Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F97a. The snake loses its legs. (.


snake is to blame for the fact that others ate food forbidden by the deity. For this, the snake is deprived of the limbs it used to have. {the Efik variant may not be biblical, but South Asian ones are likely related

} Efik, Old Testament, Miri, Phom, Gansu Chinese.

West Africa. Ekoi [Obassi Nsi told the cow, goat and boa constrictor to guard his garden and not eat anything themselves; the boa constrictor was supposed to bring HE bananas; when he learned that Obassi Nsi was feeding bananas to guests, the boa constrictor suggested themselves eat bananas; Obassi Nsi sent a servant to check whether his order was being respected; when he found out that his order was not being respected, he summoned the violators; told the cow to eat banana skins, the goat to eat yam peel, and the snake to eat yam peel took his arms and legs away]: Talbot 1912:376-377.

Western Asia. The Old Testament [God settled Adam and Eve in Eden; forbid eating fruits from the tree of knowledge of good and evil; supposedly, whoever eats them would die; the serpent persuaded E. to taste the fruit, she gave A., both realized their nudity; God snake: "You will walk on your womb, and you will eat dust all the days of your life" (Gen. 3:14); God drove Adam and Eve out of Eden, made them leather clothes, told them to work]: Gen. 2, 17; 3, 1-19 .

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Miri [Si-Duinye (sun) sculpted a man and a woman; they asked why they were different, S. told them to live together, but they could not get together; the Snake gave sweet fruit to a woman who was ashamed nudity, let the man eat, he also covered himself; S. said that now they would have to work, give birth to children and die; the Snake cut off his arms and legs; although the man and woman wished each other, they still did not know how to have sexual intercourse; the bird Apu-Todu poked its beak into the genitals of a sleeping woman, the man realized that the couple had children]: Elwin 1958b, No. 5:361-363; phom [God locked the first man and woman in the house, told them not to converge; the Serpent came to them, said that if they did not meet, there would be no children; God asked who ordered to break his order, who was the first to break; cut off the snake's limbs, the woman ordered to bleed, give birth in agony]: Elwin 1958b, No. 5:361-363.

(Wed. Taiwan - Philippines. Bagobo [the first men of Tuglay and Mona could see the gods; the serpent gave them fruit, said that if they ate it, their eyes would be opened; God was angry, people no longer see gods]: Benedict 1913, No. 2: 16).

China - Korea. Chinese (Gansu, G. Tianshui, Beidao District) [When Fuxi created humans, he sculpted them from yellow clay. First he made the woman and let her dry in the sun. Then he started sculpting the man, but at that time there was a thunder, a strong wind blew, Fusi clenched his hands, and so the figure of a man turned out. Then he breathed life into them, and the clay man and woman jumped happily. Apart from these two people - brother and sister - there was no one in the world and they felt alone. Fusi needed to leave, so he left his brother and sister in the care of the snake and told her not to tell them how to have children. After Fusi left, the snake thought that there were few people in the world, they did not know how to have offspring, and that's why their lives are boring. Then she told her brother and sister that if there were a lot of people in the world, they would have more fun. The brother and sister agreed, the snake told me how to have offspring. The brother and sister asked how they would get married, and then the snake said that the next morning they should take a couple of millstones, climb different mountains and roll them down the slopes at its behest. If the millstones connect, brother and sister can marry. The next day they did what the snake said, the millstones rolled down, skirting rocks and trees and scaring tigers and leopards, and rattled near the river. Then brother and sister became husband and wife. Seven or eight decades later, Fusi came back and saw that there were more people. He immediately understood what the snake had done and cut off all four limbs as punishment, and since then she has had no legs]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 11:13.