F65A. The imaginary dead man: meeting with a lover, K1539.
The spouse leaves the character at the burial site; the (imaginary) dead man comes to life, goes to his lover/mistress.
Poulard (Mauritania), Ife, Basques, French, Germans, Yemen, Burmese, Ancient China, Eastern Ukrainians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonets, Perm, Orel), Asian Eskimos, Aleuts, Kodiak, Chugach, Nuniwak, Central Yupik, Bering Strait and Northern Alaska Inupiate, McKenzie Estuary, Copper, West Greenland, Koyukon, Ingalic, Tanaina, Taltan, Eyak, Tlingits, Haida, Tsimshian, Quakiutl, Vasco, Sauk, Steppe Cree, Delaware, Sarsi, Osage, Arikara, Western Apache, Jicarilla, Chirikahua, Lipan, Colorado.
West Africa. Poulard (futa-toro, Mauritania) [a girl and boy have been in love since childhood; a girl is married to an older man; she has two children; she scraped a hole in the wall with her fingernail in seven years; agrees with the young man that he will pretend to be sick, dead; he digs her out of the grave, they go to another place; the old husband meets and recognizes his wife; she refuses; the judge pretends to is going to kill her sons; then the woman confesses, returns to her old husband]: Kibrik et al. 2005:400-402; ife [Olorun is the elder god, the original son of the Air King; his second son Ela is a father fortunetellers; he sent his disciples to Tişa (from English. teacher) to the surrounding settlements; one of them wanted to take E.'s fiancée; gave her a potion, told her to breathe in before the wedding; the girl became dead, wrapped in cloth, left with Chlorophora excelsa tree; the student married her; one of E.'s sons recognized her as an oil merchant at the market; so with two more brides and students in other settlements; for the fourth time E. ordered her to leave who had allegedly died in her room, she woke up and told everything; E. expelled the students who had deceived him]: Bascom 1969:110.
Southern Europe. The Basques [the king's daughter falls in love with a grape picker named Godeon; her father puts her in prison; G. advises to pretend to be dead; she is buried, G. comes to the grave, she rises from the coffin; the king marries lovers].
Western Europe. The French [Emperor Constantine has a Cligés nephew and a young wife; she pretends to be dead, buried; K. tears her off, takes her to a friend's house outside the city, visits her there; the same at Chré tien de Troyes, 12th century]: Krappe 1946:312-313; Germans (Middle High German poem) [Solomon's wife (S.) Queen Salome falls in love with pagan king Phorus (Por in Russian texts); he sends her grass, taking it in her mouth, she falls into a state that looks like death; adviser S. Morolph pours molten lead into her arms; S. buries her; on the third day, F. takes her out of the coffin, takes the grass out of her mouth; S. discovers an empty coffin; finds and returns his wife]: Krappe 1946:311.
Western Asia. Yemen [the soothsayer says that the older sister will find happiness on the roof, the middle sister in the mountains, the youngest in the cemetery; the eldest climbs to the roof of the tavern, steals cakes and chickens, the owner grabs her, takes her as a wife; the average finds an enchanted man in a cave who will come to life and marry a woman who will stay with him for three months, three days, three hours and three minutes; takes a girl as an assistant; she finds herself with a man when he wakes up, becomes his wife; the middle sister becomes a maid; asks the owner to bring her a stone of patience and a sharp knife; he forgets at first, but the ship cannot sail; a stone patience breaks when a woman tells him about her unhappy fate; she wants to stab herself, but the man stops her, makes her wife, ex-wife a maid; the youngest goes to the cemetery; there the grave of the Sultan's son; the girl sees how a slave digs up and revives the young man, makes love to him, buries him again; tells the Sultan; the slave admits that she was the mistress of the Sultan's son; when they decided to marry him, she made it look like he was dead; the Sultan orders to burn a slave, marries her son to a girl; the soothsayer marries the grandmother of three sisters]: Lebedev 1990, No. 15:73-80.
Burma - Indochina. Burmese [despite his wife's requests to stay, the young husband leaves; the wife takes a lover; while waiting for her husband to return, invites her lover to dig a fresh female corpse, bring it to the house, home set fire; parents bury their supposedly deceased daughter, she lives with her lover; in order not to be poor, they return with him to her parents, they accept the girl, because she reminds them of their daughter; the husband returns, finds out wife, demands back; the ruler's daughter resolves the dispute; offers herself as a wife to both men; true husband refuses, lover agrees; woman is returned to her husband, lover expelled]: Vossion 1901:67-85 .
China - Korea. Ancient China: Gan Bao 2004, № XV.359 [during the time of Qin Shihhuang in Chang'an, a young man went to war, the girl was married to another, she died; the young man returned, came to the grave, the girl's spirit came out, told him to open the crypt, she was resurrected, the emperor awarded it to him], XV.360 [under Jin during Wudi's time in Hejian County, the young man went to war, the girl was married off, she died; the young man returned, dug up the grave, the girl came to life; the emperor awarded it to a young man, not her husband]: 189-191, 191-192; Yuan Mei 1977, No. 446 [the girl whose corpse was left in the temple comes to life, a monk from the temple kills the rector and puts his body into the girl's coffin, runs with her to another city; in the temple of the patron god of literature, the girl's parents see them; the monk is executed]: 280.
Central Europe. Eastern Ukrainians (Zvenigorod district. (Kiev governorate) [King Solomon married a woman who did not love him; she did not want to go to church, S. forced her; his wife was not baptized or prayed; she took S. to her church; he said he would stand in church like this like her, she would not bow; his wife ordered the doors to "go down"; S. stood on the doorstep, his doors hit; his wife agreed with the unbelieving prince to run away from S.; they agreed that she would pretend to be dead, the prince would dig her up and then they would run away; when the wife pretended, they put her on the table and called S.; he did not believe it, heated the iron and burned her hands through and through her; wife kept silent and was buried; the prince dug her up and took her away; S. came to her father, ordered to check the coffin; found that the coffin was empty; S. ordered to pour land into the wheelbarrow, took three troops: black, white, red ; ordered him to be taken to the prince and his wife, took three pipes with him; S. rolled into the house, the prince and the girl laughed, invited him to drink tea; S. said that he would not get up from his land; the prince ordered the servants to build a gallows for S.; invited him to the balcony; S. refused to get up from his land and ordered to carry himself; he was carried out; the prince asked who was building the gallows; S. answered what could be the prince, or maybe and to him, but rather to the prince; the prince and his wife laughed, ordered S. to be taken to the gallows; S. said he would play before his death; he played the first pipe - the white army was fleeing; the prince asked what it was; S. replied that it was his death; he played the second flute - the red army was fleeing; explained that it was his innocent blood that was flowing out; played on the third - the black army was running; said that it was the devils who had come the prince's soul; as soon as S. shouted at the army, the prince flew to the gallows; his wife began to ask for mercy; S. ordered her to be tied by her braids to a horse and let her into the field]: Dragomanov 1876, No. 13:103-105 (short retelling in Krappe 1946:312); Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Perm, Orlovskaya) [Imaginary dead: a girl loves a good man, is given for another; dies (falls through the ground with beloved), then comes to life and joins his former fiancé]: SUS, No. 885A = AA 885*; (cf. Russians [A merchant son, against the will of his parents, secretly marries and sends his wife to a monastery; her love is harassed by a priest; he spreads a rumor about her death and passes the statue off as her corpse; truth reveals, spouses find each other]: Klivetov 1893, No. 1:309-311 (retelling in SUS 1979, 899C*: 226).
Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [the princess has a simple lover, but she is given off as an equal; she dies, her lover revives her and she becomes his wife]: Balys 1936, no.*857:90.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [Sikulrutak (Needle) saw a girl on the rock, began to bring a seal to her, not her family; pretends to be dying; the first wife leaves a corpse with a kayak and others property in the tundra; Lisa tells her that her husband did not die, but went to his mistress; the wife comes to her mistress, who replies that she is scraping her skin to make pants for S.; the wife suggests looking in her head pours boiling fat into her ear, she dies; the wife leaves the corpse sit; S. is angry that the woman does not fit, kicks her, realizes that she is dead; the husband comes to his first wife, she kills him]: Bogoraz 1949, No. 3:135-138; Aleuts: Golder 1909, No. 4 (Unalashka) [the husband brings less and less meat; tells him to leave his corpse by the boat, put onions next to him; disappears; the first wife finds a new one; this is a beauty without a nose; cuts off her head with a knife; her husband swims away in a kayak, drowns], 5 (Unga) [the husband tells the two wives to leave him dead by the kayak without burying him; they drop the kayak, one notices that the corpse is smiling; the other does not believes; at night, the husband goes to a woman with one eye in her forehead; she shows them how to eat soup without a spoon, they shove it into a boiling pot; her husband is drowned in his kayak]: 15-17; Lavrischev 1928 [shaman pretends dead; his wife buries him in a cave, puts a bow and a kayak next to him; on the fourth day she finds the cave empty; the bird tells her that her husband lives with two new wives, takes him there; the woman promises to show how to eat soup, throws a boiling pot over his rivals; puts the corpses as if one is cursing and the other is laughing; the husband who arrives shouts to the women not to quarrel; the wife turns into a bear, eats it with the kayak]: 121-122 Birket-Smith 1953 [(=Johnson 1984:48-49; =Norman 1990:162-164); Aktyingkuq pretends to be dying, tells him to leave his property on the grave; one day his wife finds the grave is empty, the property is missing, cries; hears from a bird that her husband is beyond Mount Qilagat with his new wife, goes after the bird, sees how the husband brings prey to two wives; comes when her husband is away, asks women cook seagrass for her, shoves them with their heads into boiling water; puts the corpses on skewers as if one is dissatisfied and the other is laughing; the husband comes, tells his wives not to quarrel; the former wife applies to face a bearskin sewing bag, turns into a bear, eats her husband with the boat; four Seals take the Bear to sea; she turns floating seaweed into Middleton Island, gets to Montague Islands; therefore, brown bears are especially ferocious there]: 154-155; Kodiak [the husband pretends to be dying, tells him to leave him on the seashore with all his possessions; marries in another village; first the wife comes to a new one, advises to keep her face above the boiling pot to make it red, pushes her into the cauldron; turns into a bear, kills her husband; goes to the bears]: Golder 1909, No. 1:10-11; Johnson 1984 in Norman 1990 (Kenai Peninsula) [a man takes two new wives, both boiled; four Seals take the Bear to sea; she turns floating seaweed into Middleton Island]: 162-164; Nuniwack Island [two the sisters are married to a hunter, the youngest has a small child; the husband says he is dying, asks to leave him on the ground in a kayak; the bird (Schneeammer) tells the younger sister that her husband has two wives again; the eldest walks, notices smoke in the distance, comes to the house, where he sees her supposedly dead husband with two women; returns, asks her sister to paint her face, comes to those women; replies that she has become beautiful by dipping face in boiling blood with water; they dip, die; the visitor puts one corpse on the roof, as if the victim leaned down to lift the blanket from the smoke hole, the other at the door; puts a wooden plate to his ass, puts sticks in his nostrils, turns into a bear; kills her husband who comes, destroys his house; kills his younger sister at home, leaves; once people killed a bear in whose body they found wooden plate, sticks]: Himmelheber 1951:95-99; central Yupik (Norton Bay Unalit) [husband pretends to be dying, asking to leave kayak, weapons, and food on his grave; one day a widow notices smoke in the distance; comes quietly, sees a husband with three new wives; when the husband leaves, invites them to make them beautiful like her; to do this, lean over the boiling fat; pushes his face into the cauldron; out of them clothes are made by stuffed animals on the shore; turns into a red bear with flat stones on her sides; her husband's arrows break, the bear kills him; returns home, kills her children; once killed by another hunter; red bears have been dangerous ever since]: Nelson 1899:467-470; Bering Strait inupiate (kingickmiut) [Pisixohol pretends to be dying; his wife buries him under a kayak; the bird tells her that P. lives with another woman; she discovers that the grave is empty; puts on bear skin, makes ribs out of twigs, turns into a bear; killing her husband, she reveals her human face to him for a moment]: Lucier 1954:217-218; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Curtis 1976 (20) (Selawik) [Pisiksolik hunter's wife and two children saw no other people; he died, his wife buried him, putting him on his grave equipment; the bird says that P. is remarried; the wife finds an empty grave that leads into the distance; puts bear and bear skins on herself and her children, comes to the house where P. lives with his new wife; easy kills both, remains a bear]: 261-262; Lucier 1958, No. 10 (noatagmiut) [the husband pretends to be dying; the wife buries him, is poor with her two children; the bird says that the husband lives with two women; the wife finds an empty grave; puts bear skins on her sons, they turn into bears, kill their father; show him her faces for a moment]: 94-96; Ostermann 1952 [the husband pretends to be dying, tells him to be buried with all his possessions; marries the daughter of the leader of a remote village; a bird informs his two children about this; his wife and children wear bear skins and come to that village; arrows do not hurt them harm; wife meets ex-husband, takes off her skin for a minute, then kills him; brown bears have been dangerous ever since]: 185-187; McKenzie estuary [Pitigtorleck pretends to be dying, asks for two wives put his jewelry and other things with him; a bird tells his two children that their father is in another village with his new wife; one of the former wives wears seal skin and sails for exploration; P. pursues a seal, but cannot injure it; both wives and children wear bear skins, come to the village, show P. their faces, then kill; remain bears]: Ostermann 1942:95-99; brass [man pretends to be dead; his two wives leave him on the ground with a kayak and gun; he crosses the lake, takes a new wife; the old ones were shamans, became bears, killed a traitor; becoming women again , found new husbands]: Jenness 1924, No. 90:87; West Greenland [the wife pretends to be dead, Kivik buries her; the child sees the mother with her new husband; K. kills her and her lover, leaves the child, sails across the sea; two icebergs converge and diverge; only the tip of the kayak's stern is damaged; K. sleeps with an old woman and her daughter; notices a sharp protrusion on the old woman's back; imperceptibly places a flat stone on her chest; at night, an old woman jumps on it, breaking her tail; her daughter K. kills with a harpoon; comes to other old women and daughters, lives with them, helping to catch halibut; many years later she returns to her son; he grew up a brave hunter]: Rink 1975, no.15:257-261 (per. Menovshchikov 1985, No. 258:473-476).
Subarctic. Koyukon [the husband pretends to be dying, asks to leave him in a tree boat; a bird tells the widow that he lives in another village with two new wives; the first wife wears bear skin, placing flat stones on his sides; comes to the village; in the guise of a man asks new wives to bend over the cauldrons, pushes both into boiling water, puts the corpses at the entrance to the house; the husband returns, angry that the wife is not they answer him; the first wife is a bear again, shows him her face for a moment; kills; invulnerable, kills other people; she and her two sons turn into brown bears forever]: Jetté 1908-1909:341- 342; the inhalic [the husband goes hunting and fishing farther and longer, brings his wife and two sons less prey; says he is dying, telling him to leave the boat on his funeral platform and the best skins; the bird tells the widow that her husband lives in another village; she finds the platform empty; puts on a bear skin, turns into a bear; comes to the village as a woman, asks for two The husband's new wives lean over the boiling pot, shoves them with their heads into it; puts the corpses as if they are smiling; the husband finds them dead; the wife turns into a bear, kills her husband and all the inhabitants of the village; comes to his sons, all three become bears]: Chapman 1914, No. 6:42-49; Tanaina [man asks his two wives to bury him with all his possessions, not to throw earth on the grave; Chickady tells the women that their husband lives in the village with his new wife; the Brown Bears are killing her husband and all the villagers]: Tenenbaum 1984 [one turns brown, the other becomes a white bear]: 23-33; Vaudrin 1969:49-51; taltan [his wife has a lover, she pretends to be dying; asks not to burn her body, but to leave her dead on the ground in a house; lives with her lover on the edge of the village; her son sees her There, she pretends not to recognize him; her husband puts lovers to sleep with witchcraft (the origin of witchcraft), kills them by stabbing arrows into their anus]: Teit 1921a, No. 48:243-244.
NW Coast. Eyak: Birket-Smith, Laguna 1938, No. 29 [(=Johnson 1978:59); husband pretends to be dying, tells him to leave him on the seashore with all his possessions; marries his mistress; first wife finds them in village, kills both]: 321; Krauss 1970 in Romanova 1997, No. 9 [when going hunting, Yhshingug spends time with two women every time; tells his wife that he is dying, asks him to leave him under the kayak with everything equipment; one day the wife discovers that the corpse has disappeared; the bird tells her about her mistresses; the wife puts on a bear mask, turns into a bear, kills those women, leaves them sitting, putting them on stakes; Y. comes, pushes the corpses, they fall; the bear kills him too]: 50; Tlingit: Emmons, de Laguna 1991 [the hunter's wife fell in love with the leader's son; pretended to die, told her to leave her the body in the coffin; the lover took it, hid it in his house; the hunter sent the little son to get the fire; he came in unexpectedly, recognized the mother; the husband drank water from the skull of the deceased shaman, became a sorcerer, got through chimney into the lovers' house, killed his wife by piercing her with a sharp stick; passed on his knowledge to his son, who killed his mother's lover; sorcerers went from her husband and his son]: 399-400; Swanton 1909, No. 85 [the chief's wife pretends dying, asks to leave her corpse on the platform; the chief's son (from another wife) takes her to his house; the chief sends her daughter to this house for fire, the girl sees the mother; the chief finds the coffin empty; becomes a shaman, pierces the hearts of sleeping lovers with sharp sticks]: 245-247; Hyda: Swanton 1905a: 70-72 [the dying wife asks her husband not to tie her corpse with ropes, put four sharks in her coffin, her favorite food; after a while, the husband sees larvae at the coffin; the slave reports that the woman actually lives in the village with the chief's son; the husband makes sure that her coffin is empty; finds lovers, kills them at night, with sharp sticks in their ass], 352-353 [wife has a lover; she pretends to be dying; asks to leave her in a coffin in a tree; lover replaces her with rotten wet wood; falling drops of water husband takes it for cadaveric fluid; a woman and her new husband have been alone for many years; they come back, she pretends to be a foreigner; the husband recognizes her, checks the coffin, kills her and her new husband when they sleep]; 1905b, No. 30 [the wife pretends to be dying, asks not to tie her coffin with ropes, leave her behind the house; the husband cries every night; the little daughter says she saw the mother in another house with another man; the husband spies , finds the coffin empty; at night he stabs sharp stakes in the ass of lovers; the woman was left in the same coffin, only the man was buried again]: 263; Tsimshian [the leader's wife has a lover; she pretends dying; she is left in a coffin in a tree; her husband spends two days under a tree; larvae fall out of the coffin; she makes them, cutting a wooden spoon with a knife; every night a lover comes, knocks, says Let me in, spirit; the woman gets pregnant; the chief is informed of what is happening, he sends his nephew to kill lovers; the woman's son sucks the intestines of a dead mother; grows up in a coffin; picks up arrows that children let in; the leader's nephews find and catch him]: Boas 1902 [he grows up, gets the sun; see motif A26]: 7-10; 1916, No. 29 [he burns when he goes to heat resin from fir trees]: 214-216; quakiutl [ The beloved pretends to be dead; the groom takes her coffin to the forest, copulates with her in the coffin; his slave notices that another lover goes to the imaginary deceased; the groom rips her belly open, killing her, takes her a child; a boy puts on a bird mask, flies up to the sky; the daughter of the heavenly leader catches this bird, brings it to him; the bird turns into a young man, takes her as his wife; his father-in-law invites him to sit on the death mat, she is harmless to him; his wife gives birth to a boy, throws him on the ground; he eagerly devours any food]: Boas 1910, No. 17:209-213; quakiutl (tlatlasiquala neveti) [the chief learns that his wife has a lover, scolds her; she pretends to be dead; people tell the chief that her lover goes to her burial house; the chief kills her, leaves her baby with her in the coffin; he survives, the chief adopts him; he they choose a friend, they put on woodpecker skins, fly up to heaven; Cantsoump's daughter goes to fetch water, they let her catch themselves; in her room they turn into men, the chief's son marries her; she warns that K.'s room is littered with sharp nails; the young man does not attack them; she gives birth to a baby that slips out of her hands, falls into the sea; the chief sends a slave to pick him up; this is a glutton, O'Meatl (Raven), eats up all supplies in the village, leaves]: Boas 1895, № XVIII.1:170-171 (=2002:377-379).
The coast is the Plateau. Vasco [a woman takes a man from Tenino as a lover; chews bark, pretends to be grumbling blood and dying; tells her husband to bury her, leaving her face outside and covering him with a bowl; her lover digs up; her two sons come to Tenino to recognize their mother; the husband finds the grave empty; the wife asks him to kill his new husband; he cuts off his head when he falls asleep, putting it on his wife's lap; relatives want revenge; Coyote says you can't fight over a woman; turns both sides into stones]: Curtin 1909b, No. 1:242-244.
The Midwest. Sauk [the young man is lazy, his beloved's parents tell her to marry another; she pretends to be dying; lies in the grave for four days; the young man advises people to migrate; opens the grave, lovers flee to the Chipewayan Atapasca country; one day a man from their tribe comes there and finds out lovers; the young man's father promises to kill him]: Skinner 1928, No. 9:162-164; Steppe Cree [woman negotiates with lover to pretend to be dying; asks her husband to leave her body in the tree and leave; lover picks her up; she disguises herself as a man; the eldest of her two sons recognizes her by the dimples on her cheeks when everyone they drink by the stream; tells their father; with the consent of her relatives, he kills his wife; the lover runs away; kills two black-legged women, the third takes prisoners; gives her husband her, horses and scalps; the husband forgives him, they become friends]: Curtis 1976 (18): 133-134.
Northeast. Delaware [west 1992 in Oklahoma; The crane tells his wife that he is dying, tells him to be buried alive; later finds himself with another woman; the former wife grabs him, stretches his neck; ever since it's long]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 217:77.
Plains. Sarsi [a woman has a husband and a seven-year-old son; she wants to go to her lover; hides a blood bubble under her clothes, pretends to be bleeding, as if she is dying, tells her husband to leave her body for a tree not high above the ground; her lover lowers her to the ground, dresses her in men's clothes, passes her off as a friend; she visited her son, gave him a bow and arrow; her husband suspected something, gathered people, told everyone the woman did not know how to make arrows, she did it badly; the husband left her and her lover in the tipi, rushed at his wife with a knife; he shouted that he would become a partridge, flew up, but her husband managed to cut off one leg, woman flew to the sky, became the moon; an unfaithful wife is said to be like the moon]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 16:17-18; Osage [woman pretends to die; she is buried, migrated to another place; her son returns, meets a living mother, takes her as his wife; she puts on men's clothes; both return to the tribe, mistaken for spouses; a woman takes care of her supposedly orphaned young children; a daughter recognizes her by the scar on her leg; people leave lovers; ex-husband kills both]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 21:25-26; arikara [husband and wife have a five-year-old son; while the husband is hunting, a young woman comes to his wife man; they agree that the woman will pretend to be dead, ask her not to bury her, but leave her body on the platform; the lover untied the woman, put three refreshed dogs instead of her to smell decay; a woman puts on men's clothes, ties her breasts tightly; lovers live unrecognized in another village; a woman wants to see her son, talks to him, asking him to drink from his bucket by the river; the boy recognizes his mother, tells his father; the father invites both strangers to him; the woman gives herself away without crossing the threshold like a woman and does not know how to smoke a pipe; her husband cuts off her breasts, she dies; her relatives agree]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 67:155-156.
The Great Southwest. Western Apache [wife pretends to be sick; asks her husband to take her to the hill each time; husband sees two men approaching her; one is her brother, he copulates with her; in the evening the wife screams , asking her husband to bring her back; when he comes, he throws a grain grater at her, she dodges, runs away; the chief gathers people, orders both lovers to be executed; since then, incest offenders have been executed after torture]: Goodwin 1994, No. 30:142-145; hicarilla [woman pretends to die, asks her husband to bury her with her head above the ground; her lover brings her food, plays the flute; her two Little sons are met by their mother when she comes to the stream for a drink; she chases them away, says she only looks like their mother; they tell their father that he kills lovers with arrows]: Opler 1938, No. 18C: 371-373; chiricahua [woman pretends to be dying; lover digs her out of the grave; her children saw her at the watering hole; husband shot lovers]: Opler 1942, No. 1:87; lipan [chief's wife pretends dying; asks to bury her in her tipi in a shallow grave face out; her lover digs her up, dresses her up as a man; at a dance her little son recognizes her; her husband kills sleeping lovers with an arrow, leaves bodies in a copulation position; a woman's father gives him another daughter as his wife]: Opler 1940, No. 1:219-217.
Ecuador. Colorado [the husband has a mistress; he pretends to die, tells his wife not to cover his grave with earth, go live with relatives; his children meet their father at a party with another woman]: Calazacon, Orazona 1982:50-54.