Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F9a1. Pike's mouth, ATU 1686A* .

To scare off a boyfriend (priest, worker, etc.) or demon, a girl or young woman pretends to have teeth in her vagina. {Unlike the Circum-Pacific versions, the relevant texts do not suggest that the female womb is actually dangerous}.

Spaniards, Portuguese (?) , Dutch, Friesians, Germans (Austria), Bulgarians, Russians (place of recording unknown), Ukrainians (Poltava, Kharkiv), Finns, Marie, Central (?) Yakuts, Evenks of Yakutia, Forest Yukaghirs.

Southern Europe. Spaniards (?) [{in the Maya-Tzotzil text in Chiapas, a fool believes that the vagina has teeth; the plot may go back to the European tradition; a similar version among Ecuadorian Creoles (prov. Guayas, Carvalho-Neto 1994:356-360) is clearly not related to Indian folklore}]: Laughlin 1977, No. 138:56; Laughlin, Karasik 1988:148-149; Portuguese {the motive is described on the index, no details indicated} [the old woman adjusts so that the wolf's paw is pinched in the log; after escaping, the wolf runs away from another woman whose genitals look even more dangerous than a gap in the log; or the person pinches the lion's paw, wolf, fox; then they see that man with his wife and think he's doing to her what he did to them]: Cardigos 2006, no. 38:26.

Western Europe. Germans {just south?} , Dutch, Friezes: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1686A*: 373-374.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [boy and girl wanted to get married, but the girl had already lost her virginity and feared a scandal; her mother taught her to insert a duck's beak into her vulva; during her wedding night, the groom decided that his vulva bit him and told his friends about it]: Konstantin Rangochev and Rosen Malchev, a recording from the late 1980s (Rangochev, personal report, May 15, 2017).

Central Europe. Russians (the only option, the place of recording is not a decree.) [a girl and a stupid guy are talking from opposite sides of the fence; in response to an immodest proposal, the girl sticks a pike's toothy mouth through the fence (tyn)]: Afanasiev 1992, No. 13:8-19 (=SUS 1979, № 1425***: 299; =Uspensky 1993:125); Ukrainians: Grisha 1899, No. 60 (Poltava region, Tsipki village, Gadyatsky district) [the woman sang at the wedding: "And our matchmaker has a bast hut, and for tim lubyam a pussy with teeth, I would know iï, but I'm afraid to start "]: 150 (=Vovk 1898:158, =Sulima 2001:158); Evarnitsky 1906, No. 671 (Kharkiv region) [wedding song after the defloration ritual (translation): "I ate cheese, ate cheese, teeth I covered it with fat if sausage and baked pig would still eat "]: 577 (= Krasikov 2003, No. 265:90).

Baltoscandia. Finns: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1686A*: 373-374.

Volga - Perm. Marie [an innocent guy asks a young woman to give him what the Mariks give him; she pretends not to understand; finally tells her to come to the fence after dark; she stands on the other side raises his shirt and puts his pike's head to his genitals; when the guy inserts his penis, clamps it with his teeth; he is barely alive in pain and horror; the mother tells her son to marry, finds a bride; after the wedding he does not concerns the wife; she complains to her mother; the husband wants to make sure that the wife has no teeth in her vagina; to do this, he puts her on the cart, tied her arms and legs, lifts up her shirt; the mare dragged the cart and brought her to mother-in-law's house; people see, laugh; mother-in-law calls his son-in-law to the bathhouse and tells her to get together; he likes it; then sends his daughter to the bathhouse; he got along with her too; everything is fine, young people have many children]: Lewy 1989, No. 27:42-45.

Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts (no place of recording) [the woman went to the cauldron and saw a reflection of a terrible face in the oil; she immediately guessed that it was a nerietinnik (the spirit of the dead) who climbed into the yurt and looked into chimney; the woman took off her pants, took a spoon and pretended to feed her vulva with oil; said: "Look what! She was capricious again - give her a golden spoon. We'll have to go to the neighbors for a golden spoon, otherwise it's a disaster!" ; then she got dressed, left and gathered the men; they threw a noose over the nerietinnik, pulled him to the ground, and hacked him with an ax]: Zhukova 2008:40; (cf. Yakuts (no place of recording; Russian borrowing is extremely likely) [the younger brother was stupid and molested the elder's wife; the elder gave his wife the dried head of a toothy pike before leaving; when the youngest began to bother her at night, framed his mouth open with a pike; the youngest hit her with his penis, howled in pain, ran away; the father married the girl for him; the youngest was afraid and teased her vulva with his finger; the girl drove him away; the eldest said that the women also had teeth between their legs and advised him to knock them out; the youngest was married to another girl; he hit her with a wooden snuffbox between her legs; she kicked him out]: Zhukova 2008:40-41); the Evenks of Yakutia (the group is not specified; the correlation table is conditionally classified as Western) [the husband and children went to the forest, the woman remained with the plague; when she milked the deer, the devil came to her; she asked if he wanted to see something he had never seen before; hell said yes; the woman told me to look from a distance and climbed into the thistle; hell is afraid of them; to save the deer, the woman took off her her panties and, spreading her legs, began to say: "My little girl, you haven't eaten for a long time, you probably want to eat. On, eat a little bit so that there is enough milk until the evening"; then she dipped her finger in milk to feed her vulva; the devil began to laugh and forgot about the deer; this continued until the evening until the husband came women and did not shoot the line with a spelled arrow]: Zhukova 2008:50-51).

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs: Spiridonov 1996 [a woman was cooking in a birch bark pot; she had two children with her; an ancient old man came in; the woman put the meat on the table, undressed and pretended to feed her vulva ; says that again she does not mind eating without salt, began to beat the vulva with his talina; pretended to go to her neighbors for salt; they ran, tied up the fairy-tale old man and began to cut and burn; but he could not harm him they could; let go, but have since become invisible]: 50-51; (cf. Zhukova 2008 (Russian borrowing is extremely likely) [merchants came to trade at the fishing site; one began to molest a local girl; she wrapped a live pike in a rag, leaving only her eyes and mouth; at night a merchant came, climbed to the girl; she framed a pike; the merchant put his penis in her mouth; roared out, left; did not marry for a long time, and when he got married, he did not touch his wife - he was afraid of teeth; then he finally started from her children]: 30).