Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F9A. Toothy womb .


are teeth, blades, or sharp stones in a woman's vagina or on the inside of her thighs; a vagina is a toothed mouth. (Only accurate texts are taken into account, not jokes).

Yaka (baya), shona, Arabs SE Iran, Kiwai, Uliti, Bondo, Sora, Bhuya, Asur, Korku, Juang, Agaria, Maria, Muria, Dhoba, Dhoba, Dhoba, Dhoba, Pardhan, Dhanwar, Solor, Tingyan, Apayao, Rukai, Puyuma, Paywan, Lee, Koreans, Serbs, Mongols (conventionally Inner Mongolia), Kets, Evens, Nivkhs, Udege, Nanai, Ainu, Tsugaru, Noto, Okinawa, Chukchi, Forest and Tundra Yukaghirs, Aleuts, Northern Inupiat Alaska, Hyda, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Quakiutl, Chilcotin, Shuswap, Lillouet, Thompson, Pentlatch, Comox, Chalkomel, Upper Chehalis, Clackamas, Upper Cowlitz, Western Sachaptin, Ne Perse, Northern Ojibwa ( Sandy Lake), Nascapi, Montagnier, Blacklegs, Crowe, Mandan, Teton (Oglala), Iowa, Oto, Arapahoe, Pawnee, Wichita, Natchez, Koasati, Yurok, Eastern Pomo, Maidu, Northern Payute, Mono (Owens Valley, Western and northern shoshoni, goshiyute, chumeuevi, southern payut, southern utah, havasupai, valapai, yavapai, navajo, jicarilla, western apache, chiricahua, hopi, zunyi, huichol, otomi, masahua, aztecs, wawe, juice, mixteki, tsotzil, Chiriquí, Kogi, Guajiro, Shikuani, Warrau, Coreguaje, Siona, Sekoya, Maihuna, Macu, Yagua, Munduruku, Chavin, Nazca, Amahuaca, Mehinacu, Caduveo, Nivacle, Matako, Toba.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Yaka (baya) [the man has three dogs, Godongkela, Kilo, Gbara, they help him with everything; there were many unmarried women, one asked the man to marry her, he refused; she became a cannibal, the man climbed the tree, she began to cut the trunk with her genitals; when the tree is ready to fall, the Toad tells the tree to be cut down, hides; so twice; the third time dogs came running at the call of the owner, alone tore the cannibal's genitals, the other face and body; the man brought the Toad to the village, told people not to eat toads; some women became men, so there were no more unmarried; the man stayed with the dogs unmarried]: Tessmann 1934b: 236; Shauna (documentary) [during the ritual, songs are sung in which women's genitals are considered dangerous to copulate]: http://www.antropofest.cz/en/1/movie-detail?mid=7).

Western Asia. Arabs on the southeastern coast of Iran (the Minab area and villages between the ports of Lenge and Bushehr; the islands of the Strait of Hormuz) [Menmendas appears as a young and very beautiful woman. Menmendas's thighs are sharp on the inside and serrated like a saw. Menmendas wanders in the mountains, carrying a jewellery box he never lets go of. Men, seeing Menmendas, immediately fall in love with her without memory and follow her. Menmendas soon begins to flirt with the man following her and takes him to some abandoned hut. In the hut, Menmendas lies down and, placing the jewelry box under his head, spreads his legs. If a man has heard of Menmendas and guesses who he is dealing with, he must collect a handful of sand from the ground and, when Menmendas settles down, throw sand in her eyes - in which case the man will be able to Steal the box and run away. But if a man is confused and ignorant and has carnal passion, Menmendas clamps him between his legs and cuts him in half with his hips]: Saedi 1977:82.

Melanesia. Kiwai [dream story: a woman asks to get along with her; she has teeth in her vagina, her vagina opens and closes like a mouth; without an answer, a woman rushes at a man with a stick, who jumps into the water; there's a crocodile rushes at him]: Landtman 1917, No. 398 in Elwin 1949:355.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Ulithian toothed-vagina variant: Mitchell 1973:260

South Asia. Bondo: Elwin 1949, No. 14 [a girl bit off her penises with her toothy vagina; a young man put an iron condom over his huge penis, broke her teeth, they became crabs; the girl cut off his penis with a knife, leaving a little; looking at this condom, people learned how to make spear tips (=1950:71)], 15 [Soma Bodnaik had wives Sombari and Sukri, Sombari had teeth in her vagina; he got along with Sukri like a cow, but Mahaprabhu shamed him, explained how he should; he inserted his penis into Sombari so forcefully that he knocked out her vaginal teeth]: 380, 381; bhuya [women had teeth in their vaginas, men were afraid with get together; to copulate, the women put the branches of the Bombaks ceiba L. tree in themselves, removed their teeth; teeth are still visible on this tree]: Elwin 1949, No. 12:380; asur [daughter of Rakshasa and women built the city of Dantipur ("Tooth City"), promised to marry and make the raja of someone who slept with her; all Raja's sons bit off their penises with a toothy vagina; asur came with one of them and introduced them to iron rod vagina, forced his Raja friend to restore his penis, married this girl]: Elwin 1949, No. 4:375; juang: Elwin 1949, No. 18 [women bit off penises with their vaginas; y one was a thorn at the end, he knocked out his teeth with it, they turned into bhoir trees; the woman got angry, cut off and buried her penis, a bombax tree grew; from under the torn bark he had a liquid that looked like semen; it's dangerous for pregnant women to walk under this tree; its crooked thorns look like teeth], 19 [when there were teeth in the vagina, a crab lived there; when they were cut out, they turned into stones, so crabs live in stones]: 382-383, 383; crust [man brags that he has a faithful wife; one does not believe, his penis is cut off with a saw in her vagina; husband laughs]: Elwin 1949, No. 23:385; sora (Lanjhia) [y the women had teeth in their vagina; everyone went to a dog wedding and Sarkigudi's female asked her mistress to change vaginas to avoid her; then night and day changed places, the woman's vagina remained without teeth, and dogs are speechless and the dog's vagina holds the dog's penis firmly]: Elwin 1949, No. 24:385-386; Agaria: Elwin 1949, No. 2 [six brothers come to the girl Bijnakin, seventh They don't take a snotty with them; sister B. Gajdantar tells everyone to have sex with her, who can't, she'll turn them into women; the penis gets tangled in her pubic hair, loses potency; she locks her brothers in the room; the seventh comes lubricates her hair with cottage cheese, cuts her off, inserts an iron rod, knocking out her vaginal teeth; B. asks to wait seven days before he picks her up; Rakshasa hides in the house, raping men, but a young man chases him away, promising to set fire to his hair; the young man restores potency to his brothers, takes the girl], 3 [Dhoba's 12 sons came to a woman whose husband had a wound on his penis; advised him to put his penis in boiling oil, he fell off; the woman agrees to go with her brothers if they can satisfy her; at 11, after copulation, the penis is bitten off; the 12th notices a snake crawling out of the woman's mouth, killing her , takes the woman; the brothers grow new small penises; the woman says that her sister's brothers will recover; she has teeth in her vagina, she bites off 11 penises; the younger brother knocks out her teeth with a stick, pushes them into powder, treats their brothers with them (their penises grow back); brothers kill a woman, cook her meat, breathe in steam from the brew die]: 373-374, 374-375; baiga: Elwin 1949, No. 7 [the old man married at a 12-year-old, he was impotent; to prevent his wife from cheating on him, he said that the other men in the village had two penises, and told the men that his wife had a tooth in her vagina; one day his wife talked to a young man they found out what was going on, they came together; the old man took his wife to another village, where men allegedly insert the penis so forcefully that the woman dies; on the way he died from the heat, the wife married that young man], 8 [brahmin his wife and he stayed in a house where two brothers lived; they met a woman, she bit off their penises; the brahmin took them out of her vagina with his hand, she said they were embryos he had destroyed; he saw how she bit off a blind sadhu's penis; then she extracted her teeth with iron mites, but her vagina became so big that she was not satisfied with any man; she got along with a stallion, who killed her with his penis] 9 [the woman bit off her husband's penis, then the blind sadhu; the old man wrapped his horse hair, tore her vagina, married her], 10 [the brahmin and daughter stayed at the baiga house; he met his daughter, she bit off his penis; his brother's wife, who was in love with him, ordered his penis to be cured; then Baiga pulled out his teeth with a thread; ran away with this girl], 11 [the girl bit off the penises; the landowner sent four servants prepare her for marriage to him; she bit off a brahmana's penis, but three others pulled out her three vaginal teeth; she married a landowner]: 376-377, 377-378, 378, 379, 379; maria (Bison-Horn Maria) [y the women had teeth in their vaginas, and the penises were incredibly long and thorned like a bombucks tree; vaginas gradually gnawed their penises to the size of the penis now, and the man's teeth were knocked out with pests]: Elwin 1949, No. 13:380; muria [Rakshasa's daughter has teeth in her vagina; in the guise of a girl, she bit off penises; as a tigress, she ate the penis and gave the rest to her 10 or 12 tigers; so she killed six brothers; the youngest seventh was told by the deity to put an iron rod into his vagina, he knocked out their teeth; he climbed from the tigers to the mangoes, became small, climbed inside the fruit, the parrot brought it to the Raja's house, he married a princess; told Rakshasa's daughter to become a bat that has only one hole in her body, i.e. eats, copulates, defecates through her mouth]: Elwin 1949, No. 26:386-387; (cf. dhoba [the jealous man told the slutty wife that other men had two penises and men that his wife had teeth in her vagina; one decided to copulate, tying himself with a rope and telling him to drag him if he will scream; the woman was surprised that he had one penis, began to feel if there was a second one behind him, the man cried out in surprise, he was pulled out, the woman was dissatisfied]: Elwin 1948, No. 16:381); dhanwar [u dano (demon) is a wife in whose bosom any seed died, so there are no children; they greeted the sadhu and he agreed to have a son; but for this he must examine a woman's genitals; Dano's wife said that she had two teeth in her vagina; first she showed her clitoris and a lapwing flew out of it; when she saw her teeth, the sadhu said that the son would be born with two tails, front and back; and so it happened; but he flew to heaven, taking his teeth with him; Dano-father caught and returned his son, tore off his wings; said he would be honored]: Elwin 1959, No. 19:218-219; home [the monkey brought him to his wife The woman's son was a Rakshasa daughter with a toothy vagina, but the young man had a penis with teeth; when copulating, the vagina bit off the penis, and the woman died from a wound caused by the penis; the monkey brought another, then a third wife, The son also killed them with the remnants of the penis; the monkey laid wood on the house and burned the young man and his mother]: Elwin 1949, No. 17:382; cond: Elwin 1949, No. 20 [the witch wife had teeth in her vagina; she turned into a tigress to kill a cow, but she kicked her and knocked out her teeth; her teeth rolled down the slope, stuck to the horse's mouth; the woman regained her human appearance but was left without vaginal teeth], 21 [at the beginning Dakapaji and Sujamajenja came out of the hollow of a bombucks tree; S. had a vagina the size of a door in a pigsty, with an arm at the end, and her vaginal teeth glowed at night; D.'s huge penis passed inward in the light of these teeth, his hand grabbed him; S. gave birth to seven sons and seven daughters; at the birth of the last child, the umbilical cord caught on the teeth and they fell out; and D. pulled out his hand], 22 (Kuttia) [from the girl teeth in the vagina; the first husband ran away from her, the second died; she was married by a man with a huge penis; she bit off the excess, her penis remained normal, both lost consciousness; the mother came in, knocked out her daughter's teeth, revived her husband; the couple healed happily]: 383, 384, 384; pardhan [the girl had teeth in her vagina, but no breasts, the men avoided her; the Elephant agreed to change with her, giving her attractive breasts and turning her vaginal teeth into her tusks]: Elwin 1949, No. 27:387.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Solor [only women lived in Kampong; when they set themselves up for sunrise, they gave birth to boys, when in the westerly wind, girls; boys were eaten; one man followed in the footsteps of his dog, came to K., met a woman; she warned that her vagina was being cut, that the previous man had died, ordered to bring a whetstone; the man went home for a whetstone, grinded his tips in the woman's vagina, brought her to him; mother the women followed and ate him, for he did not give a ransom for his wife]: Arndt 1938:16.

Taiwan, Taiwan - Philippines. Tingian [a girl refuses her suitors; one day her brother finds her sleeping, sees teeth in her vagina, puts a flute in it; ashamed, her sister goes to the river and turns into a bird]: Eggan 1956:334-336; apayao [beautiful woman marries 10 times, all husbands die; a woman has become a bird out of shame; before the next wedding, the woman's brother goes to the floor to get wine, sees her sister's toothy vulva from below; realizing that her secret is revealed, a woman turns into a bird out of shame; if you meet her, you have to go back, if you hear it, you have to quit your job]: Wilson 1947b: 105-106 (published in Ho 1967, No. 229:386-387); Taiwan : Ishida 1998 [according to Japanese sources; toothy womb motif in most ethnic groups]: 141; Ho 1964 [15 versions in 7 ethnic groups]: 43; Paywan: Egli 1989, No. 13 [women's vulvas were like large sea shells, bitten the penis; one person quietly approached the women who were weaving hemp from behind, inserted a penis (the shell protected the vulva from the front, was on the body, not inside); the woman felt , cut off her penis; since then, the penis used to be long; after that, the women removed the shell from the vulva], 88 [Chief Puyuma's daughter has teeth in her vagina, her suitors die on their wedding night; parents let their daughter go to sea in a boat; men in the village where the boat landed put a stick in the girl's vagina, their teeth first remained, then disappeared; let the dog have sex with the girl, the dog survived; then the chief's son married the girl; she gave birth to two sons and a daughter, told her to go find her mother (their grandmother); they bring her to their parents, she is ashamed that she let her daughter in the boat; her son-in-law gives her along a songbird filled with an empty jug with a song; brothers kill their own father to make a sacrifice when building a mansion; they fought a dragon, one threw a knife, hit a woman in the stomach, since then since women die in childbirth; their sister took a snake as a lover, died; the brothers took to the sky, the rain flooded the ground with a flood, leaving only their mother's grandmother's house; the brothers took their sister and the sister they killed into the sky father, all together became the Big Dipper; in front of the father's penis and testicles, then his hat, then both brothers and last sister]: 39-40, 249-257; Ho 1967, No. 223 [(=1964:43-44, =Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 21: 130); a woman consistently marries five men, bites off each penis with a vagina, her husband dies; she finds a tooth in her vagina, cut it out, it became a bead that still exists today], 224 [mother married her daughter Moakakai; she had teeth in her vagina, her husband died the first night; her parents put their daughter in a box, threw her into the river; a man from the sky caught him, knew about her toothy vagina; while M. was sleeping, her mother Her husband's teeth were carved out; there were four of them, now they are beads kept in different villages]: 382, 383-384; Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 61 [Muakakai has teeth in her vagina; Kułełułełu married her; at night he lost his penis and died; his parents were ashamed, they put M. in a deck and lowered him into the river; the young man was fishing from the sky, caught a deck; went hunting, while others took M. 4 out of his vagina sleeping vaginal teeth; she became pregnant safely and gave birth; these bead teeth are very valuable, one is kept in Payuan, two in Pełeti and one in Kaviangan]: 286; ami (Falangau) [the girl's husbands one by one others die; the mother finds teeth in her vagina, puts her in a box, lowers her into the sea; he sailed to the shore, people opened the box, gave the girl wine, knocked out her teeth with a stone pestle, passed off as a leader]: Ho 1967, No. 225:384-385; atayal [all young men want a sweet-vote weaver; the husband, then the second, dies on the wedding night; the mother discovers the teeth in her daughter's vagina; removes them with a grain grater; the daughter marries]: Ho 1967, No. 221:381-382; arm: Ho 1967, No. 226 [the vagina was on the forehead, touched the face during menstruation; it was placed on the back of the head, but not found there during copulation; on the ankle - they got inside grass and dirt; between her legs; her teeth grew there, her husband died during copulation; the woman was given wine, her teeth were removed, people began to multiply], 227 [the man curled his penis, carried it on his shoulder in a basket; woman also carried her huge genitals in the basket; both had sex, then the man cut off the excess part of his penis, the woman cut off her genitals; married a man; the teeth in her vagina bit the penis; her they gave them wine, removed their beaded teeth]: 385, 385-385; puyuma (Katipol village; similar texts from ami and some paiwan) [two men named Katagulian and Pakulian were returning from hunting, found a box on the shore, containing a woman with a toothy womb; everyone wanted it for themselves, but got it to a chief named Sihasihaw (how they got rid of their teeth is not specified); she gave birth to his sons Basakara and Luasayaw and Rarihen's daughter; R. washed by the river, swallowed by a snake; the younger brother killed the snake with a spear, took out his deceased sister's bracelet from his womb; fearing the consequences of killing the snake, the brothers consulted with their grandmother, who ordered make a sacrifice; they met and killed their father; their grandmother scolded them; then she began to steal sugarcane; people poured ash, found their younger brother in the footsteps; he escaped from captivity, flying to hawk (kite); the brothers met, the elder committed suicide, the younger became the Berukatawan constellation, which determines the planting time for dry rice; in different versions, this seems to be either the Pleiades or maybe Orion]: Yamada 2009, No. 3:67-68.

China - Korea. Koreans [there is a toothy womb motif]: Ishida 1998:141; Ishida 1955:205 in Ho 1964:44; in 1967 [Lee has a toothy womb motif in Hainan, Korea, Okinawa, in Japan]: 140.

The Balkans. Serbs (Goracici village, Dragachevo, Western Serbia) [there was a verdict by which they drive away a hail cloud: a woman, lifting her hem high, shouted to the cloud: "Don't go, hello, to alu. Ova moja ala dosta taki ala skipped! (Don't go, ala, to "alu". This "ala" of mine has swallowed enough of these als); Ala is a snake-like demon of bad weather who led the clouds]: Marinkovich 1974:159.

Southern Siberia. The Mongols (probably Ordos; the chronicle of the death of Genghis Khan on the bed of Gurbaljin-Goa, the widow of the defeated Tangut state; the material was highlighted by S.Yu. Neklyudov; the woman's name is from yü ; rbel, "lizard") [After spending {quietly} 19 years, Vladyka.. went on a campaign against Shidurgu Khan in Minsk. Shidurgu Khan has become a snake. Then the Master became Garudi. When Shidurgu Khan became a tiger, the Master became a lion. When Shidurgu Khan became a boy, His Eminence, turning into Hormusta, seized Shidurgu Khan. Shidurgu Khan said: "If you kill me, it will be bad for you. If you don't kill, it will be bad for your descendants." His Eminence said: "Whatever happens to my current body, but let my descendants prosper!" When he was about to kill, Shidurgu Khan said, "Search my Hanshu Gurbaljin-Goa, starting with her black nails!" His Eminence married Hanshu Gurbaljin-Goa. Hansha Gurbaljin-Goa went swimming in the Black River. Her father, Sashin-Dzhangin of the Chinese family Wu from Irgay, had one poultry that delivered mail. [Hansha] tied a message to her neck in which she wrote: "I will throw myself into this Black River and drown myself. Don't look for my bones at the bottom. Look in the upper reaches!" [After that] Gurbaljin-Goa held her forceps in her secret place, injured the Master's secret place and ran away. Then, jumping into the Black River, she drowned herself. The black river where the Hansha died was called Khatun-gol {Yellow River, "Lady River"}.. After that, the Master's illness became severe..]: Cendina 2017:81; Shastina 1957:133; commentary in Bawden 196:238.

Western Siberia. Kety: Anuchin 1914:22 [around the summer solstice (June 20), the author witnessed an old woman dancing an orgiastic dance; she screamed, If my luz (vulva) had teeth, she would bite off ( penis)], 39 [1) there is a legend that the Yenisei {Kets} once fought against a state in which only women lived; they all had vulvas equipped with teeth; 2) there is a story as if somewhere in At the end of the world lies Gora Baba, whose vulva looks like a cave; heroes should beware of this cave].

Eastern Siberia. Evens [(written in 1946; it is not explicitly said that a woman's teeth are in her vagina, but in the light of other texts it is likely); Tylken and Dolgan are brothers; while they were young, Kagynkan, chapter hostile kind, locked them in an iron house; they grew up, raised the house like a cauldron; 1) K. offers to ski down a mountain with knives stuck; Kagynkan's man dies; 2) jump on treetops, under point trees (same); 3) fight at the pit (same); 4) jump on stumps, knives around (the same); 5) eat a cauldron of meat (D. eats); 6) K. gives D. her daughter, who has iron nails and teeth; at night she bites him, D. is unharmed, her teeth have worn off overnight; D. beats her himself, she dies]: Novikova 1958:42-48.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nivkhi: Bereznitsky 2003, No. 22 [seven seal hunters sail to an unknown shore; five young people follow the girl one after another, disappear; two elderly sail away, sail to the old man and an old woman; the old man explains that the girl was an ambu, the men fall into her bosom; the old man gives two self-propelled boats, tells them not to look until they come home; there you have to kill a black man and Put white deer in boats, send them back to them; they do; become shamans; their wives drive away new husbands they took while the former ones were absent]: 447; Pilsudski 1991a [six seal hunters sail to an unknown land in the fog; in one house they open a box containing a naked old cilantro; he and other cilantro chase people, grab one; in another house, the owner strings one from those who come to the skewer, roasts like fish; the stone house has no holes; the old woman teaches him to take his sword out of the box, cut the exit; cilantro grabs the boat, people cut off his hand with a sword; they sail into the country beautiful women; at night one of the hunters copulates, his penis is bitten off, he dies; an old woman teaches how to insert stones into vaginas; by this time his uncle and nephew are alive; an uncle introduces a stone to women, those glad that they got rid of their teeth; copulate with hunters; a person throws scales of chum salmon and pink salmon into the sea; scales turn into salmon; sends hunters home in a box; for this they donate him red and white deer, put in boats, they sail into the sea themselves]: 16-19; Sangi 1974 [two married brothers hunt seals, fall into the fog; do not approach the ground of unks (cannibals); see ke- raf (summer house), they are received by a vehr woman (dangerous spirit); at night, the youngest wants to have sex with her; she warns that there are bones in the pit that tried to do so earlier; promises not to kill him, but to hurt (details are omitted); the older brother helps the shattered to move; a woman sends brothers to an old man; this is Taihngad sending people fish; he gives a golden box with brothers in it sail home; the box returns to T.; during this time, the brothers' sons have grown; wives recognize those who have returned by gold rings; the youngest leaves, probably returning to the Wechr woman]: 98-105; Sternberg 1908, No. 17 [six Ainu went in a boat to beat a seal, got lost in the fog, sailed to the shore, spent the night in the house; at night he lay down alone on a woman, she had teeth in her vagina, the man died; the same with the other; their owner went off behind the stone, put it in the vagina, his teeth broke, then copulated; the same was their worker; it turned out that they were the women of the master of the wind; when the wind rose SE, the women went down to the sea, raised the floors, sprayed the vulvas were "pumped up to the wind"; then the Ainu sailed to another house; there the old man put one in an iron trouble, fried him in the hearth; left, but the door was gone; the Ainu forced the old woman to tell me how to open door: cut the exit with a sword; they went out, sailed in the boat, the old man chased, they cut off his hands; elsewhere, milk tells stories for 8 days; whoever falls asleep, the other will kill him; milk and his wife fell asleep, people ran away, swam away; saw people stuck to each other with their backs; finally returned home], 18 [six Orocs swam to beat the seal, got lost in the sea, swam to the shore, spent the night in a yurt; at night one lay down on the woman, cried out and died; then the second; the rest came to another yurt; the old man killed one, cooked one, went to the mountain, could not leave the house; the Oroks cut the exit with a sword, released three kidnapped as an old man, the girls were taken to their father; he gave them three boats and, when they got home, told them to put white deer in one boat, black deer in the other, and send him the boats back; three years later, these people died], 19 [short text, similar to (18)]: 159-164, 166-167, 169; Udege people [Khatala girl hunts by biting off bears and other animals with her vagina; trying sleep with her, they die; one guy sees her doing it; she leads him to her, he puts a stake in her vagina, breaking his teeth; pulls them out with a bear paw; marries H.]: Bereznitsky 2003, No. 33:131 (=2005, No. 128:512); Nanai (Zagsor family) [Hado is a big beautiful woman with a toothy vagina; the men who converged with her died; they came together, lifted their skirt, and there were teeth - dog teeth or human; when H. urinated on the shore, the double current in the Amur became one-sided, as it is now]: Shanshina 2000:55.

Japan. Ainu: Onuki-Tierney 1996 [in the fog, a boat with several old hunters sails to a village of women; they fight each other for the right to own men; they have toothy wombs; one of old people put a sword into their vagina, breaking their teeth, stays alive; when they return, they tell their story; these women conceive children by exposing their buttocks to the wind from the mountains]: 69; Pilsudski 1912a, No. 6 [five seal hunters wander in the fog; they sail to the cannibals, they eat the petty officer of the boat; they come to the woman; she warns her not to go to bed; the first two have their penises bitten off; the third pokes before orgasm a stone whetstone in the vagina; teeth are broken, the woman is happy; there is an island of similar unmarried women; they conceive, exposing their vagina to the east wind; kill boys, save girls]: 85-91; Pilsudski 2001, No. 14 [as in Pilsudski 1912a before "the woman is happy"; she sends the Ainu home by boat]: 57-58; Japanese, Okinawa [the motif of the toothy womb is recorded on the Noto Peninsula (18th century), in the far north Tohoku (Tsugaru) and Okinawa]: Ishida 1998:140 (=Eiichiro 1955:205-206 in Ho 1964:44, 1967:140).

SV Asia. Chukchi [a person knocks out vaginal teeth with two stones, then copulates with a woman]: Bogoras 1902, No. 58:668; forest yukaghirs: Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 23 (p. Ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky District) [a woman cooks meat, feeds her husband and three children; the devil looks through a smoke hole, decides to eat the middle child; when a woman sees a line, she begins to throw meat between herself legs and complain out loud that she (vulva) requires food all the time; hell looks at it before dawn, leaves]: 75-77; Jochelson 1926 (b. Yasachnaya) [The fabulous Old Man looks into the smoke hole, sees a woman; she cooks fish, undresses, pretends to feed her vulva and hit for not eating; the woman goes to the village for salt; asks for help; while the Mythical Old Man continues to look down at the woman, people cut him with knives; he becomes invisible, decides to take revenge on women; they sharpen knives; he consistently hides whetstones, leather, clay, but women are finding more and more clay to sharpen knives; he admits that women are stronger than him]: 287-288; probably Russified tundra yukaghirs [a man enters the house of a one-eyed woman; that invites him to become her husband; he hears teeth clanging from under her skirt; lulls a woman to sleep, discovers that her toothy vagina looks like a pike's mouth; cuts out her toothy vagina, under it is normal; brings a woman to her, turns her into a slave]: Bogoras 1902, No. 58:667.

The Arctic. Aleuts (Commanders) [the mother tells her son that his father and other men were killed by a huge woman from the underworld; the young man comes to her; does not fall asleep when she caresses him, looks in his head; wants to throw him into a hot spring, but he has dried it beforehand; he throws an iron rope around her neck, turns into stone, rolls down the slope, dragging her with him; she dies; her vagina shows teeth; he takes one as a mascot]: Vdovin 1994:370-373; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Lucier 1958, No. 18 (Noatagmiut) [Qayakturangniktuaq leaves parents, swims to look for people; jumping on the shore, gets trapped, pretends to be dead; the cannibal carries him home, he clings to willow branches; at home, the cannibal's children notice that the game has opened their eyes; it is decided to cook the prey in the morning; at night I. kills with a knife, an ogre and his family; gets a lahtak, comes to two women; one is trapped in the right half, the other has the left half of a man; I. enters the first woman's dugout; puts a lahtak's living head in bed a woman between her legs; at night, her head fights a toothy vulva; I. kills a woman with her knife; the second says that the first one sleeps]: 106-108; Ostermann 1952 (Kotzebue) [four brothers disappear one by one; When conceiving a fifth son, their father allows sparks to fall into his wife's vagina before copulation; tells the boy to swallow hot stones, making him invulnertoq; a young man named Qajartuarungnertoq travels, meets many strange people; meets her uncle, they swim together; a woman lying on the shore is thrown with a sea scorpion, she bites through it with her toothy vulva; a man standing on the shore cuts pines, chips fall into the river, turning into salmon; they come to the girl's house, at night she invites Q. to lie down with her; Q. throws the head of a lahtak killed before into her vulva, her head fights with a toothy vulva, a woman dies; sees a ball hanging on a rope from a tree; touches it, his arms and legs are glued one after another; an ogre comes, takes him home; Q. wants to be under him Teslo put their head; at night they kill the ogre, his wife and children with it; after that, the trap ball lost its strength]: 240-243.

NW Coast. Hyda (Masset) [(written by a young Indian who has been to the mainland, perhaps borrowing; the protagonist is not named); the character goes, a woman calls him, insists on intimacy; he speaks that copulates if a woman keeps her eyes closed; heats two stones, inserts her vagina, she explodes; since then there are no vaginal teeth, sex is safe]: Swanton 1908a: 349-350; tsimshian : Barbeau 1953 (b. Ness) [while the chief is hunting, his nephew sleeps with his wife; the chief finds them, kills his wife, glues his tied nephew with resin to the board in the boat, descends down the river; the boat reaches the sea, the resin melts in the sun; The mouse invites the young man to his uncle; animal people and birds sit around (in appropriate suits); the young man marries the daughter of the Eagle Chief; she gives him a stone to knock out her vaginal teeth; former the grooms are all dead; the wife gives the young man eagle plumage; he gains fame by helping to bring the big whale; the father-in-law leaves a huge oyster as bait, she pulls her son-in-law to the bottom; in response, the wife is ready starve himself; then the father-in-law opens the hatch in the floor, goes down to the sea, pulls out his son-in-law's bones, revives him; the young man wants to see his native village; his father-in-law gives him three pebbles; when his son-in-law throws them into the sea, they turn into islands, he rests on them; together with his wife they bring people lots of food; the young man hunts like an eagle; converges with an ordinary girl; then the eagle wife flies away; he tries to follow after her, falls into the sea, drowns; she returns home, starves herself; her father-in-law revives her son-in-law again, who stays with eagles]: 42-52; Boas 1916 [22 entries; the young man undergoes many trials; often marries a girl with teeth in her vagina, killing suitors; he knocks her teeth out with a wedge or stone; teeth may be the head of a rattlesnake]: 809; bellacula [gutting salmon, the chief's wife finds in the same boy, brings up with his son, both grow up immediately; the Salmon brother tells him to scream as he approaches his hut by the shore; the human brother forgets, sees salmon half-alive on the floor; then a boat arrives , a man sails away with her; they swim through the countries of Smelt, Herring, Candlefish; in Salmon Land, they jump into a house whose door slams shut every now and then; Salmon eat seaweed, offer a man a boy with the girl; thrown into the water, they turn into salmon; the owners tell me to preserve bones and giblets, throw them into the water; the children are reborn, but the boy is limping, the girl has no eye; they find an eye and a bone, they throw them into the water, the children recover; Salmon's daughter does not tell her to go to bed with her; a man sticks a stone, breaks her vaginal teeth; she gives birth to a son and a daughter; in the form of salmon, everyone returns to the human world; caught, man and wife take the form of human beings; man teaches how to throw fish bones into water; wife and children return to salmon; man rises to the sky with a pen; a woman gives him a bubble with a cold wind; Sun 1) locks the person who comes in a hot cave, he opens a bubble around an icicle; 2) tells daughters to become mountain sheep, gives a man arrows with charcoal tips; rams drive a person to the abyss, he he descends with a feather, kills sheep with its arrows; the Sun mourns the children, the man revives them; gets the Sun's two eldest daughters as his wife; 3) The sun tells you to check the top, a log falls on his son-in-law, he swims out with salmon; 4) The sun drops a hammer into the water, tells you to get it, covers the water with ice, the son-in-law slips out through the crack with a fish; 5) The sun tells you to get a bird (partridge or similar); her son-in-law tells her peck out his father-in-law's eyes; he admits defeat, his son-in-law regains his sight; a year later he goes home to earth, his wife descends with him in the sun's rays (these are her father's eyelashes)]: Boas 1898, No. 5:73-83; quakiutl: Boas 1910, No. 14 [The Great Inventor descends into the sea; breaks off the blade of the wedge with which the slave stabs firewood; repairs it himself; slave: Chief Salmon's daughter bites the genitals of the grooms, we must take a stone; The inventor hides in a piece of wood, the chief's daughter takes it, they copulate (without details); Salmons eat salmon, throw bones into the water; The inventor hides one; the reborn Salmon Man does not have enough pins pin a blanket; The inventor and his wife sail in a boat, leads salmon into rivers], 35 [see motif K27; Kanekelak breaks the vaginal teeth of D.'s youngest daughter with his finger, marries her]: 169-175, 459; Erdoes, Ortiz 1984 [Coyote marries his daughter, always living on the coast; on the way, he consistently makes two women sighted, the second of them gives a stone chisel to break the girl's vaginal teeth, gives masks of Wren, Deer, Mountain Sheep, Grizzly; the girl takes him as a servant, is happy when she loses her vaginal teeth; father-in-law makes traps, offers to jump; The deer dies, but the Coyote comes out of this masks; the same is the Ram; the Grizzly breaks the trap; the father-in-law invites his son-in-law to pull out the hammer, knocks out the wedge; the Coyote chewed the bark in advance, the father-in-law thinks it's blood; Coyote flies out with a wren; turns logs into killer whales, they drag their father-in-law away; after the birth of their son, Coyote leaves]: 362-365.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [all women had teeth in their vaginas; Lendixchuks and his three sons come to a woman; inserts his rod Ptox, breaking their teeth; L. and his sons follow him sexual intercourse; sex is safe ever since]: Farrand 1900, No. 1:13; shuswap [woman kills men with her toothy womb; Tiisa inserts arrow pushers into it, copulates; then His brothers copulate; sex has been safe ever since]: Teit 1909a: 650; lillouette [Converters and Mink meet a woman Lexiiles; she has a toothy womb; Minka tries to have sex with her she bites off his hand; the next day he tries to hide his hand; the Transformers' sister kills L.; she turns into stone]: Boas 1916:604; Thompson [Quatquetl brothers meet A snake woman who invites passers-by to copulate and bites off their penises with her vagina; one of K. inserts a push-up across her, preventing her vagina from closing; turns the woman into stone]: Teit 1917b, No. 3:17; pentlatch [the young man fires arrows, they pierce one another's tail, he turns them into a rope, climbs it into the sky; comes to his grandmother Kalmar, who gives him resin; comes to Ducks, they are blind, they give him roots, he splashes them with water, they see the light, fly away; the only thing left is to say that he should not give his hand to his older, middle sisters, they have teeth in their vagina, but give them to the younger one; he comes to three sisters, sleeps with the youngest; the older ones give him fish bones, the youngest gives him good food; the girls' father agrees to give the youngest]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:90-96; comox (Chatloltk, Çatlõltq) [ two brothers make a chain of arrows, climb into heaven to marry the chief's two daughters; steal food from two blind old women; make them sighted, they turn into Ducks; advise you to look for a one-legged old man; he gives 1 ) put flat stones under you to sit on a porcupine bench, 2) put rods in wives's vaginas to break their vaginal teeth; brothers have married safely; since then, women have vaginas without teeth; see below. motive K27]: Boas 1895, No. 3:65-68 (=2002:181-186); chalkomel (lower reaches of the Fraser River) [Qäls (three brothers and sister) travel, transform and correct their ancestors; a woman has teeth in her vagina, bites off men's penises; Mink tries the vagina with her right hand, his hand is bitten off; after learning about this, K. turns a woman into a rock]: Boas 1895, No. 1:24 (=2002:100-101); upper chehalis [see motif A23; a woman lies with her legs apart; taking a hammer and a wedge from her moose horn, Month breaks her vaginal teeth and splits her womb]: Adamson 1934:169; clackamas [a wooden seal drags a boat into the sea; hunters get to a bumblebee woman; she has teeth in her vagina; the hero inserts a stone, her teeth break; the woman menstruates]: Jacobs 1958, No. 26:210; upper colitz [woman Soft Basket lures men , bites off their penises with his vaginal teeth, feeds his five children with meat; Coyote asks her to close her eyes, inserts one long stone into her vagina first, then the second; she turns into a rock, from vaginas flow waterfall; Coyote beats her children but they come to life; his excrement sisters explain that their hearts are hanging separately; he pierces them, a woman's children die]: Jacobs 1934, No. 5:188-189; western sachaptine [1) two hummingbird brothers killed the Coyote, threw him into the river; when Magpie flew to peck, he came to life (and in future); said that Hummingbird's hearts were white feathers on the hill; Coyote ran broke her feathers, told the Hummingbird to be a hummingbird; 2) the girl on the cliff invited Coyote to look down at the mountain ram, threw it down with a horn stick; the Magpie advised me to kill the girl; the Coyote pushed her, told her to be a mountain sheep; 3) the girl offered to lie down with her, bit off Coyote's penis, threw the corpse into the river; Magpie told the girl to put a bone into her bosom; having broken her vaginal teeth, Coyote turned the girl into an oyster; 4) the girl asked her to be carried across the river, refused to get down; when she realized it was a Coyote, she threw it into the water; Magpie told me if it was cold to throw her into the fire; she became a leech]: Farrand, Meyer 1917, No. 5:151-153; ne perse [Mountain Sheep asks the Coyote to help shoot a mountain ram; when he looks over the edge of the cliff, she clamps his neck with a horn, throws it down; seeing what it is just a coyote, throws him into the river; the magpie goes down to peck at him, he comes to life; asks the Sheep to show him how to bend over the cliff, throws herself off; the oyster woman invites the Coyote to lie down with her, bites off penis; (revival like the Sheep episode); Coyote puts a bone in her vagina, she dies, he tells her to be just an oyster]: Spinden 1917, No. 1:180-181; cous [woman with a dagger wraps off penises; Trickster refuses to lie down with her; burns her with the house]: Jacobs 1940, No. 29:206-209.

The Midwest. Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Wai-Mishus leaves his son Iyas 'a on the island; he returns home; the woman and her three daughters have teeth in their vaginas; I. sticks a stone, breaking their teeth , women are grateful]: Ray, Stevens 1971:112-120.

Northeast. Naskapi: Millman 1993 [Mistapeo marries the giant's two daughters; the youngest warns that the eldest may eat it with her vagina; he sees her eating willow shoots with her vagina; asked for permission look at her ass, saw teeth in her vagina, knocked them out with fat; she died; the youngest says that her father will kill him; the young man tells her to kill him, cut off all the meat from his bones; the skeleton fights the giant; Jay screams that his heart is in his thumb; the skeleton cut off his finger with a knife, the giant died; the skeleton stuck meat back, began to live with the giant's daughter]: 70-71; Speck 1915c, No. 1 [see motive F70; young man comes to two women; they have toothy wombs; he first inserts flint, breaking their teeth, then copulates; returns home]: 73; montagnier [one of the giant's daughters has teeth in her vagina; young man puts in a stone lamp, her teeth break, a young man kills her; a giant kills him; another daughter of a giant is a man, revives a young man; a crow says that the giant's heart is in his thumb; a young man hits her finger with an arrow; the giant's daughter is happy]: Desbarats 1969:42-44.

Plains. Blacklegs [some have claimed to know the story of the toothy womb but cannot tell it]: Wissler, Duvall 1908:16; Crowe [the young man comes to three sisters; they give him the clitoris to eat; he throws it to their dogs (bear and cougar), eats his food; the youngest goes to bed with him; he inserts a stone, stick, tendon into her vagina, breaking her vaginal teeth; copulates; her brothers (one of them has cedar grows forehead) throw lightning at him and his sisters; he kills them with cold]: Lowie 1918:167-168; mandan [see motif K50; man brings the Big Man the head of his enemy; he gives him a bone an arrow straightener, two wooden tools for grinding poles, a piece of vine; tells you not to respond to the flirtations of the first three women on the way (White-tailed Deer, Black-tailed Deer, Moose), go with fourth (Bisonikha); the person first inserts the four objects received into the vagina; after they are chewed, he copulates with a woman]: Bowers 1950:293; teton (oglala) [young man kills an owl; his older brother's wife asks for it to be given to her; he doesn't; she scratches her face and hips with a sharp stone, accuses the young man of attempted rape; his older brother tells his friends to leave the youngest on the island; the youngest eats berries, three tubers give him food for many days; he catches and paints the opossum, asks for help; the opossum hides in the lake; the Horned Serpent appears from the waters; transports him ashore; asks say if a cloud appears; the young man does not speak, jumps ashore, the Thunder kills the Snake; on the way home, the young man sees a bison skull, mice in it, they sing that their grandfather is dead; the young man kills them; comes to an old woman, who calls him a son; at night he sees an old woman rubbing her leg with paint, her leg gets longer; he killed an old woman with a crane's beak (always with him); burned it with his house; another woman a hole in the top of her head, she pulls her brains out, mixes it into food; the gopher helped gnaw a hole in the pot; the old woman fell asleep, the young man threw a hot stone into her hole in her head, burned it along with the house; The next old woman has two daughters, their vaginal teeth are gnashing; the young man kills both by inserting a crane's beak into their vaginas; since then, women are not dangerous; the young man sees animals chasing him, pretending to be an old man the old stalker did not recognize him; the young man comes to his sister, her husband beats her, the young man kills him; he comes to his father, who dies of joy; the rest of the people are eaten by birds and animals]: Wissler 1907, No. 7:196 -199; iowa [see J12 motif; Wagre Cagre (White Feather, Eagle) marries four sisters; the youngest warns that the eldest kills her husbands; VG puts a wooden penis in her vagina; her teeth broken, she dies; since then, women have no teeth in their bosom]: Skinner 1925, No. 7:458-461; ot (or ponca) [the old woman has two daughters, men who come to them die; the old woman invites Coyote to lie down between her daughters; the youngest says that she is a prisoner, that her teeth have also been inserted into her vagina; the eldest Coyote inserts a stick, then an arrow, pierces her heart; the old woman is killed with a knife; the youngest is knocked out by her vaginal teeth, clitoris remains, copulates with it]: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:283-285; arpaho [all beautiful husbands die; the latter knocks out vaginal teeth with a stone whetstone; since then, women's genitals no teeth]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 111:260; Pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 6 (skidi) [a girl in a beaver's underground dwelling has a toothy womb; a poor young man penetrates her with the help of helper spirits; breaks teeth with a stone in her bosom; she dies, so sex is safe now]: 30-35; Marriott, Rachlin 1975 [The Moon and the Evening Star are women, the Sun and the Morning Star are men; God puts in the bosom The Evening Star has two rattlesnake teeth; the Sun brings the Morning Star a knife and a hammer (in the form of a ball) of obsidian; he knocks out vaginal teeth with a hammer, picks out their roots with a knife, copulates; The Evening Star gives birth to a girl, the Moon from the Sun gives birth to a boy; they are lowered to the ground, people come from them]: 16-19; wichita [a young man kills deer; an old Spider devours them half-baked; gives him a wife two daughters; they have teeth in their womb; he does not sleep, the old woman cannot kill him; the young man breaks his vaginal teeth with a long stone; the older sister dies, he runs away from the youngest]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 19:141-145.

Southeast USA. Natchez [a woman sits in addition on a basket, corn falls out of her ass; her son spies, refuses to eat it; she tells him to shoot jays, chikadi and parrots, revives them, adorns his hat, shoulders and belt with them; gives a flute, birds sing to its sounds; tells him not to go to bed with women with a toothy vagina; burn it with the house; the young man burns his mother, leaves, agrees to the persuasion of the fourth woman he met; but his penis was like stone, his teeth were broken; the rabbit leads him to swim, steals his clothes; he smears himself with persimmons; only the old woman agrees to take the dirty; he fills a whole boat with fish; the Rabbit claims the same, but his wife finds only a few fish that have surfaced; catches many deer; when the Rabbit sends his wife for deer, there is only one with his eyes already pecked out; birds do not sing on Rabbit's clothes; the young man asks the old woman to part her hair, cuts with an ax, creating two young wives; the Rabbit only kills his wife; people first accuse the young man, but then the Rabbit; they command bring a rattlesnake; The rabbit lies that people are arguing about whether the snake is long; she agrees to measure herself, replies that her life is in the middle of her head; the rabbit hits this place, bring a snake; people say that the snake must have been alive; they tell the water to lead in a straight line; the water chases the Rabbit, he winds, leaves the water to flow winding; says that fields are better on the bank of the winding river]: Swanton 1929, No. 8:230- 234; koasati [a man takes a little boy to his village; he grows up, hunts, chases turkeys, sees his village; a man smears him with the blood of a dead animal, tells him to have were menstruating, like women (the episode is incomprehensible and has no consequences); adorns his hat and clothes with birds and rattlesnakes; tells him to kill birds at the request of women he meets, but not pick up the arrow fired; they ask to pick it up, he does not listen; the fourth breaks his vaginal teeth, throwing a stone into the vagina; the Rabbit offers to dive for turtles, takes away the young man's clothes; he smears himself persimmons; marries an old woman's daughter; diving, puts fish to sleep; shooting, immediately kills deer; Rabbit's only gudgeon pops up; after killing a deer, he hangs pieces of meat on the trees; the young man hits wife parting with a club, gets two wives; Rabbit kills his wife; he is chased by dogs, he hides in a hollow, people leave the Blue Crane to guard; Rabbit beats him, runs away]: Swanton 1929, No. 15 : 178-181.

California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. F1 [a woman kills men with her bosom; the hero puts hollow sticks on her penis; a woman bites through nine out of ten sticks overnight; the hero runs away; she comes to her mother wants to stop being dangerous; she is placed above the hearth, put hot stones in her vagina; she explodes; obsidian tips fly across the ground (the origin of obsidian)]: 278-281; Sapir 1928, No. 7 [the woman has knives in her womb, she kills men during copulation; the Coyote put a stick on his penis, inserted a new one five times because the old ones were chewed; the woman is happy, but when he inserted the tenth stick, she died; Coyote said sex will now be safe]: 258; oriental pomo [The hawk is not loyal to the Partridge Wife, she decides to leave him; weaves a basket with patterns symbolizing the water world; children with she sends her food to the cave; she sits in a basket herself, swims on the lake; seeing the patterns, water creatures do not touch her; she goes ashore, the flying monster Gilak takes her away; his sister is a ritual drum, her teeth are in her vagina, with which she devours women brought by her brother and thrown into the hole in the roof, spits out bones; in the passage leading to the house from the side, there are two bears and two rattlesnakes; guards also Gadfly; one day he fell asleep, G. pulled out one eye for him as punishment; brother G. forgot to set a trap at the entrance, G. tore off one leg; hawk's wife G. did not throw his sister to eat, but spent him in door for himself; Hawk flew to G.'s house, killed two bears and two snakes, but was trapped, broke his spine, G.'s marriage threw it into sister G.'s vagina, who ate it; Hawk's grandfather asked two brothers- Flint and two Bluebirds brothers go with him; collected Hawk's bones in a bag, blinded bears and snakes with smoke, trapped a stone; Coyote and his four companions and two Brothers-G. began to play guessing (dice); G. shot Flint, the arrow bounced; Bluebird shot G.'s second toe, killed him; then they killed Brother G., fed them a toothy vagina; began to dance on drum, smashing it; Coyote revived Hawk; they wanted to burn down the house, but Bumble-Fly asked to leave it to him; everyone comes back, but people smell dead, Hawk decides to leave, his brother with him; Coyote goes to the fork, and then Hawk's trail goes one path, his brother's trail takes another; the Coyote throws up his stick, it falls, divides him into two Coyotes; they follow two paths (text breaks off)]: Angulo, Freeland 1928:244-249; Maidu [Pitmilussi, the eldest of the two brothers, saw Thunder's daughter; fired an arrow, she fell in front of the girl; she picked her up, put her in the basket; who doesn't will be able to take her arrow out of my basket, will die; P. managed to pull the arrow; Thunder's daughter continues to go east; thickets of prickly rose hips forward; the girl has passed, the path closed behind her; P. put flint, told him to cut the path; then rattlesnakes; P. walked, wearing red-hot stone moccasins; wished night to come sooner; the girl stopped for the night; she called the storm, the fire went out, she climbed into the hollow of the tree, covering the hole with an ice basket; his younger brother came to P. and wanted to get to the girl, but P. went; cut off her vaginal teeth, which were like rattleships snakes, flint; in the morning the girl already has a child; crossed a river with slippery ice and a wide river; P. crossed the ice in his stone moccasins; when he began to cross the wide one, the water was already up to his nose; he stuck a feather in his hair, the river became shallow; then the Valley of Old Age - you will grow old before you cross; P. began to grow old and weaken, but stuck a feather in his hair again, became younger, passed the valley; in front of him Thunder's steam room, made of ice; the girl came in through a hole in the roof, P. in her moccasins behind her; the thunder gave poisonous food, she did no harm to P.; the thunder ordered firewood; there was a resinous log, next to the bones of those who could not chop off a piece; P. threw the log on the ground, it broke; the thunder ordered to get fish if it had suede ear pendants, but not touch it if it was made of beads; the fish had suede pendants, P. harpooned her, she begins to pull him into the water; oysters helped push her ashore; Thunder tells her to hunt deer, but towards him, the grizzly bear is chasing him; P.'s spirit has created an ice tree with a slippery with a barrel; it leaned to pick up P., but the grizzly cannot climb; a grizzly can only be killed in the left hind leg; it is under the body of a lying bear; P. tells the gophers to blow up the ground so that the leg can be seen; kills the grizzly with the last arrow; P. returned to his wife; if he hadn't defeated Thunder, he would still kill people]: Dixon 1902, No. 6:67-71.

The Big Pool. Except Utah: all people are children of Coyote and his wife, who had teeth in her vagina; when his wife gives birth, Coyote goes to the river to get water and stays for a long time; during this time, people from different tribes manage to separate ; he finds a few members of the ego group. Northern Payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 2 [over the mountain in the Coyote and Wolf stone house; a woman invited Coyote to copulate but ran to her house on the island; Coyote put his penis where she urinated; made a dry passage in the waters of the lake; in the house the girl's mother, she has a toothy bosom; on the walls there are quivers of those who have bitten off their penis; in the evening, the daughter brought swans from the hunt; the old woman closed the door so that the Coyote would not leave only a hole in the roof in the finger; the old woman fell asleep, the Coyote put his finger in her daughter's vagina, she bit him; the Coyote got out through the hole in the roof, brought a penis-sized stone, put his teeth in the girl's vagina fell out, he took them out with a stick; the same with an old woman; had sex with a girl; went hunting with her, killed swans, and the girl could no longer hunt (she used to bite off swans' necks with her vagina); old woman she placed a water vessel between the heads of her daughter and the Coyote; it had children in it; told Coyote and his wife to go home, not to open the vessel on the way; Coyote opened, most of the children ran away, there was some paviozo left (= Coyote's wife created trout for her children in the lake, took it as needed; when she went to buy firewood, Coyote dug the edge of the lake, the water and the fish flowed out - let people fish in the rivers! The woman came back, cried, died; if it were not for the Coyote, she would have created lakes like this everywhere], 3a [Coyote put the top on the river; a woman appeared, the Coyote could not catch up with her, she sat down to urinate; The next day, the Coyote dressed beautifully, came to the lake, the woman's house on the island; the Coyote threw a stone - there was a dry road in the water; the girl's mother was in the house; the daughter brought ducks from the hunt, began to eat their vagina, crunching her bones; when they lay down, the girl's vulva almost bit off Coyote's penis; the mother closed the exit from the house; the Coyote got out the chimney, brought a stone penis, broke off the girl's vaginal teeth, took them out with willow with a stick; got together with the girl; in the morning she told him to go hunting, because she could no longer kill ducks with a vulva; Coyote and his wife went to his house, his wife carried the vessel, Coyote opened it along the way, from there people jumped out; there was another girl in the other house; the fish told Coyote to lie down when she went out to urinate, he inserted his penis into her, she gave birth, the baby was playing in the water, drowned; everyone was in mourning, but the baby ran to Coyote's house alive, the basket was full of pignon nuts; Coyote ate]: 209-212, 216-217; Steward 1936, No. 4 (Owens Valley) [woman lives with her mother; killed all men by biting off their penises; stayed Coyote; he brings ducks he kills to women; they grind bones with their vaginas; Coyote extracts vaginal teeth], 5 [as in (4); inserts a stick, pulls it out with their dug teeth]: 365-368; mono (Owens Valley) [Coyote tries to catch up with a woman; creates slippery ice in front of her, thickets of prickly holly; but she overcomes them; a rock, she climbs her, he sees teeth in her vulva from below; creates lake; she agrees to carry it on her back, he tries to copulate, she throws it into the water, he turns into an insect, swims out; brings dead ducks to the house where she lives with her mother; both they crumble duck bones with vaginal teeth; bitten penises hang on ropes; he inserts a stick, pulls it out along with his teeth that pierced it; the same with his mother-in-law; Coyote took his wife home, on the way she gave birth many children; these are human ancestors]: Curtis 1976:128-129; Western shoshones [Coyote breaks vaginal teeth by inserting a stone]: Steward 1943 [breaks teeth by inserting a rock or vertebrae in a mountain sheep; girl (two sisters) and her mother]: 261-268; Smith 1993:90, 150-151, and 156 [two sisters with mother; chewing ducks with vaginas]; northern shoshones [two options; (b) - short version (a); when Coyote covers with a blanket, a girl comes to dance on his feet; he chases her to the seashore, she carries it on her back to her house on the island, he tries to copulate, she leaves him; he comes to her and her mothers; sees them chewing ducks and eggs with their vaginas; quivers of dead men hang on the walls; Coyote's excrement advises him to replace his penis with his horn scraper; teeth break against a scraper, Coyote copulates with both women; they send him for water, give birth to many children; they wash them, the Coyote only washed the shoshones; if everyone, all people were shoshones]: Lowie 1909b, No. 1:236-239; goshiute : Smith 1993:11-14 [see M60b motif; a girl comes to marry the Wolf (The Wolf created the earth); the Coyote replies that he does not know anyone by that name, but his older brother called him Wolf; the girl brings the imaginary Wolf into his house; does not let him go to the spring, because the real Wolf will not want to drink; the Coyote drinks greedily; the wife tells me not to throw away duck bones; puts them under herself, eats them with her vulva; this girl is a Goose, flew to the island, told her mother that she brought a Coyote, not the Wolf; her mother also gnaws on her vulva; Coyote puts the cervical vertebrae of a mountain sheep into his wife's vagina, her teeth have fallen out, the wife is pregnant; mother-in-law asks and with her (same, mother-in-law is happy, also pregnant); both are pregnant in the morning, not in the evening; mother-in-law puts in the basket all babies born by both women in a year, gives Coyote, tells her not to open it on the way; the basket getting heavier, the Coyote opens, the basket turns into a rock with a spring, the children run away; the Coyote gives names to the tribes], 41-42 [the old woman sent her daughter to the Wolf; the Coyote replied that the Wolf lives in that house, himself He made his way there unnoticed; on the way she wants to have sex, the girl refuses; brings Coyote to the island, he does not know how to get back; the wife answers the mother that the Coyote will also do; the mother throws ash on the water , creating a sushi jumper; Coyote breaks both women's vaginal teeth by sticking a mountain ram bone into the vagina; both pregnant; mother-in-law gives Coyote a basket, sounds inside, tells them not to open it on the way; Coyote discovered, beautiful people ran away, left second-rate - gosiyute]; chemeuevi [Coyote sees a seductive louse woman, follows her, swims across the sea, she dives to drown him, he gets to the island where her mother lives by himself; during copulation, his penis is damaged (which is why Chemewevi has short penises), but he breaks her vaginal teeth (no details); her mother gives him a basket take it to Brother Wolf, tells him not to open it on the way; the Coyote swims across the sea in the form of a water meter, then becomes himself, hears sounds from the basket, discovers people of different tribes that have arisen from nits, run away; cripples and excrement remain; The wolf makes them chemeuevi; wants people to be born from a hole on the back of a woman's wrist to be adults right away; Coyote wants conception and the birth happened as it is now]: Laird 1976:149-152; Southern Payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 2 (Shivwitz) [Coyote brings mountain sheep meat to a woman and her two daughters; they chew it with their own vaginas; because there are bones left in the meat, teeth break; Coyote marries girls], 1 (Moapa) [first, the old woman scattered the earth everywhere like seeds, sent her daughter to find out if the earth is big; daughter said not yet; this happened many times until the daughter announced that the land was large enough; the daughter found and brought the only man; his mother-in-law told him to insert a deer vertebra into his wife's vagina; he broke his vaginal teeth, he could have copulated since then; the wife gave birth to children in a bag, his mother-in-law told him to go with him, not to untie him on the road; the man opened, the tribes separated, only a little drinking was left at the bottom]: 103, 157-158; Sapir 1930, No. 4 (kaibab) [a woman in the West sends her daughter to find a fiancé; she finds only Coyote, her mother tells him to be brought in; in their house he hears them chewing on the deer he has killed; he put the cervical vertebrae of a mountain sheep into the girl's vulva, his teeth broke off against the bone; his mother-in-law gives Coyote a bag, tells him to return to his country, not to untie it on the way; Coyote untied it, went to relieve himself; in this time almost everyone ran away from the bag; what was left at the bottom is people (probably local people, kaibab)]: 358-359; southern Utah: Givón 2013, No. 3 [the old woman tells her daughter to look for a man; she I came back, searching everything: there is only Coyote; old woman: go call; Coyote (extremely rude expression): if you let me get along with you; old woman's daughter: go make a hut, then you can; she put him to sleep and wrote at him; when Coyote woke up, found her, but she told me to build a hut again and stay awake this time; but it happened again; now she returned to her mother, Coyote for her; the old woman told him to hunt; he brought deer; after eating meat, the young woman put her bones in her vagina and began to gnaw; realizing that she had teeth there, Coyote brought a big-horned ram, and when the woman began to gnaw (neck bone), all her teeth broke and fell out; at night, Coyote met her and said that vaginas should have no teeth; after that, the old woman told him to return to his country, gave him a bag and told her not to untie him on the way; he untied, from bag people jumped out and ran away; the few left at the bottom are Utah]: 17-25; Lowie 1924, No. 5 [two snake daughters kill men; The bat makes a leather penis instead of a bitten one; kills both girls; sex has been safe ever since]: 10.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [one of the episodes of killing monsters by the eldest of the twins; a beautiful woman with teeth in her bosom kills men; Big Brother prepares four sticks to fit the size of the penis; woman snacks three sticks one after another; dies trying to eat a fourth; Big Brother says there will be no more women like this]: O'Bryan 1956:96-97; hicarilla [woman with a toothy vagina kills men; Naiyenesgani inserts sticks instead of her penis, she gnaws them, then loses her teeth, N. copulates with her]: Goddard 1911, No. 8:202-203; Western Apaches (San Carlos) [like hicarilla; woman breaks her teeth against bison skin penises filled with stones, sand, resin, wax]: Goddard 1918:7-19 [Black Tornado rubbed his chest, rolled a lump out of skin scales, made it into earth, placed them on 4 supports; made coyotes and birds, destroyed by a flood; a woman (in hicarilla she is Earth) became pregnant by the Sun, gave birth to a girl; she became pregnant with water, gave birth to a boy; he has membranes on fingers, no hair, no ears, etc.; the grandmother does not want to say where his father is; the Spider showed how to get to the Sun (through his web); the Sun's wife is trying to hide it in vain; the Sun lets you smoke a pipe, tries to burn, his son is unharmed, the Sun has recognized him; the Sun's relatives give his son a completely human appearance, placing him in a hot steam room; the Sun brought obsidian clothes with him, the grandmother made bow and arrow; he consistently asks her about dangerous creatures; 1) sitting by the cliff pushes passers-by down; the young man first sent her fox to that, then killed with a club; 2) killed the killer with his gaze; 3) the grandmother tells not to cut the deer under the tree, the grandson cuts; the girl sitting on the tree calls him husband; she has a toothy womb; he runs, throws a scar, mountains grow (the same as hicarilla); the grandmother hides him in a hole by the hearth; the girl finds him; he says he is only ready to sleep with her in the house on a bed; while she is running after a tree, he makes penises out of white stone, sand, tar, wax; knocked out her teeth with a stone, in the morning she cries; 4) kill a horned beast; gopher dug a hole under the lying beast, raised the hair where the heart, the young man pierced the monster with an obsidian point; 5) hung a bag of blood and manure on himself, gave the bird carry himself away; thrown on a rock, the bird saw splashes, thought that the young man was dead; he threw away three chicks, asked the fourth how the parents would arrive; they arrived in the rain; he killed everyone, left their parents and chicks in different parts of the world; the raven gave him his clothes, he went down, returned to his grandmother], 32-33 [Naiyenezgani sees a woman in the tree; she catches up with him, makes a hut, tells him to become her husband; in the vagina her teeth; N. takes four sticks, smears resin, covers sand, successively inserts them instead of a penis; the woman chewed three, the fourth not completely; N. removed the remnants of her teeth with a stone and a knife from obsidian, then inserted his penis; then a woman turns four pubic hairs into bears, lets them on N.]; chiricahua [Coyote meets a woman with teeth in her vagina in the forest; inserts first a stick, then a stone; from that time on, men and women have copulated]: Opler 1942, No. 55:70; Hopi: Malotki 1997, No. 2 [a group of hunters enters the cave; Lomatamvunti (Woman with Toothy Lon) closes their way out; they throw rabbits into her vulva, she immediately devours them; people run past her, but one is captured and eaten; Pyokangwhoya and his younger brother Palyongavhoya they live with their grandmother; they wrap stones in rabbit skins, come to a cave, throw rabbits into a woman's vagina, she breaks her teeth, bites her own finger; they kill her with arrows]: 14-33; Malotki, Gary 2001, No. 1 [hunters go missing one by one; they are seduced by women with teeth in their vaginas; The spider gives the boy a wooden penis; he breaks their genital teeth first to the girl who brought him, then the rest; these are the girls Jimsonweed (Datura L., dope) and Four O'Clock (Mirabilis L., night blossom); after that, he really copulates with the one who brought him; Spider warns that he they will be asked to identify the girl who brought him; if he guesses right, he can take her home; he guesses correctly; the Spider teaches you to snatch the dope and nightblossom that grow around the kiva, chew and spit out the potion inside the kiva; those inside turn into stone; the young man brings his wife home, gives Spider two dead rabbits], 13 [So'yoko eats people; grabs, ties hands, leads an ugly man on a rope a boy from the Snake family; he asks for permission to leave out of need; the Old Spider hides him in a hole, ties a rope to a pile of crap, tells the crap to answer for the boy, takes him away; asks the Rattlesnake help the "nephew"; he poison the boy's arrows, the boy kills S.; S.'s wife finds her husband's corpse, chases the boy; he hides in the Kachin's hut, cultivating the field, then in Gopher's mouth; he replies to the cannibal that his cheek is swollen; The goat tells the boy who comes running to sit in plain sight in the middle of his kiva; makes an infusion of sour sumac leaves, moistens his tight cock with it; when the cannibal climbs In the kivu, the Goat copulates with her, the sour juice dissolves her vaginal teeth; the copulation lasts so long that the cannibal dies; the goat rattles in a rattle, and goats and lambs appear from the womb of the deceased, The goat gives them to the boy so that he has a herd when he marries; the boy dedicates political fingers (pahos) to his saviors]: 1-7, 124-135; Stephens 1929, No. 13 [girls Datura meteloides ( drug) have teeth in the vulva; one of them bites off the vulva penis and eats it; lizard people extract vaginal teeth by inserting artificial penises moistened with caustic herbal juice]: 28-3; zunyi [ people live in Itiwana; Cloud Swallower (hereinafter referred to as Cloud Absorber, software), like an elk, swallowed all the clouds in the east, drought came; the Ahaiyute twins lived with their grandmother on Corn Mountain; she does not tell they go east, they go; the gopher leads them down his hole, dug it under the PO, under his heart, chewed the wool in this place, he woke up, the gopher said he needed wool for the nest; the brothers shot through the heart from a bow; the PO began to dig the ground with its horn but fell dead before catching up with his brothers; she threw his heart into the sky, it became a morning star; his liver became an evening star; his lungs, Seven Stars (Ursa Major); guts - the Milky Way; returned to their grandmother; she does not tell them to go south, where the owls are; they went; owls sit without blinking, at the corner an owl boy and an owl girl; younger A. threw salt into the hearth, it scattered, hit owls in the eye; A. told Owls to become owls, kill not people, but rabbits; grandmother: on SW in Noponikwi, an old giant Hakisuto with a horn on his forehead, don't go there; A. go; H. pushes passers-by with his foot off a cliff , and his daughters at the foot devour them; H. pretends to have a cramp, tries to push A. three times, they bounce back; for the fourth time, younger A. throws off H. himself; his daughters ate him; when they see him horn, realized that it was their father; A. they were killed; grandmother: in the north, a woman and her granddaughter are killing people; there are two sisters; at night the youngest lay down with the eldest A., and the eldest with the youngest, with red bandages over her head ; younger A. changed their bandages to his white ones; their father came in and stabbed not A., but daughters; A. returned home; grandmother: in the west, 8 girls with their mother (hereinafter: with their grandmother), they have teeth in their vaginas; A. took from Six more young men and their grandfather; told them to make wooden penises - one from oak, the other from hickory; lay down with 8 girls, their grandfather and their grandmother, broke all their vaginal teeth with wooden penises at night; when the brothers left, the Coyote came, met with everyone who slept, each put her hair out of his mustache, blew there; therefore, the women's pubic hair and their genitals smell like a coyote; grandmother: a dangerous girl lives in the Snake's Place; A. met her and killed her; the same with the girl in Badger Place; the Place Where Hopi is; where Navajo is; when A. went back, these girls chase them, A. the heads of the dead roll; A. hid among the dancers in Kive hopi dressed as hopi; same with Navajo; dead woman following all the time; A. asked sunflowers to cover them; under the wings of bluebirds, the stalker finds; in the Knife Society house; Polar Bear gives a knife to scalp her; A. come out of the kiva, kill the pursuer with a club and arrow, scalp her, tell her to count the stars to the last; then the story of how the scalp dance appeared]: Benedict 1935:51-56; havasupai [people come to the Sun to play; he gives guests corn porridge from the eye fluid of killed people, beans from the kidneys, pumpkin from the intestines, and human instead of venison tears instead of drinking water; after tasting this, people lose, the Sun kills them; the cougar tells Coyote to collect flint arrows and fragments in a bag, throw them towards the sun; he does not take the fragments, so Only old people, not children, have revived in the village; two Squirrel Brothers ask Badger to dig an underground passage to the Sun; he digs badly, crooked; the same prairie dog, ground squirrel; Pocket Gopher digs; Squirrel brothers, Puma, Coyote get through the passage to the house of the Sun; he tells 1) to split the moose horn (The squirrel splits); 2) tells the daughters to supply water, porridge, meat; only the Coyote drinks and eats it (others understand that all this is from the bodies of the dead); The sun tells daughters to sharpen their vaginal teeth; The squirrel inserts the horn of a mountain sheep, breaking their teeth, then the Coyote and others copulate; 3) the Sun's antelope loses in the elder Squirrel runs; the Coyote cuts the Sun, but does not tear out the heart, but only cuts off his hand; fire haunts everyone; stones, water cannot hide animal people from the heat; ants hide underground; back The rabbit is burnt (the origin of dark spots on its skin); a fly, then a bee, reports that the ground has cooled down; those who hide come out and turn into animals]: Smithson, Euler 1994:62-69; valapai [y Sun wife and two daughters; they kill suitors with their vaginal teeth, their father eats their bodies; Coyote told two brothers, Makwitia (elder) and Kah a waga; so that the Sun does not have it noticed that M. asked the Coyote to dig an underground passage; he did not dig it, the other digging animals continued, the gopher finished; the Sun offers dried meat to those who came; M.: this is the man who eats will be defeated; The sun offers a competition in running, the loser will be cut off his genitals; the daughters of the Sun undressed and put themselves on display; Coyote is ready to rush to them; M. stopped him, began to copulate himself, wearing the penis is the horn of a mountain ram, broke off their teeth, although the girls bit with all their might; since then, the head of the penis is red; after that, the others got together with the girls; M.'s people brought the ball first; Coyote cut off the Sun testicles; he jumped in pain, the ground caught fire, all animals and plants died; the Rabbit asked the sedge if it would burn at all; no, it would only burn from above; the Rabbit hid under her burrows, Only the back of the head is burned, since then there has been dark hair]: Kroeber 1935:272-275; Western yawapai [people live underground; younger brother invites the elder to illuminate the world; he makes a disc, smears ocher, hangs, but the light is twilight; the younger brother makes a disc of white lime, smears ocher; it gets light but too hot; the younger brother asks the older brother to raise the sky with a reed pole, he did it; at night the older brother touches the genitals of his two daughters; they hide on the shore under the willow, where he relieves himself, and swallow his bowel movements; he begins to lose strength, tells him to cremate after death; people They sent the Coyote to get the fire, at which time they lit a fire while standing around; the Badger was lower than the others, the Coyote jumped over him, took his heart and ate it; they had to put earth on the burnt heart, they would have grown up cultivated plants; and this is how only one corn stalk grew; the best cobs went to Hopi and Navajo, and the worst yavapai; people decided to escape to the upper world; the hummingbird found a hole in the sky; under the guidance their younger brother, they planted a pine tree and a vine that wrapped around it; they climbed up, but the old man and his two granddaughters stayed; when they got to the ground, water poured out of the hole; the flood was caused by those two daughters older brother, who turned into frogs; people hollowed out a pine tree, put the girl inside and food supplies, sealed it; only the girl escaped, the rest drowned; she lay down with her vagina under the rays sun and water drops, conceived, gave birth to a daughter; she grew up, tried to repeat everything, but the Sun and Water recognized their daughter, conception did not occur; then the mother covered her daughter's body with her body, the Sun and Water did not noticed substitutions; the daughter gave birth to a son Matinyaupakaamcha; the eagle took her to its nest and ate it, M. stayed with her grandmother; interrupted the bird's leg with a stone; she: if you cure it, I'll say something; when I find out that the old woman did not mother, and grandmother, killed an eagle, on the advice of the grandmother, by heating the tip of the spear; the grandmother sends to kill the bison (ox); the badger and the gopher dug an underground passage under the lying bison; the mouse plucked the hair from the place where heart, explaining that her children were cold; M. pierced the bison from below; he plunged his horn into the underground passage, but M. dodged; made a cape out of his skin, and under it was bison blood; let the eagle grab himself; gushed blood, the bison decided that M. was killed; the chicks see that the prey is alive, but the eagle does not believe; when she flew away, M. found out where the eagle would fly; becoming a lizard, smeared the places where the male and female sit with resin; killed the eagle; told the chicks to remain silent, otherwise he would kill; The Bat lowered M. in the basket, telling them to close his eyes; he opened it, they fell, M. broke the Bat's bones, but cured it; M. looked into the grandmother's house through the hole in roof; called her; grandmother: the wind was whistling; when she saw her grandson, she began to dance with joy; the bald eagle took M. to an island on the lake; there were already many prisoners there; M. ordered the prisoners to eat crushed eagles flint and hide by digging an underground passage; eagles are dead; the crane stretches its leg across the lake; people cross it like a bridge; children fall into the water, turn into ducks; M. decides to make a bow; grandmother every time warns of dangers where to look for bow materials; onion wood where the canyon walls converge and diverge; M. put a deer horn between them, took out material; reeds for arrows owned by Owl; M.: I propose marriage to my grandmother; Owl is happy, he gave reeds himself; when Owl came, M. told his grandmother to find out where his heart was; in the sole of his foot; M. shot there, killed Owl; grandmother straightened her vulva with an arrow; when M. looked, the arrow broke; where the flint for the tips, sparks fly out of there; M. covered himself with a turtle shell, took out flint; wood for the front of the arrows owned by the Bear; M. called him to marry his grandmother; said he was making tips out of coal; the bear believed, shot M. with a charcoal arrow, and M. at him with a flintlock arrow with a tip, killed; grandmother: cut a deer in a clearing, not under a tree; M. began to carve under a tree; a naked woman came down from the tree, chased M. to meet him; the grandmother hid it under hearth; but the woman began to write there, M. got out; M. made penises out of blue stone, quartz, lava and clay, used every single night, breaking off the woman's vaginal teeth; she became his wife; in fact, she bear; offered to drive game at him; he hung his clothes on a pole; three or four bears rushed at her, M. killed them, pulled out their fangs and claws; Spider told M. that the Wind took his wife away; let M. competes with him outside, not in his cave; who will drive the ball faster; M. won all the captives and the life of the Wind; who has longer hair, M. won again, killed the Wind with a club; they spent the night in the Wind Cave; wife became snakes in front of the entrance, M. jumped over them; M. went to look for his father Sun; on the way he spent the night with people who wanted to kill him; at night he closed his eyes with pebbles ("glass eyes"), the owners think that he is awake; the wife of the Sun to her husband: your son has come; he wants to test the one who has come, invites him to the steam room; M. still gives a couple and says that it is cold, the Sun believes that he is his son; M. tamed the horse, went home; the Sun and the Cloud began to argue over him; each painted one half of his body; M. returned east to the Sun, and Grandma went west into the ocean]: Gifford 1933a: 402-412.

NW Mexico. Huichol: Neurath 2004 [At the beginning of the rainy season during the summer solstice, a snake from the lower world appears to the Sun in the form of a siren with a snake's tail; the Sun copulates with it, swallows it toothy womb, changes its shape to become the night sun]: 98; Zingg 1938, No. 2a [people are multiplying too fast; the Sun tells Kauymáli to put their teeth in their vaginas to destroy them women; all men, except one boy, lost their penises; the Sun hid the boy in a cave; K. himself also lost his penis, but the penis grew, became 100 m long, crawled to sleeping women himself; K. wraps around her waist, wears it in a basket, sends her penis to sleeping women; to punish K., Luna (Nakawé) turns rocks into people, one rock woman offers herself to K., who introduces his long penis, it turns into a rock again, it hangs behind the penis high above the ground, hangs for 5 days; then the great sea goddesses decided that K. was punished enough, sent the vulture to snack on his penis; K. fell into Nakawé's magic vessel, his penis has healed; N. is no longer angry, for with the help of K. she triumphed over the Sun (=1982:223-225)], 4a [Nakawé asked a virgin boy to catch beautiful fish to smear their initiatory vessels with blood; he became a duck, caught five fish; the fish thrown into the water turned into a cornfield at the bottom; the young man met a man and a woman; they grabbed him, fed him his food, he met a woman, became a deer like them; he returned to his mother four times in this form, who called his son to kill the deer; the fifth time he returned as a man; Tateralí turned he became a Tumusaúwi deer; his large antlers were turned into other deer; in human form, the young man (now a shaman) wanted his children to become Huichol by removing his teeth from his genitals women; N. told Kauymáli to do this; he put a deer horn on his penis, broke his vaginal teeth; after that, the women gave birth to Tumusaúwi five sons (=1982:233)]: 538, 641-544.

Mesoamerica Otomi [women have a toothy womb (no details)]: Galinier 1984:44-45; masahua [there is a motive for removing vaginal teeth with a tool {obviously stone}]: Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a: 130; Aztecs: Barthel 1966 [According to the Magliabecchiano Code (f.61r), Quetzalcoatl masturbated, was the bat born from his splashed nanztec? omi fluoride dvida is also not visible, they are always at home; the Milky Way - roads attack him, the Month becomes a small seed stone; she became the messenger of the gods and the master of the lower world; was sent remove from goddess Xochiquetzal what she had in her vagina (probably vaginal teeth)]: 107 in Wilbert 1974b:56-57; Boone 1999, fig. 18 [Codex Magliabechiano 76r: an image of tsitsimitl with clawed legs, vagina snake, skeleton skull and neck, mouths and eyes on elbows and knees]; Chinchilla Mazariegos 2011 [Pat Carr y Willard Gingerich find allusions to the toothy womb in songs, myths and rituals associated with Teteo Innan, Cihuacóatl Quilaztli, Itzpapálotl, and other female characters related to land, moon, sexuality, procreation and weaving; Matos Moctezuma found the same allusions to the female chthonic monster Tlaltecuhtli]: 90; wawe: Rita 1979:266 in Baez-Jorge 1979 [there is a dangerous vagina motive]: 408; Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a [there is a motive for removing an instrument {obviously with stone} vaginal teeth]: 130; juice [a woman living in Chichonal volcano has a snake's mouth in the vagina; a woman is young in the morning, an ugly old woman at night]: Baez-Jorge 1983:393; Mishteks [brothers, who will then become the sun and month, kill the seven-headed serpent, take its eyes; then the snake's mistress, who has teeth in her vagina, is given chirimoya fruits to eat, which causes she falls asleep; her younger brother (next Month) knocked out her teeth with ticks (con una tenaza) or a grain grater chimes, copulated with her; when she woke up, she threw a boot (zapato) at her younger brother, which went to heaven and became a Pleiades; a woman lost a lot of blood and since then women have been menstruating because the month is visiting them]: Valentina Glockner Fagetti in Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a: 130; 2011:94 {miscellaneous details in 2010a and 2011}; mixties: Monaghan 1995 [a man falls in love with a beautiful woman; after having sex with her, he discovers that her vagina is a snake's mouth; dies shortly thereafter] : 145; Micah [personal report Valentina Glockner Fagetti; after killing the seven-headed snake and taking his eyes, the twins sedated his mistress, who had teeth in her vagina; the youngest (next Month) knocked out her teeth with ticks or pestles and got along with her]: Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a: 130; Isapa, stele 25 [teeth are depicted in the belly of a parrot (guacamayo) sitting on a tree]: Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a, fig. 2 - 4; Copan (relief from painted thing) [the mouth of a feathered serpent protrudes from the belly of a parrot (guacamayo), in which a bitten off hand (probably Hunahpu's hand, cf. Popol-Vuh 1959:18-23); except for the main head, there are 4 more parrot heads on each side]: Chinchilla Mazariegos 2010a, fig. 5-6; (cf. tsotsil [fool believes there are teeth in the vagina]: Laughlin 1977, No. 138:56; Laughlin, Karasik 1988:148-149 {the plot may go back to the European tradition; a similar variant among Ecuadorian Creoles (prov. Guayas, Carvalho-Neto 1994:356-360), who certainly have nothing to do with Indian folklore}.

Honduras-Panama. Chiriquí Culture (800-1500 A.D.) [anthropomorphic sculpture of a female character; a face with snake features, two snakes parting from their mouths; in place of the genitals, a guise with a grinned (not but fanged) mouth]: Quintanilla 2007, fig. 24a.

The Northern Andes. Kogi: Chaves 1947, No. 5 [was a Kimaku man; one of the bad fathers placed a naked woman in front of him on the road; K. passed by, the woman after him; K. met Terana's father (Tairona), they changed their clothes; K. remained sitting by the road, and the woman, according to his instructions, followed the imaginary K., i.e. T.; he sat on a stone by the lake, caused fire with his golden rod, all women burned; if K. were tempted, he would lose his penis, because the woman's vagina had teeth]: 476-477; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 10 [Teimú is the mistress of the fish; Andu began fishing with T.; noticed that she was eating vulva fish; climbed one of the four trees that grew there; T. asked the fish where A. was; they were silent, but the catfish looked at the top of the tree; T. called various rodents to cut down the tree; they were not were able to gnaw through the trunk; she gnaws on the trunk with her vagina, gives animals two teeth from her vaginal teeth, since then rodents have two large teeth; the tree fell, A. moved to another, and T. began to eat cockroaches and other insects falling from the tree, thinking it was T.; T. opened her belly, the cockroaches replied that she did not eat A.; so with three trees; A. asks Vulture for help, replies that she did not called him smelly; Vulture puts him on his back, carries him away; tells him not to look down when they dance and play musical instruments in villages; for the third time A. looks, Vulture's wing breaks , they fall; A. repairs the wing by inserting his digger; they fly on]: 53-55; guajiro [the hero removes the first woman's vaginal teeth by firing an arrow or throwing a stone, after which the women were able to give birth]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 25 [the women had teeth in their vagina; Maleiwa called the girls to swim, went out earlier, shot the vagina with metal arrows and a deer antler into the vagina that came out out of the girl's water; knocked out her teeth, blood flowed; since then, women can give birth], 30 [girl bit off penises with her toothy bosom; Maleiwa turned into a boy, whistled, the girl's vagina responded; M. knocked out vaginal teeth with a stone; various birds flew in, painted her feathers with spilled blood], 31 [when the girl was swimming, the boy swam quietly, knocked out her vaginal teeth with a stone], 33 [Walunkawa girl bathes naked; eats everyone who tried to copulate with her, huge teeth in her vulva; The creator pulls out her teeth, our grandmother dies, turns into a rock that looks like a lying woman; they still say there are women who eat their husbands], 34 [women had teeth in their vulvas; to remove the baby, the pregnant woman had to rip her belly open; then her stomach was sutured; Mareiwa throws a stone into the vulva, knocks out their teeth, children can now be born normally; that woman's name was Worunka; this place is now a rock shaped like her vulva; the birds touched this rock and received their red plumage; while they were in the vulvas teeth, men inserted a penis into the navel of women; in Vorunka's time, a woman bought a man, came to have sex with him at his house; Mareiva did the opposite (a man moves into a woman's house and manages there)], 35 [Mareiwa created a woman named Borunka, the mother of all guajiros; gave her a companion, but she could not give birth because of her vaginal teeth; M. removed her, inserted her two additional ribs, taking them out of her husband; every time B. gave birth, M. told the birds to bathe in her blood, so they were colored]: 70, 86-87, 88, 90-91, 91-92, 93-94.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 9 [old woman eats fish with her vagina; son-in-law creates piranhas, they eat it], 10 [Kuwei is trapped by Kwemeini (it's a snake); became a turtle; Kv. carried her, she's all time falls out; told his daughter to bring the loot; Ku. became a young man, then a tick, the daughter hid it in her genitals; when Kv's wife. Tsikiririwa eats with her mouth, food goes down when her vagina goes up; seagulls brought a vessel of fish food, Kv. eats at night; Tsamani people threw what was left into the river, so the fish appeared; Q. and his wife were killed Brother Koo, who came in the form of agouti; a piece of Dali Kv., who made him male and female eagles; began to train; created leaf-cutter ants to lure Kv. out of the cave, the eagles took him to a flat rock to get him No more people]: 60-61, 61-63.

Guiana. Varrau [an old woman calls her genitals crocodile's mouth]: Wilbert 1970, No. 14:59.

Western Amazon. See also F9B, F9F motif. Koreguahe [a man rapes his brother's wife, her toothy womb bites off his penis]: Jimenez 1989, No. 48:106.

NW Amazon. Maku [Idn Kamni makes a woman out of rubber; she bites a stick with her vagina; coati or piranha extracts her vaginal teeth; she comes to the site pregnant, although IR has not yet copulated with her; he watches her, sees her squatting, picking up a leaf, snakes coming out of the hole; IR does not take food from her, calls the snake with the same signal, throws a noose over it, gives ends to two birds; when the wife sits down, the birds tighten the noose, the part of the snake that enters the vagina remains there; IC goes to collect fruits with his wife, drops them from the tree; the fetus falls on her stomach, she gives birth to snakes; IR cuts them off heads that turn into spiders; this is how snakes and spiders appeared]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 5:231-232; yagua [wasp bites Mokaya's knee; two boys are born from a tumor; they are adults, but they are short; they call M. to go down the river with them; before the rain, the brothers make a house out of clay (they are wasp children), and M. is a canopy of leaves; the clay house has melted; M. kills a boa constrictor, goes for its brushwood fry; comes back, and the brothers have already eaten all the meat; M. manages to catch fish with his bare hands, but the fish is inedible; the brothers warn M. not to copulate with a woman; he succeeds in her defloriate and make it safe for others (without details)]: Payne 1992:151-169; Powlison 1972a: 83-84.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [the vagina is called caiman's mouth]: Murphy, Murphy 1974:94.

The Central Andes. Peru's northern mountains [toothed mouth in place of genitals; Chavin images; stone reliefs]: Lyon 1978, fig.1, 2, 9; Wallace 1992:63-64; Peru's south coast, Carua burial ground [ toothed mouth in place of the genitals; chavin images; colored fabrics]: Lyon 1978, fig.4-8; Olsen Bruhns 1994, fig.40.7; Wallace 1992:63-64, fig.5-8 (in Chavin images, probably showing the mouth of a Pacific crocodile, not an Amazon caiman; Lumbreras 1993:145); Peru's south coast, Nazca figurines and vase paintings [naked woman with a mouth monsters in place of the genitals]: Lyon 1978, fig.12, 13; Schmidt 1929:299.

Montagna - Jurua. Amahuaca: Carneiro 1964 [female wantati spirits (associated with frogs, now considered extinct) had teeth in their vaginas; they bit off penises to Amahuaca men when copulating]: 10; Huxley, Capa 1964 [frog women have teeth in their vaginas (no details)] :93.

Southern Amazon. Mehinacu [was a man who constantly hurt and offended others; a woman inserts sharp shells into her genitals; offers sex; a man's penis is bitten off, he dies; a woman pretends what mourns his lover does not tell us the cause of his death]: Gregor 1985:71.

Chaco. Kaduveo [Ribeiro 1950:151-153; Go-noeno-hodi finds a man cut in half; he makes brothers Godá-kil ("out of the head") and Godá-txák ("from the legs"); they go to the old woman, who trapped men, deprived men of their genitals; the brothers climbed into the trap, sprinkled gold on their mouths so that the old woman thought the prey was dead; the old woman sees two young men hanging behind their legs, they have big cocks; freed, they came to life, brought them to themselves; both lay down with her, she had teeth in her vagina, she bit off their dicks; but their cocks were burning, the old woman began to scream; the young men came back, she gave them poisonous fruits, they died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 52:88; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 42-45 and 48-50 [god takes out vaginal teeth for the first women or they fall out when God tells women dance], 109 [many men die; Battleship inserts his penis in a bamboo case, teeth can't bite through it; burns a woman; snakes crawl out of her womb]: 115-125, 131-143, 270-271; matako [ women eat vulva]: Calífano 1974 [trickster breaks vaginal teeth with a stone penis; clitoris is the remaining tooth]: 53; Pérez Diez 1983 [women go down a rope from the sky, steal meat from men; they send the Hare (Dolchotis australis) to guard, he falls asleep; the parrot sees women but drops leaves on them; women ask him to come down to show his teeth, throw seeds into their mouths, making them speechless; the same with a Lizard (asked to show him how he walks); Hawk sees women eating meat with their vagina and bones with their mouths; cuts off the rope, takes four beauties; Battleship gets the worst; despite Warning Hawk, Tokvakh and Fox copulate with women, lose penises; T. makes a penis out of stone, copulates with all women, breaking their vaginal teeth; one is left - the clitoris]: 161- 164; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 21 [Hawk breaks teeth], 22 [Trickster's penis is bitten off, he makes a new one out of bone; breaks vaginal teeth with a stone]: 68, 70; toba: Fernández et al. 1983 [first women descend from the sky, steal grilled fish from men; the parrot throws the ground in its mouth to keep it silent; the crow cuts the rope; some women fall deep into the ground; the battleship finds them, but theirs They take away from him, leave the one he accidentally scratched his eye; the fox copulates, his penis is bitten off, he makes a new one out of bone; men throw stones at his vaginas, knocking out his vaginal teeth]: 130-131; Miller 1988 [The first women descend from the sky, steal grilled fish from men; the parrot is thrown into the mouth to keep it silent; Wole (Crow?) cuts off the rope; some women fall deep into the ground; the battleship finds them, but they are taken away from him, leaving the one he accidentally scratched his eye with; the fox copulates, his penis is bitten off, he makes a new one out of bone; an old woman owns fire; men send Little Hawk, he flies to the fire to warm up; when an old woman falls asleep and other people dance, carries away smut; he is almost caught up, he passes Pigeon smut, who puts fire in trees; men extract it by friction; women sit down to warm up with their legs apart, knock out their vaginal teeth with stones]: 56-60; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b [the hero plants women by the fire, knocking out their vaginal teeth with a stone], No. 53 [fox penis bitten off], 54 [fox replaces bitten penis with bone teeth], 55, 60 and 62 [fox replaces bitten penis with wooden], 56 [women eat vulvas], 57 [one person's penis bitten off], 63 [without details], 65 [some men lost their penises]: 108, 115, 121, 124, 128, 135-136, 139-140, 142-143, 149; 1989a, No. 95, 97, 101 and 102 [crippled Fox makes a penis out of wood], 96 [women eat vulva; Hawk loses its genitals], 98 [man loses penis], 103, 105 [human coitus lasted long like dogs; Hawk first copulated, vagina bit off his penis, a stump remained; another man first threw a stone into his vagina and knocked out his teeth; one soft tooth remained - the clitoris; men copulated freely]: 130-146, 152-160, 162.