Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F8. A meeting between men and women.


At first (. women and men lived separately from each other, then they came together. Cf. motif F45 (Amazons).

Bushmen, Suto, Tswana, Subia, aka, Songe, Sakata, Tetela, Kuta, Bemba, Kanyoka, Karanga, Anyi, Liela, Ekoi, Crane, Bassa, Krachi, Mosi, Dagomba, Bulsa, Yoruba, Nupe, Atuot, Anuak, Dinka, Sudanese Arabs, Berbers (Algeria?) , Upper Arapesh, Bukavak, Kiwai, Banaba (Ocean), Varope, Balkarians, (Ossetians), Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Blacklegs, Sarsi, (Warrau), Nivakle, Chorote, Maka, Matako, Toba, Tehuelche.

SW Africa. The Bushmen [at first five male hunters and five female gatherers lived separately from each other, men in caves, women in grass huts; men once killed a springbok, but not were able to cook because the fire went out; the women watched the fire carefully; one man went to the women for the fire, ate the cooked porridge, liked the food, he stayed; so with four; the fifth did not decided to go, believing that his friends were dead; he fled to another country and disappeared there]: Dornan 1925:173-175 (translated to Kotlyar 1983, No. 11:30-32; resume in Kotlyar 2009, No. 177:125).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Tswana [the first Tauetona man lived in Lowe Cave in the middle of Botswana; then the gods created other men and animals to be named by T.; women lived in the Women's Plain; the gods sent Chameleon to tell people that after death humans and animals will be reborn; he walked slowly; then the gods sent the Lizard to say that only souls will be immortal and bodies must decay; and that humans should be children; once T. discovered unfamiliar tracks - like him, but smaller in size; asked the Wolf, who replied that the tracks were too large to be left by the creatures he hunted, ran away; The giraffe said that the footprints were female, showed where women lived, and told the women to go to the cave where men lived; in heaven, the old mother of the gods took mimosa seeds, put them on the tongue of the men, who were speechless; women met men]: Knappert 1997:67; Suto: Dutton 1923 [four male hunters lived on one hill, a woman who did not hunt on the other; one man came and asked what she eats; the woman replied that she was drinking water; he gave her meat; the woman sculpted a vessel out of clay, dried it in the sun, poured water, but the vessel fell apart; then burned the vessel in the fire; the men were surprised; the one who came to her, stayed with her, others went somewhere]: 98-100; Knappert 1997 (Lesotho) [four men lived; met a woman whom God taught to speak and cook; men asked if she was human or animal ; one stayed with her, others kept hunting, they were eaten by lions; the couple had many children]: 91; karanga [men and women lived separately; women had a dog; one man noticed her and followed her and he came to the village of women; asked them for a dog; women: you can hunt anyway, but we cannot hunt without a dog; yet they gave him a dog; once she was bitten by a snake; when they found out that the dog was dead, the women became to prepare for battle, their drums were beating "Kutapi, Kutapi!" ; one man came to see women, spent three days with one of them; others looked for him; found out that "kutapi" meant sleeping with a woman; everyone moved in with women, each chose a wife]: Sicard 1952, No. 139.1:287-288; Subia [at first, men and women lived in different villages; one day, the men went out of fire and sent one of them to a village of women for fire; they had so much food it was delicious that a man did not return, got married; so gradually men moved to women; women had their own cattle, but they ran away, and now people have the same cattle as men]: Jacottet 1894, No. 4:673- 674; aka [Tôlé could not find women anywhere; finally saw them come out of the ground, but they managed to return every time; T. turned to a fortuneteller, a racemose porcupine; he became poke a stick where the women's house was underground and the women climbed out of the holes; T. caught three, and the rest turned into birds and flew away]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 19:96-98; song: Frobenius 1983:155-156 [hunters lived without women; found a peanut plot, tried it, they liked it; brought the others; women showed up; each took one; the people had a hunting dog, it ran far away; the owner came to Mwile for her; he returned the dog after people promised to dress rather than walk naked], 156 [men and women lived separately, only women had fire; one person came to a women's village, ate fire food there for the first time; went to pick up others; everyone took one or more wives; children were born]; aunts [Viña created people, settled men and women separately; men lived hunting, women were engaged in agriculture, they were taught him chininda birds; one day a hunter met a woman, both tasted each other's food, liked it; men and women settled in one village]: Kotlyar 1973:140 (summary in Kotlyar 2009, No. 178:125); sakata [men lived in their village, women in their village, did not know about each other; a man killed a wild boar, got lost, went to the beach to a village of women; the chief took him home, became pregnant; others thought she was going to die; Ngaa opened her belly, found a baby; other women also wanted children; the man replied that there were others besides him men; men and women began to live together]: Colldén 1979, No. 74:236-237; Bemba: Verbeek 2006, No. 81.1 [men lived without women, did not know fire, ate raw meat; women lived in another village across the river; they did not know about each other; one man went hunting for the river; met a woman picking mushrooms; she taught him how to use fire; they stayed together, the woman showed how have sex], 81.2 [women and men lived separately, did not know about each other; a man climbed a tree for honey, saw him by four women, asked what was between his legs; he went down, got together with everyone, they liked it, they took him to their queen; she gave him power, he brought other men, they lived with women], 81.3 [men and women lived in different villages, did not know each other a friend; two young men went hunting, heard a rooster singing, went to the village of women, met with the girls; they told the Queen she liked it too; she let the young men go to bring other men; men came and took wives], 81.5 [men and women lived in villages on opposite sides of the river, did not communicate with each other; the leader fell ill with testicles, went to the women's village for treatment; got together with a woman chief, recovered; other men began to come there for treatment for the same illness; this is how men moved to women], 81.6 [all animals lived together, suffered from Leo's arbitrariness; Owl moved to the village of men, who became a leader there, also ruled arbitrarily {this ends the topic of animals}; women lived separately; one young man came to their village, invited the girl to marry him; she asked where he was he would "bite" her - in the head, face, neck, chest; he replied that no, showed her where; she liked it; she told other women who went to the village of men and stayed with them], 81.7 [in the same village both men and women lived, and in the other only women; the man went to buy honey, walking to the voice of a bird, went to the village of women; after spending the night in the queen's hut, returned home; the chief sent people, then went himself, but the women refused to move to his village; then the men moved to the women's village]: 418-420, 420-424, 424-427, 429-430, 431-434, 434-437; Kanioka [Mawese created four women and four men, they lived in different villages; women thought there was a bleeding wound in their vulvas; in the forest, a man cut his leg with an ax; a woman came and thought his wound was deeper; when the man was healed , the woman was surprised; they went to M., who said that the cure for a woman's wound was the penis; the couples got married and had children]: Frobenius 1983:156-157; kuta [only lived in the village of Zambie yambika men (male animal people), only women in Zambie yankele village; Zy sent a dog from his village to the village of women, who received a parcel that was to be opened when he returned; in the light it turned out to be a female; also with all animals; when the man went, he opened the package on the way, the woman went out, returned to her place; with great difficulty he got her back, she brought fire]: Andersson 1974:44.

West Africa. Anyi [first women lived in one village and men in another; one person explained how to get married: gave the girl money for her legs and head, bought her fabrics; people have been getting married ever since]: Tauxier 1932, No. 4:238-239; liela: Bamony 2010:138-139 [men and women lived separately in different places designated by God; if women met men, they would kill him; God wanted to know who will withstand abstinence longer; one man brought women honey, said it was juice from his penis; they liked it, they wanted the whole penis, the man became pregnant with one of the women; after learning about the pregnancy, God He poured ash, the man's feet were imprinted on it, God realized that it was a man who could not stand it; decided that men should take the initiative in a romantic relationship], 139 [men and women lived separately; the women met were killed; they met a man raising bees, brought them to a female leader; she liked the honey; the man explained that he was from the penis, which was even better; she took the man as her husband, ordered a woman catch others; if a group of women caught one man, they all became his wives, so there is polygamy], 140 [men and women did not know about each other; the man bought salt at the bazaar; a thunderstorm began on the way back, he did not know where to hide the salt from the rain; the woman said that she had a pocket, put it in her vagina; since then, men want to taste salt in the woman's vagina]; ekoi : Talbot 1912:98 [God of heaven Obassi Osaw and earth god Obassi Nsi built two villages: one for men and one for women; they visited each other, but a dispute arose over who owned what was between forest villages; OO and HE decided that men and women should live in the same village; women were afraid that if they moved in with men, they would kill them; so men moved to women; since then after marriage man works for a woman (serves her)], 98-99 [at first there were only women; Obassi Nsi accidentally killed one; women: then kill everyone; HE invited women to choose whatever thing he wanted they own; they gave up everything, but took a man; therefore, a man must do all his wife's errands]; Yoruba [(there is a motive for men and women to live in different villages)]: Andersson 1974 : 44; kachi [Wulbari brought men down from the sky in a grove between the lands of Nkomi and Krachi; brought the women down to the other side of the river. Volta is where wolves now live; at first men and women lived separately; young men were tired, they went to women, children began to be born]: Cardinall 1931:230-231 (retelling in Scheub 2000:263); mosi : Tauxier 1917:516 [women and men lived separately; once a man met a woman, gave her honey; she liked it, and the man said he had something sweeter; this woman told others; the women rushed to that man, he ran to his village, the women followed him and stayed with the men], 517 [women lived in the village and the men in the forest; if women caught a man, they killed him; once Caught brought to the female chief; the man gave honey, she liked it; he said he had something better; the chief sent her younger sister, but she still did not leave the room; sent another woman; finally she went by herself, she liked it very much; she called all the women and gave the man the attributes of the leader's power, and she would only be his wife; the rest of the women ran to the men, each took one]; Dagomba [Wuni first lodged men in one city and women in another; scattered dry leaves around to hear if someone came out of town secretly at night; but the women poured water on the leaves at night went unnoticed to men; one day all women were menstruating, they did not take water; three men went to find out why there were no women; V. heard, said that as punishment, women would no longer run after men, and men should seek women]: Cardinall 1931:231 (retelling in Scheub 2000:273); boulsa: Schott 1993:191-201 [the hunter doesn't know who cooks and cleans his house; these are women who were coming down from the sky; the hunter understood this and asked them to stay; the women stayed], 203-217 [three single men live in the house; three women go down and cook; only when the younger brother is on guard, they they stay; then they want to visit their parents with their husbands; they tell them not to be afraid, but the older brothers are terrified when a leopard rushes at them; the younger brother is not afraid; the cat tells him that he will have to identify his wife and the wives of his older brothers among many identical women; he will wave his tail - this is the wife of the elder; he will be expelled, he will enter again, point to the middle wife; then the youngest; before returning to earth, the wives of the older and middle brothers wanted to go to the Sun, their mother's brother; he feeds human beings; if they hadn't gone there and ate human beings, there would be no witches on earth], 221- []; faucet [Gonzuole lived alone, cultivated her own field; gave birth to many daughters; men lived in the forest, saw women; the sorcerer advised me to pick mushrooms and leave women on the path to the house; women began to eat mushrooms, the men jumped out of the shelter, dismantled the women, the oldest, Utompe, married G.; she asked her in vain to let her go; the women are unhappy that their mother was captured; one witchcraft killed W.; the other secretly put another man's loot under her husband's bed; the men split into two parties, went to war, killed many]: Knappert 1997:108-109; Bassa [women lived in the swamp, men in the hills, not knew about each other; one day the rain flooded all the women's fires; they saw smoke on the hill, one woman went there; went into the house, called the man a woman, but he fixed her; she taught him how to cook better, stayed with him; then another woman came and so they all passed on to men]: Pinney 1973:233-234; glanders [women fished and lived separately from the men who hunted; the women asked for they had meat, but they refused; then women banned men from crossing the river; men declared war; the women's leader advised to put beautiful girls in front of them in the best outfits; some men started fighting over them, but women were not injured; men and women began to live together]: Pinney 1973:262-263; nupe [men and women lived separately; one hunter accidentally wandered into the village women, they beat him; when he returned, he told the king about the people with breasts; the king ordered women to be lured with honey ("dirt" from the king's penis) and sugar cane (the penis of men's ancestors); men trained women sex, they stayed with men, had children]: Frobenius 1931:217 (=Kotlyar 2009, No. 176:124).

Sudan-East Africa. Atuot [men lived without women, grazed buffaloes; kept vaginas tied to their hands, untied them as needed; women also did not know about men, grazed cattle, fished, sowed millet; they satisfied themselves by driving foam from the waves between their legs; one man went to look for a calf, came to the women; after learning about each other's genitals, the woman and the man met; then other women converged with him before he died; women lost interest in the cows they were grazing; in search of a friend, men came to women, took cows, each took a wife; the women's chief said that now they would have to giving cows for his wife]: Burton 1991:84-85; anuak [Awili has Owili's brother; he wants to marry her, his parents don't mind; when O. came to his sister, she cut off his penis head, ran out of the hut, took all the girls of the village, with her a white dog; asked God to open the termite mound, the girls went inside and stayed there; cattle graze nearby, one bull rubs against the termite mound and A. sings at this time; a song they heard; the leader ordered to dig up a termite mound, but no matter how much they dug, the dug is filled with clay again; but after the leader sacrificed an ox, the young men dug up the termite mound; A. jumped down her throat dogs and boys dismantled the girls, but one poor and ugly young man was left without a wife, he only got a dog; he lives with his mother in a hut on the outskirts; when they go to the field, A. gets out of the dog, is preparing food; the boy's mother said loudly to her son: Let's go! but in fact they hid; the young man grabbed A.; she turned into a cow, a hippopotamus, a leopard, a pelican, and other animals and birds, but he did not let her out and A. remained in human form; A. ordered to make a beer and appeared to the people in leopard clothing; became the wife of a young man, refusing to be the leader's wife; he hunted, the young man also went, the chief killed him by filling the corpse with branches; the white dog licked the owner, ran home, the mother saw blood, and the dog led A. to the victim; A. covered him with leopard skin and the young man came to life; the leader denied that he killed the young man; A. touched the ground with her bamboo with a staff, and all the villagers fell into the crevice; after 4 days A. returned them, but they were heavily eaten by termites; A. became the village leader]: Evans Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 15:66-70; Dinka [Diirawig more beautiful than other girls; her brother Teeng refuses all her suitors because he wants to marry her; her mother doubts, sends her father to ask; so all relatives; finally, her maternal aunt agrees; T. is preparing a wedding, stabbed her beloved ox; the kite grabbed and carried away the oxtail, threw D. on her knees; she recognized the tail of her brother's favorite ox, went to find out why he was stabbed to death; younger sister, Nyanaguek, about She told everyone, gave a knife: let her brother-husband cut off his testicles in the morning, when his brother-husband is not yet awake; when T. is going to get together with his sister at night, the lizard warns him not to do so, he goes to bed again; then grass; rafters; in the morning - walls, utensils, rats; T. fell asleep without getting along with D.; N. woke her up, D. cut off her brother's testicles and he died; sisters began to beat drums in a special way; when they heard, the girls should get together and dance, and everyone else is not allowed to come; D. told me what happened now she will go to the forest; girls: you and me, because this can happen to us; little girls are not with them they took it, but N. had to take it, otherwise she promised to raise the alarm; the girls settled on the border between the land of people and the land of lions; built a village; found an anthill with an inexhaustible source of grain and meat; The lion saw the girls, did not dare to attack, returned in the form of a dog; only N. felt the danger; at night the lion knocked to ask D. to open; N. in response gives the names of the girls, about each one that she sleeps; lion: why don't you sleep? G.: I want to drink, but I only drink water brought in a wicker vessel; the lion tried to bring water in the basket until dawn; so many nights; D. wonders why N. is losing weight (from lack of sleep), but she does not have anything says; finally confesses; D. stays with her for the night and tells her not to answer; in the morning he breaks, D. wants to kill him with a spear, but the lion promises to become a brother; brought cattle, ordered the bull to be slaughtered and feed him to tame him; saliva on his face, a puppy pops out of it, the puppy is killed, the lion is given boiled meat; so 4 times; then hot broth is poured into his mouth; he is fed milk for several months; the lion tells the girls return to the village, taking all the cattle; became a young man - D.'s new brother; D. was the first to know her younger brother, who was young when the girls left; he understood this by D.'s resemblance to his mother; everyone is happy; The chief's two sons, both named T., want D. to marry; D.: I will marry someone who will give my new brother four wives; after getting married, D. gave birth to 12 children; the 13th had the nature of a lion; as a baby, he got up, He put on clothes made of skins and sang; stabbed his claws at his brothers and drank their blood; the lion brother offered to kill this child, but D. refused; but when he grew up and continued to drink blood, he still killed him]: Deng 1984:78 -90; Sudanese Arabs [Fatima is so beautiful that her brother Muhammad decided to marry her himself; F. asked her mother to help put a jug of water on her head; she replied that F. should not name her first mother and mother-in-law; the same with father (father-in-law), brother (groom); F. told all the girls in the village that it was decided to pass them off as brothers, took them all away, they came to the cannibal giant; F. ordered nothing to eat, hide the food in a cooked hole, but the youngest girl tasted it; F. told the cannibal to bring water from the seventh sea in a net or in a leaky calebass; the girls ran away, but the youngest could not; the cannibal returned I learned from the youngest that the girls ran away, ordered piles of gold; silk fabrics to appear in front of them; each time F. tells them to take only a little and run on; the river; F. asked the crocodile to be transported to On the other side, she will give one girl to eat; when they have swam, F. tells the crocodile to transport their mother (i.e. the cannibal) first; when they are in the middle of the river, F. shouted that the crocodile prey was on his back; he dived and ate the cannibal; the girls settled in a cave; an old man with 6 sons nearby; F. asks him how to skin him off - to pierce a thorn; she plunged, her skin slept, F. put it on, in the guise of an old man returned to the cave; the camel comes to eat the leaves from the bush, the girls drive it away; the young men consistently began to come to find out what was going on; each took a girl; when Wad al-Amin came up, the cave only imaginary old man; the old man says he is unable to herd cattle; YES agrees to herd pigeons by the river; F. takes off the old man's skin by the river; the slave sent with her is delighted, but he can't do anything to him tell; the imaginary old man said that the slave was sick, let his chest be burned; so several times; then AM himself went, saw everything; at home he offered to play chess, the winner would remove the skin from the loser; F. won but did not freshen AM; AM won, F. took off her skin; the whole village gathered for the wedding]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 20:110-114.

North Africa. Kabila [a man and a woman lived in the underworld, did not know about each other; they went to a spring, began to fight over water, their clothes fell, they came together; the woman gave birth to four daughters, then four sons; soon both of them were 50; their parents sent them away; separately, girls and young men found holes leading upstairs, went to the ground; found out about each other, but lived separately; three girls spied they found out that young men were different; young men built houses; a brave girl came to see, a wild young man rushed after her, her sisters came to her aid; each of the 50 girls fought against each of the 50 young men, knocked down, got along with him; the young men's houses decided that a man should lie down on a woman, not vice versa; the wild couple was driven away; she became a witch (teriel), he was a lion]: Frobenius 1921a, No. 1:55-60 (= Frobenius, Fox 1937:49-57).

Melanesia. The upper arapesh [were only women, someone steals their food, spoils their vessels; they're men, every time they come back inside the bamboo stem; one woman followed; the next day, when the men were sleeping, the older sister split the bamboo with an ax; men came out, had sex with women; only the younger sister had no husband; she found bamboo, the most handsome man there, and the others had old men; the youngest hides him, the eldest finds him (he weaves a rope, the end hangs); they copulate; the wife saw him, drove him away; the older sister called the younger sister to catch crabs, knocked over a stone on her, killed her; man married the eldest]: Mead 1940, No. 33:377-378; kiwai [only young men lived on Kiwai, and girls lived on Doody Island; the boys decorated the horn from the shell with leaves, which became a bird, they sat in it, flew to Doody, the bird began to eat fruit; the girls noticed that someone was eating the fruit; chased the bird; one young man went out and stayed with the girl; next time another; this is how everyone got husbands]: Landtman 1977, No. 55:185-186; Lake Kutubu [men lived alone in a man's house; when they slept, women would come there to dance; men pretended to fall asleep, grabbed women, marry them; they built them houses, taught them how to cook sago; men used to cook sago]: Williams 1942:139f in Stagl 197:58.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Banaba Island (Ocean) [heaven and earth lay close, their friction gave rise to Tabakea and his sister Tituabine, they came together, Nakaa's first son became the chief of the rest of the men they had born and women; all men lived on the NW of the island and all women in SE; men had an inexhaustible top and an inexhaustible coconut tree, the Tree of Life; women had their own tree, the Tree was a woman, men were forbidden to approach her; when leaving, N. forbade his brothers to pick flowers from him; but the wind brought the flower, they liked the aroma, they went and picked the flowers; when N. returned, he saw that men and women were in their hair gray hair appeared; he suggested choosing between the Tree of Life and the Woman Tree; they chose the Woman Tree, aka the Tree of Death; N. gave people insects wrapped in pandanus leaves to eat them life (Anell 1964:16 [these insects are gray hair, toothache and other senile ailments]); N. took the tree of life and the inexhaustible peak with him, went west, waiting for the souls of the dead in heaven; looks north, weaves a net, catches souls, looks good, lets go to the Tree of Life, throws bad ones into a heap]: Grimble 1923:370-372 (=Maude, Maude 1994, No. 8:44-46).

Malaysia-Indonesia. Varope [women lived in the forest and ate sago, men on the shore, ate fish; one day, women went after pigs and went out to the sea and joined men]: Stagl 1971:58.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Balkarians (western 1968 in the Tiberda resort from a 78-year-old man) [having created people, Teyri settled women on the plain and men in the mountains, separated by a river; men hunted and ate meat; women went to dig up roots and saw how the sizhik brought and buried the seeds; ears of ears grew, he poked them with his beak, seeds fell down; women did the same, learned how to grow barley; each a woman placed a stuffed siskin made of barley straw above her field; once men carried a deer carcass and women carried grain; both said that food (like others) did not exist; It turned out that roasted meat with oatmeal tasted best; contrary to Teiri's command, they began to live together]: Malkonduev 2017:122-123; (cf. Ossetians [The creator of the middle world is the ancestor of humanity Ældar-mad [Aldar-ad] (letters. "The Princess Mother"). Aldar-mad has a huge farm that consists of domesticated animals. As the farm grows, she needs helpers, and she gives birth to women and men to perform various tasks. But her offspring begin to reproduce on their own. Aldar-mad begins to castrate men, but this does not help. Frightened that the breeding descendants of her descendants will take over her entire farm, she exterminates them and tries to give birth to new ones who are unable to reproduce. But the second offspring is as prolific as the first. Then Aldar-mad begins to intercept women. Not wanting to remain sterile, they flee into the woods and fight against Aldar-mad. They defeat her after they've teamed up with men. All peoples come from scattered Aldar-mad children]: Takazov 2014:136-137).

The Midwest. Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Visakaijak comes to women who have never seen men; asks one to pull the buffalo skull, lets him go, the woman falls on her back, he copulates with her; others want the same, he satisfies everyone; confusing his tracks, returns to the men's camp; they send the boy to smell V. under the blanket; the boy smells women; men they run to women, but V. comes first]: Ray, Stevens 1971:42-43.

Plains. Blacklegs: Josselin de Jong 1914 [women choose men as husbands; the Old Man is the first to be chosen, but he refused; then the woman negotiates with others not to take the Old Man; everyone finds a couple, the Old Man stays alone]: 31-32; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 5 [men lived in one camp, women in another; the women's chief invites men so women can choose their husbands; wears bad clothes, chooses Old Man (Napi); he rejects them; she negotiates with other women not to choose them anymore; everyone finds a mate, the Old Man is left alone; turns into a tree on the river bank]: 21-22; the northern blacklegs [men and women lived in villages on opposite sides of the Little Bow River; women sent the Old Man to bring men to them; hereinafter referred to as Wissler, Duvall]: Lowie in Wissler, Duvall 1908:22 (note 2); sarsi [men and women lived separately; joined together thanks to the actions of a mythical character named Napiv]: Wilson 1889:244 in Wissler, Duvall 1908:21 (note 3).

(Wed. Guiana. Varrau [there used to be only men on this side of the sea; in one country on the other side of the sea there was a mother with two daughters; they boarded a raft, sailed to look for husbands, the mother drowned during the storm, the girls went ashore, climbed a tree, saw a house in which men; these two sisters were descended from people on this side of the sea; the drowned mother became the mistress of the tides]: Wilbert 1970, No. 111:233-234).

Chaco. Nivakle [first women from a river or lake; stealing game; different birds go to guard one by one; No. 51: stealing fish]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 42, 44, 48, 49, 51 [then turn into frogs]: 116-120, 131, 137, 146; chorote [women descend from the sky, steal game from men]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 12 [hunters lived alone, began to fry meat, left as a watchman A parrot; women came down from the sky, the parrot raised the alarm, but the women went back; then they left Iguana to guard, he cut the rope on which the women had descended; the Hawk began to distribute women; those who came first received the most beautiful ones; the battleship was the last, he did not have enough wife; he began to dig, believing that some of the fallen women had fallen into the ground; pulled out his wife, but, digging, scratched it out her eyes with her claws; said that let a woman be blind, but his], 13 [every hunter leaves prey on his platform; women come down a rope from the sky, take away meat; each says that the one with what she took on the platform would be her husband; the Hare was the first to guard, overslept; the Hummingbird cut off the rope on which the women descended; took the best woman; the Pigeon was the last to come, he got the blind one; he They told her not to have sex with her before others, for his child would be weak and would soon die; but he did not listen, the next day a child was born, died three or four days later; if he had been the first to have sex Hummingbirds, children would not die], 14 [someone steals hunters' loot; Kíxwet tells the Parrot to remain a watchman; women descend from the sky up a fiber ladder; A parrot throws from a tree at one of them a leaf, told to go down, throw a black cactus fruit into his mouth (a black beak since then), put a leaf in his mouth (parrots have not spoken since then); Alawó (a black fishing bird) has been put as the new watchman; he cut the stairs, everyone got wives; the battleship found his own in the ground, pulling it out, gouged her eyes out with his claws], 15 [Kíxwet knows that there are parakeets women in the sky, sent Hawk there, he he was handsome, the women decided to go down the tree that reached the sky; when they came down, the Hawk knocked down a tree; each man got a wife; the women asked K. to turn them from parrots into humans; he did this by throwing it into every handful of land]: 29-30, 31-32, 33-35, 36-37; poppies: Chase-Sardi 1970 [aquatic women live under rivers in the lower world; at first only men lived on earth; during the flood escaped on the mountain, but the animals drowned; began fishing but caught women with nets; one man met a water woman, a piranha in her bosom bit off his penis; men offered women all night dance, piranhas fell out, then you can converge with aquatic women]: 243; Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 2 [fisherman Sania (a bird with long red legs, probably Cariama cristata) lived by the lake, in that the river flowed from the lower world; found necklaces by the water; the catch disappears; he spies, sees necklaces coming out of the water from the roof of the house, the flood began; when the water flooded the house, the waters of women; two The spirit sii and sooj whistled with their singing; the women ate fish with their mouths and vagina; S. told others; Iguana grabbed the woman, inserted the penis, which was bitten off; the Iguana has two penises, the next time the second too bitten off; the Month has a long penis, he unfolded it, it crawled, bitten off; the Sun's penis is also bitten off; the Hawk dances, the women dance, everything bitten off falls out of them; the Hawk attaches back penises, except for the end of the penis of the Month, but it's already long; biting piranhas also fallen out, but the little one remains, causing monthly bleeding], 3 [fish caught and baked by men disappears; the red-legged chunga (Cariama cristata) hid, saw women coming out of the water eating fish with their mouths and vagina; each said that the person who caught the fish would be her husband; Chunga laughed, women fled into the lake; men caught women, Month copulated, his penis bit off; Hawk ordered to dance, big piranhas fell out of their vaginas, little ones stayed, they cause periods; left without penis, Month did not want to borrow a penis from Iguana (he had two), but rose to heaven; Hawk was the first to copulate, followed by the others; the river began to rise; the water stopped when the men let go women ago]: 19-21, 22-25; matako: Calífano 1974:53; Pérez Diez 1983 [women go down a rope from the sky, steal meat from men; they send Dolchotis australis to guard, he falls asleep; The parrot sees women but drops leaves on them; women ask him to come down to show his teeth, throw seeds into his mouth, leaving them speechless; the same with the Lizard (asking him to show how he walks); Hawk sees women eating meat with their vagina and bones with their mouths; cutting off the rope, taking four beauties; Battleship gets the worst; despite the warnings of Hawk, Tokvakh and Fox copulate with women, lose penises; T. makes a penis out of stone, copulates with all women, breaking their vaginal teeth; being left alone is the clitoris]: 161-164; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 21-26:67-79; toba: Fernández et al. 1983 [the first women descend from the sky, steal grilled fish from men; the parrot is thrown into the mouth to keep it silent; the crow cuts the rope; some women fall deep into the ground; the Battleship finds them, but they are taken away from him, leaving the one with which he accidentally scratched his eye; the fox copulates, his penis is bitten off, he makes a new one out of bone; men throw stones at vaginas, knocking out vaginal teeth]: 130-131; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 53-65:107-149; 1989a, No. 95-103:130-160.

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 109 [tchóion, a tribe of women led by a leader, lived in a cave, stole meat caught by hunters from people, even from a poor old woman; the shaman ordered him to be left in the village as if he were dead; he turned into a ball; the girl picked it up, the leader told him to give the ball to her; the shaman took his form, grabbed it; she had to marry him] 110 [as in (109), but it is not clear whether the village consists of the same men or both sexes live there]: 155-156, 157-158.