Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F7. Woman from the river. .11.-.16.18.-.

A person catches, grabs, meets, gets a woman associated with the water-chthonic world (fish, siren, snake, crab, seal, etc.), takes her as a wife. Compare E26 and K25 motives.

Hungwe, Shambhala, Lamba, Karanga, Owambo (or Ovimbundu), aka, Akan (Tshi), Fulbe (Senegal), Kissy, Bilala, Shilluk, Joluo, Malgashi, Algerian Arabs, Sicilians, Portuguese, Catalans, French, Germans, Irish, Welsh, Scots, Jaouan, Murinbata, Virageri, Majprat, Bukavak, Monumbo, Tumleo, Kiwai, Kanaka, Mono, Reef Islands, Espirito Santo, Malekula, Uliti, Palau, Losap, Yap , Ponape, Marshall Islands, Gilbert Islands, Tuvalu, Taumako, Rarotonga, Hawaii, Rai, Hrusso, Taraon Mishmi, Riang, Kachins, Shans, Lao, Khmer, Khmu, Nicobars, Bataks, Mentawai, Dayaki (Sarawak), Toraja, Minahasa, Bunak, Tetum, Roti, Kai Islands, Tabaru, Meo (Hmong), Saisya, Romanians, Macedonians, Greeks, Albanians, Russians (place of recording unknown), Ukrainians (Western?) , Slovaks, Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Ossetians, Lezgins, Georgians, Turks, Finns, Karelians, Western Sami, Faroese, Mari, Bashkirs, Southern Selkups, Udege, Ulchi, Nivhi, Kojiki, Japanese, Northern Ryukyu, Islands Miyako, Okinawa Islands, Forest and Tundra Yukaghirs, Tlingit, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Uvikino, Quakiutl, Quarry, Quileut, Lower Chehalis, Eastern Cree, Naskapi, Mikmak, Tuscarora, Yaruro, Shikuani, Makiritare, sanema, yanomam, yanomami, warrau, pemon, lokono, mapidian, wapishana, waiwai, hishkaryana, taruma, trio, aparai, oyampi, sekoya, napo, shuar, aguaruna, achuar, huambisa (?) , tariana, guariquena, barasana, tatuyo, desana, yukuna, maku, andoque, yagua, munduruku, parintinin, shipibo, kashinahua, sharanaua, yaminaua, rickbacza, suya, kayapo, mashakali, maca, nivacle.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Karanga [the young man caught a woman, who told her to be brought to his house; turned the hut into a European home, told her to go fishing only with her; he went alone, fished her older sister; she was angry turned the house back into a hut; the young man left, came to the old woman, the wife of the Serpent; herding goats for the Snake; the old woman advised to pay not for cattle, but for the flute; the flute fulfills the wish; the young man asked for women; therefore Blacks have many wives]: Sicard 1956:921-923; lamba: Doke 1927 [a sick, rootless poor man fished a woman out of the river; she became his wife, forbidding her to go where he fished her from; but he went and fished another woman; she promised to marry him if he killed first; he plunged a spear into a tree; killed a slave; but the woman knows everything, demands to kill his wife; he went and wounded his wife, then everything was gone, he became again a rootless poor]: No. 17:39; Olderogge 1959 [the poor man caught a woman in the river with a net; she creates cattle, houses, slaves; tells you not to go fishing in that place anymore; he goes, catches an even more beautiful woman; she orders to kill the first one first; a man brings a spear colored with red juice, then with the slave's blood; a woman easily recognizes the deception; kills his wife, everything she has acquired immediately disappears]: 57-58; jungwe [fish tells the fisherman that if he keeps her alive, she will become his wife; she became a woman, the fisherman brought her home; her husband's sister sent her to bring her water, she refused; the sister said she did not have ribs (like a fish) and her head is good for soup; the wife has returned to the river, became a fish again]: Frobenius 1931:357; shambhala [a beautiful girl comes out of the lake; two boys would like to take her to wife, takes one, but she does not want to sleep with him; the sorcerer says she has frog legs; after that, the wife disappears]: Arewa 1961, No.: 3236:157-158; owambo (or ovimbundu) [Feti's first man fell from sky; the first woman Choya ("decoration") came out of the river; they have a son Galange]: Serauky 1986:200-202; aka [Tôlé asks the birds to carry it across the river, where the tree has fruit; they each give pen, T. makes wings for himself, flies over; the birds want to go back, but T. has not yet eaten; when the birds flew away and T. ate, he saw that there were no more wings; the water in the river rose and carried T., he caught on top; sees a fisherman inspecting the peaks; one fish shouts not to kill it; once in the hunter's parking lot, she turns into a woman, cooks and cleans; so several times; the hunter found her, at they are three children; one day the eldest son missed a fish; the father is angry, tells his son that his mother is also a fish; the wife took the children and went to the river; the fisherman met T.; he turned fish into people, arranged dances; the fisherman goes to the sound; T. pretended to be dead, ordered to cover himself with bark and bury him; the fisherman does not believe; sends more and more burning ants to bite T.; finally, he jumps up; the fisherman says that it will not be like this again and fish won't become humans]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 2:17-26.

West Africa. Fulbe (northern Nigeria) [the king's childless wife pays a servant to kill a boy Goto, a rival's son; he takes him to the forest, tells the woman he killed the boy; someone tells G. in a dream go to the river, named Kabel; a girl comes out, takes him to the underwater world; he grows up, marries her, inherits her father; they go to visit Father G.; G. hangs the ring given by his father around the dog's neck, his father finds out; everything is explained; after the death of his father, G. becomes king on earth and under water]: Arnott 2000:170-181; chi [a man meets a girl by the sea, marries; in a few months she wants visit relatives at the bottom of the sea; he goes down with her; (then a series of episodes); they come back; he takes a second wife; she reproaches the former for her ancestry; the marine wife says that her husband broke his promise Keep her secret, returns to sea; the older children stayed with their father, became the progenitors of the family]: Frobenius 1904:321-322; kissy [sitting in a boat, a young fisherman Wana dreams of having a wife; water spirit hears him; removes the crocodile's skin, comes to him as a young girl; says he can only spend one day a week with him; he looks after her, finds hidden crocodile skin, hides it; she stays with him; says that if someone finds this skin and takes it to town, it will die; if he does, let him throw it into the river]: Pinney 1973:62-66; Akan (Tshi): Klipple 1992:351 [in a person his wife died; on the shore he met a girl, fell in love, married her; she wants to return home; reluctantly admits that she and her relatives are fish; he goes down with her; he is told not to go beyond a certain border; he violates the ban, fishermen injure him with a harpoon; he has been cured; when his wife returns to land, a man hides a harpoon under the roof; a few years later, the harpoon was found by its owner, accuses the man who is stolen, he has to tell everything; he takes a second wife and one day she calls the first fish; she takes a newborn child, leaves her husband and two older children on the shore, goes to sea; the descendants of these children do not eat this type of fish], 352 [a person catches a fish, asks not to kill it, promises to become a wife; at home he becomes a woman; their descendants do not eat fish of this species].

Sudan - East Africa. Bilala [A resident of Gollo, a fishing village in the Fitri depot in the Batha region, once went fishing by canoe and met a girl sitting on a water lily on the lake. Seduced by her beauty, he took her to the village and lodged her in his hut. The sultan's servant came and told him to give him the girl. The new wife gave birth to the Sultan five sons, after which she disappeared into the lake. She turned into a snake named Gashé may. Her sons, the Sultans of Yao, are descendants of this woman's sons. The owner of the waters of Gashé may is a black snake that produces abundant crops or terrible disasters, depending on the person's attitude towards it and the frequency of sacrifices; 2-3 m long, black, the head is covered with grass, forming green hair, the look is similar to that of a human]: Tibiana 1990:189-205; shilluk: Baumann 1936:214, 220, 250 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 142 [the progenitor of the cow Dean Aduk came out of the river; carried pumpkin, the ancestor of the Kolo people and animals came out of the pumpkin; K. gave birth to three people; one of them caught two girls in the river, their lower body was crocodiles; the girls' fathers objected, but K. married them; one of these, Nyakayo, gave birth to a son, Nyikang; he caught the first humans with a fishing rod and a harpoon; performed feats, fought the Sun, founded a royal dynasty, disappeared with the wind]: 114-115 (more in Scheub 2000: 249; a similar variant in Watermann 1912:155-156, the cow's name Deung Adok); Westermann 1912, No. 50 [Okwa (the original ancestor of Nyikang) married Nyikae, a water woman, daughter of Ke, the sister of a crocodile; he He lived among people with his children; Dak (Nyikang's son) killed, fried and ate crocodile children; since then, crocodiles have been killing people who go into the water and people kill crocodiles]: 155; joluo [woman went out with the cattle from the lake, I came to live with a poor widower; one day, after getting drunk, he insulted her; she went back to the lake with her cattle; her husband became the same poor man, and the lakes turned into a dry tree]: K'Okiri 1970:103=108; Malgashi: Parrinder 1967 [the fisherman pulled the forest, pulled a woman out of the water; she told her never to look under her arms; gave birth to the fisherman a son and daughter; the husband looked under the arm of his sleeping wife ( var.: there was a second mouth; var.: she forbade looking at her naked); while swimming, the wife returned to the water; she is the ancestor of the fishermen clan]: 51; Rodman 1965 [=Korneev 1977:229-232; Andriandahuaca saw how the Virgin of Green Waters Raphar and her slave Icala went out to play on the sand; tried unsuccessfully to catch them; the fortuneteller taught him to dig into the sand, he grabbed R., brought him his wife; I. went with her; R. gave birth a boy, but never spoke; one day I. found her saying something to her child, said A.; he demanded that his wife break the silence, began to beat her; her tears turned into a stream, he took her away and I.; A. and her son went to look for them, came to the underwater world, stayed there to live; everyone is happy]: 65-69; Frobenius 1904 (betsimisaraka) [the fisherman saw a girl coming out of the water, made him his wife; she agreed to live with him as long as he kept her origin secret; they have two sons and two daughters; he was once asked how he, a poor young man, managed to get such a beautiful woman; he was drunk all said; the wife and daughters returned to the water, the sons became ancestors of the local family]: 318.

North Africa. Algerian Arabs (Tiaret Plateau) [a man marries a sea maiden; one day she asks to buy 7 pairs of shoes and clothes; tells me not to enter the same room; he peeks through the roof, sees that she gave birth to seven children; when she notices her husband, the siren begins to devour them, he manages to save one; the siren rushes into the sea, replies that her son should be called White; his descendants bear this name]: Aceval 2005, No. 82:82 -83.

Southern Europe. The Sicilians (recorded by the monk Geoffrey d'Auxerre between 1187 and 1194) [the man went swimming after sunset, under the moonlight; came across a body, grabbed a woman by the hair, she followed to him ashore; he told his mother to dress her; she was reasonable but did not speak; gave birth to him a son; a friend advised her to speak, because it was not a man; the husband threatened to kill her son; the wife said that now she would go, disappeared into the sea; her son went to the sea, one day his mother took him with her]: Walter 2008:100-101; Portuguese (14th century, Livro de Linhagens do Conde do D. Pedro) [Don Froiam hunted near the sea, I saw a sea woman sleeping on the shore, brought her home, baptized under the name Dona Marinha ("Lady of the Sea"); she was always silent; gave birth to Don Froyama children; DF pretended to throw his son into the fire, wife screamed, a piece of meat fell out of her mouth, she spoke, DF married her]: Walter 2008:101-102.

Western Europe. The French (literary sources of the 15th century) [King Elinas of Albania is a widow, he has many children, one of the sons of Mataquas; in the forest at the spring E. meets the nymph Présine, who agrees to marry him on the condition that he does not watch when she will give birth; P. gives birth to daughters Mélusine, Mélior, Palestine; E. enters when P. bathes them; then P. leaves with her daughters to the island of Avalon; explains to her daughters why she did it; c the consent of the sisters, Melusina avenges her mother by imprisoning her father in a magical mountain in Northumberland; in response, P. punishes her daughters; Melusina will turn from the waist into a snake every Saturday; if she finds a spouse, who doesn't try to see her at this time will live happily ever after; Melior will be with a hawk in Armenia Castle, a hawk will take care of her suitors's annual challenge; Palestine will be in Mount Canigou Keep his father's treasures and wait for a brave knight to come for the treasures, using them to liberate the Holy Land; Melusina goes to the Coulombier forest near Poitiers; there, hunting a boar, Raymondin de Lusignan accidentally kills his uncle and patron Count Poitiers; in despair, he gets off his horse and goes to the Source of Thirst; there he sees Meluzina and two other ladies; Meluzina tells him the condition of marriage; at a new tells the meeting to ask the Counts of Poitiers for land the size of a deer skin; makes straps out of skin, encircling a large area with them; there R. and M. are married in the castle; M. builds the city of Lusignan, then others cities, with the help of unknown builders; R. goes to Brittany to inherit land; M. and R. have ten children, the first eight freaks, the last two are normal, all have a wonderful fate; Count Forez persuades R. to spy on M. bathing on Saturday; later R. accuses M. of being a snake, giving birth to monsters; M. flies away in the guise of a snake; (more about Melusina's children, Melior)]: Walter 2008:15-17; Germans (Upper Palatinate) [a rich gentleman does not marry for a long time, because he dreamed of a girl he fell in love with; once he saw her at a spring, and then she ended up at his house; told me nothing ask questions; gave birth to 6 children, and when the seventh son was born, she was very worried about him; explained that if six would remain with her husband, the seventh should be returned to the water; when the young man reached the age of 25, he went on a journey away from the water; but one day he went by ship; a storm began; he had to jump into the sea to prevent everyone from dying; there was a siren waiting for him; after 4 weeks he could look out water to meet his mother, but forgot about it; he had 7 children; one day he saw a girl on a ship and recognized her as his sister's daughter; he stuck his head out above the water and screamed; on the water a bloodstain blurred; his mother found his corpse in the garden; took it in her arms and jumped into the well; no more news of them]: Schönwerth 1981:10; Welsh: Waugh 1960 [son of a peasant saw a water maiden brushing her hair; she agreed to be his wife, but if he hits her three times for no reason, she'll return to the lake; she counts him three blows when he 1) hits her when she laughs at the funeral, 2) refuses to go married, 3) cries during the child's baptism; she takes the cattle that came out of the lake with her; her three sons became famous doctors]: 82-83; Wood 1992 [(summary of many records; almost identical to the version in Waugh 1960)]: 69; Scots: Klyagina-Kondratieva 1967 (Hebrides) [the sea king's wife died, he took a new one - the sea a witch who turned her first wife's children into seals; once a year they took human form; fisherman McCodran hid the skin of one of the girls, who had to agree to marry him; during the storm found the skin, put it on, swam away; McCodram's descendants never hunted seals]: 229-235 (=Kharitonov 2008:458-462); Loseva et al. 1959 (Orkney Islands) [on Ivanov's Eve, fishermen saw dancing people, seal skins nearby; a man hid one, married a seal girl; they have a child; one day she found a skin and swam away]: 62-65; Williamson, Duncan. Tales of the Seal People. Edinburgh: Canongate Classics, 1992 (Duncan Bell, Minard, Lochfyneside, 1942) [two unmarried brothers live on a farm, the youngest loves seals, marries a seal, and disappears at sea during a storm; The elder was jealous of the youngest because he had a wife, hates seals, refuses to look for a brother, mistreats the widow; she gives birth to a daughter and disappears without a trace; the older brother says to the girl that angry seals kidnapped her parents, but she continues to play with seals; at night, in a fit of rage, the elder cuts off the girl's arms, which begin to turn into fins to prevent her from swimming; seals they take revenge by biting off his fingers when he was on the boat; he returns to the farm, the girl is not there, he leaves; his younger brother, wife and children return in the form of seals; the girl's right fins have healed, but the scar stayed]: 47-59 in Shaw 2012; Irish: Muller 2006, No. 87 (West 1929) [an O'Shea man in County Kerry saw a mermaid, fell in love, managed to grab her clothes, run home, hide her clothes, lock the door; the mermaid promised to be his wife; in 7 years she gave birth to two daughters and two sons; one day, during a storm, the husband climbed to repair the roof, the hidden clothes accidentally fell down; the wife put them on, took them two children, ran and disappeared into the sea; the other two are descended from the Mermaid family]: 134-135; Waugh 1960 [if a man takes possession of a mermaid's hat (cohuleen druith), she must marry him and give birth to him children; the same with a seal woman who threw off her seal outfit; parallels are in Asian and European stories about the swan maiden]: 81.

Australia. Jauan [the hunter noticed the Rainbow Serpent's daughters sleeping on the shore; grabbed one, after a long struggle, pacified him; for several days she refuses to eat him, then begins to eat; At the fire, he warms her genitals, but only a few days later he manages to have sex; after that she no longer resists; one day he sends her for water, her sisters see her, she calls her hides in the water, the man no longer finds her]: Robinson 1956:64-66; murinbat [Ngalmin saw water girls (daughters of the Rainbow Serpent) on the shore; wounded one with a spear in the thigh, dragged it away, gave honey; he asked for water, he sent her to get water herself, she returned to the river; he came, grabbed it again, she bit, Rainbow Serpent appeared, N. ran away; next time the Rainbow Serpent drowned him]: Robinson 1956 : 35-37; Virageri [Bunjil made men out of clay, and his brother Pallina (The Bat) brought the women who became their wives out of the water]: Howitt 1904:484.

Melanesia. Majprat [the stone gave birth to a white shrimp, she was a woman; a man saw a white fish swim out of her vagina in the water; caught a shrimp, it became a woman, they have a fair-skinned son and daughter; from them (from their marriage to each other?) Wafom takes place in the village of Framesá]: Elmberg 1968, No. 53:281; bukavak [two men hardly caught two fish; on the way they began to fry one, but it is not fried; they ate it raw; they left the fish at home, waited for women to prepare tarot; fish turned into a woman, one of two men married her]: Lehner 1931a, No. 19:71-72; Tumleo [man does not believe they brought turtle eggs, thinks that these are pig eggs; on the shore he sees a turtle coming out of the sea laying eggs; wants to take everything, puts his hand in the oviduct, the turtle clamps it, drags it into the sea, turns into a girl, brings it to the country of women; while he goes to the garden, leaves her husband at home; he sees girls through a crack in the wall; deliberately throws a net through the crack; one of the girls comes to put it in place; he throws it off again, that comes up again, notices a man; copulates with him; tells others; he satisfies them all, gets tired; his returning wife stabs him to blood, scolds the girls; one day a crab woman says that they will have a holiday; the wife does not let them in, but the husband goes; negotiates with the husband of the Crab woman {apparently, Crabs have both men and women}, who takes him home; the wife searches, finds, but he shoots her, she returns to sea]: Schultze 1911, No. 6:63-69; monumbo [Kain ("snake") turned into a snake, lay down on the path; Daria walked along it, brought the snake to her; gave birth to a son with a man's head and the body of a snake; while K . caught fish, D. killed and cooked her son, broke her husband's weapon, crashed the boat, ran away; in different villages, many men offered themselves to her as husbands, but she went to Kamadonga; to stop her pursuers, wrote, drew a line - a river appeared; Kam. did not have cultivated plants, D. cooked bananas and tarot for him; he did not have genitals, she made them for him from pepper tree fruit and betel nuts; gave to see my genitals, met him; went to Lubou on an island near Fr. Manam also gave him genitals; walked along the shore, turned the stones into fish, became a fish between the stones herself; Ngapem shot her, surprised that the arrow that pierced the fish was smeared in tarot; he brought the fish home; while N. was gone, D. (in the form of a human being) removed fire from her genitals, regurgitated bananas and tarot, baked and fed her husband; N.'s children also ate and slept; and N.'s younger brother's children cried from hunger; N. told his brother to go ashore; If he sees Daria fish, he should not converge with it; but he got together; became a Pakei tree; bananas, yams, tarot grew on it; fell and rotted; two brothers sailed in a boat with a dog; the dog jumped out, I ate by the tree, came back; they tied a rope to the dog, found a tree; they brought it home, gave it to the old woman, she became young; people sharpened their axes, began to cut the trunk, it remained intact; they broke off the sliver was burned; and so on, the trunk was cut, the tree continued to hang on the vine; this vine was the hand of a character; they sent a boy upstairs, the tree told him to call his mother to meet her; the boy's father was told to call his wife; the men left; another came with two wives; hid the beautiful one, let the tree meet with the ugly one, the tree fell; the man from Dagoi came when all the cultivated plants dismantled; Daria advised him to make tops out of vines and exchange them for bananas; people in this village do that]: Höltker 1965, No. 2:72-77; kiwai [oboubi water spirit fell in love with a young man, came to him a boat, gave birth to him a son; when she heard other men ask her husband to let them see his wife, took the child, returned to the water]: Landtman 1927:305 in Lessa 196:131; a Kanaka [an orphan boy shot at onion fish, she turned into a woman; closing and opening her eyes, created a house and everything they needed; one day her husband went to a party, came back with another woman; the water wife went to sea; the husband jumped after her, not found, came back inconsolable]: Leenhardt 1932:470-471; mono (Shortland Islands) [the chief met a Kitolo woman playing a harp-like jaw instrument; she said she came out of the sea; he took her to wives; in his absence, other wives began to mock her; she jumped into the sea; when she returned, the chief left his elder wife, burned the rest with the house]: Wheeler 1926, No. 35:27; Reef Islands [ parents of 5 sons; they sailed to Duff Islands (spirits live there), saw an old man who died because scolopendra began to live inside him; buried him, but the next day he was lying back on the ground; so several times; then they put the body in a boat and let him go to sea; the boat was taken to Tahua; the old man became a spirit ("the one who eats raw meat") and began to live there; the older brother sailed to Tahoua to catch needle fish; the old woman at the cape asked him to help her grind the betel, then chew with her; the young man did not stop; the storm began, the boat was carried to where the old spirit lived; the young man hid under his boat from the storm, but corpse liquid began to drip on him; as soon as he exclaimed, "What a stench!" , the old man became an ogre giant and ate him; put his bones, hair, nails in a corner; the same in sequence with three more brothers; the youngest swims up to the old woman, rubs the betel for her; she teaches: when he starts drip cadaveric fluid, pretend that nothing has happened; the spirit is happy; tells you to go wash yourself, and the house with everything you need for life is ready for him; let him cut off a long vine, swim in a boat and throw it anchor on the traverse of the door in the house of spirit; throw a vine into the sea; let him throw what he pulls out for the first time behind him; the young man did so; then pulled four girls to marry his brothers, then knives, axes and other things and valuables; the spirit collected bones, etc., revived the brothers; the younger one explained that he would like to return to parents who think that all sons were dead; when the brothers sailed there, the old people did not first understood who was calling them, thought someone was laughing at them; everything was fine]: Nss 2006:81-97; Espirito Santo [the young man shot a fish with an onion, she turned into a woman, gave birth to him children; One day, the father jokingly said that "the son of a fish is crying"; the offended wife took the boy, left, raised him in a coastal cave]: Deacon 1929:464-465 in Lessa 196:130; Malekula [Ambat spotted fish in pond, next time it was just leather; accused the woman of stealing fish, she explained that she was fish; he hid it in a hut where he banned his brothers from going]: Deacon 1934:621, 714-718 in Lessa 1961: 130-131.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ulithi (West Carolina) [every night, two dolphins leave their tails under a palm tree, turn into girls, go dancing; the man who collected juice from these palm trees hid one of tails, took the girl as his wife; she gave birth to a son and a daughter, found her tail, told her daughter not to eat dolphins, sail away]: Lessa 1961, No. 6:38-39; Palau [Akapekemek left overnight vessels tied to palm trees, collecting juice in them; someone empties blood vessels; he guards, a female fish comes out of the water, leaves her tail, climbs a palm tree; A. carries her tail; the next day he sees under a naked woman with a palm tree, she asks for a skirt; he gives, takes a woman as his wife, they have a beautiful daughter; her mother sends her to bring a pestle, she accidentally finds a fish tail, swims away; the grandson of a sea woman, Athmolokoth grows up, catches fish, loses the hook, goes down to sea after him; his grandmother swallows him, he brings it back; Fraser and Frobenius retell different parts of the text in varying detail]: Kubary, vol.1:60-65 in Frazer 1924:263-264 and Frobenius 1904:263-264; Palau [a young fisherman's fish bit off the forest, left with a hook; he dives, stops at the bottom on the shore of the pond, where he comes a girl to collect water for a sick mother; he treats the patient by taking out his hook, others do not see the hook]: Kubary in Boas 1895:352; Yap: Mitchell 1973, No. 49 [Yol married a water maiden, they have a son; every day he brings fish to the women's house, they clean it of acne and insects; says to his wife that he caught nothing; she followed; gave the child to a spirit woman in mangroves, took on her ugly appearance, came to the women's home, asked permission to look at Yol, showed him a mole on his thigh; restored her deformities to the spirit woman, took her son, went down to the bottom of the sea with him; Yol does not eat or drink; men caught him wife and child in a net, persuaded to stay with Yol]: 139-141; Müller 1918, No. 76 [Tholoor sees two dolphins take off their tails, become girls, go to watch dances; T. finds in the sand brings home one of the tails; marries, the wife gives birth to two daughters; finds her tail, sails into the sea; her daughters are the ancestors of the dolphin family; (quoted in Lessa 196:142-143)]: 618-619; Losap (Caroline, Truk County): Mitchell 1973, No. 45 [on the Gilbert Islands, a young man catches fish, sees, grabs a girl, other people help tie her up; she agrees to marry him, says she has sailed from the underwater world; gives birth to a son; when he grows up, they visit her parents; they come back; then she asks her to let go, explains that the husband and son will not be able to live long in her world; sails away], 70 [the chief's son sailed with others to the boat, the dolphin girls liked it, they pushed him into the water, the companions did not notice; the young man fell under the water on the island; dolphins came to swim in the fresh pond, took off their skins, turned into girls; the young man hid the most beautiful skin; the others sailed away; the young man explained who he was, the girl said she pushed him out of the boat; hides him under mats; shows others after they promise not to harm him; spent time with him one by one; he taught them how to cook without eating raw; when it was the turn of that first girl, the young man said he wanted to go home; they took him to Losap, giving a means to revive dead whales (whales or dolphins - not clear from the story)]: 125-126, 203-206; Ponape, Marshall Islands, Gilbert Islands: Koch 1966:46-47 [one young man grandmother rubs it with very good coconut oil; when dolphins come to the shore, one dolphin sails to this particular young man, tells him to bring him home, cover him with mats and not look; turns into a girl; a grandmother tells her grandson to take the girl to a meeting house, but she refuses; she was finally recognized as a wife; her descendants should not hunt dolphins or eat dolphin meat], 53-55 [young man Rewimata threw the hook, caught instead of fish the girl Nei Sengarengare, her father Shark, her mother Coral Reef; on the holiday, wives should cook a lot of food for their husbands; R. is concerned, but the wife sent the fish to to his father, after 9 days, the fish brought a huge amount of food; the NA took C to his parents; the Shark demanded that his son-in-law eat all the food offered; the swordfish agreed in the morning while the others were sleeping, bring it to the surface and take the stingray to the island; the swordfish still swims early in the morning, and the stingray lives in the lagoon because it will be eaten by a shark in the sea]; Taumako [dolphin girls leave their dolphins, come to dance; one young man peeked, hid the skin, the dolphin had to become his wife; once he scolded her, she cried, looked for her skin, found her husband where he kept his feather money, put on, swam away]: Hovdhaugen, Næss 2006:124; Tuvalu: Kennedy 1931 [people catch an unknown beautiful girl; marry the chief's son; when the wife is ready to give birth, the husband hears that she is talking to someone; people find mats and other dowries near the lagoon; the husband watches, kills a huge crab (palm thief crab) at night; this is his wife's mother; the wife refuses to eat, dies , her child too]: 227-228; Koch 1966 (Niutao Atoll) [at night, young men go to the forest to catch birds, hear the voices of spirits; asked the sorcerer Tuivaka to do something; he replied that he was right now it is forbidden to go to the forest, but he still went; came to the forest on the edge of the lagoon, spirits also came to swim there; T. threw the net, but could not pull it out, he caught too much perfume; a few days later he went again and caught two child spirits; the other spirits left the island; the youngest died of those caught, and the eldest girl grew up; she ate only dirty food; slowly began to eat people's food; T. married her, they have a lot children; up to half of the eldest was covered with hair]: 63; Rarotonga (South Cook Islands) [on full moon, a man and a woman from the lower world come out to the spring near the village; steal vegetables from the local garden residents; eat them raw; people put a net at the spring, the man runs away, the woman is caught; the chief marries her; when preparing to give birth, she asks to take care of the child after her stomach is cut and will be buried; the chief explained that earthly women give birth normally, the woman in labor remains alive; the wife asks for permission to return to teach women how to give birth to women in the spirit world; the husband allowed, tried to go down from her, but he couldn't; his wife did not return to earth]: Gill 1876:265-266 (retelling in Dixon 1916:79); Hawaii [Bastian's text is confused; it is clear that there is a motive for the lost hook; the hero descends to the bottom of the sea, there's a girl, the hero rises to the surface with her]: Bastian in Frobenius 1904:283-284.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rai: Ebert, Gaenszle 2008:77-81 [in the river, the daughter of the snakes Nakima, all golden, the man sees her, she invites him under water; they have a son Surlumi-Dolopa; he gives the Snake a wish stone; as her The husband also brings the dowry to the ground with lightning], 92-96 [see motive L42; after escaping from the cannibal, the orphan Khosipa (X.) catches a stone several times with a net; throws it back into the water; finally brings it home, puts it on the shelf; when H. left, the stone fell, split, a girl came out of it; cleaned it, cooked it, became a stone again; so several times; H. watched, grabbed the girl; sent for his two sisters (they think their brother is dead) to a flea, then a bug, they crushed them; then the rooster; they came; gave their feathers (all participants are birds) as a marriage gift; the older sister went downstream, the youngest is taller]; chrusso (aka) [Mr. Siksilia-ao (SA) has the daughter of Siksilia-Sam; one day she went ashore and saw a young man Turu-Lebou, he married her; SA sent a frog demanding the return of his daughter , T. refused; SA offers to compete, orders bamboo to be carried from mountain to valley; T. does it, but SA cannot carry the tree from the valley to the mountain; go through the fire; T. slipped, scorching his hair since then people hardly grow hair on their bodies; SA could not get through the fire that T. made; SA threw a stone; T. released a bird that he caught unnoticed, it did not return; the SA recognized the power of his son-in-law; says that the fish is afraid of T.'s beard, let him put his beard on a stone; T. did so, and SA swallowed it, T. fell ill; SA ordered his daughter to give it to her husband: let him sacrifice a pig and a chicken; T. did so, recovered; T. and daughter SA had two sons, they are ancestors of Hrusso and Bangui]: Elwin 1958a, No. 11:169-171; taraon (digaru) mishmi [the orphan threw a net and caught a snake; a girl came out of the water and asked let her father go, promising to marry a young man; he let the snake go, but the snake forbade his daughter to live with people; the next time the orphan refused to let go of the snake, but the girl still begged him to do so stayed on the ground; the Raja is furious; tells the roosters to fight; the wife gives the young man an underwater rooster, who pecked the Raja rooster; the same with buffaloes; dam the river (father-in-law gave the golden basket to stop water); fight; wife hits the drum, the warriors began to dance, the husband threw a net on the warriors and interrupted them]: Elwin 1958a, No. 13:336-338; riang [the widow has a lazy son; asked his mother to catch and cook fish; she caught it, put it to swim in a jug until tomorrow; at night a girl came out, cleaned everything up; on the second night, the son and mother spied on, the girl was caught on the third and threw fish skin into the fire; when they learned about beautiful, the king decided to take her for himself; ordered the young man's goat to butt his goat - if he loses, the young man will give his wife, and if he wins, the young man and his relatives will receive life allowance; The young man does not have a goat, but his wife gave a goat that easily cared for a huge royal goat; the young man called relatives even those who were not; the king could not feed everyone; he ordered set fire to the house, imaginary relatives ran away, and the young man continued to receive maintenance]: Mandal 2009:120-121; kachiny [the young man lives with his grandmother; he catches fish, but only shrimp gets into the net; he is hers throws it away every time; thinks that it scares off the fish, wants to kill; the shrimp asks to bring it into the house and leave it in a vessel of water; since then, the food has been cooked every time; the young man found the girl, took it wife; asked her to paint her portrait to admire while working in the field; the wind carried away the portrait; the king saw him, sent him to pick up the young man's wife; when she leaves, she tells her husband to come to the palace dressed in chicken feathers; the new queen is always silent, indifferent to dancers and jesters; when she saw a peasant dressed in feathers, she cheered; the king decided to wear such clothes himself; when she saw him, the jesters decided that he competitor and beaten to death; young man and wife returned home]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 30:106-109.

Burma - Indochina. Shans [a chronicle of one of the northern Shan kingdoms; the elderly couple have a son, Hkun Ai; when he was 16 years old and herded cattle, the daughter of the Naga king came out of the lake; they fell in love, she led him to to his father; he ordered all the nagas to take the form of human beings; but during the festival, all the nagas were to take the form of dragons; the wife told HA to stay at home, but he spied; when the wife returned, he said that wants to visit her parents; the wife has allowed; promised to lay an egg on the ground from which their son will hatch; milk will trickle from HP's little finger to feed him; husband and son can always call her; and happened; when Tüng Hkam is 16 years old, the ruler of Yunnan promised his daughter to the one who would hit the gong in her golden palace on the island; Th called the naked mother, she lay down on the bridge over the lake, he hit the gong, got married on the princess, he became king himself; he was succeeded by his sons]: Scott 1918:272-274; Lao, Khmers [same story as the Shans: the origin of the founder of the dynasties from the Nagas]: Scott 1918:277; palaung: Scott 1918 [Son of the Sun Hsuriya (from Sanskt. Surya, sun) fell in love with the naked daughter, Princess Thusandi, who lived in the lake; the father asked his son to join him; Th. gave birth to three eggs; Ts. sent two parrots to bring her a letter and a Manicopa gem; parrots met others, forgot about the errand; Taunghtu replaced the letter with bird droppings; when the parrots finally brought the letter to Th., she was offended, threw two of the three eggs in Ayeyarwady; one swam upstream, he was picked up by a gardener, hatched by a boy, named Udibwa ("Born from an Egg"); he married the daughter of the ruler Se-lan, the youngest of their two sons became Emperor of China; the eldest descended from chiefs Palaung; the second egg floated down to Bagan, picked up by the laundress's husband and wife, put it in a gold box, the boy hatched; he became king of Pagan; the princess threw the third egg into the mountains, its fragments turned into rubies]: 276-277 (retelling in Obayashi 1966:54-55); Obayashi 1966 [(Milne 1924:379-383); princess naga i-ran-ti took the form of a girl, went to earth, met the Sun; 7 days later that returned to heaven, leaving her his chariot; I. laid 3 eggs; the Sun sent I. a bag with a letter and a wonderful gem, giving it to the golden crow; he stopped pecking carrion, a bag a fisherman found the treasure, replaced the treasure with a pebble; the Raven brought I.'s bag, who found a simple stone inside, threw it at the Raven; the Sun, as punishment, painted the Raven black, ordered him to live on earth; I. in the guise of a naga returned underground, throwing her barrette and three eggs; the barrette and two eggs turned into placers of gold and precious stones; the third egg was stuck at the fork in a tree floating along the river; it was found by the elderly spouses raised a born boy Kok-ya; his Sun Father sent him an onion; his naga mother sent her daughter to earth from her marriage to a naga, K. married her, she gave birth to a daughter; K. killed an ogre bird; wife- The naga forgot that she should not be completely immersed in water, became a snake again while bathing; told her daughter to make clothes striped like snakeskin, gave the clothes the color of snakeskin by touching her; people began to copy these patterns; K. became the ancestor and king of the Palauns]: 51-54; ahem [the young man is allowed to clear the site only on the graves of his father and mother; he does this; there is no fire, and people have thrown at its plot with various rubbish; the drongo bird is called to bring fire from the "foot of heaven" (a pillar that supports the sky, burning with fire, from which the sun receives its heat); the fire has burned its tail, now it forked, the drongo did not bring fire; then the munia bird (finch, Lonchura maja) attached pieces of iron to its body (since then white under the tail); as a reward, it receives the right to peck rice, sown on termite mounds (they are difficult to process, but termite rice is especially good); munia brought fire in his beak, the young man burned what was on his site, harvested a good harvest; spirit boy (ancestor) offers to fight, whoever wins will take another servant; the ruler gives the young man seven magic straws, with their help the young man wins, the spirit now serves him; the spirit tells him to sell the gong to the woman, take it as payment her three hairs; the young man makes them into the forest; from the first and second, the prey breaks off, when it bites for the third time, the spirit dives; the young man thinks he has drowned, but he brings the Mother of Gold living in the river to the young man's house; she eats raw rice, defecates with silver, eats tarot in gold; the spirit wants to return to the cemetery, the young man does not let him in; he throws pərlook leaves and ash; while the young man picks them up, the spirit returns to grave; the young man tied the Mother of Gold to the pole with her hair; a woman came and ordered her to be tied with a thick rope; then the Mother of Gold died]: Lindell et al. 1977, No. 4:34-38.

South Asia. Santala [Baijal young man plays flute and violin, Bongo (spirit, deity) fell in love with him, appeared as a girl, led him to the bottom of her reservoir; bongo snakes serve as benches, tigers and leopards - dogs, Phyllantus emblica L. leaves - their taben cakes (thick crushed rice), bread is dry cow cakes; his wife's brothers lead him to hunt pheasants; a man cuts a tree, they say it's there is a pheasant; the young man is forced to lower the dog, the lumberjack manages to kill it with an ax, the wife's brothers are dissatisfied; the young man returns to the ground, the bread he takes with him turns into cow dung; the bongo wife continues to visit him, they have two children; a young man is going to marry an earthly girl; if a daughter is born, a bongo asks to name the girl by her name; one day a young man tries to prevent his bongo wife from entering her world, she and her children flies over the roof; he does not name his daughter by her name, she dies; so several times; when he called it, the daughter survived]: Bodding 1942, No. 2:55-58.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Nicobars [Arang went fishing with his eldest son Shoang, the storm sank the boat, A. drowned, fish owner Keith invited S. to sit on his back, brought him to his country; there Keith Giri's daughter took him as a husband; she does not have a mirror, S. said that he has houses on earth; G. brought S. to his shore; people did not believe Sh.'s story, laughed at him; he grabbed a mirror, rushed to the water, he was killed with spears ; on moonlit nights, you can still hear G. singing and crying at the shore]: Roy 2001, No. 6:15-17; bataks [the fisherman caught a fish, went to get a knife, came back and found a girl in the house; she explained that she was that fish; forbids mentioning this; while bringing lunch to his father in the field, their son eats it on the way; when he returns, the father calls him a fish son; according to the woman, a lake has formed on the site of the village. Toba, father, son and woman are missing]: Bunanta 2003:97-99 (=Knappert 1999:288-292); mentawai ["dolphin girl" motif]: Morris 1900:57-65, 65-77 in Lessa 196:166; Bali [fisherman threw fishing rod, every time he pulled out only a piece of coral; he liked the last one, he brought it into the house; when he comes up, he sees that the girl is not in the house when she enters, the food is ready; next time he appears Unexpectedly, grabs a girl, breaks a coral; Raja wants to take possession of her, summons the fisherman to a duel, dies, the fisherman becomes raja]: Hoykas-van Leeuwen Bomkamp 1983, No. 42:213-215; Dayaki (Subayaus Sarawaka, "dayaki sushi") [a lonely man caught puttin fish, she became a girl; he brought her into the house and married her son; a woman warned that she should be treated well; gave birth to a girl; once a husband hit her and she went back to the river; Dayaks don't eat this fish]: Labuan 1863:26-27 (possibly the source is Keppel 1853 (2) :78, referred to by Lessa 1961:153, summarizing the story; but maybe a variant ); toraja [(Adriani 1898:368); a woman gave birth to seven crabs, threw them into the river; they went ashore, built a house; swimming, taking off their clothes with crabs, became girls; seven men hid clothes, married girls]: Dixon 1916:206; Minahasa (Houmbulu) [the young man borrowed a harpoon from a friend, he was carried away by a fish; he went down to the underwater world, the sick fish turns out to be a girl; a young man promises to cure her, left alone with her, removes a harpoon from her throat; when he returns to the surface, he does not find his boat; he is carried ashore by a big fish]: Matsumoto 1928:111 (=Frobenius 1904:282-283); bunak (Timor) [six people with two dogs descend the rainbow from heaven to earth; locals first don't let them fish, then let them go; two of those caught turn into women, two out of six men marry; the other two marry Besi Kusa -Mau kua; the last two find two parrots pecking their betel and areca, those turn into two women, become their wives]: Berthe 1972:75-78; Tetum (Timor) [younger single brother asked an older married man for a fishing hook; Na'I Lou, the island's chief's only daughter , turned into a loli, grabbed the hook, went with it into the water; the elder brother demanded that the hook be returned; the youngest threw the net, she brought it to the island like a boat; the young man climbed a tree; there was a spring nearby crocodiles guarded him; two maids came to the spring; the young man chewed the fruit, spat; they first thought they were birds, then they saw the reflection, thought they were their own, that they were very beautiful; when they saw the young man was told to go down without fear of crocodiles; told that the princess was suffering from a sore throat; the young man took out, hid his hook, replaced it with a bamboo fake, then removed it, showed it; he was married to NL; he sailed home, gave the hook to his brother, returned to the island, the chief handed him the throne]: Sá 1961:44-64; tetum or kemak (Austronesians of Timor) [(=Pascoal 1967:132-137); parents found out that Bíli-Loba, the youngest of seven sons, does not work with his brothers on the plot, but hunts; his mother put sewage on his plate; he left home, began to grow arek palms and betel trees, fish bit off his hook; someone is stealing the crop; BL waited for the thief, who explained that the betel and areca needed to treat the wounded queen; asks to close his eyes, BL is next to the patient, sees his hook at her throat; takes out the hook, shows a thorn instead, as if he had pulled it out; he was given buffaloes, his brothers took them away; as punishment, with the help of a sea chief, he floods the village, saves only one brother, who was kind to him; for the help of the water people, he was forced to marry his daughter for the Queen's son (he first tried to bring a maid instead of her)]: Hicks 2007, No. 3:47; Roti [magical wife is about to leave a spouse who revealed to their children that she was a fish (or pig); she boils water in coconut, sits on it, (steamed) rises to the sky]: Jonker 1911:16-19, 19-21 in Lessa 196:369; tabaru (Halmahera) [someone is dancing on the shore; a young man watched two fish shed their skin and become girls; hides the skin alone, takes a girl as a wife, she gives birth to three children; sees a shadow from her fish clothes hidden under the roof, promises children a plentiful catch, sails away]: Fortgens 1928:477-481 in Lessa 196:126; Kay Islands [palm juice picker (to make wine) noticed two people working in the field; at dawn, one told the other that the sun was rising and it was time to return; one put on the skin of a whale, the other a dolphin, both disappeared into the sea; the next time seven women came with them; a juice collector fell in love with the youngest, noticed where she left her fish clothes, hid her clothes the next morning, the girl had to become his wife; they have a son; other children tease him with glutton; he complains to his mother, mother reproaches her father, he does not pay attention; in a mug of water, a woman sees a reflection of her fish clothes hidden under the roof; leaves her son a gem in a bowl under rice; says that she will go herself work in the field; if the son finds something under rice, he will see it again, and if not, he will not see it; puts on fish clothes, hides in the sea; after finding out what is going on, the husband, taking his son, sails in a boat; they consistently they ask four fish if they have seen women; two say they did not see, they are given bad nuts and leaves, and the other two show the way, get the best nuts and leaves; a man sends them to fish old man (-fish?) ask his wife to come back; she is bored and returns happily; the man tells other children not to tease his son anymore]: Kratz 1973, No. 61:161-166.

Taiwan - Philippines. Saisya [returning to the hunting hut, people see the food cooked; the old man remains on guard, finds a girl coming out from the sea; the hunters return, the girl is silent; when the dog spoils air, she smiled and spoke; her name was Kateteru, one of the young men married her; after a while she took 10 people to the bottom of the sea, showed fabrics there; returning and people to the shore, if desired She taught her father the art of weaving; her first two students hid some secrets from others, K. scolded them, they were rude in response; she returned to sea]: Chen 2014:425-426.

China - Korea. Meo (Hmong) [two poor orphan brothers caught fish; younger Yah Ju Joa wanted to eat it right away; older Ya Ju Joa said it was too beautiful, put it at home in a jar of water; when the brothers went to work in the fields, the fish became a girl, cooked dinner, cleaned the house; the neighbors said none of them helped the brothers; they turned to the supreme god Shao; he complained to hide the broom and baskets, come back from the field early, hide; the brothers saw the fish become a girl, were surprised that there were no brooms and baskets - how would she cook food for the orphans; the brothers opened up to her, the eldest married her; the devil Gazinion decided to take the girl for himself; told his assistant eagle Galliyon to kill her with his scream; the elder told the youngest to guard the body, went to look for the cause of death, promised to return in 9 days; the eldest went to heaven, where Gazinion is going to make his wife his second wife; at the wedding, the eagle got drunk; the young man receives permission to take the eagle to that house; brings him on horseback to the forest, asks open your mouth to put in a cure for a hangover, sees three tongues with which the eagle killed people; tells him to revive his wife, otherwise he threatens to kill him; he screams three times; the young man carved out the eagle's middle tongue to make him more couldn't kill people screaming; finds his wife alive at home]: Harper 2005.

The Balkans. Romanians [an old man feeds fish every day; saved a bull whom the child wanted to kill with a stone; a goby tells him to come with a bag for three days, fills the bag with gold, pearls and diamonds; on the third a day jumps into a wooden bowl, and a year later she turns into a girl; an old man sends her image to 24 countries; a girl chooses not princes, but a peasant son, giving him strength; turning him into a dove, cut off her head and revived him; 24 rejected princes declared war; a young man dives into the sea; there they mourn the king and his missing bull daughter; the young man promises to return the princess to them if they help him get out to earth; smashes enemies, princes become his vassals, he revives their warriors; his wife gives birth to him a gold-haired son; he becomes king, and his parents sail to a country beyond 99 seas]: B₂ rlea 1966:419-420; Macedonians [the shepherd sees three mermaids bathing, hides their shirts, chooses the youngest to marry; the elders warn that the wife will run away if she finds a shirt; a year later, the wife says that he can only dance in his shirt; after dancing, he flies away, tells me to look for her in the village of Kushkundalev; one old man refers to another, he asks all the animals, they do not know; refers to the third, he asks birds; the lame magpie came later - she is maids to the mermaids, the hostess hit her leg; the old man sends an eagle to take the shepherd to K.; older sisters tie the youngest to the saddle in a dream, a shepherd with she gets home; the mermaid's horse does not have time to catch up; the shepherd burns her shirt, the mermaid becomes a normal woman, gives birth to daughters]: Arkhipova 1962:193-197; Albanians [three brothers are married, the youngest herds sheep, fell in love with a mermaid (Geržeta) coming out of a mountain lake; lured her with beautiful clothes and jewelry, grabbed her, brought her home; after the birth of his son, her husband trusted her, told her where he hid her her clothes; she took them and returned to the lake]: Lambertz 1952:120-124; Greeks: Megas 1970, No. 30 [a widow fisherman caught a turtle, brought it home; someone cooks and cleans; he sees how from the shell a girl comes out; breaks the shell, takes the girl as his wife; the king wants to marry the one who makes the best handkerchief; the fisherman's wife embroiders the sea and ships; to get rid of the fisherman, the king demands 1) catch so many fish to feed the army; 2) grapes for the army; the wife sends to her mother, she comes out of the sea, gives a pot, any fish dishes in it; a tray of grapes; 3) bring a person tall two tops, three tops of beard; this is the wife's brother, his name is Chickpea; he rides a rooster out of the sea; his sister tells him to pull out the king's eyes, make her husband king; the rooster pecks out his eyes, king dies, fisherman reigns], 76 (Crete, recorded 1825) [a village boy, who played the lyre well, fell in love with one of the Nereids; the old woman advises grabbing her hair before screaming and not letting her go until she stops changing her appearance; The Nereids brought him to their cave, he did as advised; the Nereid turned into a dog, a snake, a camel, a fire; the rooster screamed, the Nereids disappeared, the captured went after the young men to the village; gave birth to a son, but she was always silent; the old woman advised me to pretend that he was going to throw the child into the fire; Nereida screamed, grabbed the child, disappeared; others did not let her in again; she began to live in the spring, where she is seen two or three times a year with her child; a brief retelling in Crooke 1908:167-168]: 74-79, 202-203; Ancient Greece [Zeus and Poseidon argued for the right to marry Thetis, but Themis predicted that Thetis would give birth to a son who would be stronger than his father; some say that when Zeus wanted to marry Ferida, Prometheus predicted that whoever Thetis would give birth to him would reign over by sky; following Chiron's advice to grab Thetis and hold her, whatever form she took, Peley waited for her and carried her away; Thetis turned into fire, water, or beast, but Peleius did not let her go until saw that it had regained its original appearance]: Apol 1972, 3, XIII, 5:69.

Central Europe. Russians (Wise wife; several options, the place of recording is not a decree.) [when he dies, the old man gives his three sons a hundred rubles each; the eldest fool buy a cat and a dog; by the river he gives a cat to sailors; they bring it to a country where they do not know cats, she catches rats there, her they buy for 6 barrels of gold, the sailor brings three barrels to the old man; two fools gave to the poor, bought the third, lit incense; the angel tells the old man to ask three ploughmen what to wish; two drive an old man, he kills them with a truncheon, the third tells them to wish a wise wife; an angel tells you to catch a roach with a golden ring from the bridge (var.: 1) catch a goldfish in the sea with a fishing rod; 2) catch a pike in the river with a fishing rod), she turns into a girl; creates a palace in an open field; the sovereign is jealous, gives difficult assignments, his wife helps to complete; 1) build a bridge of gold and silver; 2) on the sides of the bridge overnight an apple tree with apples, birds of paradise and seals to meow; 3) go to the next world to the Tsar's father to find out where he hid the treasury; the wife orders to go for the ball, the sovereign gives two boyars as companions; devils are carried to hell firewood on the late Tsar, they let him talk, replacing the boyars for a while; the late sovereign gives a ring, says where the money is, tells his son to rule in truth, otherwise he will also go to hell; fool returns, finds the treasury; 4) bring samogudes; the wife orders her and the palace to be turned into stone for a while; a fool comes to the old woman, the master makes a harp, tells her not to sleep; the companion boyars fall asleep, them heads roll off her shoulders; the fool wipes his eyes with a towel, the old woman recognizes her daughter's towel, greets her son-in-law; in the forest, the robber offers to change the harp to a baton; the fool changes, tells the baton to kill the robber; the king king wants to kill a fool, he tells the baton to kill him (var.: 1) the king and the courtiers dance to death to the sound of a goose; 2) they dance, fall asleep to the sound of a goose, a fool cuts off their heads with them) , takes the throne, happy with his wife]: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 216:161-166, 465-469 (options); Ukrainians (no place of recording, link to Lud Ukraine., I, 327-338; Western?) [the queen gets the sea princess; the king wants it for himself; the princess promises to marry him if he gets the samogudes; the king sends the queen, he gets it; the princess wants the wedding train was seen from the sea; the king orders the mountain to be demolished; the horse and fish were destroying it; the princess asks the Queen to bring sea mares, milks, boils milk, bathes in it, makes it even more beautiful; the king is cooked]: Afanasiev 1994 (2): 127-128; Slovaks [the queen gets the sea princess; the king wants it for himself, tells the queen to get living and dead water; he extracts it with the help of crows; the young panna tells the king cut off the Queen's head, revives him with living water, he becomes even more beautiful; the king asks to cut off his head, the panna does not revive him, marries the Queen]: Afanasiev 1994 (2): 128.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [a young lonely fisherman Dovlet caught a huge stump in the sea; brought it home for firewood; woke up in the palace in the morning, food and drinks around; lay down again, pretending to be sleeping; appeared beautiful; agreed to be his wife on condition not to show her to anyone; D. gathered friends, got drunk, spilled, forced his wife to come out of the stump; she predicted disasters; the sultan saw her through the window; viziers advised not to execute D. for no reason, but to give an impossible assignment; the sultan orders to bring a watermelon with a hare inside; wife: hit the water with a stick, my younger sister will come out and take out a watermelon; now The sultan demands a bunch of grapes, which would be enough to satisfy the hunger of troops and residents; the second sister carried them out of the sea; bring a 9-10 year-old boy who will defeat the entire army; the older sister came out of the sea , gave a tiny boy; he grew up, destroyed the army, the sultan and the courtiers; proclaimed D. sultan, and returned to sea himself]: Kondaraki 1875, No. 2:41-46 (=1883a: 3-7); Adygs [three Kumuk brothers Pedis, Besleney Kurgok and Kumuk Pshikan promise to help each other; KP is blind, impoverished; his son offends his peers, who tell him to be better valiant as his father was; he brings his father from his brothers magic sword and whip; takes a foal with one eye in his forehead as a horse; princes are jealous, hide nail boards on the ground; during a battle with enemies, the horse serves the young man, but then drops it because he did not pay attention to his wounds; sees a lizard carrying a blade of grass to revive his murdered brother; tells this blade of grass to revive the young man, he comes to life; the young man's father is persuaded to send his son to the psukhoguache ("water maiden" ) for a black stone that cures blindness; earlier, a prukhoguache took one boy; the young man, threatening with a whip, forces him to return the boy, give the stone, marry a prukhoguache; heals a blind father with a stone]: Maksimov 1937:155-171; Ossetians [Zerassa (epithets: "golden-haired", "the beauty of the earth", "shining like the sun and moon") is one of the three sisters of seven brothers, the daughter of the ruler of the water kingdom Donbettyr. In the form of a bird (in another version: a deer), she found herself in the Nart Garden, where a wonderful apple tree grows, the fruits of which heal all diseases. Ahsartag, the son of the oldest Narth of Warhag, shot and wounded D. Following the bloody trail of a bird, he came to the seashore, went down to the bottom and saw the mortally wounded beauty D. Ahsartag healed D. and was rewarded with her hand and heart. On their way to Nart village, they stopped at the seashore in the tent of Akhsar, Akhsartag's twin brother. Ahsar was hunting and Ahsartag went looking for him. Ahsar D. mistook Ahsar for her husband and began to caress him. At night, when they went to bed on the same burka, Ahsar put his sword between himself and D. so that there would be no intimacy with his brother's wife. Ahsartag, who returned, thought ill and killed his brother. D. told Akhsartag the truth, and he, in despair, pierced his heart with a sword. D. mourned her brothers bitterly when she heard her voice, and Uastyrji descended from heaven to earth on his three-legged horse. He promised D. to bury his brothers, but in return demanded that she become his wife. D. deceived Uastyrji. When she came to the seashore, she went to her father's home, the water kingdom. Her mother, when she found out that D. was expecting a child, insisted that she return to the country of sledges and give birth on earth. D. gave birth to twin sons Uryzmag and Khamyts from sledges. As adults, they found their grandfather Warhag and married him to D. When she died, D. asked her sons to guard her crypt for three nights because she was afraid that Uastyrji would abuse her corpse. On the third night, Uastyrji came to D.'s crypt, then let his horse and dog go. A year later, dead D. gave birth to Satan, the foal of Arfan, "the eldest of horses," and the puppy Silam, "the oldest of dogs." D. left offspring that formed the powerful Nart family, Akhsartagkata]: Kaloev 1980:375; Lezgins (author's note) [orphan Bakhtiyar is fishing on the river; pulls out some branches all day; in the evening, something pulls out an amazingly shaped branch, brings it home; the next day, returning from work on the site, he finds the room tidy, the food is cooked; the next day pretends to go fishing, hides himself, sees a branch turn into a girl, grabs her, calls her Bakhtavar ("happy; "Bakhtiyar" means "happy")]: Ganiyeva 2004:199; Georgians (Kakheti) [the son wants to marry, the mother advises to throw bread into the river every day; a girl came out, the young man persuaded her to go to live in another kingdom; the adviser saw her, persuaded the king to take away the young man's wife, tell her to bring it 1) eggs from which all birds and animals will hatch; the wife tells you to go to the river, ask her mother for white chicken eggs; all animals come out of them; 2) threaten grapes to feed the whole army (the same, ask mother a bunch of our grapes); 3) a child to know 14 languages (give our daughter-in-law's newborn for a while; he talked to people from 14 countries and left); 4) Ezhwan's flower; he's at the beauty on top of the tower , she lowers her hair, she has to wrap it around her arm, she will lift it up; she has horses and winds, the young man returns with the beauty, gives a flower; the beauty advises to propose to build a bridge to fit the king, the court and army; the bridge on her hair, she pulled it, everyone drowned; the young man stayed with his wife]: Chikovani 1954:116-120; Turks (Anatolia) [son of a late fisherman (SR) catches a turtle shell; someone cooks and cleans the house; SR spies, sees the girl, the SR breaks the shell, marries; the king orders the lights in the city to be turned off, sees the light coming from the wife of the SR; the vizier advises to give her husband tasks; every time the wife orders to press the seal against a stone on the seashore, an Arab will come out, make wishes come true; 1) bring 10 lions to defeat the king's 10 lions; 2) feed the city; 3) build a wall of iron around the city gate; 4) bring a wild mare with 40 foals from the mountains (instead of an Arab, a bridle appears; fills the pond with wine; the mare is intoxicated; the foals followed their mother); 5) the king personally comes up with a task to bring sister of seven giants; SR wife cannot help; SR meets Edal, Drinker, Flutist, Omniscient; giants tell 1) eat 7 meat boilers, 2) drink 7 wineskins of water; 3) give poisoned bread; companions complete tasks: The omniscient knows what bread is poisoned, the Flutist makes the plates dance, change places, the giants are dead; the sister of the giants kills the king's army and himself, SR reigns]: Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 4:55-63; (apparently a similar text referring to Vincze 1908:158ff mentions Hatt 1949:100).

Baltoscandia. Kalevala, rune 5 [Väinämöinen wants to marry Aino, Youkahainen's sister; her mother tells her to marry, she does not want to swim in the sea, drowns; V. goes to the sea to catch her; catches fish, but not realizes it's A.; tries to cut it, she slips out of his hands, says who she is; he can't catch her again; his mother advises him to marry his wife in Pokjela]; Finns [catching episode Wellamo's daughter's water is not related to Aino's story (Lönrot tied them artificially); girl fish is usually caught by Väinämöinen, but sometimes by Lemminkäinen or someone else; so she returns to the water; her name is "daughter of Vellamo", "daughter of Ahti" or simply "daughter of the waters"]: Billson 1895:341; Karelians: Evseev 1950, No. 30 [Väinämöini catches salmon with a fishing rod without realizing that it is an underwater maiden Vellamo; she says that she did not go out to be eaten, but to become a wife; V. repents of her lack of guessness; for nine years V. wanders, installing underwater rocks and shallows; raised his knee, the goose laid six eggs on it, the seventh was iron; his knee became hot, V. straightened his leg, the eggs fell into the sea; the yolk became the sun, the squirrel became a month, the shell fragments became stars], 37 [Väinämöini catches with a fishing rod salmon, not realizing that this is Vellamo's underwater maiden, daughter of Ahti; she says that she did not go out to be eaten, but to become a wife; V. repents of her lack of guessness; asks Ilmoillini to bind he rakes, fumbles it into the sea, pulls out a pike skull, makes a cantele out of it, plays], 57 [like (37); V. rakes into the sea, but cannot pull salmon out]: 76-79, 88-90, 127-129; Lavonen 1992 ( Kalevala District, Zap. A. Borenius 1971) [Virgin Vellamo; Lemmineainen is fishing, copper oud, silver fishing line, taimen caught {apparently L. thought it was taimen}; fish of an unusual kind: not pike or salmon; he began to grow it, it slipped into the sea; on the fifth burun, on the ninth wave, her head sticks out of the water: you are a foolish guy; I did not come to you for lunch, but to be a wife forever]: 35-36; Western Sami: Klaus 1995 [two fishermen shot at everything that came from the sea (seal, bird, etc.); a water woman appeared, one told not to shoot, the other shot, missed, the woman jumped into the sea, told him not to shoot , whoever did not tell me to shoot, then meet her; brought her father under water; ordered him to shake not a hand, but a harpoon; the fisherman saw sheep, some flew up and disappeared; these are fish that fishermen caught; two brothers of a sea woman went fishing with him, they only caught themselves, but they gave him a lot of fish; the fisherman returned to land, became rich, and his friend, who shot, was completely impoverished]: 26-30; Kohl-Larsen 1982, No. 10 [the young man hears voices on the shore; the old woman says that they are sea maidens who come out of the water on the last day of the week; then advises the one who is more beautiful to hide the clothes; the young man did so; waited for the virgin to promise to name the husband who took the clothes; they have children; first the young man hid the clothes in the old woman's house, and when she died, in his chest; the eldest son accidentally noticed and told her mother; the mother took her clothes and disappeared into the sea; another old woman advised me to steal clothes again when the mother came to feed her youngest son and take care of the others; so it happened, wife stayed with her husband]: 78-83; Faroese [a man saw a female seal go ashore, took off her skin, became a girl; he hid the skin, took the girl as his wife; they have children; one day she found a skin, put on, became a seal, returned to sea]: Clouston 1887:182-183.

Volga - Perm. Marie [a soldier buys frankincense with his last penny, lights it, God likes it, he sends an angel, tells him to tell the soldier to catch a third fish under the bridge; it turns into a beautiful woman; the clerk advises the merchant to take it away, suggests giving the soldier difficult assignments; 1) measure the sun (this is the older sister of the soldier's wife); 2) get the ring of the merchant's deceased father; the wife orders to take the clerk, come to the icy mountain, ask the crow to carry it through it; the soldier stops three horses, the merchant's father is the root, the soldier gives the clerk as a replacement; the root (i.e. the merchant's father) gives tells the soldier to give his ring to his son so that he can distribute the money, give the house to the soldier, otherwise he will be in his place; the merchant did everything]: Chetkarev 1948:126-128; Bashkirs: Zelenin 1991, No. 100 (105) [ two brothers are married, the third is single, sees a girl sitting in the water in the lake; she agrees to follow him; mother-in-law praises the bride for arguing work; husband finds frogskin clothes, throws her into the fire; wife flies away; the husband goes in search; the old woman says that the magical wife is the daughter of her older sister; gives the key, the husband enters the house, the old woman turns it into a needle, hides it in moss; 9 geese came, became girls; the ex the wife wants to kill her husband, then forgives; throws him into the oven when he falls asleep, makes a handsome man out of ash; agrees to return to him, sends him back, giving him a magic bag, but she cannot ask for anything but bread; husband shakes money out of the bag; wife forgives disobedience; burns her husband's aged brother and mother, sculpts young, beautiful; lives richly]: 434-436; Kireev 1970 [epic tale "Zaya-Tulyak and Hyu-Khylu; ZT wanders along the shore of Lake Asyly-Kul ("nameless"); sees XX, the daughter of an underwater king, combing her hair; grabs XX by the braid, she resists, ZT wins; XX promises marriage for ZT to let her go, not returns; ZT boils and dries the lake, Syasdyar Khan goes out himself, promises a daughter and a dowry (cattle); in the underwater world, ZT is sad for his native mountain Balkan-Tau; S. orders to bring it, but the servants bring another mountain; S. releases ZT with his wife and cattle to the ground; ZT should not look back, violates the ban, half of the horses return to the lake]: 76-80.

Western Siberia. Southern Selkups [the lazy son does not bring prey or firewood; the old man invites him to his place, tells him to weave a seine, teaches him to catch nelma, leave him on the table overnight between two balls of threads; ready in the morning towel; the old man tells me to go sell it for a thousand rubles; only the boy's father buys it; when he returns, the young man sees the girl, she was nelma; the wife tells the young man not to tell him that he married; the father got drunk he, found out about his wife, tells him 1) to get a knife dropped into the sea by the young man's grandfather; the wife calls the fish, the pike brings a chebak fish with a swallowed knife in the stomach; 2) find the cast iron lost by his grandfather; the wife calls the birds and animals, the mouse shows where the cast iron (she has a nest in it); 3) get music from across the sea; the wife gives a towel and thread to cross the sea, do not look around; he comes to overseas people, picks up music; the father leaves his son a legacy, making sure he is not a loafer]: Pukhnachev 1966:25-34.

Amur-Sakhalin. Udege people [well done, he hooks lentils, puts it under the blanket at home; when he returns from hunting, he sees that someone is at home; at night he spies, sees a working girl, she is half fish; the next night he grabs it, takes off its fish skin; they have a boy; well done friend Alder also catches lentils, hits the head; at home, under the blanket, the fish has rotted; Alder turns into Alder]: Kormushin 1998, No. 29:141-148; ulchi [the guy lives alone; the girl enters, manages, he is embarrassed; she flies up; he goes looking for her; the old woman tries to kill him unsuccessfully; the tree is angry the spirit brings a woman in his claws, the guy hurts him badly, takes a woman as his wife; goes on; by the sea seven seals lose their appearance, the guy grabs one, marries; she says that her parents want the heart of an evil spirit; his mouth is like a lake; the guy asks her to open, jumps into it, inserts a pointed tree trunk, cuts it off, brings a heart; the seal wife teaches how to defeat another spirit; you need to drink his vodka, not his vodka; the spirit drinks his vodka, two of his three heads fall off; the guy finishes him off; takes his people away; lives with two wives; his name is Batouri (hero)]: Sunik 1985, No. 7:136-143; nivhi: Kreinovich 1929 [nivkh pulled out a seal, she turns into a woman; her mother dies at sea, she leaves; he tells the teal to drink the sea; the next morning, hand in hand, two suns rise; sea man asks the nivkha not to break the universe; he tells the teal to spew water; only one sun rises again, the wife returns]: 88-89 (quail in Ostrovsky 1997, No. 28:227); Pevnov 2010, No. 2 [the older brother has a wife ; he tells her to wash, comb the younger one every morning, ventilate his clothes; the elder's wife thinks to make the youngest her husband; one day the youngest dressed himself, went to the sea, saw a seal, she took off her skin, became as a woman, they met; the seal woman promised to come again tomorrow, bringing tables and dishes to eat elks; the younger brother returned, the elder and his wife did not ask him; in the morning, the elder's wife put on younger brother's clothes, went on his ski track, hid herself, buried in the sand; the seal is afraid, the woman tells her to go out as agreed; throws a harpoon at her; they fight for a long time, the tench is cut off, wounded The seal went to sea, ordered him to tell her husband's brother not to pursue her; at home, the young man understood everything, went ashore, overheard the conversation between his wife's two younger sisters, who came to the house made of chips; carved a figure, swam on it, then fired an arrow, flew it, fired arrows and flew on each one, reached another land; there, his wife's sisters and other seals in human form say that a man with the elder's daughter wounded the earth, they prepare spears and arrows, they guard him; he asks the servant where his jews harp (by the window behind the pillow), asks other questions; having found out everything, he shook him out of his skin, put it on, came to nerpe wife; local shamans are camlaing there; the imaginary servant asked for a camla, pulled the prison out of the wounded woman's chest, now the seal will marry him; the young man returned, returned the servant's skin, he came to life; said to his grandfather and grandmother seals, that he did not injure her, but his brother's wife, and he cured him; uncles seals bear and walruses guard him on the shore, but he gave them a fish, they called him son-in-law; he flies back on an arrow; there who the walrus turned growling, his lower lip dragged along the ground, the upper lip reached the sky, there was fire in his mouth; the young man jumped into his mouth, began to cut him from the inside, he released him; in disguise, the man went with him, led to that a bear, a young man and he jumped into his mouth (still the same); those two seal girls go with him (the younger sisters of the first seal?) ; at home he forced his brother to take his wife by the leg, took him by the other, they tore her apart; he married one seal girl, gave his brother another], 13 [the father is dead, his maternal uncles force the young man to fish with them, but they give only two fish; once they gave a male and a female; he and his mother ate the male, put the female in a vessel of water; she told the young man to let her out - she is the daughter of the water owner; he released, she swam with a seal; then an old man saw a woman in the tree, who told him to call that young man; told him that she was saved and became his wife; the young man became rich, he always had a lot of fish; when their son grew up, marine the woman returned to sea saying that her husband's descendants would not die in the water]: 16-25, 66-72; Sangi 1989 [=Medvedev 1992:85-92; sister and brother grow up alone; brother sees two seals taking off their clothes (scales) , turn into girls, wash; he hides their clothes, gives them alone only after she agrees to become his wife; his sister tries to kill Nerpa with a jail, hurts her; she swims away, tells her to go out herself for her brother; she braids like a woman; brother goes to the sea, two girl seals tell him the words of their older sister (his wife) to make a loon bowl out of wood; take him to sea in it; two long-haired women catch him, tickle him; he causes thunder, they kill them; a sea lion brings him to the island; a slave shows the way; a young man puts on a slave's clothes; turning into a water flea, jumps over two wolves closing the way, two bears; shamans are trying to heal the wounded Nerpa; a young man revives her, takes her home; his sister is barely alive there; he is a successful hunter]: 395-402; Ulita 2011 [when father returned from hunting, the little son said that the mother changed into her husband's clothes, came to the shore, a seal sailed there, her mother put a spear into her, the seal hardly escaped and swam away; the husband killed his wife, threw his head into a fire, turned into a crow himself, made his son a Moor bird (the size of a jay, screams at night and frightens people), flew to the house on a bloody trail, became human again, a wounded woman in the house , which turned into a seal (the wife found out about her mistress, tried to kill her); the man cured her, made her wife]: 36-37.

Japan. Ryukyu Islands (northern): Ikeda 1971, No. 470C [fisherman brother and hunter brother change their fishing and hunting gear; the hunter loses the hook, the fisherman demands that it be returned; the old man on the shore explains how to get to the palace of the sea; at the gate, a young man hides in a tree above the well; the maid sees his reflection, tells the princess, she falls in love, the young man marries her; three years later he wants to return; the king collects subjects, the hook is stuck in the fish's mouth (red snapper), she gets sick from it; the young man with his wife and gifts (jewelry that controls the tide) returns to the ground; returns his brother's key and curses him; luck leaves him obeying his brother; husband violates his wife's ban on watching her give birth; she turns into a crocodile and swims away]: 121-122; Walter 1983 (Kikaigashima Island) [man sees how from turtles hatch eggs; does not kill them, but helps them descend into the water; a grateful turtle mother takes him to the underwater palace, tells him to ask the underwater lord for his only daughter; man returns with his wife; she cooks any meal, the man gets rich; the wife forbids him to watch her wash; he spies, sees fish; the wife returns to the sea, taking the youngest child, the two eldest leaves her husband, makes sure that they do not need anything in the future]: 104-105; Miyako Islands (Kurima Island) [the daughter of the ruler of southwestern Miyako becomes pregnant from the sun's rays, gives birth to three eggs, from three boys appear; they ate so much that they were driven to the then uninhabited island of Kurima; people stopped celebrating the sea dragon, who sent a bull to carry people to the bottom; the brothers defeated the bull, followed him to the dragon, who let the people go for promising to celebrate in his honor; married a daughter to brothers, from whom three main families descend Kurima Islands]: Maruyama 2009:33; Okinawa [a poor single fisherman caught a stingray and saw his mouth resemble a vagina; after copulating, he threw the stingray back into the sea; a few years later he the fisherman heard someone calling him, "Dad, Dad!" ; it was his son, a half-human, half-fish; his son said that his mother was waiting for him and advised him to ask only for a pumpkin vessel; at the bottom of the sea, the woman fed the fisherman well, greeted him with dance and music; When he returned to the shore, the fisherman realized that he could ask the Calebasa for anything - money, rice, a house; the fisherman healed richly and happily; another fisherman was rich, became jealous; when he found out what was going on, he also caught stingray and copulated with him; however, as a result, he was speechless, but his penis began to talk; his wife was surprised and went to the shaman; he advised him to catch the bull and tie it to a tree, "penis disease" will pass to the bull; the bull has gone to the mountains, this "disease" has passed from it to all animals and plants; now it is an echo]: Madoca Hammine, personal message. (English translation from the published Japanese original); Kojiki 1994, ch. 33-35 [Hoderi no mikoto is a lucky fisherman, his younger brother Hoori no Mikoto is a lucky hunter; offers to change with fishing/hunting gear, caught nothing, missed the hook; makes 1000 hooks with his sword, but his older brother demands his back; Shio-tsuchi-no kami (God-Spirit of the Sea) sends him by boat to Wata Palace tsumi no kami (God Spirit of the Sea), tells him to sit on a katsura tree there, he will be noticed by the daughter of a sea god; her maid goes to fetch water, sees a shadow in the well, notices the young man; he asks for him to drink, throws him into the vessel a pearl; the daughter of the sea god Toyotam-bine (Virgin of the Plentiful Pearls) finds it, her father passes her off as a young man; he has been living with her for three years, remembers the reason why he went to sea; sea god summons fish, they reply that the Tai fish (of the perch genus) complains of a thorn stuck in the throat; the sea god hands his son-in-law a hook, promises to ruin his brother; sends him home on a crocodile; with The young man drowns pearls and then saves his older brother (floods his fields); the wife comes to give birth to land, does not tell him to spy; he spies, sees a crocodile, the wife returns to sea forever, leaving son, father gives him up to his younger sister]: 90-96; Japanese: Markova 2000, No. 23 [young fisherman Mashsaria catches fish, she turns into a girl, he spends the night with her; this is Oto- Hime, the daughter of the Lord of the Sea; a couple of years later he sees two little mouthguards in the boat; they call M. the father, they invite them to the bottom; when O. M. gives a jug; on the shore, M. turns into an old man, but after drinking wine from a jug, he gets younger; with the same wine he rejuvenates the elderly, treats the sick; one night they bring a sick person to him; he does not want get up, shouts to the jug to make you disappear; the jug breaks, flies away in the form of two swans; M. and all the rejuvenated are made old again, the recovered die]: 95-100; Ikeda 1971, No. 413B: [a person saves or buys a fish or shellfish; a beautiful woman comes to him; cooks an unusually tasty soup; he peeks, sees it (turned into a fish) urinate in a bowl of soup; refuses It has been there since then; she realizes that he knows her secret; he chases her away; when she leaves, she says who she is]: 105; Walter 2009 (North Honshu, Yamagata) [a girl came to the farmer and asked her to marry her; I made delicious fish soup every day; my husband saw that she used the water in which she washed, refused to eat it; the wife threw herself into the water, swims away with salmon]: 105.

SV Asia. Russified (probably tundra) yukaghirs [the poor man hooks Sherkala, a girl fish (it looks like a fish); brings it home, throws it in the corner; someone cooks and cleans it absence; he watches for the girl, throws her fish skin into the fire; she says she is now forced to go back, flows down with sea water]: Bogoras 1918, No. 26:101.

NW Coast. The Tlingits: Garfield, Forrest 1961 (Ketchikan) [A raven with his two servants named Gitsanuk and Gitsaqeq fell into the fog; suddenly a woman was in the boat, asked the crow for his hat, packed all the fog in her, became the wife of the Raven; creates salmon by immersing her finger in water; creates a lot of salmon, immersing her head in water; during the quarrel, the Raven hit his wife, she left, followed by all the salmon, including dried; but since then, salmon have been returning every year; the daughter of a Mist woman lives in the upper reaches of each river]: 60-63; Smelcer 1992:7-8 [The raven flies over the waters; the fish promises to be his wife if he does earth; The Seal, the Frog agree to bring sand from the bottom if it gives fur to the Seal, makes the Frog the Keeper of the Earth's Treasures; the Seal dives, receives sand-filled frog skin from the Frog; The raven soars as high as possible, where there is a strong wind, sand is scattered, the wind carries it around the world, grains of sand fall into the water, from which islands grow; the fish dries its hair for the first time, becomes a wife The crow, they are the ancestors of the Raven family], 11-12 [Tumana nad Lososami agrees to give Raven a daughter; she tells her not to offend her; she fills the basket with water, creates salmon in it, the Raven always has a lot of food; the Raven always has a lot of food; the Rav increasingly scolds his wife, hits her salmon with a dried tail; she runs away, he wants to grab her, but her body is like a fog; she enters the water, turns into fog; all dried salmon come to life, follow her]; tsimshian [TxämSem (Raven) sees a beautiful woman appear in his boat; she is Salmon, telling her to be treated well; putting her fingers and legs into the water creates salmon; T. caught salmon, left his eye protect them from crows; they take away both salmon and eyes; his wife makes him a new one; makes his hair beautiful; soon all the pantries are full of dried salmon; T. unreasonably suspects his wife of infidelity; she Sees him gamble with a stump all day; salmon seed gets entangled twice in T.'s hair, he swears, throws a bone, laughs at his wife; she tells dried salmon to come to life, disappears with them; you can't catch her, her body is like mist; T.'s hair and skin become as ugly as ever]: Boas 1916, No. 22:76-79; bellacula: Boas 1895, no. XXII.1.13 [=2002:508; Raven catches fish, throws it into a boat, the fish turns into a woman; promises to live with him until he looks at others; the raven violates the ban; the wife leaves with all the dried salmon]: 246; 1898 [The raven marries a widow, he likes her daughter; he asks various trees how they burn; thuja replies that sparks fly off her to women's genitals; Raven advises the girl to cure the burn, sowing on a plant in the forest; hiding, exposes her penis, she sits down; the raven is not invited to the party; pretends to be sick, comes up secretly, screams, tells his sons to sprinkle ash on it as if he were not left the house; says that those screams mean enemies are approaching; people are leaving, the Raven is eating holiday food; asks the Deer when he is fattest; leads to the meadow to the edge of the abyss; says that he, The raven was already when the mountains began to grow; the Deer replies that it was when the Sun was just beginning to give the world its current appearance; the Raven pushes the Deer off the cliff, eats; when he enters an empty house, he sees fish stocks; tells the sisters to load everything into the boat; invisible hands beat him and his sisters; the raven goes to the guests, asks for return visits; the bird cuts his leg with a stone knife, from there caviar falls; The seal holds his hands over the fire, fat drips; another bird sings, fills the box with berries; the raven only hurts himself, there is excrement in his box; he swims to the Salmon; tells the sisters to make holes in the boats; asks his daughter the chief to help carry food to his boat, takes the girl away, Salmon in leaky boats cannot chase him; at home she tells his wife to make his hair as long as hers; she warns that the hanged dried salmon will get entangled in his hair; as it happens, the Raven screams he doesn't want to catch them again; the offended wife jumps into the water, all the salmon come to life and swim after her]: 90-95; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [two var; The raven marries a sockeye salmon; she creates salmon by immersing her toe in water; warns her husband not to tear off the heads of the caught salmon; the Raven's long hair becomes entangled in the teeth of the hanged to dry sockeye salmon; he tears off the fish's head; the wife gets sick, leaves; all the dried fish follows her into the sea]: 416-419; uvikino [the young man shot a log, and it turned out to be pink salmon; Salmon offers to go with him to his country; on the way he gives a bait fish to help kill an eagle; eagle feathers will serve as a valuable gift; near the country of salmon, the Crane raises the alarm, Pink Salmon gives him fish, to stop talking; same with Kingfisher; a young man marries a female leader, she is a chinook salmon; all fish received an eagle's pen; two years later Pink salmon brings the young man and his wife to the boy's father; the young man's wife remained human, no longer turned into fish]: Hilton, Rath 1982:86-95; quakiutl [Minka asks salmon if he wants to be his wife; salmon turns into a woman; when hungry, she picks his teeth, makes salmon out of it; rinses her hair in the river, the river is full of salmon, Mink becomes a tall chief; once he beat his wife, she jumped into the water, becoming salmon again, and took all the salmon with you]: Boas 2002, No. XVII.1.9:356-357

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [see H12 motive; young Kite kidnaps the wife of Great Sonya, who lives in the world of the dead; she has whales in her bag, she sometimes releases them; other hunters leave K. on the island where they went hunt wild goats; does he treat a local person (-Swan?) , pulling his arrows out of his wounds; he is sent home in a ball of swan fluff; his wife releases whales, they sink an envious boat; two are saved - crooked and lame]: Jenness 1934, No. 10:145-149; Quileout [Katie asks her son to be bait; ties a sinker, pushes him overboard; when the Shark is about to swallow it, K. pulls his son back, plunges the Shark into the jail; at home Shark is looking for a shaman; K. promises to cure her if she gives him her two daughters; gets wives, pulls out a prison invisible to Sharks; comes to Woodpecker with his wives under the guise of an unknown leader; the woodpecker tells the boy to laugh; then first, wives, then K. himself, begin to laugh; Woodpecker sees that K. has no tooth, recognizes his slave; advises K.'s wives to go home to their father]: Farrand, Mayer 1919:259-260; lower chehalis ( hamptulip) [someone steals fish from the top of Schwane Schwane; he leaves his excrement to guard; finds bark or pieces of wood four times at the top; on the fifth he takes out salmon, puts caviar in a bundle, from She has two girls; he calls them daughters, but rapes them at night; they guess they are an adopted father; they go east; they kidnap a month-old baby; see motive A5]: Adamson 1934:266-277.

The Midwest. Eastern Cree (probably Ruperts House to SE from James Bay; or SW from him, then it's Swamp Cree) [a man marries different animal women to find out who is the best worker; Caribou, Wolf, Moose, Fisherman, Lynx, Otter, Owl did not like; Canadian Jay cleans up the teepee, stays; once threw her a bunch of beavers, her legs were broken as a result of the impact; her husband cured her, but sent her away - she is too weak; takes Bobrikha; she stipulates that when crossing the stream, he will always have power through him a stick; otherwise the stream will become a river and divide them; once he did not put it down, the river spilled, his wife became a beaver; tells him to dive to her himself; the man stayed with her, began to behave like a beaver; his brother found a beaver hut, killed Bobrikha, brought her husband back to the people; he never ordered do not give him female beaver meat]: Skinner 1911:104-107.

Northeast. Naskapi: Millman 1993:44-47 [everyone wants to marry Amusk; he rejects Lisa, Caribou, Dicabrasia (needles pierced his penis after her), marries Bobrikha; lives under water with her; brother became his to look for, killed his beaver children, found his wife naked; A. agreed to return, but asked not to feed him beaver meat; one day his brother gave him beaver meat, saying that it was a muskrat; A. took him into the water, the brother saw how male and female beavers smile; this is how A. reunited with his wife], 51-52 [Petabanu caught 12 trouts (chars), fried 11, left one in the morning; when he returned to the hut, he found a woman there; she said What's her name, Ta-What-Swings gracefully; they got together; she's nowhere in the morning; he fried that trout; the woman screams from his stomach, You ate me; you've been screaming all my life]; Turner 1894 [man marries Bobrikha, lives in the river, begins to grow hair; his brother kills beavers, returns the man; he keeps his wife's hand; when they try to feed him beaver meat, he creates a river, swims away together with his revived wife]: 339-340; mikmaq [an orphan marries Bobrikha, lives underwater with beavers, overgrown with beaver hair; hunters kill his wife and other beavers, bring the man back to people]: Michelson 1925:33-35; Tuscarora [the hunter sees a woman in the swamp, she whistled him, agreed to be his wife, he built a house on the edge of the swamp; she only comes to him at night, works at night; he shows how to dig up a field, sow corn and all other operations, including making corn tortillas; his wife does everything quickly, there is a lot of corn; replies that her former husband killed Thunder; says that there will be a thunderstorm soon, goes into the swamps, taking her son with him; soon lightning struck this place; this woman was a snake (or rather the mythical snake that the Thunders fight against)]: Rudes, Crouse 1987, No. 5:101-117.

Llanos. Yaruro [a man met a woman coming out of the river, she gave him fish, became his wife; in the morning he went to shoot fish with a bow, she told him not to go because she was a period; he replied that he was It will be that he does not have a period; if he hadn't gone and listened to a woman, people would not have members and body organs right now]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 30:53-54; Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 119 [a married man dreams of another woman, copulates with her; then meets her in reality, has a newborn baby; he goes under the water with her father; hunts with her brothers , they do not tell him to shoot tapir himself, this is dangerous; to make the dead animals light, you have to put cotton in the ass; along with fish and snakes, a man comes to see their mother, a water woman; in one place below, the scissors open and close, and from above a biting wasp; fish die cut with scissors; a man and his companions take the dead out of this trap, give it; a man brings a water wife and son to their mother; old wife gets angry, new leaves; man comes back to people, dies on the fourth day; water dwellers have taken his soul to themselves], 120 [the widower has a son, from a new wife newborn daughter; he goes with his son for fish, sees people in the water together; they force him to go with them, marry a water woman, his son is with him; warn him not to wash hands where aquatic people drink ; the man's son does not know about it, he washes; Piranha screams that the stranger ate his grandfather; the father-in-law says that a person had the right to eat fish; that when the last piece of fish is eaten, it is reborn; mother An Otter sees a man, asks him to find her son; Pisces give a man and his son a crest to kill their otter enemies with them; Otters say they will take them back to people, give red seeds to color their ridges as if they have blood on them; they tell them not to participate in the festival, because the alcoholic drink of fish is their caviar; when all Pisces are drunk, a man and son come to the Otters; they kill the most drunk; the man and son do not want return to land, stay with Otters; people notice them, catch them, the shaman cures them, they can live on land again; a man received a net from Otters, catches more fish than others; one boy spies, dives with a net, gets confused; a person saves him, tells him not to tell others; another person spies, drowns; his relatives steal the net; Otters take it; tell the person that The victim's relatives will kill him; he dies from witchcraft, returns to the Otters]: 413-418, 419-429; Kuiva: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 150 [Carawatsin sailed on a raft; Deja woman (underwater inhabitants) she grabbed the raft from below, climbed to K.; he first scolded her, then made her his wife; she is pregnant; she does not want to go hunting with her husband, but he forces her; the underwater inhabitants took the woman away, she gave birth to child river from K.], 151 [as in (150), but there is no beginning; mother husband burns about her missing daughter-in-law]: 220-221, 221-222.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [Uan ádi hooks fish, she turns into a Kaweshawa woman, drags him under water, then they go ashore; V.'s nephew is a capuchin monkey warns that in K. piranha's vagina, she has already bitten off his and Opossum's penises; Paka took an iron needle from Heron, inserted it into his penis, K.'s teeth broke off; Coati did the same; then V. poisoned piranhas fish poison; K. and V. visit Father K. under water]: Civrieux 1959:112-113; 1960:109; 198:032-35; Sanema: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 189 [(Wilbert 1961:232-233); a jaguar ate a pregnant woman, The toad asked to leave the uterus, Omao and Soao were born; the Jaguar wanted to kill them, they jumped up a tree; he climbed, they jumped, he fell and killed; O. was looking for a solid tree to make people; S. hurried, made it out of soft, now they die; for this O. threw it on the wasp nest; O. made snakes out of hard wood; they do not die, but renew themselves by changing their skin; O. caught fish, put it in the basket, told S. not touch; began to try to catch butterflies to make women out of them; when he almost caught them, he heard a scream; it was S. who tried to copulate with the woman in the basket; she ran away; O. left his brother to heaven in anger] 200 [(Colchester 1981:35-36); Omao caught a woman from the river in the forest, began to copulate; his younger brother Soawe asked him too; O. went to catch; S. at that time began to stick his penis through the cells of the basket; the woman jumped out of the basket, rushed back into the river; O. caught another woman, she gave birth to children with both brothers; S. drowned her son O.; O. swam downstream, further to heaven]: 372-374, 402-403; Yanomam [(Albert MS); Omamö caught the daughter of a water monster in the forest (his body is like a long basket); he did not tell his brother Yoasi, had sex with her; he also fished her, but she jumped back into the water Seeing that it was not O. but ugly Ë.; O. caught the woman himself, let O. have sex with her; she had a vulva but did not give birth; Ë. copulated loudly all day; O. wanted to wipe her vagina fragrant leaves, but Ë. wiped it with smelly flowers, so women's genitals smell like a penis]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 197:396-398; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 192 [(Cocco 1972 : 469-474); jaguar Ira ate Poapoama, gave the baby from the womb to his grandmother Mamokori-yoma, who raised Omawë; his older brother was Yoawë; when fishing, he sees two girls in the river; the next day Oh . saw one girl, grabbed it, brought her home; she is the daughter of the water monster Rahara-riwë (looks like a cassava push-up bag); O. took her to the site, to the seiba, ordered her to pull out the root, prepare a cassava ; the wife did not eat, said that the real cassava was not like that; gave birth to a beautiful girl; Yarimi-riwë asked her to marry her; her vagina bit his penis, there was a fish; he turned into a monkey; O. took him and E. to her father, to the site, showed a real cassava; at this time her father sent a huge wave at them; O. and YE. turned into crickets, hid under the roof of the house where they stayed air; both his wife O. and his wife returned home; decided to take revenge on R.; agreed in the Sun to dry the pond; dry season came for the first time; O. plunged his spear into the ground, water poured out, everyone got drunk; part of the water rose to the sky, now it pours out in the form of rain; the shamans threw the old woman into the water, the flood was over; O. ate dead fish, where he threw his bones, rivers appeared; O. stole the daughter of the morokoto fish; then left with his family, his descendants are Europeans], 193 [(Lizot MS); Omawë and his older brother Yoawë, turning into various birds, caught the daughter of the water monster Rahararitawë (at first Ë. saw her, could not catch her); at home, their son-in-law wanted to be the first to have sex with her; she has fish in her vagina, his penis is bitten off, he became a monkey, the bite mark is still visible; the brothers removed the fish, copulated; wanted her to rub the roots Ceiba; she said that her father had the real cassava; they came to him, he brought them cassava himself, flooded everything, they escaped as crickets; after planting cassava, they made the sun dry all the water; aquatic creatures are dying, thirsty], 194 [(Finkers 1986:30-32); starting at (193); a woman calls Ë names when he tries to lure her in the guise of different birds; wants to catch O., who has become a beautiful bird; he becomes a man, grabs it and takes it away; O.'s son-in-law wanted to be the first to have sex, is bitten by a fish, ran away (apparently became a monkey); the brothers took out the fish, had sex; the woman says that Seiba is not cassava, she went to her father for the present; he came with her, the wave covered everything, the brothers escaped as crickets; O. told the Sun to dry all the water; so the brothers found cassava], 195 [(Lizot, MS); Yoawë (older, bad) and Omawë (younger, good) are fishing, Ë. is the first to notice the daughter of a water monster; she slips out of his hands; O. catches, invites the monkeys to copulate first, them penises are bitten off; piranhas are visible in the vagina, O. pulled them out; when ë copulates, a loud sound is heard; O. says it won't happen, copulates quietly; marries a woman], 196 (surara) [(Becher 1974) : 28); brothers Tohorá and Kanikawö were catching piranhas; someone asks to stop; T. listened, K. only laughed; Kayaroma came up, K. tried to grab her, she jumped into the water; then grabbed it, became copulate, his penis was bitten off; T. began to treat his brother, and the girl disappeared]: 377-384, 385-388, 389-391, 392-394, 395-396.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 56 [the fisherman hooked the daughter of Navarao water spirit; brought home, clothed, married; she took her husband to visit her father; on the way back she was unhappy that caught a turtle, it was her uncle; he fried it and ate it alone, and when he went to his wife, she was dead; if they had children, people could live under water], 57 [a man hooked a water woman; she said that her father sent him to marry him; she was led by an angry dog, but in fact a shark; the woman's father forbade her to feed her fish, otherwise she would die; on the shore she cries when she saw him catch and eat fish and turtle; the wife sent her dog to bring her game from the forest; her husband forced her to eat fish, she died; her spirit and dog returned to the river, the dog became a shark; the husband went swimming, this shark ate him]: 190-191, 192-193; Wilbert 1970, No. 33-34 [sees in water, she agrees to be his wife], 81 [hooks]: 95-98, 185-186; pemon: Armellada 1973, No. 58 [water women steal cassava; a man waited and caught one; she took him into the river; the river owner told his sons to give man a magic remedy, he became a good fisherman; one day they went to his mother; his wife did not tell unfold the package he took with him along the way; it has a lot of fish; he unfolds three times; his wife throws it, returns to the river], 67 (arecuna) [Madá-Wenín can't find a wife; he advised to hook a beautiful girl out of the river; a voice warns him not to leave his wife alone; the pauhil bird he shot turns into a man, takes his wife to heaven; M.-V. drives away from himself an insect then tells him where his wife is; M.-V. puts on the old man's skin, asks Pauhil to take him to heaven; the parrot recognizes him, M.-V. waxes his mouth; takes his wife, pregnant with Pauhil; at her home pregnancy disappears]: 179-183, 206-211; 1988, No. 43 [nutria went ashore as a woman, the man married her, brought her to her mother; then they went to the underwater world to Nutria's father, then returned again; The mother-in-law was already old; when she saw that her daughter-in-law was making kashiri beer from mashed fish, she expressed disgust; the daughter-in-law went to her father; the husband tried to dive, but this time he could not immerse himself in the water without gasping for breath; died of grief]: 112-113; curl: Roth 1915, No. 184:245-246; mapidian [while Tuminkar was sleeping, his brother Duid caught a woman; T. set the top, told the Owl to guard; she approached her before dawn a woman wearing a feather crown; before stealing the fish, she took off the crown and accidentally put it on the Owl; he brought the crown to T., he took her to heaven; the woman followed him, they descended people]: Farabee 1918:159; vapishana [João hooks piranha, wants her to be his wife; she jumps back into the water, turns into a woman, he brings her home, hides her; his younger brother Pedro discovers that someone has made soup; gets naked, rocking his penis; a hidden woman laughs, he finds her; she tells her to pour fish poison into her nostrils first; he doesn't listen, his penis bitten off; deer, tapir, agouti refuse, the monkey agrees to change his penis with him, now her penis seems to have been bitten off by piranha; P. brings blood-sucking insects with him to the festival, since then they bite people]: Wirth 1950:168-170; waiwai: Farabee 1924 [two brothers believe there are women in the river; they began to catch Paki from the boat with a jaw hook; the eldest fell asleep, the youngest caught at that time , hid it in his hut and returned; the eldest fish was missing from the top; he put the Owl to guard; a woman came out of the water, accidentally placed her feather crown on Owl's head, the Owl flew to the eldest brother; he with the crown went to heaven; she found him after passing two villages; they returned to earth, becoming the ancestors of people]: 172-173; Fock 1967 [1) Mavari made the first peak; sent the Lizard to check her, gave her a bag of ash inside, said that when she turned it around, her companion would be there; but biting flies flew out of there, sucked the Lizard's blood, so it was gray; in revenge she weaved a mat threw it into the water, it became a stingray; when M. went to check the trap himself, he stepped on the stingray; M. sent a bird - a faint voice cannot be heard; a karau (the size of a chicken), it warned of the catch; there it turned out to be an otter, M. and his brother Yours began to copulate with her using her eye; she told me to catch women; shooting a bow into the water, M. caught women's accessories (bag, menstrual mat , a basket, paints, an apron, a spindle, and finally the woman herself; she has a snake child (Okoimo-yenna) in her arms; your children are many from your wife and daughter, their descendants are Brazilians; and almost all of M.'s children have died; M. made a chain of arrows, took it to heaven with his wife; 2) M. made the first peak, caught the Otter, began to copulate with her, she told him to catch his wives for himself and your brother; he caught it, in The bosom was piranhas, their dicks bit them, they became normal in size; Indians and Europeans came from M., non-strikers from V.]: 40-42; hishkaryana [the husband and wife of the Turtle went for fruit; the husband ordered his wife to climb a tree; she ate and threw it to him; Monkeys, Eagles and other animals and birds wanted to have sex with her; the insect split the tree, everything took it out through this gap; the husband saw it, went home; closed the path to his house, opened the Jaguars to the house; the mother of the Jaguars hid the woman; the Jaguars had a domestic turtle, the winds blew, the woman spat, found her, ate her eggs, gave her mother the eggs; of which Mawarye and Woxka were born; they hunt for an old woman; they hid from the Jaguar in a tree, he followed them, they came down in the form of leaves; the Jaguar understood who was in front of him; the brothers did not have penises, they grew up in the forest; they took them out of the ground, took them for themselves ; someone stole fish from the top; brothers send sentries; caught an Otter, copulated with it, almost torturing it to death; she says that there are women; M. caught wives for himself and his brother; they have a fish in their vagina; while M. went to get the vine to make fish poison, V. inserted his penis, the fish bit it off; M. attached his penis back; M. slept with his wife on the river bank, it was swallowed by an anaconda; he went out through the anus; the brothers broke up]: Derbyshire 1965:54-78; taruma: [brothers (older Ajijeko, Jr. Duid) eat only nuts and fruits; notice fish bones and scales on the rock by the river; take turns guarding, not noticing anything; watchman- The frog fell asleep, the Owl said the Otter left traces; the brothers caught the Otter, forced them to tell them how to catch a woman; the brothers take turns fishing for women's things, from a wearable basket to a hammock; when A. fell asleep, D. fished the woman, hid it from his brother; one night A. taught that his brother had four legs and four arms; D. again denied everything, but began to make children's toys (balls); D. once admitted that he had Chakukantu has a wife and that a fish in her womb bit him; A. poisoned the fish in the vagina with poison; since then, sex has been safe, but the male organ has remained bitten; people are descendants of D. and this woman; the woman baked on fire , which she kept in her vagina; A. threatened her with rape, forced her to spread her legs, took the fire; she tells him to call her anaconda father; son-in-law is afraid to ask her father-in-law for plants; daughter cuts off her father's tip tail, from there the seeds and shoots of all cultivated plants fall]: Farabee 1918:143-149; Ogilvie 1940 [older brother (name forgotten) and younger Wapichan caught various female items (mortar, comb and etc.); when the eldest did not go fishing, V. caught the woman, hid it, stopped going to the river; the eldest found and took the woman, people descended from this couple]: 70-72; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 1 [ Poor old man, the son of Përëpëräwa, first caught sugarcane cake, then yam peel, then Waraku fish, then Waraku fish, threw it behind his back, she became a woman Waraku; brought all the cultivated plants, knives, and an ax from the water; her Cayman father also brought plants that were better than those brought by his daughter, but P. was afraid of Cayman, did not take it; V. refused to copulate during the day; the sun was always at its zenith; at V.'s request, the monkey pulled the sun west with a rope, the first night began; P. and V. came together; cassava tubers hung on branches, P. did not collect them, since then the tubers in ground; while P. was hunting, the spirit woman Kaikë asked her to say all the words she said to her husband, learned them, ate V. and her child, pulled her skin over her, and the baby's skin over the block; P. I felt a different voice and a bad smell, at night I found that the imaginary wife did not have a vagina; when the imaginary wife went to the garden, P. cooked her child, let her eat broth and pepper; there is no water around, woman thirsty, P. finished her off with a club; P. is alone again; returning home, finds food cooked; he has a parrot, rabbit and toad at home; P. saw that a vulture woman descends from the sky, P. catches her; when throws her clothes into the fire, the wife is offended, returns to her father; V.'s father covered all the water; P. turned into a frog to hear the voice of another frog (where the frog is water); Makitiri (the grandfather of waterfowl makitiri birds) found it; P. "dived" into imitation birds, but only fell; Father V. came to find out where his daughter was; tied P., dragged him with him; where he dragged through the mountains, river valleys formed, so all rivers were created; brought P. to the sky]: 15-21; Riviere 1969 [Perepereva (now in the country of entuhtao, the "root of heaven", where the souls of the dead and unborn) hooked waraku fish, like trout, behind his back; she became a woman; he showed her his village - it's just a reed, her food was the core of the cane; she took P. to her father (a caiman or a huge snake); he has cassava, bananas, yams, yams, sweet potatoes, corn, etc.; cassava was at the tail of a caiman (the trio is called cassava "caiman tail"); his wife taught me how to clear the area, process bitter cassava]: 259-261; aparai [Mopo's main cultural hero caught his wife like fish in river]: Rauschert 1967, No. 6:181; oyampy [the girl refused to marry an ugly man, people left alone; at night the anacondas came, took him away, their father made him handsome; people returned, no man; he came with an anaconda wife, she gave birth to a baby; the man's mother asked for it; the anacondas waited a long time and went into the river, their man did not see them again in human form; the man carried child anacondas; humans and anacondas have been at odds ever since]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 2:93-99.

Western Amazon. Sekoya [two aquatic women (=snakes) steal peppers from two brothers' garden; brother grabs them; only the eldest managed to hold his own; after his death she returns to the river]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 20: 125-127; for example: Mercier 1979 [someone steals pepper from the garden of two brothers; they hid, grabbed two women; they turned into snakes, wasps, etc.; the eldest released his own, the youngest brought them to his mother, saying it was yaku-warmi ("water woman"); at night, the mother saw her son hugging a big snake; the daughter-in-law gave birth, the mother-in-law found the baby under her bed in a pile of leaves, made him cry to come mother; yaku-warmi went to the river with her child; the husband came to the shore, the wife led him; first a person sees snakes, then they seem like people to him; brings his mother a masato given by his wife, returns to the river forever]: 94-97; Ortíz de Villalba 1989, No. 42 [the shaman went for ayahuasca, saw a tapir whistling, causing a woman from the lake, turning into a man, copulating with her; the shaman killed the tapir with a spear, summoned the woman With the same signal; she first washes it with witchcraft so that he does not fall ill with scab, leads him to the lake; there is one bench a caiman, the other is a turtle, a hammock is a snake; a person lives in the bottom for three months, wants to visit relatives, the wife is with him, takes the form of a snake; at night, an earthly wife sees her husband in the arms of a snake, wounds a snake with a knife; a downpour begins, a flood; a man saved his mother and children, began to live with them in the lake; the former a wife is pushed into the water, she has been eaten by snakes], 58 [a man catches a woman who stole pepper from his garden; she lives in the river, he makes her his wife; his mother sees her as a snake, is frightened; she gives birth to a snake; fearing that he will be killed, he goes into the river; the husband grieves without him, she takes him home]: 80-82, 113; shuar: Barrueco 1988 [a man's earthly wife throws his beloved snake into the fire; she produces flood]: 72-75; Karsten 1919:328; 1935:532-535; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 6:4; 1993 [a person is ill, in a dream a woman promises to give him medicine on a rock in the middle of the river; says he killed her father's enemy, lemucha, asked to make a trophy head out of his skull; a man sees a tapir whistling by the river, Tsunki comes out, copulates with him; the man also whistles, T. asks to hang a lemucha skull around his neck, goes down with him under water to their anaconda father; they want to put him on an anaconda, he is frightened, he is put on a turtle; instead of cockroaches on the walls of the fish, instead of pigs in the pen, anacondas; the father-in-law made his son-in-law potent, putting leaves on his genitals; went to visit his family on earth, the man brought his wife C. in the basket; in his absence, the earthly wife found a snake in the basket, began to poke it with her head; Father flooded the ground with rain and by the flood; all people were eaten by the caimans; a man with his little daughter escaped in a tree; shed fruits, understood by the sound that the water was falling; after the flood he married his daughter, people come from them]: 142-146; achuar: Mowitz 1978:21 [during the flood and a long night, a man climbed a genipu tree, threw fruits down, a harpy eagle screamed, dawned, the water came down; three types of parrots flew in, became women, they chew cassava to make masato (an alcoholic drink); a woodpecker knocks on wood, sparks fly, a person gets fire; a man catches that Parrot that is less beautiful, so people are not so beautiful as beautiful as they could be; human descendants and Parrots gave birth to humans], 27-29 [same, two, not three Parrots], 33-39 [man freed the anaconda from the nets; at night a woman approaches him, says that her the father calls him; after being in the underwater world, the man and his wife return to earth; at night the wife is a woman, in the afternoon a snake, the husband hides her in a basket; the man's mother finds an anaconda, hits her with a stick; the flood begins , a man climbs a tree, throws fruits down, the water comes down; of the three parrot women, the man wanted to grab the one that was more beautiful, but grabbed the other two, one of them darker; from the remaining uncaught Europeans occur]; aguaruna [like shuar]: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2), No. 11:135-137; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 81 [man hunted with a dog, she drove a paka, she jumped into the water; the snake, the daughter of the water owner Tzúnki, caught on a thorn on the shore; the man threw it into the water; she became a woman under water, told her father about the savior; he ordered him to be brought in, let her bring the head of the paki she had obtained; the next day, daughter C. met a man, gave him a love drink, brought him to the bottom of the river; there were dogs - nutrias, benches - crocodile, turtle; the man fried fish, for underwater inhabitants, they are cockroaches; other fish are chickens; when a person got home, they put the fish in a basket, told him not to open it on the way; he opened it, the chickens flew into the river, became fish again; he brought his wife from the underwater world to him; on land, daughter C. is a snake; a man hides her in the house, pulls her out at night; in the absence of a man, women found a snake, his mother began to beat her, the snake began to grow, a downpour poured in; in a dream, a snake wife tells her husband to climb a tree; the house is flooded, the mother, the man's wives and children ate the snake wife, took her husband into the river forever]: 650-653; wambis (?) : Stirling 1938:122-123.

NW Amazon. Tariana [aquatic women go out to eat the fruit of a tree; a man catches a woman pregnant with piranhas, the rest jump into the river, turn into fish again; a woman gives birth to piranhas, her husband kills them; gives birth to a boy with him; with her husband and son he goes down to the river to his anaconda father; the fruits of a peach palm tree ripen there; a man swallows a seed, pulls it out of his excrement on the shore]: Brüzzi 1994:204-207; vacuenai [Made from bones (SK) sees some people eating fruits under a tree, throwing themselves into the river when it approaches; he leaves a sticky vine, catches a yópinai woman ( water perfume), marries; one day she wants to visit her relatives; SK goes with her, takes several birds as companions; father-in-law tries to kill her son-in-law, but cannot, because the UK knows about the threats in advance; when he is given food live fish swimming in a vessel of water, he throws pepper there, water boils, fish cooked]: Hill 2009:38-42; guariquena [Nápiruli was fishing, Mapiríkuli came out of the water, said that wants to be his wife; she is pregnant, but does not have a hole to give birth; the fish began to try to do it, two failed, the third did, N. grabbed her tail, the stain remained; the baby was born, disappeared into the water; they found the placenta, threw it away, it became a stingray; later a boy came, he had no mouth, first his mouth was cut vertically (since then there is a mark on his lip), then normal; this is Kúwe; he told him to fast before dabukuri festival (fruit festival and boys' initiation); young men made a key out of an ant tooth (ants had teeth), bait from wasp larvae, began to catch and fry fish; K. was on the tree, felt smoke; when the smoke rose to the sky, formed a storm cloud, K. became a cave in which the boys took refuge from the rain, swallowed them; he was in the sky; N. lured him to the ground with alcohol; after drinking, he spewed the dead swallowed, revived with tobacco; he was pushed into the fire, he rose to the sky with smoke, the sounds of sacred musical instruments were heard; the intestines did not burn down, all kinds of snakes became, ants appeared from the heart, from scorpions and other ants; three bushes grew at the site of the burning, their names are forbidden to women]: González Ñañez 1980, No. 2:148-162; desana: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980 [Gain pañ an is the ancestor of Parrots (but a person); someone steals crops from the garden; first the girls with baskets ran away, the next night he caught one; she is pregnant; replies that he eats worms, insects; he inserted a leaf into the vagina, all chewed, there are piranhas; the woman is the daughter of the main Water Serpent, the children from Piranha are in her stomach; G. washed her vagina with fish poison, married her; decided to visit her father-in-law; emptied baskets with insects, they ate the fish, did not touch them; the father-in-law killed the old servant (fish), gave his son-in-law to eat; there was a peach palm under the water, on which all four varieties of fruit ripened; G. swallowed the seeds while it was being searched, I got it out of the crap on the shore; the palm tree grew, again all varieties on the same tree]: 151-158; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968 [Trout's daughter came out of the river, became a man's wife; the stones left an imprint of her buttocks; she brought corn and other cultivated plants with her; people come from this marriage; she invented spells to cast after childbirth; when she gave birth, she was afraid to swim because there are many poisonous people in the water creatures; the child's father saw trouts in the water, started shooting them with a bow; the wife shouted that it was her family, returned to the river]: 22 (=1971:30-32); 1975 [the first ancestors caught the daughter of the fish Araku on a prickly hook vines; she became the first desan woman; swam to the shore, attracted by men dancing around the fire, fell in love with the man she let herself be caught; he gave her honey, which women love the most]: 143; Barasana [Yeba was the first man, the son of a Jaguar woman and the Sun (Yeba Haku, Pimal Sun); Yeb's mother did not tell him who his father was, the Sun himself said; he created Yeb in Calebas, which was the whole world; the animals offered Yeb wives, but refused; blew on clay, poppies appeared, offered a wife, but Yeba refused again, because the Maku Indians were not real people; Yeba saw that someone was eating the fruit of the tree Pouteria ucuqui; made the Morpho butterfly confess that it was fish women; J. hung on a tree in the form of a fruit (the fruit looks like testicles); one of the women, Yawira, picked it up; J. grabbed it; she was an anaconda , a lot of fish came out of her body; J. brought her home; his penis was high on his stomach like a jaguar; I shed one skin, became a boa constrictor, threw off the other, became a woman; J. brought her jacunda fish, I. said it was her father's penis; the other fish were her brothers, grandparents, father's cigar, etc., she refused to eat them; J. asked Y. to bring "cassava" (wild fruit) from his "garden" (i.e. from the forest) ; the same with "bananas"; the squirrel gave Y. rubber fruit, she took it to her father Wai Hino ("Fish Anaconda"); he gave Y. all the cultivated plants; Squirrel was told to wait at that time, but he began to dive fearing that I had drowned, I almost drowned myself; I went to the site to plant cassava with my brother J. Nyake, I came together with him, he turned into coca bushes; I gave birth to a son from N., he is the ancestor of one of the families; she cut off the umbilical cord, it grew into a pumpkin, another genus comes from pumpkin; I planted cassava with my sisters, told J. not to look, he saw sisters Wakuo and Widio (weeds) rushed to the center of the site, now weeds are growing everywhere; sisters Meneryo and Hatio (varieties of cultivated cassava) ran away; their chatter became birds singing, which accompanies women's work on the site; I hit Y. with a lump of manioc flour, his penis moved to where it is now; I split my penis head in two, after it did not hurt to copulate; his father-in-law gave Y. a cigar, it looked like a fish, his father-in-law ordered not to eat it, he ate it, he had diarrhea, tobacco grew out of his bowel movements; J. shot his people (birds and animals), gave father-in-law; he shed his skin, it became a bag for squeezing the juice from the cassava mass, the father-in-law himself took on a human form; J. ordered Spider to make colored dance aprons out of bast cloth; J. hit The spider is tough, because he first brought a small bundle, and when J. opened it, the aprons separated; the Spider, in revenge, made aprons and jewelry part of funeral rituals; all animals and birds gathered for the festival, the birds colored; sang (their song is the star of the sacred flutes he); after the festival, the Y. brothers attacked, avenging the killing of fish; the animals ran away, but some remained in the water ( capybara, etc.)]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 7A-7I: 295-299; Bara [Anaconda's daughter is married to a man; brought Banesteriopsis tobacco and drug with her]: Jackson 983:122; yukuna: Herrera Ángel 1975a, No. II-VII [II (394-402). The gardens have dried up, people were starving; Kanumá consistently marries Dyatlikh, some green bird, a Parrot; they are not suitable; then the Rat, she learns that He'echú ("tapir", "sky") owns the food; she stole cassava from him; at midnight, a fisherman Chuurumi saw an Inérukaná woman sailing on the river in a boat, carrying food to her children; she gives cassava tells him not to speak to K.; the same to her sister He'echúmero, the mother of piranhas, who is sailing in a boat in half an hour; C. does not take cassava from K.; he notices that ants carry crumbs from C.'s hammock; C. talks about meeting women in boats, K., hiding behind C., throws a hook, pulls the first woman by the hair; she tells her to let her go, take her sister He'echúmero (H.); K. catches H. in the same way in a way; H. offers K. to copulate, he refuses; then H. gets into a half-flooded boat, tells him to throw poison, piranha comes out of the vagina; H. orders to throw piranha into the river; K. sends it into the vagina the flea, that bit through; the episode with poison and piranha repeats; sent picón, bitten; removed the third piranha, left the last little one, bit off K.'s penis; H. went with K. to his house; former wives turned into birds; III (p. 402-404). H. went to her father He'echú, brought him yams, taught him how to cook; fed K. yams to vomit, stepped on him, his penis reappeared, they copulated; the old penis had to be destroyed, for K. converged with birds; H. waved her club, formed a plot with all varieties of cassava on it, and there were no weeds then; IV (p. 405-406). In the morning K. sent the boy for pineapple, who brought a wild vine; X . sent people to her father for a real pineapple, people performed dances and songs for the first time on the occasion of rituals associated with drinking pineapple beer; V (p. 407-409). the same with peach palm fruits; VI (p. 409-411). K. did not have a pet parrot, but tigrillo, H. ordered to bring a real parrot from her father; VII (p.411-416). H. ordered K. to come for coca himself, but he sent his brother Kapiyú; H. foolishly fed him coca, put him in the field, tore him apart, a real coca grew out of his body, taught K. cook; at that time, the coca was moving by itself, it did not have to be torn off the bushes; K. wanted people to work when collecting coca; then H. made the cassava field grow weeds and women work]: 394-416; Hammen 1992 [a single chief catches a lot of fish; the fish chief sent his daughter to marry him not to catch everyone; she is a good worker; then they go down to the bottom of the river; father-in-law asks to kill the jaguar, but It turns out to be an otter]: 247-250; tatuyo [Dyeba jaguar is the son of the Sun, more human than an animal; rejects animal women, a poppy woman because she is wild; climbs a tree above the river, his testicles hang like Pouteria ucuqui fruits; fish come off (they are women); it falls in the form of a fruit and, with the help of various vines it has created, catches Dyawira (D.), the daughter of the Wai Pino anaconda (wai - "fish", pinō - "anaconda", i.e. Anaconda-Fish); other fish warned D. that it was not just a fruit, but she did not listen; Dieba's member is like a jaguar, he cannot get along with D.; she solders him drunk, corrects his penis; the monkey helps D. collect wild fruits; D. takes them to the river to his father, receives cassava, tobacco and other cultivated plants in return; D. forbids watching her and her sisters plant plants; Dieba watches, sisters D. turn into weeds; the name Dyawira also means a genus of fern that grows like a weed; Dieba mistakenly does not smoke, but eats tobacco thinking it is fish; suffers from his stomach; visits his father-in-law with his wife; he is angry first, then arranges a party; every time he returns from the field, D. cheats on Diebe with the son of an anaconda; the bird reports this to Diebe, who kills his lover, makes his wife eat his cock; people and fish fight for a long time; Diavira is seduced by vultures, taken to heaven; Dieba covers himself with ulcers, enters the country of vultures, returns his wife, vultures and little eagles chase him; Dieba finds honey, D. rushes to suck it, suffocates, turns into a tree frog - the "mother of feathers"]: Bidou 1972:82-95; maku [Idu Kamni (associated with toadstool or cormorant) drank a vine infusion, its vomited into the river, a woman appeared, but he did not want her; drank an infusion of another vine - an Aguti woman appeared with a kitchen pot; he was happy with her; the wife gives the birds crumbs, they bring them to the Vultures, they decide steal a woman; after the holiday, the wife cleaned her IR hair, fell asleep, the Vultures took her away; one bird told IC that his wife was with the Vultures, the other (swallow-tailed kite) that she was making beer from them; IK arrives at the Vultures in the guise of an old sick swallow (kite?) with diseased skin (at the same time running on the ground in the form of a deer); one bird recognized him, but IR twisted its tongue; IR dropped (as if from old age) calebass; the leader recognized him, but immediately forgot, because IC turned tongue to the leader's spirit; in the form of a deer, IK lay down in the forest as if dead, began to rot; The Vultures flocked, but noticed that he opened his eye, flew away; then IK killed the tapir; he came to his wife, who was making beer for on the holiday, told the hornet to bite her, she lost consciousness; the leader of the Vultures tells him to stay to take care of his wife; IK revived his wife, took on her true form, and burned everything in the house together with the little birds Vultures; they rushed to save their property, IC and his wife sailed away in the boat; the water rose, washed away the Vultures; IC's wife sees a hollow with honey and larvae, sticks her head into the hollow; IC threw his honeycombs down, his wife fell, Toads jumped out of her womb, galloping into the forest]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 6:234-241; andoque [Soe caught sábalo fish, caught their sister, she took them under water, explained how to respond to her relatives - fish and anacondas; S. safely hit the ball played by his wife's brothers; under water, a peach palm tree, S. hid the seed behind the foreskin, the wife's brothers found it; then he hid it in his wife's vulva, The brothers did not dare to look there; he brought the seed to the ground; the fish bit him in his knees as punishment, he could not walk for a long time]: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:190-193; yagua [the young man went fishing; sees how the tapir throws fruits into the water, causing the female inhabitant of the waters; she comes out of the water, the tapir combines with her; the hunter throws the fruit himself, the woman goes out, sees that there is no one, comes back; for the third time invited the young man to her mother's house; the siren's mother invited him to stay, gave him a hammock; he replied that he must see one person first; his mother-in-law gave the cobs, on the shore they turned into a bunch of fish, he gave them to his mother; the mother watched, at first dissatisfied, then agreed that he bring his wife; one day, in the absence of her son, the mother-in-law said that the daughter-in-law smelled of fish and rotten fruits; the little one heard this siren's son; she was offended and left; her husband went under water to look for her, stayed there with her and her son]: Powlison 1959:6-7.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [see motive F34; women have a tapir lover, men kill him; women jump into the river, turn into fish; Karusakaibo fishes for fish without looking over his shoulder, she turns back to his wife; makes a drink from cassava; K. says his pet monkey made it; Dairu does not believe it, she dances indecently in K.'s house; the woman looks out, laughs; D. goes fishing too fish; immediately looks around, the fish does not turn into a woman; D. copulates with fish, since then the motley jacunda is inedible; the rest of the fish can no longer turn into women, K. disperses them along the river]: Kruse 1952, No. 10:997-998; Murphy 1958, No. 3:76-77; parintintin [Baira catches beautiful fish in the river, they turn into women, he distributes them to men; catches his daughter; his the satellite tries to do the same thing, but the fish jumps back into the river]: Pereira 1980 (2): 554-556.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 19 [a man sees Tapir playing the flute, catching a small fish, sending it to "call his mother"; a Ronin (water snake) woman comes out, studies with love with him; a man shoots Tapir, that wounded man runs away; a woman hides in the water; a man catches fish himself, sends him for a woman; she gives him a potion, takes him to his world; he no longer goes to earth returns; Tapir turns into a manatee], 20 [as in (19); a man brings his wife Ronin to his village; she asks him to be faithful; at the festival he sleeps with other women, ronin returns to water]: 366-367; Kashinahua: Ans 1975 [a man threw fruit from a genipa; a tapir picked it up, threw it into the lake, a beautiful woman came out of the water; the next day the man threw fruit himself, grabbed the woman; she turned into a boa constrictor, tarantula, smut, he did not release; they began to live at the bottom among caimans and snakes; the tapir went into the water, did not wait for the woman, still often stands in the water; the earthly wife almost caught ishkin fish; he told the man to return to it; one day a man came to the lake, snakes began to swallow it, he died; people learned from him how to cook ayahuasca]: 122-124; Tastevin 1926 [man sees like a tapir throws genipa fruits into the water, copulates with a woman who came out; the next morning, two girls came out, the man grabbed one, it turned into a tree, a stream, a thorn, but he did not let her go; they went down to her parents, at the bottom of a field of corn and peanuts; the wife did not allow the caiman to rush at the man; five years later, against his wife's wishes, the man went to land; it rained, the man went out to hunt, he was grabbed by a snake; people pulled him out of her mouth, but all the bones were already broken; people learned the secret of making the drug from this man]: 171-172; sharanahua [the hunter sees it like a tapir throws genipa fruits into the water; a beautiful woman comes out, copulates with him; the hunter throws fruits himself, grabs a woman; she experiences metamorphoses, then agrees to copulate; brings fish to the underwater world they threaten a person with spears; contrary to the ban, a person drinks drugs, sees an anaconda instead of his father-in-law, etc.; ishka's fish brought the man ashore, left him there]: Siskind 1973:138-140; yaminaua [ a man sees a tapir throwing fruit into the lake; from there a woman comes out; a man does the same thing, an anaconda woman wraps around him, they copulate; she takes him to the lake to see her relatives; this electric stingray, fish; he sees her taking the drug ayahuasca; despite her prohibition, he does the same, sees her, her relatives in the guise of snakes, etc.; We eat people; she tells him; they blow at him to relieve his fears; he returns to earth home]: MacQuarrie 1992, No. 6:118.

Southern Amazon. Rickbacz [people eat tapir crap, wood mushrooms, cassava, don't know onions and arrows; a woman commanded men, only drank and ate, men cooked; one finds a seed, it turns into a bird's egg; she puts it in all the folds and recesses of her body; when she clamps it in the palm of her hand (var.: under the knee, in the fold of her abdomen), the egg gives birth to a boy; while the mother was not at home, another woman became massage his penis, got along with him; his penis grew; his mother took her son to the forest, he turned into Tapir; his mother made his legs and ass invulnerable by burning fire, stuffing leaves; but he can be killed in the armpit; Tapir copulates with all women, starting with the one that came when he was a boy; men suspect, sent birds to find out; while women in the field make their first bows, go to the river, imitate in the voices of women, Tapir was shot dead; the husband of the one who came to see the child hung Tapir's severed penis over her hammock; the women turned their children into birds, animals; one blew on a leaf, the water poured down, formed a river; Cayman carried the ugly ones first, then the beautiful ones; warned that the wind would blow in the middle of the river, they should not spit; the ugly ones held back, one beautiful spit, he spit them drowned; their voices and laughter can be heard from the river; some have turned into fish, stone, birds; sweet potatoes and corn grow at the bottom; the Sloth told the men what had happened; they began to copulate with him, he told it is better to catch women; men caught Carp first, but missed it; then Akara fish, she turned into a woman, new people from her; if they were more beautiful from Carp; women carried the fire across the river; first, one iguana, then the other, steals the coals; women come and put them out; men find a tree that spews fire, you can't approach it; they pick up fire seeds that have fallen to the ground, find fire]: Pereira 1994, No. 1:17-34 (Pereira 1973, No. 12:46-47).

SE Brazil. Mashakali [The sun picked up larvae, threw fish into the river, the Sun caught one, brought it home (she became a woman), the Sun loved her; the Month rushed into the water for the fish, they swam away; he became poison them, caught them half-alive, brought them home like a wife; the Sun covered itself with bark, appeared disguised as an animal in front of people, carried away the arrows fired at him; trying to repeat the trick, the Month took the soft bark, arrows pierced him; the Sun and the Month went to heaven; the Month gave teeth to snakes, stung hornets; The sun sometimes turns into a jaguar to kill and eat its brother (eclipses); the Sun is ahead, the Month is behind]: Popovich 1971:29-59.

Eastern Brazil. Suya [at night, the brother stains the face of an unknown mistress with genipa juice; the exposed sister lives openly with him, although he does not want it; they fish, the water blows her down the river; she turns in androgyne; under her leadership, women kill most men and go far east; set up a village behind a lake full of piranhas; men who return from hunting fish from the river for various fish, they are becoming new women; they are of different physiques depending on the fish they came from]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 158:466-467; kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 111 [Banner 1957:41-42; The young man Bira seduced all women; men turned him into a tapir, caught up, killed him, let women eat meat; while men were hunting, insulted women colored themselves, jumped into the river, became fish; the old people who remained in the village became stingrays and electric eels; one man came up with the first fishing rod, caught his wife, she became a woman again; others failed, they went into the forest, became monkeys and other animals], 112 [Metraux 1978:276-278; returning from the field, the women at home copulated with the Birá tapir; did not care about husbands and children; one hunter accidentally saw it, said the rest; the men surrounded B.'s hut, killed him with arrows; the children were given meat by bakers, for their mothers the meat of killed B.; the women threw themselves into the water, turned into fish; one fell on a man while dancing, making an arrow; an arrow pierced her from behind, she became a stingray; a woman with a pestle became an electric eel; Takakö caught fish with a fishing rod, she became a woman, cooked food for him and her brother O'oimbre; he did not believe that T. was cooking porridge; became an ant, found his sister, bit; she screamed; went to catch the woman too, pulled out the fish, but did not grab it, but put his dick in her mouth; the fish jumped back; T . set fire to the site where O. was, but he hid under a snag and survived], 113 [Lukesh 1968:89-93; men find out that handsome Bira is the lover of all married women in the village; when they hunt they turn B. into a tapir, kill them, fry them, give a piece to each woman; when they learn what they ate, women, while men are hunting, jump into the river, turn into different types of fish; three who remain in the village men turn into a tree, a stingray, an electric eel; one man baited his wife from the fruit; once on land, the fish became a woman; he hid her at home; the woman's brother, seeing the cooked cakes, I guessed that his sister made them; became an ant, found it under the roof, she had to go out; her brother tried to catch his own wife, but the fish fell off and did not appear again] 114 [Bira boy seduced all women; men turned him into a tapir, caught up, killed him; insulted women jumped into the water, became fish; men caught them, found wives again; women are still given fish names]: 274-275, 276-278, 279-284, 285-286; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 157 [Bepnaptí and Katápkrädjar adopted Birá from another tribe, gave him a separate hut at rivers; all women spent time there with him; when fathers returned, the children complained that their mother had not brought water; the shaman turned B. into a tapir, the men killed him, let the women cook and eat; a child who did not get it told his mother that they ate B.; the women colored, said who would be what fish would be, jumped into the river; those who loved meat the most became piranhas; the old man at the shore did arrows, he was pushed, he became a stingray; the children cry; Kômre caught fish on the fruit that his wife Irejátí loved, threw it behind his back, did not look back for a long time, the fish became I. again; cooked tortillas; when brother K. Tônhkudjy came in, K. hid his wife; he smells cakes, does not believe that K. baked them himself; the next day she finds I.; catches his wife's fish, but immediately copulates, putting his penis into her mouth; she became a woman but jumped into the water again; T. was left without a wife]: 452-454, 455, 456-458.

Chaco. Maca: Chase-Sardi 1970 [aquatic women live under rivers in the lower world; at first only men lived on earth; during the flood they escaped to the mountain, but the animals drowned; they began to fish, but caught women with nets; one person met a water woman, a piranha in her bosom bit off his penis; men invited women to dance all night, piranhas fell out, then aquatic women can to converge]: 243; Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 2 [fisherman Sania (a bird with long red legs, probably Cariama cristata) lived by a lake into which a river from the lower world flowed; found necklaces by the water; the catch disappears; he spies, sees necklaces coming out of the water from the roof of the house, the flood began; when the water flooded the house, the women's waters; two spirits sii and sooj whistled accompanied them singing; women ate fish with his mouth and vagina; S. told others; Iguana grabbed a woman, inserted a penis, it was bitten off; Iguana has two penises, the next time the second one is also bitten off; Month has a long penis, he unfolded it, he crawled, bitten off; the Sun's penis is also bitten off; the Hawk dances, the women dance, everything bitten off falls out of them; the Hawk attaches penises back except the end of the Month's penis, but it's already long; biting piranhas also fallen out, but the little one remains, causing monthly bleeding], 3 [fish caught and baked by men disappears; the red-legged chunga bird (Cariama cristata) hid and saw how they came out women ate fish out of the water with their mouths and vagina; each said that the person who caught the fish would be her husband; Chunga laughed, the women disappeared into the lake; the men caught the women, the Month copulated, he bit off penis; Hawk told me to dance, big piranhas fell out of the vaginas, the little ones stayed, they cause periods; left without a penis, Month did not want to borrow a penis from Iguana (he had two), and went up to heaven; Hawk was the first to copulate, followed by the others; the river began to rise; the water stopped when the men let the women go back]: 19-21, 22-25; nivakle [like a poppy]: Wilbert , Simoneau 1987b, No. 42, 44-46, 48-51:115-117, 119-129, 131-147