Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

F9B. Piranha in the vagina .

There is biting piranha in a woman's genitals.

Sicuani, Makiritare, Yanomami, Wapishana, Taruma, Waiwai, Hishkaryana, Siona, Mayhuna, Tarian, Yukuna, Desana, Kabiyari, Mehinaku, Kalapalo, Karaja, Tapirape, Maca.

Llanos. Sicuani [Purna puts peaks, two female sisters steal fish from the sky; P. points an arrow, she injures the youngest; P. heals her, rises with both to heaven; they warn him not slip on the mat, otherwise their father will eat it; Huemuéni's father-in-law (a snake) orders to clear the area; P.'s younger brother comes in the form of a paki, killed, eaten, P. revives him; next time in the image capybaras; P. finds some fat from the capybara eaten, makes two eggs, from which ferocious chicks hatch; P. raises one in the forest, he turns into a condor capable of lifting logs; P. lures his father-in-law into the forest to eat ants; the condor rushes at him, but only injures him; a year later he manages to pick him up and carry him away; mother-in-law tries to poison his son-in-law by throwing garbage from the roof into his food; puts piranhas in the bosom of his daughter; P. puts his wife in the river, throws timbo; piranhas swim out and die; the latter remains, causes menstruation; at this time you can't copulate; mother-in-law entered the river, piranhas ate her; the eldest daughter turns her mother's jaw into a digging stick, chases P.; in the first village, when asked by P., people say that they are waiting to kill P.; he turns them into wasps; in the other, into snakes; in the third, into biting ones ants; Kahuyáli man makes a boat, the stalker does not believe he is not P., cuts off his leg; he throws his leg into the river, it turns into a catfish; P. hides in a tree in the form of a mako, takes away from wife digger, turns his wife into a duck; K. creates several birds screaming that he has no leg; he is brought home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 6:39-49.

Southern Venezuela. The hero catches his wife in the river. Makiritar [Uanári hooks fish, she turns into a Kaweshawa woman, drags him under water, then they go ashore; V.'s nephew, the Capuchin monkey, warns that K. piranhas, she has already bitten off his and Opossum's penises; Paka took an iron needle from Heron, inserted it into his penis, K.'s teeth broke off; Coati did the same; then V. poisoned piranha with fish poison; K. and V. visit under Father K.'s water]: Civrieux 1959:112-113; 1960:109; 1980:32-35; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 192 [(Cocco 1972:469-474); Jaguar Ira ate Poapoama, gave the baby from the womb to his grandmother Mamokori-yoma, who raised Omawë; his older brother was Yoawë; when fishing, he sees two girls in the river; the next day O. saw one girl, grabbed it, brought it home; she is the daughter of a water man Rahara-riwë monsters (like a cassava push-up bag); O. took her to the site, to the seiba, told her to pull out the root, make a cassava; his wife did not eat, said that the real cassava was not like that; gave birth to a beautiful girl; asked Yarimi-riwë to marry her; her vagina bit his penis, there was a fish; he turned into a monkey; O.'s wife took him and YE. to her father, to the station, showed a real cassava; at this time, her father sent a huge wave at them; O. and YE. turned into crickets, hid under the roof of a house where air remained; both his wife O. and his wife returned home; decided to take revenge on R. ; agreed in the Sun to dry the pond; for the first time, the dry season had come; O. plunged his spear into the ground, the water poured out, everyone got drunk; some of the water rose to the sky, now pours out in the form of rain; shamans they threw an old woman into the water, the flood was over; O. ate dead fish, where he threw bones, rivers appeared; O. stole the daughter of a morokoto fish; then left with his family, his descendants are Europeans], 193 [(Lizot MS); Omawë and his Yoawë's older brother, turning into various birds, caught the daughter of the water monster Rahararitawë (at first Ë. saw her, could not catch her); at home their son-in-law wanted to be the first to have sex with her; she had the fish's vagina, his penis was bitten off, he became a monkey, the bite mark is still visible now; the brothers took out the fish, had sex; they wanted her to rub the roots of the seiba; she said that her father had the real cassava; they They came to him, he brought them cassava himself, flooded everything, they escaped as crickets; after planting cassava, they made the sun dry all the water; aquatic creatures are dying, thirsty], 194 [(Finkers 1986: 30-32); starts like (193); a woman calls Ë. when he tries to lure her in the guise of different birds; wants to catch O., who has become a beautiful bird; he becomes human, grabs and carries her away; son-in-law Oh . wanted to be the first to have sex, was bitten by a fish, ran away (apparently became a monkey); the brothers took out the fish, had sex; the woman says that Seiba is not a cassava, went to her father for the real; he came with her the wave covered everything, the brothers escaped as crickets; O. told the Sun to dry all the water; this is how the brothers found cassava], 195 [(Lizot, MS); Yoawë (older, bad) and Omawë (younger, good) fish, E. is the first to notice the daughter of a water monster; she slips out of his hands; O. catches, invites the monkeys to copulate first, their penises are bitten off; piranhas are visible in the vagina, O. pulled them out; when ë. copulates, a loud sound is heard; O. says it will not be like this, copulates softly; marries a woman], 196 (surara) [(Becher 1974:28); the Tohorá and Kanikawö brothers caught piranhas; who- then asks to stop; T. listened, K. just laughed; Kayaroma came up, K. tried to grab her, she jumped into the water; then grabbed it, began to copulate, his penis was bitten off; T. began to heal his brother, and the girl is missing]: 377-384, 385-388, 389-391, 392-394, 395-396.

Guiana. Wapishana [João hooks piranha, wants her to be his wife, she becomes a woman; his younger brother Pedro discovers that someone has made soup; gets naked, rocking her penis; the hidden woman laughs, he finds her; she tells her to pour fish poison into her nostrils first; he doesn't listen, his penis is bitten off; deer, tapir, agouti refuse, monkey agrees to change his penis with him, now her penis seems to have been bitten off by a piranha; P. brings blood-sucking insects with him to the festival, since then they have been biting people]: Wirth 1950:168-170; taruma [hero poisons piranha with fish poison]: Farabee 1918:145; waiwai [(the whole text is about like Hishkaryan's, see motive F46); Mawari catches his wife, Anaconda's daughter, from the river; she has piranha in her bosom; brother V. Wåshi converges with her, his long penis is bitten off; V. heals him, his penis becomes normal; V. bathes his wife in fish poison, piranha falls out of her vagina, sex with his wife is now safe]: Fock 1967: 42; hishkaryana [Turtle's husband and wife went for fruit; husband told his wife to climb a tree; she ate and threw it to him; monkeys, eagles, and other animals and birds wanted to copulate with her; the insect split her a tree, everyone took her out through this gap; the husband saw it, went home; closed the path to his house, opened it to the Jaguar house; the mother of the Jaguars hid the woman; the Jaguars had a pet turtle, blew the winds, the woman spat , she was found, eaten, the eggs were given to her mother; of which Mawarye and Woxka were born; they hunt for an old woman; they hid from the Jaguar in a tree, he followed them, they descended in the form of leaves; Jaguar understood who was in front of him; The brothers did not have penises, they grew up in the forest; they pulled them out of the ground, took them for themselves; someone stole fish from the top; brothers send sentries; they caught an Otter, copulated with her, almost torturing her to death; she says what are women; M. caught wives for himself and his brother; they have a fish in their vagina; while M. went to get the vine to make fish poison, V. injected the penis, the fish bit it off; M. attached the penis back; M. slept with his wife on On the riverside, he was swallowed by an anaconda; he came out through the anus; the brothers parted]: Derbyshire 1965:54-78.

Western Amazon. Siona: Chaves 1958:134-136 [He lived with Tapir's two daughters for a month; he took them to the Juansoco palm tree, they ate fruit, got drunk; they had animals like fish in their vulvas, the Month took them out, threw them into the river , they became fish; joined both women, wanted to put pieces of a fragrant vine; the bird frightened him with her scream, he climbed back into the tree, the smell of the female genitals remained unpleasant; girls woke up, the eldest kicked the trunk, it grew tall; the monkey ate the fruit and fell asleep; saliva flowed from her mouth, became a vine, N. went down it; shot a turkey, put it in it thorns, told his father-in-law to pick him up, he pricked his leg; turned into a tapir, sank into the ground; he, the Father of Earth, causes earthquakes while moving; the month came to a village where people drank chicha, beat drums; You're doing like pigs; they've turned into pigs; What are we going to eat? He answered; other people made spears - you'll be cerrillos; etc. (turned groups of people into monkeys, bears, pauhil birds, turkeys, etc. - depending on their clothes and colors, the color of the feathers); menstruating women - red monkeys], 143-145 [Ñañagüé Nianyague (Month) did not like his wife because she had to look in his head; climbed a juansoco tree, threw fruits at them, they became intoxicated from them and fell asleep; N. pulled piranha teeth out of his wife and sister's vagina (further as in 134-136); on the way he took the trapped birds, put rotten leaves in them, sent them father-in-law check the traps; father-in-law returned, asked his daughters to remove the thorn from his leg; N. told him to lie not in a hammock, but on a bark bed, to become a tapir; the tapir ran, leaving a trail - the Milky Way; N. ordered he will become Mother of Earth; when he moves, there will be an earthquake; N. changed his appearance, came to his wife; she fell in love with him, smeared his face with soot at night; he washed her away; then with a genipa, these spots are still visible pores; Turtle hid all the water; N. cut down the bamboo, the grove turned into a river, both women swam; N. did not let his wife go ashore, her sister came out; there was a palm tree in the water, the wife went to her; M., If you approach the shore, storms will begin; he told the turtle to eat rot; his wife's sister to be the mother of the living, the patroness of the dead, sent him to the land of the dead]; (cf. sekoya [like Zion; vampire bats in vaginas]: Cipolletti 1988, No. 3c: 46); mayhuna [while the two wives of the Month are sleeping, he knocks out their vaginal teeth with a piece of bamboo, throws them into the river, those turn into piranhas]: Bellier 1991b, No. 4b: 183.

NW Amazon. Tariana [the hero takes a woman from the river pregnant with piranhas; his brother copulates with her, is maimed, turns into a caiman; a woman gives birth to piranhas, the hero kills them; sex with her becomes safe]: Brüzzi 1994:205-206; yukuna [II (394-402). The gardens have dried up, people were starving; Kanumá consistently marries Dyatlikha, a green bird, a Parrot; they are not suitable; then the Rat, she finds out that He'echú owns the food (" tapir", "sky"); stole cassava from him; the fisherman Chuurumi at midnight saw an Inérukaná woman sailing on the river in a boat, carrying food to her children; she gave him cassava, telling him not to talk to K.; the same with her He'echúmero's sister, mother of piranhas, sailing in a boat in half an hour; C. does not take cassava from K.; he notices that ants carry crumbs from C.'s hammock; C. talks about meeting women in boats, K. hiding behind C., throws a hook, pulls out the first woman by the hair; she tells her to let go, take her sister He'echúmero (X.); K. catches H. in the same way; H. invites K. to copulate, that refuses; then H. gets into a half-flooded boat, tells him to throw poison, piranha comes out of the vagina; H. tells us to throw piranha into the river; K. sends a flea into the vagina, which is bitten; the episode with poison and piranha repeats; sent picón, bitten; removed the third piranha, the last little one remained, bit off K.'s penis; H. went with K. to his house; the former wives turned into birds; III (p. 402-404). H. went to her father He'echú, brought him yams, taught him how to cook; fed K. yams to vomit, stepped on him, his penis reappeared, they copulated; the old penis had to be destroyed, for K. converged with birds; H. waved her club, formed a plot with all varieties of cassava on it, and there were no weeds then; IV (p. 405-406). In the morning K. sent the boy for pineapple, who brought a wild vine; X . sent people to her father for a real pineapple, people performed dances and songs for the first time on the occasion of rituals associated with drinking pineapple beer; V (p. 407-409). the same with peach palm fruits; VI (p. 409-411). K. did not have a pet parrot, but tigrillo, H. ordered to bring a real parrot from her father; VII (p.411-416). H. ordered K. to come for coca himself, but he sent his brother Kapiyú; H. foolishly fed him coca, put him in the field, tore him apart, a real coca grew out of his body, taught K. her cook; at that time, the coca was moving by itself, it did not have to be torn off the bushes; K. wanted people to work when collecting coca; then H. made the cassava field grow weeds and women work]: Herrera Ángel 1975a, No. II-VII: 394-416; yukuna [Kanuma stole sacred flutes from ñamatu women; they left him alone with cultivated plants; he married various animals, but no wife could give him cultivated plants, he ate wild plants; his stork grandfather saw Jeechú's daughters by the river, who gave him manioc cake; K. noticed the crumbs under the hammock, forced everything tell; K. was the first to see the girl who was the owner of the animals, Inérukana; she told him to take his sisters, the owner of the fish, Mairero; M. ordered her to be put in a boat full of water and fish poison; piranhas came out of her vagina, but was left alone; when K. got together, she bit off his penis; the penis was on his stomach, the navel was a mark of him; K. sent his wife to the garden, but she saw that it was just a savannah; brought cassava from father, then yams, coca, peach palm; K. tried to plant them, but J. did not give seeds, only fruits; M. cooked a lot of wild yams for K.; he ate, his penis jumped out in the place where people had it now; M. told her husband to watch her sisters come and plant cassava; they themselves were cassava; K. heard the girls laughing that he did not have a penis; went out and they ran away; sent him to J. chew his younger brother's coca; on the way back, M. pushed him on the site, he fell and became coca; his soul became a harpy eagle that told K. not to cry - coca would always be there; coca, cassava, pineapple and others plants were also human and immediately ready for consumption, but K. did everything himself, since then he had to work; M. warned her husband that one day he would kill her; let him bury her in the maloka, covered with leaves; K. took his wife's brother for her lover and shot him with a bow; buried his body; she ended up with her father J. (i.e. in the afterlife); K. came for her; J. gave a rolled up hammock and told her not to open it on the way; K. opened, a bee flew out, bit him and disappeared; then K. found out that his wife was living in heaven with the vulture chief; wearing an ulcerative shirt, K. appeared there unrecognized; the fly told the vulture chief that saw a lot of fish (these are worms in the corpses); K. put a thorn, M. began to weave the basket and pricked her; the vulture chief went without it; K. took off his ulcerative shirt and took his wife; on the way they saw how bees suck honey; K.'s wife rushed there and disappeared into the hollow where the bees are]: Hammen 1992:154-157; desana [Gain pañan is the ancestor of Parrots (but man); someone steals crops from the garden; first the girls with the baskets ran away, the next night he caught one; she is pregnant; replies that she eats worms and insects; he inserted a leaf into the vagina, which is all chewed, there are piranhas; the woman is the daughter of the main Water Serpent, Piranha children in her stomach; G. washed her vagina with fish poison, married her; decided to visit her father-in-law; emptied insect baskets into the water, ate the fish, did not touch it; father-in-law killed the old servant (fish), gave her son-in-law eat; there was a peach palm under the water, on which all four varieties of fruit ripened; G. swallowed the seeds while it was being searched, took it out of the crap on the shore; the palm tree grew, again all varieties on the same tree]: Kumu, Kenhiri 1980:151-158; kabiyari [Kua wives - Chicken and Woodpecker, if wild tubers; coca, peach palm, cassava, tavena, bore, tobacco had tobacco; he had two daughters, the eldest is Manuena; Kua threw the fruit, M. picked it up, Kua grabbed her hair, she turned into a pineapple; Kua and her grandfather brought her home; she was used to eating cassava, her grandmother Pitia brought her him; M. first became a woman above the waist, continued to fabric anklets, became entirely a woman; brought cultivated plants from under the water from her father; Kua's penis was long, plugged into the waist; M. cut it off, threw a piece into the forest, now the "Kua penis" plant grows there; there were piranhas inside M., Kua washed his vagina with fish poison; first Brother Ka met M. and died because the last little one remained piranha; after that, sex is safe; Cua brought game to Testa Anaconda; became a heron; Piranha is the eldest among Anaconda's people; M. and his sisters planted cultivated plants, coca]: Correa 1989, No. 5:81-91.

Southern Amazon. The piranha was and remains; the stinging insects and the snake have been removed. Mehinaku [Kama (The Sun) wanted to meet Apapainyeineju (Spirit Woman); she warned that her vagina had snakes, biting ants, scorpion; K. washed her vagina with fish venom, all the creatures came out, but the little piranha stayed; happy K. put it in all women, she bites them once a month, causing menstruation]: Gregor 1985:142; Kalapalo: Basso 1973:220.

Araguaia. The daughters of the sun have piranha in their vaginas; the hero poisons them with fish poison; the monkey man is the first to copulate. Karazha: Baldus 1953:213-214 [The Sun Old Man has two daughters; Abobädäri and his brother want to marry them; the Sun demands 1) bring tobacco; he leaves stick to their hands, the wives have given the remedy, tobacco is sticky; The sun scolded the daughters; 2) bring fish; the river is full of piranhas; the bird picked up piranhas, brought it to the brothers, they gave them to their father-in-law (piranhas are fish of the Sun); 3) get resin for rubbing; around wood; the resinous tree is surrounded by fire; brothers ask for birds, they brought water, flooded the fire, the brothers brought resin; A. does not dare to sleep with the daughters of the Sun, they may have piranhas in their bosom; brother suggests turn to the Howler Monkey; he shows how to copulate; A. drags him by the forelock, thinking that's enough; since then, monkeys have a bare forehead; brothers sleep with their wives, leave them; turn into fish pirarucu; storks Jabiru shoot arrows at fish; A. is unharmed, has a firm body, brother is soft, killed, eaten], 214-215 [the main character's name is Idianakatú; 1) bring live piranhas; the brothers are smeared with sticky with the milky sap of the mangabeira tree, dived, piranhas stuck to them; 2) bring resin; The sun hoped that it would burn them and disfigure them, making them unattractive to his daughters; I. asked God Inoschiu & #228;, and he is swallows to fill the fire; so swallows fly low above the water; the sun inserts daughters into the bosom of piranhas; brother is bitten; I. asks the Monkey to have sex first; since then, monkeys have red the penis and testicles are half bitten off; I. asks the Gill for a branch of the timbo vine, inserts it into vaginas, piranhas die; alone is left, causes women to menstruate; wives tell their husbands that trees are more beautiful than them; the insulted brothers leave; the bird Sarakura invented the boat, the brothers asked for it; they row with an oar handle; Miriti's pigeon explains to row with an oar; I. kills trees with arrows; brothers turn into pirarucu fish (the origin of these fish); both variants are also in Baldus 1937a: 226-228]; tapirape [moon Tamparava, sister of the sun Ancherico, married tapirape's ancestor Anchopeteri; she has piranha in her womb, her husband washes her genitals with fish poison; still afraid of being bitten, asks the Monkey to have sex with her first; then copulates himself]: Wagley 1977:179.

Chaco. Maca: Chase-Sardi 1970 [aquatic women live under rivers in the lower world; at first only men lived on earth; during the flood they escaped to the mountain, but the animals drowned; they began to fish, but caught women with nets; one person met a water woman, a piranha in her bosom bit off his penis; men invited women to dance all night, piranhas fell out, then aquatic women can to converge]: 243; Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 2 [fisherman Sania (a bird with long red legs, probably Cariama cristata) lived by a lake into which a river from the lower world flowed; found necklaces by the water; the catch disappears; he spies, sees necklaces coming out of the water, and whistling her from the roof of the house, the flood began; when the water flooded the house, the women's waters; two spirits sii and sooj whistled accompanied them singing; women ate fish with his mouth and vagina; S. told others; Iguana grabbed a woman, inserted a penis, it was bitten off; Iguana has two penises, the next time the second one is also bitten off; Month has a long penis, he unfolded it, he crawled, bitten off; the Sun's penis is also bitten off; the Hawk dances, the women dance, everything bitten off falls out of them; the Hawk attaches penises back except the end of the Month's penis, but it's already long; biting piranhas also fallen out, but the little one remains, causing monthly bleeding; the female genitals have the smell of piranhas], 3 [fish caught and baked by men disappears; the red-legged chunga bird (Cariama) cristata) hid, saw women coming out of the water eating fish with their mouths and vagina; each said that the one who caught the fish would be her husband; Chunga laughed, the women disappeared into the lake; the men caught women, Month copulated, his penis bit off; Hawk ordered to dance, big piranhas fell out of vaginas, little ones stayed, they cause periods; left without a penis, Month did not want to borrow Iguana's penis (he had two) and went up to heaven; Hawk was the first to copulate, followed by the others; the river began to rise; the water stopped when the men let the women go back]: 19-21, 22-25.