F59. Man to woman: figure modeling.
By pretending to be a woman, the trickster turns a part of his body, another character, or object into a swaddled baby, a female genitals, or a female object everyday life, or disguises an animal or object as a baby born to a new husband.
Chukchi, Tlingit, Haida, Winnebago, Menominee, Ojibwa, Chippewa, Fox, Assiniboine, Arapahoe, Skidi Pawnee, Maidu, Yana, Kawaisu, Chiriguano, Toba, Matako.
SV Asia. Chukchi: Bogoras 1902, No. 25 [The raven pretends to be a woman, turns his penis into a needle, pubic hair into needles; marries the reindeer Chukchi; (no other details)]: 630-631, 653; Baboshina 1958, No. 36 [Kuikyneku turns into a girl; his mother makes a needle with two bells out of her fallen genitals; his son tries to copulate with an imaginary girl; she hits the needle bed, K. screams in pain; K. creates a women's camp, he has a child in his arms (his penis?) ; his son wants to marry this woman; wife K. Mitty wears men's clothes, tells K. that he is going to marry M.; M. is jealous (apparently K. copulated with girls, although not explicitly stated); when K. returns, he says she had a man; creates two of his brothers from pieces of fat, they supposedly want to take it away; M. and K. reconcile, promise not to deceive each other]: 96-103.
NW Coast. Tlingits: Boas 1895, № XXV.1.19 (=2002:622-623) [The Raven turned himself into a woman, Norka into a baby, came to the Seals, married the chief's son; marries the Seal; once makes his own an imaginary baby to scream, tells her husband that something bad will happen; strangled her husband, goes to grieve at his grave; one person saw: there a raven is biting a corpse; the crow has been hung in the chimney, since then he black]: 319; hyda (Skidgate) [Raven turns a long stone into a baby; gets married; an episode with a Tlingit labrette; women notice a crow's tail in their imaginary wife; she explains what is so happens; promises that her relatives will come to visit her husband; makes them out of excrement; when they enter the house, they melt warm; the Raven flies away]: Swanton 1905:132; Hyda (Masset): Swanton 1908a: 333-335 [ The raven turns himself into a woman, sea grass into his baby; asks Killer Whales to take her into their boat; stings the baby, he cries, she explains that he wants seals, they give her, the imaginary woman eats everyone caught seals; in the village of Kasatok he marries; at night he makes the child cry again, goes out with him, eats all the harvested fat, loses his labret; in the morning he explains that the labrette always does this ( leaves and eats supplies); walking out of need, the mother-in-law notices the tail of her daughter-in-law; the Raven leaves].
The Midwest. Winnebago [Wakjunkaga comrades Fox, Soyka, Nida; when there is little food in autumn, he makes a vulva out of moose liver, chest from kidneys, marries the leader's son; gives birth to one three sons after another; the last one cries, wants a piece of cloud, then a piece of blue sky, then green leaves; he is given snow, blue grass, leaves and corn; he falls silent; rotten meat falls off Trickster, he and his companions run away]: Radin 1956, No. 19-21:21-24; menominee [Myanyabush blackens his face as a sign of mourning for his brother; the Turtle doesn't like it; The turtle is proud of its beautiful veil and moccasins; Myanyabush turns into a girl (in menominee, ojibwa, fox, her name means Egg, Fox, Vazhenka); turns Marten into her baby; rejects all suitors, goes beyond A turtle; runs away with a veil; gives it to his dogs (in fact, deer); throws the Turtle into the water, it turns into a turtle]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 8:263-266; chippewa [ Venebozho turns into a porcupine in a hollow; two women cover the hollow with their clothes; V. puts it on, marries the leader's son, who rejected all brides; pretends to be pregnant, putting a marten under her clothes; she jumps out, V. runs after her, carrying a bag of meat]: Barnouw 1977, No. 16:106; Ojibwa: Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 10 [Nenabojo hides in a hollow tree, pretending to be a porcupine; two women try to get it; go looking for a stick, he steals their clothes, pretends to be a woman; the chief's son dies, he revives him in the steam room, marries him; pretends to give birth, the role of a baby a rabbit performs; one day, her husband's brother says that the daughter-in-law stinks; N. takes off women's clothes, runs away with the rabbit; the chief's son dies of shame]: 11-12; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 15 [Manabozo puts on women's clothes, ties a piece of meat between his legs, marries the son of the owners of the house where he stayed (without other details)]: 102; Fox [Visakia plays instead of the Turtle, loses; The turtle scolds him; V. makes a vulva out of an elk's liver, seduces the Turtle; he brings his bundle with amulets; V. takes it away and destroys it; turns the Turtle into a turtle]: Jones 1907, NO. 15:315-331.
Northeast. Mikmak [Trickster pretends to be a girl, marries the chief's son; pretends to be pregnant, disguising an elk or caribou embryo as a baby; exposed, runs away]: Leland 1968 [Trickster Wolverine]: 160-162, 189-190 [tells Kunitsa to scream from the hollow; says it is the voice of the Hunger spirit, pretends to expel him; people believe that the young woman is a witch]; Speck 1915b [Trickster badger; leader's name - Big Turtle; while her husband is away, Badger sleeps with the chief's daughters; puts a caribou embryo under his clothes]: 67; Whitehead 1988 [see motif K19, pp.168-179; motif L33 (pp.180-185); two weasel sisters promise to go out for a man if he takes them across the river; he holds out his bow but says he already has so many wives; they see a boat with Kwimu (some bird) and Makwis (Loon) in it; M. says he is K., M. tells me not to believe him; the sisters marry the chiefs, K. sails away; Wolverine turns herself into a woman, marries the chief's son, says that in her family, the newlywed should not sleep with her husband for three months; he sleeps with her husband's three sisters; when the time comes, she hides an elk embryo under her clothes; marries his younger brother; he cries; Wolverine says that her nephew hears the voice of Hunger; promises to avert the trouble is if he ("her") is given beautiful clothes, a lot of fat; leaves all this to his "nephew", pretends to have given birth; the husband sees that it is an elk embryo; Wolverine runs away, he is carried away by the river; the corpse is found by the younger marriage of caress girls; Wolverine comes to life, sails away in a boat]: 185-191.
Plains. Assiniboine: Lowie 1909a, No. 38 [Sitkonsky wears her daughter's clothes, marries a young man; pretending to be pregnant, he hides a fox under her clothes; "gives birth"; the husband finds a fox instead of his son ; S. runs away, showing his long penis to the young man's sister], 39 [S. marries an old woman; comes to the village, says that his wife did not give him a cape; he is given a cape; so, walking through villages, he receives all the items clothes; dresses as a woman, tells the girl that she has come to marry her brother; previously, the young man refused all brides; S. pretends to be pregnant, keeps a fox under his clothes, he screams like a baby; runs away, laughing, shows her penis; "husband"'s sister; returns to old wife]: 125, 125-126; iowa: Skinner 1925, No. 30 [Ishinki turns into a Sauke girl, makes herself a vagina out a piece of liver, marries the Turtle Chief's son; the liver has deteriorated, the imaginary wife throws it at her husband's sisters], 31 [as in (30); The turtle follows the girl himself; while looking for his pipe, I. hides his sacred bundle; returns, telling the Turtle that he fooled him]: 489-490; throw off the pawnee [Puma has a lot of meat; Coyote dresses up as a woman, disguises the Fox as a baby, spends the night with the Puma; in the morning that gives the Coyote meat on the road; to prevent the Fox from talking about what happened, the Coyote throws him into the river; the Fox swims out, tells Coyote's wife everything; she expels both]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 66:266-267.
California. Maidu [Coyote turns his penis into a baby and himself into a woman; dances with women; when they fall asleep, he becomes a man again, copulates with everyone; women have children in the morning]: Dixon 1902, No. 10:89; Shipley 1963, No. 3:19-21; Yana [Coyote's wife Heron ate salmon and he ate roots; she tells salmon not to smell so that Coyote would not know what she was eating; pretending to be sick, and when The Coyote left, caught salmon; when Coyote fell asleep, went dancing, leaving the acorns responsible for herself; Coyote came there dressed as an old woman, with a child in his arms (actually his penis); told the Lizard that the child was "hers" and the husband was killed; asked the Lizard to put flint knives on his back, threw it up, the knives cut the Lizard, he died; the Coyote put his skin on; sent his penis home to put poultices on both cheeks Herons; when he entered the steam room, some guessed it was Coyote because he blinked; he explained that he had a sore throat and told him to dance; at that time his unfaithful wife Heron came; everyone shouted that The best dancer is coming, Coyote's wife; the Coyote smeared everything with tar and set it on fire; Duck and Goose, who immediately rushed into the lake, survived]: Sapir 1910, No. 12:153-159; kawaiisu [two options; Coyote pretends a woman, turns her penis into a baby, comes to three or five goose girls; sleeps with them, each gives birth in the morning; they bake their babies, fly away by themselves; Coyote eats meat, sees in water the girls' reflection; they pick him up or drop his rope; then they throw it, he falls down]: Zigmond 1980, No. 19:91-92.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [the Aguaratunpa fox learns that Penelope has a lot of peanuts; removes his penis, makes a vulva out of the fetus, hangs the penis in place of the fetus; wears women's clothing; marries Cockerel; eats peanuts; gives birth to a baby; asks a bow and arrows to hunt; Cockerel says it's not a woman's business; A. replies that he is a man, puts his penis back]: Nordenskiöld 1912: 222-223.
Chaco. Matako [Takwah tries to rape the woodpecker's wife; she runs away and disappears or returns to her father in the sun; Takwah disguises himself as a woman (sometimes makes herself clay breasts and vulva); Woodpecker suspects deception (sometimes asks the "wife" to remove lice with a needle, he does not know how to); sends an ant to bite Takwaha's penis or testicles if he finds them in his wife; Woodpecker beats Takwaha; usually comes to his father-in-law for his missing wife]: Barabas, Bartolomé 1979a: 129-130; 1979b: 81-82; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 63-67:132-143; eastern toba [The fox began to bother Woodpecker's pregnant wife; she disappeared into the river; the fox put on her clothes, put something on his stomach as if he were a pregnant woman; the woodpecker smells a fox; asks his wife to look in his head, but the wife does not know how catch lice; the Woodpecker told the Ant to bite his wife if she had testicles; the fox screamed at the bite, the Woodpecker killed him with a stick; the Fox later came to life]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 266:350-351.