Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F6. Hollowed out vagina .

(First) a woman doesn't have a vagina at first. It is usually made to her by a bird, animal, fish, etc.

Melanesia. Majprat [there was no fire, the fish was dried in the sun; they asked the dem (host spirit) of the mountain for fire; the woman was bitten by the scolopendra in the place where her genitals are now; she asked her husband to rub this is the place to relieve pain, a vagina has formed; (blood?) flowed into the vessel, a child formed in it; the woman warmed her breasts with dracaena leaves, milk began to trickle from them, she fed the baby; the demo told her in a dream that her son was from him, that he would crawl into the house in in the form of a snake; the couple found the snake in a tarot vessel with fabrics in it; they took care of the snake until it died]: Elmberg 1968, No. 13:262.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Bellona [Mautikitiki's daughter was born without bodily holes; M. cut her vulva with her stick, her teslo got stuck, turned into a clitoris]: Elbert, Monberg 1965, No. 43:131-132 (=Monberg 1966:87-88).

South Asia. Sora (Lanjhia) [the woman had teeth in her vagina and the man converged with her through her navel; the parrot pecked her vagina with her teeth spread; the woman cursed him, ordered him to have teeth in his beak, so that he searched for food; for it was Earth, the parrot dug it; when they honor Mother Earth, they remember the parrot]: Elwin 1949, No. 25:386; bondo [the vagina was tiny, men inserted the penis into women's belly; Raja had a pet rat; she ran between the legs of the wound, bit through a hole, blood flowed; since then, blood has been flowing monthly]: Elwin 1950:123; juang [genitals first not; men injected a navel cut into the woman's navel; the rat gnawed through the vagina, blood flowed, the man used this new hole, but went blind (no mention of the appearance of a penis); Mahapurub told the rat give a person medicine, he has seen the light, but no longer approaches a woman when she is bleeding]: Elwin 1949, No. 70:279; Maria (Bison-Horn Maria) [a woman sat down over an anthill to relieve herself; she was bitten by a snake, thus making her vulva]: Elwin 1949, No. 47:254.

Mesoamerica Hoof print. Kekci, a mopan [old man T'actani has a daughter X't'actani; she is a weaver and a spinner; Kin killed an antelope, filled the scarecrow with ash and grass, and carried Sh past the house every evening; T. advised his daughter to pour on the water path; K. slipped, the scarecrow burst; then K. asked the hummingbird for his skin, giving cotton wool in return so that it would not freeze; S. asked his father to shoot the hummingbird, who stunned him; at night in Sh. K. became a man; asked S. to get her father's magic stone mirror and wind tube, covered the mirror with soot, poured pepper into the tube; K. did not smoke one place in the mirror, T. saw K. and S. in the boat; not was able to shoot, almost suffocated; asked his Uncle Chac (Thunder) to kill the fugitives; K. turned into a turtle, S. turned into a crab, both dived to the bottom; after being hit, K. swam out, saw S.'s blood on the water; told the fish to collect it, but they began to eat flesh and drink blood; then he told the dragonflies, they collected them in 13 wooden decks; K. left them to the woman, promising to return in 13 days; opening the decks, K. found them in them various poisonous snakes (in the 1st), non-venomous snakes (2nd and 3rd), mosquitoes (4), sand fleas (5), green hornets (6), yellow wasps (7), small black wasps (8), the same but with white wings (9), white caterpillars with with poisonous hairs (10), flies (11 and 12), S. (13); K. sent a man to throw the first 12 decks into the sea; he heard a noise, discovered it out of curiosity, the creatures broke into the world; S. does not have a vagina; on the advice of old woman K. put S. between two hills, told a small deer to run, the trail was too small; the big one was just right; when he met S., K. decided that it was too tempting for people, told the Rat to write in vagina; since then, sex has been followed by disgust]: Thompson 1930:126-129; Kekchi: Becker-Donner 1976 [see motif K16; Kagua Sake (Sun) and Kagua Chok (Cloud), whose origins are not it is known that the monstrous husband (named Chishal) of old woman Shan Ni is killed, and then her; they give her three sons to taste her meat, who turn into a hawk, an owl, talthus (a rodent, digs holes, but not a mole); looking for an arrow that has flown far away, the COP hears a scream in the guise of the wind, finds the frightened beautiful Kana Po (Moon) trying to impress by a stuffed goat full of ash, ridiculed; causes her a toothache, arrives in the guise of a hummingbird; her father Kagua Aatan shot a hummingbird with a wind gun; KP uses the bird as a model for weaving patterns, pain in the presence of a hummingbird subsides; at night, CS becomes a man; lovers prepare an escape, 1) leave a spit to answer for them in the morning; 2) smear achiote paint with a CA tool that allows you to see far away; 3) pour pepper into his oven gun; leave the edge of the telescope clean, the spacecraft sees fugitives on the seashore; when it tries to shoot, it starts coughing (the origin of the cough); asks Thunder (Juan Kaak) to kill the fugitives with his drum; CS hides in a turtle, KA in a shrimp, struck by lightning; CS asks a water lizard to collect its blood from seawater; dragonflies also help; blood fills 13 vessels; CS leaves them under by the supervision of a person, goes to 13 mountains and 13 valleys for help; after 13 days, sounds are heard from the vessels; the CS opens the covers, finds a green worm (in the first), a poisonous snake (2), a toad (3), a boa constrictor (4), another venomous snake (5), all lizards (6), scorpions (7), a dangerous snake (8), flies (9), a snake with venom in its tail (10), a snake (11), all other snakes (12), KA (13); but it has no vagina; a mountain ram can't, the deer makes the vagina its hoof; the aroma is very strong, the CS is afraid that people will fight because of it; tells the rat to write there; after a series of adventures, CS and KP turn into the sun and moon]: 122-124; Dieseldorff 1925 [antelopes]: 4-5; Shaw 1971 [deer]: 154; Termer 1930 [the antelope fails, does the deer do it?] : 492; Van Akkeren 2000 [see motif A3; the old Earth god Tzul Taq ("Mountain Valley") had a daughter, Po, "The Moon", they lived in a cave house; Poe was sitting with handicrafts, and the hunter B'alam passed in front of her Q'e, "The Hidden Sun"; he fell in love, began to carry a stuffed deer; CT advises Poe to throw leftovers of boiled corn on the trail; BC fell, straw, needles, ash fell out of the scarecrow; there was a seed inside the scarecrow tobacco, tobacco blossomed; BK put on a hummingbird skin, flew in to collect juice; Poe asked her father to shoot a bird; put it under her skirt, at night the hummingbird became a man, they came together, BK offered to run; covered CT's all-seeing mirror with soot, poured pepper into his wind gun; the corner of the mirror remained uncovered; the CT saw the fugitives, asked his Uncle Thunder to kill them; he overtook them by the sea with a storm cloud; BK was covered with the shell of a turtle and Poe a battleship, but it turned out that the battleship could not dive; lightning smashed Po to pieces; BC saw a fish eating Po's remains; ordered the sorcerers to collect them in 13 vessels, gave them old woman; opened 13 days later; There are 12 snakes, worms and other creatures in the vessels, in the last Po, but she does not have a vagina; BC asked a deer to pierce the vagina, then another deer with a big hoof; added rat urine; BK takes Po by the hand, takes her to the sky, becomes Saq Q'e ("Bright Sun")]: 233-235.

The Antilles. Taino [men lived alone; saw women who did not have a vagina fall from a tree; they tried to grab it, they ran away; then they put a watchman; caught women, found an inriri bird (woodpecker, Picus imbrifoetus), placed at the place where the vulva should be, he hollowed it out, thinking he was hammering a tree; this is how women appeared]: Anhiera 1912 (1), dec.1, vol.9:169; Fouchard 197:85-87; Loven 1935:569 ; Pane 1932, ch. 8:190.

The Northern Andes. Yupa [woodpecker is involved in making the first man and woman out of wood]: Villamañan 1982:6-7.

Llanos. The monkeys fail, the Fox makes the vagina with his bony penis. Guayabero [Kuvoi made a woman out of clay, she melted in water; the wax melted from the fire; heard a woman laughing out of wood, carved a woman; she has no vagina; tried to pierce unsuccessfully her monkey, Fox succeeded, because he has a bone in his penis; Mingo (apparently Duck) took K.'s wife away in a boat, she was taken by the Royal Vulture; K. sees monkeys going to the party; came there in guise old man in ulcers; after swimming, became the same; brought his wife back; vultures rushed in pursuit; K. fell from a tree, the corpse wormed; came to life, grabbed Vulture, plucked him]: Schindler 1977a: 223-226; sicuani : Morey, Metzger 1974 [a shrew makes her penis the first wood-carved woman's vagina]: 107; Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 26 [there are only men at first; Kuwait carves from laurel the tree is a woman; the tree is hard, K.'s penis is flattened; he asks to try the Fox; he inserts a hard wood stick into his penis, achieves the goal; the wooden woman becomes real; her name Pumeniruva; Yakukuli duck is fishing; P. asks for it, Y. invites her to the boat, brings her to his place; Vulture, in turn, takes her away; arranges a party, everyone drinks chicha from palm fruit Mauritius; K. learns from the monkeys that they are going to the party; K. goes with them, pretends to be an old man; he is left to harvest firewood; P. accompanies him; he bathes, takes his former appearance, takes him away wife; pretends to be a dead sloth; grabs the Vulture that has descended; plucks him, dips him into hot peppery broth; he predicts that K.'s descendants will die (describes various causes of death); K. I have to agree; Vulture grows feathers, flies away], 27 [Furnaminali (Furna) makes a woman out of a laurel tree; she does not have a vagina; the fox manages to do it because he has a bone in a penis; Vulture sends a Yakukuli duck to steal F.'s wife - as in (26); monkeys tell F. that Vulture called them to a party overseas; they go there by rope, can't take F.; Woodpecker endured it; the monkeys laugh, think that F. will fall, be eaten by piranhas; F. offers them a drink of water from the sea, their lips have turned black; F. covered himself with ulcers, his wife does not recognize him; at the dance he chooses "grandfather "; collecting fuel, returning to its former appearance as in (26); F. ordered the man to pretend to be dead, sprinkled with cassava chunks (like larvae); the Vulture was grabbed, scalded, ripped off his feathers, tied to a pole on squares; Vulture names diseases; each time F. replies that there is no such disease; when he fell asleep and stopped responding, Vulture named all types of witchcraft that are fatal to humans; this is how he won, his the feathers of the industry, he flew away], 28 [Furna (aka Kuwai) makes his wife out of clay, she melts in the rain; from wax it melts in the sun; from a fragrant laurel tree - good; her name is Pumeneruva ; she does not have a vagina; at the festival, F. asks the monkeys to make one; they fail; the maicero monkey flattened his penis, a tiny ledge remains; then the Fox turned the knot into a bone in his penis, he succeeded pierce P.; Yakukuli duck kidnaps P. - as in (26, 27); P. becomes the wife of the royal vulture Edapukuni, calls the monkeys to the party, they tell F. about it, give him a tail, smear with hand glue so that he can jump with them on branches like a monkey; those in front destroy the Toad's house and repair it behind; for this, the Toad smears paint on F. and some monkeys, making them attractive for P.; they cross the vine to Vulture Island; F. almost fell; he looks like an old man covered in ulcers; collecting firewood and identifying as in (26, 27); sardines appear from F.'s scabs; in the boat Y. F. and P. return home; those who go fishing do not return, they turn into animals], 39 [while Furnaminali was playing the flute, the young Farah stole his wife, who contracted gonorrhea from him; F. carved his new wife out of a sassafras tree, but she did not have a vagina and could not eat; F. called animals to help; the monkey only broke his penis, now it is short; only Fox managed to pierce the woman; F. he tries to make people (without a woman, inserting his penis into the holes), but he makes only animals; then he made four eggs; Kahuvali, Tsamani, Ivinai, Tsparai came out of them Duva (daughter); his mother-in-law F. became pregnant from behind with thought, Matsuldani was born; F. checks if it was his son; 1) throws him into the river three times, but he falls ashore each time; 2) shoots him, he catches him arrow; 3) shoots him in the eye with a wind gun, the arrow deviates; recognizes his son; more about the spread of fish, about the appearance of European things]: 133-137, 138-141, 142-143, 178-181.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [human birds (Psarcolius viridis or Gymnostinops yuracares) make anuses and vaginas for the first women; these birds' beaks turn red]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 25:64-65.

Guiana. Varrau [the girl the hero gets married turns out to be wooden; the woodpecker hollows out her vagina]: Wilbert 1970, No. 120 [several birds fail, they break their tails], 172 [at night owned Imanaidorotu, the sun owned Hokohiarotu; I. kept the night in a scarf in a basket; in his absence, his wife's brother, a boy, opened the bag; darkness came, the boy turned into an owl; I. came to H., in that house dancing, music; when H. wanted the sun, pulled it up on a rope; for the girl H. gave a day of 6 hours, for the second he promised to give her a normal one, 12 hours; I. did not have a second girlfriend, he cut her out Usiru tree; her name was Usirumani; H. could not sleep with her, asked the woodpecker to make a vagina; all the birds were smeared in the leaked blood; a crane in white blood, a raven in the curled black blood]: 247-248, 378; curl [various birds hammering]: Magaña 1988a, No. 60-61:107-109; macushi [The sun owns fish ponds; the caiman steals fish, the Sun catches it; cut all the skin, now it's in the notches; in exchange for life Cayman promises to give his daughter; he does not have a daughter, he makes a girl out of a tree - a wild plum; the woodpecker hollowed out her vagina; the sun is gone, told her to follow him later; (the source is brief retelling); she enters the house of a Toad woman, dies biting through poisonous lice, boys are found in her womb, these are Pia and Makunaima; P. kills Jaguar, finds pieces of her mother's body inside, revives her; Toad hides from the twins that he owns fire; M. likes to swallow coals, decides to leave; digs a canal, swims along it with his brother and mother; from the Crane they learn how to make fire by carving (he hits a stone with his beak ); the brothers blocked the river with stones, detained fish; now there are rapids in these places; the crane began to steal fish from them; P. quarreled with him, he grabbed M., took him to Spanish Guiana; his mother was tired, P. left her at the top of Roraima; walked to teach people, but also stayed on Roraima with his mother]: Roth 1915, No. 39-41:135; emerillon [after the flood, people gathered on the caumou palm tree, you can't see the ground from the top; regularly threw palm seeds to listen to whether they fell into the water or to the ground; when the seeds began to fall to the ground, people tied leaves to their heads, arms and legs, went down to the ground but became jaguars, bakers and other animals; only one man remained human; in the village he found a capuchin monkey (Cetus apella) tied to an empty pot; brought cassava; when he returned next time, the kashiri was ready; the man pretended to be leaving, found and married a girl; she gave birth to a child the size of a small capuchin; asked not to kill her uncle: howler monkeys (Atouatta seniculus) and atele (arachnids) monkeys, Ateles panicus); when the husband killed the howler, the child became a monkey, ran into the forest, the wife also disappeared; Wilakalo came down from the sky, ordered three hammocks to be hung, killed the anaconda, cut into so many pieces how many peoples on earth, put pieces in hammocks, left for a few days; the meat wormed; when a person lay down in a hammock, the worms became human; W. ordered everyone to dive into boiling water, people were scared, did not, W. bought a spider; the white man swam, turned white; followed by an Indian, the last black man, turned black with dirty water; W. gave the Indian shoes, he did not take it, took a European, sailed on a ship; W. taught Indian shamans make a maraka shamanic rattle; W. ordered the snake to bite a tree, it bit a man, he hit it with a stick; the same with a mosquito, a jaguar; on agami, a man threw ash, her back turned white; atele painted herself the face is red uruku, the capuchin is the body, the howler rubbed its roots, turned yellow; men poured sperm into the calebasses to have children; the women did not have genitals; the cul jaune bird pierced the woman, the beak became red; W. attached a piece of wood to the man, who met a woman]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 1:129-141.

NW Amazon. Karijona [Kuwai hears laughter from a fragrant tree; carves a woman, makes her vagina with a monkey's tail; arranged a party, climbed a palm tree for fruit, Vultures made him witchcraft fall off the tree, die temporarily; his wife fell in love with the Vulture Chief; Vultures began to cut K.'s corpse with knives, but the knives bounced; when their leader came, K. grabbed him, plucked him, and the last feather could pull out only with his teeth, felt pain, and since then there has been a toothache; Vulture wanted people to die from it, but K. did not agree; the people guarding Vulture fell asleep, his feathers grew, he flew away; when K. was not at home, the Vultures returned, took the woman away; K. met a waterfowl (Snake), she was collecting grass for the Vultures party; said that Chichu was cooking a new woman, K. identified her as his wife; the bird gave K. wings, he flew to heaven; in the guise of an old man he began to dance at the festival; in the morning the Vultures went fishing (i.e. worms in corpses); K. identified his wife, as she cooked, she was his - how he cut wood; on the way home, K. smeared his wife with honey to repel the smell of vultures; her children from Vulture remained in heaven; his wife went to Drake, K. her again returned; her next lover is the owner of the waters Kanakanañi; calling him, a woman spanks an inverted calebasa on the water; two sons of a waterbird tell K. about this; he summons the monster in the same way with a signal; water parts, maloka (house) and fruit trees appear; Kuwait sends two gadflies to bite Kanakananyi into the testicles; he does not react to yellow bites, dies from black ones; Kuwait cuts him off the penis, sprinkles with pepper and salt, gives the wife instead of a palm larva, as if inadvertently breaks all the water vessels; the woman runs to the river to drink, Kuwai kills her with a club, she turns into a river dolphin; all dolphins are her children; the burning smut in her hand became a stingray, the Kuwai club became an electric eel]: Schindler 1979, No. 3:56-69; cubeo [koneko bird]: Goldman 1963:147; andoque [woodpecker]: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:49

Central Amazon. Munduruku [Karusakaibö promises a newborn daughter to marry Daiïrú; she dies after copulation; K. sends D. to a tree for an arrow, he does not fall; on a palm tree with thorns on the trunk, he did not peel off; on the site, sets fire to the vegetation around; D. turns into an battleship, climbs underground (var: K. asks D. to grab the tail of the battleship, he drags D. into his hole); D. gets out , reports that people are underground; wild Indians come first, then peaceful Indians, then munduruku; a flying bird cuts the rope with its beak, the most beautiful people remain underground; only K. he makes other women out of clay; they don't have vaginas; agouti, paka, squirrel, and other animals began to copulate with them, making vaginas, so they are of different shapes; D. sprinkled rotten wood decay on them, so smell; K. invited D. to swim, ordered him to take a flat stone on the way, carry it on his head; the stone began to grow, turned into the current sky; roots grew from D.'s nose, it turned into an apoi tree (tall in jungle); it still supports the sky, but it is not known where]: Murphy 1958, No. 4:77-79.

Southern Amazon. Calapalo [Quatinga meets Jaguar Nitzuega; he agrees not to kill K. for promising to send him daughters; K. makes them out of wood; tapir makes them a vagina by copulating; the road copulates with Laska, the Kingfisher; one died after drinking poisoned water from the lake; the other was split by a tapir's penis; the third fell off a palm tree, crashed; the serial man says he is N.; later women understand that this is not the chief's house; they come to N.; one sister becomes pregnant; N.'s mother blows the wind, the woman spits chewing cotton, she kills her with her claw thrown; twins were taken out of the womb of the victim; this is Taugi (elder) and Avlukum; the body was hidden under the roof; the forest chicken told the twins about the death of his mother; Jaguariha's house is surrounded by stinging insects, T. sent the birds to eat them; the brothers killed Jaguariha; T. became pregnant with his aunt by giving her an arrow; she gave birth to warriors, T. gave them weapons; N.'s men fled to heaven; only Agouti escaped by slipping between her legs]: Basso 1973:10-12; 1987:29-79; nambiquar [women do not have vaginas and wombs; Paka gnaws out a vagina; An owl shoves a pumpkin crumb inside, making a uterus]: Pereira 1983, No. 20:37