Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F88. The smell of women.

(.11.12.) .


female genitals are at first fragrant or odorless, but then acquire an unpleasant odor (they do not acquire a fragrant smell).

Majprat, Tolay, Bulgarians, Southern Payut, Navajo, Zunyi, Kekchi, Mopan, Yanomam, Makushi, Siona, Desana, Munduruku, Kashinahua, Guarazu, Kamayura, (kalapalo), Maca, Nivakle.

(Wed. Bantu-speaking Africa. Kaonde [Leza created the first men Mulonga and Mwinambuzhi, they did not have genitals or anus; L. gave Mulonga two bundles, told him to put one between his legs and the other Mwinambuzhi; he put himself , became a man; smelled bad from the second bundle, threw it away; Mv. came to L., he gave a new one, Mv. became a woman; for the man to throw away the first parcel, the young men pay a ransom for bride]: Melland 1967:156-157).

(Wed. West Africa. Liela [men and women did not know about each other; the man bought salt at the bazaar; a thunderstorm began on the way back, he did not know where to hide the salt from the rain; the woman said she had a pocket, I put it in my vagina; since then, men want to taste salt in a woman's vagina]: Bamony 2010:140).

Melanesia. Majprat [women did not have genitals; they were copulated through the mouth or ear; to remove the baby, the pregnant woman was fried to death at the stake, then her stomach was ripped open; at the young Karet N'Bejun pregnant sister (his woman; it is clear that he is a sister); he saw a fruit floating along the river, went to look for a tree; filled two bags with fruit from the tree at the source of the river; on the top of his head was the beautiful Ratu, smelled of possum; they came down, she had a possum vagina; showed K. how to use her vagina rather than her mouth; they swam to his house, R. chewed ginger, blew all parts of Sister K.'s body from head down; fetus her womb did not move up as before, but down, her vagina opened, the baby was born; since then, women have been giving birth, and their vaginas have the smell of possum]: Elmberg 1968, No. 15:263-264; tolai [Kaia made a man and a woman out of clay; put a flying fox, a young coconut and urine in the woman's genitals]: Janssen et al. 2012, No. 1:15.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [4 texts, western 1988 in the village. Govezhda, region Montana; God gathered various animals to decide where to place the vulva; offered on the forehead, on the gokáchi, on the naláti; not good, because it is too accessible; finally decided between the legs; The goat stepped there with its hoof, the Fox gave its smell, the Bee gave its honey sweetness]: Badalanova 1993:135-137.

Big Pool. Southern Payut (Shivvitz) [Coyote and Wolf's aunt is the Bear; Coyote spies on her masturbating with an artificial phallus; offers her services; hugging the Coyote, the Bear ripped off his back; The wolf cured him by attaching the muscles of the deer; sent the Coyote to kill the Bear, giving him a wineskin of blood with cream inside; he gave the Bear's sons a drink, they died; when the Bear asked her sons to give it to her phallus, Coyote said they were sleeping, offered to drink blood; the bear died; the wolf ordered to collect all the remains, but Coyote forgot the bag of blood; asks the tip of his tail why the Wolf tells him to uproot bush; tail: to make arrows, Bear's blood will try to kill you; lightning comes from the south, Wolf shoots; killed when Coyote notices Wolf's beautiful armor; Wolf property turned into stones; a Coyote comes to two women, asks about their customs, kills them, puts the skin of one on himself, the other on his penis; their sons wonder why old women eat so fast; The coyote sees the girls lying down, his secret penis took care of them, he killed the sons of old women; while dancing, Coyote jumped out of the old woman's skin, grabbed the clothes of the killed Wolf, ran; turned into coyote droppings a year ago; then into the pen; every time the pursuers guess they shoot, but the Coyote runs away; the pursuers caused snow, the Coyote the wind, hid in an acorn on an oak tree, rolled with an acorn through the snow to their caves; put a pebble with traces of blood and a bone in Wolf's clothes; when he woke up, he was not; Coyote found Wolf sleeping with a woman; broke his bow to return; tried to rape a woman, she climbed into the oak tree, the Coyote's penis got stuck; the Wolf cut off his penis, the Coyote asked him to be called "with a short penis"; the Wolf killed him; found the Coyote cock in his wife's vagina; he stayed there forever (the reason for the smell genitals)]: Lowie 1924, No. 1:93-101.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [The Great Wolf is the leader; his wife does not care about the house and children, scolds her husband; he takes men to the other side of the river; four years later, women begin to starve, die; suffer from insatiable passion, copulate with Coyote, Blue Fox, Yellow Fox, Badger, get a disgusting smell; masturbate with corn cobs; men allow the rest to swim to their shore, soar in the steam room, then they recover]: Stephens 1930:96-100; Zunyi [people live in Itiwana; Cloud Swallower (hereinafter Cloud Absorber, PO), like a moose, swallowed everything in the east clouds, drought has come; the Ahaiyute twins lived with their grandmother on Corn Mountain; she does not tell them to go east, they are coming; the gopher leads them down his hole, dug it under the PO, under his heart, chewed the wool in it Where he woke up, the gopher said he needed fur for the nest; the brothers shot his heart with a bow; the PO began to dig the ground with his horn but fell dead before catching up with the brothers; she threw his heart into the sky, it has become a morning star; the liver is an evening star; the lungs are Seven Stars (Ursa Major); the intestines are the Milky Way; they have returned to their grandmother; she does not tell them to go south, where the owls are; they went; owls are not sitting blinking, at the corner, an owl boy and an owl girl; younger A. threw salt into the hearth, it scattered, fell into the eyes of owls; A. told Owls to become owls, kill not people, but rabbits; grandmother: on SW in Noponikwi old giant Hakisuto with a horn on his forehead, don't go there; A. go; H. kicks passers-by off a cliff and his daughters at the foot devour them; H. pretends to have a cramp, tries three times to push A ., they bounce back; for the fourth time, younger A. throws off H. himself; his daughters ate him; when they see the horn, they realized that it was their father; A. they were killed; grandmother: in the north, a woman and granddaughter kill people; there two sisters; at night, the youngest lay down with the eldest A., and the eldest with the youngest, tied red bandages over her head; the youngest A. changed their bandages to his white ones; their father came in and stabbed not A., but his daughters; A. returned home; grandmother: in the west, 8 girls with their mother (hereinafter: with their grandmother), they have teeth in their vaginas; A. took 6 more young men with their grandfather; told them to make wooden penises - one from oak, the other from hickory; lay down with eight girls, their grandfather and their grandmother, broke all their vaginal teeth with wooden penises at night; when the brothers left, Coyote came, met everyone who slept, each put her hair out of his mustache, blew there; so women have pubic hair and genitals smell like coyote; grandmother: a dangerous girl lives in the Snake's Place; A. got together with her and killed her; the same with the girl in Badger's Place; in the Place where Hopi; where Navajo; when A. went back, these girls are chasing them, A. the heads of the dead are rolling; A. hid among the dancers in a hopi kiva, dressed as a hopi; the Navajo has the same; the dead woman is behind them all the time; A. asked the sunflowers to cover them; under the wings of bluebirds, the stalker finds; in the Knife Society house; Polar Bear gives a knife to scalp her; A. come out of the kiva, kill the pursuer with a club and with an arrow, they scalp them, tell them to count the stars to the last; then the story of how scalp dance appeared]: Benedict 1935:51-56.

Mesoamerica Kekci, a mopan [old man T'actani has a daughter X't'actani; she is a weaver and a spinner; Kin killed an antelope, filled the scarecrow with ash and grass, and carried Sh past the house every evening; T. advised his daughter to pour on the water path; K. slipped, the scarecrow burst; then K. asked the hummingbird for his skin, giving cotton wool in return so that it would not freeze; S. asked his father to shoot the hummingbird, who stunned him; at night in Sh. K. became a man; asked S. to get her father's magic stone mirror and wind tube, covered the mirror with soot, poured pepper into the tube; K. did not smoke one place in the mirror, T. saw K. and S. in the boat; not was able to shoot, almost suffocated; asked his Uncle Chac (Thunder) to kill the fugitives; K. turned into a turtle, S. turned into a crab, both dived to the bottom; after being hit, K. swam out, saw S.'s blood on the water; told the fish to collect it, but they began to eat flesh and drink blood; then he told the dragonflies, they collected them in 13 wooden decks; K. left them to the woman, promising to return in 13 days; opening the decks, K. found them in them various poisonous snakes (in the 1st), non-venomous snakes (2nd and 3rd), mosquitoes (4), sand fleas (5), green hornets (6), yellow wasps (7), small black wasps (8), the same but with white wings (9), white caterpillars with with poisonous hairs (10), flies (11 and 12), S. (13); K. sent a man to throw the first 12 decks into the sea; he heard a noise, discovered it out of curiosity, the creatures broke into the world; S. does not have a vagina; on the advice of old woman K. put S. between two hills, told a small deer to run, the trail was too small; the big one was just right; when he met S., K. decided that it was too tempting for people, told the Rat to write in vagina; since then, sex has been followed by disgust]: Thompson 1930:126-129; Kekchi: Becker-Donner 1976 [Kagua Sake (Sun) and Kagua Chok (Cloud), whose origin is unknown, kill a monstrous husband (by named Chishal) old woman Shan Ni, and then her; give her three sons to taste her meat, they turn into a hawk, an owl, talthus (a rodent digs holes, but not a mole); looking for an arrow that has flown far away, CS in the guise of the wind hears a scream, finds a frightened beautiful Kana Po (Moon) trying to impress by a stuffed goat full of ash, ridiculed; causes her toothache, arrives in the guise of a hummingbird; her father Kagua Aatan shot a hummingbird with a wind gun; KP uses the bird as a model for weaving patterns, in the presence of a hummingbird, the pain subsides; at night, the CS becomes a man; lovers prepare an escape, 1) leave a spit to answer for them in the morning; 2) smear achiote paint on a spacecraft tool that allows you to see far; 3) pour pepper into his wind gun; leave the edge of the telescope clean, the spacecraft sees the fugitives on seashore; when he tries to shoot, starts coughing (the origin of the cough); asks Thunder (Juan Kaak) to kill the fugitives with his drum; CS hides in a turtle, a spacecraft in a shrimp, struck by lightning; CS asks the water lizard to collect its blood from sea water; dragonflies also help; blood fills 13 vessels; the COP leaves them under the supervision of a person, goes to 13 mountains and 13 valleys for help; after 13 For days, sounds are heard from the vessels; the CS opens the lids, finds a green worm (in the first), a poisonous snake (2), a toad (3), a boa constrictor (4), another poisonous snake (5), all lizards (6), scorpions (7), a dangerous snake (8) ), flies (9), a snake with poison in its tail (10), a snake (11), all other snakes (12), KA (13); but it does not have a vagina; a mountain ram can't, a deer makes a vagina with a hoof; the aroma is very strong, the CS is afraid that people will become to fight because of it; tells the rat to write there; after a series of adventures, the CS and KP turn into the sun and moon]: 122-124.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomam [(Albert MS); Omamö caught the daughter of a water monster in the forest and, without telling his brother Yoasi, copulated with her; he also fished her, but she jumped back into the water when he saw that it was not Oh ., and the ugly Ë.; O. caught the woman himself, let O. have sex with her; she had a vulva but did not give birth; Ë. copulated loudly all day; O. wanted to wipe her vagina with fragrant leaves, but E. wiped it with smelly flowers, so women's genitals smell like penis]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 197:396-398.

Guiana. Macushi [women did not have vaginas; Jesus gives San Pedro a bag of vaginas, tells them to give it to women; he dances with the girls, forgets the bag, he is trampled on, he lies around for a long time; the vaginas were dented and partly rotted (the cause of the smell)]: Amodio 1989, No. 7:106.

Western Amazon. Syona [see motive F9A]: Chaves 1958:134-136 [He lived with Tapir's two daughters for a month; he took them to a Juansoco palm tree, they ate fruits, got drunk; they had animals like fish in their vulvas, the Month took them out , threw it into the river, they became fish; joined both women, wanted to put pieces of a fragrant vine; the bird frightened him with her cry, he climbed back into the tree, the smell of the female genitals remained unpleasant; the girls woke up, the eldest kicked the trunk, it grew tall; the monkey ate the fruit and fell asleep; saliva flowed from her mouth, became a vine, N. went down it; shot the turkey , put thorns in him, told his father-in-law to pick him up, he pricked his leg; turned into a tapir, sank into the ground; he, the Father of Earth, causes earthquakes while moving; The month came to a village where people drank chicha, beat drums; you do like pigs; they turned into pigs; What are we going to eat? He answered; other people made spears - you'll be cerrillos; etc. (turned groups of people into monkeys, bears, pauhil birds, turkeys, etc. - depending on their clothes and colors, the color of the feathers); menstruating women - red monkeys], 143-145 [Ñañagüé Nianyague (Month) did not like his wife because she had to look in his head; climbed a juansoco tree, threw fruits at them, they became intoxicated by them and fell asleep; N. pulled piranha teeth out of his wife and sister's vagina (further as in 134-136)].

NW Amazon. Desana [see motif J12; two girls go to marry the chief, the bird Inambu; walk the wrong path, get to the Opossum; prevent him from inserting his penis into the vagina; he uses their bellies, neck, arms, legs , the whole body; since then, women have an unpleasant smell]: Kumu, Kenhnri 19165-166.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [Karusakaibö promises a newborn daughter to marry Daiïrú; she dies after copulation; K. sends D. to a tree for an arrow, he does not fall; on a palm tree with thorns on the trunk, he did not peel off; on the site, sets fire to the vegetation around; D. turns into an battleship, climbs underground (var: K. asks D. to grab the tail of the battleship, he drags D. into his hole); D. gets out , reports that people are underground; wild Indians come first, then peaceful Indians, then munduruku; a bird that flies by cuts the rope with its beak, the most beautiful people remain underground; only K. has a wife, he makes other women out of clay; they don't have vaginas; agouti, paka, squirrel, and other animals began to copulate with them, making vaginas, so they are of different shapes; D. sprinkled rotten wood decay on them, so smell; K. invited D. to swim, ordered him to take a flat stone on the way, carry it on his head; the stone began to grow, turned into the current sky; roots grew from D.'s nose, it turned into an apoi tree (tall in jungle); it still supports the sky, but it is not known where]: Murphy 1958, No. 4:77-79.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [a young man takes a girl's vulva for a wound; people do not know how to treat it; when he sees monkeys copulating, he understands why female genitals are needed (the origin of sexual intercourse); the female organs gave off a strong and seductive smell; one young man met his beloved, the aroma immediately spread; the girl was afraid that everyone would find out about their connection; the young man put a rotten vulva in her vulva wood, female genital odor has changed since then]: Ans 1975, No. 12:133-137; 1978, No. 13:175-177.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [people see parrots copulating, they want to do too; Yaneramay brings male and female organs; they are ignored for a long time during the festival; therefore, the genitals are rotten and now they have a specific smell]: Riester 1977, No. 13:249.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Agostinho 1974, No. 7 [The hunter's two wives become Cayman's mistresses, feed him manioc cakes; the husband watches, kills Cayman with an arrow, hits his wives with a stick; they burn Cayman's corpse; a peka tree (Caryocar butyrosum) grows out of ash; on its four branches, fruits of four colors: north blue, east white, south green, west yellow; the parrot pecks Murenayata ( the owner of the village of Murena); he comes to the Spider, falls into his trap; the Spider wants to eat him, M., asks for his thread; M. ties the thread to the parrot's leg, finds a tree along it; touches the fruit Baking women's vaginas have since been fragrant, and vaginas take on the smell that the fruit had; makes everything pecky yellow]: 186-189; Münzel 1973 [the man is married to two sisters; they copulate with Cayman. they feed their lover fish and manioc broth; Cayman wears necklaces decorated with feathers; predicts that the women's husband will kill him; then tells him to bury his corpse, and peca fruits will grow out of it (Caryocar butyrosum ) and corn; the women's husband hunts coati, who tells him about his wife's infidelity; the husband kills Cayman with an arrow, hits his wives with a stick; women burn Cayman's corpse, bury ashes, and a peki tree grows out of it fruits of four flowers; a parrot brings them to the Sun Mureynat (the owner of the village of Murena); Quat (Sun) and Yau (Month) come to women, touch their genitals with a peka fetus; with Since then, the bakes are fragrant, and the vaginas take on the smell that the fruit had; they tell the fruits to ripen only once a year; women celebrate the first peki festival, play the sacred flutes of the steep; Quat and Yau say that from now on only men will play flutes; Quat creates Khurivuri (a forest monster in the form of a fish or snake), scares women with it, they hide in dwellings]: 162-169; (cf. kalapalo [five sisters marry Igwanegi (tinama bird); take Cayman as lovers, copulate with him on a manioc field; Aguchi watches them; the husband calls Cayman with the same words like a wife, she kills with an arrow; a peka tree grows out of a corpse; the youngest wife inserts a straw into her vagina, then into the peca fruit; therefore, ripe peks have a characteristic smell]: Basso 1987:185-188).

Chaco. Maca [fisherman Sania (a bird with long red legs, probably Cariama cristata) lived by a lake into which a river from the lower world flowed; found necklaces by the water; the catch is missing; he spies sees necklaces coming out of the water from the roof of the house, the flood began; when the water flooded the house, the waters of the women; two spirits sii and sooj whistled their singing; women ate fish with their mouths and vagina; S. said to others; Iguana grabbed a woman, inserted a penis, it was bitten off; Iguana has two penises, the next time the second one is also bitten off; the Month has a long penis, he unfolded it, crawled, bitten off; the Sun's penis is also bitten off; The hawk dances, the women dance, everything bitten off falls out of them; the Hawk attaches their penises back, except for the end of the Month's penis, but it's already long; the biting piranhas also fell out, but the little one remains, causes monthly bleeding; the female genitals have the smell of piranhas]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 2:19-21; nivacle [Fitsakajich removes vaginal teeth for the first women or they fall out, when he tells women to dance; after that, men copulate with women; female genitals give off a strong aroma; F. doesn't like him, he lubricates vaginas with smelly plant juice]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 42, 44, 45:115-117, 119-121, 121-126