Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F83. The news is ahead of the hero .28.31.-.34.42.-.46.

The character does something forbidden and indecent in a place that is hidden from prying eyes and then asks people what's new. He is told that there is no news, except that the name (this character) did this and that.

Azerbaijanis, Russians (Karelia), Ukrainians (Pokutye), Finns, Chuvash, Komi, Kazakhs, Khakas, Kvakiutl, Shuswap, Upper Chehalis, Koulitz, Tillamuk, Klakamas, Vishram, Upper Coquil, kalapuya, ojibwa, steppe crees, montagnier, hidatsa, iowa.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Azerbaijanis [the fox invited the stork to visit, spread the porridge on a tray; the stork invited the fox, put the porridge in a jug; offered to ride the fox; when the ground was not visible, he threw it down; the fox fell into the school yard, stole a notebook, came to the hole, pretended to read; tells the bear to call her mullah baba, promises to learn the cubs; bear: the meat is yours, and my bones (in the sense of learning); the fox ate cubs, replies for several months that they cannot be shown, otherwise they will not read; then he throws a bag with their bones to the bear; the bear is stuck in a hole, the fox came out from the other side, went from behind to the bear and "began to crumple it"; the bear asks the ploughman if he saw it; he: saw {in this text without details, but it is very likely that there are variants similar to the Kazakh one}; the bear promises to bring rams for their silence; but he told his wife; the bear heard, promised to kill the ploughman; the fox promised to save him if he gave her two chickens; teaches her what to say; tied a broom to his tail; bear: what dust? - The king's son was prescribed bear meat, the army is looking for a bear. - Where can I hide? - Get into the bag, they will think that wheat; the fox and the plowman beat the bear with sticks; the fox has come for the chickens; the plowman's stomach grumbles: a few years ago he ate a hunting dog puppy, now wants to go out; the fox ran away]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:505-512.

Central Europe. Russians, Ukrainians [Russian tales about how a hare witnessed sexual intercourse between a bear and a woman (Sumts.ZNS:78), and a similar fairy tale from the Ukrainian Pokutye about a hare observing a relationship priest with bear (Kolomyia District, Pyadyki District, Kolb.dw 32:177-178]: Gura 1997:181; Russians (Karelia): Lyzlova 2013, No. 51 (Pudozhsky District) [the fox was chasing the hare, he slipped between the trees, and she stuck; the hare "hatched"; the fox escaped, someone is coming to meet her - a resident of Moscow, a Pitenburts; what is the news? - It's not good, only the hare hatched the fox. - Oh, it's already known in Moscow]: 230; Onegin 1986, No. 16 (Karelia, Sennogubsky Village Council, Kizhi) [The thrush made a nest in front of the fox's window, she began to sing and a thrush I left my cub. The next morning, the fox began to sing again, but the hare heard it and convinced the thrush that the fox would not make it to the nest. The fox's thrush refused, and she realized that it was the hare's fault, threatened to punish her, but he heard it. He smeared himself in soot and the fox "swept on the w...", made a raft and drove off. A fox met him on the river and asked where the elder came from, who said that he was from Moscow and that he could hear that the hare "swept along the w...". The fox decided to run away from shame]: 75-76; Russians (the western place is not a decree.) [the hare comes to the fox's house, she sends the children to say that she is not at home; the hare regrets: he was going to have sex with her; the fox chases the hare, gets stuck between the two banks, her hare rapes, runs away, smeared with coal; the fox comes up, takes the hare for a monk, asks if that hare has seen; the imaginary monk: the one who raped you yesterday? the fox leaves in shame; "Oh, he's a scoundrel! I've already managed to relax in all the monasteries!"] : Afanasiev 1992, No. 1:10-11.

Baltoscandia. The Finns [the hare asks the foxes where their mother is; says he wants to sleep with her; the fox chases him, he slips through the fork in the tree, the fox gets stuck, the hare copulates with her; smeared ash, meets a fox, she asks if he has seen a hare; he replies what he saw: said he copulated with a fox; fox: everyone already knows about my shame; the hare laughs, his lip burst]: Rakhimova 2000:172-173 ).

Volga - Perm. Chuvash [the fox found a dead sheep; advised the wolf to climb into the straw ricks, the sheep will come to pinch; when it cracks, hide deeper, then grab the sheep; sets fire to the ricks, the wolf is burnt; the fox lying in the mud, called herself black brown; she was sick, the wolf carried her on her back, she says that the patient is carrying healthy; jumps, slips between two oaks, the wolf is stuck; the fox hits him with a rod, says that a good fur coat would come out, and a stupid wolf would burn it; the fox washed herself, appeared as a red fox; the wolf asks what news; fox: at the bazaar, the order was read like a black-brown wolf the fox took the measure]: Chuvash tales 1937:64-66; marie [the old man has three sons, all married; they went to the forest for firewood, forgot the fire; they saw light from the top of the fir tree in the distance; the elder brother went; an old man at home; asks if the person who comes trusts his wife; when he hears that he trusts, he does not give fire; the same with his middle brother; the younger Josef says he does not trust; the old man turned him into a goat, asked his wife for the night; a lover comes at night; the goat shoves him with horns every now and then, he has not been able to get along with the woman; the old man has restored J. to his human form; the father-in-law will have a holiday; let the wife go alone and he will come later; gave a thread; as soon as the wife and lover are together, a knot must be tied on the thread and they will stick together; as soon as others try to separate them, we must tie the knots again, everyone will stick to each other to a friend; J. hid in the cellar; his wife went there for a beer, her lover came down to her and, when he lay down on her, J. tied a knot and they stuck; mother-in-law came down, began to rip off her daughter, also stuck; then father-in-law; they called the priest, he also stuck; J. went home; he was called to help; he began to quilt the glued ones one by one, untying the knots; but did not let his wife and lover go, but beat him to death; married another, built a separate house; he met a devil in the forest; he asks why people are not afraid of weapons, birds shoot; J.: we cut off our eggs; the devil allows ourselves to be castrated; when he returns home, J. tells his wife put on his clothes and go to the forest with a gun; devils examine her, believing that it is J.; believe that people are really neutered, even the wound has not yet healed; J. goes back to the forest, sees that it is on a pine tree He sits, took aim; O. asks not to shoot, promises to give gold; in the morning Y. comes, under pine gold; he cannot carry so much, tells O. to carry himself; they see a resin cauldron; Y.: This is my grandmother's cauldron to cook porridge, you can take it; later J. promised to bring a cauldron of cakes to his son O.'s wedding, he did not bring anything; O. came to the village and killed many people, including J.; God ordered that O.'s people could not see or talk to them anymore]: Beke 1938, No. 62:573-586; Komi [the fox boasts an expensive skin, the hare promises to make it cheaper; the fox and the hare play, run, the fox is stuck between the trees, the hare beat her; she escaped, peeling off her skin, rushed after the hare, he disappeared into her hole; told the cubs that his mother had beaten their mother, ordered them to show another way out; he smeared himself in the mud, swims on a raft; the fox takes him for a beaver, asks if he saw the hare; the hare: is it not the one who unfastened the fox; the fox: it was a penny, and the conversation was over seven mountains; next time the hare wears a Russian suit the fox did not recognize him again, asks what news; hare: there is no news, the hare has just unfastened the fox; for the third time the hare wears another hat; replies that in Moscow they say that the hare has unfastened the fox and that fox fur coat has fallen in price]: Plesovsky 1972:3-6.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 39 [The fox met two cubs, says he wants to have love with their mother; the bear is furious chasing the Fox, who slips through a crack in a tree, The bear gets stuck, the fox comes up to her from behind, makes love to her, runs away; the bear asks the shepherd what he saw; the shepherd replies that nothing, only one fox had love with the bear; The bear gave the shepherd gold for his silence, he brought gold, told his wife, the Bear heard; the fox tells the shepherd to bring a bag, awl and ketmen; raises dust, tells the Bear to explain to the Bear that the princess she is sick, the royal people go for bear bile; the Bear asks to hide her in a bag, the Fox kills her with an awl and catman; as a reward, the Fox demands to give him one of the two (apparently testicles) shepherds; he mutters in his stomach, he says he swallowed the dogs and now they want to get out and attack the Fox; the fox runs away, the shepherd grabs his tail, kills him], 48 [The fox tells the cubs he wants to have love with their mother; next time the Bear rushes after him, gets stuck in a hole in a stone; the Fox raped her, the Bear had a hard time getting out; asks the shepherd if he saw anything; he replies that nothing special, only one fox raped one bear; the bear gives the shepherd gold for silence, and if he says, she will kill; the fox overheard, promises to save the shepherd from the Bear, demands the reward is the opportunity to use any part of his body; the fox set fire to the reeds, the shepherd told the Bear that it was the khan's servants who were sent to get the bear liver as a medicine for the khan's wife; suggests hiding A bear in a bag; he hits her there, kills her; the shepherd undressed, his stomach began to rumble; he said that as a child he swallowed two little kumai (a winged dog), they grew up and felt close to a fox; The fox ran away], 49 [The bear chased the Fox, who went into the house, she got stuck in the door, the Fox went out, raped her; the bear asks the shepherd what he saw; What could I see? A fox raped a bear, that's all; the bear threatens to kill the shepherd if he tells; the shepherd spoke in the village, the children began to sing about it; the bear came for the shepherd, he asked say goodbye to his relatives for three days; the fox offered to raise dust, as if the Khan's son was following a bear's heart for his wife to eat; the shepherd invites the Bear to hide her in a bag, kills her; the fox demands help the shepherd's kidney; his stomach is rumbling, he says he swallowed the hound puppy; the fox runs away]: 80-81, 109-111, 113-114.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [the hare comes to the foxes, says he would like to have sex with their mother; when the fox found out, the fox chased the hare, it slipped under the deck, the fox is stuck, the hare met with her; the fox went to wash, and the hare smeared on the burnt deck, swam along the river; replied to the fox that there was no news, but the hare and the fox copulated; when she found out that her shame was known, the chanterelle hanged herself]: Katanov 1907, â„– 567:493-494.

NW Coast. Quakiutl [after catching salmon, Mink goes to bed; the children carry the fish and Mink's musk bag; he can't walk straight now; asks passers-by what's new; several say that nothing, The last one is that children play ball with a Mink musk bag; Mink comes there, catches his bag, puts it in place]: Boas 1910 in 1916:706.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [The hare kills Grizzly and his wife; asks his grandmother to comb her hair, paint her face; copulates with her, killing her; asks people on the other side of the river what's new; for the fourth time, those they say that the Hare copulated with his grandmother and killed her by inserting the penis into her nose]: Teit 1909a, No. 18:678-679; upper chehalis [Little Wren kills an elk; his grandmother refuses to carry various pieces of meat, saying that her Raven lover will call her genitals chest, leg, etc.; takes a penis, masturbates with it; one day Wren cries; grandma offers him various food; finally asks if he wants to have sex; Yes; she asks to dig a hole on the floor to make it easier to place his hump; they lie covered with their skins, the bird looks into the house; then knocks Wren opens, asks what news; Wren copulates with his grandmother; he fights with the guest; the grandmother throws a burning bark at the guest, gets into the Wren, he burns; she glues the bones with resin, but it melts in the sun every time; turns into a wren]: Adamson 1934:36-38; colitz [Wren lives with his grandmother, flies into the ass of an elk, kills it from the inside; the grandmother rejects different parts carcasses, wants genitals; Wren explains that meat is for food, not sex; says he is hungry; rejects meat, berries; rejoices when the grandmother offers him her ass; digs a hole, the grandmother goes to bed in it, he makes love to her; hears two talking, one says that someone copulates with Wren's grandmother; Wren fights with the offender (this is a bird), the grandmother accidentally pushes not the offender into the fire, but the Wren; he glues his bones four times with resin, each time he melts in the sun; turns into a wren; the grandmother turns into a blue bird (Bluebird), sings to the rain]: Adamson 1934:185-188; tillamook [Wild Woman finds a wren boy, raises him as a grandson; makes him want; asks what he wants by offering any things; when asked Does he want to have sex, gets the answer: Yes; tells her to tie her arms, legs and neck so that it seems like she is being raped; a passerby looks into the house at this time, tells others; since then relatives don't copulate with each other; Wren asks people what's new; he is told nothing special, only Wren copulated with his grandmother]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 16:61-62; clackamas: Jacobs 1958, No. 9 [Coyote sucks his penis; asks boaters what's new; Coyote sucked his penis], 25 [Malinovka lives with his grandmother; calls moose in the forest, rejects small; kills five moose, getting inside one through the eye, inside the others through the ears, nose, mouth, anus; then cuts off the heart; Wren's grandmother refuses to carry any part of the moose's body; takes a penis; masturbates in the steam room; offers himself to Wren as his wife, copulates with him; he asks people in a boat passing by what's new; Wren copulates with his grandmother; throws his grandmother into the river ; two Jays call a shaman to revive her; she turns into a beautiful woman, marries Wren; smiles when she opens her toothless mouth; he recognizes her, throws her back into the river; Blue Jay can no longer revive her]: 95, 202-207; vishram [Coyote sucked his penis, no one saw it, but the story itself went away from him; wherever he goes, everyone talks about it; old woman (Salmon?) gave him her bad flesh, but he refused to eat; then he starved his bow and quiver, came to the old woman, but she did not give it any more]: Sapir 1909b:30-35 in Hines 1998, No. 34:129-131; cous [young man says: I would like to sleep with my sister (name); his grandmother asks me to repeat his words three times; he agrees to the fourth; a girl enters the house, he goes to bed with her; she accidentally calls him grandson, he furious; asks people in a boat passing by what's new; (Name) copulates with his grandmother]: Jacobs 1940, No. 23:172-173; upper coquil [Wren lives with his grandmother; tells Moose that he can kill him by getting into his ear; the elk replies that it will shake him out easily; so different parts of his body are finally in the ass; the elk cannot defecate all the time, the wren climbs into it, hurts the heart, gets out of the ass back; cuts the carcass; the grandmother refuses to carry any pieces home, agrees to carry the penis; masturbates with it all day; they make a blanket out of the skin of an elk; the grandmother hears how a grandson dreams of lying under him and his wife out loud; puts a piece of wood in his place, comes disguised as a young woman, sleeps with his grandson; he finds a piece of wood on his grandmother's bed in the morning, understands the deception; asks people who sail by in boats, what's new; the latter say that one here in the upper reaches slept with his grandmother; grandmother was Pheasant]: Jacobs 2007:252-255; kalapuya [Coyote stops for the night in the steam room, makes its walls stone, licks his penis; when he goes further, asks people swimming in the boat what leg is; - There is no news at all, only Coyote sucked his penis; Coyote decides someone saw him through a crack in the stone]: Jacobs 1945, No. 2:91.

The Midwest. Ojibwa: Barnouw 1977, No. 9 (chippewa) [Venebojo pretends to be dying; tells two daughters to marry the first person they meet; asks to put red paint on his cheeks , a knife and food next to him; the youngest daughter does not trust her new husband, the eldest finds out that he has no tooth, like their father; V.: I was a friend of your father, we looked like; when hunting, she accidentally calls her son son, not son-in-law; runs away, asks people what's new; W. married his own daughters]: 86-87; Coleman et al. 1971 (Minnesota, Font du Lac, 1958) [the widow Nanabozho has two daughters and a son; he tells his daughters to marry whoever asks; pretends to be dead, buried with enough food; returns unrecognized, married his eldest daughter; goes with his son to hunt beavers, calls him "son" and "son-in-law"; he talks about this to his sisters; they found a familiar scar on N.'s head; N. left, asks people if they know anything about N.; "Yes, he married his own daughter"]: 93-94; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 12 [He sees the vagina of one of his two daughters; pretends to be dying, telling his daughters to marry someone who will come even if he is old; when daughters bury him, he gives instructions, but they think what are his last words; a stranger comes, spends the night with his eldest daughter; she recognizes him by the scar on his leg; daughters beat him, he laughs, runs away; in the village asks what's new; boys they say that nothing, only N. married his daughters; N. tries to ventilate in the wind so that the gossip flies away, but it fails]: 19-23; Steppe Cree [Visukejak comes to the women's house; says that imminent death can be avoided by becoming his mistress; all women conceive children with him; when his son and daughter grow up, he tells his wife that he will die; tells him to bury him, his daughter must marry the first stranger; people find V.'s bones, but in reality he is alive; his daughter-wife recognizes him by looking for a mark in his hair; he is driven away; he asks the boys what their news is so amuses; V. married his daughter! ]: Skinner 1916, No. 1 (10): 350-351

Northeast. Montagnier [Mesh finds antlers, brings them to the river; people think there is a deer there, they come in a boat; M. asks to be sent a woman; they send a widow, he copulates with her; all understand that it is M., they swim to the widow to help; M. runs away; asks the Crane, then Orlan, what's new; Nothing, only M. copulated with the widow; M. asks the partridge chicks what will happen to those who will eat them; Nothing, but adult partridges will scare him; M. eats the chicks, walks, the partridges take off, he shies away; asks mushrooms what will happen to the one who eats them; Will become uncontrollable release gases; M. eats mushrooms, even sticks them in his ass; M. scares away all the game with his sounds; then he punishes his anus by sitting on a hot stone, the eruption of gases stops; flying birds M . shouts that mothers who lost them in childhood are looking for them, we will be happy to dance with our eyes closed; kills them one by one, finally Orlan opens his eyes, raises the alarm; M. invites the Bear to look lingonberries, leads further; The bear asks how he sees so far; M. suggests improving his eyesight by pouring lingonberry juice into his eyes; the bear closed his eyes, M. killed him with a stone; fell asleep by the river, telling him The anus to guard the meat; the people on the boat asked the anus to remain silent, took the meat away; see the M49 motif, the hero in someone else's skin]: Savard 1979, No. 7:26-28.

Plains. Hidatsa [Coyote asks to leave him on the burial platform with cornbread next to him; tells his daughter to marry a man who will come from the west and be beautifully belted; on the platform leaves a dead dog; rubs the scar on her forehead with clay; in the morning the clay falls off, the daughter recognizes her father; the former wife beats him, he runs away; asks the people he meets what's new; The First Creator married his daughter ]: Beckwith 1938, No. 39:287-290; iowa [Coyote offers the Raccoon to copulate; he wants to be the first, the Coyote agrees; when finished, the Raccoon runs to the tree; the Coyote makes an ax out of clay, can't cut down a tree with them; asks the boys for the news; the raccoon copulated with Coyote and left him fooled]: Skinner 1925, No. 13:477.