F65. An imaginary dead man.
To satisfy his secret desire to violate social norms (forbidden sex, refusal to share food with relatives), the character pretends to be dying, will be abandoned at the place of burial.
Mamprusi, Ashanti, Anyi, Ewe, Krachi, Ife, Bassa, Kuwaa, Sierra Leone, Wai, Kono, Pular, Songhai, Nuers, Yemen, Basques, Saibai, Burmese, Ancient China, French, Germans, Oriental Ukrainians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Perm, Oryol), Nenets (Yamal, Lower Yenisei), Ents, Northern Khanty, Mansi, (Northern Selkups), Chukchi, Coastal Koryaks, Itelmen, Tundra Yukaghirs, Asian Eskimos, Aleuts, Chugach, Kodiak, Fr. Nuniwak, Central Yupik, Bering Strait and Northern Alaska Inupiat, McKenzie Estuary, Copper, West Greenland, Koyukon, Ingalic, Tanaina, Taltan, Eyak, Tlingits, Hyda, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Quakiutl, chickpea, chilcotin, comox, chalkomel, clackamas, quinolt, tillamook, shuswap, lillouet, klikitat, sanpual, okanagon, ne perse, cous, upper coquil, vasco, western marsh crees, ojibwa, illini (?) , Sauk, Steppe Cree, Delaware, Sarsi, Blackfoot, Assiniboine, Grovantre, Santi, Crowe, Hidatsa, Osage, Arapahoe, Arikara, Pawnee, Hoopa, Pomo, Maidu, Monache, Kawaisu, Kitanemuk, Serrano, Northern Payutes, Western and Northern Shoshones, Goshiyute, Utah, South Payut, Chemewevi, Havasupai, Yavapai, Western Apache, Jicarilla, Chirikahua, Mescalero, Lipan, Navajo, Keres (Acoma), Colorado, Varrau, Mejinacu, Southern Tehuelches, selknam, yagans.
NW Coast. Quakiutl [Raven The Great Inventor suspects his wife, Saw-billed Duck, of infidelity; she goes to dig oysters; BB sends the Raven to trace, he says that she has a Young Raccoon in her lovers and Raccoon; BB pretends to be sick; his wife gives him oysters, he says juice is like milk, a sign of her infidelity; pretends to be dead, buried; passing by his grave, his wife says she lives with Raccoon; BB Rises from the grave; becomes a great shaman]: Boas 1916, No. 217:580-581.
Northeast. Montagnier [old Tsheshei cannot follow others; asks to leave him, give him only an old ax; becomes young, catches up with those who have passed away as a stranger; marries; people cannot to get a caribou, he gets it by sending his skis for them; he falls asleep, the wife, rocking the child, discovers that he has no teeth in his mouth, realizes that it is an old man; leaves him; he turns into a frog]: Savard 1979, No. 11:49-51.
California. Pomo [Coyote was so insistent on offering food to his sister Rattlesnake that she bit him; he screamed that he was dying, asked him to be buried in a shallow grave, throwing earth to the waist; his Frog's wife pretended to believe him, but knew that he was jealous of her brother Salamander; after the funeral, the Frog began to call Coyote a bad husband, a lazy person, etc.; Coyote jumps up, wants to beat his wife, she turned into a frog, rode away; after that, the plants stopped bearing fruit, the animals did not multiply; at the request of the Coyote, four Otter Brothers found the Frog, asked her to return; she appeared young beautiful; Coyote promised not to be jealous anymore]: Clark, Williams 1954:65-67.
See motive F64: The character marries his direct relative in a descending or ascending line.
Melanesia. Saibai.
The Arctic. Aleuts of Atka; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak).
NW Coast. Bellacula; chickpea.
The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin; chalcomel; clackamas; quinolt; tillamook; shuswap; clickitat; sanpual; okanagon; ne perse; cous ; upper coquill.
The Midwest. Ojibwa; Western Swamp Cree; Illini? ; steppe crees.
Plains. Blacklegs; assiniboine; grovantre; santi; crowe; hidatsa; osage [woman pretends to die; she is buried, migrated to another place ; her son returns, meets a living mother, takes her as his wife; she wears men's clothes; both return to the tribe, mistaken for spouses; a woman takes care of her supposedly orphaned young children; Daughter recognizes her by the scar on her leg; people leave lovers; ex-husband kills both]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 21:25-26; arpahoe; skidy pawnee.
California. Hupa; Maidu; Monache; Kawaiisu; Kitanemuk; Serrano.
Big Pool. Northern Payutes in Owens Valley; Western and Northern Shoshones; Goshiute; Utah; Southern Payutes; Chemewevi.
The Great Southwest. Western Apache; Jicarilla; Mescalero; Chirikahua; Lipan; Navajo; Western Keres (Akoma); Havasupai; Yavapai.
Guiana. Varrau.
Ecuador. Colorado.
Southern Amazon. Mejinacu.
The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches; Selknam; Yagans.
See motif F65A: A character pretends to be dead to connect with a lover.
West Africa. Poulard (futa-toro, Mauritania); ife.
Western Asia. Yemen.
Southern Europe. The Basques.
Western Europe. French; Germans (Middle High German poem).
Burma - Indochina. Burmese people.
China - Korea. Ancient China: Gan Bao 2004, â„– XV.359 [during the time of Qin Shihhuang in Chang'an, a young man went to war, the girl was married to another, she died; the young man returned, came to the grave, the girl's spirit came out, told him to open the crypt, she was resurrected, the emperor awarded it to him], XV.360 [under Jin during Wudi's time in Hejian County, the young man went to war, the girl was married off, she died; the young man returned, dug up the grave, the girl came to life; the emperor awarded it to a young man, not her husband]: 189-191, 191-192; Yuan Mei 1977, No. 446 [the girl whose corpse was left in the temple comes to life, a monk from the temple kills the rector and puts his body into the girl's coffin, runs with her to another city; in the temple of the patron god of literature, the girl's parents see them; the monk is executed]: 280.
Central Europe. Eastern Ukrainians (Zvenigorod district. (Kiev governorate) [King Solomon married a woman who did not love him; she did not want to go to church, S. forced her; his wife was not baptized or prayed; she took S. to her church; he said he would stand in church like this like her, she would not bow; his wife ordered the doors to "go down"; S. stood on the doorstep, his doors hit; his wife agreed with the unbelieving prince to run away from S.; they agreed that she would pretend to be dead, the prince would dig her up and then they would run away; when the wife pretended, they put her on the table and called S.; he did not believe it, heated the iron and burned her hands through and through her; wife kept silent and was buried; the prince dug her up and took her away; S. came to her father, ordered to check the coffin; found that the coffin was empty; S. ordered to pour land into the wheelbarrow, took three troops: black, white, red ; ordered him to be taken to the prince and his wife, took three pipes with him; S. rolled into the house, the prince and the girl laughed, invited him to drink tea; S. said that he would not get up from his land; the prince ordered the servants to build a gallows for S.; invited him to the balcony; S. refused to get up from his land and ordered to carry himself; he was carried out; the prince asked who was building the gallows; S. answered what could be the prince, or maybe and to him, but rather to the prince; the prince and his wife laughed, ordered S. to be taken to the gallows; S. said he would play before his death; he played the first pipe - the white army was fleeing; the prince asked what it was; S. replied that it was his death; he played the second flute - the red army was fleeing; explained that it was his innocent blood that was flowing out; played on the third - the black army was running; said that it was the devils who had come the prince's soul; as soon as S. shouted at the army, the prince flew to the gallows; his wife began to ask for mercy; S. ordered her to be tied by her braids to a horse and let her into the field]: Dragomanov 1876, No. 13:103-105 (short paraphrase in Krappe 1946:312); Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Perm, Orlovskaya).
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos; Aleuts; Chugach; Kodiak; Nunivak; Central Yupik (Norton Bay Unalit); Bering Strait Inupiate (Kingikmiut); Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatagmiut); McKenzie estuary; copper; western Greenland.
Subarctic. Koyukon; inhalic; tanaina; taltan.
NW Coast. Eyak; Tlingit; Haida; Tsimshian; Quakiutl.
The coast is the Plateau. Vasco.
The Midwest. Sauk; steppe crees.
Northeast. Delaware.
Plains. Sarsi; Osage; Arikara.
The Great Southwest. Western Apache; jicarilla; chiricahua; lipan.
Ecuador. Colorado.
See motive F65B: A character simulates death to eat greedily alone, K1867.
West Africa. Mamprusi; ashanti; krachi; anyi; eve; bassa; kuwaa; Sierra Leone (probably kru); wai; kono; songhai.
Sudan - East Africa. The Nuers [the jackal and hawk went to the jackal's bride; on the way, the jackal quietly picked up the shell to serve as a spoon; then found 4 little ones, gave two to the hawk; and then offered to throw away the spoons: the hosts may be offended that the guests took their own; the jackal knew that the young man going to the girl must take his spoon, but the hawk did not know; on a visit, the jackal slowly said that the hawk eats only such porridge that it was right from the fire; they served food, the hawk could not eat, the jackal invited him to run away for a spoon (the jackal had that big spoon left); during this time he poured sand into his bowl; said that with sand or without, you have to eat what they give; at night, the jackal stabbed, fried and ate a goat, and smeared a hawk with blood; in the morning he was almost beaten to death; when he learned how he was let down, the hawk offered to go to trial before God , gave the jackal a wing, and the second from another bird; God limited himself to censure, then the hawk took his wings and left the jackal in heaven; gave the jackal grains; then got angry and shoved the jackal down; he prays that fall into the pond, but fell to solid ground, the grain crumbled, the ants stole it; the jackal came to his mother, said he was dying; ordered to dig the grave, slaughter the bull and leave meat and water in the grave; cover the grave, but so that the clay does not fill it; if you hear a noise, this flesh falls off my bones; three days later, the jackal ate everything and came to my mother, saying that he had recovered; now the jackal and the hawk have appeared for the bride to heaven; the jackal stole and ate the goat again, but the hawk demanded a test; God: jump over the hole - whoever falls ate; the jackal refused; once on the ground, the jackal and the hawk threw each other at friend darts; the jackal missed, the hawk wounded him; then the jackal climbed a tree, threw the hawk's fruit; he bent over to pick it up, and the jackal threw another one on his head and killed him]: Fergusson 1925:108-111.
(Wed. Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rengma [the Che trickster never works; when people go to work leaving food for the children, C. tells them to dance and eats everything himself; people agreed to lure C. to a tree and raise them around fire; C. found out about this, dug a hole in the tree in advance, covered it with a stove; when he got out of the hole, he lay down in the field with a dead rat under his head; feeling the stench, people think that C. is dead and decaying; every day, while the village is empty, C. steals food; the children said that C. is alive, people have admitted defeat]: Mills 1937:253-354).
Western Siberia. Nenets (Yamal, lower reaches of the Yenisei); northern Khanty [(from a series of stories about Imi-hits, or Alvali); nephew says he is dying, asks his aunt to put him under his boat with with a net, an ax, a cauldron; an aunt comes twice, sees a wet net, a fire, thinks that strangers have used gifts; a person (the hero's uncle, the Old Man of the Holy City, his hypostasis is a bear) tells her aunt that her nephew is lying to her; teaches her what to do; the aunt comes for the third time, she is allegedly attacked by a bear, she calls for help, her nephew gets out from under the boat; the bear beats her, their aunt separates, arranges a feast]: 125-127; Steinitz in Kippar 2002 (Sherkals) [aunt gives her nephew (brother's son) the worst food, takes the best for herself; he says he is dying, telling him to be buried under the boat, put him nets, a pot and an ax; the aunt washed her body, took it to the cemetery three days later; he came to life, caught fish, ate, left the broth; the aunt came: the boat and nets were wet, there were coals in the hearth, hot broth in the pot; aunt spells that the name of the person who used the nets, etc., become known; the same after 3-4 days and beyond; the older brother tells his aunt that their nephew is deceiving her; he will turn into a bear, let her scream The nephew will jump up, he will rush at him, let her separate them; they reconciled and hugged; they held a feast for the whole village; after a month and a week they became spirits and went to the sacred land-each out of three to his own]: 203-204; Northern Mansi; Kets; Ents.
SV Asia. Chukchi; coastal Koryaks; itelmen; probably Russified tundra Yukaghirs.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos.
Subarctic. Koyukon; tanaina.
NW Coast. Tlingits; Haida (Masset); Tsimshian; Quakiutl.
The coast is the Plateau. Comox.
Other options.
Big Pool. The Northern Payutes [seven small stars {obviously the Pleiades} are mother, son and five daughters; when they lived on earth, the father said he was dying, let them put him on a pile of firewood, set him on fire, and here But they would go away; but the son looked around and saw the father roll down from the fire; said to his mother, told him to run to heaven; the father looked for them, could not find a trace; the son laughed, the father looked up, but he was too old. to jump to the sky after his family; the father took aim, the son turned the arrow into three stars in a row; the father turned those who rose into stars and his son into a coyote; when the coyote howls, he misses his family]: Palmer 1946:11-14.