F95. The wife of one of the brothers .
Two companions or brothers live together. One has a wife he hides. Another suspects its existence, destroys it, or tries to get a wife.
Monumbo, vatut, mikmak, achomavi, vapishana, chikuna, munduruku, parintintin, umotina, kayapo.
Melanesia. Monumbo [Kain ("snake") turned into a snake, lay down on the path; Daria walked along it, brought the snake to her; gave birth to a son with a human head and the body of a snake; while K. was fishing, D. killed and cooked a son, she broke her husband's weapon, crashed the boat, ran away; in different villages, many men offered themselves to her as husbands, but she went to Kamadonga; to stop her pursuers, she wrote, drew a line - a river appeared; Kam. did not have cultivated plants, D. cooked bananas and tarot for him; he did not have genitals, she made them for him from pepper tree fruit and betel nuts; let him see her genitals, met him; went to Lubou on an island near the island. Manam also gave him genitals; walked along the shore, turned the stones into fish, became a fish between the stones herself; Ngapem shot her, surprised that the arrow that pierced the fish was smeared in tarot; he brought the fish home; while N. was gone, D. (in the form of a human being) removed fire from her genitals, regurgitated bananas and tarot, baked and fed her husband; N.'s children also ate and slept; and N.'s younger brother's children cried from hunger; N. told his brother to go ashore; If he sees Daria fish, he should not converge with it; but he got together; became a Pakei tree; bananas, yams, tarot grew on it; fell and rotted; two brothers sailed in a boat with a dog; the dog jumped out, I ate by the tree, came back; they tied a rope to the dog, found a tree; they brought it home, gave it to the old woman, she became young; people sharpened their axes, began to cut the trunk, it remained intact; they broke off the sliver was burned; and so on, the trunk was cut, the tree continued to hang on the vine; this vine was the hand of a character; they sent a boy upstairs, the tree told him to call his mother to meet her; the boy's father was told to call his wife; the men left; another came with two wives; hid the beautiful one, let the tree meet with the ugly one, the tree fell; the man from Dagoi came when all the cultivated plants dismantled; Daria advised him to make tops out of vines and exchange them for bananas; people in this village do that]: Höltker 1965, No. 2:72-77; cotton wool [two cousins ambush birds ; the arrow of one flies far away, he finds it in the old woman, who says that she baked and ate the dead bird; at night, coconuts came down from the tree, became people, danced, returned to the tree; the old woman tells the young man to remove the nut from the tree, not to throw it, but to lower it carefully; the nut turns into a beauty; the cousin wants the same for himself; everything repeats, but he throws the nut on the ground, gets an ugly girl with a crooked mouth; she dragged him to the village; the young man decides to take possession of his brother's wife; invites him to climb a vine into a tree for the rhinoceros chicks, pulls off the vine, says why he did it, leaves; the person left in the tree asks various birds for help; each refuses because he hunted her, defecates on his head; momoro birds first train by lifting a stone, then they grab the young man with their beaks, lower him into his field, clean him of bowel movements; his wife finds him, he tells him to bring his bow and arrows, make a hole in the wall of the house; when he comes at night, he shot his brother, burned down his house, took his wife, arranged a festival in honor of the birds, gave them jewelry]: Fischer 1953, No. 21:162-166.
Northeast. Mikmak [Marten sees women bathing in the forest, hides one of them's clothes, marries him; Tia'm, who lives next to him, does the same thing, but at the entrance to his house does not hit the woman lightly with a rod, but He hits her in a big way, killing her; Marten gets a second wife, teaches T. how to do it; T. envies that Marten has two wives and he has one; Marten's wives are leaving, they are Affectionate Sisters, the eldest has with magical power; they look at the stars, the eldest wants a bright husband, the youngest wants a red star; both wake up in the sky, the eldest husband is young, the youngest wants an old man; he does not tell you to move a flat stone in front of the teepee; sisters dig tubers, the youngest moves the stone, they see the ground, their home; husbands let them come back; they must cover themselves with a cloak, lie down until they hear the voice of a chikadi, then a red squirrel, then striped; the youngest looked out when she heard a red squirrel, they were on top of a pine tree; Wolverine, Bear, Moose, Tia'm, Marten pass by; Wolverine returns; older sister leaves in the tree hairlace; while Wolverine climbs after him, the sisters build a teepee; the eldest leaves a porcupine, flint flakes, a wasp's nest, thorny bushes responsible for them; Wolverine is scratched, bitten; by the sister's river they praise the beauty of the Heron's legs and neck, he stretches his neck to them like a bridge; Wolverine blasphemes his legs and neck, the Heron shakes him off in the middle of the river; by the sea, the wigwam, it has three neck bones of an elk, the youngest pees on them; who someone approaches, the eldest hides the youngest in her hair, takes the form of a man; Blood Sucking enters; the imaginary man explains that he smells a woman because he slept with a woman himself; sisters Herons cross the river again down the neck; the cannibal failed, returned; then see M30 motif]: Whitehead 1988:168-179.
California. Achomavi [The Silver Fox hid a clay girl in his house; talked to her at night, hung her on the wall in the morning; Coyote heard a conversation, guessed that Fox had a girlfriend; found it and broke it with a stick; The fox did not say anything]: Merriam 1992:148-149.
Guiana. Wapishana [João hooks piranha, wants her to be his wife, she becomes a woman; his younger brother Pedro discovers that someone has made soup; gets naked, rocking her penis; the woman Joan hides in the house laughs, he finds her; she tells her to pour fish poison into her nostrils first; he does not listen, his penis is bitten off; deer, tapir, agouti refuse, the monkey agrees to change his penis with him, now her penis seems to have been bitten off by a piranha; P. brings blood-sucking insects with him to the festival]: Wirth 1950:168-170.
NW Amazon. Tikuna [Dioy hides his wife; his brother Epi hears laughter at night; D. dances in absence, showing her genitals; the woman laughs, E. finds her inside the flute, copulates with her; she becomes pregnant, no longer fits into the flute; E. lubricates her penis with fruit juice; frozen latex falls off, D. understands the deception; tries unsuccessfully to get rid of E.; see the K1 motive]: Nimuendaju 1952:127 -128.
Central Amazon. Munduruku [see motive F34; women have a tapir lover, men kill him; women jump into the river, turn into fish; Karusakaibo fishes for fish without looking over his shoulder, she turns back to his wife; makes a drink from cassava; K. says that his pet monkey made it; Dairu does not believe it, she dances indecently in K.'s house; the woman looks out, laughs; D. goes fishing too fish; immediately looks around, the fish does not turn into a woman; D. copulates with fish, since then the motley jacunda is inedible; the rest of the fish can no longer turn into women, K. disperses them along the river]: Kruse 1952, No. 10:997-998; Murphy 1958, No. 3:76-77; parintintin [Baira catches beautiful fish in the river, they turn into women, he distributes them to men; catches his daughter; his the satellite tries to do the same thing, but the fish jumps back into the river]: Pereira 1980 (2): 554-556.
Southern Amazon. Umotina [Asanot is the wife of the Sun Bakololó; found the dens of all commercial animals; B. goes to make arrows, hides A. under the roof; his friend Month comes, pushes his penis on a grain grater ; A. laughs, is forced to tell where the animal lairs are; The month only frightened the animals, finally shot two anteaters, A. did not want to take them, because the meat was tasteless; A. sent her husband on the road two tapirs, he killed them; told me what happened; A month came to B. to get a piece of tapir meat, but he made an angry face, drove the Month away for scaring the animals]: Schultz 1962, no. d: 232-233.
Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 112 [(Metraux 1978:276-278); returning from the field, the women at home copulated with Bira's tapir; did not care about husbands and children; one hunter accidentally saw this, he told the others; the men surrounded B.'s hut, killed him with arrows; the children were given meat by bakers, for their mothers, the meat of the killed B.; the women threw themselves into the water, turned into fish; one fell while dancing at the man making the arrow; an arrow pierced her from behind, she became a stingray; a woman with a pestle became an electric eel; Takakö caught fish with a fishing rod, she became a woman, cooked food for him and her Brother O'oimbre; he did not believe that T. was cooking porridge; became an ant, found his sister, bit her; she screamed; went to catch the woman too, pulled out the fish, but did not grab it, but put his dick in her mouth; the fish jumped back; T. set fire to the site where O. was, but he hid under a snag and survived], 113 (Lukesh 1968:89-93) [men learn that handsome Bira is the lover of all married women in the village; hunting they turn B. into a tapir, kill, fry, give a piece to every woman; when they learn what they ate, women, while men are hunting, jump into the river, turn into different types of fish; three who remain in villages of men turn into a tree, a stingray, an electric eel; one man baited his wife from the fruit; once on land, the fish became a woman; he hid her at home; the woman's brother, when he saw the cooked cakes, I guessed that his sister made them; became an ant, found it under the roof, she had to go out; her brother tried to catch his own wife, but the fish fell off and did not appear again]: 276-278, 279-284; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 157 [Bepnaptí and Katápkrädjar adopted Birá from another tribe, gave him a separate cabin by the river; all the women spent time there with him ; when the fathers returned, the children complained that their mother had not brought water; the shaman turned B. into a tapir, the men killed him, let the women cook and eat; the child who did not get it told his mother, that they ate B.; the women colored themselves, said who would become what kind of fish, jumped into the river; those who loved meat the most became piranhas; the old man made arrows at the shore, he was pushed, he became a stingray; the children cry; Kômre caught fish on a fruit that his wife Irejátí loved, threw it behind his back, did not look back for a long time, the fish became I. again; made tortillas; when Brother K. Tônhkudjy came in, K. hid his wife; he smells cakes, does not believe that K. baked them himself; the next day she finds I.; catches his wife's fish, but immediately copulates, putting his penis into her mouth; she became a woman but jumped into the water again; T. was left without a wife]: 452-454, 455, 456-458.