F99. The baby copulates with the mother. . (.72.) .74.
Thebaby turns into an adult man, copulates with the mother, then takes on his former appearance.
Hottentots (namas), monumbo, lower arapesh, monumbo, lower arapesh, Ifaluk, Gilbert Islands, Tsotsil, (Shavante), Yagani Islands.
SW Africa. Nama Hottentots [the girls went for brushwood, ate sweet grass alone, became pregnant, gave birth to a clever son Haytsee-Abib; when her mother and her friends set off, HE was capricious, smeared her and herself, the mother fell behind; HE became an adult man, got together with his mother, then became a child again; when she came to her mother, the woman put the baby down and did not approach him anymore; said that adult men themselves must take care of themselves]: Hahn 1881:68-79 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 11:42.
Melanesia. Monumbo [building a house to initiate the young men, people cut down and brought a wooden beam; when the boat was approaching the shore, light emanated from the beam; a beam was installed in the house; when the men left, it became human, he danced with the children; the men threw a beam into the sea, it sailed to Fr. Manam, people made her a headrest; when everyone left, he became human, ate all the chickens, pigs and dogs; the men threw the headrest into the sea, he swam to the shore of the main island; he became a baby; husband and wife adopted him; at night the baby became an adult, made love to the foster mother, who became pregnant; while his wife was away, the husband wanted to throw the baby on a palm tree, but he jumped into the river and swam away; the women of the village came to fish; the headrest man came out of the water and met them; the men sent the boy; the women covered him with nets, but he cut a hole, peeked; the men hid on the shore, they killed the one who came out, cut off his penis, let his wives eat; the old woman put her piece next to him; he flew to heaven, became the Month]: Höltker 1965, No. 4:80-82; lower arapesh [wallabies pretends to be a woman's baby, copulates with her; next time she kills and eats him]: Fortune 1942, No. 2:208; (cf. vogeo [Tawawa went north, saw two women, turned into a baby; every time women go to the garden, he becomes a man, defecates in kitchen pots; one peeked, they threw it into a boiling pot, covered it, threw it into the sea; South Seas apple surfaced; the women swam to him, drowned]: Hogbin 1970:41-42).
Micronesia-Polynesia. Ifaluk (Caroline) [see motif K30B; to get together with his brother's wife Gio, Wolphat turned into a mosquito, the woman swallowed it quietly with water; she gave birth to him, W.; at night a baby was by her side and when she fell asleep, she had sex with her; seeing sperm on her genitals, she asked another woman to follow her; she said that her lover was in her own bed; one day a baby brought him to his knees, G. realized it was adult excrement; W. ran away laughing]: Spiro 1951:296; Gilbert Islands [Nareau steals fruit from others; those who build a community house ask for him climb into a hole, put a pole on top, N. goes out through a dig; to take possession of Nautima's wife, bakes himself in coals, comes from outside, takes fish out of the coals; Nautima asks to bake himself, dies; wife dies of grief; in order to take possession of his wife Taranga, N. became a baby, the woman picked him up, took him to bed; at night he copulated with her, she gave birth to three children with him]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 2:61-64.
Mesoamerica Zotzil (Chenalho) [a woman suffers from abdominal pain, difficulty defecating; dreams that she gives birth to a baby who becomes an adult man, copulates with her; the husband explains what this is Disease-causing Tentación]: Guiteras Holmes 196:254 (retelling in Braakhuis 2005:185).
(Wed. Eastern Brazil. Xavante [Giaccaria, Heide 1975:115-120; the boy went with his mother to collect buriti palm fruit; his mother seduced him; the father sent him to trace the youngest son; he followed in the footsteps, then turned in a hummingbird, saw mother and brother making love, told my father at home; he beat and kicked out lovers; in the forest they turned into tapirs; father guessed what kind of tapirs they were, shot them with a bow; all ate meat]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 160:470-473).
The Southern Cone. Yagans: Wilbert 1977, No. 26 [when a father goes hunting, the boy sees his mother's vagina; screams, I want it! ; she consistently offers him everything that is suitable for eating and playing, he refuses; paints himself black and red, approaches her mother without paying attention to other people, howls her hand into her vulva; they sailed in a boat to the island, made love until they became wild geese], 27 [Gusinde 1937:1198-1199; mother carries the baby behind her back in her bag; went to pick tree mushrooms; the baby became an adult man, climbed a tree, threw her mushrooms; then told her to lie down, threw them into her vulva; when he went down, began to copulate with her; her mother brought a lot of mushrooms, distributed them to women, they were happy ; began to go mushroom picking every day; the women followed her, told her husband; the husband told his wife to take off her bag, the baby fell out, the husband saw his huge penis, cut it off; the child turned into a little woodpecker (Dendrocopus lignarius), which has a strong beak and a long red tongue]: 73-75, 75-78.