F90. Tragic incest. (.12.23.31.) .
Brother and sister are getting married. When children born in it learn about their origins, the marriage breaks up (children kill parents, father kills or tries to kill children, parents commit suicide, wife/sister commits suicide after the death of a husband/brother, the wife/sister leaves her husband/brother).
(Hausa, Baiga, Finns), Mansi, Nanai, Udege, Orochi, Ulchi, Wilta, Nivhi, Markovo, Tundra Yukaghirs, Reindeer Koryaks, Klallam, Halkomel, Thompson, Lillouet, Quileut, Sanpual , klikitat, yakima, tillamook, clamate, modoc.
(Wed. West Africa. Hausa [the woman entered her son's house in the morning and lay down with him; after that, the son left, hired a mullah; the woman gave birth to a daughter, she grew up; she was told that her father was her brother; she was horrified, left, she came to the village where her brother/father; he married her without knowing who she was; at night he began to talk about himself, everything became clear; the mullah said that Allah would not forgive such a sin]: Lippert 1905, No. 5:234).
(Wed. South Asia. And other texts from Central India. See motive K120. Baiga [six sons are married, the youngest seventh is still single; brings a mushroom, says she marries whoever eats it; younger sister accidentally eats, brother wants to marry her; she climbs on tree, it becomes tall; the mother asks if she should call her daughter or daughter-in-law, she replies that she does not know; so with all relatives, the latter is brother; at night she asks to let her into the house ; only brother hears and opens; sleeps with her; kills her and himself with an ax]: Elwin 1944, No. 4:385-386).
(Wed. Baltoscandia. The Finns [Untamo fell out with Brother Callervo over fish nets and killed him and his warriors. A pregnant woman from all over the family survived, and her son Cullervo is born captive in Untamola. He's been thinking about revenge since he was a baby. They try to destroy him: they throw him into the sea in a barrel (swims out), burn him in the fire (whole), hang him on an oak tree (alive). He was allowed to watch the baby, and he killed him. They let him clear the field, he knocked down the entire forest and bewitched the field to prevent barley from growing on it. They let them weave a wattle fence - he made an impassable fence out of logs. They let me thresh - the rye turned to dust. Then Untamo sold it. The hostess appoints Cullervo as a shepherd, and angrily bakes a stone in his bread. Cullervo breaks a knife against him. This is the only thing he inherited from his relatives, and he is terribly angry. On the advice of the crow, Cullervo drives the cows into the swamp, brings home a herd of wolves and bears, which tear the hostess to pieces. He convinces and learns from an old woman that his father, mother, brother and sister are alive and finds them on the border of Lapland. His mother thought he was dead. Cullervo is of little use at work. Dad sends him to take him to file. On the way back, he meets his sister, who disappeared as a child after going for berries and seduces her without getting to know her. Realizing that she has met her brother, the sister rushes into the waterfall. Cullervo's mother forbids killing herself. He kills everyone in Untamo. When he returns, he finds an empty house and only a black dog, comes to the place where he seduced his sister, stabs himself with a sword]: Kalevala, runes 31-36).
Western Siberia. Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 124 [Mos-ne's brother marries the youngest daughter of the City Hero; M. calls his daughter-in-law to ride down the hill, follows her, pierces her with skis, puts on her clothes, the corpse descends into the river; lives with his brother, hiding his face, gives birth to a son with him; he hears what the children talk about his parents, tells his father; he cuts his wife and son to pieces, leaves; Mos-ne's blood a small berry bush grows; a bear eats berries, gives birth to a bear cub and a girl; in winter, the son of a City Hero kills a Bear with a bear cub, marries a girl; at a bear festival, she fulfills her mother's instructions - does not eat bear meat, collects bones; A bear and a bear cub turn into two stars]: 327-332; Kannisto 1951 (1): 250-263 in Lintrop 1998 [mos' woman and her brother live in neighboring houses; her brother makes something with an ax; in his absence, she finds a female figure under a mosquito net, still wooden below her shoulders, revived above; she cuts off one leg and one hand for the figure, hides figure under a pile of garbage, lies in her place; brother takes his sister as his wife, they have a son; he plays outside, hears three times from under the pile of garbage a story about what happened, that his arm and leg have rotted; sister/wife every time asks the son not to tell his father; the brother cuts off his wife/sister's arm and leg, then cuts her into pieces, takes her son, goes to the forest; the woman's pieces of meat have grown hogweed; the bear ate it, gave birth to two cubs and girl; when the dog finds a den and the hunter from the city digs it, let the girl put birch bark on the stake and the hunter from the city digs it, let the girl put birch bark on the stake, cling to the stake; the girl pulled out, the bears were killed; in the city, a girl hides pieces of bear meat and cubs, throws them on the roof, then on, the bear and the cubs turn into three stars]:? ; (cf. Lukina 1990, No. 123 [Mos-ne lives with his brother; brother (Mos-hum) says that this is not good, he goes to live alone; makes his wife out of wood, dresses her; in his absence, M. comes, cuts and burns the doll, puts on her clothes, sits in her place; the brother thinks that the doll has come to life, marries her; they have a son; the wife then never showed her face to her husband]: 326-327).
Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [younger brother, older sister, they have a dog; sister dressed up her brother, told her to go find a bride; put on different clothes herself, flew her dog up the river, where she was supposed to go brother, made a home; brother came, did not recognize his sister, sat, left; sister returned on her dog; when she found out that the brother had just sat, said that he would not find the bride like this; sent her down the river; this time the brother stayed; they have a son and daughter; the bird tells the boy that his parents are brother and sister; the boy told his father; he hooked the children's feet, dragged her through the taiga; the girl fell off, the bear fed her keta, became her father; tells her to marry someone who is not afraid of him; well done killed a bear and married a girl; one day the girl's father came, turned into a musk deer; and his sister into a bear; from brother and sister Namunkan people who have settled along the seashore occur; according to their custom, a sister cannot eat the meat of a bear killed by her brother]: Sem, Sem 2020, No. 58:277-280; Udege people: Arsenyev 1995 (3) [Egda I lived with my sister; one day I reached a yurt, where he saw a naked woman; asked if she was his sister, she said no; at home he told his sister everything; she advised him to take that woman, said that she herself she went to look for her husband; ahead of her brother, she came to that yurt; E. married her; their son wounded a bird who told him that he was the fruit of incest; his mother told him to remain silent, but he let his father slip; he instructed crossbow, my sister went and was killed; he left his son on a tiger, his daughter on a bear trail; they married these animals; his daughter and bear were the ancestors of the Udege people, and the son and tiger were the Oroch]: 166-167 (quail in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 76-77:449-452); Kormushin 1998, No. 32 [the sister sends her younger brother to look for a wife; moves the house and property to a new location, sews a new robe for herself; the brother comes, doubts, comes back, sister is back in the same place before him; sister moves the house down the river, this time the brother stays; they have a boy and a girl; the boy wants to shoot a bird, that says that he is the son of a brother and sister; his mother tells his father not to talk about it; he speaks; the brother throws an ax, telling his wife to pierce between her breasts, if it is a sister; the axe pierces, kills her; with a hook on her legs hooked the children, left them on the moose path; the Moose raised them; a poor old man, their father, came to them; they planted him to bask, he became musk deer]: 164-171; Nikolaeva et al. 2003, No. 9 [brother and older sister they live alone; the brother goes to look for his wife; his sister overtakes him five times, ends up in the house where he comes; he suspects that it is a sister, but he is getting married; they have two sons; one hit a bird, she shouts that his father and mother are brother and sister; he talks to his father about this; his father points a spear, tells him that if his wife is really a sister, let him run into him; his sister attacks; he throws one son at the tiger the path, the other on a wolf path; the Tiger raised his boy, the Wolf ate]: 58-59; Orochi: Arsenyev 1995 (3) [(also in 1926:34-35; quail in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 75:448-449); sister older than brother; he finds a house in the forest where a girl like her lives; his sister advises to marry; a son and daughter were born, a boy injured a bird; she says that people are no better than animals if they live with sisters; the mother asks her son not let his father talk; he said that the father pointed a crossbow, killed his sister-wife, leaves the children; they are taken by a bear, marries a girl, they come from Orochi; a boy accidentally kills a bear while hunting; when he dies, he tells him not to give his meat to his sister; since then, his sister cannot eat the meat of a bear killed by her brother]: 167-169; Margaritov 1888 [Anduri divided animals into childbirth, singled out a person; man lived Alone, the Duck came to him; gradually spoke like a human being, then became a woman, gave birth to a son and a daughter; the father settled them in a separate yurt in the taiga; the brother goes hunting, the sister behaves strangely; builds a new yurt in the taiga, tells her brother that she saw her as a naked woman who asked her to send her brother to her; after resorting to this deception, the sister married her brother and gave birth to children; the boy wants to kill the squirrel, which says that his parents are brother and sister; father and mother admitted that this was so; the boy put them on a boat without oars, let them go to sea; he felt sorry for his parents, he asked A. to find them; he took him to sky, gave skis; the Milky Way is his ski track]: 28-29; Ulchi: Zolotarev 1939 [a guy lived in the roots of the fir tree, a girl in the roots of the cedar; they went out, talked, the girl brought the guy to her house with a muey; gave birth twin girls, then a boy, then another boy; the brothers grew up in a few days, they hunt, they can't get bears, geese, they mock them; they threaten their mother to kill her, she confesses that their father is her brother; siblings have decided to separate; the younger brother became a forest man, the elder became the master of the taiga, the younger brother became the mistress of the sky and the sun, and would "prescribe various diseases"; the older sister became a forest man, her mother was a water woman, would give fish; the father, left alone, became a "spirit of unknown purpose", began to "choose shamans from ordinary people"]: 167-170 (retelling to Ostrovsky 2009:20-21); Smolyak 1991 (author's notes): 78-79 [a woman without a husband gave birth to a boy and threw a girl, apparently twins, into the river; the boy stuck to the talnik, the girl to the acacia tree, ate mushrooms; after 15 years, without knowing each other, met, married, gave birth to a son and a daughter; the boy cannot kill the beast, the animals laugh at him; threatening with a knife, he forced his mother to tell us about their origin; the boy shot from a bow, grabbing an arrow with his teeth, flew to heaven, became a heavenly evil tiger spirit (causes madness and heart disease); my sister began to drive crazy on earth; my father went dogs to the taiga, became taiga hell, it sends diseases; the mother has become a "water tiger", it kills in convulsions], 79 [1) the villagers were carried away by a three-headed dragon; she carried the woman, she threw her daughter on a talnik, her son on larch; the girl ate bird droppings, the boy sucked tar; they grew up, met, got married, gave birth to a son and daughter; all animals, birds, fish tell him that his father and mother are brother and sister; he can't do anyone kill; parents told the children the truth; the son cut three ice-holes, became a "water tiger", people drown because of him, but he also gives fish; the sister went to the taiga, she has acne on her body; the father went up, gives sables and diseases; mother gives diseases to twin mothers; 2) about the same; the girl grew up on a black birch tree; the son became the taiga spirit "water tiger", the daughter became a "sky tiger" (prevents hunting, and women give birth); father - "taiga tiger" (prevents hunting), mother gives diseases to twins]; Wilta (Southern Sakhalin) [brother and sister became spouses, were ashamed of this; wife decided to go to the god of the sea, husband - to the god of heaven; the wife threw herself into the sea, the husband was on the moon; he has a pot in his hands so as not to need food]: Isis 1994:25; nivhi [younger brother and older sister live alone; lives at a distance young woman; brother disappears {obviously stays with that woman}; sister comes to her in his absence, kills her, puts her clothes on, throws her corpse into the river; brother doesn't notice the change; when their son is five years old, he asks his mother why the bird is teasing him: "Your mother is Mauserkin, father is Huvergin" {not explained}; mother tells his father not to talk about this; son says, father understands that his wife is his sister, cuts off her head, throws her into a fire, turns into a crow, her son into a Mauzur ehln ("Mauzur child") the size of a jay, screams at night]: Ulita 2011:35-36.
SV Asia. Markovo [sister builds a new plague at a distance, secretly digs a passage there, tells her brother that an unknown woman has appeared nearby, advises her to marry her, and promises to leave herself after that in search of her husband; a young man marries his sister without knowing it, a son is born; he shoots a bullfinch, he tells him the truth, he tells his father about it; the father hangs an ax over the entrance to the house; he falls, splits his wife sister head]: Bogoras 1918, No. 7:131-132; tundra Yukaghirs (Nizhnekolymsky District) [children (brother and sister) wander along the tundra, meet an old woman, she gives a bag; shaking them, brother kills animals; sister finds a yaranga at a distance, digs a move towards her, advises his brother to go that way, gets into yaranga before him, puts on Chukchi clothes, smears charcoal on his face; her brother, without recognizing her, sleeps with her; she returns home before him, advises him to move in with that woman; stays in a new house under the guise of a Chukchanka woman), the brother thinks that his sister is missing; their son throws sticks at the birds, they say that his father is his uncle; mother tells him not to tell his father about this; son talks; father finds a hole; stabbed his wife-sister, son, himself]: Kurilov 2005, No. 42:359-367; reindeer Koryaks [when the Creator married Mitya, they are both were still children; M. gave birth to a girl Yiñe'a-ñe'ut, left her in a groundhog hole and forgot about her; only when she gave birth to Eme'mqut, she grew up; E. asks her father how to get a wife; he answers that we should go to the tundra; E. sees J., who was raised by marmots, is married; they have a son Yayi'leget; he hunts ducks, they say he shoots them, and his father is his mother's brother; he catches a groundhog, he tells everything; Envious: let's go see E., who married his sister; the wife of the Strong comes in the boat; J. persuaded her to change husbands, E. did not notice the substitution (or did not attach importance to it); The strong man asked why the wife is so white, she replies that she washed herself with a decoction of moss; admitted that she is the daughter of the Creator; the strong one is happy]: Jochelson 1904, No. 17:154-156.
The coast is the Plateau. Lekuñen [pregnant, the chief's daughter smears her lover's ocher; in the morning she sees paint on the shoulders of the youngest of her ten brothers; lovers run away, the wife gives birth to a son; returning from hunting, he sees his parents burn themselves in their hut, finds out in a dream the reason; a woodpecker leads him to his grandfather; people are trying to find the remains of his parents, but the entire forest has burned down in that place; the brothers are walking along her one after another, everyone slides and falls, the cannibal pulls out, swallows]: Hill-Tout 1907:336-338; chalkomel (lower reaches of the river. Fraser) [a young man visits a girl; she smears his back with soot, recognizes his brother in the morning; out of shame, both go to the mountains; their son asks why his parents look alike; they send him to their mother, burn him himself; the young man meets his cousin; washes his grandmother's eyes, restoring her sight and youth; asks his cousin to pretend to be dead, catch a vulture; wearing vulture skin, goes up to heaven; comes to two blind women, takes their food unnoticed; they recognize him; help marry the daughter of the Sun; see motive K27]: Boas 1895, No. 4:37-40 (=2002:121-126); Thompson [a story similar recorded by Lekuñen, recorded by the author at Thompson]: Hill-Tout 1907:338; lillouette [the widower hides his daughter in a box; she stains her hand with coal and fat to celebrate her lover who comes at night; recognizes her brother in the morning; tells him to take her away from her father to avoid shame; gives birth to a son and daughter; tells them their parents' story; children return to their grandfather; incestuous brother and sister burn themselves]: Teit 1912b, No. 34:340; quileut [a girl smears resin on her lover who comes at night; recognizes her brother in the morning; leaves people with him; a boy born asks why father and mother are similar; they burn themselves alive; their slave takes the boy to his grandfather and grandmother; the grandfather gives him a bag of dentalia shells and a dog, sends him to the moon; he is still visible there]: Andrade 1931, No. 56:165-171; sanpual [at the leader's daughter monthly; her brother comes to her, they fall in love with each other; the mother notices paint on her son's face that she put on her daughter's body the day before; the father and mother are watching, the father kills his son by injecting a bone into his heart; he is buried; his parents tell his youngest daughter, who carries older food, not to talk about her brother's death; his sister makes her talk; runs to her brother's grave; the father sends the Fox, the Coyote, the Wolf to intercept, but she manages to jump into the grave in her brother's arms (that is, obviously, into the world of the dead); the chief says he would like his children to come back to life; the Raven and the Eagle object, the chief agrees with them; soon one of the four daughters of the Raven and one of the four sons of the Eagle die; the chief himself caused their death, he was a shaman; the fathers would like to revive them, but the chief refuses; hence the witchcraft with a view harm]: Ray 1933, No. 3:133-135; clickitat [a man named Onion had Grizzly and Black Bear wives; Grizzly warned that she was on her period and should retire for a while; after graduation menstruating asked her two children to bring her normal clothes; brother and sister saw that the mother was gradually turning into a grizzly; warned the others; The bear climbed a tree, Vulture turned into a door curtain, Onion became onions, brother and sister fled with the help of a dog; the Grizzly destroyed objects that people had become; all that remained was Coyote, who became a piece of rotten wood; he said that if the Grizzly touched him, she would have fly larvae in her ass; said which direction brother and sister ran in; they grew up, married to each other; sister does not tell brother/husband to go to a certain the area; he goes, meets his mother there; she offers to look in his head, kills; the daughter creates a spring; pushes the mother off the cliff when she drinks; the Grizzly dies; the Coyote appears, the woman throws in Fire his things, then burns down by itself; the Coyote raises a boy; this is the Eagle, he grows up, marries three Mice, Gorlinka, Cricket; see further motive K1: Coyote tries to destroy his adopted son and take possession by his wives]: Jacobs 1934, No. 31:79-91 (retelling in Lévi-Strauss 1971, No. 606a: 233-234); yakima [the woman learns that when she went to the other side of Colombia, the husband found another wife; tells her daughters bring a bone wedge from her grandfather to make a digger for her; she makes grizzly teeth and claws out of the wedge herself, turns into a Grizzly; the daughter and her younger brother run away, leaving four dogs one by one, the fifth is the Coyote; they point the stalker mother in the wrong direction (to the west), she tries every time, then finds the right track; brother and sister marry each other; sister/wife gives birth son, does not tell her husband to go south; he goes, his mother meets him, looks for him in his head, kills him; the daughter invites her to bend over the pond, she falls, drowns; the daughter rushes into the fire, putting the child next to her; Coyote picks him up; he grows up, rises to Thunder, becomes another Thunder himself]: Hines 1992, No. 60:196-206; tillamook [Wild Woman sends her two grandchildren to her husband To the crane to tell them a story; every night it tells the same thing; the girl does not remember, the boy tells his mother: On the river I saw a boat (= vagina) with a crooked rower ( clitoris); the woman is offended by the word crooked); I saw a bunch of grass (pubic hair) in the sky; the woman returns from her husband every time, scratching her hands so that the children think that she is with him fought; the children spied on the grandmother, ran away; the Crane creates hills so that the Wild Woman does not catch up with them; she finds granddaughter's dolls; conjures them, forcing the girl to incest with her brother; is born boy; Wild Woman kills his father by pointing her staff at him; a mother jumps into the fire, an Eagle saves a child; hides it from her evil daughter; pretends to be a newborn; in the fire, an Eagle finds the boy's mother's ankle and his father's rib, lets him play with them; Eagle's daughter tells him that he plays with his parents' bones; turns into a mole; adoptive parents talk about the death of the real ones; the young man learns from Thunderbird is flying, the mole sister is walking underground; Blue Jay says that the heart of the Wild Woman in her wicker headdress hangs on the wall; it is torn, the Wild Woman dies; more about the young man's matchmaking to daughters of Thunderbird, giving difficult assignments; see motive K27]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 14:46-54; Klamath [red-haired woman is married; after going across the mountains, tells only the youngest of them to accompany her his brothers; sleeps with him; he leaves a branch instead of himself, runs away; the redhead sets fire to the world; only the mother of the Sibling escapes; finds a boy and a girl in his daughter-in-law's charred body; knowing that the girl will repeat the crime of a redhead, glues them together into one two-headed creature; he sees his double shadow, shoots an arrow up, she falls, separates his sister from him; children force the Sun to say who killed their parents; the redhead lives in the lake, the girl cuts off her head, brings her to her grandmother; brother and sister go down through the hearth; her brother's arrow gets stuck in a tree; her sister agrees to get her after her brother calls her not sister, niece, etc., and wife; becomes pregnant by her brother; grandmother finds the skin of a bear killed by her grandson, puts it on, turns into a Bear, catches up and kills her grandson; giving the Bear a drink, sister wife throws a hot stone in her ass; she dies; sister-wife takes the child, rushes into the fire; Gmokamch snatches the boy; decides not to put him on her forehead, but to place him under her knee; his daughter brings the boy out of the abscess; the baby cries; K. says various names; the boy stops crying when the name Aishish is named; he grows up; then see the motive K1 (G. Sends a young man to an eagle's nest, tries to pick up his wives)]: Barker 1963, No. 4:25-9, 47; Gatschet 1890:xxxv-xxxvi; modoc [brother and sister are orphans; brother's arrow gets stuck in a tree; sister asks who he is; when he says, Wife pulls out an arrow, becomes his wife; he puts a comb on the bear's skin, if he falls, he is killed; an old woman who has raised an orphan turns into a Bear , pursues and kills her grandson; a sister-wife puts hot stones in a stream, the Bear swallows them with her mouth and back, dies; taking the baby, the sister wife rushes into the fire; Kmukamts snatches the boy, puts it in his knee, asks his daughter to open the abscess, she pulls out the boy, his name is Aissik; he grows up, he has five wives (chicken, crane, bird, fish, duck, tick); K. wants for himself, Stokoa (fish); puts his eyes on the back of her head, tells the spark to fall on S., sees her big vulva; asks A. to undress, climb the tree to the eagle's nest; tells the tree to grow; puts on clothes A., comes to S.; two butterfly sisters bring A. food and clothes, lower them to the ground in their basket; K.'s heart hangs around his neck; his grandson throws his heart into the fire; K. dies, rises to the sky, covers his resin to flood A. and his family; A. hides everyone under stones; The chicken sticks out his nose, the Crane sticks out his head; the nose turns black, scraped off the resin from Crane A.'s head, she remains bald]: Curtis 1976 (13): 210- 212.