Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F69. An indecent invitation .43.48.49.


woman's husband (male relative), through her children, invites her to come and make love to him; the invitation is made in a veiled form; the woman comes.

The coast is the Plateau. Tillamook [Wild Woman sends her two grandchildren to her husband Crane to tell them a story; he tells the same thing every night; girl doesn't remember, boy tells her mother: On the river I saw a boat (= vagina) with a crooked rower (clitoris); the woman is offended by the word curve); in the sky I saw a bunch of grass (pubic hair); Every time a woman comes back from her husband, scratching her hands so that the children think she was fighting him; the children spied on her grandmother, ran away; the Crane creates hills so that the Wild Woman does not catch up with them; that finds granddaughter dolls; conjures them, forcing the girl to commit incest with her brother; a boy is born; a Wild Woman kills his father by pointing her staff at him; a mother jumps into the fire, saves the child Eagle; hides from his angry daughter; pretends to be a newborn; in the fire, the Eagle finds the boy's mother's ankle and his father's rib, lets him play with them; Eagle's daughter tells him that he is playing with bones parents; turns into a mole; adoptive parents talk about the death of the real ones; the young man will stop flying from the Thunderbird, the mole sister goes underground; Blue Jay says that the heart of the Wild Woman is in her a wicker headdress, hanging on the wall; he is torn, the Wild Woman dies; more about the young man's matchmaking to the daughter of the Thunderbird, giving difficult assignments; see motive K27]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 14:46-54; clickitat [the old woman sends her grandson Wild Cat to the Old Man to ask what month it is; he asks him to tell him that the month of Copulation; the old woman is angry, puts on jewelry, goes to the Old Man; he invites her to sit on his penis; they copulate; Wild Cat spies on them, sets fire to the house, they die; Wild Cat comes to the water, drinks, his teeth fall out; after picking them up, he comes to a woman- Grizzly; she takes his teeth, gives him grizzly teeth, sleeps with him; he goes to the Bear; runs to the Grizzly, throws him his teeth, takes hers; now the Bear takes his teeth, gives her own; the episode repeats, when he comes from the Bear to the Puma, from the Puma to the Otter; the Wild Cat comes to five female mice; they dig an underground passage, run away with it, the Grizzly chases them; one by one, kills four; the fifth with The Wild Cat hides in a tree above the lake; the Grizzly sees their reflection, then raises his head; climbs a tree; asks the Mouse to look for toads instead of lice; looking for the Mouse in his head, kills her; kills the Wild Cat]: Jacobs 1934, No. 12:24-27.

California. Vintu [an old woman sends her two reindeer boys (option: mice) to their uncle; he asks, How is your aunt, who has pubic hair like bear hair? An old woman goes to him; asks where to sit; on my dick; they copulate, his seed is pouring out of her mouth]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 68:393.

Big Pool. At Payut: the moment a woman and her male relative begin to have sex, the doorway in his house disappears; the woman's two sons come after her and see lovers through a hole in the roof; They kill them both. North Payute (Owens Valley) [a woman sends her two sons to the Rattlesnake, her husband's brother; he tells them stories; every time she asks for porridge from their mother; she gets angry, leaves him scold; he asks her to come closer, even closer; she sits on her knees, then begins copulation]: Steward 1936, No. 30, 31:397-400, 408-409; northern shoshones [the youngest of the two brothers asks mother to tell a story; she replies that her father Serpent is a master of telling; Serpent says your mother's vagina, the boy tells her his words; mother takes a stick, goes to her father; the serpent crawls into her the womb; the son looks into the dugout, sees the mother dead; the son rubs her stomach, various animals jump out of her womb, he kills them; the serpent is saved; the brothers take their newborn sister out of the womb; the elder tells the youngest not to leave her; he leaves when the girl gets him dirty; the girl disappears; the brothers come to Dzoavits, see his sister, the giant's pregnant wife; kill D. with scrapers, take it away sister; the elder tells the youngest not to look at her when she cooks; he starts helping her with the housework; her hair lights up, she burns]: Lowie 1909b, No. 27:287-288; Southern Payutes: Lowie 1924 , No. 14 (Shivvitz) [the youngest son asks his mother to tell her something; she has no time, she invites him to go to their grandfather Snake; when he returns, the boy tells her the Snake's words: Your mother has a blue one sticking out from below thing and red thing; your grandmother, sister and aunt too; woman says, He never looked at me; goes to him]: 136-137; Sapir 1930, No. 15 [one of the two sons of a young woman asks the mother to tell a story; she refers them to her grandfather to tell him; he says, Under your mother, it shines red, shines purple; the mother takes a stick, goes to her grandfather, asks when it is him he did this to her; he (he is the Rattlesnake) wraps around her, drinks her urine; this has continued many times; the elder brother told the younger brother to step on his mother's stomach, he squeezed out the snakes out of her; he was the last to come out a human baby, his older brother told him to be taken by stepping on the heads of snakes; the narrator does not remember further]: 447-449.