F64B. An incestuous woman.
A woman pretends to be someone else to seduce her son, brother, daughter, or grandchild. See motive F64.
Lombok, Minahasa, Boogie, Northern Aceh, Mentawai, Malays Padanga, Sedek, Sazek, Tayal, Paywan, Lee, Abkhazians, Mansi, Nivhi, Udege, Orochi, Japanese (Fr. Hatidzë), Markovo, Tundra Yukaghirs, Aleuts, Quileut, Hallouet, Lillouet, Clallam, Tillamook, Cous, Upper Coquill, Osage, Colorado, Sekoya, Tehuelche.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Lombok; Minahasa; Boogie; Mentawai; Northern Aceh, Padang Malays; (cf. sunda [Raden Sungging Perbangkara had a pig wife and gave birth to a daughter, Davy Rara Sami; she grew up, dropped the spinning wheel, promised to marry whoever would bring it; brought a dog; DRS gave birth to a son named Sangkuriang; he hunted with the dog, not knowing that it was his father; the dog refused to drive the pig (i.e. grandmother S.), S. killed him, gave the meat to his mother under the guise of venison; the secret was revealed, the mother threw a stick at her son's head, drove him away; became a young girl; S. came back, was going to marry DRS, who recognized him by the scar on his head; promised to marry him if he created a lake and a boat overnight; lit up the night sky, S. threw work; drowned when the lake overflowed its banks; the boat became a forested mountain, the lake dried up]: Braginsky 1972:135-137; Java (kalang) [(summary 33 options); a beautiful weaver is born when her divine father's sperm or urine is drunk by a dog, a pig or a priestess; she is raised by gods, adoptive parents, a dog, a father; a dog becomes her husband; a born son hunts a wild pig, a tiger, buffalo; the dog refuses to help in the hunt, the young man kills him without knowing that it is his father; brings his mother his meat; she beats her son with a spoon, leaving a scar on his head; the son leaves; the son and mother meet, the son does not the mother finds out or vice versa; they marry or doubt when they learn about the relationship (by scarring); the mother gives difficult tasks (making a thousand statues, building a ship, etc.), the son easily performs them; they are born boy; kalang are descendants of his or descendants of the weaver's first son; similar options in Lombok and Bali]: Headley 2005b: 181-183).
Taiwan - Philippines. Sedek; sazek (same as atayal and paywan) [a man and a woman came out of the stone; when they saw flies copulate, they came together, gave birth to a son, then a daughter; the sister said Her brother, who would go to find a wife for him, told him to come to the rock at the foot of the mountain; on the appointed day, the brother went down the mountain, found a woman by the cliff, did not recognize her sister, because she smeared soot on her face; var. : Mother changes her face to get along with her son]: Matsumoto 1928:119-120.
China - Korea. Lee.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians.
Western Siberia. Mansi [Mos-ne's brother marries the youngest daughter of the City Hero; M. calls his daughter-in-law to ride down the hill, follows her, pierces her with skis, puts on her clothes, lowers the corpse into the river ; lives with his brother, hiding his face, giving birth to a son from him; he hears that children talk about his parents, tells his father; he cuts his wife and son into pieces, leaves; Mosh-ne's blood grows berry a small bush; a bear eats berries, gives birth to a bear cub and a girl; in winter, the son of a City Hero kills a Bear with a bear cub, marries a girl; at a bear festival, she fulfills her mother's orders - does not eat bear meat, collects bones; a bear and a bear cub turn into two stars]: Lukina 1990, No. 124:327-332.
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi [younger brother and older sister live alone; young woman lives far away; brother disappears {obviously stays with that woman}; sister comes to her in his absence, kills her, puts her on clothes, throws the corpse into the river; brother does not notice the change; when their son is five years old, he asks his mother why the bird is teasing him: "Your mother is Mowerkin, father is Hoovergin" {not explained}; mother tells him not to talk about to this father; the son says that the father understands that his wife is his sister, cuts off her head, throws her into a fire, turns into a crow, the son into a Mauzur ehln ("Mauzur child") the size of a jay, screams at night]: Ulita 2011:35-36; Udege people: Arseniev 1995 (3) [When he lived with his sister; once he reached a yurt where he saw a naked woman; asked if she was his sister, she replied no; at home, he told his sister everything; she advised him to take that woman, said that she would go looking for her husband herself; ahead of her brother, she came to that yurt; E. married her; their son wounded a bird, who told him that he incest fruit; his mother told him to remain silent, but he let his father slip; he pointed a crossbow, his sister went and was killed; he left his son on a tiger, his daughter on a bear path; they married these animals; daughter and bear are the ancestors of the Udege people, son and tigress are Orch]: 166-167 (quail in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 76-77:449-452); Kormushin 1998, No. 32 [sister sends her younger brother to look for a wife; moves the house and property to a new place, makes a new robe for himself; the brother comes, doubts, comes back, the sister is back in the same place before him; the sister moves the house down the river, this time the brother stays; they have a boy and a girl; the boy wants to shoot the bird, which says he is the son of a brother and sister; the mother tells his father not to talk about it; he speaks; the brother throws an ax, telling his wife to pierce between her breasts, if it's a sister; the ax pierces her, kills her; hooked the children on the legs with a hook, left them on a moose path; the moose raised them; a poor old man, their father, came to them; they planted him to warm up, he became musk deer]: 164-171; Orochi: Arsenyev 1995 (3) [(also in 1926:34-35; quail in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 75:448-449); sister older than his brother; he finds a house in the forest where a girl who looks like her; her sister advises to marry; a son and daughter were born, a boy wounded a bird; she says that people are no better than animals, since they live with sisters; the mother asks her son not to let his father slip; he said that the father instructed crossbow, killed his sister-wife, leaves children; a bear takes them, marries a girl, they are descended from Orochi; a boy accidentally kills a bear while hunting; when he dies, he tells him not to give his meat to his sister; since then since the sister cannot eat the meat of a bear killed by her brother]: 167-169; Margaritov 1888 [Anduri divided the animals into childbirth, singled out a person; the man lived alone, the Duck came to him; gradually began to speak -humanly, then turned into a woman, gave birth to a son and daughter; the father settled them in a separate yurt in the taiga; the brother goes hunting, the sister behaves strangely; builds a new yurt in the taiga, tells her brother that saw her as a naked woman asking her to send her brother to her; after resorting to this deception, her sister married her brother and gave birth to children; the boy wants to kill a squirrel, she says that his parents are brother and sister; father with their mother admitted that this was so; the boy put them in a boat without oars, let them go to sea; he felt sorry for his parents, he asked A. to find them; he took him to the sky, gave him skis; the Milky Way is his ski track]: 28-29.
Japan. The Japanese (Fr. Hachijō, Hachidzë) [during the flood, all the inhabitants of the island died; after grabbing a tree, a pregnant woman Tana-ba escaped; gave birth to a son; having changed their face, they got together with their grown son, they gave birth to new people)]: Matsumoto 1928:120; (Ishida 1998 [Tanaba - "first-grandmother"]: 146).
SV Asia. Markovo [sister builds a new plague at a distance, secretly digs a passage there, tells her brother that an unknown woman has appeared nearby, advises her to marry her, and promises to leave herself after that in search of her husband; a young man marries his sister without knowing it, a son is born; he shoots a bullfinch, he tells him the truth, he tells his father about it; the father hangs an ax over the entrance to the house; he falls, splits his wife sister head]: Bogoras 1918, No. 7:131-132; tundra Yukaghirs (Nizhnekolymsky District) [children (brother and sister) wander along the tundra, meet an old woman, she gives a bag; shaking them, brother kills animals; sister finds a yaranga at a distance, digs a move towards her, advises his brother to go that way, gets into yaranga before him, puts on Chukchi clothes, smears charcoal on his face; her brother, without recognizing her, sleeps with her; she returns home before him, advises him to move in with that woman; stays in a new house under the guise of a Chukchanka woman), the brother thinks that his sister is missing; their son throws sticks at the birds, they say that his father is his uncle; mother tells him not to tell his father about this; the son tells; the father finds a hole; stabbed his wife-sister, son, himself]: Kurilov 2005, No. 42:359-367.
The Arctic. Aleuts Atka [an old woman turns into a young man to marry her granddaughter].
The coast is the Plateau. Quileut; halkomel [old woman turns into young man to marry daughters]; clallam; clackamas; tillamook; cous; upper coquill.
Plains. Osage [a woman pretends to be dying; she is buried, moved to another place; her son comes back, meets a living mother, takes her as a wife; she wears men's clothes; both return to tribes, they are mistaken for spouses; a woman takes care of her supposedly orphaned young children; a daughter recognizes her by a scar on her leg; people leave lovers; ex-husband kills both]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 21:25- 26.
Ecuador. Colorado.
Western Amazon. Sekoya.
The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 29 [Elal is the son of the Térrguer field mouse's daughter; she died, T. raised him, E. turned her into a mouse because she misbehaved with him { tried to seduce?} ; he left her to live in the ground, and he flew to the swans at sunrise; while he was little, he shot birds; guanaco, nandu and other people ate, E. tamed them; the condor carried the children; when E. was 4 years old, he took it out with an arrow, asked for a pen; he did not; then E. plucked it himself], 30 [insulted by his grandmother (apparently trying to get along with him), Elal left her; asked the condor for a pen, who ordered him to leave, otherwise will kill; poured his urine on him, E. lost consciousness; then E. hit him with an arrow and plucked his head], 36 [the ogre kills his wife, carves a baby out of her womb, leaves him to dry as a piece of meat is dried; the mouse hides a baby, becomes his grandmother; promises his grandson (this is God Elal) the imminent appearance of a young woman; changes his appearance, tightening his skin, seduces his grandson when he returns home; the grandson recognizes her by groping her at the neck hump, leaves, marries Skunsiha, then leaves her because of her smell], 37 [after visiting the sun, Elal went back to his grandmother, who pretends to be another woman; he doesn't believe, turns her into a mouse]: 50-51, 52, 56-57, 58-59 .