Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F64. Incestuous parent, T411.1.1. .

The character appears to be another person to pair up with a close relative in a descending or (less commonly) ascending line.

Anya, Saibai, Marquises, Mangareva, Lee, Minahasa, Toda, Sedek, Abkhazians, Evenks of the Baikal Region, Aleuts (Atka), Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak), Bellacula, Nootka, Chilkotin, Quileut, quinolt, halkomel, skagit, clallam, clackamas, tillamook, cous, shuswap, lillouet, sanpual, okanagon, klikitat, ne perse, upper coquil, winnebago, ojibwa, western marsh crees, illini, steppe crees, assiniboine, grovantre, crowe, hidatsa, santee, (osage), iowa, arpahoe, pawnee, karok, hoopa, vintu, maidu, monache, kawaisu, kitanemuk, northern payut, western and northern shoshoni, goshiyut, utah, south payute, chemeuevi, havasupai, yavapai, western apache, mescalero, jicarilla, chiricahua, lipan, navajo, western ceres (Akoma), tiva, serrano, varrau, colorado, secoya, mehinaku, southern tehuelche, selknam, yagans.

West Africa. Anyi [Ekenndéba's spider divorced his wife, pretended to leave, came to his daughter at night, left before dawn; to find out who her lover was, the girl locked the door and identified it in the morning father; E. began to say that he only had the appearance of her father, but she did not believe it]: Tauxier 1932, No. 1:229.

Melanesia. Saibai (according to the informant, these stories are also known in the surrounding area of New Guinea) [Wamal-adi had a hole in the nose (for leprosy); he did not want others to marry his daughter. wished her himself; pretended to be dying, asked his daughter and wife to bury him in a secluded place shallow, leave his face outside; made himself a mask out of wax, began to secretly go to his daughter under the guise of a handsome man; the rain leaked through the roof on his face, his nose fell off, the daughter recognized his father; told her mother she did not believe it; the daughter became pregnant; W. dressed up in a women's grass skirt, pretended to be an old woman, joined a group of women, all of them became pregnant at night, so in many places; then a large osprey took him to New Guinea]: Laade 1971, No. 7a: 21-23.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marquises [(Spanish translation and comm. Blixen 1987:253-254); Tiki married Hina-Mata-One, a daughter was born; when she grew up, T. told her to go up (upstream?) , there will be a house with a man with a face like his, T.; she went there, slept with T., not knowing it was him; he sent her back in the morning, came earlier again; next time she smeared her face secretly lover with coal; at home told him to look into the water, he was convinced that he was exposed; they began to live like husband and wife; the wife gave birth to a boy and a girl (or three children, this is not clear from the text); the brother became ask my sister where the Motea remedy is (el remedio de Motea; according to Steinen, "Motea" probably means "healer"; according to Blixen, "ejaculation" from omo means "suck", motea means "white", i.e. perhaps "sperm "]: Steinen 1934:232-233; Mangareva [Tiki made the first Hine-one woman (Virgo Earth) out of the ground; took her as his wife; they have a daughter Taiki-te-Keukeu; pregnant H. descended to the lower world, became his hostess, gave birth to twins Kuri and Kuro; the full moon is a symbol of Hine-one, because she was pregnant when she left T.; T. decided to get together with his daughter; settled on the other side of the mountain, warning his daughter that he could visit her One of her brothers, born in the underworld, came to her at night by himself, leaving before dawn; her daughter, out of disgust, went underground to her mother; both decided to bake T. alive in the oven and eat it, but K. and K. warned their father, who set up another person for himself]: Buck 1938:307.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Minahasa [first a rock into the sea; the waves caused a crane to appear on it; Lumimu-ut arose from the sweat of the rock; the crane brought a branch from a secluded island, the "original land"; L. flew there to a crane, brought earth in both hands, threw it to four sides of the world, the earth appeared to the horizon; L. planted tree and grass seeds in it, marking the beginning of peace; {until then, Tauchmann has more than in Dixon; then only Dixon}; L. climbed the mountain, conceived from the west wind, gave birth to a boy; he was unsuccessfully looking for a wife; then L. handed him a staff the size of her height, told him to find a shorter wife; When mother and son met, they did not recognize each other, and the staff grew taller than the mother; mother and son got married and gave birth to gods]: Dixon 1916:157-158 and Tauchmann 1969:32-33.

Taiwan - Philippines. Toda, a Torok [a woman gave birth to a son from a hog; when her son grew up, went to the mountains, painted her face with wood sap (so that her son would not recognize her), got together with her son, gave birth to a girl; the paint was washed away, the mother left, the young man got together with his sister, giving birth to many descendants; the mother met the dog; the Toda and Torok tribes are descendants of a pig and a dog]: Isis 1998:149; Sedek: Ho 1967, No. 83 (Taroko) [the leader is ugly daughter; he put her and her dog in a boat, let her go to sea; the boat landed on the banks of Taroko; for several years the dog brought meat and fish to the girl; said that he would now leave because she did not give him what he needed; girl said she would go look for a wife with a tattooed face; came back a few days later, her face was tattooed, married a dog, gave birth to Taroko ancestors]: 256; Yamada 2002:134 [daughter The chief recovered from a skin disease when she was licked by a dog; she got along with him, they were expelled from the village; their son accidentally killed his father's dog; the mother married her son, they give rise to taroko], 136 [woman got together with a pig, gave birth to a son; when he grew up, the mother went to the mountains, painted her face with tree sap, returned disguised as a stranger's woman, married her son; a girl was born; the mother met the dog, gave birth to a lot children, therefore, the dog and pig are the ancestors of the Tuuda and Truku groups].

China - Korea. Li (Hainan) [a noble man has a leg ache; he promises a daughter to someone who will save him from suffering; the dog did it; the father put the dog and daughter in a boat, sent him to sea; the boat boarded to the deserted island of Hainan; the dog hunted, his wife cultivated the land; gave birth to a boy; he grew up, killed the dog with a stick when he fell ill, refused to go hunting; the mother said that she was returning to his homeland, told her son to marry the girl she met; she went to the mountains herself, got a tattoo, her son did not recognize her; their descendants are Hiai Ao; they tattoo, they make them at home in the form of a boat (=Ho 1967, No. 85:257-258); 2 ) the dog helped the princess recover from her illness, he was persuaded to become her husband; they sailed to Hainan, she gave birth to two children; not knowing that the dog was their father, the children killed him; gasping, the dog replied to his older brother that his last name is Wang, and the youngest is Fu; his mother got a tattoo so that she would not be recognized, got along with her sons, and had offspring]: Isis 1998:150.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [the husband is old, the wife gives birth to a son shortly after his death; the young man grows up; the mother says she is leaving and probably will not return; the son should marry a woman who will appear in a year; mother changes his appearance, marries her son; when he realizes the deception, he kills his mother-wife, buries him in the forest; tobacco has grown on her grave]: Khvartsky 1994:54.

Eastern Siberia. Evenki Pribaikalia [an old man pretends to be someone else, marries a daughter, they have a son; a woman hears her husband singing about what happened, runs away, finds a good husband]: Voskoboynikov 1980:49 (full text in 1967:342)

The Arctic. Aleuts (Atka) [the old woman combs her granddaughter; pretends to be dying, asks her to be buried under a boat with all her possessions; pulls her skin, makes a penis out of parsnip stem, clay, moss, resins; makes testicles out of bags; takes her granddaughter as his wife; turns out to be a worthless hunter; when warm, her fake genitals fall off; people beat her to death]: Jochelson 1990, No. 78:543-561; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak) [three brothers and younger sister live with their grandfather; sister does not want to marry; grandfather dies, grandchildren bury him with a toolbox next to him; sails in a kayak unknown young man, marries a girl; never goes out to hunt a polar bear; one day his wife makes him leave; he leaves home, falls dead, becoming a grandfather again; the box was his kayak]: Hall 1975, PM40 No.: 214-215.

NW Coast. Bellacula [The raven pretends to be dying, tells his stepdaughter to marry a man from the Kisquit River; asks him to leave his coffin in a tree, not to tie the lid tightly; puts fish in the coffin, it goes out, people They think it smells like a corpse; when he comes to marry, the Raven covers his head and body with a hat and blanket; when he goes to bed, his daughter recognizes him when she feels his bad breath; he runs away]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 411-412; Nootka [The raven pretends to be dying; tells his two daughters that if they feel sick after his death, they will recover when they find a red knot sticking out in the forest and sitting on it; his they bury; he flies away, hides in the ground with his penis out; the daughter sits on it; the Raven screams that he is her father]: Boas 1895, No. XIII.3:108 (=2002:259).

The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [The raven pretends to be dying, tells his wife to give her daughter (she is his stepdaughter) to a man from another village; puts rotten fish under his funeral boat; turns his excrement for relatives and servants, disguised as a wealthy leader, comes to marry her stepdaughter; one day she recognizes him by a mole on the back of her head; leaves a deck in bed, runs back to her mother; Raven takes on his former form, says he has risen from the dead]: Farrand 1900, No. 5:17-18; quileut [father and son hunt ducks; one takes them far away, becomes a woman; son marries her; the father hunts, finds out familiar objects, realizes that this is his home and the woman is his wife; puts his foot in the smut, the woman spreads her legs, he recognizes her vulva; she tells him to become the South Wind, and her son - Northern; it turns into a growth on hemlock]: Andrade 1931, No. 59 [when burning, the build-up gives a lot of heat]: 177-181; Farrand, Mayer 1919, No. 13 [the duck disappears in the fog; father and son swim to the shore, see the house and a woman in it]: 269-271; quinolt [zap. Ronald E. Olson in 1926, not published before; Xwoni Xwoni made a fish trap, turned his crap into a man, left him guarded, told him to be called if chinook salmon came across; he called when trapped a driftwood swam; SHH killed him; in the same way he made a new watchman, who called when he caught salmon; SHSH kept the milk, they turned into two girls, he called them daughters; said he was dying, told leave the corpse on the platform, come later, their little brother will be there; the girls find this baby, bring it home, it grows rapidly; first the older sister, then the younger sister throw him on the floor at night, because he tries to have sex with them; they understand that it is SHH, they leave; they see people hitting fish with a spear; they call two young men who bring them to their house, take them as wives; brothers always throw one fish into the fire, they do not tell his wives to touch him; the sisters touch him; the fire is the brothers' mother, it turned out that the sisters poked her in the face with a stick, she died; the brothers said that they themselves are Harpoons; at night, the girls wake up, with not everyone husband, and harpoon; sisters go east, see a blind old woman rocking her daughter Fazaniha's baby; sisters replace the child with a piece of wood, run away; Phazanikha, carrying her mother, chases, abandons her mother, that turns into a lake waist-deep for girls; throws it again, but the old woman has little water left, she was Flood Lake; the baby grows up quickly, from the sisters' song he realizes that they kidnapped him, that his mother Pheasant, and father a log, sails downstream in a boat; all the girls in the village want him so much that they urinate; he is as bright as the sun; Blue Jay pointed to the ugly Frog Girl, who combed her hair decorated herself, came with a bucket and a box of possessions; she did not wet herself, and Blue Jay did it as if the Frog had wet himself; the young man took the Frog into his boat, swam further down; a young man stands on the shore, swallowing lizards and everything that swims; says that his brother was stolen by the SHH girls; the brothers recognize each other; the frog took him by the leg, shook lizards and other rubbish out of him; the elder brother became the Sun, it's too hot, everything is burning; then it became the Month, married the Frog, she can be seen on the moon with her box and bucket; the youngest (coming from a piece of wood in the cradle) became the Sun]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:202-209; chalkomel: Boas 1895, No. 2 (lower reaches of Fraser River) [see motif A5; an old woman makes two daughters out of two halves of salmon caviar; supposedly dies; girls bury her in grave wedge and hammer; old woman tightens her skin, makes a penis out of a wedge, testicles out of half a hammer; girls are happy to marry a stranger; imaginary husband hides his toothless mouth, cannot chew food; at night girls recognize the mother by her laughter, notice that the skin is tight; they run away; they come to a blind old woman shaking in the baby's cradle; replace him with a piece of wood; the boy's father throws the old woman to the ground in anger, it turns into an edible rhizome (hair - leaves); the kidnapped becomes a month, the brother made from his squeezed diapers by the sun]: 28-30; Hill-Tout 1904b [old woman Kaíia (Wolverine) began to wash salmon caviar, halves turned into two girls; they grew up, K. pretended to be dying, told her to leave her in the boat, put her belongings next to her; pulled her skin, dyed herself, out of her horn and a hammer made herself a penis and testicles; came to her granddaughters under the guise of a young man; in the morning, the girls' vulvas were sick, they suspected deception; the next night they began to tickle their imaginary husband, found out the grandmother's laughter; tickled to death; came to a blind old woman at the cradle of her daughter's baby; pretended to wash the baby, took it away, put a block; the daughter took the mother on her back, almost caught up with the kidnappers, but as soon as her mother threw off, the path was slow; so twice; she left her mother, told her to become an edible rhizome; her mother's husband, a stone under which salmon hide; squeezing her son's diapers, she created a new boy from his urine; both grew up and met while hunting; the mother told the youngest to play with the eldest so that he could see a sign on his hand; when he found out the truth, the elder went to burn the kidnappers who had made him his husband; the youngest kindly put white hair on his chest, she became summer clouds, her child became a robin; the eldest angry had black hair, she became winter clouds, her child became a crow; sparks became snowbirds; the mother wanted make the Sun elder, but easily blocked his light with a diaper, so she made it a Month; the youngest shone brightly, became the Sun; var.: the kidnappers were not burned, the eldest became a sturgeon, the youngest sucker; the younger brother sat by the fire, melted, becoming urine again]: 342-345; skagit [Coyote pretends to be dying, tells his daughter to marry a yakim man with a painted face and put food and property with his corpse; children They see Coyote cooking for himself, but he pretends to be dead; he appears, painting his face, speaks yakima, takes his daughter as his wife; the paint dries up and falls off, the daughter recognizes her father; the family leaves The Coyote, turning his house into a block of ice; the Coyote makes a hole, looks out, the Raven takes his eyes away; the Coyote puts yellow-green mold in his eye sockets that grows on a rotten tree, tells Bekas and Soroca that sees a fat beetle on a branch; grabs Snipe's eye; asks the Sick Old Woman what she is afraid of; Nettles; hits her to death with nettles, puts on her clothes; her two daughters carry their mother (i.e. Coyote) on the back to where people play with Coyote's eyes; on the way, he tries to have sex with girls, the youngest throws him to the ground; he takes his eyes, runs away]: Hilbert 1985:87-95; clallam [ East Wind woman falls in love with her eldest son; hides in the fog for a long time; returns as a pretty woman, the young man agrees to marry her; her first husband West Wind tells her son that his wife He looks like his mother, he does not believe; the West Wind watches her when she bathes and hits her; the son reconciles them; the mother goes east, the father goes west, the eldest son goes north, the youngest goes south]: Gunther 1925:120; clackamas [Wren's grandmother offers herself to marry him, copulates with him; he asks what's new in people in a boat passing by; Wren copulates with his grandmother; throws his grandmother into the river; two Jays call a shaman to revive her; she turns into a beautiful woman, marries Wren; smiles with her toothless mouth open; he recognizes her, throws her back into the river; Blue Jay can no longer do her revive]: Jacobs 1958, No. 25:202-207; tillamook [Wild Woman says she is going to die, asks her two granddaughters and grandson to leave her under an inverted boat with all her possessions; returns disguised beauties, marries her grandson; granddaughters recognize her; men leave her on an island; she turns people into birds, her newborn son into the spirit of the sea, turns into a surf, the mistress of storms]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 18:67-70; cous: Jacobs 1940, No. 23 [the young man says: I would like to sleep with my sister (name); his grandmother asks him to repeat his words three times; to the fourth he agrees; to the house A girl comes in, he lies down with her; she accidentally calls him grandson, he is furious; asks people in a boat passing by what's new; (Name) copulates with his grandmother], 29 [Trickster (p.192: associated with a coyote) creates two daughters from alder bark; says he will die; asks him to be buried face outward so that they can see their genitals when the sisters step over him; orders marry a man who will come; the youngest suspects deception, the eldest goes out; he tells them that they are just pieces of bark, they are leaving; he has worn out the old woman, her sons left him at sea in a boat without cheerful; The seal helped him, he jumped into the whale's throat, cut it with a knife from the inside; after a series of adventures he comes to his sister; suddenly throws fuel into the fire, forcing his nieces to fall on their backs to see their genitals; takes the girl with the largest vulva fishing; helps her climb over a tree after she agrees to call him husband; sprinkles salmon blood on her genitals ( the origin of menstruation; a menstruating woman is not allowed to eat fresh fish); girl (she is a Duck) runs away]: 172-173, 184-193; shuswap [Coyote lives with her niece (var.: with her daughter); sees her genitals; pretends to be dying; asks him to be buried with his head outside, put food and utensils; tells him to go south to his brother (or friend); marry the first handsome man he meets; gets out of the grave, turns plants in a boat, blankets, ornaments, speaks Okanagon; a girl spends the night with him; in the morning he runs away, his possessions turn into plants again; he screams across the river for a girl to kill The unborn child, if it was a daughter, was raised if it was a son]: Teit 1909a: 639-640; lillouette [old Kaiyam took caviar out of salmon, turned it into a girl, then a short part of the caviar into the second; they grow up, K. pretends to be dying, tells her to leave her with all her possessions; comes disguised as a man, covers her toothless mouth; at night he uses a pestle instead of a penis; in the morning, the sisters have swollen genitals, they they suspect deception; they tickle at night, she confesses, they tickle her to death; they came to a blind old woman at the baby's cradle; pretended to wash him, take him away, put a block; the old woman's husband took her on her back, almost caught up with the kidnappers, but as soon as she threw her off, the path was long; he threw his wife face against a log, ordered her to become an edible plant growing on fallen trees; the daughter of the elderly returns, squeezes the diapers of the stolen baby, makes a new one out of squeezed out; the brothers meet, get to know each other; the elder throws the ground of the kidnappers (they are his wives), turning the eldest into a grizzly, the youngest into a black bear; returns to her mother]: Hill-Tout 1905:185-189; Sanpual [Coyote is married to Two-womb; asks to be buried in an empty dugout with food; tells his daughter to marry a Coutenay Indian; turns his excrement in kutenai clothes; daughter/wife notices coyote hair on his feet; rushes into the river]: Ray 1933, No. 22:174-175; Okanagon [Coyote craves daughter; pretends to be dying; asks for a wife leave food at the burial site; go to his sister; daughters marry his friend Kutene; after eating everything that was put on his grave, turns his excrement into beautiful clothes, comes and says, supposedly, coutenay; daughter-wife identifies father by coyote hair in his groin; people dance in front of his house, screaming, Coyote married his daughter; daughter rushes into the river, turns into stone]: Teit 1917c, No. 4:72-74; clickite (titnepam) [Coyote longs for his daughter; pretends to be dying, telling his family to come to his grave later; marries his daughter; sister identifies him, the neighbor does not find bones at the burial site; trickster runs away]: Adamson in Schmerler 1931:199-207; ne perse [Coyote's wife dies, he wants to marry the eldest of his five daughters; pretends to be dying, tells him to bury him shallow, daughters marry his Flethead Indian friend; gets out of the grave, comes disguised as a flethead, marries; the youngest daughter suspects fraud, the drake neighbor recognizes the Coyote by his hunting style; daughters leave him, he goes to Bison Country]: Walker, Matthews 1994, No. 42:139-143; Upper Coquill: Jacobs 2007:252-255 [Wren lives with his grandmother; tells Elk he can kill him by getting into his ear; Moose replies that he will shake it out easily; so different parts of the body are finally in the ass; The elk cannot defecate all the time, the wren climbs into it, hurts the heart, gets out of the ass back; cuts the carcass; grandmother refuses to carry any pieces home, agrees to carry a penis; masturbates with it all day; they make a blanket out of an elk skin; grandmother hears her grandson dreaming out loud of lying under him with his wife; grandmother He puts a piece of wood in his place, comes disguised as a young woman, sleeps with his grandson; he finds a piece of wood on his grandmother's bed in the morning, understands the deception; asks people who sail by in boats that new; from the last boat they say that one here in the upper reaches slept with his grandmother; the grandmother was Pheasant], 256-258 [Coyote tells his daughters that he is dying, asks him to be buried while sitting, his head and shoulders out, cover with a mortar; let daughters marry a man from the mouth of the Klamath River, he will say, Lúq, lúq - give me water; the youngest daughter goes to the grave twice, her father is dead; the eldest does not believe in his death; On the fifth day, the Coyote gets out of the grave, tells his excrement to teach him the language of people from the mouth of Klamath, give them clothes; comes to his daughters, says Lúq, lúq; the younger sister checks the grave, she empty; the eldest believes the youngest; at night they fall asleep; but Coyote does not sleep with them, leaves; he must be ashamed].

The Midwest. Winnebago [see motive F25; The hare tells his grandmother that a man with one eye would like to marry her; leaves, takes out one eye, returns disguised as a groom, spends the night with his grandmother]: Radin 1956, No. 16:79-81; Ojibwa: Barnouw 1977, No. 9 (chippewa) [Venebojo pretends to be dying; tells two daughters to marry the first person they meet; asks to put him red paint on her cheeks, a knife and food next to him; the youngest daughter doesn't trust her new husband, the eldest finds out he doesn't have a tooth like their father; V.: I was your father's friend, we looked like; hunting accidentally calls his son a son, not a son-in-law; runs away, asks people what's new; V. married his own daughters]: 86-87; (Minnesota, Font du Lac, 1958): 93-94 [the widow Nanabozho has two daughters and son; he tells his daughters to marry whoever asks; pretends to be dead, buried with enough food; returned unrecognized, married his eldest daughter; goes with his son to hunt beavers, calls him "son" and" son-in-law"; he tells the sisters about this; they found a familiar scar on N.'s head; N. left, asks people if they know anything about N.; "Yes, he married his own daughter"], 94-95 [Nanabozho pretends to be dying, tells his daughter to marry a man named Nahnuh; he was covered with brushwood, he came out of the grave, changed his appearance to look like a young man; married a daughter, hunts with his son, accidentally calls him not "son-in-law" but "son"; the mother tells her daughter that her father had a scar; the daughter found a scar, N. left], 95-96 [about the same, when hunting, N. accidentally calls her son by a name that his son-in-law should not have be known]; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 12 [Nenabojo sees the vagina of one of his two daughters; pretends to be dying, telling daughters to marry someone who will come even if he is old; when daughters they bury him, he gives instructions, but they think these are his last words; a stranger comes and spends the night with his eldest daughter; she recognizes him by the scar on his leg; daughters hit him, he laughs, runs away; in the village asks what's new; the boys answer that it's okay, only N. married his daughters; N. tries to ventilate in the wind so that the gossip flies away, but it fails]: 19-23; Radin 1928, No. 6 [ Manabojo tells his grandmother to urgently get 200 arrows from an old neighbor; runs to him, kills him, puts on his skin; when his grandmother comes, agrees to give her arrows in exchange for copulation; runs home before her]: 76; Jones 1917, No. 33 [Nyanabushu pretends to be dying to marry her younger sister; asks to leave food at his body; every time her sister comes back, the food is touched; she accuses the Mouse of eating the food left to the deceased, the Mouse talks about N.'s intentions; the sister buries N., asks the Mouse to cut down the tree, lament it in a voice, runs away; N. gets out of the grave, kills the Mouse , pursues his sister; by the lake she calls Lysukha father; he stands on one leg, offers to walk between his legs; the girl runs, turning around, sees the corpse on Coot's back; hides in his house in the rock; N . calls Lysukha names, laughs at him; when he runs, Coot hits him with a corpse, he loses consciousness; when Lysukha leaves, N. breaks the door of the rock house, finds a flute, blows, burst bison away a girl, their leader marries her; Coot finds her, runs with her, manages to shut the door in front of the buffalo; N. comes again (same series of episodes); this time Coot cuts off the head of the buffalo leader]: 279- 299; (cf. Kidder 1994 (Sault Ste. Marie, runoff from Upper to Huron) [Nanabozho pretends to be dead; families are thinking about how to paint the deceased; N. tells them to paint their eyes; everyone laughs]: 37); Western marshes Cree: Brightman 1989:21-23 (stone crees) [Wīsahkīcāhk pretends to be dying, tells his wife to put his corpse on a tree, he and her daughter leave, give her daughter off as a man who appears {does not describe the appearance specifically}, leave a supply of meat in the teepee; the wife and daughter leave, V. lives in a teepee; then overtakes the departed, the wife gives him his daughter as his wife; she says that the husband sometimes looks like her father; he has a mole on his buttock; one day he goes out naked, his old wife sees a mole, hits him with her head, he laughs, runs away naked], 37 [Wīsahkīcāhk pretends to be dying, tells his wife pass off a daughter as a man who will come; comes unrecognized, sleeps with his daughter; his son recognizes his father; mother does not believe at first, then sees a familiar scar on V.'s buttock, hits him with a head, he runs away], 45-46 [W īsahkīcāhk wants to marry her daughter; tells seven sons that he is dying; tells him to leave the body facing west; returns in the guise of an unknown handsome man; gets a daughter as a wife; once sons notice a familiar scar on V.'s buttocks; their mother checks, hits V. with hot smut, he runs away; returns unrecognized, he is told that V. slept with his daughter], 46-47 [at Wīsahkīcā hk two wives, one eldest daughter, the other youngest son; V. says that he dies, orders to leave his property with his body, give his daughter to a young man; is in the guise of a young man, receives a daughter; son recognizes him]; illini (peoria) [the adventures of a character falling in love with his daughter, marrying her, and being exposed]: Michelson 1917:494; Steppe Cree: Curtis 1976 (18) [Visá Kechah pretends to be dying; tells her daughter to be married to someone who comes on the third day; when V. He leans to light a fire, the little son recognizes his father by the mark on his buttock; the ex-wife hits V., he runs away]: 133; Skinner 1916, No. 1 (10) [Visukezhak comes to the women's house; says that the threatening Death can be avoided by becoming his mistress; all women conceive children from him; when his son and daughter grow up, he tells his wife that he will die; tells him to be buried, and his daughter must marry first a stranger; people find V.'s bones, but in reality he is alive; his daughter-wife recognizes him by looking for a mark in his hair; he is driven away; he asks the boys what news makes them so amused; V. I married my daughter! ]: 350-351.

Plains. Blacklegs (piegan) [The old man falls in love with his stepdaughter; pretends to be dying, tells him to leave him on the hill, not to swaddle the corpse; let the stepdaughter marry the first young man who comes; rejuvenates, paints, marries stepdaughter; in the morning paint comes off her face, stepdaughter-wife recognizes stepdad by scarring; old man runs away; ex-wife finds only a blanket on the hill]: Michelson 1911b, No. 4:247 -248; assiniboine [Sitkonsky is married; compares the genitals of his two daughters; the eldest vulva has more; says he will die, tells him to leave his corpse in the tree, the eldest daughter to marry handsome young man; persuades the coyote to tell the "widow" that he ate the corpse; first the youngest daughter, then the "widow" identifies S.; he runs away laughing]: Lowie 1909a, No. 37:124-125; grovanter: Kroeber 1907b , No. 15c [Nishant pretends to be dying; tells his wife not to bury him, put his tools on a tree next to him; both daughters must marry the One-Eyed Owl, he will have one eye covered with clay ; tells wolves and coyotes to howl: We eat N. ; throws the bones of the dead and his tools; marries both daughters; one notices that at night he loses his beauty; recognizes his father by the scar under his eye; the wife rushes to beat him, he runs away], 16 [as in (15c); some man; one daughter; his wife beats him almost to death]: 73-76; Crowe [Coyote is married; pretends to be dying; tells his daughter to marry a man who rides a grey horse; asks to leave the pemmican near his corpse; the young son recognizes the Coyote by the scar on his face; the Coyote runs away, turns into a coyote]: Lowie 1918:41-43; hidatsa [Coyote asks to leave him on on the funeral platform, putting corn bread next to him; tells her daughter to marry a man who comes from the west and will be beautifully belted; leaves a dead dog on the platform; rubs the scar on her forehead with clay; in the morning, the clay falls off, the daughter recognizes the father; the former wife beats him, he runs away; asks the people she meets what's new; The first Creator married his daughter]: Beckwith 1938, No. 39:287-290; santi [ The spider asks his wife to leave his corpse on the bottom branch, put food next to him; tells the eldest daughter to marry a man with a painted face, the youngest to the Fox; when married, he tries to appropriate the game caught by the Fox ; Spider's son recognizes him; first wife kills him with an ax]: Wallis 1923, No. 23:92; (cf. Osage [a woman pretends to be dying; she is buried, moved to another place; her son comes back, meets a living mother, takes her as a wife; she wears men's clothes; both return to tribes, they are mistaken for spouses; a woman takes care of her supposedly orphaned young children; a daughter recognizes her by a scar on her leg; people leave lovers; ex-husband kills both]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 21:25- 26); iowa [The hare advises the grandmother to marry the one-eyed man who will be the winner of the run; leaves, hangs one eye on the bush; runs back; the grandmother grabs him, makes him her husband; the crow takes his eye away; The hare inserts an acorn in his place; since then, the hares have bulged out their eyes]: Skinner 1925, No. 43:500; arpaho [Trickster asks to put his corpse on a tree and not tie it; covers one eye with clay, marries a daughter; clay falls off, daughter recognizes him, wife beats him]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 42 [trickster - Nihansan], 43 [One-eyed Siu pretends to be dying; tells his daughter to marry a man Whom he and his mother will meet on the way back to camp; paints clothes white with lime; pretends to be Sioux]: 82-86; throw off Pawnee [Coyote has wife, daughter, sons; he pretends to be dying, orders him to be buried, leaving her head outside to see Tyrava (deity); the daughter must marry the leader, who will make arrows, come carrying the tongues and hearts of the buffalo; when she gets out of the grave, she begs hunters tongues and hearts; daughter doubts if this is not the father, but he has only one eye; when the family starts eating, Coyote forgets to keep his eyes closed, the little son recognizes him; the wife beats Coyote to death; at the sight of a coyote dead, people say he must have tried to marry his daughter]: Dorsey 1906, No. 119:430-432.

California. Karok [Coyote tells his daughter or granddaughter to marry someone like him living in the same house; moves her house to another place and then back; next time the woman realizes who her husband]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. II44 [daughter chases him away], II45:197-198; hupa [Coyote pretends to be dying; asks his grandmother to bury him with her head outside; promises to come in five days his friend, he looks like him; tells Wolves, Foxes, and other animals to pull themselves out of the grave; Grandma thinks animals are eating a corpse; an imaginary friend comes and marries her grandmother; later she realizes it's a Coyote, chases him away]: Curtis 1976 (13): 185; screw: Demetracopoulou, Dubois 1932, No. 23 [Coyote's wife dies, he buries her backwards; tells his two daughters not to go to the grave; copulates himself at night with the corpse until it decomposes; sets fire to his house, calls her daughters to extinguish; the eldest climbs to the roof to fill the fire, he sees her genitals; asks both to stand above him with their legs spread, this will heal him ; sends daughters to marry a man; moves the house to a new place, marries daughters, feeds them abundantly venison; then tells them to return to their father, moves the house back; for the third time daughters they see him carrying the house; they beat him to death], 24 [as in (23)], 25 [as in (23); without setting fire to the house; the eldest daughter becomes pregnant], 26 [Coyote lives with his granddaughter; asks to marry a certain person; further as in (23-25)]: 429-448; Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 60 [as in Demetracopoulou, Dubois, No. 26]: 383-386; Maidu: Dixon 1900 [Coyote pretends to be dying; tells his wife and daughters not to look back at him funeral pyre; rolls down; two days later she comes and marries her daughter; the former wife tells her to check for a scar on the back of her head; the wife discovers a scar; Coyote laughs]: 270; Shipley 1963, No. 10 [Coyote is married; pretends to be dying; tells his daughter to marry someone like him living in a certain place; while the family collects roots, burns down the house; builds another one in a new place; smears resin so that he is not recognized; son recognizes his father when they hunt mice because the resin peels off; the family leaves the Coyote]: 35-37; monk: Gifford 1923, No. 13 [Coyote kills mother-in-law, pretends that he himself is wounded by enemies; the youngest son knows about his plans to marry his daughter and puts him in the middle of the fire; the Coyote burns], 14 [Coyote advises daughters to marry two sons of the Sun after his death; wife The coyote does not believe his son, who notices that his father ran away from the fire; the disguised Coyote marries his daughter; the boy born smells like a coyote; the family expels the Coyote; he in his former form comes to former wife Rabbit]: 341-343; kawaiisu [Coyote pretends to be fatally wounded by a bear; asks to leave him at the funeral fire; daughter must marry his friend who looks like him and lives over the mountain; a boy, the son of a Coyote, looks around, sees his father roll down from the fire; the family comes to an imaginary friend, Coyote sleeps with his daughter, she becomes pregnant; while hunting, the son notices that the Coyote's teeth are drilled just like a father; the family goes from Coyote to the upper world through a hole in the sky; he sees their reflection, howls, suffocates, dies; most other versions are not significantly different; in the two Coyotes seduces her mother-in-law (F82 motif), which precedes an episode with an imaginary wound]: Zigmond 1980, No. 17:79-88; Kitanemook [Coyote pretends to be fatally wounded by a bear; when his daughter carries him to cracked, tries to copulate with her; she leaves him, sends her mother Frog for him; Coyote asks her to leave him at the funeral fire, pass his daughter off as his friend living across the mountain; "friend" agrees, fumigates the sun with tobacco so that night comes soon; when hunting, the Coyote calls his son a son, not a son-in-law; The frog squeezes seven little coyotes out of his daughter, roasts it over charcoal; the Coyote comes, eats them; mother, four daughters, son go to heaven, along with the mother's hat are seen there as seven stars (obviously the Pleiades); the Coyote notices their reflection in the water, they laugh at him; there is a group of three the stars are the Coyote, his bow and arrow; both groups are far apart because the Coyote failed to catch up with his family]: Zigmond 1980, No. 67:217-218; Serrano [Coyote pretends to be dying; tells his three daughters do not look back at his funeral fire, go to his brother, that exact copy of it; the imaginary uncle offers the youngest marriage; daughters suspect deception, run to heaven, turn into Pleiades; The coyote sees their reflection in the pond; the youngest agrees to go down, put his father on his back and pick her up; he tries to copulate with her; she throws him to the ground, he crashes]: Benedict 1926, No. 9: 11.

The Big Pool. The Coyote or Wolf feigns death; advises daughter (s) to marry a stranger with certain external characteristics that he later reproduces; unless otherwise: the youngest son notices that the father rolls down from the funeral fire, but others do not believe him; a man marries his eldest daughter; a son recognizes his father when he and him hunt rabbits or rats; the family rises to heaven, turns into stars. Northern Payutes: Kelly 1938, No. 14a [Coyote caused a storm, sent his daughter to fix the roof, saw enough of her vulva from below, which was larger than her mother's; says his teeth hurt and he's dying. tells him not to bury him but to leave him on the funeral fire, not to leave without looking back; tells the daughter to marry a certain person; the son looks around, sees his father jump off the fire; he comes a man marries; a boy hunts rats with his sister's husband, recognizes his father by a rotten tooth; tells his mother; she tells her daughter to look in her husband's head, the daughter recognizes her father; the mother tries to hit the Coyote with a stick, he runs away; comes back when his daughter has a child with him], 14b [Does the Coyote have no wife (widower?) ; he pretends to be dying, tells his daughter to put him on the funeral fire, marry a man with an eagle feather on his hat; brother turns around, notices that the father has jumped off the fire; son and daughter come to the camp where Coyote is staying; the daughter sleeps with him; hunting rats, the son recognizes his father by his rotten tooth; son and daughter ran away from him]: 404, 404-405; Powell 1971 [Coyote drives away all suitors from his daughter, pretends to be dying, telling her to marry a rich man with a lot of beads on his clothes, tells her not to look back at his funeral fire; she meets a rich stranger, marries him; by smell realizes it's Coyote; her mother confirms her suspicion, Coyote runs away]: 225; Steward 1936, No. 23 (Owens Valley) [Coyote sends both daughters to repair the roof to compare their vaginas; feigns death ; dressed as a Shoshone Indian, he marries his eldest daughter; son recognizes him by his teeth when hunting rats; daughter/wife recognizes him by taking insects out of his head (text ends)]: 381; Western shoshones [ The coyote is married; tells his family to dance; the wind lifts up his skirts, he sees the genitals of his mother-in-law and daughters; later tries to copulate with them; escaping from the fire is not described; marries both daughters; son of Coyote hunts with him, recognizes his father by the teeth; daughters find their husband/father's spare penis, bake it and let him eat it; the family turns into the Pleiades]: Smith 1993:56-58; the northern shoshones [Coyote daughters dance, he blows their clothes to the side, sees their genitals; pretends to be going to war; makes a smoky fire as a signal that he is injured; one, then the second daughter carries him on her back, he tries to copulate, they they throw him on the ground; his wife brings him home, does not pay attention to copulation; the Coyote pretends to be dying, tells him to fill the corpse with brushwood, burn it; daughters must marry the one who came from the south; the son notices how the father runs away from the fire, the mother scolds the boy; when he returns, the Coyote speaks in a changed voice; marries both girls; copulating, hitting the ground with his tail, the drum roll is heard; when hunting, the son finds out father for holes in his teeth; mother tells daughters to check if their husband has a wart; they tear out Coyote's fake hair, he runs away; Drake marries both girls, gives birth to a girl alone; Coyote copulates with her, the penis breaks off, stays in the vagina, the girl falls ill; the hummingbird takes out the penis, hits the Coyote with it, which falls into the fire, burns to death; the Drake and the Coyote family go up to the sky forming a constellation; Coyote comes to life, unsuccessfully trying to jump to the sky]: Lowie 1909b, No. 6:248-251; goshiute [like Western Shoshones; man turns into a coyote]: Smith 1993:7-8; utah [ Coyote (Wolf) is usually married; intentionally steps on a sharp bone to get sick; mother and daughter learn that both husband behaves the same way in bed; husband turns into an animal]; Givón 2013, No. 5 (Southern Utah) [Sinawav sees seven cranes flying to fight, he asks to take him with them; the cranes gave him a pen each; but then S. wrote in front of them and while he slept, the cranes took their feathers and flew away; S. asks them to kill a pregnant woman and bring him a fetus; the cranes did it, this baby is a girl, S. raised her as a daughter; offered to go to his relatives; they decided to give her away her for who will win the run; there are fast runners: hummingbirds, blue jays, coyotes; but S. won (because he persuaded others to eat some meat; it's not very clear) and married a pupil; she gave birth three daughters and a son; once S. hunted and broke his leg; the eldest daughter carried him on her back, and he lifted her clothes and met her (or tried to do so); at home he said that he was ill; let him, when he dies, they put firewood on a pile and leave without looking back; the eldest daughter should be passed off as someone who would come on a white horse dressed in a cougar skin; the son looked around and noticed that S. had rolled off the heap brushwood; the daughter was passed off as someone on a white horse; the son noticed that the daughter's husband lacked the same teeth as her father; then the daughters took to heaven and became seven stars - the Pleiades (although earlier it is said about three sisters, not seven); and the wolf (this is S.) howls at night]: 31-43; Kroeber 1901 (Wints), No. 4 [Coyote pretends to be wounded; spies on daughters from under the blanket; chooses the eldest, whose vagina is larger; tells her to marry the owner of a white horse; first a daughter, then his wife carries his "corpse" on her back to the funeral fire; he copulates with both on the go; a wife from heaven says he will become a coyote]: 268-279; Lowie 1924 (southern Utah) [Suawawi has a son and two daughters; he sees the eldest's genitals when she repairs the roof; deliberately steps on a sharp bone, pretends to be dying; tells not to look at his funeral fire, migrate to a large village; daughters marry a man with an otter quiver; son recognizes S. by specks on his teeth, hunting rats; daughter tells her mother that when copulation husband sucks her breasts (the same happened to wife S.); wife tells S. to turn into a wolf; he tells them to become stars; these four stars are seen in the evening], No. 15:28-30; Smith 1992 (White River Utah) [at copulation kisses his wife on the cheek; the family turns into the Pleiades, the husband into a coyote]: 68-70; southern payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 9 (Moapa) [Coyote goes with his mother-in-law to hunt rabbits, spent the night in a cave; he spent the night He copulated with her, she died; the Coyote tells his wife that they were attacked by enemies, pretends to die of his wounds himself; tells him to leave him at the funeral fire, not to look back; the little son sees him rolls down from the fire; ten days later he returns, pretends to be a stranger, speaks with an accent; in the morning, while hunting, the son recognizes him, runs home; in the evening, Coyote finds no one, his family turned into Seven Stars], 9a (Moapa) [Coyote asks her daughter to fix the roof, sees her vagina from below, quietly inserts his spare penis into it, he stays in the vagina; the girl falls ill; the drake heals her, takes out her penis, bakes her in ash; all of them, including Drake, go to heaven to become Seven Stars; Coyote comes home, eats his penis]: 172, 173; Sapir 1930, No. 18 (kaibab) [Coyote asks four daughters to cover the house with bark , he will see for himself if there are any holes; looks at their vaginas from below; pretends to be dying, telling him to leave at the funeral fire without looking back; tells them not to accept strangers from the north, west and from south, accept whoever appears from the east on a black horse; Coyote's son sees him roll down from the fire, they don't believe him; Coyote's daughters go to bed with someone from the east; the former wife tells his son to go with his son-in-law hunt rats; he eats rats raw, the boy realizes that it is a Coyote; the whole family runs to heaven, leaving voices in the house as if they were still there; the Coyote tells them to become a Vezda family (Big Dipper? The informant is not sure), the wife tells Coyote to become a coyote]: 463-465; chemewevi [Coyote sees her mother-in-law's genitals when she weaves; invites her to hunt for rabbits; tells her to close herself from the thorns with her skirt on on the head; copulates with her several times from behind; rapes her at night, killing her with his mysterious "heavenly penis"; asks his tail (possibly penis) what to say at home; he advises to explain all attacked by enemies who killed his mother-in-law and wounded him, the Coyote; Coyote pierces his stomach, shoves a rabbit's giblets into his wound, leaving some of it hanging out; pretends to be dying; tells three daughters to go out Do not go for whoever brings bison skins and whoever brings paint; Coyote's son Red Tail turns around, notices that the deceased has jumped from the funeral fire; the widow scolds his son; the Coyote turns yucca stalks into bison skins; the widow does not tell her daughters to accept the man who brought red paint; an unrecognized Coyote comes with imaginary bison skins; tells the wives to spread the beds behind the house, He copulates with them; while hunting, Coyote's son recognizes his father by his damaged head; runs home; the mother and children rise to heaven; the Coyote tells them to become the Pleiades, and his wife tells him to become a coyote]: Laird 1974b: 220-222 (retelling in Zigmond 1980:18-19).

The Great Southwest. Like the Great Basin Indians; Coyote is married. Western Apaches (White Mountain) [daughter identifies father by taking out insects; trying to kill him, he turns into a coyote]: Goddard 1919:138; lipan [two options; Coyote pretends to be dying ; tells the eldest daughter to marry a man with a quiver and white paint on his body (a man in good clothes with paint on his face); collects worms in advance to the place where they will be left; his son notices that the father jumped off the burial bed; daughter recognizes her father by a scar or wart when she looks in his head; hits him, he runs away]: Opler 1940, No. 18:118-139; mescalero [Coyote pretends to be dying, says leave him in the tree; when the larvae begin to fall to the ground, leave this place; the eldest daughter must marry the first person she meets; the youngest son notices his father jump off the tree; the Coyote marries his daughter; she looks for lice from him, notices a familiar wart; grabs an ax, Coyote runs away]: Hoijer 1938, No. 7:187-188; hicarilla [trickster pretends to be dying; deception revealed]: Opler 1938 in Hill, Hill 1945: 336-337, note 45, 47; chiricahua: Hoijer 1938, No. 18 [The Coyote pretends to be dying; asks to leave him in the tree, leave when the larvae fall down; to do this, he takes a wormy liver with him; orders the eldest daughter to be married to a man who will carry four gophers; marries a daughter; she takes out his lice, sees a wart, identifies her father by it; Coyote's ex-wife kills him with a stone]: 25- 27; Opler 1942, No. 3 [like a lipan; marry a man carrying reeds and gophers; says he is the nephew of the deceased; his old wife tries to kill him]: 31-34; Navajo: Haile 1984, No. 9 [Coyote slips away from the funeral fire; his little son notices it, they don't believe him; daughter recognizes her father by combing him; throws away his son]: 48-51; Hill, Hill 1945, No. 19 [Coyote pretends dying; tells the family to go south without looking back at his funeral pyre; daughter must marry someone like him; wife should not look at her son-in-law; son sees Coyote jumping off campfire; Coyote marries daughter; son watches him, identifies him; wife examines sleeping Coyote, finds a wart and a hole in the bridge of the nose that her husband had; hits him with smut; daughter throws away a born child; he is found and raised by an Owl; he grows up as a monster, kills people]: 335-337; O'Bryan 1956 [see M24 motif; 12 young men kill two Dancers from among the Rocks (JS); JS surround them; two brothers escape, the rest are killed; the brothers ask the Flintlock Men for help, the old men Bear and the Snake kill the leaders of the JS, demand the sisters of the two brothers for this; the brothers do not want to give them up, they offer competitions, the Bear and the Snake win; they come to girls in the guise of handsome young men; in the morning they see the Bear and the Snake next to them; they say that the Flintlock People will now kill them anyway, help them run; the younger sister goes to the plain, the eldest stays in the mountains; enters the cave; the entrance is guarded by two bears, two weasels, a crane with a crane; the chipmunk whistles, the guards let the woman pass; she gives birth in Kive a girl; then marries, gives birth to a boy; when he is hungry he leaves him, he is raised by an Owl; he finds people, marries, he has two daughters; he wants his wife's younger sister; pretends to be dying, Orders his wife's sister to be married to a stranger who will help them; runs away from the funeral fire; the sister marries an imaginary stranger, then recognizes her son-in-law; the former wife beats him, then he lives with both]: 131-137; Western Keres (Acoma) [Coyote pretends to be dying; tells his two daughters to move to a new place, marry a man in a conical hat, with a quiver of cougar skin who will come with north; marries them; before lying down with them, the sisters offer to comb his hair, he falls asleep, they recognize his father by the wart around his neck; run away from him; Coyote returns his hat, clothes and jewelry to people from whom he borrowed them]: Boas 1928a: 169-171, 272 [summary]; Tiwa (Taos) [1) Coyote tells his daughter to marry a Comanche Indian with a blindfold on one eye; comes disguised as a Comanche , marries her daughter; she recognizes her father when she looks in his head and looks under the bandage; kills him; 2) = (1), marries the eldest of three daughters; she recognizes him by the pimple on the back of her head]: Parsons 1940a, No. 59:119; havasupai [Coyote has two wives; pretends to be dying, telling daughters to marry someone who will come at night after the corpse is burned; does not tell them to look back at his funeral fire; marries two daughters; young son recognizes his father while hunting rats, when Coyote's new jasper teeth fall out; Coyote is left alone, his family ran away, became Ursa Minor]: Smithson, Euler 1994:99-101; yavapai [The coyote is married; tells his daughter to marry a man who comes from the West and brings two reindeer skins; the son notices the Coyote's sharp teeth; the daughter/wife notices a dark speck behind his ear; the family wants to kill him, he runs away; without a son, he notices his father jumping off the fire and turning into stars]: Gifford 1933a: 399-400.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 28 [after his wife's death, The deer raised his daughter, pretended to die, told her to go looking for her husband after his death, following a certain path; she must go beyond eighth person he meets, he will hold a deer bone in his hands; the imaginary deceased got up from the grave, went out with a deer bone on that road, married his daughter; dozed off in a hammock, she noticed that he had only two fingers, realized that it was her father, a deer; the exposed father became a deer, ran away; invited the man making the boat to work for him; felt for a weak spot, punched his hoof, ran away; as well as with another boat manufacturer; never returned to people]: 113-114; Wilbert 1970, No. 93 [father tells his daughter to marry someone who will follow the path carrying a deer bone; allegedly the deceased is left in the wasteland in a boat; in during copulation, the daughter notices that her husband has only two fingers; realizes that it is the father; he runs away, turning into a deer]: 202-203.

Ecuador. Colorado [people go to a party; a mother tells her son to take a woman who will come from another country after her death; every evening, a supposedly sick mother gets up quietly and goes dancing; talks to with an accent; only the son does not understand who he is dancing with; following the beauty, he discovers the truth; the son and mother turn into two different birds]: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:120-124.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [before going to heaven, Ñañe Month tells people not to sleep; they sleep, do not hear the call, so they do not change their skin and are mortal; answered lizards, snakes, trees that change skin or bark; one old woman also heard; went and changed her skin, came back young, married her nephew; he notices that she makes a fire like his grandmother; finds old skin ("body"), tries hug but there's nothing there; he's getting sick; grandma went, put on her old skin, came back; both died]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 9:73-75.

Southern Amazon. Mehinaku [Tuluma tells her daughter that she is dying, tells her sister to marry her sister's son, who looks like him; tells her to bury her shallow, under a vessel; the daughter recognizes her father by taking out her husband's lice and seeing grains lands in his hair; she and her mother hit him; he turns into a woodpecker (tulum), sings: I copulated with you; seeing a woodpecker, people often joke about it]: Gregor 1985:63-64.

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 29 [Elal is the son of the Térrguer field mouse's daughter; she died, T. raised him, E. turned her into a mouse because she misbehaved with him { tried to seduce?} ; he left her to live in the ground, and he flew to the swans at sunrise; while he was little, he shot birds; guanaco, nandu and other people ate, E. tamed them; the condor carried the children; when E. was 4 years old, he took it out with an arrow, asked for a pen; he did not; then E. plucked it himself], 30 [insulted by his grandmother (apparently trying to get along with him), Elal left her; asked the condor for a pen, who ordered him to leave, otherwise will kill; poured his urine on him, E. lost consciousness; then E. hit him with an arrow and plucked his head], 36 [the ogre kills his wife, carves a baby out of her womb, leaves him to dry as a piece of meat is dried; the mouse hides a baby, becomes his grandmother; promises his grandson (this is God Elal) the imminent appearance of a young woman; changes his appearance, tightening his skin, seduces his grandson when he returns home; the grandson recognizes her by groping her at the neck hump, leaves, marries Skunsiha, then leaves her because of her smell], 37 [after visiting the sun, Elal went back to his grandmother, who pretends to be another woman; he doesn't believe, turns her into a mouse]: 50-51, 52, 56-57, 58-59 ; selknam: Gusinde 1931:650-652; Wilbert 1975a, No. 36 [a widower fell in love with the eldest of two daughters; pretends to be dying, telling him to put his corpse so his head open; promises the groom's appearance; after burying their father, the daughters painted (the current guanaco coloring book), turned into guanaco; the father came out to them in the guanaco form, they did not recognize him, made him husband], 37 [the widower fell in love with two daughters; pretends to be dying, telling daughters to marry a man who looks like him; when daughters leave him, the father overtakes them, goes out to meet them; the youngest doubts, the eldest believes it is not theirs father; all three go to bed together, become guanacos; the guanaco herd has an old male and now converges with young females]: 107-108, 109-110; the yagans [the widower fell in love with the eldest of his two daughters; stops eating out of passion; answers his youngest daughter that he does not eat because of a toothache; tells him to be buried next to the hut, leaving his head and legs outside; put his handbag with red paint with him; tells him to Both daughters marry a man who looks the same as him and supposedly lives next door; the father got out of the grave, covered himself with red paint, overtook his daughters, the eldest believes he is a stranger, the youngest doubts; he agrees with both, all three turn into guanacos; spots on their skin with red paint]: Gusinde 1937:1240-1242; Wilbert 1977, No. 44:128-131.