Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F58. Trickster and women. . (.22.29.) .33.39.


The character spends the night with a group of women hiding their nature and/or intentions. In the end, he is either identified and punished, or he escapes to continue his antics.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Comorians [Bwanawasi comes to a village where there is an epidemic; tells women that a woman sitting on something protruding from the water will not get sick; lies down on the shore with her penis out; all women are on him sit down; one old woman pricked him with a needle, B. ran away]: Haring 2007, No. 57:115-116.

West Africa. Wolof [an old jealous man refuses to hire men to work on the field; Samba cut off his penis, put it on the back of his head; said his name was Samba without a penis; the jealous man was convinced that this was so took S. to work; on the way from home to the field, an obstacle (énorme pieu à deux branches) that women find it difficult to overcome; S. puts every woman on her shoulders, inserts her penis into her vagina; women like it; the jealous old mother demands that she be transferred like this; says she forgot the seeds at home, forcing S. to carry it again; everyone has become pregnant; since then, men have stopped demonstratively show that they are jealous]: Copans, Couty 1988, No. 41:98-101 (about the same, No. 42:102-105); (cf. mukulu [Kalbati from his mother's womb tells her to give birth to him; some time has passed and he tells her to lie down with a stranger; his father sends him to buy tobacco; K. does not go to the one pointed out by his father, but to to the one with whom the mother slept; after receiving tobacco, does not leave; says that his father sent him to grab his mother's lover; the man threw the hoe and ran away; K. explains to his father that a dead gazelle was found nearby and everyone runs for meat; the father also threw his hoe and ran; K. tells his mother the same thing, tells her to run, taking the basket; when they reach the leader, all three cannot explain why they fled; K. provokes the leader Gather the girls by the river, and the Arab is told to go there for beer, dressed him in his clothes; the Arab was drunk and drowned, and the herd went to K.; people thought they drowned K.; believed that he had taken cattle at the bottom; the leader gathered everyone; first the children drowned, then the men, then the chief; and the women did not jump into the water; K. met with them for two nights; first he conceived boys, the second, girls; became the leader]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 16:74-78).

Melanesia. Saibai (according to the informant, these stories are also known in the surrounding area of New Guinea) [Wamal-adi had a hole in the nose (for leprosy); he did not want others to marry his daughter. wished her himself; pretended to be dying, asked his daughter and wife to bury him in a secluded place shallow, leave his face outside; made himself a mask out of wax, began to secretly go to his daughter under the guise of a handsome man; the rain leaked through the roof on his face, his nose fell off, the daughter recognized his father; told her mother she did not believe it; the daughter became pregnant; W. dressed up in a women's grass skirt, pretended to be an old woman, joined a group of women, all of them became pregnant at night, so in many places; then a large osprey took him to New Guinea]: Laade 1971, No. 7a: 21-23; Varaber (southeast Torres Strait) [at night Wamaladi climbed into women's house, copulated with them; once girls were swimming in a reef; W. let his long penis go to them underwater; the boat split, one girl was picked up, she was sitting on W.'s penis; Then he probably got along the same way with all the girls]: Laade 1971, #7b:24.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [Aku-rtomba dresses as a nun, comes to a nunnery; one nun gave birth; Gebkui told her sisters to put her in a hole, step over; for the first time A. tied himself genitals, the second is exposed; the nuns want to tear him with a rope, he slips out, runs away; lures the boy's horse, sleeps with one woman, then with another woman without paying; pretends to be a brother a man, comes to his house, takes a horse]: Potanin 1893, No. 14:168-170; Eastern Rengma: Mills 1937:258 [Ichu turned off all the lights in the village, gave fire to women only after each he met; the boy asked why Ichu got so much pork; Ichu promised to give him a pig's leg if he persuaded his mother to get along with him, he would be satisfied, and the boy would watch everything; the condition was accepted, but after copulation, Ichu said he was not satisfied enough and did not share pork], 260 [Zosheto took all the women to fish, told them to enter the river with their skirts off, and wait for the poisoned fish to swim ; instead, he put juice into the water, which makes her irresistible when it gets into the vagina; Z. converges with all women; one girl ran to ask her father's permission; Z. got ahead of her, hid in her house, answered in his father's voice that she should get along with Z.; Z. came back faster than her again, got along with her].

(Wed. Burma - Indochina. Wa [Glieg Neh trickster arranged for all men to go to war and he would get all the women; he was captured and executed; he asked him to go down the river in a coffin, putting him there musical instruments; he played so well that when he heard the sound of music, those living downstream freed him; he taught these people all the arts, including writing, and you remained illiterate;" writing" and "trade" are denoted in one word and suggest fraud]: Scott 2009:222).

(Wed. Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Turks [Beardless's wife cooked the four lamb legs he had bought, but ate one; they began to argue about how many legs there were, Beardless pretended to be dead; when washed, he asks to leave there is a hole in the grave for the wife to bring food; on the way to the cemetery and after the funeral, the wife and the Beardless continue to repeat that there were three or four legs; the governor's wife was traveling with a caravan, spent the night, gave birth, Beardless put the baby in the grave, lay down next to the woman in labor; she believes that she has given birth to a huge baby who talks and asks for food; and Bezborodoy's wife found a child governors; once she brought it to the bathhouse, where the governor's wife also came; recognized her husband, returned the baby to the governor's wife; Bezborody ran away]: Stebleva 1986, No. 62:261-263).

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Aldar-Kose borrowed gold from the khan: I will sow and return the harvest; in the fall he disguised as a girl; answered the khan's servant that the gold was not ugly and her brother AK went to get it elsewhere; khan lodged an imaginary girl with his two daughters, AK sleeps with them; the khan passes off the imaginary girl as a vizier; in the steppe she gave her husband a drink, he fell asleep, AK in his real form came to the khan, paid him a debt - gold , which he took from the vizier; accused his sister of missing; Khan returned gold to AK and appointed a vizier]: Zhanuzakova 1977:252-253.

SV Asia. Chukchi [Kutkyneku turns into a girl; his mother makes a needle with two bells out of her fallen genitals; his son tries to copulate with her; hits the needle bed, K. screams from pain; K. creates a women's camp, he has a child in his arms; his son wants to marry this woman; wife K. Mitty wears men's clothes, tells K. that he is going to marry M.; M. is jealous (apparently K. copulated with girls, although it is not directly mentioned); when K. returns, says she had man; creates his two brothers from pieces of fat, they supposedly want to take it away; M. and K. reconcile, promise not to deceive each other]: Baboshina 1958, No. 36:96-103; coastal Koryaks (Alutortsy) [y Kutkinnyakun, a young man, Killilkitgynaku, goes to the tundra, sings; demons imitate his stump in chorus; a herd of deer approaches him, he kills them; next time girls imitate his stump; he turns in a blueberry leaf, falls on the chest of all girls, they give birth to children; he passes girls off as Sisisyn, Ilya, Valya, all brothers (i.e. children to Kutkinnyak and Mitya); the girls' relatives are looking for them; when they find out that they are married, they leave]: Kibrik et al. 2000, No. 8:40-45.

NW Coast. Haida [The woman of the Tide is the chief's wife; gives birth to a boy; the Raven gets into his skin; asks the spirit to put the villagers to sleep for the night; becoming an adult man, copulates with many women, including including his father's sister; the old woman sees him getting out of the baby's skin; he and his mother are expelled]: Swanton 1905:118-119; quakiutl (tlatlasicoala neveti) [Norka wants a boat with women overturned; dives, sealing the genitals with resin; The raccoon asks who can cure women; Mink is called to do so; removes the resin by copulating with each of the women; everyone gets pregnant]: Boas 1895, NO. XVIII/1:172-173

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 1 [The coyote covers the children's eyes with resin; their partridge mothers take off, scaring him, he falls into the river; turns into a piece of wood, swims to the top, which is two sisters they blocked the river; they pick up a piece of wood, make a dish out of it; it swallows all the food, the sisters throw it away; the coyote becomes a baby, the sisters adopt him; at night he copulates with them; when they wear it on their backs, it slides lower and copulates again; breaks the top, drives the salmon up the Thompson and Fraser rivers], 53 [women pick berries; the Coyote turns into a little boy, puts women to sleep, copulates, takes their clothes away; women go home naked]: 629-630, 745; Thompson [Coyote turns into a baby; women pick berries, find him, bring him home; There is no baby in the morning and women's bellies are wet; they give birth to children conceived by Coyote]: Teit 1917b, No. 13:7; comox [Mink sees women bathing, turns into trout, cannot be caught; advises at home women catch trout with their legs spread wide; makes the most beautiful woman pregnant; she gives birth to a boy who screams that Norka is his father; when women pick him up, he stains them, but excrement turn into dental shells, copper; the raven also takes it in his arms, turns out to be all deceived]: Boas 1895, No. 4:73; tututney (Joshua) [Coyote is swallowed by a whale; kills him from the inside, goes ashore ; meets a girl, puts her skin on, turns her into salmon; comes to her house in the guise of a girl; puts her three sisters to sleep, copulates with them at night; their mother notices a coyote's leg; cuts her, Coyote runs away; sisters give birth to coyotes, their mother kills newborns]: Farrand 1915, No. 18:237-238; sachaptine: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 2 [Coyote sails down the Snake River to a dam beyond which five Swallow sisters keep salmon; turns into a baby, is adopted by an older sister; the youngest suspects it is a Coyote; he sleeps out of bed with his foster mother; consistently touches all parts of her bodies, asking what it is; - My head; - My mother's head; - My hair; - My mother's hair; about genitals, the woman says it's for men; - "For men" my mother; this is how they get to their feet; he asks for a drink, drinks all the water, he is told to go to the river and get drunk himself; he breaks the dam by releasing fish into the river; running away screams what the sisters should call the children, which they will be born from him], 8 [Lynx throws up his eyes; the Coyote does the same, the Lynx pushes his thrown eyes, they do not return to the eye sockets; the Coyote takes his eyes away from the oriole; the old woman sings, tells how people dance with Coyote's eyes; Coyote kills her, wears her skin; the youngest of her five daughters feels it's a Coyote; at night he touches each genitals, the youngest chases him; in the morning pretends to be lame, girls carry him on his back to where they dance; he copulates with everyone, the youngest does not allow him; he dances, grabs his eyes, runs away; later returns to give names to those born to him children]: 140-141, 155-157

The Midwest. Western Forest Cree [Visakiychak's older brothers go looking for people; he's bored, he follows them; meets a woman with two daughters; says Disease will come; we need to make holes in tipi walls, cuddle backwards against them; copulates; leaves; tells waterfowl that he is carrying dancing in a bag Close your eyes; birds dance with their eyes closed, he strangles them; the little one opens her eyes V. tramples on the runners, now they are flat; bakes meat; The fox offers to compete in the run, wins, takes the meat; V. finds the Fox sleeping, lights the grass around]: Honigmann 1953, No. 6:326-328; oriental Swamp Cree: Bird 2007 (Winisk River) [Wisakaychak wanders, comes to a house with young women; says Sickness is coming; to stay healthy, you have to bury your head in the ground expose your bare ass; The disease will come with the sound of the wind; simulates noise, copulates with women]: 180-183; Skinner 1911 (Albany) [Wicágatcak comes to three sisters; suggests one to have them with her pulled the two jaws of the beaver he killed; suddenly lets go, the girl falls on her back, exposing her genitals; V. copulates with her; sisters like the game, all three demand to continue, V. is just alive]: 87- 88; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Visakaijak comes to ten women whose husbands did not return from the war; each has its own entrance; V. says that the cannibal Windigo will come; to escape, everyone must put her bare ass out of the house; Visakaijak copulates with everyone, runs away laughing]: Ray, Stevens 1971:29-30; Ojibwa [Manabozo wears women's clothes , comes to a girl's house; her parents put their daughter to bed with a guest; M. copulates with a sleeping girl; does the same when he comes to other homes]: Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 15:101-102; Steppe Cree [Visukejaq comes to the women's house; says that imminent death can be avoided by becoming his mistress; all women conceive children with him; when his son and daughter grow up, he tells his wife that will die; tells him to be buried, the daughter must marry the first stranger; people find V.'s bones, but in reality he is alive; his daughter-wife recognizes him by looking for him in his hair and noticing the mark; he is driven away; he asks the boys what the news makes them so amused; V. married his daughter! ]: Skinner 1916, No. 1 (10:350-351.

Northeast. Seneca [Shodieonskon meets a group of women; warns of a possible encounter with a dangerous man, covered with hemlock branches, whose wishes should be fulfilled; all women give themselves to it man, then realize it was a trickster]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 56:284; mikmaq [see motive F63; Badger pretends to be a girl, marries the chief's son Big Turtle; while her husband is away, sleeps with the chief's daughters; runs away]: Speck 1915b: 67.

Plains. Assiniboine [And no one tells women that the Disease is coming soon; to survive, you have to open the tipi walls and sit with your genitals exposed; covers himself with clay and with leaves, comes under the guise of Illness, copulates with all women; the youngest says she likes the disease]: Lowie 1909a, No. 45:129-130.

California. Kato [Coyote turns into a baby swimming on the river in the cradle; girls pick him up, go to bed; at dawn, Coyote leaves; when girls wake up, they find themselves pregnant]: Goddard 1909, No. 15:219; Yuki: Foster 1944 [The Coyote wove the basket, turned into a baby, swam in a basket along the river; he was picked up by the Swan Girls; at night he became a man, met everyone but the last one, out of caution, to lay on the stone from the back and front; in the morning she just got up but turned into a turtle]: 236; Kroeber 1932b [like a kato; the baby cries when an ugly woman takes it; calms down in the arms of a beautiful woman; in the morning, women cut off Coyote's penis, kill him; he revives]: 938; coastal yuki: Gifford 1937, No. 12 [like a kato; calms down in the arms of the one who picked him up; women give birth by baby; returning to his wife, Coyote says that he was bitten by a snake; his nephew Woodpecker sees that it was not a snake, but one of the women who stabbed him when he woke up], 21 [as in (12 ); Coyote sleeps with only one woman; Malinovka exposes him]: 124-125, 137-138; Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 15/1 [Two Duck Sisters Reject Grooms; Coyote takes the form of their old grandmother, asks raise himself to eat; copulates; sisters and other women beat him; out of four children born, Coyote saves two, two other women are killed], 61 [Coyote takes the form of an old woman, causes rain ; girls are hiding in his hut collecting chestnuts; he puts them to sleep, copulates; becomes an old woman again, leaves in the morning]: 95-96, 244-245; maidu [Coyote turns his penis into a baby and himself into woman; dances with women; when they fall asleep, they become a man again, copulate with everyone; women have children in the morning]: Dixon 1902, No. 10:89; Shipley 1963, No. 3:19-21; kawaiisu [two options ; The coyote pretends to be a woman, turns his penis into a baby, comes to three or five goose girls; sleeps with them, each gives birth in the morning; they bake their babies, fly away on their own; the Coyote eats meat, Sees the girls' reflection in the water; they pick him up or throw him a rope; then they throw it, he falls down]: Zigmond 1980, No. 19:91-92.

The Big Pool. Northern shoshones [Coyote meets two women, takes the form of a woman himself, spends the night with them, copulates, leaves in the morning; both women have a baby]: Lowie 1909b, No. 23e: 273-274; southern Payute (Moapa) [The Coyote sees two girls, makes his breasts out of clay, turns his penis into a baby, sits down to weave baskets, tells the girls that her (imaginary woman) husband will return in the evening; the girls took the baby; at night he turned into the Coyote's penis, got together with both; the girls went to another camp, where they were taken by a man who feeds them some roots instead of meat; they go to Nantö -nab (some snake-shaped animal); he apparently brings meat cut from his back; at the next camp they married Hawk, he brings them game every day; but they are tired of meat, they went on; the next husband went to the mountains, lingered because of the rain; Grasshopper came, refused to lie on the girls, agreed naked; in the morning he straightened his legs, knocked out the eyes of both girls; the husband returned, put them in deer eyes; killed Grasshoppers]: Lowie 1924, No. 13:177-179; Utah: Lowie 1924 (Southern Utah) [Coyote bumps into a group of sleeping women, copulates with everyone; the next morning everyone thinks she wet herself at night; Coyote yells to them what happened to them, runs away], No. 16:30; Smith 1992 (uncompagre uté) [like Moap Payut; creates his double, a baby; asks his aunt to take the baby for the night; to all sleeping women puts his clothes on his head, runs away]: 38.

The Great Southwest. Cocopa [girls come to the party; Coyote as a handsome young man goes to bed consistently with everyone; each leaves him with a bad smell from his mouth]: Crawford 1983, No. 2:71-75 ; papago [dark at first; Earth Creator (NW) and Yellow Vulture (JS) meet four times in the void, each forcing the other to create peace; the NW has taken something out of his heart or rolled dirt off his skin, he put it in the palm of his hand, a green branch, greasewood; the louse on the plant produced resin and from this NW created the earth; he sang, bored it, it became flat; he placed mountains on the ground, on the tops of the mountains bird fluff (clouds) and shamans; when the earth spread, shamans and mountains spread everywhere; the Earth expanded to the dome of Heaven; I'itoi jumped out, said he was the son of Heaven and Earth; he was small, bearded, gray or blond; from the northwest, a Coyote came out from under the bush; the earth swayed, Coyote, I. and JS unsuccessfully confused to fix it; two Spiders did this, connecting heaven and earth with a web; all the mountains were inclined to the west, all the rivers flowed there; the JS flew by, waving its wings, gave the mountains a variety of shapes, the rivers flowed in different directions; the NW splashed water to the north, west, south, east, the moon appeared and the sun; spit out stars like saliva; created people from his body, she began to fight; he and I. sent a flood; for this purpose I. created Handsome Man, who became pregnant with all the girls, each gave birth the next morning; the sorcerer made the Handsome man himself give birth; he left the child, he began to cry, his tears flooded the earth with a flood; the NW escaped on a magic rod, I. in a large vessel, the Coyote in the reed, the JS pierced the sky; some people became birds, clung to the sky with their beaks; others became trees and took root; others with their dog climbed to the top of the mountain, turned into stones there; traces of foam on the water can be seen on them; NW and I. agreed that whoever emerges first after the flood is older; the first NW, then I., the last Coyote; but I. made sure that he was considered the oldest; all three began to sculpt new people; made The coyote is shapeless, thrown overseas; the NW made is also shapeless, and I.'s people are real; the NW and I. began to argue; the NW tried to pull the sky down, then fell through the ground, spreading diseases; I.'s people became pima, papago, apache, maricopa; I. made papago his people, taught culture (bow and arrow, house-building, drinking ceremony); I. retired to the cave; people, especially maricopa, kicked a defenseless rattlesnake; I. gave her poison; she bit maricopa, who died; he was burned (maricopa has been cremated since then); Coyote stole the heart from the funeral fire; a hole in the ground opened, from there water or the wind; closed when two boys and two girls were thrown at her; this is how Santa Rosa ceremonies arose; the cannibal stole children, she was strangled with smoke in a cave; I. killed the cannibal eagle, feathers for witchcraft; the monster sucked everyone into himself; I. let himself be sucked, killed the monster, freed the swallowed; I. grew old, began to attack the girls during the adulthood ceremony; people killed him three times; to the advice of the Sun, JS managed to kill I. with an iron bow (gun); after 4 years, I. revived, went west; I. created deer, an evil shaman drove them into the pen; two brothers paid the shaman to hunt everything; JS is scalped so bald; I. sometimes comes back from the underworld]: Underhill 1946:8-12.

NW Mexico. Huichol [Kauyumári's penis grew to 50 or 100 m long; he wrapped it around his waist, carried it in a basket; stayed at the house of a man with four daughters; he suspects him Intentions, K. lies on the opposite side of the room from the girls; at night he consistently sends his penis to each, in the morning everyone is pregnant; K. proves that he did not get up, runs away; contrary to her warning, converges with the Rock woman; she turns into a rock, K. hangs upside down by the penis; turns to the moon Nakawé for help, she is angry with him, does not react; the Sun cuts off his penis hand, K. falls, his penis becomes normal; since then, men's penises are normal size]: Furst 1997:113-114.

Guiana. Kalinya [Kanawa accompanies a group of women; copulates with everyone at night, pretends to blame the forest spirit in the morning; next time a woman identifies him; since then, women have been traveling alone]: Magaña 1987, No. 56:247.

NW Amazon. Wanana [a beautiful woman comes down from the moon, all the boys are in love with her; she turns out to be a man, leaves all the girls pregnant in three nights; they want to grab him, he returns to the moon]: Amorim 1928 in Goeje 1943, No. d31:120

The Central Andes. Mountainous Bolivia (Aymara?) [The fox dances at night with young women, hiding his tail, runs away before dawn; the women hold him, he breaks out, runs away, his pants fall, his tail is visible; the fox no longer comes back]: Paredes in Bierhorst 1976:113-114, also in Benson 1995:10; (cf. Aymara [The fox comes to the wedding, dances with the bride, takes her away; he is chased, he leaves her, turns into a fox, runs away]: Mendoza 1982:32-33).

Montagna - Jurua. Sharanahua [the young man comes to his sister at night; to find out who sleeps with her, she smears half of his face with her genip; in the morning he sees paint on his brother's face; says, Let the enemies kill you! Enemies attack, cut off the young man's head; his head is smeared with firefly feces to glow in the dark; the young man's elder brother puts it in the basket; his head asks for water, but she spills through and through; the older brother and other people run across the river, make it full; hide in the house of the mother of the decapitated; the head tells them that she saw the battleship; men begin to chase him, head into it time copulates with all women; they start menstruating; the head asks the mother to give her balls of black and white threads; climbs into the sky, becomes the Month; all women menstruate]: Siskind 1973:47-48.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chimane: Daillanat 1995 [Dohichi, Micha are brothers; their sister Dobose invites them to heaven to drink their third brother Tsun 'a (the sun) to leave him at his zenith and keep people awake; it fails; D. and M. throw a balsa raft down, it grows, forms the ground; they cry, a vine emerges from their tears; D. goes down, M.'s vine breaks, he falls, breaks; D. his He glues, but puts his head to the ass; D. and M. come to the frog women; D. took one, M. raped everyone at night, they urinate with blood in the morning; M. digs a tunnel east to the edge of the world, now to him there the dead are coming; D. pretended to be dead, covered with worms; the Frogs threw him into the river; he turned them into frogs, worms into fish; he goes looking for M.]: 163; (cf. Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 1 [Dohitt created the earth as a raft on the water; brought Kiri (the moon), his brother's wife named Micha, to see; made a vine out of snot, went down to earth; K. climbed, the vine broke off, it fell; the next day she returned to heaven; D. and M. come to women living without men; they lock them in the house; M. digs a tunnel to the end of the world; D. dies, women They throw his wormy corpse into the river; he comes to life, turns them into frogs; cuts down a tree without noticing that M. is sitting on it; M. falls with his neck broken; D. puts his head to his back]: 60-63).

Chaco. Caduveo [anthropomopphic trickster]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 39 [confuses sleeping women's clothes, they hit him], 41-42 [copulates with sleeping girls, entangling their clothes they catch it and scratch it to blood], 43 [tries to rape sleeping girls, they scratch it to blood]: 68, 72-74; nivakle [temporarily taking the form of a woman, a man with a huge penis lies down sleep with girls, copulates with them while they sleep]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 115-116:280-283; Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 117-118 [like nivacle; No. 117: running away from women, turns into a battleship; No. 118: When caught up with a group of young men in the guise of a girl, she transforms into a strongman], 145 [female sisters kill Fox trying to copulate with them]: 228-231, 273.