Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F80B. Abandoned without supervision (.


vaginas were abandoned without supervision and deteriorated. See motive F80.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kaonde [Leza created the first men Mulonga and Mwinambuzhi, they did not have genitals or anus; L. gave Mulonga two bundles, told him to put one between his legs and the other Mwinambuzhi; he put himself , became a man; smelled bad from the second bundle, threw it away; Mv. came to L., he gave a new one, Mv. became a woman; for the man to throw away the first parcel, the young men pay a ransom for bride]: Melland 1967:156-157.

The coast is the Plateau. Comox [through a hole in the wall, Norka sees women picking up their vaginas, putting them in a drawer; when they leave, Minka chooses the best one, copulates; washes it and puts it to dry; The eagle carries her away; Mink sings, making the Eagle unclench its claws, the vagina falls, it is dirty and scratched; when the women return, the mistress of the affected vagina is desperate]: Boas 1895, No. 4:72-73.

Guiana. Macushi [women did not have vaginas; Jesus gives San Pedro a bag of vaginas, tells them to give it to women; he dances with the girls, forgets the bag, he is trampled on, he lies around for a long time; the vaginas were dented and partly rotted (the cause of the smell)]: Amodio 1989, No. 7:106.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [vaginas lay for a long time and rotted]).