Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F71. Susanna and the Elders, ATU 883A. .11.13.-.17.23.27.-.34.

When refused, the man falsely accuses the woman of debauchery; others believe and try to punish her harshly.

Comorians, Sakhos, Somalis, Arabs of Sudan, Egypt, Morocco, (Tunisia), Berbers of Morocco, Algeria, Spaniards, Catalans (Majorca), Portuguese, Italians (Tuscany, Basilicata), Sicilians , French, Irish, Germans (Mecklenburg), Aramaians, Old Testament, Thousand and One Nights, Syrian Arabs, Palestinians, Arabs of Qatar, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Mehri, Bengalis, Sinhalese, Hungarians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Albanians, Croats, Greeks, Czechs, Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Pskov, Ryazan, Gorkovskaya, Tambov), Ukrainians (Galicia), Belarusians, Karaites, Abkhazians, Adygs, Ossetians, Andians, Archins, Tabasarans, Svans, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Tajiks, Yagnobes, Bukhara Arabs, Ishkashim, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Estonians, leaders, Veps, Finns, Lutsis, Latvians, Lithuanians, Danes, Mari, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, Kazakhs (including Syr-Darya), Uighurs (Kashgar), Shors.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Comorians [parents took a teacher for their intelligent daughter; he began to molest her, she asked for a bath first, which made him blind; he said she blinded him when he I found her with a group of men; she left, married an old man, had seven children, her husband was younger; she went with her children to visit her parents; on the way, the slave wanted to take possession of her, killed her children, she ran away herself; carried a heavy chest, the hell undertook to carry it, demanded the chest itself as payment; she made it grow to his head; came to the village; the slave lures her to the slave ship; she did so that a seal is glued to Rob's head, kills anyone who tries to approach her, she is shoved ashore; disguised as a man, she heals a hopelessly ill person; asks the local chief to call everyone hopelessly sick; everyone who met her and tried to master her comes in; they have to confess everything]: Haring 2007, No. 95:277-280.

Sudan - East Africa. Sakho [the king has a daughter and a son; the daughter is locked in the palace, the old woman is preparing food for her, she picks up food to her through a window on a rope; the king has left, treasurer for him; asks the old woman to put it in the box, let the princess lift him up; the princess throws him off; he finds a similar girl, takes him to the bazaar, accuses her of debauchery, writes about it to the king; the king tells his son to kill his sister; her brother leaves her in another country; her The local king found and married; they have seven sons; the king left, left the vizier, who called one of the seven rootless, the boy told his mother; the returning king sent his wife and courtiers to his wife's homeland; on the way, the vizier began to molest the king's wife, she refused, he killed her sons, she left, another king married her; the other two came there to fight; the woman brought everyone together, told everything, the villains executed]: Reinisch 1889, No. 11:66-76; Sudanese Arabs: Mitchnik 1978, No. 14:85-93 in El-Shamy 2004, No. 883A: 523; Somalis [when leaving, Sultan tells Mullah (priest) to teach his daughter the Koran; he bothers to her, she rejects him, he complains to the Sultan that his daughter is promiscuous; the Sultan sends servants to kill her daughter; in the forest they cut off her legs, dig a grave, at which time she crawls away, they bring the Sultan a bottle with gazelle blood; the girl was picked up by caravans, the Sultan's son saw her, got married, she gave birth to two children; while her husband was away, she dreamed that the birds sat on her feet; in the morning her legs grew; taking the children and a lamb, she came to the house where her parents, husband, mullah were; tells her story; her father stabbed a mullah; everyone went on a pilgrimage]: Kirk 1904, No. 3:319-321 (=1905:162-163).

North Africa. Arabs of Morocco [father and son go to Mecca, seven daughters remain; the youngest is smart; the Sultan's son unsuccessfully tries to seduce her; writes a letter to her father that his daughter has disgraced him; sends a son bring her daughter's liver; he brings the dog's liver and sister's clothes; the sister lies covered with sand; a man finds her, she explains the situation, he lets her go; she pretends to be a fatih man (expert) Koran), even marries, entrusting the secret to his imaginary wife; the father returns, accuses the Sultan's son of the death of his daughter; Fatiha is asked to judge the case; the girl tells her story; the sultan wants to execute her son, but girl forgives him, stays with her father and brother]: El Koudia 2003, No. 8:42-52; Moroccan Berbers (Tazeroualt) [man and son go to Mecca; tells the muezzin to bring food to his daughter, which he leaves at home; the muezzin molests the girl, she drives him away; he writes a letter to his father: his daughter disgraced him, it is better not to return; the man sent his son to kill his sister in the desert, bring her clothes and blood; the brother let go sister, brought hare's blood; the king saw the girl among the gazelles, asked the Jew to know if she was human; he left plates of salty and unsalted food and a brazier; the girl chose salty, warmed herself by the fire; her they brought her to the king, he married her; she gave birth to a son, but did not speak; they pretended that her child was being thrown out the window, she cried out, her throat broke through, she spoke; her vizier molested her, she did not I agree, he killed her child; she left, put a lamb's stomach on her head, put on men's clothes, started a shop; father, brother, muezzin, vizier, king met there; she tells her story, opens; The vizier and muezzin were ripped open; the king took his wife and made her father caliph]: Basset 1903, No. 12:33-39; Algerian Berbers: El-Shamy 2004, No. 883§, 883A: 520-524; (cf. Tunisia [Once upon a time there was a father with a 7-year-old daughter, Aisha. And one day he wanted to go on Hajj, but how would he leave his daughter alone? Aisha reassured him and said that he could go, but she would be alone and would not leave the house at all. He bought her everything she needed and left. Aisha lived with her cat. The cat asked her for a large piece of meat every time, but Aisha could not give it to her because there was not much meat left, so the cat got angry and threw the boxes of matches into the well. Aisha started to wonder what she should do. She climbed onto the roof and saw a neighbor lighting a fire. He was an angry man. She asked him for fire and he said he would only give her if she let her cut her little finger. She agreed. Then he gave her a coal. The next night, a neighbor came to her and knocked on the door and asked her how she liked his house. She answered him courteously and got rid of him with her cunning. This went on for a while, then her father came back. Aisha told her father everything about her angry neighbor, and her father decided to teach him a lesson. He dug a big hole in front of the house and covered it with grass. When an angry neighbor came in at night and asked Aisha how he treated her, she replied that he had treated her very badly. Then the neighbor got angry and was about to open the door by force, but fell into a hole. The father called the police and his angry neighbor was taken away. This is the end of all evil]: Korovkina MS); the Arabs of Egypt [the merchant, his wife and son went on the Hajj, entrusting his daughter to Kadia; he asked the pimp to arrange a date with a girl in the bathhouse; the girl hit him with a piece of pumice and took away her clothes, told the mason to build a wall around her house; Kadiy wrote to the merchant that his daughter was a slutty; he sent his son to kill her; the brother left his sister in the desert, brought his father a bottle of with the blood of a gazelle; the girl climbed a tree, Sultan's son Muhammad found her and married her; she gave birth to a son and a daughter, accompanied by a vizier, goes to visit her parents; the vizier killed her children, the woman ran away, the vizier said that she was a witch and ate her children; she started working in a coffee shop, where all the participants in the events met; the woman told her story; the cadi, the vizier and the old procurer were burned ]: Spitta bey 1883, No. 6:80-93 (translated to Lebedev 1990, No. 35:180-187).

Southern Europe. Spaniards, Corsicans: Uther 2004, No. 883A: 506-507; Catalans (Majorca) [After traveling, a person leaves his daughter in the care of a teacher; he tries her in vain seduce, the returning father slander the girl; he tells the servant to kill her daughter, but the servant leaves her in the cave; the king finds her, takes her as his wife; in his absence, the general tries to seduce her; wearing men's dress, girl runs away; king finds her, punishes intruders]: Oriol, Pujol 2006, No. 883A: 174; Italians (Tuscany, Basilicata): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 883A: 217; Sicilians (Agrigento) [When he was about to marry, the prince sent artists to sketch beauties; he chose the daughter of a laundress, came to pick her up, paying her generously to her father, brought her to the palace; when he went to war, the minister began to seduce the young queen; she rejected him; he accused her of debauchery, the old king wrote a letter to the prince, who ordered his wife to be taken to the forest and killed him; she gave the torturers her jewelry and they let her go; put on a man's dress, went to 24 robbers, calling herself Grand Narbonne, whose name is known; robbed merchants, but so as not to kill anyone; when the prince returned, he began to grieve for his wife, went hunting and went to those robbers; the unrecognized wife demanded that the prince send for the minister; made him confess, cut off his head; opened up to her husband; the robbers were forgiven, they became honest people]: Calvino 1984, No. 176:636-638; Portuguese [in her father's absence, the priest tries to seduce a girl; when refused, accuses her of debauchery; father tells daughter's brother to kill her , but he leaves her in the woods; a prince finds her, brings her to his castle, is a woman, or she works in a shop where the captain meets her; the courtier tries to take possession of her, she runs away, or he kills her child and accuses her of murder; wearing a man's dress, the heroine comes to her native village; arranges that everyone she met agrees; tells her story; the perpetrators are punished, the rest reconcile]: Cardigos 2008, No. 883A: 217.

Western Europe. The French (Nivernay) [when her parents and brother left, leaving the girl in the care of her uncle, he began to molest her, she refused; he wrote to her father that the girl was promiscuous; the father sent her son bring the sister's heart and liver to fry and eat them; brother let his sister go, bringing father the dog's heart and liver; the girl was met by a prince and married her; once went to her father on business, wife should come later to bring the money; two servants robbed her, pretending to be attacked by robbers; the prince's wife wore a man's dress and came unrecognized to her father's house; everyone had gathered there; she told about crimes, disguised as a woman again]: Tenèze, Bru 2000, No. 883A: 65-67; Irish, German (Mecklenburg): Uther 2004, No. 883A: 506-507.

Western Asia. Old Testament [two elders, who were judges, were waiting for Susanna bathing in the garden; she rejected them, they told her husband Joachim that they saw S. with a young man; S. was sentenced to death; Daniel asks separately each of the elders, under which tree he saw adulterers; the elders call different trees, they are executed]: Dan., 14; One thousand and one nights [the judge in Israel leaves the city, leaving for himself brother; he unsuccessfully tries to seduce his wife; fearing exposure, he called on false witnesses to accuse the girl of adultery; informs the king; the king orders the woman to be stoned and put in a hole; a passerby hears a woman's moans, pulls her out of the hole, carries her to his wife, heals her; the owner's wife entrusts her child to the woman; the child sleeps with her in the same bed; a man tried to seduce woman; having received a refusal, he came at night with a knife, accidentally stabbed not her, but the hostess's child; the hostess decides that it was the guest who killed the child; the husband does not allow his wife to kill her, she runs away; passing by the village, pays for the sin of a person sentenced to death; the sentenced person repents, serves her; a woman begins to heal with prayer; her husband's brother is affected by a disease on her face; a woman with a child is affected by leprosy, the child's murderer is a disease legs; all sick people gather in the woman's house; she promises them a cure if they confess their sins; prays for them; opens to them; they swear to death to serve her]: Salle 2010 (1), night 465-466:1258- 1260; Arameans [when she dies, the wife tells her husband to marry a girl her shoes fit; they only fit her daughters, the father wants to hug her; the daughter hides in the chest, the father sells it, Pasha buys it; in Pasha's son's room, a girl comes out of the chest every morning, cleans up, cooks; a young man waits for her, marries her; her father is executed; she gives birth to a son and daughter with gold and silver curls; the housekeeper bothers to her; when refused, accuses her of attempted adultery and, having killed her son (and daughter?) , in infanticide; Pasha orders his wife and children to be taken to the mountains, kill; servants bring bird blood; a woman washes the bodies of children at the spring, they come to life; a castle appears; a golden ring fulfills any desire; a woman's son Chelenk-Afdal gets a beautiful woman; Pasha arrives, everything is explained, the housekeeper is decapitated]: Belov, Wilsker 1960:405-411; Iraqi Arabs: Stevens 2006, No. 34 [after the father's death, son Sultan Melek Muhammad first squanders his fortune, then hires a merchant, gets rich, marries his daughter, visits his mother, his wife stays with her mother-in-law to look after her; an old man in love lures a young woman to her, she solders him, hits him, returns without saying anything to her mother-in-law; the old man replaces his mother-in-law's letters to her son, supposedly his wife is debauchery; MM arrives, stabs his wife with a dagger, throws her away outside; she is picked up, cared for by a doctor; beats her to force her to live with him; the doctor's wife lets her go; in the desert she runs away from the shepherd; then from the Sultan's messenger, taking possession of his horse and clothes; comes to the city where the Sultan died, a bird sits on her head, she is elected the new sultan, mistaking her for a man; she tells her to take her portraits in women's clothes, go show everyone, call on those who portraits to her finds out; everyone tells their own story, the people decide who to execute (the old man, the doctor), who to let go (the shepherd, the messenger); the wife forgives her husband, gives him the crown of the sultan]: 162-182; Yaremenko 1990, No. 9 ( Karbala province) [the shopkeeper and his son went to Hajj, left his daughter in the care of the butcher; he unsuccessfully harassed her; when the shopkeeper returned, he said that his daughter was a promiscuous life; father told his son to kill his sister, but he only left her in the desert; the girl climbed a tree above the spring; the nomad saw her reflection, swore he would not harm her; married, she had three sons; husband sends his wife and sons to visit her parents, gives her a slave as a companion; her slave harasses her, cuts off the heads of her sons, ties a rope to the woman; she ties a rope to the bush, runs away, taking heads of sons; is hired by a shepherd with a lamb's stomach over his head and pretending to be a boy; comes to the father's house; her husband, slave and butcher also come there; she tells her story; the butcher and the slave was burned alive]: 54-58; the Palestinians [a rich man with his wife and son went to Mecca; the daughter was left in the care of the sheikh; he began to bother her; she offered to play chess, won, tied it up, threw it outside; the father returned and the sheikh wrote to him that his daughter was acting like a harlot; the father sent the son to kill his sister and bring her blood in a vessel; the brother took her to a deserted place and left her there when she fell asleep and brought the dog's blood to her father; left alone, the girl climbed the tree; the prince found her and married; sent her with gifts to her father; but had to go to judge the quarreling birth; his her uncle demanded intimacy, she refused, he killed her three children; but she ran away, tying a rope tied to her to a tree; the warrior tried to take it for himself, but she convinced her to put her on a horse and galloped away; came to her father's house in men's clothes; her husband also came there; she told her story; the sheikh and uncle of the prince were burned alive]: Bushanq 1987:361-365; Saudia [the sultan went on Hajj, ordering the slave to look after her daughter; she noticed that the slave was stealing treasures, beat him; when the sultan returned, the slave accused his daughter of debauchery; he told his brother's son to leave the girl far away island; he left her in the desert; two guys, one tall and the other short; she promised to marry the first to reach her; the short man won; both the sultan and the slave and the son came to the wedding Sultan's brother; the tall guy began to tell a story; the slave tried to escape but was not released; the girl and her husband came in; everyone is happy, the slave is executed]: Juhaiman 1999:26-28; the Arabs of Syria, Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 883A: 552-554; Yemen [a man with a son leaves, leaving his daughter to be marked by a Quran expert (Faqih); he demands that the girl lie down with him, she drives him away; fakih sends a letter to her father accusing the girl of debauchery; the father sends his son to kill his sister; he leaves her sister far from home; she begs at the mosque; the king sees her, takes her as his wife, they have three sons; she wants to visit her relatives, the king sends a slave with her; he wants to take possession of her, she refuses, he kills her children; while she goes to get water, she runs away; comes to her father's land, sells coffee; her husband comes to the coffee shop with slave, father, faqih; everyone tells stories, so does a woman; a king kills a slave, a fakiha is imprisoned; a wife returns to the king, gives birth to new children]: Daum 1992, No. 12:127-130; mehri [wife the ruler died, leaving his son, daughter and slave; the ruler asked the judge to bring them provisions on Fridays; they lifted the basket to the lock on a rope; the judge climbed into it himself, they cut off the rope, judge told people he fell off a donkey; paid an old woman to bring him a girl; she lured her, brought her in, the girl hit the judge, he told people he fell off the camel; scattered leftovers of coffee and tobacco at the castle , wrote to the ruler that his daughter was a libertine, ran a coffee shop; the ruler ordered his son to kill his sister, bring a bottle of her blood; the brother took his sister to the forest, regretted it, filled the bottle with gazelle blood, added sister's finger; left in the forest; the son of another ruler saw her, got married, they have three children; they went on a pilgrimage; on the way, the slave demanded her surrender to him; killed her children; she stole his clothes, a gun and a horse, rode away; disguised as a man, she was hired to work in a coffee shop; invited everyone involved in her fate, asked her to tell me something; everything turned out; the judge and the slave were beheaded]: Stroomer 1999, No. 48:129-135 (=Jahn 1902, No. 5:7-14).

South Asia. Bengalis [at a chakladar (sub-governor) named Manik is the daughter of Kamala, the son of Sadhan, the manager of Nidan, an old thrush woman Chikan; N. makes an immodest offer to K. through C.; N. tells the governor that M. and S. have found and hidden gold, they are thrown into prison; K. lives with her father's brother, N. writes that K. is promiscuous, she is expelled, sheltered by a shepherd; she is met and brought home by a prince Nadeep Kumar; K.'s father and brother are going to be sacrificed; she gathers everyone for trial, tells her story; C. admits everything, K. goes for NC, N. is sacrificing Kali]: Porozhnyakov 1990:230-249 ; Sinhalese: North India Notes and Queries, vol. 3, No. 373 in Thompson, Roberts 1960, No. 883A: 107.

The Balkans. Hungarians, Romanians, Croats: Uther 2004, No. 883A: 506-507; Greeks [father and son went on pilgrimage, leaving daughter at home; teacher sent a letter: daughter is promiscuous; father sent his son to kill his sister; he found her with a tramp {the narrator departs from the standard plot, which is typical for many of the texts in this collection}; took her to a deserted place; the girl begged him to take it clothes moistened with crow's blood; climbed on the willow; the prince noticed her, brought her to him; soon she left; pulling her goat's stomach over her head, came to her native village; the prince, the teacher, was also there, policeman {he has not been mentioned before}; an imaginary guy tells a story, a policeman and a teacher try to leave, the guy tells them not to let them go; removes the goat's stomach from his head; the father killed the teacher, betrayed daughter for a prince]: Dawkins 1916:361-363; Albanians [mother sends Constantine's son to his uncle in Smyrna, the young man works in a shop, goes grocery shopping; a man sells a chest: who buys, regrets who doesn't he will buy, he will also regret it; the young man buys; when he comes back, the food is ready; the uncle says that the food has never been tastier; K. spies, sees a girl coming out of the chest; she says she is in love with him that her father is king of Egypt; when she refused to marry someone else, he put her in a chest and send her away, and she asked her servant to bring him to Smyrna and sell him to K.; K. sends his wife his mother; a Jew bothers her, is refused, writes K. that his wife is debauchery; K. returns, throws his wife into the river; after learning the truth from his mother, he goes to the mountains; fishermen sell the woman to a Turk; she suggests that he dress her in men's clothes, otherwise she will be stolen; leaves in his clothes and on his horse; comes to Egypt, her father is dead, residents decide to choose the one they see first in the morning as king, the choice falls on his wife K., who is mistaken for a man; people love the new king, his portraits are everywhere; servants grab those who react strangely to them; K., a Jew, fishermen, a Turk are brought; everyone tells the truth, the king's daughter reveals to ministers who she is, K. reigns, the Jew is expelled]: Elsie 2001, No. 8 (without pagination); Bulgarians [when leaving, parents leave their daughter in the care of another person; he tries her seduce; when refused, he says that the daughter has taken a bad road; the father tells his son to kill his sister; he allows her to leave, brings the dog's finger (heart, eyes) to his father; the king meets the girl, marries; his trusted man tries to seduce her, she runs away; pretends to be a shepherd, hires an unrecognized job with her father; reveals the truth when her father, husband and seducer]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № 883A: 312.

Central Europe. Czechs: Uther 2004, № 883A: 506-507; Russians (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Ryazan, Tambov), Ukrainians (Galicia), Belarusians [slandered girl: when the father leaves, the uncle wants to seduce the girl; this fails; he slander her; the father instructs her son to kill her sister; she escapes, marries the prince; the servant (officer) tries to seduce her; she runs away in a man's dress; a safe end]: Andreev 1929, No. 883:63; SUS 1979, No. 883A-AA 883:223; Russians (Teresky Bereg) []: Balashov 1970, No. 66:227-230; Russians (Vologodskaya, Kirillovsky University) [father and son left, daughter at home, father's brother, monk, began to embarrass her; she refused; he wrote to his brother that his daughter was dissolute; he told his son to kill her, bring her heart; brother agreed to slaughter the dog, sister let go; the girl came to 12 robbers, cleaned everything up, hid; the robbers returned, swore not to slaughter the one who was hiding; fell in love with the girl as a sister; the monk found out, sent the old woman with the poisoned with a shirt; the robbers hung the coffin on 12 oaks; the merchant's son came across the coffin, brought it to his place, put it in his bedroom; when the son was away, the parents found the body, took off his shirt, the girl came to life; the son was wearing it got married; she dressed sexually, went to the inn where all her relatives were; told her story; her uncle and father were shot, and she took her brother with her husband]: Sokolov, Sokolov 1981, No. 39: 154-155; Russians (Pskov) [the master left, leaving his daughter on the farm; the pop climbed into her bathhouse, she poured boiling water on him; he wrote to his father that she was walking; the master told his son to cut off his sister's head; he killed the dog and let his sister go; she went to the robbers, became their sister; her brother found out that she was alive, sent a scallop and a dress; she shoved her scallop into her hair, put on a dress, and fell asleep right away; the robbers put her in a glass coffin, put it under an oak tree; the sailor hunted, saw the girl, brought her home, asked her mother to change her into a white dress; the girl came to life, he married her; she decided visit her parents, boarded the ship, the sailor began to bother, she threw herself into the water, swam to the shore, she became the old woman's chicken coop; by chance everyone gathered there, told; the father wrote everything to the sailor own estate]: Ploshchuk 2004, No. 53:139-141; Russians (Gorkovskaya) []: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 6:171-174.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karaites [two companion merchants: Haji Mustafa in Aleppo and Haji Osman Efendi in Damascus; taking his son and leaving his daughter Shamsha Khan (Sultan Khan from the middle of the story) at home, XM goes to meet with HO; the imam accidentally saw SHH, hired a witch to lure her into the bathhouse; SHH made a hole in her pocket and put millet in to find her way home in the evening; in the bathhouse, the imam tried to take possession of it, but she let him in soap in her eyes, broke the glass ceiling to make the fragments fall, and ran away; the imam had to pay for the pogrom; he wrote to SH's father about her debauchery; he sent his son to kill his sister; her brother left her in the woods and he brought his father a shirt soaked in rabbit blood; SHH climbed a tree, Sheikhzade hunted, saw her and married; when he returned home, HM repented; when he learned from his son that he did not kill the SHH, he built a caravanserai , where, instead of paying, guests were required to tell a story; the school gave birth to three children; her husband let her see her father; on the way, the vizier stabbed her children and tried to take possession of it; she asked for time off out of need, tied a rope and ran away; dressed as a shepherd and went to the caravanserai that her father had built; when all the participants in the story had gathered there, she spoke about what had happened; the imam and vizier were hanged; Sheikhzade and Sultan Khan's wishes have come true; let those who listen or read this story also achieve their goal]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 79; Abkhazians: Bgabzha 2002 [the widowed merchant left his daughter to the teacher; he asked her to get together with him, she refused; he told his returning father that his daughter was promiscuous; the merchant sends people to kill his daughter, they leave her in the woods; the princely son married her, she gave birth to two sons; her husband sends her children to stay with her father; they are accompanied by her husband's milk brother, trying to take possession of her; she refuses, he kills her two sons, the woman runs into the forest; brother at home tells her husband that they were attacked by robbers; the wife wears a man's dress, serves as a shepherd; after receiving a salary, gathers people, tells her story; the dairy brother was executed, the father and the teacher the woman's request was spared]: 273-275; Shakryl 1975, No. 22 [Alexander lived with his father, his sister Tatyana was raised by a monk; she refused him, the monk accused her of debauchery, her father told A. to leave his sister in the forest; she comes to three Adaoua brothers, secretly cooks and cleans; brothers spy, take T. as his sister; the old woman comes and invites T. to wear a dress, she becomes stony; Prince Cotia takes this stone, revives T ., taking out a mirror that did not see the light and a golden comb; T. gathers everyone, tells his story, shot the monk]: 97-106; Adyghi [the old man left his daughter in the care of the worker; that He bothers her to no avail; when he returned from Hajj, he lied that the girl was pregnant; Haji tells her to do what the worker wants with his daughter, he left her in the steppes; the khan marries her, they have a son; she goes to visit her father; the servant bothers her, throws her son into the river, she rushes after her; swims out, grazes the sheep at the shepherd's house; the girl's khan and father come there; she tells her story lets her hair loose; the worker and servant are tied to horses]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 32:250-253; Ossetians [Aldar leaves, leaving his daughter in the house of his childless brother; he falls in love with her, she refuses closes himself in the fortress; Aldar lies to a returning friend that his daughter was angry and slutty; he tells his son to kill his sister; the son brings chicken blood to his father; another Aldar finds a girl, marries him; they two sons; a wife and children go to see her father and brother; on the way, a servant bothers her, kills her children; a woman runs, puts on a man's dress, hires Aldara's shepherds, becomes elder, arranges their homes; when everyone gathers, he tells his story; Aldar a traitor and servant are tied to the tails of horses]: Byazirov 1971, No. 19:203-211; the Andeans [son went to work in Russia, was hired to to the merchant, the merchant's daughter fell in love with him, he sent her in her mother's chest; when she left, the girl got out of the chest, cleaned the house; the mother was surprised; the girl opened up and called herself a daughter-in-law; they built good home; a local merchant wants a girl himself; wrote a letter to her husband, as if on behalf of his mother, that his wife was walking; the son came and cut his wife; the mother said she did not write letters; the merchant cured the woman, but she ran away to the shepherd; wearing men's clothes, she came to the village; they chose a khan there; the falcon sat on the head of an imaginary man, she became a khan; hung her portrait on the gate, ordered those who would be stopped he was surprised; the guard brought that merchant, husband, shepherd, father; everything was clarified; ordered the merchant to hang, appointed the shepherd khan]: Salimov 2010:225-226; Archins [during Hajj Haji Said and him Haji Patimat's wife left her daughter Pari Khanum with the old woman; the mullah's students bother her, tell the old woman that she is behaving badly; the old woman writes to her parents, PH runs into the forest, hides in a tree; the son of a vizier finds her, gives her clothes, gets married, they have a son and daughter; two years later she goes with her children to visit her parents; she is accompanied by her husband's brother, harasses her, kills her children, she runs away; her husband looks for her; everything without knowing each other, gather at her parents' house; she tells her story; all those responsible are buried alive in the ground]: Mazaev, Kasumov 1997:415-416; Tabasarans [the merchant leaves, leaves the servant watch his daughter; she rejects his molestation, he accuses the girl; the merchant tells his son to kill his sister in the woods; the brother brought his father a dress soaked in goat's blood (text ends)]: Dirra 1905:137-138; Swans [Haji Daut and his wife go to the Kaaba, leave their daughter in the care of Efendi; he tells the old woman to bring her; the old woman brings her to E. as if she were in a bathhouse; the girl lathered E., ran away; E. wrote HD a letter as if his daughter is fornicating; he tells his son to slaughter his sister, the brother moistens the handkerchief with the puppy's blood; the girl leaves, changes clothes with the shepherd, hides in a tree, the prince notices her, marries her ; she pretends to be dumb; the prince overhears how angry she is when she learns that her husband, on the advice of a fortune teller, gave the egg to one of their sons, saying that it was for someone who was more beautiful; she has to tell her story; the prince sends her with children and gifts to her parents; on the way she is harassed by listeners; she runs, they kill her children, accuse the prince of her infanticide; a woman is hired for HD under like a farmhand, tells his story instead of a fable; E. and servants are killed, the woman returns to her husband]: Dzidziguri 1973, No. 12:93-99; Georgians: Glonti 1974 [father leaves, asks the priest to watch over his daughter; he bothers her, she invites him to lie on the bed, burns him with a cross on his back; the pop slander that the girl is debauchery; the father tells his son to drive his sister out; the prince finds her, marries; an unrecognized daughter and her husband come to her father's house; tells a fairy tale - her story; the priest is tied to a horse]: 187-191; Chikovani 1954, No. 64 [the merchant leaves, asks the monk to watch over his daughter; he bothers her, she burns him with a cross in the bathhouse; the monk slander as if the girl is debauchery; the father tells his son to kill his sister; he takes her to the mountains; the king finds her, marries; an unrecognized daughter is hired by to his father as a clerk; tells a fairy tale - his story; the tsar enters with a boy and girl born to his wife; the monk is imprisoned in the basement]: 316-321 (=1985:191-195); Chikovani 1986 [=Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 111:196-205; a similar option, a girl scalds her priest in a bathhouse]: 452-461; Armenians: Bunyatov et al. 1900, No. 7 [when leaving for war, Tsar Avak leaves his wife Lusnik in the care of a minister named Gamayak; he tries in vain to seduce L.; accuses her of infidelity, A. orders her to be executed; G. orders L. to be killed with her child in the forest, the warriors let her go; she meets John the Baptist, converts to Christianity; A. finds her, returns her, converts to Christianity, executes G., cedes the throne to her son]: 19-22; Miller 1891 [(by Sat. Mat. et al., 7 (2), No. 7:196-206); Princess Saltanata is kidnapped by Yusuf's fiancé, but lives separately from he has his mother; Haji-Mamed wished her, was refused, slandered Yu, he returned and kicked her out; then S. (boatman, robbers, choosing Dvelet-Gush as king); after becoming king, S. punishes the perpetrators, persuades the people to take her husband as king]: 9; Wingate 1911, No. 8 []: 481-484; Azerbaijanis: Akhundov 1955:64- 76 [father promises to give Nigar Khanum for merchant Ilyas; finds her with gardener Mestan, drives her away; they live with her mother M.; M. leaves on business; I. comes to N., she beats him; he writes M. a letter on behalf of mother, as if his wife disgrace him; M. tells him to wait for his return, I. replaces the letter with an order to drive N. away; N. finds himself in an enchanted castle, accidentally splashes the girl and her lying in the grave Beloved; M. goes to look for his wife, I. pushes him into the ravine, comes to N., who kills him by hitting him on the head with a jug; N. and the girl and the boy find M., everyone is happy], 178-186 [Aziz buys in India the girl, leaves his mother, leaves again; the Shah's son wants her, is refused, wrote to A. that his wife is walking; he wounds her with a dagger, throws her away; she remains alive, after adventures returns to A.]; Bagriy 1930 (1) (Kazakh County, 1906) [merchant Khoja Yusif is raising a foundling named Tavtik; when he was seven years old, the merchant's wife gave birth to a daughter, Pari; both were sent to school, T. was unable , and P. studied well; rumor has it that HUW and his wife are dead; the old woman offers T. to marry P.; P. refuses, T. oppresses her; HUW returns, T. says P. is depraved; HUH leaves her naked in the woods; Khan Ali finds P., gets married, they have two sons; Khan sends Kara Vizier to take his wife to her parents; on the way, K. harasses her, when refused, kills her children, she runs away into the forest; K. tells the khan that P. stabbed her children herself; A. is hired as a shepherd; leaves a letter to A. under the stone; he is looking for a wife, meets people who have found the letter; unrecognized P., together with A. and K., comes to her to his father, whose father serves as a shepherd; tells her story; the old woman, T. and K. were hanged, the GYU paid a fine, P. returned to her husband]: 57-65; Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [when going to Mecca, Tsar Shamil leaves his daughter Zarniyar is in the care of the vizier; he bothers Z.; she runs away, lives with a poor shepherd; when Sh. returns, the vizier accuses Z. of debauchery; the prince finds Z. and marries; the vizier harasses Z., she again runs away; (etc.)]: 408-420; Turks [the man and his son went to Mecca, asked the imam to take care of his daughter; he began to bother her, she drove him away, he wrote a letter to his father as if he were a daughter debauchery; the man tells his son to kill his daughter, bring her bloody shirt; the brother realized that her sister was innocent, let her go; Bey's son met her and married her; she gave birth to two sons, went to visit her father accompanied by her husband's uncle; he molested her, killed the children, she ran away, disguised as a young man, hired to work in a halva seller's shop; her husband, husband's uncle, and the girl's father came there; she became telling a fairy tale is his story; the husband asks the uncle if he wants 40 horses or 40 knives; the uncle chose horses, he was tied to the tails of 40 horses; the imam was executed]: Stebleva 1986, No. 86:354-360; Kurds [Ahmad Padishah's daughter picked up and adopted a boy, his name is Taptyg; A. had her own son and daughter; the old woman advised T. to marry daughter A., because she is not his own sister; she refused, T. accused her of fornication; A. ordered her own son to kill his sister; she ran into the forest, she was found by the son of an Arab padishah, married, she had two sons, pretended to be dumb; the husband overhears his wife talking to sons; she explains that he will send her to visit her parents; on the way, the vizier bothers her, kills her sons, she runs away, the vizier says that the boys were killed by their mother; the woman is hired a shepherd, pulls a lamb's stomach over his head, is hired by his father; the husband comes there; the woman tells her story, the vizier and T. were executed]: Rudenko 1970, No. 32:77-80.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [when leaving, the merchant leaves his daughter Nush Afarin in the care of a mullah teacher; he bothers her, is refused, accuses her of debauchery; the father tells his son to kill his sister; the young man leaves her in in a deserted place, lubricates her shirt with the blood of a dove; NA hides in a tree, finds her, shahzade finds her, marries, they have two sons; she goes with them to visit her father; a vizier bothers her, kills her sons, she runs; wearing a lamb abomb over his head, he is hired as a cook at his father's house; shahzade and the vizier come disguised as dervishes; everyone tells their stories, the vizier and the mullah hang]: Osmanov 1958:66-74; Tajiks [the merchant leaves his daughter Mehrbona in the care of a judge; he bothers, is refused, accuses M. of debauchery; the merchant tells his son to leave his sister in the mountains; poor Akhror marries her, she gives birth to a son; wants visit her parents, goes accompanied by her husband's friend; he bothers her, kills her child; she is hired under the guise of a man as a servant at her parents' house; A. and a friend also come there; an imaginary servant tells his story; villains are punished, M.'s husband moves to his father-in-law's house]: Amonov 1972:169-179 (=1980:165-175); Yagnobtsy [poor young man finds a wounded girl; brings his mother, marries; The king found out, wanted it for himself, she refused; he wrote a letter to the young man as if his wife was slutty; he cut her with a knife, lowered her into the river in a chest; the mother explains to her son how wrong he was; the fisherman picked up the chest, the rich man married a woman, he already has two wives; the new one promises to lie down with him if he brings the chest; all three wives sail away in the chest; they have been found by 40 robbers; the young man's wife promises to surrender to those who run and will be the last to return; the robbers are gone, the wives took the horses, fled; put on men's clothes; a bird sat on the head of the young man's wife, she (as it were) was chosen king; she makes her friends viziers; orders to place on his images at the gate; the young man sees the image of his wife; all participants in the events gather; the robbers were torn apart instead of goats at the goat; the wife gave the young man the throne, became his wife]: Andreev, Peschereva 1957 , No. 1:19-25; Bukhara Arabs: Vinnikov 1969, No. 11 [while the merchant is away, Khatyb asks his wife to show him the merchant's daughter; she asks the girl to look in her head, spies on her; the merchant's daughter notices orders to beat the khatyb; he meets the merchant halfway, accuses the girl of messing with laborers; the merchant tells his son to take his sister to the steppe, bring a cup of her blood; he brings pigeon blood to his father; the emir meets an abandoned girl, gets married, she gives birth to two boys; the wife asks the emir to allow her to visit her father; the servants want her, kill her children, she runs away; changes clothes with the shepherd, becomes a dervish; everything they gather in a merchant's house, an imaginary dervish tells his story; a khatiba and two servants are stabbed to death; the merchant gave his daughter to her husband], 34 [the merchant leaves his daughter at the khatyb, he bothers her, she complains to the servants, those are his they beat; the khatib tells the merchant that the daughter dabbled with her servants; the merchant tells his son to slaughter his sister; he leaves her in the steppe, brings the bird's blood; the rich man finds her, marries; she goes to visit her with two sons father, the servant bothers, she runs away, he kills her children; the shepherd bothers, she runs away, pulls a sheep scar over her head; everyone meets, she tells her story, her brother stabbed a hut, a servant, returned his wife to her husband]: 77-79, 224-226; Ishkashim [the merchant and his son go to trade, leaves his sister literate to take care of his daughter; he bothers her, she hits him with a copper jug; he comes to to the merchant, accuses her of debauchery; the merchant tells his son to kill his sister in the steppe, bring her blood in bottles; he releases his sister, brings the blood of a pigeon; the sister climbs on the plane tree above the pond, the king passes by sees her reflection, takes her wife, she gives birth to a son; accompanied by a vizier, she goes to visit her father; the vizier bothers her, she runs away at night naked; the servants bring her son back to the king; the woman runs away from a shepherd, from robbers, in men's clothes, is hired as a servant to her father; everyone gathers, she tells her story; a sister literacy and a vizier are tied to the tails of horses, a shepherd is made a vizier, a woman returns to her husband, king]: Pakhalina 1959, No. 10:147-163 (=Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 42:361-374); Uzbeks: Shamusarov 2003 [in the fairy tale Ozodachehra, a father going shopping deeds, the daughter trusts a stranger, and at the instigation of Satan, he tries to deceive trust and encroaches on the girl; beaten for molesting a girl, the old man goes to the Shah, pretends to be the girl's father, said that found 40 young men in her possession, and she ordered him to be beaten; the vizier leaves the girl in the steppe (in Uzbek)]: 129-130; Sheverdin 1972 [bai wanted the wife of his poor nephew; sends him with a caravan, tells his wife that her husband is dead, bothers him, she throws a jug at him, he complains to the Shah that his nephew's wife is depraved, she tells Bai to go blind; the shah tells her to fall asleep with stones; she is found by a caravan, another buy, then his servant falls in love, is refused, the servant stabs his three-year-old Bai son, accuses the woman, drives her away; with the last money she buys the thief; he tells the caravans that she his slave sells, everyone drowns at the crossing, the woman swims out, comes to the city where the Shah died in men's clothes, she is declared Shah; the woman's husband returns, leads the blind bay to the just Shah, there But all the offenders of a woman on whom she has caused illness come, are forced to confess what they have done, recover; a woman makes her husband a shah, lets the offenders go]: 320-327; Turkmens: Lebedev 1954, No. 9 [Azim the merchant leaves, tells Molle to teach his son and daughter; Molla bothers the girl, who scratches his face; he goes to meet the merchant, says that his daughter is a libertine; the merchant tells his son to quit sister in the desert; the son of the padishah marries her, the son of the vizier takes her camel; the husband sends her to his father with the son of the vizier; on the way, he wants her to give herself, kills her son, she runs away; puts it on her head mutton's stomach; comes to his father, tells his story in the presence of Molla, takes his stomach off his head]: 129-134; Stebleva 1969, No. 55 [the merchant leaves, leaves his daughter in the care of the mullah; he sticks to she, she dates him, sends a slave to hit him on the head with an ax, he cuts off his nose; he writes a letter to her father, as if her daughter is walking with a slave, trying to kill him; the father tells her sons to take him away naked sister into the steppe and kill her; they leave her alive; the padishah marries her; the vizier wants to take possession of her; she goes to her father, he accompanies her, kills her two sons, she runs away herself; is hired by her father under like a shepherd; all participants in the story meet, the girl tells what happened; the father kills the mullah, the padishah of the vizier]: 303-312.

Baltoscandia. The Finns [a single brother bothers a married man's daughter, is refused, slander the girl, the married man tells his son to kill his sister; he kills the dog, the king's son marries the girl; she is bothered by servant; she comes home dressed as a man, tells her story to everyone present; single brother and servant punished]: Heartland 1894, No. 3:322; counselors [rich man brags that his wife is to him Loyal; his farmhand steals her ring, tells the owner that his wife gave it to him herself; the husband tells him to take his wife to pasture, kill her, bring a bloody shirt; the laborers took pity, smeared their shirt with pigeon blood; the farmhand takes the entire farm, drives the owner away; he and his wife are hired by the same person; tell their stories, get to know each other; the husband orders to kill the farmhand, lives again with his wife in his home]: Ariste 1962, No. 18:47-48; Lutsie (West 1893) [the merchant left his daughter in the care of a priest; he began to molest her, she disagrees, he wrote to her father that his daughter was corrupt; merchant writes to her son, tells her sister to shoot; she begged her brother to let her go, he made a false grave; the girl lived for three years in the forest, ate berries and kidneys; the prince found her, brought her to him, fell in love; the king allowed the wedding; the king did not cook beer or smoke wine; one day the young king left and then sent a ship for his wife; the captain began to bother her; she asked to sail to the island and ran away; her fishermen picked up; in the city she asked the shepherd to get her men's clothes, hired her father as a coachman; he did not recognize her; everyone came to the merchant's name day: priest, captain, king; the imaginary coachman tells his story; captain and priest punished; Ja ma ka sääl sei ja jei, a suuhe saa-as, kõik iks üle huuli maha läts (I ate myself, drank, didn't get into my mouth, everything went down my lips)]: Annom et al. 2018:58-62; Latvians [Slandered girl. While the father is away, they try to seduce his daughter. The father tells his son to kill his sister. With pity, her brother lets her go. She is marrying a king. One day, in the presence of his father and brother, he talks about his fate in the form of a fairy tale]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 883A: 323; Danes, Estonians, Lithuanians: Uther 2004, No. 883A: 506-507; Veps : Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 883A: 238

Volga - Perm. The Tatars [the mullah tries in vain to seduce Hadicha; she cut off his beard; he says that H. is a peary; her father tells her son to kill his sister, give his liver to the mullah; he leaves his sister in the forest brings the mullah a dog's liver; the padishah's son found H., married; she gave birth to a child, went to see her relatives; the ship's captan bothers, threw the child into the water, H. jumped after him, swam out, begged shepherd men's clothes, hired by a boyar; padishah drove there; H. tells his story; the captain was drowned; the mullah was forced to carry frogs from one swamp to another for the rest of her life]: Zamaletdinov 2009 , No. 58:212-218; Marie, Mordovians: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 883A: 238.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Kastanye 1910 (Syr-Darya), 223-225 [Previously, seven settlements of Jety-Asara were a flourishing land; Sultan Jety-Asara was braver and Sultan Altyn-Asara richer; a tiger attacked AA while hunting, what happened nearby YES killed a tiger; grateful AA gave his daughter for his son YES; after the wedding, one of the servants volunteered to go for the quiver forgotten by the young Sultan, began to molest his wife; she rejected him; servant told the Sultan that his wife forced him to get together with him; the Sultan rode, cut off his wife's head; her father called sakafs (Scythians) from behind Syr-Darya, destroyed the Jety-Asar, went to the Sakafs], 210-212 [by land the left side of Syr Darya was owned by Zhangit Khan; his wife Ai-Slu ("The Beautiful Moon") was harassed by an Arab slave; she told him to take her husband a sword to cut off his head; an Arab accused her in front of her husband, he cut off her hands; her father called on God to punish the guilty; her daughter's hands grew, snakes attacked the city, killed everyone; only Zhangita's younger brother Ulu-Khan and his friend Zhala-batyr fled to Bukhara ; the shepherd drove the sheep to Bukhara, two snakes clung to the horns of one ram, found those who had fled in Bukhara, killed them; AU and her father disappeared without a trace]; Tursunov 1983 [when leaving, Zhunus leaves his Marhuma's virtuous wife is in the care of her nephew; he fell in love with her, fought back, accused her of debauchery, found four accomplices to confirm the charges; the judge ordered M. to be stoned; she lost consciousness, an Arab passing by pulled her out of the hole; his slave began to molest her; when repulsed, stabbed the owner's child, put her next to M.; the owner did not believe the prosecution, but sent M. away, giving money; for them she bought the young debtor, whom they were going to hang; he molested her, sold her to the merchants as his slave; M. turned to God, scattered the merchants' boats, M. escaped, and the merchant's property went to her; began to live with the ruler, became a healer; the merchant who returned believed the tribesman; he fell ill, went with her husband M. to the doctor; the merchant also brought the sick slave there, came and saved from gallows; M. found out everyone; said that they would be cured if they confessed to crimes; M. and J. began to live well]: 278-283; Uighurs (Kashgar): Jarring 1948, No. 1 [widow bai went on business, leaving daughter in Ishan's care; he began to molest her, she refused; ishan wrote to bayu that his daughter was depraved; bai replied: let Ishan kill the girl, send a spoonful of her blood; ishan instructed others to do so people; they let the girl go, killed a baby and sent his blood; the prince found the girl at the spring, took her, married, they have two sons; the wife decided to visit their father; the prince sent with her a servant who tried to rape her; he killed her sons, was going to kill her, but she ran away; the servant returned, blamed the woman for everything; the woman, taking the guise of a bald man, was hired to work for a bald man to his father's shepherd; the prince came there, the imaginary bald man volunteered to tell a fairy tale; bai wanted to drive him away, but the prince offered to listen; ishan was also there; when the story was over, bai killed ishan, the prince is a servant; bai married his daughter and prince again], 5 (Yarkand) [the mullah fell in love with the student, asked her to bring water to where he washes, tried to take possession of her, she rejected him; he wrote it father about his daughter's misbehavior; he ordered his son to kill his sister, bring her blood; the brother let his sister go, brought wolf blood; the king found her, married her; she wanted to visit his father; the king sent her vizier; he tried to take possession of her, killed her children; she asked God for help, the hurricane took everything away; she got to the robbers, ran away from them, hired a bald shepherd, put her hair on him, his skin On her head; then she came to her father's cities, began to work in a tavern; and the vizier told the king that the workers had killed his wife and children; the king gave him the throne, became a merchant, and his wife came to the same city, his year old; The king is surprised: only his wife cooks this way; everyone gathered in the tavern, she told her story; the king executed the vizier, happy with his wife]: 11-19, 39-48.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Shors [Kakpyryn-old man is surprised that someone eats food from his cauldron; she remains guarded and sees a girl; she: I am a man, Saryg Khan's daughter; her brother squeezed out her eye, broke her arms and legs; her father's relative, Mukalay, fell in love with her, but she refused; then he accused her of debauchery - her men come in the door, go out the window; he opened the doors himself, her father believed her, her brother maimed her, threw her in forest; K. tells her to go down to the river, the water makes her healthy and sighted; Kara Kahn's son met her, got married; her brother did not recognize her, she forgave him; M. was beaten and taken to the forest]: Arbachakova 2010, No. 12:289-295.