Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F89. Sister's trick. . (.40.)

My sister and brother live alone. My brother doesn't agree to incest. The sister goes to the trick, as a result of which her brother takes her for an unfamiliar girl and marries.

Sedek, Sazek, Paywan, Atayal, Lee, Mansi, Nivhi, Udege, Orochi, Chukchi, Markovo, (Nunivak).

Taiwan - Philippines. Sadek (Taroko) [the chief has an ugly daughter; he put her and her dog in a boat, let her go to sea; the boat landed on the coast of Taroko; for several years the dog brought meat and fish to the girl; said he would now leave because she didn't give him what he wanted; the girl said she would go look for a wife with a tattooed face; she came back a few days later, her face was covered in a tattoo; she married a dog, gave birth to Taroko ancestors]: Ho 1967, No. 83:256; Sazek (same with Paiwan) [a man and a woman came out of the stone; when they saw flies copulate, they came together, gave birth to a son, then a daughter; the sister said When she was going to find a wife for him, she told her brother to come to the rock at the foot of the mountain; on the appointed day, the brother went down the mountain, found a woman by the cliff, did not recognize her sister, because she smeared soot on her face]: Matsumoto 1928:119-120; atayal: Norbeck 1950, No. 1 [a big rock splits, two men and a woman come out of it; one man does not like it on earth, he returns to the stone; left with a woman thinks how to breed; first, the woman puts her genitals in the wind; nothing happens; then they try to copulate, consistently using the sphincter, nostrils, ears, mouth; the fly sits down a woman on her hips; she understands this as an instruction from the gods to use her vagina; becomes pregnant, gives birth to atayal ancestors]: 13-14 (=Ho 1967, No. 52:238-239); http://en.wikipedia.org/wki/Atayal_people [stone Pinspkan split, three came out, one decided to go back; the remaining man and woman lived together, but the man was afraid of getting closer to the woman; then she left, painted black paint on her face and came back disguised as a stranger; they got married and had children; it is believed that this episode dates back to the custom of girls painting their faces black].

China - Korea. Lee [brother and sister escaped after the flood; the god of Thunder allowed them to marry; they still refused; then, in his brother's absence, Thunder painted his sister's face black, brother did not recognize her, took her wives]: Ho 1967, No. 102.

Western Siberia. Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 123 [Mos-ne lives with his brother; brother (Mos-hum) says that this is not good, he goes to live alone; makes his wife out of wood, dresses her; in his absence, M. comes, cuts and burns the doll, puts on her clothes, sits in her place; brother thinks that the doll has come to life, marries her; they have a son], 124 [Mos-ne's brother marries the youngest daughter of the City Hero ; M. calls his daughter-in-law to ride down the hill, follows her, pierces her with skis, puts on her clothes, lowers the corpse into the river; lives with his brother, hiding his face, gives birth to a son with him; he hears what the children talk about his parents, tells his father; he cuts his wife and son to pieces, leaves; Mosh-ne's blood grows into a wild berry bush; the bear eats berries, gives birth to a bear cub and a girl; in winter, the son of the City The hero kills a bear with a bear cub, takes a girl as his wife; at a bear festival, she fulfills her mother's orders - she does not eat bear meat, collects bones; a bear and a bear cub turn into two stars]: 326-327, 327-332.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nivhi [younger brother and older sister live alone; young woman lives far away; brother disappears {obviously stays with that woman}; sister comes to her in his absence, kills her, puts her on clothes, throws the corpse into the river; brother does not notice the change; when their son is five years old, he asks his mother why the bird is teasing him: "Your mother is Mowerkin, father is Hoovergin" {not explained}; mother tells him not to talk about to this father; the son says that the father understands that his wife is his sister, cuts off her head, throws her into a fire, turns into a crow, the son into a Mauzur ehln ("Mauzur child") the size of a jay, screams at night]: Ulita 2011:35-36; Udege people: Arseniev 1995 (3) [When he lived with his sister; once he reached a yurt where he saw a naked woman; asked if she was his sister, she replied no; at home, he told his sister everything; she advised him to take that woman, said that she would go looking for her husband herself; ahead of her brother, she came to that yurt; E. married her; their son wounded a bird, who told him that he incest fruit; his mother told him to remain silent, but he let his father slip; he pointed a crossbow, his sister went and was killed; he left his son on a tiger, his daughter on a bear path; they married these animals; daughter and bear are the ancestors of the Udege people, son and tigress are Orch]: 166-167 (quail in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 76-77:449-452); Kormushin 1998, No. 32 [sister sends her younger brother to look for a wife; moves the house and property to a new place, makes a new robe for himself; the brother comes, doubts, comes back, the sister is back in the same place before him; the sister moves the house down the river, this time the brother stays; they have a boy and a girl; the boy wants to shoot the bird, which says he is the son of a brother and sister; the mother tells his father not to talk about it; he speaks; the brother throws an ax, telling his wife to pierce between her breasts, if it's a sister; the ax pierces her, kills her; hooked the children on the legs with a hook, left them on a moose path; the moose raised them; a poor old man, their father, came to them; they planted him to warm up, he became musk deer]: 164-171; Orochi [like the Udege people; after killing his sister-wife, the hunter leaves; the bear takes the children, marries a girl, they are the Orochi; the boy accidentally kills a bear while hunting; when he dies, he tells him not to give his meat to his sister; since then, his sister cannot eat the meat of a bear killed by her brother]: Arsenyev 1995 (3): 167-169.

SV Asia. The Chukchi [the seaside people are starving, the girl and her younger brother remain; she offers marriage, he refuses; she lies as if she saw an unfamiliar girl; she builds a house in a new place, puts on new clothes; brother does not recognize her; when he goes back to his sister, she turns into a lemming, resorts to their old home before him; asks not to visit her again; descendants of her children from marriage to brother repopulates the country]: Bogoras 1928, No. 11:312-316; Markovo [sister is building a new plague at a distance, secretly digs a passage there, tells her brother that an unknown woman has appeared nearby, advises her to take her as a wife, promises to go away after that in search of her husband; a young man marries his sister without knowing it, a son is born; he shoots a bullfinch, he tells him the truth, he tells his father about it; the father hangs over The entrance to the dwelling is an ax; he falls, splits his wife-sister's head]: Bogoras 1918, No. 7:131-132.

(Wed. The Arctic. Nunivak Island [the hunter wants a daughter - she will grow up, bring her son-in-law to the house; the wife gives birth to a son, he grows up, the father goes hunting with him, returns alone; the wife gives birth to a second son - the same; gives birth daughter; she grows up, meets a young man in the tundra, meets him; father finds daughter with boys, says they are her brothers; siblings sail away, establish a village, forget their father]: Himmelheber 1951:109-111).