Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F96. He became handsome. .

A girl or wife rejects an ugly man. He becomes handsome (usually after he gets to a supernatural being), and those who treated him badly are punished.

Shona (karanga), haida, uvikino, klallam, halkomel, sarsi, blacklegs, sikuani, munduruku, spike, juruna, kayabi, iranshe, paresi, chorote, matako.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Shawna (karanga) [a young man named Nyamanhomba has a face mutilated by a wasp, the girls don't want him; he leaves home, comes to an old woman; she asks her back to be washed; he does it, says her her back is as clean as the moon; she hides it from her two sons - lions; they began to sniff, but her mother denied everything; in the morning she gave N. two fruits (something like cucumbers or little pumpkins); they must be opened, when you cross the river; each girl comes out, she must be given a drink immediately; N. did it, he now has two wives; the other guys also went to that old woman, but indignantly refused to wash her back; lions ate them]: Sicard 1952, No. 98:208-209.

NW Coast. Hyda (Masset) [Chief Gaogal's son wants to marry his uncle's daughter; she prefers the chief's other son; promises to marry G. if he tears out his eyebrows, then his eyelashes, hair on his head, and his body; then runs away; G. eats the devil's club plant, kills a sea otter, puts four stones in the skin, climbs himself, gains the ability to swim in the skin of a sea otter and leave it at will; swims near his village father and other villages; people shoot arrows and spears at him, he carries them away every time; comes to an unfamiliar village; at night he enters the leader's daughter; by this time his hair has grown, in the morning the girl's father Sees a handsome long-haired young man; admired when he gives him a huge pile of spears and arrows; visits his father's village; all his uncle's daughters want him; he asks the girl who forced him to snatch himself out to lie down hair; puts her foot in crap, wipes it on; she dies of shame; since then, stones have been found in the belly of sea otters]: Swanton 1908a, No. 69:654-667; uvikino [(two versions told a month apart and complementary; the first gives a coherent plot, the second gives some episodes in more detail); 'Yaàkas is ugly, women reject him, only the old lady treats him well; his grandfather advises him to go up the river to become beautiful; Black Bear advises you to go to those who call slowly, not to go to those who call quickly (perhaps these are two groups of shamans - good and evil); I listened to his advice his face was changed, he became beautiful, he came back, the girls were looking for his attention, he rejected them, went to that old woman (according to the second version, he married her); another man decided to change himself; he did not meet a bear , came to those who called quickly, came back with a mutilated face]: Walkus 1982:163-169, 172-179.

The coast is the Plateau. Lekuñen [the girl refuses the ugly young man; the grandmother advises him to go to the Face Doer; the young man chooses the most beautiful; on the way home he is kidnapped by a giant cannibal; puts him to himself between her breasts, swallows it; he squeezes her heart; the crane tries to pull it out, he grabs his beak, lets him go, the crane falls; the cannibal dies, the animals cut her, the young man goes out; marries the captive of the cannibal, takes the wealth; rejects the girl who rejected him; she herself goes to the Face Worker, he gives her ugly; brothers follow her footsteps one by one, each slides and falls, cannibal pulls out, swallows]: Hill-Tout 1907:346-348; chalkomel (StSeélis) [an ugly young man comes to a girl; she first tells him to swim, then clean his genitals with coarse sand, then drives him away; he comes to two blind people, they work as one stick, passing it on to each other, he intercepts him; he makes them sighted, they are partridges; they send him to their blind wives; they pass on each other a friend food, he intercepts it; restores their sight; they send it to his Grandmother the Crane; she sends him to the Face Maker, tells them to choose the last one he shows; when he returns, sends the one who has come the girl to wash to him, etc., as she sent him, drives him away; she turns her excrement into a bird, the young man and his younger brother follow her, the young man hits her with an arrow, the bird turns into excrement; a bailiff to the shore, a young man hides his brother under the boat, injures himself, lies down; a duck, a dive, an eagle come one after another; he catches them, puts the duck skin on his brother, a dive on a boat, an eagle on himself; flies away, brother and boat in the form of a duck and a dive fly home; the young man is in the sky; old people bring him down on a rope to the ground (he opens his eyes three times prematurely when the basket hits the clouds, in tree crowns, then raises it back); for the fourth time he reaches the ground, arranges a holiday]: Hill-Tout 1904b: 354-357.

Plains. Sarsi [the girl says she will marry a young man only if the scar disappears from his face; he tells his mother to make him many pairs of moccasins, goes to the Sun; sparrow, bear, snake answer that they can't help him; the son of the Sun and his wife Moon The morning star meets him, he lives with the Sun's family; he does not tell him to go to the lake, he goes, geese and swans attack, the young man easily kills them; this There were terrible enemies of the Sun family; the young man with the Morning Star enters the steam room, after which the Moon cannot distinguish his son from the boy, the scar disappears, now the boy's name is "Second Star"; the young man returns to people bringing them knowledge of the steam room, sun dance and hair-lock shirt; the young man, followed by the Morning Star, enters the tipi to his ex-bride; she goes crazy, dies; the young man returns to heaven, becomes the Evening Star ]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 17:18-19; blacklegs [a young man with a scar on his face comes to the Sun; cranes and other birds are deadly to celestials; a young man kills them; the Sun makes him handsome; a young man returns; according to various versions, marries or rejects her lover]: Clark 1966:243-248; Grinnell 1962 [daughter of wealthy parents rejects suitors; says she belongs to the Sun; tells the poor a young man with a scar on his face should go to the Sun to ask her to marry; Wolf, Bear, Badger do not know the way; Wolverine tells him to reach the other side of the sea; two Swans transport the young man across the water; the Morning Star is the son The sun and his wife, the moon, the young man goes hunting with him, exterminates the long-billed birds in the big water that killed all the other children of the Sun, brings their heads to the Sun; parents are grateful, the scar on the young man's face disappears; the Sun says that he created the world; that crows are smarter than all, the bison is the best for humans, the sacred part of the bison's body is his tongue, that the heart lies and the brain does not; sends the young man home on the Wolf's Way ( Milky Way); a young man teaches people rituals, gets a lover as a wife]: 93-103; McClintoc 1910 at Clark 1960 [teaches Sun Dance rituals]: 66-67; Curtis 1907-1930 (6): 59-60 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 (piegan) [The Morning Star is the son of the Sun and the Moon; the leader's daughter rejects the young man with the scar; the Morning Star takes him to heaven; the Sun puts him in the steam room, makes him indistinguishable from his son; the young man easily kills the birds that killed him all the Morning Star brothers; returning to earth, she teaches people steam bath rituals, marries the leader's daughter]: 228-230; Spence 1985 [two sisters sleep outside; eldest Feather, wishes Morning to be her husband A star; he descends, takes it to heaven; he is the son of the Sun and Moon; a woman gives birth to a son; the Month tells her not to dig up a large rhizome; two Cranes help her dig it up; through a hole in the sky she sees her house; her husband tells Spider to bring her and her son down to the ground; she returns to her parents, dies soon; her son Singing a scar on his face, the girls laugh at him; the old woman says that she can correct the defect only the Sun; the young man walks across the sea along the sunny path, comes to heaven in the guise of a ragged man; the Sun tells the Moon to kill him, but the Moon and the Morning Star protect him; he kills the birds that have attacked the Morning Star The Star, the Sun and the Moon are grateful to him; the Sun removes the scar from his face, teaches the Sun Dance; along the Milky Way, the young man returns to earth, teaches people; marries, goes to heaven with his wife]: 200-205; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 4a [recorded from a man; a young man with a scar on his face asks his sister to marry him a girl; she promises to marry a young man if he loses his scar; the young man goes to the Sun; the farther west, the darker the people are ; a black man says that during the day they hide from the heat of the Sun in a cave; the young man goes on, meets the Sun's son, the Morning Star; the Sun makes his face clean, the Sun's wife Moon cannot distinguish a young man from his son; now his name is "The One Mistaken for the Morning Star" (Jupiter); the Sun warns not to go down west and down east; the young man goes, kills seven birds in the west (Clark: geese), on there were seven cranes in the east; the Morning Star was afraid of them in panic, they were deadly for celestials; the Sun gives the young man a shirt and leggings with ornamentation reminding of this feat; closing his eyes, the young man finds himself on the ground, explains the meaning of the ornament, teaches how to make a steam room; returns to heaven, seen as Jupiter (Quail in Clark 1966:242-248)], 4b [recorded from a woman; a girl rejects a young man with scarred; he goes to the Sun, kills swans; son of the Sun The Morning Star is grateful, these birds were dangerous; the Sun makes the young man indistinguishable from his son; gives shamanic power, sends him to earth take revenge on the girl who offended him; the heads of swans brought to the Sun are parallel to scalping]: 61-65, 65-66; (cf. Arikara [a handsome warrior, the chief's son, does not pay attention to girls; seven girls push him into a hole, promise to pull him out if he gives them his clothes, spits in each basket, lick his saliva; he refuses to expose the head of the penis; they leave it in a hole; Wolves and Bear come to dig to get the young man out; where Wolves dig, there is sand, where the Bear is stones; but the Bear also promises the young man protection; he lives with wolves, runs on all fours; only a year later he is hardly caught; in the steam room he regurgitates wolf hair, clay, raw meat; healers bring him to life; he tells his father build tipi, call those seven girls; calls Wolves and Bears, they eat girls; their relatives agree; the young man becomes the leader, teaches Arikar Wolf Dance]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 30:101-105).

Llanos. Sicuani [The sun is married to the moon; he and their children live on earth; every time the Sun goes hunting, the Sun takes his wife's brother or sister with him, kills him, brings meat in the basket, and eats at home with Moon; his wife's last brother remained; he knew what to expect from the Sun, took a spear with him; the Sun told him to climb a tree, became a jaguar; the young man plunged a spear into his stomach, came home, told his sister that her husband climbed into heaven; the Sun brought two capybaras, said he ran into a branch, they were cooked, the Sun and the Moon and their children ate, but the parents of the Moon were not given a cape; one of their sons, the Morning Star, abscesses on the body; parents decided to leave secretly; the boy stayed with his parents and uncle (the one who hurt the Sun); his uncle carried him because it is difficult for the boy to walk; but at night he becomes a jaguar to guard uncle; they came to their parents; Luna was at home, she hid her brother; the Sun and her other children returned from hunting; they became jaguars, the Morning Star too; turned out to be stronger than others, they took it again human appearance; they were invited to drink guarapo in a village where the parents of the Moon mixed fish poison into it; but it does not work in the Sun and the Moon; then they were tied to a tree and burned at the stake; also works: The sun has only turned red, and the moon has a burnt stomach, now they are spots on the lunar disk; the moon has thrown into the water and cooled down, so it does not give heat; hand in hand, the Sun and the Moon have risen to the sky; Moon's parents gave wives to all her children; the girl destined for the Morning Star rejected her because of his illness; he left, and when he returned, he turned out to be handsome; now the girl wants him, and he rejected her, went to sky, became the Morning Star]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 1:25-29.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [Vakurumpyo and Karuetuetuibo are married to each other's sisters; K. is a freak, his wife leaves him; the Sun invites his wife to have sex with K.; he really turns out to be impotent; The Sun puts him in the bosom of his wife, K. is born handsome again; leaves his former wife, takes a new one; V. comes to the Sun but copulates with his wife; born again a freak]: Murphy 1958, No. 13:83-85.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking: Nimuendaju 1920:1034 [rivals cut off the freak's hands and feet, take him to his beautiful wife; Tumaca heals him, leads him to bathe, makes him handsome, gives his eldest daughter as his wife; he visits his native village, returns to T. and his new wife], 1035 [women reject an ugly black man; T. invites him to her place, his daughter sits on his lap, but the guest does not have an erection; T. leads him to swim, makes him beautiful; he returns to the village, his wife hides from people. they have a parrot daughter, who turns into a girl at night; the grandmother does not let the parrot eat, scolds him; daughter T. takes the child, goes to his father; the husband tries to follow her, but the path overgrows]; zhuruna [women reject an ugly man; he decided to die, saw a ladder from the sky, went up; in the sky the woman showed the path to Alapá; he called him handsome, A.'s three daughters took turns sitting on it, but because of fear the man could not get along with them; the girls were happy, A. told them to take the guest's story to swim, he came up handsome, married his youngest fourth daughter A.; a man goes down to visit his mother, then his wife and daughter come down; stepping on the ground, the girl became a bird, turned into a girl at night; another man also went to heaven to be handsome; when A.'s daughter sat on him, he met her; A. ordered him to be bought in dark water, he became a mako (araraúuna), turned black, eats excrement; the mother of the first person was tired of taking care of her bird-granddaughter, she threw her away; the heavenly wife left, the husband followed; the other followed, despite the prohibition, had sex with his wife before; A. cut off the stairs, he fell; A. wanted the aged to climb into heaven and get younger, but because of the person who broke the ban, this does not happen]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:137-142.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi: Grünberg 1970 [Puri'un was black, ugly, his fiancée rejected him; he came to his father Panyeavi; he went fishing, his wife spread her legs, but the man did not have sex with her ; so three times, he became bright, Piri'u'i; the other one also went handsome, had sex with Panyeavi's wife, who turned him into a caiman]: 167; Pereira 1995, No. 6 [Pyreju'um was black, in ulcers, great-aunt his sister refused him; he came to the wife of the supreme deity Pajawi; he went to the river, the woman began to seduce the guest, who did not give in; turned him handsome, the husband gave him jewelry; now the girl Wished for him, but he rejected it; another young man also went to Pajawi, copulated, Pajawi put a hot stone in his mouth instead of a fish, turning the young man into a caiman]: 52-54; Iranian [the cannibal invites a man to his village; he meets a Monkey, Maned Wolf, Dusicyon and other animals on the way, gives them peca fruits, they follow him; the cannibal sends his two daughters to the man; he refuses to have sex with them; puts the ogre to sleep, leaves a deck in his hammock, runs away; now his younger brother comes; does not give food to animals, copulates with both girls; falls asleep himself, thrown into a cauldron; older brother and animals make a fire at the entrance to a hole (cave?) cannibals, kill them with smoke; let the Turtle go because it did not eat human beings, but only sucked on bone]: Pereira 1985, No. 31:142-155; paresi [Okiro's husbands were beautiful Toberaré and ugly Awlomenaré; A. came to Kingfisher; while he was not there, he met his wife Duck, but pretended to be chaste, sprinkling ash on his foreskin and tying hairs on the Duck's vulva; Kingfisher sees that bathing time, A. washes off dirt from his genitals, believes that he is innocent, feeds fish broth, making A. handsome; at home, O., who now wants him, rejects him, goes to live with his mother; T. also comes to A. copulates with Duck, but refuses to sprinkle ash, tie hairs; A. feeds him with a decoction of worms and rotten fish, turning him into a freak, O. rejected him]: Pereira 1986, No. 50:436-441.

Chaco. Chorote [an ugly young man is rejected by a woman; he comes to the Month, which turns him handsome; returns to the village]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 141 [now all women want him], 142- 143 [when he returns, he beats and kills those men who laughed at him]: 268-270; matako [an ugly old man lies down on an anthill; a woman asks why; he replies that women don't love him; becomes handsome; now all women want to marry him, but he rejects them]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 196:314