Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F94. Treason in the sky .

A person ascends to the upper world, where he can choose a wife who is either involved in life or death.

Skagit, puyallup, upper chehalis, katlamet, zunyi, western keres (Laguna), bari, sikuani, arecuna.

The coast is the Plateau. {The puyallup text is based on the skagit text, in fact, it is one variant in different narratives, ethnicity is Southern Lushootsed, see below. Thompson, Egesdal 2008:78}. Skagit [Mukha finds the baby, his wife feeds him; the young man's named sister asks to be shot in the arm, accuses him of injuring her; offended, he leaves; asks two women to sing, from them singing the earth lights up; he asks the rock, water, road what they will do; Crack, boil, etc.; the spruce replies that only the top of its head will burn; he hides in the spruce; makes a chain of arrows ; it is short, he adds his bow; climbs into heaven; sees a man chasing an elk; it's Day, by evening he catches up with game, shoots; promises the young man his five daughters; at dusk, the young man sees covered the skin is a skeleton, chased by another hunter - Night; he offers dead, the young man refuses; Night tells you to follow a dark path at the fork, not along a bright path (Night needs light, but the Day illuminates itself); young man hesitates, walks along the bright; comes to the daughters of the Night; they smear him with the smelly smearing of the dead, he does not eat dead things; the fifth, older sister lies in the coffin; the young man copulates with her in the morning, when the younger ones four go; daughters of the Day come, the young man sees that he made a mistake; goes to them, they wash it; the youngest says she is pregnant, others claim she is lying; the young man makes a hole in the sky, sees his mother and younger brother; with his wife {whom?} goes down a rope to the ground, taking edible roots (the origin of edible roots); the wife gives birth to Siamese twins; the Blue Jay woman separates them, they die; the young man and his wife return to heaven]: Hilbert 1985:33-41; puyallup [the girl just gave birth, left the baby in the thickets, went to the party; he was picked up by spouses who already had a daughter; the baby was immediately has grown up; the girl provokes him to shoot her, he has to do it, she hurts, she screams, he leaves completely; she gets to a cougar woman, she is going to make him her husband, gives berries, but they are lizards; a crane woman helps him escape; he comes to a singing woman, she stops talking; he and the singer's sister ask him to continue, she sings, this lights up the ground; the rock, the water, the road answer that not they will be able to hide from the fire; Spruce says that you can sit at its top; from the top of his head he climbs into heaven with a bow and arrow {it is not said how}; meets a dawn man, then a twilight man; each has five daughters, both are invited to their place; at the fork, a young man mistakenly goes to the Twilight House; his daughters grease him dead; try to feed the dead with the flesh; he marries four; the eldest lies in a coffin-like box; Split Foot comes, the eldest takes him away; Dawn sends his daughters to bring the young man from Twilight; the daughters of Dawn and Twilight fight, in the arms of their eldest daughter Twilight is the leg of the Broken Leg; the daughters of Dawn are more beautiful; the daughters of Twilight drive them away, but after 5 days the young man finds his way to Dawn; he is washed and fed; looking into the basket on the wall, the young man finds his way to Dawn; he looks into the basket on the wall the youngest daughter of Dawn; stays in bed in the morning; when Dawn finds out what DeLoy is wearing, he marries his youngest; the young man accidentally makes a hole in the ground, sees his real mother below, she gave birth to a new boy; Dawn agrees to let his son-in-law and daughter go, the Spider puts them in the basket; the boy's younger brother is blind, fat dog; the elder and his wife make him healthy and beautiful; so is the boy's mother (she was blind); they were slaves to Blue Jay; he tells the youngest to wipe him off; in the presence of his older brother, the younger one puts hot smut in his ass, he flies away; the young man's wife gives birth to twins that have grown together; Blue Jay cut them, they died; their mother killed everyone in the village out of revenge (the name of the village of Flytown); the Spider took the couple back to heaven; everything they brought from heaven remained]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:78-83; upper chehalis [the woman gave birth; at this time people were going to dance; the woman in labor is not supposed to participate in the dance; she came to watch; at this time the Puma stole the baby; brought lizards, became squeezing juice, the child does not like it; with Puma Crane, he baked salmon, the child liked it; the child grew up in 5 days, the Crane made him a bow and arrows, advised him to shoot Puma from the front; hide on a tree; the Crane himself made his wings, finished off the Puma by shooting at her from above; a young man from a tree climbed into the sky; the gray man (dawn) offers him 5 of his daughters; but the black man (evening) persuaded him go to his five daughters; something hangs from their noses; black came back, bringing a dead deer and a dead man; Dawn sent his daughters to repel the young man, he went with them, took the youngest; dawn brings good meat, not human; the young man finds a beautiful woman in the basket, Dawn allows him to stay with her, not with his first wife; she gave birth to twins with their backs; pulling out a bunch of grass, the young man saw the ground in holes, wants to come back; Dawn tells the young man's wife to ask Grandma Spider to lower them to the ground; when they came down, the young man pulled the rope, the Spider picked up the basket back; the blind man approached the spring bald boy, the young man called him brother, he: Blue Jay, don't make fun of me; the young man blew in the boy's eyes, he saw the light, clapped his head, his hair grew; the boy's sister (she is the boy's mother) too blind, the young man also regained her sight; Blue Jay tells the boy to wipe his ass; the young man tells him to stick a burning smut in his ass; Blue Jay tried to separate the twins, both died; Blue Jay tried to separate the twins, both died; Blue Jay: twins will no longer be born connected]: Adamson 1934, No. 44:83-87; catlamet [see A4 motif; a young man climbs a pine tree, shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; attached to the bottom bow, climbs into the sky; meets an old woman, takes away her burden, opens the cork, becomes dark; plugs the vessel, it becomes light; meets people, Fleas, Itchy; walks along the left path; in the house of the Evening cannibal Stars spend the night with his daughter Moon; he is offered a basket of human eyes; he runs away, comes to the Morning Star, marries his daughter Sun; Sun to the Moon: You'll shine when people they relieve themselves, and when the leaders exchange gifts; the Sun gives birth to twins with their bellies; a man digs a hole, holes in the sky, sees his father's house, misses him; father-in-law lets him down from family in a basket on the ground; Blue Jay mocks a man's blind younger brother; The sun restores the boy's vision, her husband puts a smut in the ass; Jay separates the twins and their guts with a knife fall out; The sun is returning to heaven, its sons are phantom suns]: Boas 1901a, No. 1:9-19.

The Great Southwest. Zunyi [the boy's brothers and parents want to kill his tame eagle; the eagle tells him that he will fly away, the young man asks him to take him too, the eagle brings the young man to the turquoise mountain, flying a hole at the zenith of the sky; there a girl comes out of an eagle's skin; again, in the form of an eagle, she brings the young man to his pueblo; the young man marries her, gets an eagle's robe; the food he brought with him is over, and the Eagles eat only raw meat; Storks gave him cooked vegetable food; a young man is flying to a party, his wife warns him not to laugh; girls dance, scream, "Dead, dead"; one of them draws attention to him, he smiles, dead girls carry him away, he wakes up among skeletons, runs, they chase him, Badger hides him in a hole, gives him broth; his feathers have fallen out, Storks give him old wings, he descended on them land; the eagle wife took her wings and flew away; people have been mortal since then]: Cushing 1901:34-53; Western Keres (Laguna) [the Zunya boy has a hand eagle; the young man goes to Isleta shopping; the father warns that on the road The player beats passers-by, taking their property, hearts, killing; the young man loses everything, returns home, his parents leave him; the eagle takes him to his house on a month above the abyss; flying away, circling over the field, people regret to see that the young man is leaving them; the eagle's relatives warn that hunting is dangerous; the spider gives a potion, he blows it over a monstrous moose running from the north, kills it; In the evening he goes west to dance with the spirit girls; the eagle girls tell him not to laugh, otherwise the dead girls will take him away; he laughs, the dead lead him to their house, in the morning he sees only skeletons around him; He resorts to eagles, who tell him to return to earth; his former pet eagle carries him, flying through a hole in the sky; parents are happy]: Boas 1928a: 140-146, 266 [summary].

The Northern Andes. Bari [Luna wanted bari to go to heaven and make love to her; raised a vine to the sky; when they rose to heaven, the bari did not come together with the cold moon, but with the beautiful girls of zamuros blancos (vultures); they liked zamuros negros less, they smelled bad; people shot game, threw bales of meat on the ground, went down, told their wives everything; so twice; after that, Moon from Jealousy cut vines; no more going to heaven]: Villamañan 1975:8-9.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 92 [a man finds a strange egg; comes with his young son before dawn to see whose it is; instead of an egg, he discovers a vulture woman; she takes him as a husband, teaches him and his son to fly, they fly to heaven; a man kills a deer, buries meat to get peppers; in fact, they are worms; this food makes a man and son they are losing weight; the Thunder woman calls them to her village, cleans their stomachs of the rot they have eaten, drives the Vulture Wife with lightning; the former lover of the Thunder woman invites a man to hit a tree from the sky not at the root, as his wife taught, and from top to bottom; the man gets stuck, the Thunders free him; he stays in the sky, people call him Turtle Thunder], 93 [a person is told about a strange egg, he finds a woman in this place- Vulture; she takes him as her husband, brings him to heaven, feeds him rotten meat; Lightning People live nearby (on a higher tier), they have cassava, sweet potato, and other good food; they cleanse the stomach the man, the Vulture Wife is driven away, he marries Lightning; the wife's brothers teach him how to hit trees correctly; the rival offers to hit from above; the man dies, the Thunders revive him, he returns to land]: 344-350, 351-352.

Guiana. Arecuna [Kalapijéima tries to catch a frog sitting on a tall tree; she drags him to an island in the sea; leaves it under a tree where vultures nest; they stain it with theirs excrement; cold; K. asks the Morning Star to give him fire to take him to heaven; he refuses, because when K. dried manioc cakes in the sun, he dedicated the offering not to him, but to the Sun; the same the episode with the Month; The Sun takes K. into his boat, tells his daughters to wash it, cut it; when he wears a feather crown, a silver hat, and ear jewelry made from the elytra of the beetles, it gets hot; gives K. his daughter, tells her not to cheat on her; K. leaves the house of the Sun, falls in love with the daughter of the Vultures; in the morning he becomes old and ugly; if he stayed with the daughter of the Sun, he would be forever beautiful and young; now people youth and beauty are short-lived]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 13:51-53.