Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F70A. He scratches his body.


When accusing a man or boy of assaulting her (usually sexually), a woman presents material evidence she has fabricated (tearing her clothes, scratches the body, etc.). See motive F70.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Mbundu [women are infertile in one area; an old woman gives a drug, each of the wives of five men gives birth to a boy; they are all Lau brothers, the most beautiful Lau Kimalaueso (K. is the name of his mother's wife, she died herself); the ruler of Angola summons him to him, he leaves his wooden image to his father (K.); K.'s new wife falls in love with him; L. confesses this through a messenger; he is married and does not react ; she persuades K. to call him home; wounds herself, accuses L. of assaulting her; he is silent; L.'s four brothers take turns telling stories in which a man dies due to a woman's fault; the last L. himself says; a woman is executed]: Nekrasova 1975:20-35.

West Africa. Songhai; mofu-gudur.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [(papyrus d'Orbigny, first published by Vicomte de Rougé in Revue archéologique 1862:385f; Anepu and Batau); Anubis's older brother is married, the younger Bata lives in his at home and works for him; the brothers worked in the fields; A. sent B. to bring seeds; at home, A.'s wife invites B. to get along with her; B. refuses, but promises to remain silent; in the evening, A.'s wife pretends to be beaten, that B. tried to rape her; cow B. warns him that A. was going to kill him; B. is running, A. pursues him; B. asks the Sun God, who creates a reservoir in the way A.; in the morning B., standing on on the other side, screams, telling his brother how it was, splashes himself, throws his severed penis into the water, swallowed the catfish; B. goes to the Valley of the Cedars (Pines), telling A. to come for him if he finds out that something has happened to B.; in this case, the beer in the mug he holds will begin to wander; A. returns home, kills his wife, leaves the corpse to the dogs, mourns his brother; B. comes to the Valley of the Cedar, puts your heart to the top of a cedar flower (?) , hunts; god Hnum creates a woman for him; B. warns her not to leave the house, because the Sea can swallow her, and he, B., will not be able to save her, because he is "a woman himself like her"; a woman violates the ban, The sea tries unsuccessfully to carry it away, tells Cedar (Pine) to detain her, but he only grabs her curl; the sea brings it to Egypt and leaves it where the laundresses wash the pharaoh's clothes; the aroma of the curl remains on underwear; scribes explain to Pharaoh that the curl belongs to the daughter of the Sun; Pharaoh sends people to the Valley of the Cedar to bring a woman; B. kills them; Pharaoh sends other warriors and a woman, giving her all kinds of things women's jewelry; this time B.'s wife comes to Egypt; she succumbs to Pharaoh's persuasion and advises to cut down the tree on which B.'s heart is located; the tree falls down, the flower with B.'s heart falls, B. dies; at home, A. sees that the beer in the mug has fermented; comes to the Valley of the Cedar, finds B. dead on his bed, unsuccessfully searches for his heart for three years; on the fourth, intending to return to Egypt, he finds fruit - B.'s heart; he puts it in a vessel of cold water, at night the heart absorbs water, B. comes to life, A. gives him water to drink, B. swallows his heart and it returns to its place in his body; deciding to take revenge to his wife, B. turns into a beautiful bull, whom A. brings to the Pharaoh's palace; he accepts the bull as a "miracle"; when he enters the kitchen, the bull finds his ex-wife there, reproaches her; the wife asks the pharaoh slaughter a bull and cook its liver for it, two drops of blood fall on the sides of the palace gate, from which two Persea Mimusops Schimperi trees grow); when the pharaoh and his wife sit under them, one of them tells the woman that it is B., reproaches again; the woman orders to make furniture out of wood; a sliver flies into the mouth of Pharaoh's wife, she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son; he grows up (obviously in the form of B.) after death Pharaoh takes the throne, sues his former wife; after 30 years he dies, A. takes the throne]: Lichtheim 1997:85-89 (Russian per. Livshitz 1975:87-102).

Western Asia. Old Testament [Joseph dreams; in the first he and his brothers knit sheaves; their sheaves stand around and bow to his sheaf; in the second he is worshiped by the sun, moon, and eleven stars; his father scolds him because he thinks his parents and brothers should bow to him; his brothers throw Joseph into the ditch and sell him to merchants; in Egypt, Pharaoh's chief of bodyguards, Potiphar, buys Joseph; P. offers herself to Joseph, I. refuses; she tears her dress, accuses I. of violence; in prison, I. solves the dreams of a butler (in three days she will be released, held in high esteem), a baker (will be executed); solves the Pharaoh's dream, is appointed to oversee Egypt; the older brothers come to Egypt for bread; I. tells them to return for Benjamin; releasing him, I. puts a bowl in his things; V. is accused of stealing; I. reveals to his brothers, Jacob brings the people to Egypt]: Gen. 37-46; Arabic written tradition (Forty Slaves, manuscript of the late 13th - early 14th centuries) [A beautiful baby has been thrown into Harun al-Rashid's garden; he was named Muhammad al-Maujud, raised and raised; he considers himself the son of a caliph; a Rumian slave offers him love, he refuses; then , in order to lose her virginity, she forces a black slave to get along with her, tears her clothes and accuses M. of violence; Caliph Masroor's servant let M. go, brought the Caliph the severed head of a black man, which he took M. for his head in the dark; the Caliph repented, Masrur told him everything, M. began to search; after many adventures, M. returned to Baghdad; asked not to execute the slave, but to sell her]: Osmanov, Yusupov 1962:333-360; Arameans [{the story of Joseph the Beautiful}; the father has three sons; he loves the youngest Joseph the Beautiful more than others, does not send him to work; the elders refuse to go to the fields if I. also would not go with them; he went, they pushed him into the well, told his father that I. separated from them along the way; the caravans pulled I. out after he had collected water for them all; everyone gave him money; he came with in a caravan to Baghdad; the sultan took him into service; the Sultan's daughter fell in love with him, he refused, she accused him of stealing the treasury, the sultan threw him into prison; the sultan dreamed that 7 skinny cows were devoured seven obese; no one can solve the dream; remembered I., he guessed it, rose again; his brothers came to buy wheat, did not recognize I., and he recognized them and threw back the money he had received; finding out the money, the father ordered to return it to I.; he revealed who he was, ordered the money to be given to his father; the father was blind from tears, and now he has recovered; the brothers and father have come to live with I.]: Bergsträsser 1915, No. 5:13-18; Socotra : Müller 1905, No. 16 [the younger single brother replies to the elder that they can be separated by a woman; to check, he invites her brother to leave for 2 years, leaving his wife with him; she offers her husband's brother he refuses his love; when the husband returns, she tears his clothes, accuses her husband's brother of trying to rape her; when the youngest milked the cow, the elder cut off his penis; the youngest brings the severed penis to the old woman asks him to be healed; she sends it to 4 cannibals with their breasts thrown over their backs; tells her to venerate the breast alone; the cannibal says she would eat it otherwise; when she comes her son sniffs, feeling a man, she says that his brother has come; the cannibal's son took the young man to another cannibal; she restores his masculinity for promising to bring his first child, whom she he will eat; he marries a girl, there are two more grooms; the father will give his daughter for someone who cooks food in the bare desert; two cannot, the young man fills the vessel with camel saliva, boils, burning his staff; gets wife; takes the child born to a cannibal; comes with his wife to where his brother stayed; he does not like his wife joking with his brother, he says it in verse]: 89-95; Naumkin, Kogan 2013, No. 19 (written in 1980) from a young illiterate woman) [the two brothers loved each other; the youngest replied to the eldest that they would be separated by a woman; the eldest married, the wife wanted to marry his brother; he refused; she broke up on herself clothes, told her husband that his brother tried to rape her; demanded that he cut off his penis when his brother milked the cow; the older brother did so; the younger brother left; the sultan summons the men, let the daughter throw a pebble at her chosen one; she throws and hits the young man three times; on the wedding night she makes an incision in her thigh to leave blood on the sheet; tells her husband not to worry because of his position; the servant notices that the Sultan's son-in-law is castrates; the sultan orders him to swim naked to check; the young man runs away, meets old people, they restore his penis for promising to give the child, who will be born to him; the sultan sees a healthy son-in-law, executes a servant; his son-in-law takes a newborn to the elderly; they stabbed the boy, gave a piece to his father; he threw him at his wife, the child was born]: 186 (c additions to the full English translation).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lushey [stepmother rushes to a pile of firewood, tells her husband that her stepsons beat her with logs; the father takes her sons to a distant forest, throws her; the elder climbs a tree, swallows a hornbill egg ), turns into a bird, flies, showing the way to the younger one; he loses his shadow, climbs a tree, the cannibal asks her to shed fruit; he tells her to give him her staff, open his mouth, throws the staff into her mouth, killing her ; with this staff, he revives the old woman's dog; revives the leader's dead daughter, gets her as a wife; becomes a bird, flies away with her brother]: Shakespear 1909:409-411.

South Asia. Santals; Tamils.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Bukovina, Kyiv) Kitsman, Chernivtsi region) [The emperor doesn't have children. He is worried and goes hunting to forget himself. One day she sees a house with a middle-aged woman in it. When asked by the emperor, she says that her children have gone all over the world. The emperor replies that he has no children and that he cannot live without them. The woman says she knows a healer who has every potion, but she needs a lot of money. The emperor gives a handful of gold and promises more when a child is born. The woman tells me to come in a year and goes to the healer. She replies that there is an apple tree in the imperial garden, and it has six apples, three low and three taller. They must be ripped off and let the emperor's wife eat them. A woman goes to that garden, picks apples, puts them in her bosom, but decides she'll eat them herself. He eats three and throws three to the mare. Less than a year later, she gives birth to a boy with golden hair, and a mare gives birth to a skate with a golden mane and tail. The emperor arrives, looks at the handsome boy, asks whose he is. The woman says it's hers. He asks where his son is. The woman explains that, according to the healer, the emperor's wife is important and needs a potion from three years ago. The emperor tells him to send him a boy when he grows up and has golden hair to live in the palace. My son is already big three years later. His mother sends him to the capital with his skate. The young man lives in the imperial chambers, walks in the garden, and everyone loves him. The emperor does not want another son, tells the young man to call him father, since he does not have his own father, promises to hand over the throne after his death. When the emperor and his army go to war, the wife finds a lover. The guy sees it all and walks sad. The lover persuades the Empress to get him out of the light. He promises that when a gold-haired man sits on his bed, he'll turn to dust. The guy goes to the stable to his skate. He asks why he's not happy. He replies that the emperor's wife is lying to him with a crappy man. The horse tells about the danger waiting for the owner, tells him not to sit on the bed. The young man throws his clothes on the bed, they turn to ashes. The next time, the skate tells you to take an armful of firewood when the door is opened, throw it at the door, not open the door yourself. The wood turns into a pile of ash. The Empress and lover can't figure out how to kill a guy. Meanwhile, the emperor, having defeated the king, returns. The lover invites the Empress to scratch her face, go to bed and moan, and when the emperor comes in and asks what's wrong with her, say that the guy beat her. That's what she does. The emperor promises to hang the boy tomorrow and tells three torturers to prepare a gallows. When a gold-haired man is brought under a noose, he asks the emperor for permission to say goodbye to his skate. The emperor wants him to be brought in. Ten soldiers go to the stall but die from horse hooves. A hundred soldiers go, then a thousand - the same. The gold-haired man asks permission to go by himself. He sits on a horse, jumps to the gallows. She announces that she never hit the Empress, she scratched herself because she has a lover, and he, the young man, knew about it. The horse takes off and carries the young man through the air for three days, and on the fourth he says that there is another state under them. There, the horse says he must leave the owner, but let him whistle three times and he will fly in. The guy makes a pipe, comes to the capital, walks the streets and plays. The king of that state has three beautiful daughters. They hear a pipe, the older one comes out and asks why he plays so sad, he doesn't answer, the middle one doesn't answer either, the youngest asks why he's so handsome and his pipe plays so sadly. He replies that she can play more fun if she gives him her own ring. The girl gives him a ring, takes his hand and leads him to the palace. A few days later, the pipe plays merrily at their wedding]: Ivasyuk 1973:122-126; the Poles [the king borrowed money from the sorcerer; he turned the queen into a horse, replacing him with his daughter; the king did not notice substitutions; she decides to lime the young man, the queen's son; his horse tells him not to eat what his stepmother offers to give to the dog; the dog is dead; the mother will give a uniform that will tear the body; it must be hidden, replaced her own; then the stepmother tore her clothes, complained to her husband; the king orders the execution of her son; the horse teaches to ask permission to ride for the last time; they rode off; the horse tells them to be hired as a gardener to to another king; the youngest queen fell in love with him, gave him a ring; at the wedding, the young man appeared in a guise, the bride was unpleasant; enemies attacked, the queen reproaches her husband - disasters because of him; in her true form, The young man smashes his enemies twice; the king bandaged the wound with his handkerchief; came to his son-in-law, who appeared to be queen; the horse became the queen mother; the liar was driven away, the young man ruled both kingdoms]: Shcherbakov 1980:111-114.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Buyuk-Khozhalar {steppe Crimea?}) [The Coplands are Khan Mamai's best warrior; he rejected Khanshi's love; in winter, she ran barefoot around the palace three times, complained about K. Khan; he sent K. to Petropolk with a letter to the king; in the letter, a request to leave the applicant to prison; K. spent years in prison, his wife is being bullied; friend N. Kazim Myrza came to visit him; his wife told him everything and gave an ax from the nose of Albanasta, which K. once caught in the mountains; tells him to make a file out of this steel and dip a bear in the urine; file wife put it in a cake, asked the caravans to take it to Petropolka and hand it over to her husband; K. sawed the shackles, ran out, rode away; put the khan's head between the spokes of the wagon and drove the camel; he and his wife ran away]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 46; Adygs; Balkarians (Western 1958) [In the city of Iran, the padishah has 19 wives; from the very first daughter and three sons, and 18 are childless; the latter tears her clothes, cuts her hands, accuses her husband's sons of attacking in order to belittle the honor of the padishah himself; he orders to hang his sons; the vizier offers to kill them in the forest, he will bring their blood; he lets the young men go, brings the hare's blood; at night, the elder brother kills a lion, the middle brother kills a snake, they don't talk about it others; the youngest goes to the light of the fire, there are 60 robbers; he is called to spy for them; the robbers ask to know where the padishah has the money; raises the robbers one by one on a rope, cuts off each head, penetrates the padishah's three sleeping daughters; returns to the brothers without telling anything; the padishah is looking for the one who killed the robbers; the younger brother confesses; the padishah marries them to his daughters; the younger the brother gave medicine to the padishah and his wife; the vizier is jealous, replaced the medicines with poison; they gave it to the dog, she died; at this time the younger brother was on guard, killed the snake, began to wash the blood from the knife; the padishah was convinced that his son-in-law wanted to kill him; but he showed the medicine he had left, showed the snake he had killed; the padishah executed the vizier; a few years later the brothers fled; they were surrounded by an army - it turned out to be their father's army; all gathered, the elder brother told everything; the padishah's youngest wife was executed; feast]: Malkonduev 2017:523-528; Armenians: Melik-Oganjanyan 2004, No. 6 [Sarie, Hovan's wife of Dzenov, asks David for him nephew, to come to her bedroom; he refuses, calling her "aunt"; then she asks D. to come to her to pour water while she washes her hair; however, D. closed his eyes and does not look at her body; after that S. tells Ovan that he sent her not a son, but a husband; Ovan Dzenov put a door in the aisle and did not let D. into the house; he says that he is not angry with him, the hooker is to blame for everything; leaves], 42 [about the same; She tore the collar of her shirt, the hair on her head was ruffled, her face was scratched into blood]: 34-35, 77-78; probably Turks, Azerbaijanis.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians; Tajiks [tearing clothes on a young man]; Tajiks of Sistan; Vakhans; Ishkashim; Shahname; Turkmens.

Baltoscandia. Danes [{the motive is probably there, although the paraphrase is omitted}; the King of Spain's wife is dead, he took a new one; the stepmother seduces his stepson, but he refuses her; then she accuses him of trying her rape; before his execution, he can walk in the garden for three days; every 7 years a white horse appears; this time she is here again, the prince rode away; she goes to Constantinople; the horse shows a hollow in it ordinary clothes and a vessel; when the prince moistened his hair with liquid from it, it turned gold; he hides it under his hat; he is hired by a gardener for three years and must answer all questions "I don't know"; the youngest of the three princesses sees the young man's golden hair; tells the sisters that it's time to marry; they princesses should throw golden apples at the chosen suitors; the youngest threw it at the gardener; unrecognized, in his true form on a magic horse, the young man smashes his enemies three times; the king deliberately wounds him in the leg to bandage the wound with a handkerchief and then identify him; the young man appears in all his splendor, takes his wife and returns to her father; stepmother burned]: Holbek 1987:564-565; Iceland (?).

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [the padishah's wife is dead; he is offered to marry the daughter of Padishah Almas; she is in love with the padishah's son, so she agrees; offers herself to the young man, he refuses; then tears clothes, accuses the young man of trying to rape her; he is expelled; he comes to a house in the forest, tries food there, hides; three hawks flew in, became horsemen; found a young man, took him as a cook; taught turn into a crow, a hawk, a pigeon; he flies like a hawk to the island to the padishah's daughter (the condition for marriage is to bring a note from her); the old man teaches him to turn into a nightingale, sing under the princess's window; she is his let him in, he became a crow, a dove, then a man; got together with the princess; she sent him to his father with a note demanding that she be passed off as a giver; a horseman in the form of a bird fell asleep in the garden; his gardener killed him, took a note; three bird horsemen revived him with live water; all four come to the princess's wedding with the gardener; he was executed, the dzhigit married the princess]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 17:158-170; Bashkirs : Barag 1990, No. 81:232-233.


Kazakhs: Zhanuzakova 1977:240-245; Karakalpaks: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:110-113;

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Trans-Baikal Buryats (Selenginsky, Dzhidinsky District of Buryatia, 1973) [Bogdo studied with the llama; the llama's wife seduced him, he refused her; she tore off her lunch, told her husband that his student had molested her; the llama bewitched B., ordered that a hundred people be killed with a sword, made them out of them rosary fingers; he killed 99; his mother came out to meet him for the hundredth, asked him not to kill her, pointed to another; this is a burkhan bagsha, the weapon does not harm him; he tells B. to throw the rosary on the ground, the spell dissipate]: Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 13:57-58; the Mongols of Inner Mongolia: Gomboev 1858 [the anonymous chronicle Altan Tobchi (The Golden Legend), probably dating back to the first half of the 17th century. (translated from Beijing): "After him {Dzoriktu Khan}, Elback Khan sat on the throne, the year of the dog. This Elback Khan once on a raid, when he saw the blood of a dead hare in the snow, asked: "Is there a woman who is white as snow and cheeks like this blood?" Oirat Tafu-Huthai replied: "Well, there is one!" - "Who is she, can't we see her?" - "If you really want to see her, I will say: this is your daughter-in-law, Ulzetu-Gua, the wife of your son Hagurtzak Dugureng Huntaizi." Seduced by the beauty of his daughter-in-law, Elbaek Khan said to Huthei-Tafu: "Oh, showing what you have never seen, combining what is far away, satisfying your thirst for desire, you, my Tafu, go!" He told Bageji Khan's words: "He sent me to see your beauty." Bageji was angry and replied: "Can the earth connect with heaven, can Khan take her daughter-in-law? Let his son, Duguren-Temur, see that Khan, his father, has become like a black dog." Ignoring his daughter-in-law's words, the khan killed his son and took her for himself. After that, Tafu came to ask the khan to be awarded the title of darugi; but as Khan was not (at home), he sat in front of the house. At this time, Hung-Bageji sent an ambassador to him and asked him to visit her and wait for her khan along with the gifts. Tafu showed up. Bageji brought him a bowl (of wine) with the following words: "You made my unimportant person important, made my small body great, and Bageji made Taihu (Empress) the name." Then she took a voluminous leather dish, divided into two halves: she poured water into one and strong arzan (wine) into the other; she drank water herself, and gave Tafu a strong arzan until she dropped. Then she put carpets in her sleeping yurt, put pillows, curtains, and put Tafu on this bed. Having disheveled her hair and scratching her face, she sent for the khan. Before Khan arrived, Tafu managed to escape. Khan chased him and in this fight his little finger was shot off. After killing Tafu, Khan ordered Suni Jamin-Taif to cut the belt out of the victim's back and sent him to his wife. Mixing Khan's blood with Tafu's fat, she licked, saying: "The blood of the khan who killed his son, the fat of Tafu, who caused the death of my master (husband, lord), which I received as a gift - that's success a woman's revenge! I don't care about dying." Although Khan recognized Bageji's indignation, he, realizing his guilt, did not say anything to her about it"]: 156-158; Lubsan Danzan 1973 [Altan Tobchi chronicle compiled by Ordos Lama Lubsan Danzan in literary middle-aged language and dating back to the middle of the 17th century (translation from a list purchased in 1926 in eastern Mongolia from Taiji, whose ancestors migrated to Khalkha from Chakhar in the 17th century): "After that, in the same year, dogs {in 1394} sat on the great throne Elbag-Hagan. Elbag-Hagan, while hunting in a raid, saw the blood of a dead hare falling drops on the snow and said, "Is there a beauty with white skin like snow with her cheeks as rosy as blood?" Elbag-Hagan said so. Oirat Huhai Taiu said: "There is a woman of similar beauty. Yes!" - "Who is she? Hagan asked. "Can I see her?" I would like to see it!" - [Hagan said]. "If so, I'll say it. Your son's [wife] Khargutsug Dhreng Temr-Huntaiji Ldzate goa-hunbegichi, your daughter-in-law, is just so beautiful," he said. Elbag Niglesgchi-hagan, burning with a passion for the beauty of his daughter-in-law, commanded Oirat Huhai Tai: "You, allowing you to see [not yet] seen, allowing you to connect with what is far away, wish-satisfying, my Taiu, go!" On this order, the Hagan went and handed what he said to the Bagichi. "He sent me wanting to see your color and brilliance!" Bagichi, angry, told me to say: "Can Heaven be connected to Earth? Can high khans look at their daughter-in-law? Did your son Dgrang Temr-Huntaiji die? Did the hagan become a bad thing?" That's what she said. But Hagan did not take those words, killed his son, and married his daughter-in-law. After that, Huhai Taiu came to ask for tarak. "There is no Hagan," said [Taiu], and while he was sitting in front of the yurt, the Hunbegichi sent a servant to him. "I'm waiting for a hagan for my feast. Come to the yurt before he does." Tahiu came, and when he came in, the bagichi, holding the bowl, said: "You made my bad person good, /You made my insignificant person great, /I made my bagichi the title of daihu." She filled a leather vessel of two bags with one hole - one bag of strong vodka and water into the other. She drank water herself, and Tyu let him drink strong vodka and gave him a drink, [so] he fell down. Wanting to avenge him for her taiji, she ordered Taya to be placed on her carpets and pillows and the canopy pulled. After scratching her face and opening her hair, she sent a messenger to the hagan. While Hagan hurried [to her] when he heard this, Tyu ran away. When the Hagan chased him and they fought, Taiu shot his little finger across the hagan. Hagan killed Taya and, with the help of his servant named Zhashin Daibu from the Sunite, took the skin off his back, took it and, when he came to the bagichi, gave it to her. After mixing Taiu's fat with hagan's blood, she licked it and said: "The blood of Hagan, her son's murderer, was a gift for me; I am pleased with Taiu's fat, who sought to harm his lord's soul. Although I'm a woman, didn't I take revenge with this? Wouldn't it matter if I die?" Having learned about the Bagichi deception, the Hagan, realizing his mistake, did not say anything to her"]: 257-258; Zheleznyakov, Tsendina 2005 [1) the anonymous chronicle "Altan Tobchi", probably dating back to the middle of the 17th century. (translated from a list found in a private library in Beijing as part of the Genghis Hagan-u Chadig collection and published in Tokyo in 1941): "In the Year of the Dog [1394], Elbag- Nigulesegchi Khan. One day, during a cloud hunt, Elbag Khan saw a dead hare shed in the snow. He said, "Is there a beautiful woman with the same white face and scarlet cheeks like that?" Oirat Huhai-Tayu replied: "There is such a beautiful woman." "Who is she?" , - the khan asked him. [Huhai] replied: "Although you can't talk, I will. This is your son's wife, Hagurtsag-deguren-Temur-Huntaiji Ould-zeytu-Goa-Bigichi. Elbag-Nigulesegchi Khan wanted a beautiful daughter-in-law. He gave Oirat Huhai-Tai the following order: "Showing the invisible, bringing the distant closer, fulfilling wishes, my Taya, bring her to me!" After receiving the order, Tayu went and said to Bigichi like this: "I was sent to you by a khan who wants to see your beauty!" As soon as he said this, the Bigichi became angry and replied: "How can Earth and Sky connect? Do great khans see their daughters-in-law? Has his son Deguren-Temur-Huntaiji already passed away? Does Khan want to be like a black dog?" Khan ignored these words, poisoned his son and married his daughter-in-law. After that, he returned to his home. After a while, Huhai-Tai went to Khan to ask for darkhanism, but the khan was gone, and he waited for him. Bigichi sent a servant to pick him up and told him to say: "While waiting for Khan, come to me for a treat." After Tayu entered the yurt, the Bigichi handed him a bowl and said: "You made my low lady noble. You made my little lady tall. You raised the name Bigichi to Taihu." She filled the vessel, which consisted of two separate halves but had one neck, with vodka and water. From one half where there was water, she drank herself, and Taya was offered vodka. She gave him a drink that he fell. She tousled Taya's hair, unlocked the curtain and laid it on the felt spread out. She combed her face on her own, pulled out her hair and sent for Khan. Before Khan heard about this, Tayu woke up and fled. Khan ran in pursuit. [Tayu] fired an arrow and wounded Khan in the little finger. Khan killed Taya and ordered Sundi Janshin Taiba to cut a piece of skin from his back and hand it over to the bigichi. Bigichi, mixing Khan's blood with Tayu's fat and licking them, said: "The blood of Khan, who, seduced by beauty, killed his son, was a gift to me. Tayu's fat, who harmed his master, became a pleasure for me. This is my woman's revenge. Now if I'm going to die, there's nothing to regret." Khan, although he learned about the Bigichi's deception, did not punish her, realizing that he was guilty"; 2) the chronicle "Bolor Toli" ("Crystal Mirror"), compiled by Da-Lama Jambadorji from the middle Urat Khoshun in 1830-1840s: "After that, Elbag-Niguleshu became Khan. After seven years of Elbag-Niguleshu's reign, one day, when he was hunting and saw drops of blood in the snow, he asked Huhai-Taihu in Oirat: "Is there a woman on earth with a white face like this snow? and scarlet cheeks like this blood?" When he said so, Huhai-Taihu in Oirat replied: "The beauty of Ulzeitu, the wife of Khagurtsag-Duguren-Huntaiji, exceeds your description." Elbag Khan, very happy, said: "Oh, Huhai-Taihu, if I see her with my own eyes, I will make you a chinsan and appoint you to rule the Four Oirats." Then Huhai-Taihu immediately went and arrived at the Khagurtsag-Duguren-Huntaiji yurt, who was hunting at that time. When Huhai-Taihu saw Hanshu Ulzeita and told her the purpose of his visit, Hansha Ulzeitu became very angry and said to him, "Why did your khan need to see me? If he, a great man, has no shame and is like cattle, then you should not intervene between the two sides like a donkey." With these words, she spat Huhai-Taihu right in the face. Very ashamed and embittered, Huhai-Taihu left. When he reported everything to his khan, Elbag Khan was filled with passion and anger. Elbag Khan ambushed Khagurtsag-Duguren Khuntaiji and killed him, and took his wife, who was three months pregnant, for himself. Elbag Khan then asked Hanshi Ulzeita: "Did you get pregnant with my younger brother Huntaiji, or by someone else?" Hansha, out of revenge, deceiving him, replied: "This is from Huhai Taihu. I've been living with him for a long time. That's why, even though I've wanted to see you for a long time, he wouldn't let me in, and he didn't lie to you like I was so angry." When she said so, Khan fully believed her and ordered Huhai Taihu to be killed without any interrogation"]: 41-42, 95-96.

Subarctic. Beaver [the Swan boy lives with his parents; the mother dies, asks his father to take a new wife from the south, not from the east or west; the father takes him to the west, from the seashore; she asks the Swan to get a rabbit, puts a live rabbit under her clothes, complains to her husband that her stepson raped her; father takes his son to an island at sea, sails off in a boat without listening to explanations; voice (Sitting in Heaven?) tells the Swan to spread resin on the stones; ducks and geese stick to it; thanks to the feathers and meat of the birds caught, the Swan survives the winter; in the spring the father comes to see his bones; the son sails away in his boat; returning ten days later, he sees his father dead, with feathers in his mouth; the Swan fires an arrow in front of his stepmother; the ground lights up; the stepmother rushes into the water; the swan makes the water boil, firing another arrow; stepmother dies; Swan kills monsters]: Ridington 1981:354-355 (=1988:126-136).

NW Coast. Tsimshian [the chief loves his young wife, her four (or ten) brothers supply her with abundant provisions; the first wife is jealous; one of the brothers plays with the chief, paints his face with red paint, to be lucky; the first wife sends a maid asking her to send her paint to meet her; the young man refuses, reluctantly gives the maid some paint; the wife rubs her face with it, complains to her husband that the young man tried to rape her; the chief kills all her brothers; loses interest in the young wife because she is now poor; the son of the Sun gives her leggings, moccasins, snowshoes, tells her to bring them to the leader; when she does does, lightning strikes those present; the son of the Sun revives the dead; they leave, become atapaski tsetsot]: Boas 1916, No. 30:781-782; Haida (Skythgate) [beginning like the Tsimshians; the leader destroys everything the youngest wife's tribe; a boy comes out of her mother's thigh; this is the Month; he gives his sister a copper neckband and bow, tells her to give them to her husband; these objects light up, people die; the Month spits on them, reviving them] : Boas 1916:783.

The coast is the Plateau. Western sachaptin [Valetitsa is married to Tiptiptyay (a bird); his younger brother is single; T. asks a young man to shoot her bird, scratches her face with his claws, says W. that his brother tried it rape; V. throws his brother's arrows into the fire; he leaves, his dog (this grizzly) follows him; the young man climbs the trunk to heaven, to the house of the Spider (Spider?) , no longer returns; the grizzly stays in the forest; A. repents, looks for his brother, the grizzly tells him the truth; V. kills his wife with an arrow; swallows things, becomes small and ugly; see motif K27] : Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 9:157-159; ne perse [woman asks her husband's younger brother to shoot a bird for her; scratches her face with a bird's claw; husband throws brother's arrows into the fire; brother leaves; with him the bear, who was the brothers instead of the dog, leaves; the bear tells the truth first to his younger brother, then to his older brother; the elder kills his wife with an arrow]: Phinney 1934:163-165.

The Midwest. Eastern Cree (Quebec, Lac Hameçon) [one of the two wives hates the other's son; asks for a live partridge, puts her under her clothes, scratched, accuses the young man (his name Ayatz) of trying to rape her; his father takes him to the island to collect seagull eggs, throws him; A. puts on the skin of a seagull, flies over the water, falls on a rock; the water serpent Pisikiv plants him between the horns, tells him warn if thunderclouds appear, takes him to the shore; A. passes the Earth's mouth, throwing stones at it; flies as a bird to his mother, takes the form of a human being; fires an arrow, setting fire to the world; those who were kind to him]: Petitot 1886, No. 1:451-459; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Wai-Mishus has two wives; one scratches her body with raspberry stems, accuses the other's son of trying rape; the young man's name is Iyas; V. leaves him on the island, tells the seagulls to kill; The seagull carries I. on his back, defecates on V., returns to the island; the Green-horned serpent carries I. to the other side; asks to let me know if a black cloud appears; I. is silent, the Thunderbird carries the snake, I. manages to jump ashore; revives the snake from pieces of his skin; the fox helps I.; the old man with a huge leg presses sleepy travelers; The fox bites his leg, pus pours out, the leg becomes normal, the monster dies; ropes hang from the sky between the two rocks; I. throws them roots, runs himself; the woman and her three daughters teeth in vaginas; I. sticks a stone, breaking their teeth, women are grateful; two blind old women with sharp elbows kill travelers; I. throws clothes between them, old women pierce each other; I. revives them, cuts off her tips, heals her eyes; comes to the mother; tells her to throw another wife's child into the fire, who mocks her; lights the ground with arrows, he and his mother are unharmed, V. burns; I. turns the mother into robin, herself in a toad]: Ray, Stevens 1971:112-120; Western Ojibwa: Radin 1914, No. 14 [a woman invites her husband's younger brother to become her lover; he refuses; she tears her clothes accuses the young man; people do not believe, but the husband takes his brother to hunt on the other side of the river, leaves him there; the old woman brings the young man to her place, feeds him, warns of dangers on the way home, gives dogs; shaking , they become big, kill enemies; a young man kills giants and monsters who meet so much; at home his parents are happy to return], 15 [as in (14); the woman herself rushes her husband's brother on the other side lakes]: 27-31; Algonquins (the band is not a decree.) [Nopatsis's wife hates his brother Akayan; tears her clothes, says A. tried to rape her; N. takes his brother on a raft to the island to collect bird feathers, leaves them there; A. spends the winter with the Beavers, learning medicine from them; having received the right to choose any gift, takes his youngest son Beaver with him; N. comes to look at A.'s bones; A. sits on his raft, sails to people Bobrov teaches them songs and dance (the origin of the Beaver Ritual); after visiting the island again, he returns his son Beaver in exchange for a sacred pipe; sees N.'s bones]: Spence 1985:184-187; kickapoo [the leader has two wives; one does not love the other's son; he shot a bird; the woman puts it between her legs to scratch it; complains to her husband that the young man wanted to rape her; the husband tells everyone to sail overseas, leaving her son one; a young man climbs a tree; an ogre comes up with his dogs; these are cougars; he climbs after a young man, he pushes him, shouts to the dogs to grab their prey; cougars devour the owner instead of the young man; two blind old people sing: This is how I will hit the Abandoned; the young man ties the ropes on which they walk to the water; the old people fall, accuse each other, fight; the young man offers them attack him from both sides; they kill each other; garfish transport a young man across the sea; he meets his mother, tells her to burn her baby; except her, burns everyone in his father's village; one person turns into a crow]: Jones 1915, No. 10:75-89; Steppe Cree [the chief has three sons, the youngest is single; the elder's wife tries in vain to seduce him; she accuses him in front of her husband; the husband stabs him; the young man comes to an old woman; she teaches him to defeat the Master of the Horses; a young man brings home a herd (the origin of horses); the father makes him the leader instead of himself; the older brother finds out the truth, kills his wife with a knife; the middle brother finds out the truth, kills his wife with a knife; the middle gives a young man one of his two wives]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 28:268-279.

Northeast. Naskapi [Chief Ayashi has two wives; the youngest is afraid that he will make the eldest son heir; asks the young man to shoot the partridge, puts it between her legs, scratched; Ayashi is lucky the son collects the eggs of birds, throws him on the island; his mother expels him, showering her with hot coals; the Seagull is unable to lift the young man; the Horned Serpent (catfish) carries him; he lies as if the sky is clear; jumps off ashore, Thunder hits the Snake; a hook hangs above the path; the fox rises to the sky, pulls up the hook, the young man runs past; two dogs guard the path; the fox turns into a weasel, the dogs bark, Ayashi them kills for unreasonable anxiety; a young man comes to two women; they have toothy wombs; he first introduces flint, breaking their teeth, then copulates; returns home; turns his father into a frog, his mother into robin]: Speck 1915c, No. 1:70-74; (cf. [Aiasheu sees scratches on his wife's chest; she explains that she caught a partridge, but he thinks it's a sign that his son copulated with her; she takes him to the island to collect bird eggs, Tom leaves; mistreats his wife; when she says that her son is back, A. pushes her into the fire; the young man saves his mother, burns his father; the mother turns into a robin; her chest turns red from a burn]: Millman 1993:93-94); Montagnier [like Nascapi; Chief Ayasheu; Raven, two Loons unable to carry a young man, a horned creature transports; a fox digs an underground passage under the Bolshoy Trail lying across the Great Trail With his leg; under his clavicles hanging on a rope; a hook crawls behind the young man, he throws a caribou leg at him; in the house of two blind old men with sharp elbows, he throws his jacket at the door; old people pierce each other; a young man sends his mother to hit his father with her head; shoots, the ground lights up, the father and his younger wife die in the fire; the young man turns his mother into a robin, himself into a hawk]: Desbarats 1969:6-12; seneca [ the witch's daughter comes to marry the youngest of seven brothers; mistakenly sits on the bed of the eldest; the youngest rejects her love; she scratches her feet with thorns, accuses the young man of attempted violence; brothers they want to cut off his head, their knives do no harm; the young man tells his sister to cut off his head, put it back around his neck; tells him to leave him and his sister in a house made of solid logs; a witch sends a storm ; the brothers disappear, the youngest and sister escape, but the wind blows away his eyes; the sister marries the witch's son, gives birth to twin sons; the grandmother gives them the ball to play; following the ball, they come to their own blind uncle; they put in the eyes of owls, eagles, they are not suitable; each give one eye; come to their aunts (the daughters of a witch); turn into fleas, bite their feet; every aunt thinks that another stings her; they fight, kill each other; twins find a baby girl decorated with human eyes; send eyes to their owners; a girl has a witch's life; twins kill girl, witch dies]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 114:543-555.

Plains. Sarsi; blacklegs; assiniboine; santi; teton.

Southeast USA. Tunic; biloxi.