F73A. The vulva is like a wound (first people) .11.12. (.40.)
Thevulva is an unhealed wound on the body of the first women, or the first people did not copulate because they thought that the vulva was a wound.
Zaramo, mkulwe, ekoi, mosi, western dan, (igloolik).
Bantu-speaking Africa. Zaramo [there were no women; a man climbed a tree for honey, his axe fell, injured his companion between his legs; they slept together, children were born; women's wounds have been bleeding ever since]: Baumann 1936: 369 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 170:123); mkulva (kulve) [the woman asked the man to wash her wound in her lower abdomen; the wound was not healed; God explained to the woman what was going on; said that her knee would swell, the “son of wisdom" will be born from there]: Baumann 1936:369 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 171:123).
West Africa. Ekoi [the first couple did not know sex, the man tried to treat the woman's vulva, thought it was a wound; God taught them sex; the man tried to treat the woman's swollen belly, made incisions on her body; God explained it was a pregnancy; after giving birth, he taught how to deal with the baby; people are descendants of this couple]: Talbot 1913:6-7; Western Dan [the first people were free; God planted peanuts, remarked that someone steals it from the field; gathered people, cut everyone's lower abdomen with a razor knife; those who had peanuts in their stomach left an open wound, they became women; the rest covered the wound, but between the penis and testicles were scarred]: Fischer 1967:708-709; mosi [penis and vulva fought with varying success for a long time; finally, the penis inflicted a deep wound on the vulva with a spear and has continued to stick ever since the head is deep in this wound; that's why men and women copulate every time they can]: Tauxier 1917, No. 14:519.
(Wed. The Arctic. Igloolik (hall. Fox) [see motive M16; brother and sister come to people without anuses or genitals; brother marries, cuts his wife's vulva; wife sings: I'm wounded in the bosom and it will never close again]: Rasmussen 1930a: 80).