Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F70D. Disgraced informer. 11.12. (.13.) .14.16.17.

A girl pretends to be a man or a castrato, or a girl hides an injury, or a man pretends to be a girl. Someone is revealing a secret. At the last moment, the hero or heroine magically gets rid of the injury (acquires a masculine or feminine nature), the informer is disgraced (executed).

Mpongwe, Ekoi, Bethe, Von, Eve (popo), Tangale, Soninke, Dogon, (Nubians), Mauritanian Arabs, Kabila, Germans (Pomerania), Jibbali, Socotra.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Mpongwe [Ilâmbe rejects suitors, wants to marry only someone who does not have the slightest defect on his skin; the leopard takes the form of a man, I. readily leaves with a handsome man; father He anticipates bad things, tells his daughter to take a plain horse; on the way, the husband leaves several times to hunt in the guise of a leopard; at home he gives a human appearance to his relatives; I. sends the servants taken with him to cultivate the field, and the leopard husband eats them one at a time; when the last maid is gone, the horse says that the next turn is hers, tells I. to take calebasses and peanuts with him, with with pumpkin seeds, with water, run; the leopard chases; the horse tells you to throw peanuts (the leopard stops to pick up and eat what has been abandoned), pumpkin seeds (the same), calebas with water (river); leopard stops the persecution; the horse tells you to wait a couple of days in a neighboring city, only men are allowed there, the horse gives I. the appearance of a young man; one person reports that she is a woman; I. offer to swim undressed; at this time, the horse gives I. the appearance of a real man, who brought her disgraced; the horse orders him to be shot, dismembered, burned, scattered; after that, I. turns into a woman again, and the horse is reborn; I. returns to his father, pleads guilty]: Nassau 1912, No. 15:69-76.

West Africa. Tangale [brother wants to marry sister; makes a belt the size of his sister's waist, lets bathing girls try on whoever suits him, only fits her sister; sister runs away with her friend {this friend is hereinafter referred to as her sister}; the brother catches up with them, cuts off her sister's legs knee-deep, the friend carries her, climbs a tree with her; the chief comes; the legless spits, one of the servants notices her, chief tells her to go down, takes her eighth wife; the old woman spreads a rumor that the new wife is a legless leper; the girl wants to drown herself; Nanamudo {monster witch} comes, asks her, swallows her and belches, the girl's body becomes whole; the gathered people see a beautiful woman, the old woman was stabbed to death]: Jungraithmayr 2002:178-192; ecoi [each of the animals gave Obassi Nsi a daughter as a wife, received reward; the turtle has no daughters; he sent O. two sons, received a double reward; warned that if someone sees his daughters naked, they will die; but O.'s older wife soon found out the truth; O. convened the people to a celebration to publicly expose the deceivers; however, the tortoise's sons exchanged sex with the lizard and demonstrated their femininity to O.; O. scolded his eldest wife; the lizard She came in vain to ask for her femininity; the sons (and now daughters) of the turtle let her swallow a fu-fu ball with fish bone inside; the bone is stuck in her throat; the lizard has been shaking her head ever since trying in vain to free themselves from the bone]: Talbot 1912:378-380; beta [after the death of their father, 12 brothers cannot marry because they do not have sisters to exchange; the younger one tells him to dress him as a girlfriend and get paid for he is 11 women; the eldest wife sees that the new one is a man, says this to her husband; he tells his wives to undress in front of their parents; the imaginary wife does not know what to do; the crab gives the drug: one wash yourself, pour another one where the older wife washes; the young man became a girl and the older wife became a man; she was killed]: Paulme 1976:71-72; background [King Dada-Sé noticed a handsome young man who mistook it for a girl; the young man Dansi and his father did not mind, but promised the king not to disturb his new wife for a year and to ensure her privacy with other wives; the eldest Alouba spied and told the king; waiting for exposure, D. took 40 cakes and passed 40 gates, throwing a cake to every dog that guarded them; the hyena, the panther refused, Death agreed to help; cut off the man's D.'s nature, turned it into cassava and ordered A. to eat; she ate it and became a man; the king was convinced that D. was a girl; when he saw that A. was a man, he ordered her to be tied to the hyena's back and let the hyena be put in forest]: Paulme 1976:72-74; eve (popo) [the king has 40 wives; he took a new one named Breni, not knowing that she had no hand from birth; the rival reported; the king told his wives to go naked into the yard; B. cooked 41 cakes and 41 pieces of chicken to throw 41 dogs at 41 gates, ran into the forest; consistently asks the lion, panther, hyena and all the inhabitants of the forest to eat it, but everyone tells her to move on; the turtle created her hand, gave her jewelry and sweet potatoes; as soon as her rival ate sweet potatoes, her hand fell off; the king ordered her to be burned in a hole]: Paulme 1976:85-87; soninke [older brother's wife tries to seduce her the youngest, he rejects her; she complains to her husband that the youngest tried to take possession of it, tells him to tear him up; the eldest tries to approach the youngest twice at night, the dogs raise the alarm; the third time dogs do not they bark, the elder splits the youngest, brings his genitals to his wife; the youngest recovers and leaves, and the eldest and his wife soon become poor and blind; the royal daughter falls in love with the youngest, tells her father to marry her; two nights, the young husband does not touch his wife; the slave examines his sleeping man, the wife tells the father that the husband is a castrate; the father tells the servant to check, promises to execute either the son-in-law or the slave if she lied; the spirits command the youngest to catch a beast; in exchange for a promise to let him go, the beast gives him a choice of 7 genitals, offers him to choose; the shattered becomes a man again, kills the beast, takes everything genitals, meets his wife 7 times in a row at night; she gives birth to a son; the royal son-in-law with his wife, cattle and gold returns home; you do not need to listen to women and take money if you are on good terms with blood relatives]: Dantioko 1978:109-119; Dogon [the older brother is married, the younger brother is single; the elder's wife offers herself to the youngest, he refuses; she stains her handkerchief with a white adhesive mass from a baobab fruit, tells her husband that his brother raped her; at night the elder scoped the youngest; he left in the morning; in a distant village he hired a rich man, who gave him his daughter as his wife; she told the old woman that her husband did not sleep with her, she said to her father; the father took the young men to the forest to find out the truth; everyone chased the monitor lizard, fell behind, and only the shattered man caught up with him to the hole; the monitor lizard promised to fulfill his wish; the young man spoke about his problem and the monitor lizard gave a choice of 30 penises; the young man chose and became a man again; killed a monitor lizard; everyone saw that the rich man's son-in-law was a full-fledged man; he killed an old woman; when his wife gave birth to three children, her father-in-law gave her son-in-law a lot of cattle, and he and his family came to his older brother; he ripped open his wife's belly and took a new one; the brothers began to live with their families]: Paulme 1976:77-78.

(Wed. Sudan - East Africa. The Nubians [the girl was promised by her parents to the young man; when the wedding preparations were finished, an old woman said that Sesun {the groom} did not have a penis; the girl's mother, her siblings, mourning this, they came to her father; he asked, "Is our cow dead?" ; "It would be nothing yet," the wife replied; "Did the zhernov really crash?" ; "It would be nothing yet"; "So what, then," he says, "is the reason for your crying?" ; wife: "Sesun doesn't have a penis"; the shocked father cried out: "Oh my poor daughter, oh heinous swindler!" ; men living in the neighborhood gathered to check if Sesun had a penis; told him to climb a palm tree and take off his clothes so they could see his penis; Sesun's father said, "If Sesuna {bride} will not climb the next palm tree in the same way, I will not allow my son to climb a palm tree"; people told both to climb; they both climbed with their clothes off so that the viewers could see that they have; the people below made sure that Sesun has a penis and Sesun has a vulva; told them to go down, they went down; celebrated the wedding; to drag Sesun's penis to Sesun, his placed on seven camels; when they arrived, the porters removed the penis from the camels and piled it with a pile near Sesun; Sesun's father, frightened by the sight, told his wife to insert her penis with her hand Sesun into her daughter's vulva; when the wife did, Sesuna asked if the penis was all inside her; her mother answered yes; Sesuna said, "Well, your hand does not bring happiness at all" {hand unhappy, that is, he will be too small}]: Reinisch 1879, No. 13:239-241).

North Africa. Mauritanian Arabs [two brothers married, both wives gave birth to a girl; one was born with a bracelet on her arm, the other with a necklace around her neck; they became inseparable friends; the girl's mother with a bracelet ( DB) died, the father took another; the new one gave birth to children, but is jealous of her stepdaughter, tells her husband to cut off her hand and take the bracelet; the father did it; the daughter promised that the thorn would pierce him by connecting his knee and chin; both girls ran away, they were met by the Sultan's son, married DB, but the Girl with a Necklace (DO) ordered them to take her too so as not to part with her friend; this country had a law: kill anyone who had injury; the old woman noticed that the wife of the Sultan's son did not have an arm, reported; the Sultan ordered all the women to dance; the friends went to the desert; a snake swallowed on DB Hill; when DO saw someone sent to search for them rider, she asked the snake to either swallow it or regurgitate DB; the snake regurgitated, DB came out alive with both hands; the old informer was buried waist-deep in the ground; the snake swallowed up all the property of DB's father, his wives and children died; he cut down a thorny tree and was pierced by a thorn; he was beggar; his daughter saw him, pulled out a thorn, gave him some property; but the snake ate everything again every time; daughter sheltered her father]: Tauzin 1993:145-152; Kabily [Zalgoum's brother caught her hair at the source; before that, the horse refused to approach the water; promised to marry the one who owns the hair; the mother went around all the girls in the village, only Z. had such hair; her brother was going to marry her; the parents had to agree; the mother tried on her daughter's wedding dress, saying that the bride had Brother is the same figure; mother gives clay and sends Z. to renew the walls of my brother's room; swallow: give me clay for my nest, I'll name my brother's fiancée; Z.: why do I need it; mother sends wheat to peel, crow asks for grains (the same); sends couscous to cook; the cow asks to leave some for her calf; Z. it seems strange and she gives seeds to the crow; she says that the bride is herself; Z. runs away from home; hid in the grotto, closing the entrance with a large stone; the shepherd's goat butts a stone; the shepherd hears the song by Z. (go away the goat and tell my father from my mother that Z. is here); father came; Z.: you were my father and now my father-in-law; father: stick out your hand; Z. stuck out, he kissed her; same mother (mother-in-law); brother (husband); that compartment his hand with a sword; threw his hand on the roof - let the sun dry it or take it away by birds of prey; when he went to that spring, he pricked his knee, it became inflamed; no one can help; the prince found out about the girl in the cave, promised a reward to whoever lured her out; an old healer; she made a fire, put the pan upside down, began to cook clumsily on purpose; said that she could not see anything from her old age; Z. went out hiding the prince grabbed her, she agreed to go with him; the prince hid her in the upper room of the palace, but the jealous wives found her; noticed the absence of a hand; suggested to the prince: let everyone paint their nails with henna; Z .: I do it late at night; wives: who will sew and sew the best clothes for the prince; the crow asks Z. for a thread, found a dried hand on the roof, brought it, sewed it, grassed a cure, his hand grew; Z. she managed to make the best clothes; she gave birth to two sons, who grew up and went to find her parents; Z. with them, told them to hide her luxurious outfit under rags - from dust and robbers; entered her brother's house disguised as a beggar; his wife and child are there; his brother is lying, his swollen leg is black and thorn; Z. easily pulled it out with the hand that her brother had once cut off; he recovered; remembered his sister's curse: you Only the hand you cut off will heal; Z. ran away, all the inhabitants chased her, but she threw a handful of bran into their eyes; she returned with her sons to her husband and told him her story]: Mammeri 1996, No. 5:82-98 .

Western Europe. Germans (Pomerania) [a noble man died, leaving his wife and 16-year-old son poor; they went on a journey; on the way, the young man, in the absence of his mother, found a vessel of strong water; after drinking it, he became strong; they came to the castle of 12 giants; the young man pulled back the heavy bolt, the table was laid inside; when the giants arrived, they thought that the one who pushed the bolt was stronger than them; sent the younger one to scout; the young man was not there , and his mother took a giant as her husband; he offered to pretend to be sick and send his son to fetch living water; on the way, the young man met a couple of lions and killed the lion with his fist; the lioness carried him to living water and the lion came to life; The young man took water, and the lions went with him; now the giant invited his wife to send his son for partridges, and when he returned, give him wine and ask him what his strength was; on the way, the young man freed the princess, walled up under the floor by giants; telling her to wait, he came to his mother, became intoxicated from wine and sleeping pills; admitted to his mother that his strength was in the hemp lace on his body; the giant took off his shoelace, took the young man into the forest and dazzled; the lions brought him to the princess; she ordered him glass eyes and brought him to his father; the general noticed that the young man had glass eyes, told the king that the young man had been thrown into prison; the princess took him out, they came to the forest with the lions; they saw a blind bird plunge into the stream and saw the light; the young man washed his eyes, also saw the light; the princess brought him to the king and he was convinced that his son-in-law was sighted; now a general thrown into prison for lying; the king ordered the giants' castle to be ruined; they came to where the young man's mother and her husband were; when he saw lions, he was frightened and returned his lace; the young man took the giant into the forest and blinded him like that blinded him; the giant starved to death; the young man's mother was executed; he married a princess and received the throne]: Jahn 1891, No. 36:194-202.

Western Asia. Jibbali [when leaving, the sultan tells his son to kill the child that his wife must give birth, if a girl is born, save if a boy; the wife gives the girl to an old woman, the brother buries the sheep; the girl grows up, the old woman tells her not to leave the house, she goes out to drive the chickens away from the grain, the sultan sees her, wants to marry her; the deception is revealed; the sultan tells her son to kill his sister; he leaves with her ; they live by the stream, the brother hunts; the sister's hair goes with the flow, the old woman picks him up; the infidel tells her to find the girl; they come to her; she tells her to kill her brother; invites him to play, the loser tied to a bench; tied tightly, an infidel splits the young man, takes his sister away; the cat gnaws through his fetters; the young man recovers, leaves; the Sultan's daughter sees him, agrees to marry him, even if that castrato ; the infidel meets the young man, tells the Sultan that his son-in-law is castrated; he promises to execute the infidel and his wife if it is a lie, or let him and his son-in-law be executed, if true; in the evening the wife lets the young man down from the window, he leaves; three angels promise to restore his courage if he gives them half of his future children; tell them to wake them up when the sea is not white or black, but green; he wakes up, he is thrown into the green sea, his genitals recover; at night he sleeps with his wife; cuts off the head of his sister and the infidel; the wife gives birth to three children; when he divides them, he cuts one, leaves, taking half; the angels call out to him, they connect the halves, let him go to his wife with three children; everything is fine]: Müller 1907, No. 22:102-110; Socotra (written in 1980 from a young illiterate woman) [two brothers loved each other; the youngest replied to the elder that a woman would separate them; the elder married, the wife wanted to marry his brother; he refused; she tore her clothes and told her husband that his brother tried to rape her; demanded that he cut off his penis when his brother milked the cow; the elder brother did so; the younger brother left; the sultan convenes the men, let the daughter throw a pebble at her chosen one; she throws and She hits a young man three times; on the wedding night she makes an incision in her thigh to leave blood on the sheet; tells her husband not to worry about his situation; the servant notices that the Sultan's son-in-law castrate; the sultan tells him to swim naked to check; the young man runs away, meets old people, they restore his penis for promising to give the child he will have; the sultan sees a healthy son-in-law, executes a servant; the son-in-law takes the newborn to the elderly; they stabbed the boy, gave a piece to his father; he threw him at his wife, the child was reborn]: Naumkin, Kogan 2013, No. 19:186 (with full additions English translation).