F85. Moon: with women against men. 52. (.53.) .59.74.
The month/moon leads women against men or takes women away from men.
Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaki [The Month encourages women to leave with it; women follow the Month]: Ichon 1969:56.
(Wed. Honduras-Panama. Bokota [contrary to the ban, the mother of the Sun opens a vessel of fire, a world fire breaks out; the Sun sends animals to bring rain; the first three do not obey orders, but eat and return; this Toad (it is not said that she ate), Vulture (bites a dead cow and horse), Hummingbird (sucks flower nectar); Swallow Thunder promises to rain, tells her to return without looking back; she looks around, sees a thunderstorm, hides under a stone; after a thunderstorm, the Swallow bites the Toad, which regurgitates the spark, the Swallow wants to extinguish it, the Toad explains that people will need fire and will remain in the volcano, in the stones, in the wood of the seiba; the swallow has been living in burrows ever since; the Sun has gone to heaven, takes care of men, and the Month is about women]: Margery Peña 1994a, No. 4:68-71; 1991:5).
Guiana. Oyana [a person wakes up screaming a toad; sees a beauty; she warns not to have sex with her, he insists; his penis becomes as long as a snake; in the village he turns into the lover of all women; men are going to kill him; women solder men drunk, leave with their lover; it's the Month]: Magaña 1987, No. 20:38.
The Southern Cone. Men overthrow female domination; women were led by the Moon; see motive F38. The Araucans [men overthrow female domination]: Dowling Desmadryl 1971 [men obeyed women, were their slaves; women did not work; men killed all women except little girls; one a woman swam across the lake, to the horizon, became the Moon; married the Sun]: 125-126; Keller 1962:528; alakaluf; selknam.