Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F79. Animal wives, B600.1. .21.23.42.-.

The character consistently marries various non-human women, but is disappointed every time (usually except the last one).

Lepcha, Tagin, Taraon Mishmi, Gallong (Dobang), Miri, Quakiutl, Comox, Halkomel, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Eastern Cree, Nascapi, Montagnier, Makiritare, Yukuna, Umotina.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [Taskey-thing married the Wild Pig; told bumblebees, grasshoppers, and other insects to hold the rope when he went down to the rock for honey; the unfaithful wife cut off the rope, T. fell, clinging to a rock with his mustache; now this mustache is gray grass; the monkey lowered T. to the ground; three years later he caught up with the Wild Pig, killed him with onions, began to burn, dripped fat, he tried it, told people from now on, they hunted wild pigs; married Pisces; offered to move her across the river; she demanded a bridge; when he almost carried it, slipped into the water; T. caught her on the top, killed her, threw her in fire, tasted fat, ordered people to eat fish from now on; returned to heaven (Rum)]: Stocks 1925, No. VIII: 361-363; tagin: Elwin 1958a, No. 13 [Abo-Teni marries 1) Luki-Pipi bird, she lazy, he chases her away, she tells her to start sowing when pipi pipi screams; 2) Blue Jay (Pejek); she cooks deliciously, AT watched, saw that she defecated in the cooking food, he drives it away; 3) Yurne-Tami tree; she brings a lot of fish, AT spies on her urinating in the river, stunning the fish; he drives it, she teaches her to make fish poison from its bark, fruits, leaves; 4) dry leaf ; the wife has no breasts, the baby born can only suck blood, he is a leech; 5) AT decided to marry his sister Chine-Yapi, only she is human, but went to ask for advice from Dori-Wiyu, who lives between the earth and sky; he ordered to put an egg in the genitals of YACH: if you break, you can marry, if not, you can't; the egg is broken; AT and CHY have six children and people come from them], 14 [Abo-Teni married Fire, but when he approached her, burned her genitals, a worm appeared in the wound; AT took the worm, came to the village of chickens and roosters in search of his wife; the rooster pecked the worm, AT became angry, told the rooster to go with him; in search of his wife came to the dog village, the dog ate the rooster, AT ordered her to give the puppy to his servant; the same in the village of goats (the puppy was cared for, AT took the goat); in the village of cows (the kid was cared for, AT took the goby); in the village buffalo mitans (took a mitan's calf); a tree fell on the calf; AT took a tree, brought Mumsi, the sister of the Sun Woman; the children climbed the tree without damaging it, and when M. climbed, it broke, AT ordered it was to become his wife; she told him to build a house and everything he needed; they sat by the hearth: she would marry AT only if the smoke floated in her direction; that's what happened; M. brought the seeds of all the pets and plants, the farm is full; M. gave birth to a son, is losing weight; sent her husband to her parents for food - she cannot eat other food; they put a boy and a knife in the basket, took an oath from AT not to open it on the way ; but he looked inside; the boy promised to tell M. everything; AT saw what M. would do with the basket; she stabbed the boy and ate it raw; AT refused to live with the cannibal; M. took her son and returned to parents; then AT married Chigo-Chuma; she has only one breast; gave birth to a son, who refuses to take his breast, tells him to be brought to the cheni tree, will drink juice; after 5 days the boy is fat, and after 12 days went to live in a cave; this is a Ninur craftsman who made the first swords, spears and valuable utensils]: 175-176, 177-180 (=1958b: 191-193, 193-197); Taraon (Digaru) Mishmi [a young man marries a rat, she gives birth to rats, he throws it; the bird Ta, the baby disappears somewhere; a monkey, she gives birth to an evil spirit, then a boy and a girl, then a tiger; he wants to eat the monkey mother; her son shot him, dead sailed to the shore, tigers appeared from every fur; the monkey's son and daughter got married and became Mishmi's ancestors]: Elwin 1958b, No. 59:451-452; gallong (dobang) [after 7 who changed each other on earth the eighth gods were Riki and Rini; Ricky ate raw food, Ricky ate cooked; Ricky was named Taki, and Rini was named Tanya; Tanya looked for a wife; made the appearance of a woman out of leaves on a bamboo frame, but this only a leech was born of this marriage; he tried many female animals, but all are childless; when he married the Pajar bird, it stained the food, Tanya drove it away; in the end, the Sun gave him a wife Mumsi; at the origins The Sisap River is a "creation stone"; it looks like a cave; it has prints of human legs and other creatures; baby teeth marks on pebbles; the stones were soft back then]: Elwin 1958a, No. 6:157; miri ( Hill Miri) [Abo-Teni married a leaf, but only a leech was born; a banana leaf - a mosquito was born; when he bit his father, AT left, married Fire; then various animals; finally, he marries the sun Duinye ; tells her that he has a large house and farms, but D. sees only a hut; tells her husband to build all the outbuildings, hedges, etc.; when her husband wakes up, they are full of pets and poultry; D. does not farm anymore, only weaves, so AT decided to take a second wife; sacrificed cattle to spirits, carried meat; and D. gave more cloth and beads; AT lost his way, slipped, fell, everything rolled down down the slope; below lived Dir-Pecha, dirty with sore skin and rags; he put on the dress that AT was carrying, put on jewelry, brought meat to the girl at was going to, married her; AT returned to D. in rags left by DP; D. refused to live with him and has been wandering around the sky ever since; AT came to the village where DP lived, became a bird, climbed into the DP trap; he brought the bird to his son to play; the bird sat on his head DP wife, DP shot her, hit his wife, she died; the same with her son; the bird flew away, DP realized that it was AT; lured AT into a boat and let him go down the river; only D. caught and released him, but still live with him refused; DP became a lizard, disappeared into a hole; AT climbed to dig a hole to kill DP, but he jumped out of the other way, became human again; they divided the land: hills for DP, plains, for AT Assam; sometimes sends diseases to people and animals that live in the hills]: Elwin 1958a, No. 9:163-165.

NW Coast. Quakiutl [Norka marries Kelp, almost drowns; Frog (croaks too much), Diorita (silent), Duck (Sawbill-Duck) she disgust him when she sees how greedy he is eats sea-eggs; when he dives, she leaves him while sailing away in a boat]: Boas 1910, No. 12:127-135 (almost the same in 2002, No. XVII.1,4-6:354-355); Wallace, Whitaker 1981 [Mink consistently marries Seaweed (with hardly slips out of her arms so as not to drown at high tide), Frog (tired of frogs croaking), Boulder (silent, doing nothing), Cloud (scattered in the wind), happy with the Lizard]: 69-74.

The coast is the Plateau. Comox [mink consistently marries women who warn him that he will not be able to act like them and will get into trouble; he insists fails; 1) Mist; wife and her sisters they dance, he joins them, falls to the ground; 2) Eagle; gets clothes from feathers; warned to dive carefully when fishing for salmon; dives sharply, breaks to the ground; 3) Resin; it melts on the sun, he sticks to the bed, runs to the forest to tear it off, some old man helps him do it; 4) Algae; at high tide he holds on to his wife, seaweed moves with the water, the mink almost drowns; 5) A shell; hits her in the face, but only hurts his hand; 6) a white woman; 7) an otter's wife; 8) a grizzly bear; does not prepare food and is not fed in winter; he says that enemies are coming, we must translate supplies elsewhere; swims away with boxes of salmon and caviar; the wife sees leftovers floating in the water, chases, kills the mink brother; he asks the tree to fall, run over it, but it only scratches his face; so asks for many trees, but each one, falling, only scratches without killing]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.4:71 (=2002:189-191); chalkomel [mink wants to marry water grass (Equisetum hiemale, horsetail wintering, but maybe different); the grass says that when the log floats, it will bend, but the mink will not be able to; he replies that it will also bend; and when is the knotty log? the mink marries the grass, the smooth log swims, but the knotty one takes it away; he wants to marry a rotten pine tree; she warns that it will sweat warm (i.e. it will have resin), he will not like it; mink says it doesn't matter; the resin protrudes, the mink sticks, hits the pine tree with one paw, the other with its head, sticks completely; at noon the resin has completely melted, the mink has swam away; wants to marry an osprey {" eagle"}; she warns that it will not be able to catch salmon; it dives, the mink rushes after it from the tree, hangs on branches, its intestines outward]: Boas 1895, No. III.9:44 (=2002:130-131.

The Midwest. Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [younger Wolf Brother marries 1) Blue Jay; she tries to pick up a bunch of dead beavers, breaks her legs; 2) Porcupine (eats bark and branches, not good); 3) Wolf; in the evenings she swallows his clothes, in the morning his clothes are clean and dry; he killed an elk, his wife ate everything alone, but in the morning the meat is on the spot, cooked; however, the Wolf is ugly in face, the young man leaves her; 4) on Bobrikha; they have four children; one day her husband says he does not like her teeth, she cries, puts moccasins on her children backwards, her legs become funny; 5) on the Bear; her father says that her son-in-law is dangerous, we must leave; Chickady gave the young man a pen, he flew over the mountain, saw the Bears sailing across the sea; the Raven and Loon offer to transport, he chose the Raven, both drowned]: Ray, Stevens 1971:57-58; eastern Cree (probably Ruperts House to SE from James Bay; or SW from him, then it's Swamp Cree) [a person marries different female animals to find out who is the best worker; Caribou, Wolf, Deer ( Moose), Fisherman, Lynx, Otter, Owl did not like; Canadian Jay cleans up the teepee, stays; once threw her a bunch of beavers, her legs broke from the blow; her husband cured her, but sent it - too weak; she takes Bobrikha; she sets the condition that when crossing the stream, he will always put a stick through it; otherwise the stream will become a river and divide them; once he did not put it, the river overflowed, his wife became a beaver; tells him to dive to her himself; the man stayed with her, began to behave like a beaver; his brother found a beaver hut, killed Bobrikha, brought her husband back to people; he ordered him never to let him female beaver meat]: Skinner 1911:104-107.

Northeast. Naskapi: Millman 1993:44-47 [everyone wants to marry Amusk; he rejects Lisa, Caribou, Dicabrasia (needles pierced his penis after her), marries Bobrikha; lives under water with her; brother became to look for him, killed his beaver children, found his wife naked; A. agreed to return, but asked not to feed him beaver meat; one day his brother gave him beaver meat, saying it was a muskrat; A. took him into the water, brother saw male and female beavers swimming; this is how A. reunited with his wife], 57 [the woman has many children, she left one, he was raised by a Mouse, his name is Atiskan; he began to look for a wife; rejected Porcupine (needles pierced the penis), the Wolf (almost bit the penis); chose a human wife, but she didn't take it herself because he smelled of mice]; montagnier [the man marries Lisa (she eats his moccasins), Caribou (walks naked), Porcupine (pricks), Soyka (weak, breaks her legs when carrying a beaver carcass); after marrying Bobrikha, she lives in the river with her; his brother hunts beavers, kills his wife; when her husband is given her meat, the water in the river rises, it becomes a beaver himself, swims away]: Desbarats 1969:49-51.

Southern Venezuela. Makiritar [Uanádi hooks fish, she turns into a Kaweshawa woman, drags him under water, then they go ashore; V.'s nephew, the Capuchin monkey, warns that K. piranha's vagina, she had already bitten off his and the Possum's penises; Paka took an iron needle from Heron, inserted it into his penis, K.'s teeth broke off; Coati did the same; then V. poisoned piranha with fish poison; K. and V. visit Father K. under water; Curasso kidnaps K.; V. makes a new wife out of white clay, she melts in water; from black resin, melts in the sun; the frog wife only paints and powders, the bird wife laughs all the time; The bee tells V. who kidnapped K.; Lenivets gave V. the appearance of an old man; sees dirty and aged K. surrounded by her children born from Curasso; Curasso tells K. to cut the Sloth; she gropes under her hair tongue, identifies her husband by him; first both turn into cockroaches, then V. into a woodpecker, K. into a frog, a woodpecker flies with a frog in its beak to the heavenly lake of Aquena; he kills and roasts it; hangs it; the lizard by his instructions cut off the rope, K.'s bones fall into the lake, K. comes to life, becomes beautiful again; a second woman, but small, appears from her severed hand; V. marries the Lizard for his help]: Civrieux 1980:32-43.

NW Amazon. Yukuna [II (394-402); the gardens have dried up, people were starving; Kanumá consistently marries Woodpecker, some green bird, the Parrot; they are not suitable; then the Rat, she learns that He'echú ("tapir", "sky") owns the food; she stole cassava from him; the fisherman Chuurumi saw an Inérukaná woman sailing in a boat on the river at midnight, carrying food to her children; she gave him cassava, tells K. not to speak; the same to her sister He'echúmero, a mother of piranhas, who is sailing in a boat in half an hour; C. does not take cassava from K.; he notices that ants carry crumbs from C.'s hammock; C. talks about meeting women in boats, K., hiding behind C., throws a hook, pulls the first woman by the hair; she tells her to let her go, take her sister He'echúmero (X.); K. catches H. in the same way; H. invites K. to copulate, he refuses; then H. gets into a half-flooded boat, tells him to throw poison, piranha comes out of the vagina; H. tells us to throw piranha into the river; K. sends a flea into the vagina, that bitten; the episode with poison and piranha repeats; sent picón, bitten; removed the third piranha, left the last little one, bit off K.'s penis; H. went with K. to his house; former wives turned in birds; III (p. 402-404). H. went to her father He'echú, brought him yams, taught him how to cook; fed K. yams to vomit, stepped on him, his penis reappeared, they copulated; the old penis had to be destroyed, for K. converged with birds; H. waved her club, formed a plot with all varieties of cassava on it, and there were no weeds then; IV (p. 405-406). In the morning K. sent the boy for pineapple, who brought a wild vine; X . sent people to her father for a real pineapple, people performed dances and songs for the first time on the occasion of rituals associated with drinking pineapple beer; V (p. 407-409). the same with peach palm fruits; VI (p. 409-411). K. did not have a pet parrot, but tigrillo, H. ordered to bring a real parrot from her father; VII (p.411-416). H. ordered K. to come for coca himself, but he sent his brother Kapiyú; H. foolishly fed him coca, put him in the field, tore him apart, a real coca grew out of his body, taught K. cook; at that time, the coca was moving by itself, it did not have to be torn off the bushes; K. wanted people to work when collecting coca; then H. made the cassava field grow weeds and women work]: Herrera Ángel 1975a, No. II-VII: 394-416; yukuna [Kanuma stole sacred flutes from ñamatu women; they left him alone with cultivated plants; he married various animals, but no wife could give him cultivated plants, he ate wild plants; his stork grandfather saw Jeechú's daughters by the river, who gave him manioc cake; K. noticed the crumbs under the hammock, forced everything tell; K. was the first to see the girl who was the owner of the animals, Inérukana; she told him to take his sisters, the owner of the fish, Mairero; M. ordered her to be put in a boat full of water and fish poison; piranhas came out of her vagina, but was left alone; when K. got together, she bit off his penis; the penis was on his stomach, the navel was a mark of him; K. sent his wife to the garden, but she saw that it was just a savannah; brought cassava from father, then yams, coca, peach palm; K. tried to plant them, but J. did not give seeds, only fruits; M. cooked a lot of wild yams for K.; he ate, his penis jumped out in the place where people had it now; M. told her husband to watch her sisters come and plant cassava; they themselves were cassava; K. heard the girls laughing that he did not have a penis; went out and they ran away; sent him to J. chew his younger brother's coca; on the way back, M. pushed him on the site, he fell and became coca; his soul became a harpy eagle that told K. not to cry - coca would always be there; coca, cassava, pineapple and others plants were also human and immediately ready for consumption, but K. did everything himself, since then he had to work; M. warned her husband that one day he would kill her; let him bury her in a small tree, covered with leaves; K. accepted his wife's brother for her lover and shot him with a bow; buried his body; she ended up with her father J. (i.e. in the afterlife); K. came for her; J. gave a rolled up hammock and told her not to open it on the way; K. opened, a bee flew out, bit him, and disappeared; then K. found out that his wife was living in heaven with the vulture chief; wearing an ulcerative shirt, K. appeared there unrecognized; the fly told the vulture chief that saw a lot of fish (these are worms in the corpses); K. put a thorn, M. began to weave the basket and pricked her; the vulture chief went without it; K. took off his ulcerative shirt and took his wife; on the way they saw how bees suck honey; K.'s wife rushed there and disappeared into the hollow where the bees are]: Hammen 1992:154-157.

Southern Amazon. Umotin [fishermen eat all the catch themselves; one girl hides in the tree where her father is fishing; men invite her to go down and eat fish; she jumps over their heads, runs to the village, tells women; they kill their husbands with clubs; one is pregnant, gives birth to a boy Areámuno; bandages him like a girl and runs away with him; blood drips from her vagina, so rivers appeared; women they pursue them, but cannot cross the big river, return; A. grows up, marries a jaguariha, a turtle, a blue and yellow arara; children from these marriages are half birds or animals; when he marries daughters of the sukuri snake, people are born; this wife's father is a Jaguar; killed his sons-in-law, lured him into the thicket, threw the corpse into the river; A. himself pushes the Jaguar into the water, he drowned; wife and mother-in-law are happy]: Schultz 1962, No. i: 239-242.