Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F67. The old woman pretends to be a man..

The old woman lives with her (adopted) daughter, niece, or daughter-in-law. (Allegedly) turns into a man, marries a girl, or tries to do so.

SV Asia. Chukchi [an old woman lives with her niece; makes a penis with testicles from a wooden handle and half a split stone hammer; comes disguised as a man; when a couple lies down, a woman feels a partner, discovers a deception]: Bogoras 1902, No. 25:630.

The Arctic. Aleuts (Atka) [the old woman combs her granddaughter; pretends to be dying, asks her to be buried under a boat with all her possessions; pulls her skin, makes a penis out of parsnip stem, clay, moss, resins; makes testicles out of bags; takes her granddaughter as his wife; turns out to be a worthless hunter; when warm, her fake genitals fall off; people beat her to death]: Jochelson 1990, No. 78:543-561; igloolik [people leave the old woman and granddaughter; she witchcraft animals into the house, kills them with a stick; turns her belt into a harpoon with a tench, her genitals into a sledge, a tattoo on her forehead into a kayak; wipes herself off with snow, turns lumps into dogs; makes a penis out of bone, testicles out of flint; takes a granddaughter as a wife; when a real man comes, he falls dead in shame; the objects she creates become what they were ; granddaughter dies soon]: Boas 1901b, No. 24:323-325; Baffin's Land [people leave an old woman with her adopted daughter; she turns herself into a man, takes her daughter as a wife; cuts off her toes, turns into dogs; makes a spear, harpoon, tench from parts of her body, sledges from her female genitals; the seals she catches taste like urine; when a real man comes, she becomes old again]: Boas 1901b, No. 54:248-249; polar [husband beats his wife, she leaves, mother-in-law follows her; takes her as his wife; makes a penis out of a deer penis, uses his labia as a sledge, his legs like dogs; catches a lot of deer; when the husband comes, the old woman runs away, rushes into the waterfall; the husband lives with his wife again]: Holtved 1951b, No. 55:89-90; West Greenland [while the son is hunting, his old mother Arnarkuak takes his wife away and lives with her, considering herself a man]: Rink 1875, No. 92:442-443; East Greenland (Kulusuk) [while the son is hunting, his mother makes her own penis out of whale bone and skin, copulates with her daughter-in-law; she swims in a kayak, catching seals; the son spies, believing that his wife has a lover; when he finds out what is wrong, he kills his mother, then his wife, buries him in one grave; goes to live on a new one place]: Millman 2004:127-128.

The coast is the Plateau. Halkomel: Boas 1895, No. 2 (lower reaches of Fraser) [see motif A5; an old woman makes two daughters out of two halves of salmon caviar; supposedly dies; girls bury her with a wedge and a hammer in the grave; the old woman tightens her skin, makes a penis out of a wedge, testicles out of half a hammer; girls are happy to marry a stranger; the imaginary husband hides his toothless mouth, cannot chew food; at night, girls recognize their mother by laughing, they notice that the skin is tight; they run away; they come to a blind old woman shaking in the baby's cradle; replace him with a piece of wood; the boy's father throws the old woman on the ground in anger, she turns into edible rhizome (hair - leaves); kidnapped becomes a month, brother made from his squeezed diapers by the sun]: 28-30; Hill-Tout 1904b [old Kaíia (Wolverine) began to wash salmon caviar, halves turned into two girls; they grew up, K. pretended to be dying, told her to leave her in the boat, put her belongings next to her; tightened her skin, painted herself, made herself out of a horn and a hammer penis and testicles; came to her granddaughters disguised as a young man; in the morning, the girls' vulvas were sick, they suspected fraud; the next night they began to tickle her imaginary husband, found out the grandmother's laughter; tickled to death; they came to a blind old woman at the cradle of her daughter's baby; pretended to wash the baby, took it away, put a block; the daughter took the mother on her back, almost caught up with the kidnappers, but as soon as the mother threw off, the way lazy; so twice; her mother left her, told her to become an edible rhizome; her mother's husband, a stone under which salmon hide; squeezing out her son's diapers, created a new boy out of his urine; both grew up met while hunting; the mother told the youngest to play with the eldest so that he could see a sign on his hand; having learned the truth, the eldest went to burn the kidnappers who had made him his husband; put the youngest good on her chest was white hair, she became summer clouds, her child a robin; the eldest angry had black hair, she became winter clouds, her child became a crow; sparks became snowbirds; the mother wanted to make the Sun the eldest, but easily covered his light with a diaper, so she made it a Month; the youngest shone brightly, became the Sun; var: the kidnappers were not burned, the eldest became a sturgeon, the youngest sucker; the younger brother sat by the fire , melted, becoming urine again]: 342-345; lillouette [old Kaiyam took caviar out of salmon, turned it into a girl, then a short part of the caviar into a second; they grow up, K. pretends to be dying, tells leave her with all her possessions; comes disguised as a man, covers her toothless mouth; uses a pestle instead of a penis at night; in the morning the sisters have swollen genitals, they suspect deception; at night they tickle, she confesses that they tickle her to death; they came to a blind old woman at the baby's cradle; pretended to wash it, take it away, put a block; the old woman's husband took her on his back, almost caught up with the kidnappers, but how She just threw her off, the path was slow; he threw his wife face against a log, told her to become an edible plant growing on fallen trees; the daughter of the old men returns, squeezes the diapers of the stolen baby, makes new things out of squeezed out; brothers meet, get to know each other; the elder throws the ground of the kidnappers (they are his wives), turning the eldest into a grizzly, the youngest into a black bear; returns to his mother]: Hill-Tout 1905:185-189.

California. Yurok [the old woman eats only mushrooms; her daughter brings them to her; the old woman always lies, asking her daughter to turn her over; when the girl leans over to her, the mother tries to match her with her penis, who grew up with her; girl runs away]: Kroeber 1976, No. E4:269.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [Maasav hits an old woman collecting firewood, puts on her skin, comes in her guise to her granddaughter; at night he copulates with her, explaining that women grow a penis in old age; leaves in the morning, pulls her skin back over the old woman, runs away; at night, the granddaughter asks her grandmother why she does not copulate with her; the grandmother realizes that these were M.'s pranks]: Malotki 1997, No. 7:111-117.