Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F9. Dangerous woman.


For various reasons, copulation with a woman is deadly for a man. Unreliable texts (Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian) are included in F9A but not in F9.

Teeth, blades, or sharp stones in the vagina or on the inside of the thighs; the vagina is the toothed mouth. See F9A motif.

(Spaniards, Portuguese, Dutch, Frisians, Germans), Arabs of Southeast Iran, Kiwai, Bondo, Sora, Bhuya, Asur, Korku, Juang, Agaria, Maria, Muria, Dhoba, Dhoba, Dhoba, Dhoba, Dom, Cond, Pardhan, Solor, Tingyan, Apayao, Atayal, Paywan, Rukai, Puyuma, Koreans, (Russians, Ukrainians, Finns, East Sami), Kets, Evens, Nivhi, Udege, Nanai, Ainu, Tsugaru, Noto, Okinawa, Chukchi, Yukaghirs, Aleuts, Northern Alaska Inupiat , haida, tsimshian, bellacula, quakiutl, chilcotin, shuswap, lilluet, thompson, comox, pentlatch, chalkomelem, upper chehalis, clackamas, upper colitz, western sachaptin, ne perse, upper coquil, takelma, Sandy Lake Cree, Naskapi, Montagne, Blackfoot, Crowe, Mandan, Iowa, Oto, Arapahoe, Pawnee, Wichita, Natchez, Koasati, Yurok, Eastern Pomo, Maidu, Northern Payut, Mono (Owens Valley), Western and Northern Shoshones, goshiyute, chumeuevi, southern payut, southern utah, havasupai, valapai, yavapai, navajo, jicarilla, western apache, chirikahua, hopi, huichol, otomi, aztecs, wawe, juice, mixtecs, tsotzil, chiriqui, kogi, guajiro, shikuani, Warrau, Koreguaje, Siona, Sekoya, Maihuna, Desana, Maku, Yagua, Munduruku, Chavin, Nazca, Amahuaca, Mehinacu, Caduveo, Nivacle, Matako, Toba.

Piranha in the vagina.

Sicuani, Makiritare, Yanomami, Wapishana, Taruma, Waiwai, Hishkaryana, Siona, Mayhuna, Tarian, Yukuna, Desana, Kabiyari, Mehinaku, Kalapalo, Karaja, Tapirape, Maca.


snake (in Polynesia, acne) in the vagina; a vagina is a snake's mouth; a snake crawls out of a woman's mouth and bites a man during copulation; a woman with a toothy womb is associated with a snake . See F9C motif.

Tuamotu (Wahitahi), Bengalis, Agaria, Gondas, Lohar, Tsimshian, Thompson, Ojibwa Steppe, Seneca, Paugs, Pomo, Yokutz, Aztecs, Juice, Mixtecs, Cosumalguapa, Warrau, Shipibo, Chacobo, mehinacu, nivacle, chorote, toba.

Stinging insects in the vagina or pubis. See F9D motif.

Nascapi, Sikuani, Oyana, Bara, Tarian, Bar, Whitoto, Maue, Shipibo, Marubo, Mehinacu, Calapalo, Paresi.

Mice in the vagina. See F9E motif.

Kuchin, Upper Tanana, Khan, Tagish, Helmet, Yellowknife, Beaver, Chipewayyan.

Asmodeus: A demon kills her suitors on her wedding night without a woman's knowledge. See F9F motif.

The book of Tobit, Socotra, Kashmiris, Bengalis, Sindhi, Oraons, Santals, Gondas, Sinhales, Serbs, Bulgarians, Albanians, Romanians, Abkhazians, Avars, Tabasarans, Rutulans, Tsakhurs, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Talysh, Kurds, Persians, Tajiks, Norwegians (Eastern Sami, Estonians), Mari, Uighurs, Dungans.

Other motive options.

Manden, Shambhala, Bondei and Zigulas, Somalis, Portuguese, Mono (Shortland Islands), Voleai (Carolines) [bivalve], Burmese, Baiga, Chinese, South Altai Tuvans, Mongols (Inner Mongolia), Japanese, Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Olonets), Orochi, Yukaghirs, Itelmen, Northern Alaska Inupiate (Selawik), Polar, East Greenland (Angmassalik, Kulusuk), Koyukon, upper kuskoquim, southern tutchoni, nootka, twana, ne perse, upper coquill, takelma, passamaquoddy, wappo, tsotsil, taulipan, colorado, quechua (Conchukos, dep. Ancash), Shipaya, Eseeha, South Tehuelches.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Karanga [god Moari created the man Mwuetsi ("The Month") at the bottom of the lake; he went to empty land; God gave him a wife Mossassi ("Morning Star"), she gave birth to plants; took her, gave birth to his wife Morongo (" Evening Star"), she gave birth to pets; the morning after copulation again, she gave birth to sons and daughters, who immediately became adults; God warned against further copulation, but Mvuetsi did not listened; the wife gave birth to predators, snakes, scorpions; then told her husband to marry their adult daughters; she slept with a snake herself; Mwuetsi wanted to sleep with her, the snake was under bed, bit him, he fell ill, it rained stopped; his children strangled him, burned him, Morongo also killed, chose another ruler]: Frobenius 1931:237-240 (=Frobenius, Fox 1937:215-220; retelling in Abrahamsson 1951:72); shambhala, bondeis and zigula [Scheuta's hunter and ancestor met an elephant; she stretched his penis so he could get along with her; gave him the means to make the penis longer and shorter if he wanted to; Bangwe woman killed men who slept with her; S. killed her by making his penis long while copulating]: Scheub 2000:225-226.

West Africa. Manden [(episode from the epic "Sundyata"); two brothers kill a buffalo with a silver tail and golden horns; the chief offers to choose the best girl as a reward; on the advice of an old woman, they take the ugly hunchback Sogolon Kudum; she does not allow her to get along with her, they give it to the ruler Nare Famagan Cenyi the Beautiful in exchange for his sister; his magic knife transforms her (warts disappear, back straightens); var.: he takes possession of her by putting a knife to her throat; her pubic hair was made with porcupine needles; after marriage, a woman stretches her head out of the hut to the square to watch the dance); Sunjata is born; a little later, another wife, Susuma Barete, gives birth to another son, but her messenger comes to his father earlier, who considers her son firstborn; S. is bewitched, unable to get back on his feet; (then gets up, brings a baobab; creates the state of Mali)]: Belcher 2005:402.

Sudan - East Africa. Somalis [the old woman advises the young man not to go to the city, because the Sultan's daughter has a snake belt, an ogre dog and a cannibal camel at the entrance; you must give the camel grass, the dog meat, touch the snake's head with a rod, she will die; the young man does so, marries the Sultan's daughter]: Kirk 1904, No. 5:322.

Western Asia. Arabs on the southeastern coast of Iran (the Minab area and villages between the ports of Lenge and Bushehr; the islands of the Strait of Hormuz) [Menmendas appears as a young and very beautiful woman. Menmendas's thighs are sharp on the inside and serrated like a saw. Menmendas wanders in the mountains, carrying a jewellery box he never lets go of. Men, seeing Menmendas, immediately fall in love with her without memory and follow her. Menmendas soon begins to flirt with the man following her and takes him to some abandoned hut. In the hut, Menmendas lies down and, placing the jewelry box under his head, spreads his legs. If a man has heard of Menmendas and guesses who he is dealing with, he must collect a handful of sand from the ground and, when Menmendas settles down, throw sand in her eyes - in which case the man will be able to Steal the box and run away. But if a man is confused and ignorant and has carnal passion, Menmendas clamps him between his legs and cuts him in half with his hips]: Saedi 1977:82.

Melanesia. Mono (Shortland Islands): Wheeler 1926, No. 23 [woman refused, finally a man got along with her, apu bit him in the penis, woman ran away; what apu is, not clear, maybe eel], 63 [people satisfied himself by sticking his penis into a hole in a stone; he was bitten by a scolopendra; "probably based on a true fact"]: 40, 42.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Voleai [men coming to the island disappear; four brothers named Luche, Luyol, Lugarawa, Lumawo decide to find out what's going on; Lugarava comes to a woman, she directs her to her beautiful daughter, he lies down with her, the double-leaf shell in her vagina bites off his penis; his mother baked his body, ate it; the same with the others, Luce stayed; he took a hard wood stick with him to open shells; put it in the vagina, turned it, the young woman died; Luce forced the cannibal to revive the bones eaten; this time she ate her daughter]: Mitchell 1973, No. 65:187-189; Truk, Islands Yap County, Palau ["I have located the tale from Truk westward to Palau"; in the Palau version, the woman does not intend to kill her husband; he lures an eel out of her vagina with bait; this story is often the case carved on storyboards; on Ulity, the motif of a toothy womb]: Mitchell 1973:260.

South Asia. Baiga [The hare got married, his wife squeezed him to death with his hips tight]: Elwin 1949, No. 5:376.

China - Korea. The Chinese [who came down with a virgin dies; no one wants a virgin; one person unknowingly did it, but the girl saved him; the motive was recorded in the early 19th century in Guangdong; It was believed to be leprosy]: Eberhard 1968:134.

Central Europe. Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Sumy Posad) [Naplot's son from the elderly; bought him leather, he cut everything; so three times; then they tied him to a raft and sailed into the sea; picked up the ship, N. answers it is not clear whether the captain tells him to be thrown overboard, but even 10 people cannot move his legs; the king's son leaves the cabin; fraternized; N. warns that more than 20 have already suffered from Anna the Beautiful man; but nothing, everything will be fine; after the wedding, he tells I. not to let the AP put his foot on him, let him ask to go out; N. lies down instead of I.; put AP's leg and arm against the wall; then I. went; having learned from he, who had been with her before, AP went with him in the carriage, cut off his legs and left him; blind and armless gathered to him; the princess was kidnapped together to cook for them; the witch comes to suck her breasts; friends she was grabbed, beaten with iron bars, forced to bring them to living and dead water, healed, the witch was burned, the ashes were scattered; at this time I. herds goats with a cast-iron hat on his head; N. brought AP to the bathhouse and beat him with an iron bar; she promised to wash I.'s feet and drink {this} water; AP and I. began to live happily ever after]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 50:250-255; Russians (Olonetskaya: Shokshozero) [Ivan- The Tsarevich went to marry foreign lands; his sister found out that his bride would kill him; Nikita Mol is in prison; promises to help if the princess releases him and find 39 more Nikita as companions; the ship landed on the mountain noise: three share an invisible hat; NM fired an arrow - who is faster behind it; took the hat; elsewhere - a magic tablecloth and a jug with 12 stigmas; the same; in third place they took two: one big in the bath is steamed, the other is there; the queen orders to take a steam bath in a hot bath, the satellite cooled; eat a lot; another companion ate everything; cook the shoes she has; NM in an invisible hat stole her shoes , the masters made new ones for the queen; cook dinner (magic tablecloth); got married; NM went to bed; the queen threw her foot over him to press him down, but it didn't work out; everything is fine]: Onchukov 2000, No. 56 : 214-215.

Baltoscandia. Eastern Sami (Kildin dialect) [the son grew up tall (and strong), his father could not find his clothes, decided to push him into the water; the boy fell, pulling the entire pier with him; the father drowned, and the guy - now his name is Pop Float - sailed on a log; he was picked up by a ship; the prince sails on him to marry the daughter of another king; when he returns with his young wife, he is barely alive in the morning: she crushed him, putting a river on him, then his leg; P. summons to take his place, throws his arm and leg away; tells the prince that it is now safe; after finding out who slept with her, the girl invited P. to turn over three times on the shore and touch her chest with her feet, cut off his legs with a knife; sailed back on the ship; P. crawled, got into the house of a legless and blind man; a mistress is needed; the king will give his daughter to whoever takes off her ring, when she is at the window on the upper floor; the blind carries P., throws it up three times, the third time P. takes the girl away; Baba Yaga comes to her, asks her to remove the lice, falls asleep with his head on her knees; when men they come back, the girl is pale; when they found out what was going on, they told her to put Baba Yaga's head on a bench; they tied her by the braids, began to beat her to give her living water; she gave it, they tried to revive the duck - it doesn't work ; they beat again, Baba Yaga gave another water; they revived the duck; smeared their legs, arms, eyes, and became whole and healthy; P. married that princess]: Kert 1961, No. 34:120-124.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. South Altai Tuvans [silver and golden frogs closed the spring; the old man says they will discover the water by drinking the blood of two khan's twin sons; the boys swallowed the frogs themselves, the river brought them to a country where khans die on their wedding night; the eldest twin becomes a khan, the youngest sees an old woman next to his brother, and the wolf rides in ash three fathoms, runs away; the old man says it Shulmus's soul ran for the means to kill the khan; the youngest kills the wolf with an arrow, he falls into the ground, the old woman is dead; the brothers are married to beauties]: Taube 1994, No. 28:234-236; the Mongols (probably Ordos; the chronicle of the death of Genghis Khan on the bed of Gurbaljin-Goa, the widow of the defeated Tangut state; the material was highlighted by S.Yu. Neklyudov; the woman's name is from yürbel, "lizard") [After { quietly} 19 years old, Vladyka.. went on a campaign against Shidurgu Khan in Minsk. Shidurgu Khan has become a snake. Then the Master became Garudi. When Shidurgu Khan became a tiger, the Master became a lion. When Shidurgu Khan became a boy, His Eminence, turning into Hormusta, seized Shidurgu Khan. Shidurgu Khan said: "If you kill me, it will be bad for you. If you don't kill, it will be bad for your descendants." His Eminence said: "Whatever happens to my current body, but let my descendants prosper!" When he was about to kill, Shidurgu Khan said, "Search my Hanshu Gurbaljin-Goa, starting with her black nails!" His Eminence married Hanshu Gurbaljin-Goa. Hansha Gurbaljin-Goa went swimming in the Black River. Her father, Sashin-Dzhangin of the Chinese family Wu from Irgay, had one poultry that delivered mail. [Hansha] tied a message to her neck in which she wrote: "I will throw myself into this Black River and drown myself. Don't look for my bones at the bottom. Look in the upper reaches!" [After that] Gurbaljin-Goa held her forceps in her secret place, injured the Master's secret place and ran away. Then, jumping into the Black River, she drowned herself. The black river where the Hansha died was called Khatun-gol {Yellow River, "Lady River"}.. After that, the Lord's illness became severe..]: Cendina 2017:81; Shastina 1957:133; commentary in Bawden 196:238; Mongols (Inner Mongolia) [Genghis Khan captured Tubut Khan, who lived in the mountains Zhong wei (Darisun-hot); the captive khan says to him, "My wife has a bad idea." Genghis killed him and took over his wife. At night, she shaved Genghis with a razor (tongura) and he died, and she rushed into the Khatun-Gol River; she was carried along the river below Darisun Horo and landed ashore. There was a hill above her body]: Potanin 1893:270.

Amur-Sakhalin. Orochi [seven seal hunters sail to a foreign shore; see a young woman; five young men follow her one after another, disappear; two elderly people sail to another yurt; old man explains that each of the young people died falling into that girl's vagina; both return home and become shamans]: Bereznitsky 1999, No. 5:145-146.

Japan. The Japanese [a handsome young man is invited to bed by a sick girl; it is assumed that the disease will pass to him]: Eberhard 1968:134.

SV Asia. Itelmen [Kutku copulated with sea shells; one closed; Hahi accidentally found a bitten penis in a boiled sink, put it back to her husband, cured it; once H. turned her genitals into a duck, made K. speak of praise for this duck; K. started kissing the duck, realized that he was kissing the vulva]: Steller 1999:155.

The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate (Selawik) [Nunamiu and his wife Qimmiq have four sons, they go and go; N. conceives a fifth, making a fire so that sparks fall into his wife's vagina; a son is born Qayaq; his father magically educates him in strength and dexterity, gives amulets made from the bodies of insects and small nimble animals (weasels, minks, shrews); preparing a supply of food for parents, K. goes up the Kobuk Valley in search of brothers; his father tells him to take his uncle with him, whom he meets on the way; an unfriendly man enters K.'s hut in the parking lot, he throws him away, he turns into a woodpecker; a wolverine picks up a broken tooth at a beaver hut; a man sleeps with him, leaves in the morning, it was a wolverine; K. says to the person who came up that his thumb eats people like him; a man runs away in fear, turns out to be a trot; someone voracious behaves strangely, rushes at K. with a knife; K. offers him to die in the fire, he jumps into the fire and burns; in the village of K. marries; in the spring the wife expects her father to cut her to take out the child; K. teaches her how to give birth in the usual way; goes on, meets a giant; he says that his two wives will soon come and fight; let K. cut both veins, first the one that comes from the sea side, because it is aggressive; after urinating, the giant flooded the whole valley; K. does this, the giantesses bandage their wounds, the husband sends them to clean the house; wives live with a giant only in spring; a giant kills a caribou with uprooted larch; K. leaves, prepares material to make a boat, wants help; spies, sees a fox girl roasting meat, Squirrel heats resin, female birds sew the boat's skin, the Beaver prepares the frame and oars, the Raven the dart for the birds, the Wolf and Wolverine scrape the bark, the Bear knocks down trees, cleans the branches; then everyone dances The woodpecker hits the tambourine; K. jumps up, grabs the Fox, she remains human, the rest run away in the form of animals and birds; in the summer, K. swims down the Yukon, the wife becomes a fox again; K. meets, takes with They see how a man breaks off fir chips, they fall into the water, turn small ones into trout, large ones into salmon, and so eat fish; on the shore, his brothers' house, bones and skulls, naked woman; K. throws a lahtak's head into her vulva, her head tears the cannibal; K. buries her bones; there is a shiny ball on the tree, he attracts K., he hangs in a trap; the cannibal brings him home, his two children are told that the game opened their eyes; the cannibals fell asleep, K. cut off their heads; K.'s boat slips between the crushing rocks, only the paddle is crushed; the giant in the boat and K. throw darts at each other, a dart K. cuts off the giant's head; enters the house, the giant's wife throws the ula, K. throws it at her, cuts off his head; the door is closed, he gets out as a mouse; turns into trout, bites off the tip of the fisherman's jail; comes to him, offers to repair the prison, pierces the fisherman; turns into salmon, climbs into the fishermen's net; the leader's son eats his head, the bone gets stuck in his throat, he dies; the bones are thrown into a hole, K. is reborn, he is shot, he runs away; they swim to the sea; his uncle has left, turning into a lynx; K. becomes a falcon; the leader of the people unalik catches him, eats him, he rises from bones, marries on the leader's stepdaughter; he wanted her for himself; sends a storm, K. steals the boat into the open sea; K. regurgitates the pebbles given by his father, the wind has subsided; K. burns the leader's face with this stone; he orders to split it into firewood log; this is how he killed many of his stepdaughter's suitors; with the help of a caress amulet, K. performs the task, the leader is surprised that K. is alive; the leader orders to shoot partridges, K. kills a huge cannibal bird there; go over the log abyss, K. falls, but returns unharmed; crawls away with a caterpillar from the community house where the leader wanted to burn it; K. dodges the arrows fired at him, kills the leader's soldiers himself; ties he is naked to a pole, leaves him in the cold; appoints a new leader, flies away with a falcon]: Ivanoff Brown 1981:40-114; polar (Smith Strait) [a woman with an iron tail devoured men; when to her a stranger came, she waited for him to fall asleep, and jumped into the air and fell on the sleeper, piercing him with her tail; one man pretended to fall asleep, but when she jumped, he rolled back into side; the woman fell on a rock and broke her tail; the man ran away in his kayak, she ran after him; when she approached, she shouted: "Oh, if only I could stick my knife into him!" At her scream, the man almost rolled over with the kayak, that was her strength; the man replied, "Oh, if only I could put my harpoon into it!" At his scream, a woman fell on the spot; and she didn't kill anyone else - her tail was broken]: Rasmussen 1921:83; East Greenland: Gessain 1958 (Angmassalik) [traveling to Man on the Moon's house they meet a dangerous woman Nalicatek; she grimaces, trying to make them laugh; her genitals are covered by a live dog's head; during winter ritual games in a mansion, a man wearing a mask N. tries to make the audience laugh; those who laugh or smile are beaten]: 583 (=1984:87, fig.73); (cf. Millman 2004:131-132 (Kulusuk) [the husband is killed, the wife gives birth to a son, he immediately demands a wife, the mother swims with him to look for a wife; they go to the Psoglavtsy, the wife tries to bite off her husband's genitals, he kills her; Elsewhere, the wife has long nails, they rip off her husband's meat, the boy kills her; in third place, the wife is childless, her husband kills her, people are outraged, they force him to take a woman whom no one doesn't want to; she's boring, her husband cries at the graves of her three previous wives], 141-142 (Angmassalik) [Anninguaq woman has a sharp iron tail; when a man sleeping with her falls asleep, she stabs him to death; this is how she kills men; Saqaq hunter does not sleep, turns away, A. breaks the tip of his tail; when S. swims away, A. tries to drown him with magic, but S. gets out of the whirlpool, tells A.'s tail to sink; tail falls off, drowns, A. no longer killed men]).

Subarctic. Koyukon [brothers disappear one by one; younger Betohoh (then his name is K'etaalkkaanee, "The one who rowed {on a boat} among humans and animals") goes in search; many people meet which turn out to be different animals; finally, B. comes to a woman who scrapes human skin; offers B. a human being, he says he is not hungry; walks along the path, there is a lake; from the lake the head of one of the brothers rolls out; advises to put a stone on her chest for the night; the woman takes B. to her bed; gets up at night and sharpens something; B. puts a stone on her chest; the woman sits on it, the blade that comes out from behind her body breaks; his boat is tied to the shore; he sends a woman to fetch water, cuts the ropes unnoticed, swims away, the woman sails after him; he kills a beaver, falls asleep in the shallows; waking up, he sees a woman who has refreshed a beaver and made a blanket out of his fresh skin; B. kills a woman]: Attla 1990:120-125; upper pieces [two sons complain to their father that their uncle Ch'ititazkane is just sitting at home, asking them to melt the snow, bring him a drink; his father advises him to bring water with dog crap to his brother; C. is offended, leaves; the man kills beavers, bakes one, gives C. in the morning there are no signs of a fire, it was a wolverine; C. makes a boat; takes the chest bone of a black grouse (Dendragapus canadensis) as a model for the frame; asks who will sew the birch bark cover; hears a response from the forest and from a coastal willow; spies on two pretty young girls sew; in the morning he sees that one has small stitches, the other has large stitches, and her hair was disheveled; opens large stitches, calls again, a neat girl finishes work; C. tries to grab her, but she flew away; C. will tar the boat, sails along the river; someone from the shore tried to grab him, C. stabbed the attacker in the eye; it was a mouse, so mice have small eyes; C. sees a trap on the river, falls into it, pretends to be dead; the catcher brings him home, is surprised that the prey is blowing the winds; puts a baton under C. kills the owner, the old woman falls on the tail, so the wolverines have a flat tail; the wolverine's wife climbed a tree, began to write from there; C. left her alone, returned to the boat; the man hits salmon with a spear; H . turns into salmon, takes the tip away; this is the seagull's beak; C. comes to that man, he asks if he has deprived him of his tip; a girl comes to C. in the parking lot; he sees what she was doing human skin; does not agree with her, wants to know how she kills people; she spreads her legs, sticks her wand, takes out half; thinks she killed him; but he jumps up, kills her with a baton; come to people who do not know what a dream is; he falls asleep, they think he is dead; he teaches them to sleep; C. sees a bear sleeping on the shore with his blueberry-smeared ass out; C. tells him that he does not sleep like this will be; the bear runs away into the forest; since then bears have not slept at the shore]: Deaphon et al. s.a.: 74-84; southern tutchoni [Äsúya (clever, Beaver) sails along the river in a boat; ropes are stretched across the river with human bones; they rattle at touch; Ä. touches the second, Chäzhru (C., mink woman) comes out; tries to feed Ä. human, give her urine; The mouse secretly gives Ä. to eat roots; C. killed men stunned by her urine, devouring them in bed with her ass {rectum; apparently with her vagina}; Ä. asks the Mouse to hole C.'s boat, sails away in his own; C. chases, sinks; the island leaves these C. mittens on a branch; when she wakes up, she sees C. herself; she sleeps on her back with her legs apart to devour whoever lies with her; he pierces her ass (vagina?) burns a corpse with a hot spear]: Workman 2000:105-106.

NW Coast. Nootka [Kwotiath catches halibut and shellfish, Shark swims the boat, eats all the fish; next time he stabs a harpoon; goes looking for the wounded, sees an unfamiliar village on the shore, from home singing is heard; the slave asks if K. is the shaman to cure the woman; he sees his harpoon in the back sick, others do not see him; he is promised one of the two daughters of the sick, he bargains both; takes out the harpoon, the woman recovers; he brings his wives home, but his penis peels off against their rough skin and falls off completely; he threw it ashore; now the place is called Prickly Beach]: Boas 1895, No. 2: 99-100.

The coast is the Plateau. Twan: Adamson 1934 [see motif A5, A20; one of the two sisters has a baby Month; while the sisters are digging roots, their mother shakes the boy on the swing; two women replace him with a snag; the mother sends birds and animals find him; Blue Jay finds; on the way home, the Month destroys monsters; kills a woman who cuts off men's penises (toothy womb?)] : 374-378; not perse [The butterfly invites the Coyote to copulate; presses him to death (without details); he comes to life, pulls his children out of his thigh, they advise him to crack it with a stick; he puts the kids back, acts according to advice; Butterfly dies]: Phinney 1934:53-54; upper coquill: Jacobs 2007:132-135 [Noise-under-Earth and Big-Fat talk about the ocean overflows the banks; people get on boats, but boats and oars turn into snakes; to prevent this from happening, they had to be smeared with crap; at the top of the mountain, a young man, a girl, an old man sails in the boat, his wife, daughter and son are with him; the Red Squirrel brings fire to the back of her head, so she has a red head; after a while the waters have come down, the survivors have married, repopulated the earth; the Coyote comes to the woman, tells bring water to her daughter; she is afraid that those who come for water are dragged away by Cancer (crawfish); Coyote insists, the girl is coming, Cancer grabs her, Coyote turns Cancer into cancer, it has been cooked and eaten; two blind women they push acorns; the Coyote slowly picks up a handful; the blind feel it; he cuts through their eyes, turns them into partridges, tells them not to grind acorns, but to speak out while sitting on a branch; the man says what's across the river they don't go, Ostrog's salmon there, kills people; Coyote turns her into a salmon jail; the River Oyster woman lies on her back, offers to copulate, bites off men's penises; Coyote turns it into a river oyster; Deer tries to hook Coyote, Coyote tells him to be a deer, deer are hunted], 263-266 [Laska is Norka's naughty younger brother; they travel; they fall down the mountain stones, Laska in front, dodges, almost died; Mink stabs a knife into the stone, the stone turns into a baked kamas tuber; Mink tells these creatures to be camas tubers, not rolling stones; woman lies with her legs apart, calling to copulate; Caress her, wounded; this is a river shell; Mink opens it, throws all the shells into the water, tells them to be shells; Laske replies that the place to sleep is called "Fight Fire"; at night, Fire attacks Laska, who dodges; Mink sleeps peacefully; two blind women grind seeds (Indan oat) on a grain grater, pass them to each other; Laska eats everything unnoticed; they say that Laska must be here; Ostrog attacks, Norka turns it into a prison, catches salmon]; takelma [Daldal (dragonfly) lived near the mouth, chopped bodies float along the river; goes up with the flow; shoots an arrow into the sky, it falls to the top of his head, separates from him, a second man, his younger brother; they successfully fight oaks and fir trees; they come to Blue Jay, she is the mother of the forest man K'uk'u; reluctantly agrees to give them her son's big shell in exchange for bundles of dentalium money; the son comes, kills her for it; catches up with the brothers, demands that the shell be returned; D. breaks his leg with a stone; he weakens and dies, repeats everything they say in front of him (he is probably an echo); the old man always turns into blood, travelers try it, die; his younger brother almost died choking, D. took it out of him throat blood with a flint squeezer; a woman offers to warm her back by the fire, D. tries, burns, turns a woman into a burning plant in the swamp; another woman lies with her legs spread apart, offers copulate; Brother D. tries, is wounded; D. puts a push-up in her vagina, turns her into a freshwater shell, throws it into the water, it will become people's food; two blind women push seeds; brother D. quietly takes, ties women's hair; they accuse each other of stealing, fighting; D. touches their eyes with the burning end of the stick, they see the light; D. looks into the house, there are tendons, this is a character, trying to burn entering; D. turns him into deer tendons to attach feathers to arrows; in another house, D. sees baked salmon, eats, Ostrog attacks him; he turns it into a prison to beat salmon; brothers they look into two empty houses, in the fourth an old woman and a girl; the girl is afraid to go for water; D. sends her, she is grabbed by Cancer, D. turns him into cancer, they cook crayfish; the brothers meet two bad people older and younger brothers; defeat them; D. turns the elder into the Evening Star, the youngest into the Morning Star; tells the Coyote to catch not salmon, but gophers; turns into a low mountain, his younger brother into high]: Sapir 1909, No. 2:34-42.

California. Wappo [The Hawk arrives at the house of the Month; the Coyote (this is Hawk's grandfather) shakes stinging insects out of the blankets that the two sisters of the Month hide into the fire; removes the flint tips from the inside the sides of their thighs and forearms; after that, hugs do not harm the Hawk]: Radin 1924, No. 11:93-95; Pomo [Woodrat marries the Morning Star's eldest daughter; she warns that her father protected her with thorns; the rat knocks them out with a stone; her father-in-law offers to swing it on the swing, spins them, the Rat does not fall; the father-in-law shakes, he falls off a cliff, dies]: Barrett 1933, No. 81:305-306.

Mesoamerica Tsotzil [penis damaged after copulation, without details]: Gossen 1974, No. 49:279.

Guiana. Taulipan [when Makunaima was a boy, his older brothers warned him not to look at women's genitals; he only wanted to; walking through the forest, he saw a vulva on a dry tree branch ; turned into a monkey, a koati, a snake, a lizard to get in and take a closer look; he only got to the vulva as an ant; she swallowed it; the brothers noticed a thick vulva in the tree, cut down a tree, released M.]: Pereira 1980 (1): 73.

Ecuador. Colorado [underground dwellers have no anuses; two people fall into the underworld, eat, relieve themselves; they are given wives to conceive children with anuses; one is given to an old woman, his penis is pinched with her vagina, he dies; another was given young; he returns to earth]: Calazacon, Orazona 1982:274; Azuay [cannibal's prickly pubic hair]: Gutierrez Estevez 1985:341; Lamadrid 1993:18

NW Amazon. Desana [the man saw Boraró (=Curupira) take off his clothes and catch turtles; took his clothes away, put it on, came to his wife; when he inserted his penis, the vagina burns like pepper; the man left, left his boraro clothes and returned home; but died 4 days later; other people killed boraro and ate it, turned themselves into boraro]: Brüzzi 1994:194-195.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [(a long story about how a man saved a broke pai; he invited him under water, gave him his sister, got him as his wife; relatives are surprised that the girl pregnant; she gave birth to a fish, which went into the water; asks her brother to go down into the river because the child is crying without him; beautiful stingray girls live in the river with a dangerous sting at the end of their hair; a man married sister pai, persuaded the girl to copulate, threw her hair back and tied her hair with a vine; but the sling was rotten, his hair stung him in the groin, he died]: Nimuendaju 1920:1031-1032.

The Central Andes. Quechua (Ancash, prov. Wari, Quechua del Sur de Conchucos) [parents got angry with the children, put them in a bag, threw them into the abyss, the bag caught on blackberry bushes on the rock; they ate blackberries; asked for a gallinazo, a falcon, The condor took them out of the abyss; the condor carried the boy first, then the girl to where the potatoes were; the girl noticed the smoke, came to the witch for the fire; she ordered her brother to be brought and potatoes brought; cleaned them, let the girl clean the stones; lay down, taking the boy, the girl lay down with the witch's daughter; the boy cries; the witch replies that she is taking out his lice; that the beard of her vulva pricked him; in the morning the girl hears a witch promising her daughter that they will now eat her sister; the girl herself pushed the witch's daughter into the cauldron, took her brother's bones, ran; the witch calls her daughter, "Rosa!" She answers from her belly; Galinazo, the falcon, says they didn't see, the condor said he saw the girl; God lowered that gold chain; the witch lowered the straw with the parrot; the parrot gnawed, the witch fell on the rocks her vulva's stubble became blackberry spines]: Weber, Meier 2008:91-99.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Eseeha [Pachichone wants to have sex with her brother's wife; she says her husband takes her from behind a thorn in her chest (teta; a pubic euphemism?) ; P. does not listen, is injured, sick; people kill and eat him; his bones turn into all kinds of birds, nails into beaks; birds sit on a tree; branches break off under their weight; from these branches form current forest]: Verna 1985:68.

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches [The sun eats his sons-in-law; Elal goes to the sea in guanaco, then flies swans, shoots at the sea, creating islands to rest; 1) sit at the edge of the well (did not fall, killed a lizard ), 2) bring nanda eggs (two eggs fly to E. from both sides, break against E. ; E. kills nanda, takes eggs), 3) and 4) kill guanaco, bring flints (as in No. 50; grandmother helps E. ); all these creatures are relatives of the Moon; the Sun exposes the maid, hides her daughter, covering her body with a rash; E. marries; if he met her right away, both would die; but during coitus, a grandmother was there, everything went well (it is not said what exactly the danger was); E. left, his wife followed him, drowned in the sea, became a water woman; on the new moon, when she sees Mother Moon, makes the sea worry]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 51:82-86