.) .

Not understanding what her partner of the opposite sex wants, a woman or girl names or shows various objects and parts of her body. The interviewee is satisfied when she names or exposes her genitals. Avg. m otiv f55a.

Aka, Murgnin, Tiwi, Kiwai, Baruya, Orochi, Kuchin, Upper Chehalis, Koulitz, Tillamook, Cous, Blacklegs, Yurok, Karok, Shinkyon, Vintu, Utah, Paresi, Chamacoko, Yagans.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Aka [Mômbôngi (a little fish) lives with her husband and mother; pretending to be bitten by a fish, M.'s mother returns to the camp where her son-in-law stayed, asking him to bring suitable firewood. to keep warm; rejects everything he offers; says, Yes, when he shows his penis; then his son-in-law is ashamed; the same next time (pretends to prick her toe); M. cut her mother into small pieces and those turned into mombong fish]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 29:126-129.

Australia. Murngin [the boy moans, his mother consistently offers him different food and drink, he refuses; finally, the mother asks if he wants her vagina, he replies yes]: Warner 1937:561-562 in Roheim 1945:208-209, in Waterman 1987, No. 4770:130; Tiwi [The lizard is excited by her sister's sitting next to him; refuses when she offers him liver, wallaby intestines; she guesses what he needs , sends him several times for clean water; finally drinks water and copulates with it; her husband, the White-breasted Eagle, sends Zothbwe to a tree for honey, cuts off a branch, the Lizard falls; he was beaten]: Waterman 1987, No. 4775 (1): 130.

Melanesia. Kiwai [the old couple had a boy, Ganumi; they made sure that all girls would love him when they grew up; they let him down the river in a bowl; Gebae gave birth a child in ulcers, saw Ganumi, took her son instead of a real son; the baby saw girls with their skirts up, began to scream, I want red; they brought him red flowers and fruits, then understood what he wanted; he was put to bed with them, but he could not do anything; in the morning he could not cut down the saga palm tree; his wives threw him on a palm tree, scratched themselves, said they were attacked by enemies; red the viovio bird dropped its droppings on him, he became this bird; the women saw its reflection in the well, each wanted to; he went only to Gebay; became a young man, slept with her; thought he slept with mother; both went up to heaven; Thunder and Lightning told them not to go to the hot sun; Gebae fried sago, accidentally threw a handful in Ganumi's face, began to wipe it off; since then, stains for a month; moon phases - Ganumi leaves his hut]: Landtman 1977, No. 100:274-276; baruya [people saw a giant python in the garden, killed, cooked with tarot and vegetables, ate tarot in the evening, and the meat was left for tomorrow; the woman who got up first found that the meat had disappeared from her bag; the others had the same; the snake was found whole in the oven; he was consistently asked what he wanted - shells and jewelry; tarot; salt; serpent doesn't move; woman? the serpent straightened up and looked up at the sky; a decorated woman was brought to him; he gave her a sign to go first, but she invited him to go first; hid a white-hot stone in her bag; going up to heaven, they found themselves in front of a big house; the woman again invited the snake to enter the house first; pressed down the door with a stone and began to descend the column of smoke she had previously climbed; halfway through she turned into Venus (evening and morning); the serpent turned around in the house and hit a stone with its nose; burning and screaming is thunder; the snake's actions also explain the rain and the rainbow]: Godelier 2007:154-155.

Amur-Sakhalin. Orochi: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 4 [Gilangeta's younger brother cries; she gives him yukola, he doesn't take it, cries again; What do you want to marry me? The boy laughs; she tells him to bring a kitchen board; he cuts on it, she asks him to move away, or she has a headache; dresses up, swims down the river in a birch bark box; Voronenok finds a girl, brings her to his house, there are crow droppings everywhere; old man Ka's two sons come there; ask them to go to their father's house; Voronenok takes his wife with him; his mother warns that Ka's sons will take her away; Voronenok sees his wife sitting with Ka's sons; stops playing, takes a month on his back, his mother takes the sun away; old Ka gives the Ravens seven dogs heads to eat; for this, the Ravens return the stars; Ka's sons kill Voronenko and his mother with arrows, take Voronenko's wife], 16 [the younger brother cries, wants to marry his sister; she asks him bring a cutting board, runs away herself; finds a sister, her husband is a bear, he promises not to kill his brother-in-law; the bear fights his enemy, the boy shoots, accidentally kills his sister's husband, not the enemy; kills a bear, she turns out to be his sister; her two bear sons are crying, digging a den; an old moon woman raises them to the moon]: 188-189, 132-133.

Subarctic. Kuchin [Jateaquoint helps one giant kill another; stays alone with the victor's wife; says he wants something; she offers him a drill, paint, knife, etc.; finally understands; while copulating, her vagina is swallowed by D.; the giantess jumps up and shakes him out of herself]: McKennan 1965:108-109.

The coast is the Plateau. Upper chehalis [Little Wren kills an elk; his grandmother refuses to carry various pieces of meat, saying that her Raven lover will call her genitals chest, leg and etc.; takes a penis, masturbates with it; one day Wren cries; grandma offers him various foods; finally asks if he wants to copulate; Yes; she asks to dig a hole on the floor to make it convenient place their hump; they lie covered with their skin, the bird looks into the house; then knocks, the wren opens, asks what the news is; the wren copulates with his grandmother; he fights with the guest; the grandmother throws a burning bark at the guest, gets into the wren, which burns; she glues the bones with resin, but every time he melts in the sun; turns into a wren]: Adamson 1934:36-38; colitz [ The wren lives with his grandmother, flies into the ass of the elk, kills it from the inside; the grandmother rejects different parts of the carcass, wants genitals; Wren explains that meat is for food, not sex; says that hungry; rejects meat, berries; rejoices when the grandmother offers him her ass; digs a hole, the grandmother lies down in it, he makes love to her; hears two talking, one says that someone then he copulates with Wren's grandmother; Wren fights with the offender (this is a bird), the grandmother accidentally pushes not the offender into the fire, but the Wren; he glues his bones four times with resin, he melts in the sun each time ; turns into a wren; grandmother turns into a blue bird (Bluebird), sings to the rain]: Adamson 1934:185-188; tillamook [Wild Woman finds a wren boy, brings up how grandson; makes him want; asks what he wants by offering any things; when asked if he wants to have sex, he receives the answer: Yes; tells him to tie her arms, legs and neck so that it seemed like she was being raped; a passer-by looks into the house at this time, tells others; since then, relatives have not copulated with each other]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 16:61-62; cous [young man goes to play in the village; asks the grandmother for something on her head; rejects all kinds of hats; when angry, she offers her pubic hair; he is delighted; playing, turns into a blue jay]: Jacobs 1940, No. 26:181-182.

(Wed. The Midwest. Menominee [boy asks his sister for a thread to make a snare to catch the Sun; rejects the tendon, hair from her head, takes pubic hair]: Hoffman 1896:181-182; oriental marsh Cree (Vinisk River) [Chakapesh lives with his older sister, their parents were killed by giants; finds a path along which the Sun walks; asks his sister to make suitable material for a snare; he consistently does everything rejects; finally she gives him her own hair; then he spreads her legs, pulls out her pubic hair; The sun is trapped, it's dark in the morning; The squirrel, the Mouse can't get close, the Shrew gnawed through the snare] : Bird 2007:29-36).

(Wed. Northeast. Montagnier [see motif A37; Shakabish climbs a tree to the sky after his sister; sees her vagina; falls asleep on the path of the Sun; he burns his clothes; S. asks his sister for ashistuka ; she gives a rope; No; pubic hair; Yes; S. makes a trap, the Sun falls into it]: Desbarats 1969:58-63).

Plains. Blackfooted [Napi (Old Man) defecates on a sleeping girl's clothes; she asks him to remove excrement; he demands a fee for it; she consistently offers various items , his relatives, parts of his clothes, eventually agrees to surrender herself; asks not to insert the penis completely; The old man ties it up, but then inserts it in, killing the girl; changes penises with a bird; father the girl tells everyone to jump across the river, the bird can't, explains that her long penis is from the Old Man; he promises to cure the girl; puts two old women with hammers and two men with spears on the way out, quits fat, old women and men kill each other; The old man runs away]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 18:34-35; Josselin de Jong 1914:23-27:34-35.

California. Yurok [a virgin gives birth to a boy; he cries, she offers him various foods; when she calls his genitals, he gets up, goes to her, copulates, grows up; this is how the penis appeared]: Kroeber 1976, No. F7:246; Karok [The penis and the Vulva live together; she asks what he wants to eat, names all kinds of substances and objects; when he calls the vulva, he rushes at it and still eats]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. E1:46; shinkyon [the old man longs for his son's wife; tells her: I want to eat what my son ate last night; she offers him a variety of food; finally understands; they sleep together; son stones his father; he is barely alive, leaves]: Kroeber 1919, No. 8:348; screw [it's raining; the boy (this is a sibit'sibit bird) asks his grandmother: Give me what I want! ; rejects various objects; she undresses, gives him her garments; when she gives him a few pubic hairs, he takes them; puts them on his head, the rain stops; since then this one birds on the head are tuft]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 75:396.

Big Pool. Utah: Lowie 1924, No. 36a (Southern Utah) [Jealous Fox beats his wife; she leaves with her young son; gets to Skunk, who kills her; Badger revives, demands payment; she doesn't understand his words; points to various parts of his body and clothing items; when he points to his genitals, Badger says: Yes!] : 67-68; Sapir 1930, No. 4 (Uintach) [Owl's wife places sharp bones in front of the house; the husband asks to see what's wrong with his soles, she pierces the bones deeper; the owl tells his wife to go beyond his death his brother Chicken Hawk; they come to Skunk's mother, who tells them to run; the Skunk catches up with them; the woman throws a louse, says that there are mountain sheep, asks Skunk to get them, runs away herself, wrapping her her cape around the bush; the Skunk catches up, kills them with his jet; the Badger revives them; she asks how to reward him; names all the items clothes; finally, My vulva? The badger copulates with her; at the camp, the Coyote offers the woman rabbits, she does not take; she climbs the cliff to the Hawk; in the morning, the Hawk kills the Coyote with a club, hits Badger]: 495-505.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [A Rat woman talks to her young son, who is crying; offers him different types of plant-based foods; he replies each time that his excrement or defecation process will have a flaw (the wrong color, etc.); she asks if he wants to have sex; he replies yes; they copulate; that's why rats and other animals combine with mothers and sisters]: Pereira 1987, NO. 236:723.

Chaco. Chamacoko [young man sees his mother's vagina when his mother covers the roof of the hut with mats; cries, refuses all food, says he wants something else; she copulates with him; his father kills him; birds revive him; he and his younger brother turn into jaguars, kill his parents]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 61-63:187-198.

The Southern Cone. Yagani [when the father goes hunting, the boy sees his mother's vagina; screams, I want it! ; she consistently offers him everything that is suitable for eating and playing, he refuses; paints himself black and red, approaches her mother without paying attention to other people, howls her hand into her vulva; they took a boat to the island, making love until they became wild geese]: Gusinde 1937:1195-1197 (translated into Wilbert 1977, No. 26:73-76).