Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F86A. The pet was eaten. . (.58.)

The character takes care of a fish, crab, or other creature. Others watch the character, kill and eat his pet, or try to do so.

Malgashi, Aoba, Reef Islands, Marshall Islands (Maloelap), Tuvalu, Tokelau, Karen, Java, Makassary, Toraja (Sadan), Manchus, Yami, Guahiro, Nonama, (Warrau).

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi [three sisters found three cyketrica (long-tailed flycatcher) eggs by the pond; the eldest decided to sit the egg herself, the middle to plant a chicken on it, and the youngest Farawavi to drop the egg into the pond; a chicken hatched from an egg in the pond; F. comes to the pond, calling, "Cyketrica egg, come to me!" , a big chicken comes out, F. caresses it and it returns to the water; the next day the egg stopped in the bull; F. called him every day; parents wonder where the daughter goes; told her that the other sister F. fell ill and was sent to her; they called the cyketrics egg themselves; they had a different voice than their daughter, the bull did not come out; then they told daughter Faniviuva to call; the bull went out, he was killed; F. came, She called the bull, no one goes out; when she saw meat in the yard, F. asked for the sand to take it, because her parents do not love it; Farawavi gives birth to animals that live in water]: Rodman 1965:32-33.

Melanesia. Aoba [Tagarombiti ("Little Tagaro") swims into the sea, feeds the fish, gently calls them with his song, swims away to come back later; Merombiti hears his song, cooks, swims to fish, they hear a rude voice, do not swim out; M. makes himself a thin voice like T.'s, the fish swim out, he catches them all on the hook, puts them to bake at home; T. does not find fish, comes to M.'s house, asks for try his food; M. replies that the food is bad; T. kills M., burns his house; takes out the fish, puts them back into the water, they come to life; but one side has burned down, only the other is flounder]: Codrington 1891, No. 7:371-372 (retelling in Coombe 1911:28-29); Reef Islands [the boy noticed a fish in a small pond; began to feed, the fish grew; he carried it to a large pond, it continued to grow, everything they were surprised; one day two men from another island came, saw fish and took them with them, put them in the oven at home, went to the garden for seasoning; the boy found this house, in which an old woman was blind and deaf; took his fish, put the old woman in the oven; when the people returned, the old woman was in the oven instead of fish]: Nss 2006:33-35.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Marshall Islands (Maloelap) [the demon has domestic fish, crab, poultry; every day he calls flying fish, they fly in, calls their pets, they show up, eat fish; two brothers see it; they summon flying fish and then demon's favorites with the same signal, bring them to their mother, cook, eat; go fishing, hide the mother in a tree; a demon comes under a tree, a woman drops a crab shell, a demon recognizes her crab; asks the woman how she climbed; she says that she is pouring oil with her back, sideways, the demon slides off; begins to chew on the tree; the mother calls her sons; the tree falls, the sons are just coming running , killing a demon]: Kelin 2003:42-47; Tuvalu (Niutao Atoll) [Talanga found a fish, brought it to its mother, she put it in a vessel, T. fed it; she grew up, he released it at the reef, called every day and fed; one day there was blood in the sand; T. followed the old man's footsteps; he said that one man caught a big fish and shared it with it; T. found that man, caused the wind, and the wind hit the man's house and ran over him; T. brought a piece of fish meat to his mother; began to raise another fish, released it into the sea too, but it no longer sailed to his call]: Koch 1966:115; Tokelau (Fakaofo) [Sina and her husband Tinilau lived on Fakaofo; S. caught a fish, planted it in a coconut shell, fed it, the fish grew, she transplanted it into a wooden tub, into a lagoon, into the sea; S. and T. went to feed fish, although by name; people from another island they overheard, called the fish and killed them, sailed to their place; T. sailed to that island at night when the murderers told the old woman to light a fire to fry fish; T. told her not to make a fire; each person took turns coming To say it was time to rekindle, T. killed him; after killing everyone, he cut the fish into pieces, threw it into the sea, they turned into Manini fish, which are abundant around Fakaofo]: Burrows 1923:158-159.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [Nokhuva is the older sister, Nokhudi is the youngest, she is dead, they live with Phi Na's father and evil grandmother; Nokhuva feeds two fish by name; PN hears this, tries call the fish, they do not come; then the PN asks Nokhudi to call the fish in his sister's voice; they come, the PN manages to kill the Yaphalau fish, Nokhuva saves the Yaphaunihou fish, tells them to swim away; drowns fat from Yaphalau's fish, it drips, turns into stone, the stone grows up to the moon; Nokhuva asks the goddess of the moon to shelter her, but she replies that she dies periodically, advises her to go to Lightning; Nokhudi stays with Lightning, marries her grandson Thunder; they visit Nokhuva's father; PN wants to kill them by feeding them a dog; Thunder realizes what they give him, returns to heaven with his wife, Lightning destroys the mountain, now you can see boulders - its fragments; thunderstorms are raging every year at this time]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 157:387-390.

Taiwan-Taiwan-Philippines. Yami [the boy secretly feeds the crab on the shore; parents do not understand why the son does not eat everything he is given, they watch him, see that the crab has become huge; they call the crab in the same words as theirs son, brought home, cooked, eaten; the boy went ashore, turned into a coral reef, or was swallowed by such a reef, only one curl is visible]: Bennedek 1991.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Java [only Nyi Bungsu Rarang, the youngest of 7 sisters, is single; poor, exhausted at work, lives in her deceased parents' house; sisters keep taking her earnings; once a young man caught a fish , gave it to the NBR; she began to take care of her, the fish grew up, began to live in the pond; sailed to the hostess's voice; the sisters persuade them to let them catch and eat the fish; while the NBR is gone, they call the fish, but it does not pop up; then they overheard the NBR call, called her in a voice, the fish came, they killed her; the NBI called for a long time, then noticed blood drops; the sisters denied everything; the rooster screams that the head of the fish was thrown on the roof of the rice barn; his older sister scolds him, shifts her head to another place; so three times; then she killed the rooster with an ax, threw the fish's head in the NBR yard; she buried her, a wonderful tree with a diamond grew on a branch; the ruler saw him, married TBR; she did not take revenge on her sisters]: Kratz 1973, No. 6:34-46; Macassars: Hambruch 1922 [=Bezemer 1904:373-375; seven sisters give the youngest only black work; she sees the fish, feeds it, the fish grows, the girl calls it every day with a song; the sisters are surprised why her sister is losing weight (she gives the fish half of her food); they watch her, catch fish, eat it; the younger sister is shocked; the chicken tells her to bury fish bones; they grow into a giant tree with golden leaves and diamonds on its branches; one leaf falls on Java, the prince finds it, goes looking for it tree; older sisters can't tell him anything; the tree leans over to the younger one by itself; the prince marries the girl, takes her to Java; sisters follow her]: 141-143; toraja (sadan) [daily the boy calls an eel, gives him his rice; the father is surprised that the son is losing weight, watching him, calling an eel with the same song, killing him, giving his son eel meat; the son leaves, throws beads behind him; the father follows, loses time picking up beads; the boy asks the stone to open, hides in it; the father breaks the stone, but only two pigeons fly out]: Loosdrecht, Adriani, Veen 1916:371-373 in Vries 1925, No. 72:291- 293, in Lessa 1961 (Sadang): 336 (translated into Teselkin 1959:38-40, =Braginsky 1972:151-152).

Amur - Sakhalin. Manchus [parents with a son named Mushroom Hat live in the forest; he runs away from morning to night to play in the forest; parents are surprised; the boy replies that a fat red man is playing with him; they are all understand, give a needle with a red thread, tell them to quietly attach a needle to the fat man; watch their son; in the evening the fat man runs away; parents walk on a red thread, find a huge ginseng root; by morning they dug up; when the son found out, he was horrified; the parents put the root in the cauldron; the husband thought: I would become immortal, I would marry a beautiful fairy instead of my old wife; wife: I will have fun, I will not need anyone ; if you eat the root in half, none will be immortal; wife: go get your parents; husband: and you go; both went out; at that moment the son took the root out of the cauldron, took it out into the yard; the parents returned; everyone just walked around the house to be the first to take the root; husband: I came back to check if the window was closed or the thieves would take the root away; wife: and I would close the boiler lid or the dog would climb; the root turned into fat red man, took the boy in his arms, ran away; parents started fighting, and the root and boy were gone]: Bäcker 1988, No. 14:105-109.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [the girl had a favorite fish, she lived in the sea, the girl fed her, the fish grew; her parents called the fish the way the girl did (the corresponding words do not make sense in guajiro) fried, eaten; fish did not go out to the girl; the girl sank into the sea and lives at the bottom]: Perrin 1976, No. 3:70-71; nonama [the boy was good at fishing; once caught a quicharo fish, began to keep it in a hole with water in the forest, cared for, called the fish solí-solí; the fish came to take food from his hands, grew fast; relatives wonder why the boy catches small fish, takes them to the forest; younger brother peeked; father and sons came to the pond; until they just called the fish, it did not swim, then the younger brother called solí-solí; the fish was grabbed, cut, brought home; the boy was told that it was meat another fish, but he did not eat, came to the pond; when he returned home, took two torches, sank to the bottom of the river; now you can see torch lights under water]: Wassen 1935:141-142.

(Wed. Guiana. Varrau [a lonely man saw a female stingray; began to bring her palm starch and larvae; called a conditional signal (tapping), she jumped into his boat, he converged with her, fed her; his the brother spied, called the stingray female with the same signal, killed her with a knife, ordered her to fry at home; the female stingray's lover did not find her, saw pieces of fried food at home; took boiling water into the calebas, sailed to where he called stingray female, dipped her head in boiling water, died]: García 1993, No. 18:83-85).