F5A. The tail woman, ATU 798. .
God was going to make Eve out of Adam's rib. The rib was taken away by a dog (cat, fox, monkey, damn). God (or an angel he sent) chased, grabbed the kidnapper by the tail and tore him off. God made Eve out of this tail. Or God first made a woman out of edible material and the dog ate this figure. I had to make a new one out of Adam's rib. Or God cut off Adam's tail and made Eve out of it.
Algerian Arabs, Portuguese, Catalans, Italians (Tuscany), French, Germans (South?) , Flemish, Dutch, British, Slovenes, Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Penza), Ukrainians (Galicia, Cherkasskaya), Belarusians, (Lithuanians), Latvians, Livonians, Estonians, Finns.
North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria [God wanted to make a woman out of Adam's rib; the devil persuaded the monkey to steal the rib; Gabriel grabbed the monkey by the tail when it was ready to hide into the thickets; tail came off and Gabriel brought it to God; he made a woman out of a monkey's tail; so women are cunning, gloating, and lying]: Dähnhardt 1907:120.
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [to make a woman, God took Adam's rib out; but the dog ran up and carried him away; God chased the dog, but only tore off his tail and made a woman out of it; decided that there was no big one the difference is whether Eve will be from Adam's rib or a dog's tail; otherwise, instead of a dog, a cat or a fox; if she's a fox, she's therefore cunning as a woman]: Vasconcellos 1882a: 275-276; Catalans (1 publication) [God takes out {Adam}'s rib to create Eve, but the monkey grabbed it and jumped on the tree, God only managed to tear off her tail; he had to make a woman out of a monkey tail]: Oriol , Pujol 2008, No. 798:160; Italians (Tuscany: Calcinaia bei Florenz) [Adam was sleeping, the dog took his rib away, Adam set off to catch up but only tore off his tail; God created a woman out of him]: Gubernatis, 369 , Anm. 3 in Dähnhardt 1907:119.
Western Europe. French: Uther 2004 (1), No. 798:444-445; Flemish, Dutch [Amsterdam 1668:183; {incomprehensible in Dutch without a dictionary}; in another book (Amsterdam 1655, IV, 414) someone talks about women as being made from a dog's tail]: Dähnhardt 1907:118-119; Germans: Hans Sachs 1557 (therefore Nuremberg) in Dähnhardt 1907:119-120 [God took a rib out of Adam and went to get the clay (Erde) to cover the hole and wash his hands; at this time the dog grabbed the rib and carried it away; God caught up with her, grabbed her tail and tore it off; made Eve out of it, long-haired and with a beautiful body ; women and dogs eat a man if they want anything from him; but if a woman doesn't like something, she barks like a dog; women and dogs also have a lot of fleas; in Portuguese, Flemish and Hungarian versions of the rib are carried away by a cat; (and further to S. 122; Hans Sachs refers to the Jewish tradition, although neither in the Talmud nor in Jewish folklore; but in Rabba, Parascha XVIII, Cap. 2, 22< Giuseppe Levi, Parabeln, Legenden u. Gedanken aus Talmud u. Midrasch, S. 346: I'm not making it from my head, not from my head, not from my eye, not from my ear, not from my ear, not from my mouth, so as not to hear chatty, not out of hand, so as not to reach everything with her hands, not from her leg, so as not to run around, but from Adam's innermost penis)], 121 [at first Adam had a beautiful and long tail, like a monkey; God cut it off and made a woman out of it; but she kept her nature, jumped and grimaced around Adam, haunting him; God understood that Adam would not live like this, and made him a new wife out of his rib; descendants both women now eat us]; Flemish [on dit Qu'eve... provide de glaise, de sucre, de vinaigre et d 'une queue de chat; in one of the Flemish versions the rib is carried away by a monkey, its tail has been torn off, so the monkeys have no tail]: Harou, Mélange, 111 in Dähnhardt 1907:120; the British [Thomas More (poem); rabbi say Eva was not created from a rib, but from Adam's tail; and now men are clinging senselessly to what is just their tail; a man is always ahead of a woman - his tail]: Dähnhardt 1907:120-121.
The Balkans. Slovenes (Styria) [God created Adam's figure out of clay, leaned against the fence and left it to dry; then put his soul in; sedated and took out the rib to make Eve; God was distracted, and the dog grabbed the rib; God followed, but failed to take the rib away, but tore off the end of the tail from which he made a woman]: Krauβ 1874 in Dähnhardt 1907:117; Bulgarians: Dähnhardt 1907:115 [Shishmanov, No. 26; God made a man out of clay and blew his soul into him; told the angel to go to Adam, who was sleeping in the garden, take out his left rib unnoticed and bring it (to make a woman out of the rib); the angel brought a rib, but found God asleep and waited at the door; the devil came up, began to ask; when the angel agreed to let him see the rib, the devil grabbed it and rushed away; the angel followed him; the hell climbed into the hole, the angel began to pull him by the tail and tore it off; he brought a tail; God had not yet risen; through sleep he told the angel to make the rib what was intended; so Eve was made of a damn tail], 116 [God took Adam's rib out to make Eve, did another thing; the serpent, which then had legs, grabbed the rib and ran; Michael after her, grabbed her legs and tore it off; God made Eve out of the legs of a snake, so women are lying, and snakes have no legs]; Romanians [when God took Adam's rib out to make Eve, the dog grabbed him and carried him away; God only had time to tear off her tail, threw it on the ground and told him to become Eve; the dog is angry (for having its tail torn off) therefore dogs are evil]: Dähnhardt 1907:119; Hungarians [1) God left the dog to guard the figure of the first person in which he only had to put his heart; but the dog missed the line; When she saw a suitable God, she ran; God chased, tore off her tail and made him a woman; so women have many fleas; 2) God created Adam and took out his left rib to make Eve; then went to buy manure to cover the hole in Adam's body; at this time the dog grabbed the rib, but God tore off its tail and cut Eve out of this tail; that's why now: daughter the secret to a woman's tongue or a dog's tail is everything united]: Dähnhardt 1907:117.
Central Europe. Russians: Belova, Kabakova 2014, No. 368 (Arkhangelskaya, late 1920s) [God created Adam. Tom became sad. I began to ask God for a woman. God dissuaded, dissuaded, and even agreed. So Adam fell asleep. God took his rib out of his rib and wanted to make a woman out of him. Let me want it to the wind at this time. God laid down his rib and ran behind the bushes himself. A dog ran by, saw a rib, grabbed and ran. God jumped from behind the bush, ran after the dog, grabbed it by the tail. The dog rushed. The tail was torn off. God says: But it doesn't matter. Meat will go for meat. He took and created Eve from a dog's tail], 369 (Penza, 1899) [God created Adam. But initially God did not create wives, people somehow multiplied themselves without a woman, and God created a wife as a punishment for man. Men lived well and richly, but they became arrogant to God. God called Hamka, a healthy and hard-working man, to him and told him that he had decided to "let" a woman on people. "Do you know Adamka, the little guy? <... > Well, this Adamka has three ribs and knock me out." <... > The dog dragged the cooked ribs away. Hamka grabbed the dog's tail, tore it off and brought it to God. Women are made from a dog's tail, which is why they are boastful! God put Adam and his wife in heaven and banned them from eating apples "until the Second Savior". A woman broke the ban and God drove them out of paradise]: 235; Ukrainians: Dähnhardt 1907:116 (Cherkasskaya, Kanev) [Chubinsky, Works I, No. 4:154; made Adam out of clay and Eve out of dough {creating people the dough is a special motive, see Denhardt's further} and left it to dry in the sun, telling Mikhail to watch; he distracted and the dog ate Eve; God breathed his soul into Adam, took the tip of his rib, and made a new one woman, calling her Eve], 118 (Galicia) [when completing the creation, God decided to create something worthy and created Adam; he lived in paradise but he lacked something; then God decided to make a wife for him; when Adam He was sleeping, God took his rib out; the dog, smelling fresh meat, grabbed the rib and started running; God grabbed his tail after her, but he came off and had to make a woman their tail; so women hair as long as a dog's tail]; Belarusians [God created Adam with a tail; but looking closely, he decided that it was not good for a person to have a tail like an animal; God sedated Adam, cut off his tail, and made it out of him Eve]: Federowski I, 781 in Dähnhardt 1907:121.
Baltoscandia. Estonians [god is going to create a woman from a man's rib; a devil in the form of a dog eats a rib; God chases a dog for a long time, but he only manages to tear its tail off and he makes a woman out dog tail]: Viidalepp 1980:274; Finns [like Estonians; dog or cat tail]: Masing 1998:65 [and other variants]; Latvians [God made Adam and took out his rib in his sleep to make a rib Eva; slowly lit the pipe, while the dog grabbed the rib; God followed her; when the dog ran to the stream, God managed to tear off its tail, but did not go across the stream; made a woman out of the dog's tail]: Dä ; hnhardt 1907:118; (cf. Lithuanians [Uther 2004 (1), No. 798:444-445 refers to Balys 1936, nos. 32ff, 52, 65, but it's not there; it's not on the pages with corresponding numbers either]).